DO YOU WANT TO BE WELL AND STRONG LIKE ME? Then Use Dr. Greene's Nervura It Cave Me Health and Strength. Beauty is the dower and the gilt ia priceless, beaut j lies in having a brillianteyea, andrWauity to all women who are In there are to-day who are priceless possession of 7 rjri ri 7 . mimL-y ZXJBSS V L which nature bestowsnpon woman. Most women oan be bcautifal, for clear complexion, valretj akin, of expression, attributes common good health. How many wmn gradually but surely losing their Deauty I x ucir neaitn a as be come poor, they axe run down, they feel weak and nervous, nave neadacne, poor appe tite, indigestion, bilious ness, constipation, kidney or liver trouble, back ache, female weak ness, or some other difficulty, which is surely sapping their health and strength and ruin ing their beauty. At this season. Grtra' Nsrvura Oavs Ma Deck My ltd. It Will Oivt Vaa HMlIb eiHl StranrtbllyetiL'Mlt. Spring Debility la woman worst enemy. A woman's first duty is to regain and maintain ber health end beauty. If she frets back her health, beauty will sureiy loiiow, lor beauty depends entirely on good health. The great health- giver and beautifier for women is Dr. Greene's Ner vura blood and nerve rem' edy, for nothing in the world so surely and quickly restores lost health, givea Btrcngtn and vigor to the nerves, purines and enriches tllO Yllflfwt anil m Irn. HinMAn irong ana well as Dr. Greene's Nervura. It clears the complexion of that dark, sallow, pule look, removes eruptions, blackheads, and humors, makes the skin velvety and glowing with rosy color, the eyes brilliant, the lips red, imparting n full, round contour to fuce and form. Above all it banishes melancholy and restores the lively spirits, vivacity, light, elastlo step and exuberant life, energy, and enjoyment which constitute happiness to women. Dr. Greene's Nervura doesall this because it makes weak women strong and sick women well, and thus prevents them from growing old men- wmu. u muxes mem looK young anuieci young, lorn braces women up ns nothing else in the world can. Try Dr. Greene's Nervura J you will never : 3grct it. Use it now, for you certainly need a spring remedy, and Dr. lireene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy is the best of all spring medicines. In taking Dr. Greene's Nervura you are using the wonderful prescription nud discovery of a famous physician. Dr. Qreeno, of 101 Fifth Avenue, New York City, who is the most successful physician in curing all forms of nervous and clirouio diseases, nnd who can be consulted without charge, in regard to tay cusc, personally or by letter. VSE ICR TKINCESS. ilnre Work of Art rrenentrd l'rlner llrurx W ife li Hie Jer ln ii n l,ulle i f ( liii-nuu. to A liiiuilsiiiiie silver vne, two feet liigh, with n jrnl! Iiniii,'. whs the pres ent which the wivrx of the members of the (ii'i'iiuinia eluh uf Chicago made to rrinocss Irene, wife f Prince Henry, through the courtesies of the prince while in that city. After it has been admired for a few days at the Ger mania club it will be packed tip and Ml Mwk To (I no Aliiiut o Step Off. The Daddy Let mo give you a bit of advice, my dear. To a man the heart of the woman he loves is like on oil country. The Daughter How can that be, pa? T' e P-nldy The in'ercst in intense only !- long as there is prospect of ai'iv . covenes. Life. ills ChrUtlnn I'rlnelple. Jtid;-- (to prisoner) Drunk again, I'ltrick. What have you to say for yourscit this time? I'alrlek Sure, yer miner, it's livln tip to me Christian principles Oi am. Judge Christian principles, you ras cal! Tatrick Ves. yer (inner; ain't it yer self as says whisky's me wurst enemy, unl ain't it me Christian principles as teaches me to love me enemies? X. Y, Times. ibml VASE FOIt l'lUNCKSS 1HRNR. .Presented to l'rlntv 1 1". my's Wife by Chi cago I.:i!i. f .) sent to IVrlin in time to reach there when the prince arrives, .so that it can be given by hitn at once t tin princess. The jircticnmt ion was made during th-J reception at the (Icrmaiiia club iniiue j'i.Mely fii'Iouing the liniclii-on which tl.e men of the e!n! had given the prince. The vase has on one side a fig ure of Aurora in relief, he stands, fir rather floats, in the rays of the risdng sun, with ribbons streaming from her Land. Morning glories are the flow ers which complete the decoration on tin'.', side of tin vase. A rooster is the cleei .ration on the opposite side. The present was not offered until after per mission hail been received from Prince Il-T.ry. and the cost was contributed by l!iv' women of the rendition committee A POSITIVE GODSEND To All buffurers of Dfupepila. THE XAVIER DYSPEPSIA REMEDY ,Ah. ,1nl.r ""V"1,' hrm1PM unit Infallible eura fur livi.iM-p.ia, fcsurrh .if Out Si.miarh, IJwii.nrii. cmiiiatnt. Hi-mimlw, ennui i!?.,.Vvo",U!'.1'11")' "nd ""1'1 ellmeuu n- UIHIIK from IllillxtluD. liave tliouMin.l of nf utitirrvtiitlon Iniin our forimr intruna all tint Udioii vIioh nraltli tjni tirrn anil life uiaila uleaant t thin CRANO REMEDY, ti '' ,"r J""' f tauleti, with full dlrnclliiiui S boiM fur $5ilX ODCOIAI '? ortrofurthrrlntrorliis OP CllIilL ,'h',noiiel nnwly In w" w""1" l'cnlltr,w'.m1..iit KHEK fir s limited timennljr, I S, luftU'la'i lm Qua? Hr SIIvit iiliti il EnlTPt ami Firk luever uur clwr of i buxoa or over. Addrau T!i3 Xavler Msdical Institute 1066 2d Ave., New York, N.Y. Flexte mrattcn tbli papar. NOW LOOK OUT I "Take care of yourself ," say our friends. "I'll try to," we answer. We do take a little caro, yet In spite of worm clothes, rubbers nnd mackintoshes, an army of people wers howlod out by pneumonia and other luug uud chest diseases last winter. They euught cold, neglected it, lot it fix upon them, ware torn by coughs, choked by inflammations and congestions, wasted by fevsr, tirad out by pain sud then gave up the fight. The hour you realize that you have a cold on the chest, place a Uenson's Porous l'laster where the pain or oppres sion is felt. If you think two are needed mnks it two. Ko harm if you were cov ered with thorn. They act quickly and prevont the enyorgmcnt of blood in the organs. In this wuy with ordinnry cau tion us to exposure you will break tip the cold and avoid a Berious sickness, "o other spplications, or any other form of treatment, will accomplish this as certainly and speedily, lleuuou's Hosiers have a difL tinct and positive uctionaodare curativs to tho highest degree. Use them with the same confidence for coughs, muscular rheuma tism, the gTip (hsck aud chest) and all sim ilar ailments. Women , who are chief suffer ers from cold weather complaints, should keep theso plasters always within reach. Get the genuine. All druggists, or we will prepay postage on any number ordered in the United States on receipt of 2oc. each. Beabury & Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N. Y. Sho flresjps up In mnnnlfh clothes Anil yet Fhe Isn't happy. Hi cause the styles the has to WEiT Come to her only after they're Discarded by the chappy. Chicago Itecord-Herald. TUB I'l l: ASl ltKS OF HOME, "Sly mamma makeH Fido sit up and beg for his breakfast." "Oh, my mamma makes my papa do that every day." Chicago Tribune. I TYPICAL APPLE BOX. Testers Fralt Orewera Vse It tke Kaelala tt Claaasy m4 ' Heavy Barrels. 1 ' A typical box is shown here which represents the thought and experi ence of apple shippers an the Pacific coast. Every part of it appears to have been carefully studied, and it certainly answers the purpose well. The Inside dimensions are 20sxllx9; inches. This makes a cubic content of a trifle over an even bushel, and about six quarts less than a heaping bushel. The ends are three-fourths-inch material, and all four sides are one-fourth-inch hard pine. There is no partition, as in the orange box. The apples may be put in tightly, and the thin springy sides hold theta without bruising. The box is put to gether with 3a rough wire, nails 1 inches Ions'. Tho chief advan tages are: Con- of this package NEAT BOXES FOR APPLES. Tenicnt size; strength, given by the solid ends and secure nailing; nnd springy sides, permitting the apples to be crowded in slightly, and holding them firmly without bruising. East ern fruit-growers' associations are becoming numerous nnd strong. This undeveloped city trade may be theirs if they will establish uniform, con venient packages, put on labels that shall become guarantees of quality, and work systematically to get the goods introduced. This trade will never be worked up by those who take a back seat and merely think about it. (Jet the fruit to the con sumer's door, let him see what it is, and he will be glad to invite the boxed apple in nnd hand over his cash for it, for even at these extreme prices fancy boxed apples are no higher proportionately than many other food stuffs which he buys. lturnl Xew Yorker. WILLIAM J. CA LEOUN. DlstlaUfc IIMaola ttepablleaa W la Sal 4 ta Ba Blalaal far a Caalaat PaattUa. VUiIiam J. Calhoun, who ia said to be nnder consideration by President Roosevelt lor a place ia the cabinet, ia practicing law in Chicago,, but has WILLIAM J. CALHOUN. (Illinois- Republican Who May Boon Enter tbt Cabinet.) a wide experience in public office, lie came into national notice as in terstate commerce commissioner and went to Cuba as a special commis sioner to investigate the. affair of Gen. Ruiz. lie was offered the choice of several other places by President McKlnley, but his personal affairs needed his attention. Mr. Calhoun was born at liubbaru, O., in 1850, and he was a schoolmate of Wil liam McKlnley. In 1890 he was an important factor in capturing the Illinois delegation to the national eonvention for his old friend. SCIENCE OF SPRAYING. Cvery Farmer Should Study Ita Ru diments Before Applying Poll, onoua Substances. Injury to plants by insects falls un dur two heads; first, where the plant itself has been eaten; second, where the juice has been sucked out, leaving the tissues. Insects causing injury of the first class are called biting or chewing insects, such ns grasshop pers, caterpillars, cabbage and nnny worms. They hnve well-developed jaws fitted for cutting and chewing plants. They can be destroyed by using poisons such as the arsenics. The insects of the second type hare long lancelike beaks which they in sert into the th.sties of the plunt, Bucking out the juice, eausinf plant to collapse, wilt aad die. Til ll iluss include all the c.u'd lsucts, plant lice, equ&th bu, harletmin end terrapin bug, etc tlUrui bp plication of arsenics! polaoia to plants would have little or so affect upon this group, as iia rosea doss not enter tba oi? Jr4-. Materisl are used to act txaSKj on the bodies ct essi Issecta either aa a caustic or to smot? r etiSs them by closis; their brss&ief or gans. Iaaasto ot VroatH &?ocsh their month, as do higher ftr..':., rri tsrosga small openipvs oa either cl ti.;;r bcaVs esUsd spiracles. By spraying aujthis of a elastic or oily nature over the body, these spiraelw ar ad the creature is destroyed. , These remarks apply especially to insects which feed upon the exterior ?! r ps the greuter portion ot their nves in an exposed condi- -i?Z . . c;n be readily reached by one of the methods men tioned. Insects of both classes ut times feed upon plants above the ground, for a short while, and pass a portion of their lives upon the roots below the surface. The white grub or root lice are common examples, the former being a biting insect, while the latter is one of the suck ling group. Still other insects live in straw, grain, seeds and manufac tured products of the mill where neither arsenics nor irritants can be used. In such places the fumes of various gases nre employed for their destruction. Farmers should care fully consider the nature of the in sect before applying any remedy. Orange Judd Farmer. Best Way to Feed Wheat. The best form in which to feed wheat is to roll or grind it into a coarse meal. It may then be fed alone or mixed with corn meal or ground oats. When ground fine it is pastry and adheres to the teeth, gums nnd cheeks, so that it is not so readily masticated or eaten. In the form of a coarse meal it is relished by all ani mals. It is in a condition to be at tacked by the digestive processes whether thoroughly masticated or not, and in most cases it gives the best results. No Time to Lose You cannot afford to disregard the warnings of a weak and diseased heart and put off tak ing the prescription of the world's greatest authority on heart and nervous disordcrs Miles' Heart Cure. If your heart palpitates, flutters, or you are short of breath, have smothering spells, pain in left side, shoulder or arm, you have heart trouble and are liable to drop dead any moment. Major J. W. Woodcock, one of the bent known oil operators In tlm coun try dropped data from hourt disease recently, at hl home In Portland, luil., uhlle mowing bis lawn. The Prat. Mrs. M. A.Birdwll,WatkiDs,N.Y, whose portrait heads this advertise ment, sayt: "I write this through grat itude for benefits I received from Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. 1 had palpitation of the haart, severe pains uader the left shoulder, and my general health wu miserable. A few bottles of Dr. Miles'Heart Cure cured me entirely. Sold by all Drwaclala. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, tnd. Wlte'a Benrflt. S9 CS7B she's roinir to marrv me eyhenwegrowup' aaid the boy, proud ly, referring to a little playmate. Tay no attention to her thrents. mv eon," returned his father, with a cov ert glance in his wife's direction. Chi cago Post. A Teat Desirable. The Fiance George and I never had a quarrel, ller Friend Oh, I think you oucht to have one before you are married. Otherwise you can't be quite sure whether you nre going to have your own way or not. Judge. jrqgb CAN0V CATHARTIC MfctO " m iiiiiVi-l'llll DnigglsU. Gituiuvt 'teased CC C Never sold In bulk. Cfft&'i ct U &akr who tr! to sell "iem:L'n hat as 3od." Slllk Kr-iit In Frozen Clmnka. There nre but few cows in l.nbru lor. No wonder. The natives pro jure their milk for the winter nnd then kill their cows. The milk is kept in barrels, where it freezes and never threatens to sour throughout the entire season. When one wishes any milk he has simply to gu to the barrel and cut out a slice. The war to Imv PURE WHISKEY ,ir,ot horn lite distillery. You nvniil tlia nnnxlltilltv nf ndulleration an J rave the JoblierV and small denlcra' priillt. 1 lie Hnynor DiatillinK t;o-. Day ion, onio, will aena you tour rull qunrtu Sovrn Year-Old live, exnren nrvnain1. for f.1 20. fir their announcement ftoovariiiff Bluwlirrii In this Iscue. Ilaif HerHaapIelona. Mrs. Church They soy your hus band squeezes bis employes. t Mrs. Gotham Well, do you know. I've had my suspicions of those two blond typewriters of hlsl Yonkera Statesman. r3 UUKtS WnlKfc AU USE FAILS. voucD eyrup. Tsataa UootL In time. Sold br dniKvinta. for Infants and Children. The Klyd Ton Have Always Bought has borna the sign,! tare of Cfcas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under w personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no or1 to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations aial ' Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger tin' health of CLUdrcn Experience against Experiment. I J The Kind You Have Always Bong uears trie signature or SI In Use For Over 30 Years. Mfosmerrv. New-York Tribune Farmei NEW OLD PAPAR Kor alxty years the NEW YOKK WEEKLY TRIBUNE h J national weekly new.imiier. riuil alnumt mIIi-i. i... r. baa enjoyed I lie eonflilettce and auppurl of (he American imU a degree never Attained by any ulinilir publication. THE . New-York Tribune Karrrie la made abmliitely for fnrmrrii and their luru'Uca. TUe first m.r. waa iMUed November Tth. ua KverV lli.ruirlmi.iit nf I I I - . roittribotors who art leader in their reapevtive lines, and 'tlJtl l,NK KAKMKK lll he In every aenw ahili el".' u0 i IIVA ..tltj.VtlPlBI.. .....Illlllwkl ... . . i.. u ... jnTO-, fjruiuseiy Illustrated A pieturea of live at-clc. modal farm buildinira and homos. BricuhJ ul niacbincry, etc .him Farmers' wives, sins and daughters will find special para J tlioir entertainment. iteirnlnr nrlpe. 11 DO n.. v... K.ift .. ia ... . , ---- - , t J"" vn UUJ Wlll .j'"l !S weekly newPper, fbo Mlddleburjc Tost one J Send your subscription and money to the Middleburg Pi.T. etil yonr name and aililrna to the NEW YORK IU n, . w lrom city, ami a rrce IUJ aa will a. Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payme nrnriiDPn. H. HRRVEYSCHDCH, GENERAL iNSfcANGC AGENCV jmj me uiuest, strongest Cash Companies, iFire, Life, Accident and Tornado. ho Assessments No PrAmiiim Wnto. I IA A titntt LM sTiii i 4i s A A Tl lOin A tt T us -1 n on " American " 1810 " 2,40 SU i no Mandard Accident In3urance Co. The New York life Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association. Tour Patronage is solicited. DURINQ HOT WEATHER - use. BLUE FLAME COOK STOVES. "New Rochester" WICKLBSS SAMPLE, SAFE C jlmnrffafiaT .circumft?PB is a pleasure. Tho Rochenter u i MroP Lo-Ltake tuoir reputation on the stove in Question. Tlo feat f J'-lS ?' J"110 'atiafaction enjoyed ia testimonials caloS and du- j.i..n, uiuom iroui uit pans oi ine world the NneVRocW lbe "New Chester" Cook Stove and holdT0" ntVer reBret haviDS iLtroJuced these goods into your hou6e- The Roclieser Lamp Co., ark ace and 33 Barclay St., New York. EOS3 Writes an Open Letter for tho Benefit cf any wf.o Kay fco SufToring from Blood cr Cutaneous Disease. " . , Seneca FaMa, W. y., Sepl Srd. 1001. Dp. DaTiiU Kennedy Corporation, Elomdcixi!;, Iff. Y. Cciatlesaen : Fcr some tSraaa pasl n Icivo been sf ferans froia a nncssbcr cf holla. I used tveral c!2Ter cal uicdlcSsies wSttSjoaat ccecesa. EIr. Wciuiard EIogsc man recccanscnded Dp. Itavid Kenacdly'a Favorilo Hcmody ta mo, rhf.c2i H (tiarchaacd amd began its wise with the best results. It purified my blood and fLc bolls disappeared, nnd I am novr in the beet or iicalCi. MK8. SIAHTUA. GOFF. . W yon suffer from kidnny liver or bla&ler tronblo In anv form. dinMos. unght s disease, rlieuinatmtn, tlyBpepsia, eciema or any form of blood dini-nxc. or. if a woman, froiii i the i s.nkiH'sse pnculiar to yonr sex. nn.l uro not already con vincedthat Dr. David Kenne-ly's tavorito Remedy U the rawliclno you nenl, you may have a trial bottl, ubt.olutoly free.wiih n valiiaWo mwlioal pnmpMet, by scndintr yonr name, wilh post office address, to tho Dr. David K;nnody Cor poration. Rondont, N. Y., montionlni? this paper. Dr. David Konnodv'H Favorite Remedy is for sale by all druggists at fl.OOa bottlo, or C bottled for f5.00 less than one cent a done. Or. David Kennedy a Golden Drops iusuatreUefaraiiia,abaBa u..,sruisc4lcunis. 2.soc PIVI'T TOBACCO SPIT LLJlN I nd 5M0KB r . - ... " , n o enrea or anjr iorm oi lobaoeo nslnf " J!l.b niad? weII tronS'. magnetic, full oi new uie ana iKOr DT isjclnr easily, new I that m sites lea pounds la tea dara. Orer go cored. All dniEglsts. Cur auaraatet lei ana savlcs FaHB. Addnsa BTKBI.ino. weak man strons. HSMUDY CO. Cnicaco or Mew York. Manr train t3. Book- GOLDEN RBLIRP BRUISa Ta.aaw ws wan Sa rm niVV I MSORETHBfMTl vmmt la ltolmlnaUa