The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 06, 1902, Image 2

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. t . .
Ycsr Eicod Is Poor and Thin, Yea Serves Vcai, Vcj
. Ara Run DoffnMifKcalH.. ' 'A-
Take Dr. Greene's NervuraBest cf All Spring Flccil
cines, Most Wonderful Restorative and Strength- :
! eaer Known to Science-Maices Pure Blood,
Strong Nerves, Vigorous Bodies.
' Spring finds you with thin, poor, impoverished blood, weak, relaxed,
nil unstrung norres. You are without your usual strength, energy, and
Tim; you feel that you are out of order, without beta? exactly sick. The
cold wind seems to blow clear through you, a slcrm chills your mar
row, ana you perhaps have
rheumatism, neuralgia, bilious
iiess or kidney disease because of
your disordered condition. You
must tuke the best medicine to
trivc you renewed strength and
vitality, the best blood builder
and purifier, the best nerve
atrengthener and invlgorator.
Dr. Greene's Kervnra blood and
nerve remedy is the best medi
cine in the world to do all this.
It purities and enriches the
blood, feeds, strengthens, and
invigorates the nerves in fact,
it makes tho weak strong, the
sick well, and will cure your
stomach trouble, your bilious
ness, your kidney trouble, rheu
matism, or neuralgia.
Or. Orlanda Klser, 954 Reese
Ave., Lima, Ohio, writes :
"Many ytar ago I waa unfortunate
enough to loae my health, .nil, while
endeavoring to regain the aame, gradu
ally grew worse, until I became a com
plete wreck in every reaped. My ner
voua system waa entirely shattered, the
nervra controlling the heart became
weak and the heart', action irregular,
which waa aource of great alarm to
me. I waa unable to sleep, digeetion
wnl interfered with, anil, generally
peaking, I considered my time ahort
for thia earth. I became discouraged
and gave up the thought of ever being
a well man again. To-day I am well
mau in every aense oi the ward, and all
through the use ot Dr. Greene'a Nervu
ra blood and nerve remedy, of which I
am proud to apeak and atand ready to
give a helping word to suffering hu
manity. My health i my greatest
blessing, and words fall to express the
gratitude I feel for Dr. Greene and his
wonderful remedy."
Take Tr. Greene's Ifervnra blood and norve remedy now for your spring
medicine. This grand remedy has the confidence of the people as no other
remedy haft, beenuse it is the prescription of a regular physician. Dr. Greene,
101 Fifth Avenue, New York City, who has tho largest practice and makes the
mst cures of tiny physician in the world, and who can be consulted without
charge by anybody, personally, or by writing about your case.
YTa. Nnr fiof Fnnr nn tho firnunA I
for Over Thirty Years.
M.d a Fcenllar Vow and Live, the
Life of a lleclnae, Although Pos
.caaed of Coa.ld.rablo Prop
erty aad. Good ftn.
Living in aniiude in the eat tern
portion of Kelson county, ten m.'Ici
from Uardstown, is one of the most
singular characters 'iii" Ken I iv'.y.
Now in his seventy-fifth year, he
lias not touched foot to the eartb
ior over 30 years.
Basil Hayden, says the Philadelphia
Press, is one of the wealthiest farm
ers in a district composed of 12 coun
ties, and is descended from a family
well known in the pioneer annals of
thl fitntp
' Many of them hnve also been dis
tinguished in the different lines of
One of his brothers, Raymond H.
Hayden, for years held a controlling
interest in one of the most famous
distilleries In the United States, lie,
too, hod peculiar ideas and lived a
bachelor all his life, and at last died
at an advanced age under singular
lie was found dead in his orchard
a number of years ago, a bottle that
hnd contained poison lying by his
side. It was generally thought that
ne naa committed suicide, but there
were some who held the opinion that
he hnd met with foul play and the
poison bottle was placed near him
for a blind.
Basil Hayden, "The Hermit," as he
is known throughout the section in
which he lives, in his youth was a
social leader and very popular with a
large circle of friends.
When tho war broke out he entered
the confederate army and made a
good soldier to the end.
When he returned home he found
Ms slaves free and his property great
ly damaged. The emancipation of his
nejrroca affected him seriously, and
lie brooded over it constantly.
He became sullen nnd morose, de
clining all overtures at friendliness
on the part of his neighbors. He
'r iff!
declared that the Lord had dealt
harshly and unjustly with him in de
priving him of his slaves, and out
f reveafs he registered a terrible
'ath thai he would never again put
his foot to the Lord' ground, and so
for he has kept his tow.
Kev.r since the registration of hie
vow naj n appeared jrJtoas u
faor, nor will he have converse with
anyone save one or two, who are
immediately connected with him, and
then his words are of the briefest
possible character.
ll'.A landed Interests are extensive,
and u der the management of a com
petent overseer yield him a handsome
Thr 1 verseer makes his reports to
the ;i;cer old man in his darkened
Indorr retreat, who gives his orders
and directions as tersely as possible.
He has never spoken to a woman
since his self-imposed exile, nor will
he allow one to be employed upon
his place.
How he spends his time within his
darkened - room no one knows, but
It is said that one employment is the
counting of money, of which he is
said to have a vast amount in gold
and silver.
He it as it may, a Bardstown bank
er twice a year visits Mr. Hoyden, and
through him the recluse settles his
financial matters with the outside
Mr. Hayden is described as a fine
looking man, with a full beard and
flowing hair. His confinement has
blenched him until he is as white as
en infant and his hands arc as soft
ss raw cotton.
He had a sale of mules at his farm
recently, and n number of animals
were sold at fancy prices.
A large number of people were
present at the Bale, hut never a
plnnee was caught of Mr. Hayden.
His instructions to the auctioneer
were sent out by the overseer, writ
ten in a crabbed hand, and were very
I. Muni) FORM,
' ; . . i r .
- v Usi Caa.ed r the Llttl. Root
era la Quite Serlons.
In many of the less closely settled
regions of our country, when snowi
are deep and food scarce, rabbits de
velop into a serious pest by gnawing
the hark of fruit trees. Some items
about thia trouble from a recent bulle
ting by H. Carman, of the Kentucky
station, may, '' therefore, not come
amiss. -
When the nursery is small it is pos
sible to inclose it with a close slat
fence that will "turn" rabbits and
serve all the purposes of the ordinary
fences required to keep out stock. In
timbered countries, where rabbits are
most troublesome, fences of this char
acter may be cheaply built. Two types
of fence suitable for the purpose are
to be seen in the state. The most com
mon is made of rough slats, four to six
feet long and about three inches in
width. The slats are securely fastened
together from one to two inches apart
with No. 11 wire, stout posts being set
at intervals of 10 to 10 feet to insure
How Poaeo W11 : l or eel.
"Theo and herey.v . M the last
embers of the dying fir, "you are not
kind as a' husband .hou.d be. V.ou
racver jive me any jewels.
I - "Jewels!" and his baaso voice seemed1
A - . 1 1 . . . ... .1
to come irora nianeart. iirapiif
jewels? '.Anyone with dl-imord eyes,
ruby lips and teeth of pearl ask for
jewels? Why, the rarest jewels gold
sonld buy would only be superfluous."
Then, for the first time for days, she
kissed him. Tit-Bits.
... Wanted a Pointer.
Mr. Gadd (at the police station)
May I see the burglar who was ar
rested for breaking into my house
last night?
Inspector (hesitatingly) Well, I
don't know. What do you want to
see him about?
"Oh, there's nothing secret about
it. I just wanted to find out how he
managed to get into the house with
out waking my wife." Pearson's
Weekly. .
, llonaehold Peace Preservative.
We are enabled, thanks to the
eourtesy of the publishers, to quote
from Mr. Austin Borax's exhaustive
work, "Domestic Peace" (now in
press). The quotation is from chap
ter XVII, "Husband and Maid Servant.""
"Never address a maid servant as
you would your wife. Speak gently."
Boston Journal.
I - . - - 3
stability and keep the panels upright.
Since the slats can be adjusted to any
uncvenness of the ground, it is possible
to exclude anything that a fence can
reasonably be expected to turn.
. The second type is made of shorter
slats, three or four inches long, and
these may be supplemented above by
one or more wires stretched from post
to post. J. Q. A. liahm has built such
a fence about his nursery. .He uses
slats three feet long, none less than
half an inch thick, and sets his posts
in spring, waiting until hot weather iu
August and September before putting
up the slats in order to have the wire
fully expanded at the starts The wires
are simply crossed between the slats
and are kept taut, while building, by
a barrow loaded with about 1,000
pounds of stone and placed 100 to'&J
yards ahead of the workmen. Near
the barrow the wires are secured to
a single tree made of a piece of stout
timber, a log chain being passed around
this and secured to a weighted bar
row. Babbits are very easily caught, not
withstanding their well known cun
ning. One of the- simplent and best
traps used for the purpose is made
of rough fence boards six inches wide
and about two feet long. These pieces
are nulled together so as to make an
oblong box, one end of which is closed
with a short piece of board, while the
other is provided with a board con
sisting of another piece of board which
tlidest down from above in grooves cut
Lady You say you have seen bet
ter days? Did you run through your
Fagged Freddy No, mum me for
tune run through me. Ally Slopcr.
That Lovely Age,
"There is on age," said the wise man
of Willow Hollow, "when a girl is too
old and too young for kissing games.
Just at that time in her life she does
ot need any excuse to get all that she
ants." Chicago Post.
Never Singly.
"Ah, old mani I hear you've had an
addition to your family."
"Yes, two."
"Not twins?"
"Oh, no; the baby and my wife's
mother!" Town Topics.
The Verdict.
"Miss Holler says she thinks she will
have her voice tried."
"Well, if she does the verdict will he
'Ouilty of murder in the first degree.' "
-Philadelphia Bulletin.
in the projecting sides or between
slats nailed to the end, as shown in
the cut.
The bottom piece may also be al
lowed to project so ns to make the
door more secure when closed. A
small hole is bored through the top
at about the middle of the box, and
midway between this and the loor a
stick is secured in an upright position.
Across the top of this latter a sec
ond stick is secured by a nail in a notch
made in the upright one bo thnt it
will seesaw up and down. A third
stick of small size is notched near one
end and secured at the opposite end by
means of a piece of twin to the end
of the larger movable piece. This mov
able piece is now connected by twine
at its forward end to the top of the
door, when the trap is ready to set.
The door is elevated, the little stick
passed through the hole in the top
and secured by the notch to the front
edge of the hole. When the rabbit
enters, it pushes the projecting end
of the stick before it, setting it free,
allowing the suspended door to de
scend and thus cutting off its own es
cape. The traps may be baited with
a piece of apple or cabbage placed in
the end farthest from the door. Cin
cinnati Commercial Tribune.
Dlvlaloa of Labor.
"lie is very rich, but insufferably vul
gar," she said.
"And yet you are going to marry
him?" returned her dearest friend.
"Yes. You see, I've figured it out
that I can look after his money and
leave the Vulgarity to him. He can
tare for it at the club, and he oJght
to be thankful, don't you think?" Chi
.ago Post.
Sick headache, nervous head
ache, tired headache, neuralgic
headache, catarrhal headache,
headache from excitement, in
fact, headaches of all kinds are
quickly and surely cured with
Pain Pills,
Also all pains such as backache, .
neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatic
pains, monthly pains, etc.
"Dr. MiW Pain Pills are worth their
weight in gold," says Mr. W. D. Krea
mer, of Arkansas City, Kan. "They
cured my wiie of chronic headache
when nothing else would."
"Dr. Miles' Pain Pills drive away
pain as if by magic I am never with
out a supply, and think everyone
ihoald keep them handy. One or tvo
pills taken un approach of headache
will prevent it every time."
Mas. Judge Johnson, Chicago, I1L
Through their use thousands of
people have been enabled to at
tend social and religious func
tions, travel, enjoy amusements,
etc., with comfort. Asaprevent
ative, when taken on 'the ap
proach of a recurring attack,
they are excellent.
Sold br all Drugsl.t.,
25 Do..., 23 cant.
Dr. Mllea Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always UougM baa Dome uie ugw
tore of Cbos. IL Fletcher, and has been made under kr
personal supervision for over 80 years. Allow no J
to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations aV
: Just-os-ffood" are but Experiments, and endanger tv
health of Children Experience against Experiment. J
The Kind You Have Always Bougf
Bears the Signature ox
SIX . s7fcJLj2-
w t
In Use For Over 30 Years.
nr '
New-York Tribune Farm
nationnl weekly nvwniwiier, read almost entirely bv fannJ
liua enjoyed the eonfMonce and support of tbe Amsrluan 11
m mri ucitji ntMaiiii-u mitj .iuiiiw u ill iu. t lull.
New-York Tribune Karm
li made absolutely for former and their families The nrtt.
Every department of agricultural Industry la covered l. J
contributor, who art leaders in their respective lines, an hu
iiint r ak nn mil oe in every aense a niRii class, up to
live, enterprising aitriciiltiiriil paper, profusely illustrate
pictures i live si ki, moaei iurm DUiiuinga ana homes, airrt
ul nmclunery, etc.
Farmers' wives, sins and daughter will And special fvJ
muir emeruiinnivuk
KcRiilnr price, tl 00 per year, but you can buy It win,
favorite Home weekly newspaper, rue Mlddleburg- I'ost out
for II CO.
Sond your aulwcrli tlon and money to the Mlddleburg Pott
Send your anme and adrtreaa to the XEW.YOHK
HtXE FARMKH, Slew York City, nnd a tree J
-y will be mulled to yon.
TeatlBc ni. Spite.
Bassett You rnnnot always judge
a man's intentions aright. .
Blair No, I suppose not; but what
are you driving at?
Bassett When I called on Bow
man last night he was playing on the
violin. He said he was playing for his
own amusement. If he hadn't told
me I should have supposed be was
playing out of enmity to the human
race. Come to think of it, perhaps
that's what he meant; there's a sort
of amusement in wreaking vengeance,
I suppose. Boston Transcript.
Vegetables la the Cellar.
All vegetables keep better at a low
temperature and, excepting In the se
verest weather, the cellar window
may be kept open during the' day, at
least, If it is on the south side. It
also helps to keep the cellar sweet
and fresh. We know there is no need
of an Ill-Rmelling cellar. Vegetables
properly buried and an open window
in all suitable weather will prevent
unsavory odors. Have a regular
time f or closing the window, aa you
do fui any other "chore" and all
will be well.
ar ami
I. iOh r 1 W il ' FiMl 1 1 Tl" T s't I ;l aragaiata.
Gcnuliw itaMtd CCC Ntver sold in bulk.
8ew5ia S deafer who bits (o e!l
Mfiihf hut a jcod."
folnf bf View.
"It is hard to lose one's relations,"
said the Beedy individual with a mourn
ing band on his hat.
"Hard? echoed the man whose check
is good for a million. "Why, sir, it's
simply impossible." Chicago Daily
Roand the Smoke-Room Fire.
Douser My wife, sir, oh I if you
knew her, you'd say my wife is one
woman in 60,000. -
Mouser And my wife, sir, ah! if you
heard her talking to me sometimes
you'd say she was 50,000 women in one.
Ally Sloper.
He Wonlda't Tell.
First Broker Did you win or lose
in that big drop In stocks to-day?
Second Broker (loftily) That's my
business, air. Say, can you direct me
to a fire-cent lunch counter? N. Y.
M Beat Ch TTaaslwl CM
J ' tali Sxe; brjlroairtsu. 1 I
V 1 :"lrMl. J?
liberal Adjustments- Prompt Paynn
nly tho Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Ifire, Lifo, Accident and Tornado.
In A c- jioecTvinnf o Wrt PrATnillTtl VV
The Aetna Founded A.D.,1819 Assets 11.0
" Hoine " " 3853 " - 9,
" American. " . . " M 1810 " 2
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co. ,
The fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Ycur Patronage Solicited.
"New Rochester1'
ROOKING under tbese circumstances is a pleasure. The Roche
lamp (Jo. ntnke their reputation on tbe stove in quc-stbn.
beet evidence of tbe patisftiction enjoyed is testimonials galore and
plicate orders from ail parts of the world. .
Send for literature, both for the "New Rochester" Cook Stove s:
the "New Rochester" Lamp.
Tcu will never regret having introduced these gcods into your hoi
The Rocheser Lamp Co.,
j : I a;e anl 33 Barclay St., New York.
Impertinent Question. '
"I maintain," she said, raising her
voic, "that the old and oft repeated
assertion that women talk more than
men has no foundation whatever in
"Then why," asked the man in the
case, "is our common language uni
versally called the motheV tongue?'"
Chicago Tribune.
Getting It Id of Them.
Mrs. Stubb John, the ashman re
fuses to take these old shoes. How
;an we ever get rid of them?
Mr. Stubb Don't be uneasy, Maria.
There is going to be a couple married
in the next house to-morrow and we
ran throw the old shoes after their
hack. Chicago Daily Nevis.
"Charley, dear," said young Mrs.
rorkins, "isn't it a pity that the news
papers are so much behind time?"
"In what respect?" -
"Why, they never print the names
of the winner of a horse race until the
next day, when it is too late to bet."
Washington Star.
Coin Easy.
"He is dying very calmly," observed
the physician, as he felt the pulse
of the sufferer.
"So like John," softly spoke the
prospective widow. "He alwaya waa
an easy-going man." Baltimore
. A Small Stratacem.
"How did you ever come to let
that man whip you?"
"He took m low-down advantage of
me," said the pugilist. "He waited
till I had been vaccinated and then
picked a quarrel with me." Wash
Ington Star. ...
All lusiujs entrusted to hi
will receive Dromot attention;
3. H.-Pottiege
Veterinary SURGEON
All professional business entrusted to ei
will receive prompt careful attention.
Collections and Keport.
References, First National Bank. .V
Towns Represented : Bellweod, Altooua.
darsburg, Huntingdon and Bolletonie H
W. II. BUTLER, Proprietor
418 Market Si., Harrisburg 1
( P. R. B. Depot Entrant)
vrIlel ror All Trains
Rooms, 23 and 50c. GoodMeali,
""uTtJ prdir. 11.00 ! to B.OO r
flood aceommodatlona.
13 THE
ancient ol
He adapt" will all.. you. what to do H
do, now to geioouiii'ana oi unseen iorv
data date, yoai anJ 1.00. M. ABi
1.18-St. KH Pearl. Buffalo,
aew life aad vlaor br Ukina; A
wcac am etrova;.
Bound. In tea dara. oar M Mm,
M and adric. Ia8S. Add rata ST8M
WNWDT CO. Chicago of Mtw Toes.