it ?jf Envelopes : 11 VJk -v 2 " - 5 We bought a large con- t I l 1 stgnment of envelopes J Having bought so many f we secured a rock bottom I figure. . Send for - .ottet . . landprlcco.- l teller, filter aatl Pnfrleter. A Family jMraal, Dented U Revs, Seleses. Art, r :ltl tcMsay and Carrtat Llteratara. Rates: Out DIUr Per Aaaaai, la Advisee MIDDLEBUEGH SNYDER COXJOTt PENNA. MAE. 13 1902 NUMBER 11 mm LB am r n CT""'N' -Mrvir Jis Ja-jr May this year will come r Mit possibly can. me an. . f.r million and a half lied at the Recorders of- !blo on John A. Moatx's orn down. This Is a relic 's early days. ' Y. man who pays' bis rent and the dishonest man lias to keep moving. h of snow fell la9t Wed- ws the heaviest. fall of lehBd for years. ,, , , lir across the Island In the V river hns been, erected Yb again running through hrd Oil Company pipe line overflowed Joel Hollen- V in Union county, and he kiges. My house and lot, good btbuild'ngs, . Jacob Gilbert, MIddleburg, Pa. hnous letter writer has bro- Dlllsburg. and the letters r to some ladies of the bim into the penitentiary, Kt. bpen, nfMt Carmel, ha? Bkunkfarm near Blooms- W.Kase West, of Dan tlie skunks for twenty kiglng to n farmer up in Inty ate three bushels of and at the next churning ras discovered to be half butter. Eire interested In the study houid nsk for full particu tea this office for booklet s full details,' Course can f ekly or monthly install- blican Standing Committee tlaco Saturday and elected k of Kratzervllle, Chair- anks W. Yoder of this rer. i that the lead and zinc snac Dunkle fains, near luirch, If found In quanti n paying Industry, as the lysis shows that the com-it-clnss. man was recently In evi- ly In Treverton. Ho want- Ihe girls and held a light er a dynamite cap. It was until the cap exploded part of his hand and fn- the girls. bid dollars of Waynesboro pne astray and the author- Io to redeem them If they The holders have evi en tlem, but when they is strange that no record e purchasers. ;!. Soles In his new shav cuttlng parlor for your kith a refreshing sliom n towel to each patron de of Market saunre on. Ilotel. Satisfaction guar- tf. i F. M. S. of the Luth this place will hold a f In the auditorium r jhundny evening, March o'clock. A silver conce rn W. Deinixoer, Tres. K, Sec'y. erally known by the uon or this town, but hheloss, that a six-foot Wa In the bottom of the iverbed, and that ark ns loaded from It in the floated down tli larkots Curvensvllle " tells a truthful story ( beginning God created d the earth, then the ml advertiser and 'the X subscriber, which was cxt day It snowed and a wuo does not be- 'g; another who does me paper thon i,- -4 'evil got Into the mould- .wea tne man who 'for VMM . .J m np IT- L j to oro.r IuB ,cw lumps "le excuse ofa Prince Henry the past fovr days has been enjoying the hospitality of the west. It is a continual swirl of great demonstrations and gorgeous banquets, until the poor man has showu sigus of fatigue too much of the good thing. No wonder if he gets a swelled head upon his departure. It Is rumored that free mall deiiyery will be Introduced in Lewisburg within the next six months. This will be balled with delight by the patrons of the local post-office, as the congested condition of the place during disturb ing hours, especially In the evening, causes considerable inconvenience. Quite a number of Inquiries came from different parts of Suyder county during the past week for booklet on our ad writing course. The methods taught In this course are approved by John Wanamakcr and other large adver tisers. School teachers, clerks and other bright young men and women should ask for booklet Any one who has a spoonful of good brains and an ounce of common sense can master the problems of. ad writing. An ad ou the lust page of the Ladies' Home Journal costs o000 for a single issue. An advertiser who pays such a large price for space would not hesi tate to . pay $.")00 to $000 for the right kind of au ad to fill such valuable space. Those who wish to learn ad writing should address the Post. City papers state that Miss Mamie Johnson, of near Blxler post-ofllce, was found early Sunday morning wan dering iu u demented condition in the vicinity of Market and Juniper streets, Philadelphia.. Miss Johnston is the young school teacher who u u fml and gagged In the Liberty Wu.iy school house some months ago. The whole affair was suspicious. Her con dition Is the outgro wth, it is asserted, of unrequited love. Orders have been posted at different fkints along the New York division of the Pennsylvania Railroad prohibiting employes from frequenting, saloons whether on or off duty. Another order issued prohibits smoking cars or cigar ettes, or chewing tobacco while on duty, and a number of passenger train men who have neglected to obey this order were suspended for a short time and warned not to repeat the offense. It is understood now that similar ord ers will be posted on all divisions of the Pennsylvania system east and west of Pittsburg. Blair county puts the names of pro minent candidates for Governor on the primary ticket and gives the voters an opportunity to express their preference. The delegates to the State Convention thus get the wishes ot the majority of the voters of the party and are in hon or bound to vote In the convention as thus directed. Why should not all counties adopt the same rule, thus al lowing the people to choose the candi date. With such action there would be no excuse for any Republican who believes in majority rule, failing to support tho ticket. 'Teople frequently change their resi dence and when they go away, many of them forget to pay their subscription to the local paper and It is thrown into tho post-office box and marked "gone." If people understand themselves that would be the last bill they would for get to pay. They go into a new place as utter strangers and the people with whom they ure brought in contact and must have business relations with, very naturally want to know their standing in the community they left, Some of them will write back to find out and the two men they write to are the postmaster and the editor ot the local paper. What kfnd of a- recoin mcndatlon could yon give a man who slipped off and left several years' sub scription unpaid." Ccutreville low giun. ' When a trirl of sixteen Is seen on iho v .- Bircvw sue nas a cute way of tossinir I. . .1 J, 1 . ui-i urau us mini iru sue oivnpri run earth and was going to tho middle of me next Uiock to tret It. After trim In eighteen the world she owns is about as far as the Paris exposition was to iue most or us aim at twenty sue gives up all hopes of ever getting it at all. By the time she was twenty-five she has a vague suspicion that there is a greal deal of Insincerity in this world and the thing for her to da Is to get a position and do something useful. After a few years she gets married to a who Isn't at all the sort of a man she dreamed or. Then she concludes she Is better oQ In heaven. West Point Republican. ... TO CURE A COLD IXOXEDAT. ' Take Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablet. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature la on each box. 1 2So - . Ner B. Mlddleswarlh of McClure was in town Tuesday. John W. Runkle spent the early part of the week at Mt Carmel. Mrs. J. C. Amlg of Lewlstown is vis iting her parents in Swineford. Mrs. Geo. E. Specht and Mrs. Car bon Seebold are ou the sick list. Sheriff Row was at Sellnsgrove be tween trains Monday morning. M. I. Potter, Esq., was at Sellnsgrove Monday morning between trains. H. C. Helm of Shamokin Dam was a business caller at this office Saturday. Fred. Culbertsou of Lewistown spent Wednesday of lost week in this place. Charles L. Marks of the Phila. Den tal College vlnl ted his parents lust week. M. L. Krecgerof Seliimgrove visited his parents in Swineford last Wednes day. Jerry J. Spungler and wife of New Berlin visited C. G. Bingaman's last Thursday. Mrs. Reno Walter and Miss Ida Goodling spent Saturday with friends at. Paxtouville. W. H. Burrs and family of Pittsburg visited I. H. Bowersox and family the fore part of this week. Hon. G. Alfred Bhoch and wile at tended the funeral of Mrs. H. E. Miller at Sellnsgrove Saturday. The Ivy Club was royally entertain ed at the home of Attorney James G, Grouse Saturday evening, ( Henry Miller took a load of young people out for a sleigh ride to Paxton ville last Thursday evening. ' W. A. Napp, one of the Republican committeemen of Centre township, called at this office Saturday. County Treasurer Benneville Smith spent last week In the west end of the county, returning home Saturday. J. H. Rthrerof Port Treverton was at the county seat Saturday. He ex pects to leave the county this spring. T. B. McWilliams of McVeytown spent several days of last week with his father-in-law, Jas. M. VanZandt. Mrs. J. B. Arbogost of Selinsgroye and Mrs. Laura Kurtz of York visited Henry R. Rlegel and wife in this place. Michael Shembacher has returned to Kansas. The postponed cattle sale was not as largely attended as it hhould have been. Charles Swortz, lutely returned from the Philippines, spent the past week visiting his unele, J. W. Swartz in Swineford. James Decker of Franklin township is the happy father of a blir boy. They have three children and the children were all born on Sundays. A. K. Gift and wife will arrive In Middleburg about April 1st and take up their residence at their old home. They are now in Akron, Ohio, visiting their daughters. John A. Burner of Rlchfidld, agent for Elizabeth Burner, made an assign ment of all property for the benefit of creditors to E. A. Garman of Richfield, The notice appears in the Post. rrothonothary Geo. M Shindel was called to Union county court this week as a witness In a suit agaiDst the estate of Jacob Maurer for the value of a note for $1000. It is claimed the signature is a forgery. Anion S. Wagensellcr of Sellnsgrove spent Monday night in town, the guest of his brother, the editor of the Tost. He aifd II. A. Good had a heavy loss of ice and Ice house along Pennscreek during the recent freshet. John C. Boyer. who had been work ing at Lewistown for the Telephone Company, returned home last Friday. On account of tho death of his father. he was obliged to go to his home at Mt. Pleasant Mills. Wm. Hosslnirer of Franklin town ship called Friday to pay his subscrip tion. He left a copy or the Post dated Deo. 2, 1800, which he presents In the contest for the Post's life subscription offer. The paper bears no name, but jur. uasainger explains that In 1869 be resided here in town and it was cus tomary for boys to deliver the Da Den and no names were written on them. We have neither accepted nor rejected this paper in the contest but will bold ior iurtner consideration. . ' ? NU U Crick. Hert la a list of questlous for the wide awake boy or girl. Can you an swer 4J of them? You can see any day a white horse, but did you ever see a white colt? How many dlffereut kinds of trees grow in your neighborhood aud what are they good for? Why does a hone eat grass backward and a cow forward J Why does a hop vlue wlud one way and a bean wind the other? Where should a chimuev be the lare er, at he top or bottom, and why? Can you tell why a horse when tethered with a-rope always unravels it, while a cow always twists it into a kinky knot? How old must s grapevine be before It begins to bear? Can you tell why leaves turn upside down Just be fore a in ? What wood will bear the greats weight before breakihg. 1 Way Easter it "Movable." During all of March the sun Is com ing farther north. About the twentieth it shines directly upon the Equator, and the day Is just as long as the night, The time of the Jewish passover, and hence of our Easter, depends on this date. This latter always comes on Sun day following tly first full moon after the sun crosses the Hue. This accounts for its J being so "movable" a feast. March Ladies Home Journal. Mr. Kulp's Vlll. The will of Mrs. D. R. Kulp was read at per home Wednesday evening. She leases an estate valued at about $30,000, which will be divided as follows: rue interest on ),uuu to Miss Ella Kulp, $1,000 tq Chester G. ICulp, and the bal ance to be equally divided among all the children. The Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit dompany are executors of the estate. For the present Miss Ella will reside In the home of the deceased. Letter to A. ft. Shambach, y MlDDLUBUROH, PAr -' Dear Sir: You buyybur horseshoes and nails; your grand-father, if he was a blacksmith, made 'em. You can't afford to hammer them out by hand, when you can buy as good, or better perh ips, readymade to your hand, for a little more than the cost of the Iron. What do you think of a painter who goes on buying his linseed oil and white- lead, and mixing, and tinting by hand, and charging his time for work that is fur better-done than he can do ic, done by machinery, done ns your horseshoes aim nans are raaae. Mistake isn't it? r He is wasting his chance in the world. There Is no better stuff to do busiiusH with than good horseshoes ami puint; and no better work than putting themou. Good horseshoes well put on: It's the putting 'em on that mnl-s you a blacksmith: no matter who makes 'em. Who wants to go back to old times, and make his own horse shoes ? Between us two, Unit painter don't know bow to make good paint he us ed t ; liut paint has run away from him. Yours truly, F. W. DkVoe & Co. MAKKIED. Feb. 2S, by II. H. Spnhn, James F. Moyer and Sullie M. Dreese, both of Bcavcrtown. Mar. 4, by Rev. E. F. Ott, Chas. F. Sipe of Adams twp. to Sadie M. Au- mllK r of Spring twp. Mar. 4, by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, Or lando S. Troup to Katie E. Arbognst, both of Perry twp. Mar. 2, by Rev. A. D. Crumley, Chas. H. Dreese of West Beaver twp. to C'ivde J. Manbcck of Middlecreck. DiKD. Feb. 22, in East Buffalo town ship, Union county, Mrs. Mollio Lau denslag r, aged 67 years, 3 mos., 20 da Mar. 5, in Centre twp., Racliacl Boy er, aged 86 years, 5 months, 22 days. Old Copies of the Post Wanted. While the subscribers of the Post are hunting up their old newspapers, they might look for the copies of the Post that are missing from our files. We will pay liberally for a copy of each of the following dates : July 8, Sept 6, 1860; Apr. 0, Oct 13, 1870; Jan. 20, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15, 1879; March 10, May 5, 1881; April 26, 1883; Mar. 27, June 12, Oct. 30, 18S4; Sept 17, Deo 8, 10, 17, 24 1885; Jan. 28, May 6, Oct 28, Dec. 23, 1886; Dec 29, 1887: (. , - , . Baby Carriage for Sale. A taby carriage In excellent condition, used but very little, has rubber tires and a lace parasol, will be sold very cheap. Address Box 144, Middleburg, Pa. , Brief Fum llawsa Barrlck. Betlefoiits GitieMe. LlKVKU KKHXEI, 1IAKI)KH.-Ae helft fun der weldt waso net we de onner helft laebt, un won niers wist don dalda dale leit fun era hoacha box shteppa un onery daida era blotz nemnm. De fact Is, Kernel, es sin tsu feel leit os Jaevu utf wos de onera fiirdcena, un se blooga sich mae fur en dawler by b'shlsserl greega os se niistu fur aner arlich furdeena. Des hut sich g'wissa doh a pawryohr tzurick we der oldt Billy Sultzer en grocery g'shtart hut in Schwelteltown. Der old mon hut ols- farthardt g'shoft, un hut in sime iaeva ken u-arliclier duwlur gaagened. Are hut g'maned ynder ebber ware arlich, un we are mohl nimmy si bowerl stiver shoffu hut kennii hut are se furkuwfed un Is Ins shtetttle gatzooga un en gro cery g'shtart. Are hut g'inaned by sel lem wuke kent are si uldte duwga tsu bringa lueva ufl wos are maucht fun sime wenuich geld un breicht nimmy sohardt shoffa. Are hut.shclfer ufl gadoo un a pawr roya gukante tomats un wclshkarn un boona druff g'shtelt. Demo hut are en box g'schniokede herring ufl'g'mnucht un ufl'der counter g'shtelt, en burl tzooker unlch der counter, en lot grnaiilener coffee rous g'shtelt un eu roy Frishmute duwock un rhode-shtraflcher tzooker ull's shelf navlch feel onery glaenu socha, un sich demo onim g'hucked, si pife aw g'sli- tecked un g'wurdt fur customeus. Are hut net long g'sltzed bis en gluener boo nl cooina is mit flnf cent fur tswae g'schniokede herring kawfu. un der ojdt mon hut ctTgeld in de box es ar- sht os are si Iaeva fardeened hut oony shoffu en hoonert per cent, broflt, Der naixt customer wore deoldt Heckle Hetzel. Se hut en pock Frishmute mit hame un dart wore sivvu cent broflt, un so is es awgonga bis owet hut are drl dawler un sivva cent cash im sock g'hot. "Des boat boocliwaetzu boweru nil der flre-shtue rich," hut ure tsu sinera oldta fraw g'sawd, tin der naixt niorga wore are widder in simo shtore bissy oni kara un es soch in ordnung shtella. Der hondlc sir I coonia long- some im awfong awer awenich luue ollu dawg un es wore shier oil cash. Der oldt karl hut, by chucks, endlicli eu bank account g'hot. Awer derno is ebbes g'liappened. De loodcr-grobbn hen en oldter gowl gnrucha, un aner noach em oneru is tsu tlccgu coonuv. Se hen oil cash batzawled fur u pawr dawg,un derno lien seg'frogt fur gredit ols uslit a pawr cent im awfong, aw er a pawr cent doh un a pawr cent dart hut gli si cash box gnoka nmucha we dreisich cent wexel un si groceries sin gonga we der sclinao im Obril. Awer de accounts wora oil goot. Dart wore der Bill Heichel, fore-slitayer in der karrich. Dare wore sliiinUlreitzae daw ler Im gride, awyer en mon os ollu Soonduwg morga noach der karrick gacd mit der beevil milch amo aw rem un es hymn-hooch unlch cm onera, tin con so griselhoftich bada set duch ar lich si, un der oldt mon hut si mind ufl' g'maucht os are eue net insulta duid mit ene froga far uff-casha won are de gons bisness fnrlcera dald. Endllch hut are duch erne en hint nows g'hova os are geld hovva mist far si city credl. tors satlsfya, awer, der Bill hut aw fonga kurricha socha schwetza un hut em oldta mon g'sawd os so en gooter mon we are set tsu der karrick kara, un won are era g'mae jolna dald don duid are saena os se ene bletzllch fore shtayer maucha dald. Are hut seller dawg anyhow nix batzawled fun sinera oldta account awer hut widder drl dawler waerdt groceries gakawfed un we are es batzawla hut wella hut are g'funna os are usht en dawler un drl cent in sime pocket-booch hut, un os onner 1b widder uffs booch. Der lood- er-grob hut si rousa full g'hot un der oldt gowl Is ols wennicher worra. Der oldt mon woreshtultz mit sime hondle. Are hut net gadenked g'hot os are so feel, frelnd bet, un si bisness is gawoxa bis are shier de onera groceries ous ga drivva hut Awver endlicli is ebbes g'hapiened we's olsfart doot Eu bill fur en hoonert un furizich dawler is cooina mit der mail fun Fildelfy. Dos WOro far cilerlae socha-foel derfuu os ure net farkawfa hut kenna-cven du loo,br. grobbu hen ken usr g'hot derfuu. Dj ecKa wora full, ue shelter, woru full un de soon hut de shaena oooshtawva utf du boxa gablalched g'hot bis mer se shier nimmy saena hut kenna. De city looder-grobbu wora enio aw noach. Se hen erne socha aw-gablowdered g'hot os are gor net gnbrelcht hut, bis end- iicu nut are olios g'hot os fur ken use wore except en bank account, un tier shrief hut en notleo uff si deer go-tack- eu. Are is tsu tla karl woo socha ga kawfed hen uffgredlt Der Bill Heich el hut erne en check gevva far finf-un-tswonisch dawler. Der oldt mon hut erne drl dawler wexel gevva, awer we are on de bunk coonia is hen bo enie g'sawd os der Foreshtaycr Heichel hut ken account in solera bank tin der oldt drup hut de gons bisness farlora. Dri dawg dornouch hen so auction g'hot oni oldta Billy Sultzer sinera ro.-ery. Der shrief hut de socha furkaufod by em shelf un der oldt mon is rogus g'shtepped un hut si boweri diin g'lust Der naixt Sonndnwg morga is der Bill Heichel nueli dor karrich g'shtepped mit der beevil unlch anie awrcm un en hymn-booch iinich em onera. Un so gaed de weldt. De grossa fish fressa d glaena. Es sin fi r sorta leit de woo era shuldu batzawla wile se gleiclia os tsu do ; do woo so batzawla wiles batzawled so tsu batzawla ; de woo batzawla wile se niissa, un de woo se gor net batzawla. 1T .'. . v.' ..l.--sawga, Kernel, wa Heichel In dor hlnmiel gaena 't' glawyadon is es fur kue use mae uff-holdu oin anora blotz. Es set yader tbber a pawr lessons Inernafuni oldtu Hilly Sultzer sinera experience, uu inh sin ue: 1 Lussnomond si liisness farlussu on are furshtucd un in bisness gao os are nix derfuu wuse. Es is hornt en oldter hK)iul nio tricks laerua. 2 Es con nomoud sawga wos in ma mon sime hart is wou's tsu-gadeok-ed is mit ma gooda glade. 3 Der recht-sht flu mon brouch ken bell nw hovva de leit kenna ene any how, un. 4 En kortze account is mac waedrdt os en long galade. Ols widder, (joitm i:n Boonasti kl. .MAGIC COLOK PICTURES. Willi it ;Iiinm f Wnlrr mini a llrimli n iillil Jlujr Ilf-rumc nn Artlnl. A glass of water and a sponge or brush act like a box of paints on tho wonderful "Watergruph," which will appear in next Sunday's Philadelphia Press. It's the cleverest novelty of the year. Tin; pictures are printed appar ently in blach ink. You touch llieni with water, ami in a second they be come beautiful water color plantings. Xo skill is needed. Children can do it as well as grown folks. These "Water graphs" arc in addition to the myster ious magic pictures, which you rub over a blank space witli a coin and a picture appears. The great puzzle-man, Sam Loyd, is now on The Sunday Press stair of en tertainers, lie lias a page each Sun day that will set you thinking and amuse you, too. Order next Sunday's Philadelphia Press of your newsdealer in advance. Then you'll be sure to got it. N Inch Snow $i Years Ago. We have boon reminded by Win. Ilasslnger of Franklin township that in the Post of March 17, 1S7C, the fol lowing item was published : "Sxow. Tuesday night we were visited by a regular old-fashioned snow storm which busted until yesterday noon, when the snow was about 18 inches deeo on the level. We learn that some of the crossroads in this vic inity are drifted very much and almost impassable." Last week's snow was 13 to 20 Inches deep. A Month Without A Full Moon. The month, of February, 1SG6, was the most remarkuble month in the world's history. Janruary had two full moon, and so had March, but February had none. This had not occurred since the creation of the world and, accord ing to some astronomers the same thing may not occur again for a period of . 600,000,000 years-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers