The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 03, 1902, Image 7

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and Pont Know it
Wow T F tad out.
bottto or common riaas wKh jroor
W t SUUM iwwij-nnir nui,
. sediment or as-
lllnr Indicates aa
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys: If it stains
your linen it
evidence of kid
ney trout!;; too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in
the back is also
ln proof that the kidneys and blad-
kitol oracr..
What to Do.
u comfort in the knowledge SO
Vrtssed. that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
. . 1. 1 j f..imi.
fe grCdt MUIICJ lUJ IWItllU STlf
eurlnf? rneumansm, puw w ma
nevi, liver, bladder and every part
narv passage. It corrects Inability
later and scalding pain in passing
effects following use 01 liquor,
:er, and overcomes that unpleasant
cf being compelled to go. often
a dav. and to tret up many times
le nieht. The mild and the extra-
effect ot awimp-Kooi is soon
It stands the highest for Its won
res of the most distressing cases.
K i a medicine you should have the
1,1 bv druezlsts In 50c. and$l. sUos.
lay have a sample bottle of this
I discovery
ok that tells
.iii tt hnth sent
free by mail, -ai&
hr. Kilmer & Ron ot Swamn-Roo.
hamton, N. T. when writing men
tis this generous effer In this paper.
Lenlenecrince. .
girl iought soma way of keeping
's her f pedal sacrifice with care;
hi and thought, ana then in good
the chappie whom aho couldn't
;e Times.
hr She Wm Trovoked.
le a kiss when I wasn t in
expecting it."
you were provoked, of
ked doesn't half express It.
kvnright angry. Why, half of
uiciit of a pleanire lies in the
ion oi it. imcngo rosu
...BY USING...
o's New Discovery
ption, Coughs and Colds
y All other Throat And
Remedies comoinea.
derful medicine positively
nsumption, Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Pneumonia. Hav
jurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
oat, uroup ana whooping
&$1. Trial Bottle Free.
A Formula.
eacher says you would be the
n your class if you attended
he teacher's got Into the
aylng that every once in
pout hall a dozen bovsl"
rnaatlnar Clrcumatanee.
Youug men nowadayses so
to artificial, so utterly un
h'el'., aunty, I, for one, would
st them than I would girls-
tey never copy one's hat ana
rooklyn Life.
si gi'
s cam
Bt ti
"Muai. I'll . i
WMt, neiilfcl with hlua .IhK..,.
It.TllHO .1 nnv..... ....... I
itiulooa. lluy if your Dniia-ist.
inilv fur I .... .
K - - - - --. m rail
Mlrf for l.mrilr.." In Irtler.
u.vuuTesUuioiiiula. BoV i
lri.l:K, Proprietor
Si., Harrlshuro- Pn
- i
I!. Dpiiot Entrnneci
'l 'or All l'rnliiH.
NS0c. QoodMeaU. 25c
smininiodatlnna. if
bur lull
ite cm
Blum H
we til'
thin ii
' entrusted to his car
ro'iiut attention:
kUMnose entrusi i to mv ...
Pt iq4 careful attention.
Vybohb. Pa.
pat,a Report.
"ouu.ajioona, Holll
Kemben of the Senate ClanUed
According to Their Age.
0lr Thr Ar Caidcr Party Teara
m la Ova KlaYtrMaaUi
f Mar Holds tka Hlckeat
. When woman suffrage is thor
oughly established in this country
and women ait in both houses of
congress it may become necessary to
revise some of the customs that now
prevail, and especially that unwrit
ten law that makes "It necessary for
every senator and representative to
furnish an autobiographical sketch,
beginning with a statement of age,
for publication in the Congressional
directory. " The records in the direct
ory are revelations to many people
who consult them. These records
show aa evenly balanced senate of
young men and old men. .
The records show that of 80-sen-atorB,
three, llalley, of Texas; Bev
erklgc, of ' Indiana, and Kearns, of
Utah, are under 45 years of age,
the Texas senator being 33 and the
senators from Indiana and Utah 39
years of age. Twelve senators are
between 40 and 50; 30 between 50 and
60; 20' between CO and 70; 14 between
70 and 80, and just one, Senator
Pettus, of Alnbnmn, between 80 and
00 years of age. Senator Pettus was
80 years of age his hint birthday.
Senstors who have lived more than
70 years, nearly all of whom have
the vigor and appearance of much
younger men, ore Allison, of Iowa,
72; Bates, of Tenncsege, 75; Cullom, of
Illinois, 72; Frye, of Maine, 70; Gib
son, of Montana, 71; llawlcy, of Con
necticut, 75; llonr, of Massachusetts,
75; Jones, of Nevada, 72; Morgan, of
Alabama, 77; I'Intt, of Connecticut,
74; Troctrtr, of Vermont, 70; Stew
art, of Nevada. 74; Teller, of Colo
rado, 71, nnd Vest, of Missouri, 71.
Senators between CO and 70 years of
age are Aldrich, of Uhode Islund, 60;
Bacon, of Georgia, C2; Bard, of Cal
ifornia, CO; Berry, of Arkansas, 60;
-VK - ft
"u'yuiniae Tablets
(Ohio Senator, Aged 65, the Ideal Age for a
Blackburn, of Kentucky, 63; Bur
rows, of Michigan, 05; Clark, of Mon
tana, 63; Cockrell, of Missouri, 67:
Depew, of New York, 67; Elkins, of
West Virginia, 60; Foster, of Wash
ington, 65; Gallinger, of New Hamp
shire, 64; Hale, of Maine, 65; lianna,
oi Ohio, 64; Harris, of Kansas. 60:
Jones, of Arkansas, 62; McEnery, of
Louisiana, 64; McMillan, of Michigan,
63; Millard, of Nebraska, 65; Mitch
ell, of Oregon, 60; Money, of Missis
sippi, 62; Patterson, of Colorado, 61;
Perkins, of California, 63; Piatt, of
New York, 68; Quay, of Pennsylvania,
C8. Senators whose ages range be
tween 50 and 60 are Burnliam, of New
Hampshire, 67; Clapp, of Minnesota,
00; Clark, of Wyoming, 50; Daniel, of
Virginia, 50; Deboe, of Kentucky, 53;
Dillingham, of Vermont, 08; Dubois,
of Idaho, 60; Foraker, of Ohio, 55;
Foster, of Louisiana, 03; Gamble, of
South Dakota, 51; Hnnsbrough, of
North Dakota, 54; Lodge, of Massa
chusetts, 51; McComas, of Maryland,
55; McLaurin, of Mississippi, 53:
Mnllory, Florida, 53; Martin, Virginia,
51; Mason, Illinois, 51; Nelson, Min
nesota, 53; Quarles, isconsin, 58;
Bnwlins, Utah, 51; Scott, West Vir
ginia, 50; Simon, Oregon, 51; Spoon'
er, Wisconsin, 50; Taliaferro. Flor
Iila, 54; Tillman, South Carolina. 54:
lurner, Washington, 152;- Warren,
Wyoming, 57? Wellington, Maryland,
6U, ntui Wctmore, Eliode Island, 55
I lie- following . are -between 40 and
00 years: Carmnck, Tennessee, 43;
Clay, Georgia, 48; Culberson, Texas,
48; Dietrich, Nebraskn, 43; Dolliver,
Iowa, 44; tairbnnks, Indiana, 49;
Heitfeld, Idaho, 43; Kean, New Jer
sey, 49; Kittredge, South Dakota, 40;
McCumber, North Dakota, 41; Mc
Laurin, South Carolina, 41; Penrose,
Pennsylvania, 41; Pritchard, North
Carolina, 44; Simmons, North Caro-
llnn, 48.
iond mothers, in casting, up the
chances of their boys to become sen
ators, says the Washington Star, may
tucly with some interest the records
of the months in which the senators
were born. Boys born in the late
winter nnd early spring have the
V'nst chnncR, Of the 86 senators whose
days of birth are given, only four
were born in February, five in March
and four In April. August was a bad
month for senators, as but five came
into the world in that month. The
highest record is held by the month
of May, in which ten senators were
born. January, October and July
were months fruitful of senators, aa
nine of them were born in each of
these months. Six were born in
June, eight in September, seven in,
November and six in December.
A 3
Kick a dog and he bites you
He bites you and you kick him.
The more you kick the more
he bites and the more he bites
the more you kick. Each
makes the other worse.
A' thin body makes thin
blood. Thin blood makes a
thin body. Each mafces the
other worse. If there is going
to be a change the help must
come from outside.
Scott's Emulsion is the ridit
help. It breaks up such ;
combination. First it sets the
stomach right. Then it c;i
riches the blood. The:
strengthens the body and i.
begins to grow new fleshy
A strong body makes rid.
blcod and rich blocd makes ;
strong body. Each makes tin
other better. This isthewr.'.
Stott's Emulsion puts the thi:
body on its feet. Now it ca:
j;ct along by itself. Noncc
of medicine.'
ThU picture represent
the Trade Mark of Scott
F.mulsion and is on tii
wnrppcr of every bottle.
Send for fret sample- -
0 Twrl St,. New Y&rl
joc. and $i. all druggist?
Lonesome All tlonnil,
The ark had been about ten days on
its Journey, and the occupants were
y this time well acquainted.
"It's a dreary time," said one of the
two fleas. "Here we are compelled to
satisfy ourselves with but two dogs to
live upon."
I'm getting lonesome," said one dog
to tin -..tlitr. "There are not enough
'ias in lend zest to life, and the ml-n.t.i-s
are nil camped on the two cats."
- Knltimore American.
Jnat wat'8ha"NecdA.
"What's this thing?" asked a man
who was inspecting a music emporium.
"That? Oh, that's Used on violins.
We call it a chin rest." '
"Gimme one!" exclaimed the visitor.
"S'pose it Would work on my wife?"
Dr. Kinot 3. Savage spoke recently
on "Home and Society," saying. In
Wn.fB.rta Prt: Taeraisin
New York that
which ealla It If.
par excellence, society. It is made np
of the Four Hundred, or, I think, some
recent authority has been reducing it
to One Hundred and Fifty. I do not
mean to say anything against the'ptr
sons who constitute this interior or
ganization in society. Many of them
are noble, intellectually Cultivated,
charitable and generous; bat a society
that is organized around the idea of
wealth alone must of necessity be igno
ble and vulgar; there is nothing in the
highest and finest sense of the word
human merely in the possession of
wealth, and if these people who meet
together and constitute a certain sec
tion of society merely because they
are wealthy will excuse me for not
wanting. to be with them I will freely
pardon them for not asking me. I
was at the opera the other night, and
I saw one'woman who Illustrates what
this sort of thing comes to when it
degenerates and gets itself perfect ex
pression. t I have never seen anything
outside a Bhow at Tiffany's that in any
way suggested this woman. It was
barbaric. She bad the air of telling
everybody that she had not come there
to hear the music, but merely to be
looked at, nnd she was loaded and hung
all over, in every possible place, with
diamonds and gems and jewels of every
kind. Now, we can forgive an Indian
or a Fiji Islander his anklets and brace
lets, his noserings and earrings, be
cause he has not, presumably, been de
veloped to anything higher than these,
but the type of society whose (list in
guishing feature is that kind of thing
certainly is not human in the true
sense In which that word ought to lie
used. Of course this has an nppliea
tion outside ns well as inside of New
iork. Whether the wealth that is
offensively ostentatious be great or
small, it shows a despicable trait of
The Automobile
They Work While You Sleep.
While your mind and body rest Cas
carets Candy Cathartic repair your
uigu&uun, your nver, your Dowels,
put them in perfect order. Genuine
tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold
in bulk. . All druggists, ioc.
Since March 1 the torch in the hand
of the Statue of Liberty Enlightening
the World, in ?'ew York harbor, has
not been lighted. '1 his docs not
menn that the Ktntue has lost its
Nigiiuicance ns me symtioi ana per-
sonifiention of the broad political uiu
industrial freedom which is enjoyed
in the United States. It simply
means that no satisfactory method
of lighting the torch has been de
vised, nnd that the lighthouse board
does not thiuk it worth while to con
tinue nn inadequate electric lamp.
Hie other harbor lights serve nil the
needs of the mnriners, and the statue
itself, without its own light, will
show more pluinly in the darkness
than before.
Xi. ters of Administration iu the
entute of John M. ILackonli'irx-, jta of Adam
lwp.,Hiiy(l.T(.o.Pa., Uoo'd, having-brcn granted
... uiu Miitiar.iu iihu. nil Demniia knnwlntf tli.m.
elvea Indebted to aald e.tate are -requested to
make timnodintu nnvment. wlll ilmua li. l..,.
claim will preaent lliem duly authenticated to
n . . Administrator, C. T. A.
M. I I'ottur, Att'y.
rrobnbly Had.
Mother Do you think that young
man has saved nnythlng?
Daughter Undoubtedly, ma! He
aays lie has never loved before.
Try Chamberlain's Stomanh AT A.
er Tttblots, the best physio. For
sale by Middlebragh Drug Store.
A Sara 8leB.
A physician driving past a place
where stonemasons were at work on
some monuments, called out:
"Hard at work, I see. You finish your
gravestones aa far aa 'In memory' and
then you wait, I suppose to see who
wants a monument next." -
"Why, yea," was the answer, "unlesa
somebody is ill and you are treating
him, and then I know just how to go
on."-N. Y. Timea. '
Aiitoniobiling, like other sports, Is
ns attractive to women ns to men.
The automobile
girl has become n
recognized type
young American womanhood. She is
delightfully independent; she is es-
sentially piquant, l'erhaps, says the
Centaur, just yet she cannot endure
the long journeys or tours that men
find pleasure in, bHt she is just ns en
thusiastic over nutomobiling as they
are, and is sure the day is soon com
ing when she cannot only stand the
ordeal of an automobile journey of
hundreds of miles, extending over sev.
eral consecutive days, but enjoy it
quite as much as her male companion.
Automobile toura are bound to be
come one of the favorite recreations
for men nud women. And why not?
Ihey will get more people out into the
sunshine and air for one thing, ami
there is no denying the benefit of that
They will provide a new way of en
tertnining one's friends, and who will
not welcome that? And, then, there
is just the genuine pleasure of it the
exhilaration, the novelty of the new
Although it is diflicult to overrate
the influence of biminess ability and
character qualifications in an appli
cant for nn ofllce position, the per
sonal preference of the employer
often decides the matter. A large
depot for oriental goods was recent
ly opened, nnd a woman bookkeeper
was desired. From the many appli
cants a fair, gentle-voiced, graceful
girl wlis chosen. Another candidate
accepted the situation philosophieul
ly, but wished to know the ground of
preference. "Then I tell you, mees,"
replied the courteous Persian.
"Tliees tall young lady with the yel
low hair and the pink face, she set
off my vases nnd silks. I am very.
sorry, mees. It ees not my fault and
it ees not your fault; but that yoiiiv
lady ees more becoming to niv busi
To Be ted of
Peoplo who Buffer from habitual constipation with all its attendant iPa,
clogged stomach and bowels, sluggish liver, heartburn, indigestion, and thin
and impure Wood, are too apt to believe that the only remedy is violeuJ
purgatives. The contrary is the case. Such ca;liartics, even if they do move
the bowels, are irritating and griping, 1 eave the stomach inflamed and eufccMcd
and the constipated condition recurs with greater difficulty of euro and tho
sufferer constantly growing worso. There is a laxative that moves tho
bowels without pain or griping, cleanses the stomach, sharpens the appetito.
stimulates tho liver, strengthens tho nerves, and purines the blood, while 13
marvellous tonic properties tone up the cutire system and keep it healthy.
' Imlioh Does If
Its remarkable tonio properties roach every organ the. liver, kidneys
and stomach, nerve, heart aud brain and removes the cause of your debil
itated condition. This is tho only way to secure an absolute and pennaiieu
Laxakola is the only mcdicino for babies, is purely vegetable ami its
action is gentle, speedy and effective. For coated tongue, simple fevei
colds, chills and languid feeling it is the ideal medicine.
It tastes good. IT Children like it and ask for it.
Laiakolt, the treat tonic laxative, l not only the moat efficient of family remedies, but the moat
economical, became it combine! two medicinei, tii t laiathro and tonic, and at one price. No other
remedy fivea lomuch for the money. Al drujciite, J5c. and 60c , or land lor Ire ianil to LAXAKOLA
CO, IB Naaiau Street, N. V., or SM Dearborn Street, Chicago.
OUCAN UK CURED by our combined movement-cure. hvilroii.ul'V nnd Inter
went. V e not only limlnuln luit iiuurunleu tbat viKomnx, Intuxicuiliur hraM h
tallied by ull who. itmlorour ilirrotloiis. strive font by N ATIIKA I, humus. W
a 111 oi (intwiiiins iroui w hich your casi; Is ilnnrnosi'il lv inirMnrtuf iiliysicians.
n specially presentM-a for. If tl.mtorn have pronnunee.l yu'i ine i.;i!:e in miy ot tbt:
dm uses. It will be of vital Imercst to you to co;uuiuuioato vv.ili uuiloiiitc.
i" in be at
' tn.iil yoi
I ;:ich e;iso
bngats DiseaM nad other Kidney Diseases, Ehetnu;, Coii3;in:pliou, Y.'eak
nesses of 7oncu, Lot Manhood, Eludilur Diseases, Piles, Constipation, Blood Dis
eases, Oatan-li. Dyspepsia, Diabetos, Epilepsy, HeartDisoa, Insomnia, Liver Disease,
Nervona Debility, Sciatica, Asl.lima, Biliousness aud Genaral Dulnlity, nnd all ot'.ier
diseases which result from impropor living or ignorance ornelect of tho laws of nature.
"The nctleet of t!in l'hysicnl wcll-hclnir . . . In my i u'irnnT.t resulted In nn
Increase In Insuulty i.d u ileeteiise In the liirth rntt tliroinh.rl tin: Vnlteil Sttifs.
Dll. KKKPKltll'K J. i-IMI-SON.of I luri f iini.
, , " They cure where others hnvc fuili il." - l iiit.AULi.riiiA 1'k-s.
. heir irctttuu r.t is rational . . . ibey do nil thev eluiiu "
. , , l'IIII.Alir:l.rmA Ni'lITU AMKItl' AN.
1'iet, exercise ntnl water nr.. ih three great surulivu airrheii s."
-llf.l.TII J.II-ltN'A!..
Aa lu'crcstin juunphlet of our treatment containiiijr hali-touo uu l tof
.imoniaia or pursoua wj nave cured, unt free to all.
THE ISSTUL'TK OK TliYSlC-iL SCIENCE, Lawrentcvlllo, Tloft Co., Tena'a.
Tils Is riot a Patent Medicine Ad.
Is done with half the trouble and work if
you have good tools. Why not buy the
UJntoi'jpriisa Sausago Qtvxff"ox3
and Meat Grinders and savoagreat deal
of un necessary trouble!
Sqt. Kttterprifio Stuflers ajd Lunl l'ic88, $1.73
K qt. KutorpriHe SlullVrs and Lnrd Trees, 3.75
2 qt. lintel prise StuHt'rs und Lurd TresH, 3.00
ZEntoxipxiiso HVIocit Oxixxrlois
No. 12 Clops 8 lbs. uisat in 1 minute l.!)0
No. 22 CUiopn :i lbs. mint in 1 mmute 3.1-r
No. :i3 Chops 3 lbs. meat iu 1 luiuuto 4.75
Wealao have Hie celebrated Lee's Hulcber Knives nnd
Steel. Lard ('nun, Hop rierapers, Soule", Lmlles, Skiin
uiers, Kettles, aud everyins necessury to butchering.
D. WEIM'S SON, Siinbury, renna.
n'U- ii !.. .
inn auiimi iLiea nr n l-eniitiVivitniH
town, nuiicted with a scourge of
smallpox, acted In the light of ex"
perience when they ordered that nil
dogs nnd cats found running loose in
the streets should be shot. It is well
known that these animals enrry eon
luywu, ns tueir uuir oners a con
genial lodging-pluce for disease
germs. Parents cannot be too enre
ful in keeping pet cats nnd dogs out
of the sick-room of a scarlet fever or
diphtheria patient, and in seeing that
their children do not play with pets
whieh belong to' families where there
Is or has recently been contagious
LEfilTifl. - - - - -
Marked attractiveness iu design and color anil excellent quality
of Jabric, combined with the reasonable ju ices, make our carpets
f conspicuous. At this lime attention is called to the new season's $
patterns of the well-known Wiltou's, Axtuinstcrs nnd Tapestry
Brussels. The latest eflecu, in Ingrains. lag Carpets in all styles T
!! and prices. X
Our stock of new FURNITURE is es- i
i oeci allv We also have a fine
T '
f line of baby Carriages
Lewistcwn, Pa.
Coroners In Baltimore are appoint
ed by the governor for a term of two
years. There ore seven coroners In
Baltimore, all of them physicians and
all having separate districts of town.
A great reduction Is threatened In
the output of diamonds this season.
Persons who may at present be some
what shy In the gem department are ad
monished to order a supply at once. .
Sleeping after eating is condemned
tiw a dayman nrivaLtnn .V .
experimentally that ttomach move- J VaUy Street,
ments are le.sen.d, and acidity U ln.i 1 1 it i 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 H Ml 1 1 1 1 111 Ml 1 HI 111 1 1 1 II
dnctd. m.. '