The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 06, 1902, Image 5

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Again wu North Market street
the winter with friends here, J flooded, owing to a want of proper
hotne Monday, rang cuivena to carry on uie water, lne
idispoeed, thought Kiaviaoi it K. Uo. and iSoro are both to
l immc - blame.
Cngineer from Wrightsville U Wm. JL Hoftman, who his
been with ' her husband south,
UelBobb of Michigan, who
kting the engine in running
for the shirt factory, me
Ualso having arrived ana
U au expert to set them up.
Kahley anu lamny ojicu
at this place. '
i Baker has gone to JLawis-
i work in a restaurant
H. Will ex-constable u
private dUten. Philip says
can again attend raffling
Even if be did not get
jpointment of tipstaff. The
II on l rotier roan.
E. F. Olt will preach his
sermon at this place next
evening, having resigned
a i ha tiannineas of the home.
agginr woman often needs
be may te so oervuus uu
m in ntaun tnai innes
ler. If sbe is melancholy,
9, troubled with loss of ap
ehe. sleenness. consti-
r fainting and dizzy spells,
In F.lectrie Bitters, the most
ful rpmndT for ailin&r women.
nds of sufferers from female
f, nervous troubles, back
et weak kidneys have used it.
ome healthy. Try it. Only
le Middleburjr Drug Uo.,
L Garman and Co., Richfield,
. J. w. oampBen, renns
Fa. guarantee satisfaction.
bniage has been reported in
nship from our late high
There is no doubt but we
Ir the care u.' 7r. Mitchel,S.
tip's broken arm is doing as
an be expected.
lea Houser was buried in
, . WT t 1 t
ivn last weunesaay, navine
w days previous, some of his
r county relatives and friends
his funneral.
iMollie Hoofnagle expects to
r home in Mifthn county by
of April.
r Emanuel Knepp was called
kigbor Henry Bumgardners
10 attend to the .wants of a
r. '
ley Wngner bought Levi B.
two big cows last week for
i. - - '
ew Measle cases we had here
led to be all oonvalascent.
nook is home from McVey
Vre he had been working for
inetord on the stave mill.
bscrriber totheMiddlebnrg
you will often see your
(he news of the week. Other
e is very little use, as you
to seen.
turned home last week for a short
time. - .
Rev. Dr. Focht of the College
church was not able to fill his ap
pointment Sunday evening, ' having
an attack of the Grip. .
The basket ball game between the
Professionals of Phila. and Susque
hanna team was rather one sided, in
favor of Susquehanna by a score of
62 to 19. . . v :
J. II. Ulsh received a telegram
Sunday from the Physician in charge
of the Hospital at Man Island, San
Francisco, Cal., that his son wa
suffering from a severe attack o
Chronic Rheumatism in his legs,buf
otherwise he was better.
The evening passenger train from
the West was stranded here Saturday
evening, owing to the dangerous
condition of the tressleon the Island.
The passengers over GO in number
were taken to the different hotels
and cared for. Sunday afternoon
they were taken toLewistown June,
and sent around by Harrisburg.
Some however had gone elsewhere
Sunday by Livery teams. The
water rose persistently until Sunday,
midnight when it began to recede.
It was about 6 inches lowet than
the '89 flood. Pine street bridge
again came out victorious as it still
stands. The lower bridge, two spans
are gone and the other span damaged.
The bridge above town I am told is
badly damaged. There were a great
many people iu town from the sur
rounding country during Sunday.
The Net 'Fad.
Stubb Since my wife has taken tip
bowling: che is always after me for
money to play the game.
Penn More pin money, eh? Chi
cago Daily News.
Meaa Conclusion.
She He refers to his wife as sweet
lie Gracious! Has he had as many
as that? Yonkers Statesman.
Wonld tmnh the Clnfc.
If members of the "Hay Fever As
sociation" would use Dr. Kintr'a New
Consumption, the club wonld go to
piece?, for it always cures this ma
lady, and Asthma, the kind that
baffles the doctors it wholly drives
from the system. Thousands of
once-hopeless sufferers from Con
sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis
owe their lives and health to it. It
conquers Grip, saves little ones from
Croup and Whooping Cough and is
positively guaranteed tor all Throat
and Lunar troubles, 50c, $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Middleburg Drug
Co., Orgy bill, Oarman & Co., Rich
field. Pa., Dr. J. W.Sampsell, Penns
creek, Pa.
- Denim
na nsroCM. BMl with tb factory ,
rjroflta when vnn hrr
Oft our lowest wbotoaate W Our Mm or
mi2SSSStSJ!l,SIou would Slve th. tergcat wboleMl ; obbv, udn
f taSlS..(!"?-.!! ' With .rir7pa"t!U
Save ttvo Profits
w-ZPlL0" n"wj na other bom qnlpmonu.
writo for ear fno Uliuusud oUloeu In which wt
m.?,.-'111?' ". Ph"tOM, ttc, that h.T.
mMooarflwtorjrIamoaafortboIr hlco imd. Donl
kl.S.!i!!Sr Bee? ta mo? PtaSi writ to-day ud
ra Um vcblcto
hbjh sroda. Donl
I hvo tbo OBtaloguo by rou for futon dm.
rn tsu cewsiDas, 0., r.O. Ut TIZ
r top.
Win. to
L. I m I i II 1
MI7 ttinw. Prio.M
KKEAJJKit. , , ; v . . uUSliOftE.. ; ..
Quito a few of our citizens at-' OIkj thorn of experirtice is worth
tended court last week. whole wiluVruei-s of Warning.
John Deitrich, who is attending.
JohQ '& Sliafer is buying a new
Keller's Business College.Lewssburg to start up farming.
was home on a two week's visit.
' The heavy snow has done consider
able damage in our vicinity.' Frank
Wagncrf spig stable col!iivsel,killing
a rig and the roof ofMr.Iiumbai'h's
shed,an old land mark, full in also.
Mr. and Mrs. Deitrivch and Miss
Irosa i alter Sient Tuesday .with
Mrs. D's sister at Win field. "
i Grover Smith, who has lnvn aU
tending Keller's Hnsim-ss College,
has nuished his course mid s uow
at home.
; m. Geniberhng and family of
oalem spent luesdav with Mrs. J.
F. Walter.
Airs. Li. Walter who was visiting
her drughter, Mrs. A. W. Smith at
belicgrove returned home
Rev. Shambach, not Ixiu abh to
preach here at his last appoiutment,
which was Saturday evpning on ao
count of bad weather preached his
last sermon for this conference year
on Ihtirsday night. We all sincerely
hope that lie may return. N
Amauda Witteumyer ol'Middle-
burg spent several days with N. C.
Gutelitis and family l;ist week.
Chas. Rowe spent a week with his
daughter, Mrs. Miller, of Paxinos.
Geo. Hoke of Danville spent afew
days with his wife hiht week who is
caring for her luvalid mother, Mrs.
Perry Aurand.
S. T. Ilillbish and wifj of Selins-
grove paid a flying trip U our town
oomcofour people were to Se-
hnsgrove Sunday to see the hiirh
water. It is reported to be only eight
inches lower than the Hood of '89.
idly gaining lavor with all. ' Thin f
p that our goods are right aa well as our prices. We
" jvus iDHpecuon oi our
ater Buckets,
ater Buckets.
W Buckets,
poal Buckets,
Chamber Pail6, ,
J Cans,
. 35c
1 qt Milk Pans, 10c
6 qt Milk Pans, 20c
8 inch Pie Plates, 10c
10 inch Pie Plates, 12o
llqt Stew Pans, . 12o
2 qt. Stew Pans, 18o
3 qt. Stew Pans, 25o
10 qt Dish Pans, 35c
Vble Tumblers,'
VT .
anpies, each,
jnds, etc., each,
1 qt Milk Cans, 20o
1J qt Preserving Kettles, 23o
2J qt Stew Pansj 25o
Roods in proportion. We have the only line of Turkish
I at 10 cents each. Otkor. i e a it
While they last, we will
in plain figures.
it), pail of
MS 4S OontB.
-a I. tsesM,., Tlrra conneeM-n.,.
. Haln-a Run oil t'hnniltprliiln'
'oil;U ItPiiiftly,
Bet wee J the hours of elevou o'clock
a. m. ana closing lunn nt niglit on
Jan. 25tb. l!)ol. A. P. Clark. tlruesrisL
Glade Sprincs, Vn, sold twelve bot-
11 ti n. l l. r, i. i. ,
He says, "I nevtr handled a medi
cine that sold better or cavo better
satislaction to my customers. This
T. 5.1 V .
tvemeay nas oecn in general use in
Virginia for many yeavp, n-ul the
people there are well acquainted
witn us execeiu nt qualities, many
cf them have testified to remarkable
cures wbicb it has effected. when
you need a good, reliable medicine
for a cough or cold, or attack or the
ario. use Chamberlain's Conyli item
edy and you aro certain to be more
than pleased with the quick cure
which it affords. For sulo by the
ldJlebureu Drug Stoic.
Harry Auckcr and John Stabl spent
part ot last week at JSew Columbia.
John D. Marks transacted business
at Middleburg last week
C. E. Auckcr nnd family of near
Danville were visilingamoug friends
here last week.
Enoch Auckcr was to llichfield
last Saturday on business.
On account of the high water Pal
las and crdilla had no mail last Fri
day A. L. Strawser was ncullcratMt,
Pleasant Mills last Wednesday.
In our congress not long ago there
was quite a racket. Ihe parties were
not lrom fcsouth Carolina (iither.
W. D. Drown offers a fresh cow
for sale.
Emanuel Auckcr lias a don-that
has the whooping cough.
The public roads in our township
are in a bad coudition, owing to the
high water of last week.
Our late heavy snow demolished
several buildings and ani-.n them
Chris 13i tner's baru.
8f die Kainbo is tta incr at Hern-
dob with It Witmet's family and
serving for thetu.
A. E. Wittmr bouiht nu all-pur
pose horse aeoss the River.
William Witmer of Catawissa
attendul UU mother's sale and naid
fivO-dollars fur u family-loon ofa
set of teas and plate..
Our sales last week were wel' at
tended and prices were satisfactory.
Kate Gable of Northumberland
is staying with her father, George
Campbell, who is on the hick list
Maria W. Duodore sueut a few
days with her sister and waited ou
her niece, who was on the sick list.
QRcv. 11. T. Searbe has left for
C)ck Haven to attend the Annual
Conference of the United Evangelic!
Oor supervisors will be busy for
sometime making our roads passable
anil repairing bridges.
I lie busquehamia was hiirh at the
close of last week.
A bridge at PortTrevorton would
mean a daily mail, as it is we have
mail when providence is favorable.
A thunderstorm so early in the
season indicates approach of spring.
March comes in as eeutle as a
lamb but may go out forgetting its
Cofiee 10, Sugar 5, at Dondore's.
The flood of last week cut off all
emmunication from Selinsgrove and
Measles are prevalent in this plice.
Some whole lamilies are down with
this annoying disease.
The misstressof our poorhousc has
gone on a vacation and is enjoying
her outing very much.
I'Ou will never wish to take Another
dose of pills if you onc try Chamber'
lain s , oiomacu A .Liver IV Diets,
iney are easier to take and more
pleasant in effect. They cleanse the
stomach and regulate the livpr and
bowels, for sale by the Middle-
burjrh. Mruij store.
The Freshet
The heavy rainfall the latter, part of
last week upon the deep snow collect
ed more water than the natural chan
nels of the streams were able to earry.
Middlcreek was so high and the Ice
running heavily that the Iron bridge
in the borough seemed in danger. It
escaped uninjured. Ten flag stones of
the walk were brokeu In the Flats and
a great deal of waimlng-out was done,
The Susquehanna was within 6 Inches
of the '80 flood. Roads were washed,
fences removed, cellers flooded and
other damage was done.
WLen you wake up with a bad
taste in your mouth yu may know
that you need a dose of Chamber"
Iain's Stomach & Liver Tablets
i ney. will cleanse your stomach
improve yuor appetite and make you
ieui iiKo a new man. They are essv
to take, being sutrar coated, and
pleasant in effect. For sale by the
I'uuuicDurgn A'rug store.
The Profeasor.
"And yet," said the professor,
struggling with a burnt and black
ened steak ot unusual toughness
which the cooklady had just brought
in, "they say woman's work Is never
donel" Chicago Tribune.
Tka Lewcr Brll.
"You're such a wretched wrlUr.
D. I. Shollv is eoinirinto the boo wondr "0't it a typewriting
- i maithina at lAina awf
At this writine tlio Pcnna.
is in running ord;r again.
I machine ot some sort,
I . "I would, but that would show what
Doing Ihe Right Thing.
The troublo begins with a tickling in
the throat and a nagging little . cough,
Soreness in the chest follows and the
patient wonders if he is going to have
an all wlntercold. Probably, If he does
the wrong thing or nothing. Certainly
not if ho uses Terry Davis' Painkiller,
tho staunch old remedy that cures a
cold In twenty-four hours. There Is
but ono Painkiller, Perry Davis'. '
. BlnVlngr a Snle.
Scribbler I bet Spacer five dollars
I'd sell that joke to the editor, and
I did.
Liner Then you're five dollars In!
Scribbler No, I'm five dollars out I
It cost me' ten dollars to get him
drunk onouab t bnv It! Jilr
vt unin, '
"Wcro you successful In getting
your bill through the legislature? '
"Oh, yes, hy, I had some cosh
left over." TowiuTopics. .
'' Brldeatlf aa Amateur,
Gladys They sny IlnroM is an ex
pert 1n the nrt of self-Jo fci;v ! -
Ethel ontc.ti!it;r I.iiitli rudf hiiu
propose In just oae wetkt-r-lVok.' -
a miserable speller I am." Philadel
phia Press.
Aa Objeetloa.
"Don't you appreciate the
tunlty ot voting?"
"I sho'Iy does," answered Mr. Eratus
nnkley. "De only trouble is da tde job
ain't . stlddy enough." Washington
Star. '
Tor Infants and Children.
T1.8 Kind Yon Hare Always Bought
Bears the ST ' VVTZ s
(Blgnature of (ut&)fflcUcJut
The United States Gov
ernment Report shows
Royal Baking Powder to
be stronger, purer and
better than any other.
Aa AeeommodatlaK Jadarc.
A good story is told of Mr. Jelf.who
has just been appointed a judge of
the high court. On one occasion,
when he was recorder of Shrewnbury,
a prisoner, who was something ot a
hypocrite, tried at a quarter sessions
to melt his heart with tears.
"Have you never been in prison?"
asked Mr. Jelf, in soothing tones.
"Xever, my lord never," was the
"Well, don't cry," the recorder re
plied.' 'That can easily be remedied.
I'll Mnd you there now." London
Wednesday, February M.
The ninth conference of the foreign
mission boards in the United States
and Canada opened In Toronto yester
day. Parties out walking at Benham, Tel.,
found the body of a young girl con
cealed In a hollow stump. She had
been murdered. i
The transport Rosecrans, with the
Third Battalion of the Twenty-second
Infantry, from Manila, arrived at San 1
Francisco yesterday.
Mrs. James F. Reagan, of Wolfe
county, Ky., was found In a tavern,
with her throat cut from ear to ear. ,
She charged her husband with com
mitting the deed after a quarrel.
Thursday, February 27.
Henry A. Taylor, of New York, was
found guilty of conspiracy to bribe a
jury at Grand Rapids, Mich.
Henry Q. Marquand, president of
the Metropolitan Museum ot Art, died
yesterday at his home In New York.
William Garrison, foreman at Fit
ley's grain elevator, Camden, N. J.,
was caught between drilling cars and
crushed to death.
William Mulllkln, a wealthy farmer
of Keokuk, la., was killed by a bullet
which came through a window and
struck him In the head.
The president has appointed ex
Congressman Myron McCord, of Wis
consin, as United States marshal of
Arizona, in place of Benjamin Dan
iels, whose commission was revoked.
Friday, February 28.
Columbus, Ga., was delugo.l by r.iln
last night, which washed awav bcv
eral bridges and did coin d..ra'ile
Two small sons of Shadcrlch Jack
son, of Alexandria, Va., were burned
to death In a fire which destroyed
their home.
There were four deaths and nine
new cases of small-pox In New York
yeserday and a crusade of vaccination
was begun.
O'Donovan Rossa, the celebrated
Fenian agitator. Is dying of blood poi
soning at St. Francis' Hospital, Colo
rado Springs, Colo.
Manager De Cotirsey, of the Leaven
worth, Kan., Street Car company, was
fined $20 for discharging an employe
for belonging to a labor union.
Saturday, March 1.
John L. Mason, Inventor of the Ma
son screw top fruit Jar, died In a New
York hospital.
The cells In the Camden county jail
were fumigated yesterday because of
a case ot small-pox discovered on
A bill will be introduced In the Vir
ginia legislature to allow women to
carry pistols, owing to many criminal
assaults recently.
The wholesale grocery establish
ment of L. C. Younger & Co., at Rich
mond, Va., was damaged by Are to the
extent of $50,000.
John H. Ilarnen, of Baltimore, con
ductor on the Royal Illue line, from
Washington to Philadelphia, was ar
rested for embezzling tickets.
Monday, March 3.
The unemployed of Paris started
rioting yesterday, when 11 policemen
were injured and many arrests made.
Fire yesterday destroyed the office
and warehouse of the J. A. Case com
pany, at Fargo, N. D., entailing a loss
of $85,000.
Charles W. Julius, aged 69, chief
clerk In the engineer department, U.
8. army, at New York, was found dead
In his offlco.
Robert Downs, of Clayton, N. J.,
was shot In the left eye by an air rifle
In the hands of a boy. He will lose
ine signt or it. i
Lord Kitchener a name la men
tloned in British military circles for
promotion to field marshal to succeed
Sir Neville Chamberlain.
' Tuesday, March 4.
The census of New Foundland,
which has Just been completed, gives
the population as 220,249.
In a fit of Jealousy, Anthony Berry,
of Detroit, shot and killed Mrs. Sarah
A. Thlllman and then killed himself.
Professor Frederick James Wood
bridge has been appointed to the chair
of philosophy of Columbia University,
New York.
Adjutant General Stewart, of Penn
sylvania, who was Injured In a run
away accident last August, resumed
his duties, yesterday. .
Pennky's Increased Earnings.
Philadelphia, March 4. The report
of the operations of the Pennsylvania
Railroad company for 1901, which will
be submitted to the stockholders for
their approval at the coming annual
meeting, was made public yesterday.
The gross earnings of all lines east
and west of Pittsburg for 1901 were
$198,626,878, an Increase compared
with 1900 of $23,390,524. The operating
expenses were $133,713,386, leaving
the net earnings at $64,913,491,. an in-J
crease over 1900 of $10,175,414.
Dr. Flick Tells Jersey Legislators Dlv
ease Can Be Wiped Out In 15 Years.
Trenton, N. J., March 4. The house
committee on public health gave a
bearing on the bill to establish a state
home for consumptives. There was a
large array of physicians from all
parts of the state to advocate the btIL
The principal speaker was Dr. Law
rence Flick, president of the Free
Hospital for Consumptives at Phila
delphia. Dr. Flick said that consumption - '
could be cured. There are in the Unit
ed States, he said, from 300,000 to
400,000 people afflicted with the dis
ease, and the deaths from consump
tion reached 150,000 a year. He ex
pressed the opinion that if $100,000,000
could be secured the disease could be
entirely wiped out in 15 years. He
stated that In Philadelphia since 18S4.
when the people began to bo Instruct
ed In the treatment of consumption,
the death rate from the disease had
fallen oft 33 per cent. In the last few
years the consumption death rata in
London has boon reduced 50 per cent.
Dr. Flick explained that tho method
used In the treatment of consumption
to effect a cure was forced feeding, . '
plenty of air and exercise.
Three Dead In Terrific Explosion at a -Reading
Music Store.
Reading. Pa., March 3. At 10 ;
o'clock last night a terrific explosion
occurred in the four-story music store
of C. II Lichty The building at once
completely collapsed This was fol
lowed by the adjoining three-story
brick umbrella factory of Mrs. Mary
Holland. Iloth buildings and contents
were destroyed. A number of porsonir
were In the buildings, but they were
all accounted for except ""a "".""' '
and a friend, fJj, called to apend'the 1
evening, aPd the rtr- n n th
Lichty building. It Is bellA-;. th -three
persons perlRhed. The exph
sion is said to have been due to.
acetylene gas, which wos manufact
ured by a local company, of which Mr. .
Lichty was president. The building :
was filled with musical instruments.
The total loss Is $250,000. Many of ,
The total loss will be about $250,
000. Half a dozen people were serl-
ness buildings were badly damaged.
The scene of the explosion was In the -centre
of the city and aroused every-. -body
within Its limits.
President Displeased With Census Bill
Washington, March 4. In confer
ence with members of congress yester
day, President Roosevelt expressed'
his severe disapproval of the civil ser-"
vice provision of the bill crontlng a
permanent census bureau, which has
passed both houses and Is now before
him. The bill extends the provisions
of tho civil service law to nil tho
clerks at present employed In the cen
sus office, numbering about 1,700, and
the presldetit takes the position that
this action is an injustlco to thoso
who have passed and who may pass
the civil Rervlce examination pro-
scribed by law. He Is expscted, how
ever, to sign the bill.
Killed "Wife and Himself.
Newark, N. J., March 4. Charles
Andrews, a negro, killed bis wife, set
fire to her room, cut lils throat and",
died, here last evening. They were -married
Iobs than a year ago. An--drews
was said to have been shiftless.
His wife supported him, and when he
was discharged from a job a week ago
last Saturday she told him to shift
for himself. He went to Vernon, and
was not seen here again until yesterday.
Coughs I
" My wife had a deep-seated cough
for three years. I purchased two
bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
large size, and it cured her com
pletely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lieve little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones!
The medicine that has
been curing the worst oC
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayer's Cherry
Thr iIini Mr., month for in ardlnarr
cold; oo.. jut rtghl tor bronchitis, hoar-
nR. mini coin., tn,t pi, mon economic!
lor t'lmuii o,v. to vp cn linnd.
J. iM.rt;!. . '-t.
Q1tV. .. mmm