Dp. Greene, -D'scbvepep off m, mm tew Gives Advice Absolutely Free. Call on DR. GREENE, or write to him per sonally at his office, 101 Fifth Avenue, New i York City. He is a successful specialist on all f .u: r . iiervuua uiscaecs icauiiuig uuiii uvcrwwiA or excesses of any kind. Advice free. PLBASZD WITS AKT2ICJU 1 eb idea er rr. ax OH ell Par ItMtMCUmtat -Tribal M.twWian Ml , ' Fraffraaa. .Max O'Kell, who ha just returned to America icr the seventh time, baa ant to Pari an aocount of hla latest Impressions of the' Americans and their country. Since hla first voyage to M United State 14 year ago there have been prodigious change, he say. Everyone helps to turn the wheel of progress, rich and poor, young and old, except, perhaps, the Anglo-maniacs, who turn up their trousers when It rains in London. '' At the first voyage he stood in amaze ment before the bouses of IS stories, aed now he finds them there of 3J. That Chester county, Pennsylvania, i the great center for antiquities ia NEW BRITISH STAMPS. Pastas: a.d Revenue Portrait at Qaeea Victoria Yield, to Bait of Kins Edward. irinuunmi u a ture ana othrr ar Coioi.j n.r.. t,c,otthecolonll, period seems to be proved by this story told by the Philadelphia Record: ! With the new year in llritain began --Three Bostonians came to this city the Issue, of the stamp of the new the other cay and applied at one of the libraries for the populations of va vriuus towns in the interior of the state. .After these figures had been given -tkem they volunteered this informs' 'ion: 'We are dealers in antiques in iranCfathers' clocks, colonial furni ture, tall boys, old china and such things and we are now going u take a train for Chester county, for the vil lages of that county are the most fruit iul hunting grounds for antiques in t&e Urited States. It is odd that this viculd le so. seeing how the district .'i-ss been scourtl !y men ia our busi cTrcs for n.ar.y years, but so it is, and sCbe fact is gent rally re- ,'nized. The die tor county people Xs am Ives rec- -rgnize jt. lby appnviute well the .riarket a'.::e if their heirlooms, and ' - i is in. pc ttible any longer to dme ' reign. The penny (two cent), which will become the most familiar, is a bright red, the authorities having gone back to the old color. King Kdward Yll.'s head takes the place of Victoria's, whose portrait fig ured on the national stamp far more than 60 years, penny postage dating from January 10, 1840. For the greater part of her reign the quen was rcp- iTly pood bargains with them. But "t-V'ir s'.utT is s i t xeellent that we must , re it, even though the price we pay I .sj hiL'h." t ..; uc the C1 i'ral tra..ont!nrnfai "nrleejr of Illy Years .to. ;ave been completed and aa isthmian canal I c fore many y . : has become ! eer- -jlr.ty, i; is tlrtily toreca'.: '. rrest "g prophecy. In lsjJ congress au iieii :he re!dert to procure sur veys f.,r the m '.u-:: of a route for a railroad :o rh- ar:fie. Under this - i '::i rs were r were sur- g nearly two !.-. HJward Williams, i-erii c. declared that . .ir.'ic j.lass t-hall be l.t ii tl-.e shores of the reached by railways, wut to :;-. lore ou; ar.f -yed, tht ;J"ecrf. In . . a writer tf "nU , CoUm: i i-;.-, Pacit- sO-.i'.i rlien t;r ar:h ar.i regilnr! fir;ltr ' -he 1 J ii 1 . i." t 'n l.r ) . le in' t: tel-rra7h shall girdle the (oti: ftean)hips sl;a'.l ply U:-ttr. their terrn'r.i and ."la. whoe wclth the com .2 h:.? so ltg ccveted ci coxmerce will be u l : t w ii.. w i:..erl page . ry i the w-jrld will be r r . -jii ihta-J neorly 10 . :i.at shows pretty clear nr'Atr overlooked the r' H-j"3'; izt ihe I'hil'p- t l"rv c S'a'.es. THE NEW BRITISH STAMP. (King EisrariTs Head Takes the Place of victoria s.j resented by the single portrait taken n he" youth. Opinions differ as to the desugn for th face of King kdward, and some find difficulty in recognizing the likeness. The present issue of stemps include he half-penny (green), the Vt, pence (blue), used especially fur foreign countries, and the six-penny (purple), ali having the same design, except that he 2i pence stamp bears its denom ination in figures. A rillter ItloTT. "This," said i..-" urostrate horse, mov ing its in jure c .'nj '- a less painful po sition on the slip;- ' pavement, "is iL-etU tbe ;rui. v ut late. "D you refer," atked its unhar ntse ' mate, svnipathetically, "to the p-ovtrb concerning a haughty spirit before a fall?" ""o," replied the horse; "but I have jun heard them call for an automobile ambulance to earrv me to the veter inary L opilal." Tcwu Topic. : mi .t es w ... ctveT : -r 1 ii jus; itea it iys t-i.es ti it is d.L Vi'iit U Is? h POSITIVE GODSEND Tp jU S;ern vt I'm;h. THE XAVIER DYSPEPSIA REMEDY e"iM fr i.ii-ttiri CrT,t ' T 'i- )jium. iri.r..i.i.r' JLfli -w latf ut H iiv. utvtilakv f iti vur t'.m I'ttiruti ai) r ti- l" llm viiww i v iUj CftfcD MD. SPECIAL!- . . i-.-o tt u0 f tv 47 yr- tiTttrVAUIiirVt A0dLtM A ,Tle Xavtsr Medina Institute KM 24 Ave-. New York. N.Y. OR.FENNBR'8 iGOLDEN RELIEF f cvn cys. tia IF 1 Ta I ll IVU B I VI stLTsV JavAVA. W. ftMUMCMTTK,! SjOWViMSV atCJJMAUCalA . ?"'-iV; - .v--'' . C ,?' Vilify k Little Effie (not at all Inclined to go la sleep, to nurse, who is about to switch off the electric, light) Oh, please. Nana, don't turn on the dark! Punch. Maderata. First Business Men I don't care to be worth more than $100,000,000. Second Business Man Nor I. I ana convinced that the greatest happiness I to be found in moderate circum stances. Town Topics. M. B LOU ET M AX O'REIX. (French Satirist Who I Now Visiting the United States.) Tbe city, be says, is no longer able to extend itself from east to west, neith er to the north nor the south, so it is obliged to mount to the cloud. The step thence to the celestial country, at this rate of advance, will soon be very short. Fourteen years ego, when he passed tip and down Broadway, and met there so many men hurrying along with frowning brows, he? said to himself: "Poor devils, thsy are returning from visits to friends who live at No. 538 Kast One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street or No. 302 West One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street." But now when he sees them he exclaims: "Poor, friends, they are asking themselves if at four o'clock they are going to be millionaire or dead broke." - The few words that he lias devoted to American women nre too charming not to quote in full:' "By the :de of the preoccupied faces of the men," he lays, "pass the women, gay, smiling, smart, true Parisians by their elegance and by their air, adrairably gloved and coifed, and wearing shoe of Impeoea hlo iaate: wearinir iauntilv the latest fashions from our fine Paris; prefty, well-made, supple, with eyea gleam ing with Intelligence, ' the whole crowned with enormous hats placed proudly on the most beautiful heads in the world. He refers to the American million aires who should be called billionaires he declares, in order to form any con ception of their colossal fortune, The tastes of these great magnate varr, some or tftera having tneir spe clal train and their French chef at $10,000 a year; others practicing dem ocratic simplicity, patroniamig the om nibus and contenting themselves with a democratic beefsteak at a popular New York bouillon.- He concludes in saying that nothing 'j licking-to the Americans except Httle ivy on some old wall to recall that the world does not date from ye' terday. But this ivy. too, he says, one is in the act of fabricating, just as cobwebs are manufactured for wine merchants and restauranteurs. Baked la a Qaarr?. Khiney Patches What sort of Cake is this that tbe ludy gave you? Weary Willie She said that it was marble oake. Shiney Patche Marble nothing! It' granite. N. Y. nerald. Dcllla-erent Kentacltr, Statesman What you Kentucky pol iticians want to do is to get together.' Kentuckian T)h, I don't know: wheuever we do get together there are fewer of u to get together the next time. Detroit Free Prs. Too I.lternltj- llnrnionton. Haberdasher What is :his you have cne to Yani'y? He t-. flares you have insured him, slu that he will lever buy another penny' worth i- :h store. Clerk Why, he came in an ! said that he wanted a complete outfit 'hat har monized with his physique. 1 glanced down at his legs and laid a bow tie on tbe show case, and before I could dig tp the other things he w as gone. Los Angeles Herald. Oae Ie0llloa. "What is the difference between a statekiuan and a pollticiaLV stked the little boy who v.aa'.s to grow tp to b W IM-. A statesman," a!4 the n-.n of great pruKtic-ai forc-e, "Is the ir.n who is stuyibg wii.t she constitution pf tbe L'silted fc ..- meats, while the other people are fcut!!cg to gtt vctes." Washington Star. APPEALED TO KING. Five SpanUh Chora filrl InDUtreas Found a Kmlicht Errant ia Carlo of I'orlOKal. Headache kills, not necessarily suddenly, but SURELY. It preys upon the intellectual powers more than we realize. It consumes the vitality faster than nature can replenish it, and we cannot tell just what moment a temporary or complete aberration of the mind will result. Headache and pain should be promptly re moved but properly. Many pain cures are more harmful than the pain. Beware. If you would be safe, take Pain Pills. Dr. Miles "As a tesult of neuralgia I lost the sight of my right eye, and the pain I have suffered is incomprehensible, be ing obliged to take opiates almost con tinually. A friend gave me one of Dr. Miles' Vain Tills and it promptly re lieved me. I then purchased a box and now my trouble is gone. They have also cured my daughter of nervous headache, and I heartily recommend them to others." W. J. CoRLEY. lire mond, Texas. Sold by Druggists. 25 Doses, 25c. Dr. Mils Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. for Infants and Children. OMtorla Is ft liarnilftfs trabstitat for Castor OH, PrV ffortc. Drops ana Pootnuig oyraps. as 1 a-ieswawu contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Vareot ftabstance. It destroy Worm and sUlays FeTeriahneaj, It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieve TeetiJ tnar Troubles and cures Constipation. It rearnlates tV Stomach and Bowels, giTinr healthy and natural sleet. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend . j me Mna iou nave Always jjougt Sears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. New-York Tribune Farme NEW OLD PAPAR for slit rears tha NEW YOKK WEEKLY TRWUNR I,- J national weekly newnpsuer, raid almost entlieljf l (urtiwrO baa enjored Die onfldenoe and support of lh Amorlcaii im j .J . A i : 1 - .j 1 1 THE New-York Tribune Farm ! made abanliitalr 'or farmer and their families. The flrat gj Every department of airrlcultural Industry I eorerod hr J enntrlbutnr who are loaders In their respective linn, sn I thj lll'NKr'AIMEKillhainevrenaa a hlh clan, u,) to J live, enternriainr aiirieultuml nm. protuwlv illuatmiil picture i.l live stuck, model larro buildincssnd homos, ajric J i iiHtvuiucrjr, VHJ. Karmers' wives, sons and daughters will And special log ir viirarutiniuviit. Keeulsr pries. 11.00 per year, but you can buv It win, fitvorite home weekly newspaper, Tha Middleburg l'osr oat or st cu. Hend your sulscrlptlon Ind money to tha Mlddlebura; Pot. fmd yoar nameaad nddraaa la the NEW-YWHK BrXE rARnr.lt, Srw York Cltjr, and. M free aasl copy will be mailed la yo. Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Fayms REMEMBER- H. HRRVEY SCHDCH GENERAL INSTANCE A6ENCV Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Lite, Acc ident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Not The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 11,0 ,1 " Home " . " 1853 " 9,83,6 t4 American " "1810 " 2,40; The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The fidclitu Mutual Life Association. elicited. ZijllUUU. "JJe r sv -i.es e e:!," m;2 lie young i.A:or, "but I Coii't tzct'.y like tLe tj e cf Lis uer." 'IVli.' a.ar.t r?" Squired tie c!i jrc!iiijir. "Joues, tie utiertitier, write c3 mt thtt if I i:i sk! mr ptler,t to b ra lie will jrusrsuiee theiu sstisfae tiioc." 3nif. Hard Lark. "Areu't you li you re llvSnj' to Ibis age of jtivectiun?" t icisiuiei! tie this tuao itb tie wsrt os Lis cose. Caj't ssy I sna," replied tie blJ becea uiiu "lew ttt, I istrned rrii)w, nd tt' rot s tlocogTscb lkt tht Is forever Ls1or rrisd out reor tLst Ler firtt tibc wtCtl" From Tort upral comesarather pretty storv of five Spanish chorus girls ap' pealine successfully to King Carlos for help, after finding themselves strand ed at Lisbon throitph the disappear ai'ce of the manager and treasurer of the troupe to which they belonged, carrjir.g with him nil the cash. Their consul declined to do anything for them, and accordingly, they decided to appeal to the king. Their attempts to secure an audience by means of a letter proved fruitless, so they trav eled out to Cint ra, where he was spend ing the summer, ai.d, taking advan tage of the fact that the publio are admitted to the royal gardens, re mained concealed behind a biibli until they saw the king approaching, where upon all five burst suddenly upon him and surrounded him. Somewhat startled, the burly and enormously stout young king inquired of the la dies in what way he could oblige them. Whereupon they all began to talk and cry at once. Carlos had the utmost difficulty In ascertaining what wa the matter, but a soon a he learned of thr'r predicament he emptied the en tire contents of hi purse into their hand, bade them dry their tears, com menced chatting gaj ly with them, and finally shook hands with the in all round, directing hit aide-de-camp to escort them to tbe railroad station and see that they were furnished with rsilrosd ticket back to Madrid at hla eKjwnse. Peeve t Vl la llssbt. There re over 3.QW firm Id the world msnuiacturing munitions and supplies of wsr; of these 000 are in Um Assarfsaaat af rilea. There arc 4 different kinds of bont. - HUnnderatooA. Junior Partner By the way.talking t unexpected windfalls. Burroughs tell nie he has come in for some money. Senior Tartner That o? Just tell him he can go out again without it. Philadelphia Tress. Time Euonsrh. Miss Kostique She says you have a habit of telling all you know. Cholly The idea! Why, she nevah met me till lawst evening, and then only for five minutes. Miss Kostique Well? Catho'.Ic Stand"-'' ! srin.w. durinq HOT WEATHER U5E- ULFAME COOK STOVES New Rochester" WICKLESS SAMPLE, SAFE f00KIXG under those circunistoncpa It a pleasure. The Rocbe; I amp Co. stake their reputation on tie stove ia qnnsti m. beft evidence of the Fatisfaction eDjoe li testimonials galore aul plicate ordeia from ail parts of the w 1 Id. Send for literature, both for tbe "New Rochester" Cook Stove n the "New Rochester" Lamp. Tou will never regret haviDg introduced those gectds into your lioM iioid. The Rochescr Lamp Co., ; ' ace and 33 Barclay St., New York. a tmw iaua "jj Cvnu'r sUoptd CCC Never sold In bulk. Mwc a Kf CuUr who tries to stll IkswIWm hist as Jood." The name of Gizzcla Mr'vagogovick appear ia the new directory of To- peka, Kan., but the Kansas City Star suggests that the man may have had hiccough when the enumerator called. W'rn you wake up viih a bad taste ia your mouth yu may know. tb t you need a dose of thamuer- lain a Stomach & Lmr Tablets T will clcant-e your stomach. improve yuor appetite and make you feel, e a new man 'J Ley ore easy to take. ' inz euc.ir roa ed. ana pleasant in eflect. roria'eby tbe H.ddltburgh Drug Store. Advice it a good thing, but the Phil adelphla Saturday Evening Post think it will always be something of a nub sauce until tbe giver of it accept re sponsibility for the bad a readily as they take credit for tbe good. CC AGENTS WANTED Lawn Swtofs and Settee, Hammock Ckalrs, Camp Chairs aad Stools, Iroalnf Tables, Wash Benches, Etc Agents easily make $5 to S10 Per Day Will furnish samples at R- duced prices to those desirii agency. Exclusive territoij given. Address, Clitriiild Woadin-Win Co., cuuncii, ft i i s bp m m l-Cll .ii ai i ii r om AS earrUasndhsrns. Deal wim Um bmSoit. oil ear km wboleisl rasss, Oar 7w Mil ins dtwt to customers to saving tiinids of dollsis loestttasa burs la ewry ooriMr of oonntrr. WsquoMtbosaakOrstMloroaliMtwowould (lv tlto latst wdohmsIb Jobber, snd m oOt yoa an saw rt men! So chuuoa from Miob u no ottxr dosler osa sliuw. Wllb ytt purcbM wo slvo lb bmdtat fiMtesntco. If It In not In everr wsy auloateUu7i you OM Ittum tB tW" to u sod we wU r froiblsiiarraBoiUwsrs wsasasiss . Gavo two Profits tnt yoa os harms and other hoist equlpou WrlU fur our ff llluMnModostaloauoUiwlilc OaMrlb tb husrX, sttrrar, BbaNoM,ote.,tbol bavoi UkMAm mur tmMxtrv fkmotu ftjr wmir himh orftd. iJonl I wolt until vHir noad Is otoro reIns I mim t4sj aad I If a MM "wry. Trim Sat J tbiywul tnm tulsmlioS) I aaveliMostalofuobr joufur fulunass. THI COIUMUI CAMIatl HMNIII CO., Castsas, 0., P.O. 11 tit. KUatS,M.,P.O. SmM, ' WrttttesatiosleSka, &ss x.- LB, Va mi Hlnsl wf Sir iisrana i iwi 1 f t II t ( ii 25e.ie.K. if known i! classified. . j " w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers