1 '1 mm mm JllUbuLluL SB We Open The Season -Willi Sor, t.1arvoloiisly 00 0$ tf OO. o nn r In order to m ii v;r l i i i l i ii ii i i L 11 WlI ' Wl-J I 1 more room 3d For the tyring trade we are Bhowing immense lines of Meu'a and Boys' Clothmg iu all tlie new and slvlbh effects including the new wears in brown, Un and olive mixtures, also the latest grays Ac. In black suits, now so much .'demand, we can truly say we have never had such a variety or e.1 values. Following .re just a few very interesting details. ii i J Boys' Spring Suits at $1.50 Nothing like them has ever teen offered for les than two dollars, fancy and plain colors at this re markable price. Boys' Spring Suits at $3.00 All the newest and latest styles in Hoys Vestee and 2 piece suits, fine all wool material, almost any color and combination of colors. Sizes from 3 to 16 years. Men's Spring Suits at $7.60 ' Made of Fancy Cheviot of well wearing quality and good solid color without a doubt the best suit ever offered for that price. Men's Spring Suits at S4.98 The most wonderful suit for the money ever seen, made of fancy cheviots and cassimera, also Black and Blues. We know of cases where our suits at that price have been worn for 3 years, which is the best kind of an ad.' V ( -1 1 fV. d V u large s toe k New Goods, I mace a gen and sweeping duction on lines of Merc disekept in st Calicoes. We must make room on sroods counters and shelves I ing actually worth $4 a suit, but good? aud so have decided J Boys' Clothing. I have a nice lot of Boys' Cloth- BROSIOUS BROTHERS. The Safest Place in Sunbury to buy Clothing NOW. Boys' Shoe Bon Ton Toe, well made, good solid leather reduced from $1.25 to . $1.00 Child's Button Calf, heavy school shoe has a mce tip, re duced from $1.20 to 1-Jjk Some smaller sizes, same quality, n tuced from 95c to 75c. Ladies' Empress Dongola Button; formerly $2, now $1.35. Ladies' Keystone Button reduced from $1.50 to 90c. SHOE BARGAIN COUNTER Milliner V Boys' Shoe Bon Ton Toe, well made, good solid leather j A-V. U U JL JL JL JL-1L HJ JL V rinMl from $1.25 to N-00 . 0 Patent Leather Tip, $2.25 re.luced to Men's Plow Shoes trom 1. UU up. $1.80. Men's and Boys' Boots Boys' Boots reduced froiii $175 to Men's Boots reduce.! from $3.00 to $1.25 $1.75. The entire stock of Boots and hoes are well made of superior leather, carefully sweed and with out a blemish. They must go at reduced prices to make room for new stock. Dry Goods they are odd sizes and they must go I so as not to get too many of the same size on hand when I get my new suits. No matter what they cost. They must go for only $ I 5 O Sugar. The best Refined Suspuy , For d le price! a drive on Calicoes. two weeks in April the 5C All Prices Redui We could name you huntf other prices as greatly reJi those here given if space pa Call and tret some of these li K and 5 IOC before tne two wcckb expire. and iwn M JOHN W.RUNKL Middleburg, Pa. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Deedi Entered for Record. Witon M. Herrold to D. W. Heintzelman. 12i acres of land in With a large stock and prices that must interest every Cr?V,P C. buyer, we are ready to welcome you. We do not only in- Hartman and Melvin Benton, 4,- Inn 4 A ! 1(a.m torn P Vimioo viteyour attention to a well selected stock of Millinery S3'fcrM50 Goods, but other goods as well. Beautiful silks for shirt Catharine &p a id, executrix of ... m I 1 Ll . 7 I .1 1 A I lAHt.il waists, many different patterns no two alike, prices as "'"P. u ' w i n 'i. J iw 1.5nV ?f fti 7K 81 ' Bolender and John R. Renninger, iuv ao uv vomo joi joiu, u ui -a acre 0j timestone lot lor $Zo. 1 C .1 ..l..l,K nimn on I do. it Tiatai I w i r i C I .1 Good unbleached Muslin from 4c up. TJie Inwt Prints, 5c and Gc. Drews 7oods tint will weir fjr yeirs a large stock, Warm Fool-wear Neck-wear at all Ladies' Fancy prices. 1 1 r ounuation collars. loeeaen We have a largo stock of lumber men 8 socks, gooa silk tranf,parent 8tock8j 25c each heavy warm goods made ot reliable maieuais. Silk scarfs, 25c and 50c each l elt Hoots, that will stanu uaru wear uu jvoo vuibiik stociis, ouc JJIUCU IUIU-VVUS, CUlUlUlUCiL-V la colors, tho cold. The prices are away down. BROSIUS & MINIUM, Alt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. varda of crood washable silks, come and see it. Better r - o ' qnalities in scores of patterns, desirable colorings, black and white is especially beautiful and much worn, dozens of Ladies' white lawn shirt waists, handsomely trimmed prices arranging from $1.2a to $2.35, Jfine &ateen Petti coats, well made, flounce and deep plaiting, $l.oU. I venture to say that never before has our entire line been low priced so complete. Lace turn-overs, Linen collars, Boys' linen collars. Ladies' kid cloves guaranteed to wonr. $1.00 Ladies' vests, Lysle thred long sleeve, 50c Ladies' short sleeve vests, silk, 50c Ladies' short sleeve vests, 25c Ladies' short sleeve vests, 15c Ladies' short sleeve vests, 10c Ladies' chatline purses, 35c to? 1.50 I Silk turn-overs, in colors, Lace turn-overs, Lace turn-overs, embroidered 25c 25c 15c 10c TT'.ri'ilvrmrlnri an in manv nnw and fixo.lnsiva desifrns made ndlUlllg DdlgCllll UUlllllul of fine Swiss nansook, cambrio or muslin, Laces, Linen i riMMAi.Ama a v tm . niAnninnna in anra nannniii I t niu Trim. minora nil fvr liiPAa in ViIarIt. Acrn. cream and white. I" n 1 " w i i 1 Applique trimmings at prices ranging from 10 cents to 'ff m. t w J 1 ' ' 7 7 , ' and black. Ladies' belts, new stylos, prices 25c, 50c, GOc, pearl buttons, all sizes. When you want to get a neat and serviceable cloth for a Dress, I -vill jjve you a bettor quality of goods for ihe money than any other dealers. If any one offers yoa cloth for less money, it must be inferior to the quality I bcII. j 20-cent Dress Goods now selling for only 15 cents. Bargains in shoes. Men's Split J Double Sole Shoes reduced to DO cents, Boys' Fine Caps Tcduced from 50c to 10c LADIES' WARM FOOTWEAR at bottom prices. I always pay highest prices for produce. Lorlu' nml MiW Rubbers reduced to 25o a pair. Ladies' and Misses' Fur Scarfs worth $3.50 reduced to f 2,50 Men's Rubbers reduced to 50c a pair while tney last. Boys' Rubber Boots; $2.50 and $1.50 Table Oil Cloth for 12 cents per yard Centre nrices. doilies, flosses, veil. I ings, silks, ribbons, velvet ribbions all widths, lace curtains net with ruffles euVed in lace, price $2.25, 3 yds long. Other styles, 85c, $1.25, $1.85. . - . Swiss curtain goods at 15c and 25c per yd. Brass rods at lOo and 15c: cotton tassels used ' for trcine back curtains at 5c, 8o and 10c. Fine linen towels at 50o per pr. Fine linen towels at 25c per pr. Turkish towels at 25o per pr. Tnrkish towels at 40c per pr. Turkish- wash rags at x 4c each Turkish wash rags at 5c each HENRY HARDING, SCII NEE, PA; 1 We hope ; to see our. friends at our Easter showing, March 28 and 29. " , L. DUNKELBERGER- John A. Mover, executor of Geo. Goodling, deceased, to Esther Auc Wer. two tracts containing 38 acree and 37 perches in Perry twp., for $1200. Jacob B. Herman and wife to Catharine A. Shrawder, 35 acres and 150 perches in F.anklin twp., forS500. Samuel Shirey, executor of Eliza Knnnlt iWM . tn Ch&a. W. BinLiiman I A( airoa in Rpoppr twn.. for $1415. 15c Mrs, Emma Roush and Jarius, 15c ber husband, to W. W. Boush, two tracts in Muldlecreek twp., contain ing 1 acre and Uo 1-lU iierches lor $185. Heirs of Mary DeLone, dee'd, to EueeneJ. Erb. 4 acres and 131 perches' in Adams fwp.,jfor $430. J. D. Botrar and wife to Darky E. Snyder, lot iii Port Treverton for $1.00. -t Marion D. Greiuer and wife to Dayid Young, house and lot at Sha- mokin Dam, for $1400. Georee Coryell to Mary A. Greiner, 4 acres and . 4 perches in Monroe twp., for $125. II. K. Hornbergcr and wue to Christian Knouse, about 24 acresin Perrv twn.. for $194.35. Ileirs and legal repescntalives-at law of- Fred Shetterly, dee'd, to Christian Knouse, 25 acres in Perry twn. lor 225. - Chaa. A. Maiscr and Uliarics u. Walter, lot No. 30 in Middleburg, for $950. Peter G. Garman and wife to Wesley W. Blroup, 135 acres in West Perrv twD.. for $1965. -i ff - . ., , Gertrudes, btraw&er to Uatnanne Haas, 3 acres and 48 per. in Perry twp., for $300. James M. Shuman and wife to Jacob B. Herman, 79 acres in Franklin twp., for $1300. ' M. E. and Magaret T. Erdley to S. P. Sa'mspell, 109 acres uf perches in Middlecreek, fur It. B. Weaver and wife anuel Shaeffer, 16 acres u nniwilin. S Pop., (um fi (' Jacob B. Herman and Oscar Walter, 60 acres in H twp., for $600. - ' John Field and wife anJ Yoder to Nathan Hackcnli acres in Middlecreek twp., J.J. Yerger andF. J.M Mt. Pleasant Mills hotel pr Perry twp., tor $15UU. Amanda Wittenmyer i Field and B. W.Banks, 1 aud 22 perches in Frank! lor 82000. . Aigler, lot No. 2, in tifettrij dition to Beavertown tor $11 John W. Wittenmyer, of John A. Dietrich, dee'd. anda Wittenmyer, 114 acre perches in r rankun twp., ti John Field and wife nndl Yoder to .Henry A. 1M acres and 22 perches in I twp., for $2500. Henry A. Ranch and Schoch, 54 acres and 82 4 Franklin twi for $525 Lvdia and Francis lsacl J. Beaver, lot of ground w ville, for $85. Isaac Weinnd and W m. executors of Michael S. dee'd. to John F. . Ileiml acres in Spring twp., for I Lvdia Parks. Martha J field and Geo. Bloomfield I la Hoffman, house and lot grove for $1400.- Louisa A. Liepieytor. house and lot in Beavert Ammon E. Weiand and Isaao Weiand and Wm. emitora of Michael WeiaiA acres in Spring twp., for K , Utlera CroUd. I Ajevieis Ol uniimmii"n estate of Benittmin J. Bm Penn twp., deo'd, were Clyde O. Smith. r j . m mm.m . A BAKU WHIV We are in tho market j quantity of Bock Oak m Bark. For prices write J S 20-81 north AmencK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers