MoCLUBfi. JoM-hU. . her-in-law, K. 3"""--u8. T. A.Kwingof Lewustowa ht.r parent Edward Mt- Ll wife one uaj isw. . Vm. H. -Hertaler nd Helen, made a trip hi wii this. week. W V. Reiifer. Charles Mattcrrt F. Felker were home over irom Bi'rnham. 1 Middlcswarth and wife and lin Felker and Mrs. M. E. ;warth attended the funeral Fees of lJeavcrtown.Satur- IpapA. K. Middleswarth, 4 seriously sick, is somewhat It this writing. . . shirt factory is ready and kr oil g.HMIS lllUk " r 1 ... iuM or lost in me nooti. Invell scribe to the Post MeClure senbe said in a ' i slie of the 1ost that te M at last court fell on a man und he gloried in it, Mnstanie x ciui uotiito i) sav we, that is why we Lieiitiou ofit. Troxelville scrihe to the ,"pavs lie obberves that all U end candidates were "snow ier" at the late primary . and t easily explained, lhat is l,at we think, as he says they all first-class men, and no a! ont that, but as he fays, -t end docs not stand up tor ime men as we should. . e know why this is, yet it is n -t fact. It home men -r mrs are fit for the oflice to tliev asnire. we should never .in- neighbor and support the -.' a i e m ail irom auihianceuiiies-i mr 'in id reasons. This (should good iu judicial campaigns as Would rtiiuinh Ibelinb. li-iiiiiprs oi ine uayrevcwi' ion" would uso Dr. Jvluc b Jew in ption, the club would go to tor it niwavs eurtB ims ma r-and Asthma, the kind that s tuo doctors it wholly drives V lio' tvureni. Thousands of boneless eufferera from Con ption, rueuroonla, jjioqcuiIm heir lives and health to it. It tiers Grip, saves little ones from li and hooping Uough and is m y guaranteed lor all I Croat Liuur troublec 5Cc. S1.V0. Trial s fi-e nt Middleburff Drue (rnvHH, Waimon & Co., Rich rn., lr. J. W.&Bell, PeniiB- , Pa. Baking Powder Most healthful leavener in the world. Goes farther. ftOVAl MHMM KHMCM CO . WW WW SELINSGKOVE. IVlincr and son left for their in Ilmiclingdon Saturday. Uiel Srhoch, Mrs. A. D. Corey, S. Wise and son speut iriday iiiluiry. is. Dr. Yau Jioskirk entertain-. r sister, Mrs. Daniel lleighard, L w i ury last keek. ill Nipple aud wife returned their trip to Phi la. last weak, e there they had a sight of be Henry. p. Lot Ulrich was the guest of inghter of Altoona for several lis. She reports havicg had an able tune. rs. Ueo. J?enstcrmacher ot In county was a visitor at the of A. A. Conrad and wife last ic pump house of the wate winch was injured during igh water, was promptly repair- hd is in shane to stioulv the ir amount of water. ie debate betweeu students of ligh school and the Ivy debating ty of Sunbury, which had been Boned several times en account e flood and inclement weather, oil r rulay evening. Thequcs liseussed was resolved "That pity increases as civilization ad k"Our school had the affirma tive. The prize is a fine silver cup. The judges were Jas. M. Woods Esq., of Lewistown, 1 rof. v-aroy, Prmciral of tlie public. schools of Danville, and M. I. Potter, Esq., if your town, 1 he judges .leeulel in favor of the allirniative. We are sorry to Fay that quite a number of the visitors did not conduct them selves in a proper mniner. Tailor Philips returned home Sat urday evening from Phila. where he was making his Spring purchases. The Misses Shatter of Illinois were guests at the hoims of J. M. JTJoyer ami family last week. II. L. Philips and wife were call d to Scranton to attencd the funer al of a relative who had died. DUSDOKE. Hope in adversity; fear in prosperity. Ilaekenbcrg's sale of farming stock aud utensils was a success. Our towusliip auditors did good work and Uicir settlement is satis factory. Eliza Mears has gone to IJIooms- burg to st'-y with a niece of hers, Daniel Kainble, the executor of his father estate, was Ln town anil visited our county geat on business. The prospects arc that our town ship poor-house will be empty. Somehow people can take care of themselves and do not admire such places. Fred. Wise moved near Pallas to a relative. Our supervisors are very busy repairing our roads. Our overseers have 200 cash on and our tax collectors have $200 to . collect yet. Our public schools will soon come to a close and how many graduates they will turn out is riot yet known Farmers will soon be at work for they never fortret what thou sowest tiiou shall reap and the good prices of last year acts as a stimulant. Do not forget to plant shade trees around the home and add some fruit trees to your orchard. Our grocery sells 51 lbs. of sugar for $1.00 and dry goods at cut prices. E. Crumbling is presiding elder on Ceuter district and II. I.Scanc, preacher in charge on Port Trevorton circuit lor the coming year. Frauk'Woodling sold a valuabl horse fur 8105. to S. Miller of Northumberland Co. Maria W. Dundore made a trip to Seliiisgruve and called on her sister. Moving time is at hand. Keep yotir smoke-houses well locked. According to the last census tlwre are two dogs to every one hundred of our population but in ourtown ehip we have a dog for every man, woman and child and why not raise the tax and keep sheep instead of dogs. Seed potatoes will lie in demand. Advertise them through the Post. &ICKEES HALF FALLS. Dr. B. Peale's practice U iu u prosperous cuodiliou Look out fur a wedding in the near future. ' . 1 ; Miss Jennie Herman of Globe Mills was a welcome visitor iu our. village. Quite a number of our young people attended the spelling bee at Meiserville Thursday evening ami reported a good time. I L F. Haines of Beavertown .was a recent visitor at this place. i Grant Daubert, a smilling young man of Port Trevorton, passed through town Thursday. j A.'U. Riue and I. II. Updegrove made a business trip to Pfouts Val ley Friday. E. C. Ujxlegrove was to Sel ins- grove Ihursuay. Miss Kate Hem ihl will a-xni- pany Miss Herman to her home. Mii-s Mary liiue was tj Port Trevorton Sunday. J. S. lline and wifccxpcct to take a trip South in the near future. Two of our nice voung men, J. Harry Kreitzer and A. It. lline, ex pect to leave us in the near future for Virgiuia. We all wish them a safe journey. Misses Katie und Jennie Herman were callers at . 1. Kines place Thursday. The small vx scare is over now Come and give JiiiiiIk) a call. A wSSCOtlSIf PIONEER Recommends Peru-na5 as Being Worth I Jts Weight in Gold. wmmmtl Ifr.JL. HowU. Marietti, Ga, writotl M I hT been troubled with catarrh la head, throat and . stomach for aereral yaara, and from aooount that I har. raad ln aareral newspaper of tho good effect that many hod received from To rnna, and whose veracity could not t doubted, eanacd me to give it a trial, and I bless the day that I did mike a trlaL It has made a new man ot me. "I via all my life up to about Cv years ago a rery healthy mau, aud about that time I was troubled with catarrh. I tried a number of prescriptions from different doctors but none seemed to re lieve me uutil I commenced the um ot Peruna, and from its uo I can truly say; that I have been greatly benefited, "f flat now it my tlshty-sevtntb year aad can walk mud get about am well aa many much younger than my telf and attribute It greatly to the usa ot Peruna. I kecpsomeon hnnd nil the, time, and consider it tho cheapest medi cine in tho world." Mr. A. Howell. J. K. Trinee, Kat Inin, X. Y., rito : " Peruna lias saved my life, and mud a stroll);, health y, Jolly old man of me, Peruna in Just whnt every family Mioull not be without. 1 have taken very for colds oiiicc I have ii . I l l n HEAVEKTOW.N. Miss Susie Dorr, who had lceu very seriously sick with measles, is almost well again. The Vice ol ni;cliiK Clouds the happiness of tho home, but a nagging woman often needs help. iSuo may be bo nervous and run-down in healtb that trillos annoy her. If bl'o in melancholy, excitttble, troubled witu loss of ap nhtite. headuche. sleepness, conRU- imtiou or fniutiutr ami dizzy Bnells, she needs Electric P.itter?. tho moht wonderful reniedv for ailing women. Thoiisnuda of Buflerers from female troublop, nervous troubles, back nclio and weak kidneys have used it. nnd become hpnltby. Try it. Only oOc. The Middloburg Urucr Co., day hill, Oarinan and Co., J'.icbGelil, I'h., Dr. J. w. MiiinpHoii, renns creek, l'a , guarantee mvliafaction. I'ORT THKYOHTON. Jno. D. I'oyer was a business cal ler at Sliitinokin last week. Harvey Shaffer is clerking in hardware store at Suubury. AVm. Neitz cnjoyctl a few days' visit with relatives at Sunbury nnd Shanioktn recently. Mrs. Sarah Krdley aud daughter have taken possession ot part of the Keiclicnlmch property. liev. llaney is conductinga scries of revival services in the J'van church whicli are proving to ho success and souls are being saved for the Master. John Keher spent the forepart of the week with friends at Shamokin. Mrs. lievi llohner returned home after a three weeks' visit with broth ers and sisters at Shamokin and Suubury. We Irish were all a little green Monday in remembrance of St. Pa trick. George Kine of Kanlz purchase the Port Treverton I louse for 2300. Mr. ltinc will take possession of the store room while tlie hotel will he occupieJ by Philip Daubert nnd family again the ensuing year. A very pleasant surprise p irty was tendered Mrs. Hauiy Keller Monday evening of 'ast week. The guests numbered sixty nine and iDreese left twenty five years, ago . ...i. . .. .. ... .. were well pleased with their treat but had made several visits to ins which consisted of chicken corn Vd home in the intervening time. soup. Mrs. Keller was the recipi- He is survived by a widow, one cut of many handsome presents. daughter, father, one sister and seven Chas. Keller and Miss Fry ot Se- brothers. His age was 57 years, i. i a - i i unsgrove visiieu uie lurmcr n pai- enta one day last week. Next time do not take us by surprise, Charlie, aa it might affect our nervous sys tem again. lion. John Paulin, Sr., a pioneer of Tort Washington, Wis., Is held in hij:h esteem by tho residents of that place, lie is onoof tho oldest citizen!. Iu n recent letter ho says: have used Peruna with good results for coughs and cold. It has also cvred my catarrh whkh always became worse when affected with hut a slight cold. I am recommending Peruna because It Is worth Its weight in gold." JOHN PA UUN, SR. Jf-t J. k. rniice. used Peruna, b u t when I do catch cold, Peruna is my medicine. "A miuisler cajno to mo last summer and ?aid that lie had seen my testi monial in the paper, and Ix'trau taking; lVruua. Ho a I d that it plraitr!it( n'd him rlirht up (he was troubled with kidney trouble) nnd Peruna cured him. I cannot express my thunks for tho benefit your uedkim has been to me." J. It. Prince. Abraham '.'.' i;b r, I'ieduiout, Wayne County, M., writes: "My wifo who U now cijjhty-sevea years old, suffered for about uixtoeu. years from severe catarrh of the head, which affected her sl;:ht and h arinir. saw Pc-ru-na advertised iu your ul- mannc, and testimoiihil.s tuuular to her caso nttrHcled my ntteiiiioit. 1 ew mio bottlo and it lielpcd her so v.v: 'i '.::t she is now uin the heeond bottle and sho thinks !". is Komi thiii;.; w nli rful. Her hearing and hilit aio boili in part restored." Abraham Zieglcr. In old ajic th-j imi'-otis ineml r..:.' -4 l.e- como thick'M' d and partly thvlr function. This leads to partial of hearing, smell nnd taste, ns wd! u C.I festive disturbpiiei-s. l'e-ru-iu ' .ri'-i id all this by its sp'viflc operation on a '.I tho mucous iT inliriii' s cf t Ii- body. One lmtllo will I'onvim e anyone. used nnd lV-ru-na 1 .:ik-s .i ;.fv-;-.i. stand-by with old and yi u:). If yotl do not derive prompt ard hat.s factory result- from the ueof lViuun, writo at once to Dr. Hai'liiian, a full statement of your caso and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. .-- AdJrw Dr. H;irt-eMnu ll . Thellftrtmau Sauluuiw -j'f 'r' rt . th, Kev. A. U. (Jrainley and wife at lended the United lOv. conference at Lock Haven laut week. The Uev. has again been returned to this charge fr the ensuing year, where lie is held in high esteem, not only by the members of his own church, but the people in general for his ex cellent, manly and Christian social qualities as a pastor, as well as for his true penetrating Gospel sermons. George Dreese, Sr., received a telegram on the 9th inst. aniiounc- !nir tlie donlli nt llis Roll. John. !lt llalstead, Kansas. The friends here j Haven. had no previous knowledge of his being sick, and the announcement was a severe stroke for the old gentleman. He had been oickjust one week with a cold in his bowels and dropsy of the lungs. Mr. John riiigainaii, a son of the late Frederick l'ingriman, is paying his second visit to friends in this, his native home. lie left here 33 years ago. His first visit was made about 1(5 years ago. His home was in In diana until January his wife died. Since then he has lived with his daughter in Illinois. Jacob K. Haines and Jacob Ii. Middlcswarth, who Koine time ago affected a trade of real estate, open ed the moving season Monday by exchanging residences. Uev. Y. J. 1 ice and family of Liverpool visited Mrs. Dice's par ents, Kdwurd Freed and wife, dur ing the last two weeks The Uev. also attended conference at Lock Educate Tone Uoweli With Cniearett. Canur Cathartic, cure eonatlpation forevee t0o.?". It C. 0. C. fall, drucKlsu, re'untl roones ,.. . Ixmt pay two irra pmflti whw r"o "taCM ni harnms, IVl with Ttlie factory, tit our lowtxt wUoImla nit. Onr tyntrm of "lug tUlVrt tOCllttoRMm kM.ln a MI.m in ntnlui. hllVeM In tVIT COrDlT Of th htilrjr. w quota th Mm rau to you tbat w would live tho lrurt wliolomil Jokher.and t'L'""' B artnient to ohoom from mob m no other dmlornn Bhow. Wlthvry pun'hn l.,Vv' i hn,ul riHintit. If It la not In very wy ilfucU)ry, you can return Uig vWi wui pay rniKbtcbarKui botu way. W u also Save two Profits fnr yoo on harnwa anil othr hora Kinlpmnt. k'rtf f.ip nnr hM llln.lrKtM.1 rAtnlfillAltl WtliCb W rirarrlha th linirtM urn.vii. nhti,HN. to.. tlmt hftVO t miula our factory fitmoui fiir their hl(!h ml. imn wlt until your nowl ! nior irMlnKi wrlw UnUy aud uav Uie cutaloguo by you lor rututv uac, THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE HARNESS CO., ri..h... n p n am 179. It 11. y 11 R. ax. -?. SlnKl Strap I 4'oltt Oonifort from Doctor. Doctors Bay neuralgia Is not danger ous. This Is poor consolation to a sull'er er who feels os If bis fnce were pierced with hot needles and torn with a thnu- 1 sand pnirs of pincers. A word of advise to bim: fitay indoors and usn Perry Davis' rainkiller. The blessed freedom from pain which follows this treatment cannot bo told. There is but one pain killer, Terry Day!'. .Urn ! cm 1 lilUblV llUnii-aM. ITU-' W9.WJ W Health maawmmtmmnmmKmtfammamammmm " For 25 years I have never missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong, and does me good In every way." John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Ka?3 Always Bought Bears the r Signature of wulf Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part- of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. Youbccomc strong, steady,courageous. That's what Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for you. ' JI.OOi bottle. All drajfUj. in inl'mcy. She is a!-o survive! by two iluiifjlitcr.-, Mis. A. M. Carpen ter antl Mr-. S;il uie Fried (widow and a iiuiiiIh r ot' grand and great grainlt'Iiildri'ii, two sister-, Mr. Jolin C. Sniit!i of tliis pl:uv utitl Mrs. Peter Iii.-y.Io of near Mid.Ilc crcek, and one lirotln-r, A. K. Mid dleswartli ct' M' t.'lure. The deceas ed was a life loiij 1111 inber nt tlii. Lutheran church, and a regular at tendant at Snii.lay scliool, prayer niecling and preaching services, as long as heallli and strength remain ed. I Ier pastor, Uev. I. 1'. Zim merman, preached t::e funeral ser mon from llcb. l-'J Saturday fort noon when a large concourse of re latives ami friends paid their respect to the departed, by attending the funeral. B R AlkTonr doctor wbntlio thlnk of Aror't;irlll.i. Uf knuwa all aMit tlilnniiHl old f iilly mrillctno. Follow lilt advlcu ami W9Wl!ll0Jtlsfll-'l. Mrs. Albert Dreese is quite ser iously sick. Some twenty of our lalwiring men have again comiueii'-ed work with the railroad company on work train. lloliert Barber, the clothing man, is busy packing Inst goods and will leave town this week. Wm. Dreese and wife of Painter ville visited friends in town over Sunday. Rev. I. P. Zimmerman's theme tor his last Sabbath evening's ser vices was "Perfect Manhood." It was especially preached to the young, anu was lilleu witu ricti thoughts throughout. llev.W. J. Dice preached a cred itable sermon in the United Evan gelical church Sunday evening. Ow ing to the inclemency 01 the weather and the tact that it was not very thoroughly announced, the audience was not as larire as it otherwise would have been. Mrs. Eliza 1'cese died on the 12 inst. nt the old Xer Middlcswarth homestead one mile cast of town, where she first opened lur eyes to the world 82 years ai d 28 .lays prior to her death. In ihc home of her only surviving son, Xer A. Feese, with whom she had lived for some time. Her husband, llei: ben Feese, died nearly five years ago, one son, Jacob, died 13 years ago, and five children preceded her UNION TOWNSHIP. I. W. Lnniracre, our auctioneer, has a f.'.le everv dv.v during March. j lleiilien l.i'ijwii ol Stceltoii is vis ! ilinir bis son. William. O ' Fred 'Wise moved to Pallas last week. An infant child f Chas. Auckcr died and was interred at Kciser chinch 'enieterv. E. Longncre and James Hnthfou will Iicgin tanning this spring. A POSITIVE GODSEND To All Bultercri ot Drupcpala. THE XAV1ER DYSPEPSIA REMEDY la tho onljr MUnlutoly harmlem anil InfnlltM pure for llrniM'tiiilii, CaUirrli if Urn Hiiiiimi'll. lli.nrtl.nrn, l.lrer c TV' ' V n Iti'I . n lion. NiTinns I:. ' I'.'.tv 1. . i..'. 1 u ... r, tultlliK from Imlt tli.ii Imvi' tli..u-.ii iN l-'tt' -' of r: ! '-'."il fr-'-n nr.r f-.rin. r i:itron i n'' i r t In- t' . i-' .i lipallh b 1 1 11 ! r I ... .1 ::f- ma..i; 1 . .ut by till. CRANO HSMtDV. . , ., Ttv lililil. '. i r . v : .. . ' f ,t dlrocUuti. ; ti iiuki. in.' a iu. SPECIAL H thii nto'lol iiMiip-iy la vn.r .K.viiiiv.vt 1 n - lit V I! tit for fi limited tlm" nly. 1 d ..;. i: -Hi. - i . If y miv.t ilt. 4 K..v. 4 i ;iki t cva-J' Cb4H.T ut 5 box ti wvti, A.ii;c.- , IDS Blhi l;U'"!l i.L. 1066 2J Ave, New Very, N.Y. Ftcoao nicntl . n tl:: r er. A ti hj ii :n ik .n im; roH'l It M r -Timrohi .- ir ;.tt.. ternlv for franiii. (c-r m. I 'Ut. oi: .!! U well wil-lliil. Ii i. i :! cr. niton, "ftii to ilav, plioto return I VJ0. it I'ov C HLIiait, WrIM to Doanat offloa. ' BtOCSB