... , . . ... Report ot Receipts and Expenditures of Snyder County toJ vl T . j"tsNw I we year enaing jjec. 01, ivui. I JLBULAR STATEMENT showing amount of county and stato taxes as sessed, collected, returned, commissions, eiooorations and abate ments allowed and outstanding, for tbe year 1U0I. UullM ted- UISTttlCTS. ?Oi.LKtT(KF, Adams 'Oeom-rt Kwlif I tu SS 444 &: VI MM 5 10 aHeaver l-mac II his, 40 87J IS' 4nai 8 48 'Beaver West .J won IMb-r 7WSH AM M till mil Ontre .1 wnh Krr 814 M' 5 0 on 7 T 4'haptnnn : W. II. Kwarts 81144 Mow 1CHII Pnmklln A'iMin u:it 14M St 1'Siivi ' Tistf 1483 .Jackson II. F. llroiisa KSI t Tl M 82 MlihllHlmrirli Win K i'nlt 7" l K ol MliliUerm . M. K Kirt rV 73 3. 4MI Oi S 6K Mouroe ;Tiniiia.s 11 xi M Ri su ISn. rYnn ll irvcv v o.xkI ' lii.l4'i l'"l m si 64 Perry N.-isnii Minnie I Kill ) 714 74 .'. IVrry West Z S uMt ' WW ?a amis IT let tk'ltiiagrutu A.J.tlnis . oi kk) w 44(114 Sprum 4 II Kuip? I'OJTrt iMI ri 44 M 17 TS . I nl'.-n la Zimmerman sua 70 an 111 is hi .Vii.-litn:,-ii.n I. A (irlmin 1 1X1 w :;.- t7 54 4e Totals f Ifiirs S JISMU 36 J.-.SO 's) ( AS 61 ; ! 1 TABL'I.AU STATEMENT showing collections made, exonorat ions allowed jiitxtaiidini; tuxes for I'JOO and previous years. I I I nui.-iiin.ru I i iw-1.1. li 1 1 Collect- I E.xonora-1 Cornm I (jutnond- .11-I'l.'H TH. If 'I.I.H'TOKS, I YMr Jan. U'.hO Af'Tmo. I "". U-I011 li.tr. V'.l.l l.:.ii;n ; li M Mi nt. Tlivs": '2',7 ' i I "i 7i A! ; -I is Ml I1II.MVH1 , ! M a i i 18 411 511 ! I 4".. : : W II SIh-IIbv ;. ivi .' 85 M ' ' 15 00' IS 61 : : 4 (6 )M ' ' -lu'l (i M lm4 ; I S119 ! 7 61 : : ! 7 61 A. !il-i:tvlv ' I irnt li'ivv ; ).( i f,;i-t '. 45 17: 2B 5- Ii.i iri)" T'li'in is II.'SS : i-'ll i 10.) : ; I i M s 11 ,- . ; a J ( iro-M s ):. 4 ill . : 45 17: 4) 14 : I'M 11 .1 n-ii ti stulil ; urn, ': n:t in : I7(iil 5J4; . 3075 Vl .iiK Kwltf : i'.i (I : 114 ct tr' 77 W : 5 41 j 5 4'i S4 Ml II i r l-.i 11-n-li : id hi 4 S3 ns 157: 119 HI 94 1 fi 40 ', ll. n !! 'i-t .1 iruli llllt 1 r : linn i,64t : 2 4: SO 74 j 8 h3 i S 35 ! :' 1. .' .l-is..ili Kerr : l;0 I H'.ik'i : 7t: SloSSj 4 S5 Ills! Cii:-' .-.an V H Swariz : l'.uo ! 1 is ri' : fas: lsjnm: 4(3: 6 59 ' lr.hMln :VMlnmril l'rti ' llo;: i : reliirnecl ; 211; : I i.'l; in II K IlioiN" : nun) : 5597 ; 2 no! 52 OS I a IS j 2114' V- "'l"ir::h ( in l(nm if : V.o ! 11 !.' S3: 5 S i 6(6: 67 i A:M.!li.-iu.-k M a K'dlev : mail : SOHTfl i 184: Hw: i 1055! 1:44s M : . I'h.itnas Hess I linn : 4-4 n : 2 Hi: 19 04: ! 2 21. 1119 ivi 11 : 11 iiiK'ii : I'.hsi i 2'.r;n : isur 2115.1; : 1511; - 7hii V'-rv N-lsiin Menirte : VKWI in: 1 ' 6 li V7 01 5S4: 6 47. :vr. W.-sl : .1 li siraw.ser :V.C0! SI M ' 1 7: MIS: 104: 1 SI ! 11 --,-ri A.MInisn 1iK) : 65IU ! 1 15: 4000- i 8 11 1 SI 9S SMi'if .IIIKiii'IP lwio : us 59 I 4 21: 97 23! ! I.Ml 29 05 III i : I , iiimerni m l.KO : in 0" I 1C2: 85 (10: ! 8 95 ! 834 AVaMu.roiiJAOamm i 1901 MM nilWj 71 1497j 2IC9 35 ' ISO 53 : $191)9 07 198 37 ' 1114 99 : 1IS1 51 'TABULAR STATEMENT showing Collections made, E (iiii'i'iitiiiim and CoininishionB allowed and Outstand ing Dojj Tuxes for the year 1900 and previous years. 1 joins' K coil- Kxono mroinsta ao 1 01 jecud & L'oininls's uillv.g. "' "4ii." "so;"""2a 10 M) 10 07' 5.1 3 S0 711 3 05 04 24 ,84 12 20, 10 11 4.1' fit 9 95' I I 1.1 9 MA 7 40' 7 40 8 Sli 4 7H 2 &1j 0 50 5 19 10 35 15 1 11 IS 8 16 20: S 57 5 8:11 I 41 3 m hot, 2 n I va! is 75 111 05 7 S 1 1 55 1 79 7 0l' 2 So! 1 III HU 9 M 9 Ha' 1.) 7,! 13 76 S S 7 (W 9(1 27 9 :i9, 7 s:t, 1 1.1 a 12 to 12 90 60. ll M 10 r,5' I ,0 r,7 10 ' l!l 73 1:1 7:1: 8.1 li!Ji S3 2 1 1 IS I i.iil 71 1'.ni Ii7 Hi. '..I ft s TTlTlil DISTKMTS. ' COI-MCrTOHS. li;iiiinin V 11 Shelley .MlilUlecreck 'jaenb How A'lnms .l Mlddleswartb Mlilillfl.iirs.-li (i M Moat. Mlildieereek Janili K11W llnsfrovo iAJdro.sii I'liliiii J (I ijtahl A-linis H-liMT lli aver Wi-Kt Ci -lire C!..i man Kr.iii!:ltn Jit- kMin MMill. Imivli Mlilillecrei h Munruu l'-rrv -I'erry W, l'i 1111 Miiii'ruvo H iiui; l'i,..i '.V.isl ' ;,- hi (I 'Oi ire Eivlu Miac Il.nisli .lanili Hitler .l.wpli Kerr W II Hwnrl. AHsiln ma ll K Hroiisu H 111 Killing 11 10 Knlley Thus lie-.'s Nelsnn Mi-nglo J li nil PolU ll.irvey A (Jooil A .1 (irosM I II Kni'pp I imni'i man .1 A (i III. 1:1 lands .. io. 1 J,V. I.. - .11 .11 ' Vi-h.v .: si,-' . " -11 H.I no I. C .:i. V-i '''''' 'T, r 7"' .,-,,,(. ,'.' A ". illialP 1-i . ; ' 1 i.y1 , ..lin.-tit j 1 f 1 ' ' i i ".ii : 1 . 1 1 en 1 . i -I-S37-I 613 92 i's Ollice. r . 1 . 1 1 i'i n .1 ii .. i...- '. i. . 1 V .' Mi ai; nun ta ;fn ' 't I'tlrniture 1 ii, luniks .1 t aim 34 75 20 S I lil 25 25 ln...k. :I7 10 . ii.i;ii r'ir Iiirnit.iro 1 SO t 108 1.1 tA.niuiisMoiHTs' OH'ut. li.n liii.vi r, I. il fees I'mn'ii Ally 83: 1 1 i-: W.i ii n puirs to furniture 61 1 1 . .'!.. 1 1 if luai 197J ' I: iUu.iii it. pnntiiKn 2-lstl 1. 1 .li r I'll tii. 'i; l-x'if di.ckcts H74 1; lliM.ilric!, kIihs fur maim 997 11 . .Murphy i-oiik, dockets 1221 I N Hies uk, rmn'sl'lerk, 500 00 ,i N " travel' expenses 12 75-51273 :,' WKnll.ts, I01dnycr- v'eos a-i Coiii f.'i 3 50 i3 50 C V Ki.ilitsiiavclinu erpenscn 53 00-108 50 -.7 V Wcir.el. " days' servics ih Com (.i 1 50 2(17 59 Travulii.K expentaa W tU-330 33 1en I-' Miller, UK days' ser V ices as Coin 3 r0 3 13 00 Travel. 1. t expenses 22 19 36519 V (.ill., r4., 11 1110. Att'y to'Viin'r 9167 Truvclin expenses 5 9S 97 05 $1800 90 Sherill'b Office. ri.oi.rrent 19 50 U W How fes Cum' til V9 Moses r. ml. I 3 94 i NV Kow feei Cora'tU VI Au-t.n l.v'cr 12i ( A liow fCi'S Co'il'IU is T . opson I', iiill 1 25 (1 V low (cos I'oui'tu vs Peter SfelTeit 1 13 ii W Kuw f-i's Coin th vs V A McW.IIUms 825 Q W How tecs Coin'th vs II K Bell 1 25 4) W Kow fees Colll'tll vs Overseer nf 1'nion twp. 1 25 sj Kow fees Coin'th vs Overseers of Middlcc'k T. 1 33 4 V How fees Com'tli vs Wm Huniniel 1 25 (I W How fees Coiu'tb vs Henry Iteavor I 85 l V How fen Com'tl. vs Foster Mimubach and C Hiivers..x 150 O W i:..w adv. Oanornl Kleeliou 89 00 (i W liow 2 report lo Hoard of I'nlilie Charities 10 00 O W Kow servinir Jury no tices for IMII S6 III l W How milcnKC for same 511 miles 1.11 10 61 59 U V liow I'.lliinr Jury wlioel mi I ih .iwinir juries 14110 (I V liow attending Crimi nal court S days 24 00 . O W How Court Proclama tion for 1'.IU 6 00 . 292 59 : Peduet am't eollected by O W How liclonctng to County, vis. lurv fee 127 Ju T. '96 4 00 Jury fon 51 JuT. '00 Jury feo l Ju T. '00 4 00 Jury fee 38 Dec T. 'i0 1 1' Jur fuo7 0ct S, '014 00 Jury Ice 1 O. l S. '01 I 00 Jury foe 11 Oct 8.1114 00 - Jury fee Juno S '01 4 00 s Coal used In rones 9 00 cl bone rent 9 00 47 00 US 89 $133 00 District Attorney's Office. M 1 rotter fees eom'th ts Clark -Orwig; 5o Kxon- .lAxa'is- I Uutstaad-' I NlfBU I el. WlUli SIQnS. IB 14 ss 17 M 4 7 1S7S 1 IS 1S9S3 1S444 198 14 4 SI S4 4i 178 18 lHj IS 53 14 4! SI 34 23 411 28 ll' 1H 40l 2 IW! 81 10 in U SUSS. ' 87 14 M8 4S, 4nl K 4t7 10 6ft 21 25 09 211 94 45 04 21954 15 53 88 4 I3S0 04, i66 K 'HJ'nrn. . .11 . l ilt 7v..- com Hi . W Soo 'eon coiu'lji vs W A ..Hi Keacoin'tli va Im lti 47 00 M I l'i rfecHconrtli v Mosul " lo o M l 'uii.ir feci coiu'thvn Austin ' ' I tt?r M I I'-'tltTfecunrthyHThoinn- fun K 1 j, M ! vlu'Z J"-r,""''' v II IC li. 11 loo 51 1 I oiler teen conrih v Over- 51 1 loiter fe,.,.nrili r O-cr- M',t!.'J;Jl!jrfwn"''tl.vs Henry -" Xha,l,al.1.nn( ,: ,on.,.rox , 00$;13 Coiirld. Fetti-impir T..... Omii.j Jiirora 1 -') 18 14(1 Bo .18 91 2-5o 37 I0-377 22 IIS 83 2o.1 So HHol Moo 80 oo-43o li I 153 71 2. IS .,.1 8s IM 62 no So oo-543 39 I elit J 'jrorn CoilNtahieH' rut....... J'ryer and tipstaves Stcuograplicr June Term, lirand Jurors l'etit Jurors Constables' returns Cryer and tipstaves Stenographer, Oct.ilierTerm. (rand Jurors l'etit Jurors Constnhlev' returns Cryer and tiwtavcs stcnoKrapKer December Ten Orand Juroro l'etit Jurors Constables' returns Cryer and t'pstaves 12o 20 834 60 89 o 47 00 A as atinn. a Jiciiograplier ustlcpsi 'Joiislables & Witness Fees Commonw lh T, r)lrk 0 I ommonw'th n. II HBrnei ,3 S iommonwthIrvlnKHllMr SSS Oommonw'tb Mow., Arn5J -JS - v, , nompson K QUI 2 75 v. uverseers I n on two. f2 in' "8T"' Mhldleo-i Ttp Comtnonw'tb ts II E lleil tommonw'th vs Wm Hummel Commonw'th vs Henry Heaver Commonw'tb ts Fosier Sboni taeb and C Uowcrso InijuesLs. Ben Smith o body of Mara; 1 ret r pa tin BUroul,h n biy f Chnrle Ben Smith 011 trady of Jacob Walter 74 05 13 87 24 Pt 11 69 8 40 6 lo $123 13 1163 116 13 63$ S3 83 Penitentiary. Support of Lawless, NopP, Shell and Kiestcr nmi iiM Asylum, Support of Ilerbster, Yerirer. Shots- ..M.,,jni, oniric 454 25-$ 456 23 Koad ami J3ridKe View Damao-os. T..1... no t. . .. 0 V m V .. Vcl1' ,,.rrr.y.,'P 50 Oil n A v, Ki? ' "asmnulon twp IC 4. Vim. Mnninj. soo fIllI1''''vcr, Monroe twp 80S 2 00 i30oo-t :ni8o ' .7.-iniure, Bcnnsgrove boro l'rison. Steiniuirer Ttrna pr.nl 39 81 75 850 500 12.1 7 20 50 899 11 50 10 20 11 It lobias removing ashes lo Inakingyate do repairs do labor do painting roof do repairing imverucnt A J I lluuirpnv. Mnalu il 11 'l.orV""!,1,r-,,fe,,lo'il service S'BlroIl and cement 11 R RlACPAl lntknt 110 93 w w1 wt,.dtl'ck P,nf: m.:oment6 85 860 J W Ituukle mdse Swartz and Ur&vhin S 1.1 164 109 -. earner, Hoses ''"'H VV A McWIIIiams, 11 K Dell, Homer Predl, Clarence HOWiNni tTna.. U. . . 1 -'..Mill IJKU 635 days and turnkey, 50o U W Koircommlttina and dis chaixl ii(f prisoners do lanltnr mivImm 118 00 S 50 40 ( do Mr. Kow washing-, etc 11 00 btoRkaraj Tabular Statement drawing amount ot Hog 'tax awed. oolln-trsj. xotieralra eummlaat- aied sod outatandlog rorltot. Ami. Oolkei Ooov Ouis- Ass'd cted. lS 'OUg. 14 Mi 10 SO St 1S9K IHSSi irs 87 1100. IS 40 IS9S II M u r. 15 951 5(101 16 70 19 40 8t 150 IS 55 11 M 19 10 95 ISA 7 Ml 15 no 75 7Jl 14 4M' IS ?. 10 94 990 10 00 70S 50 60 19 SO n 5.s 100 S13 80. 1:18 14 so 91 168 73 and do deliTerlns; 5 prisoner - ; -' '" to and from court 415" ' ' do reuioviii)-Moses Arnold t to penitentiary , .39 23 do reiiiovinir W A McWil- liams to penitentury S9 3 , , do 111 ft boards 137 Ile.uy Newman whitewashing 2 50$ CS) 28 ltoail and 1 Iridic View "Fees. 1 1 Vnnbcck et al viewers 217 10-$ 217 10 JScalps. Win Mover et al scalp C-'rtiflcates 125 00-$ 125 00 Court Ililll.sC. II H 'l olilas Janitor ' 113 On do labor 1 40 Jo eleiinin tank 8 40 iu buil.liii); cistern and VP- pairinir walk 42 37 cl.i repairing bell 1 75 do repairs 4 SJ Aaron Stetler est lumber 4 01 II K Ml lernnd Son lusiiiauce 30 00 P F ItiK.-l Insurance 60 00 1 II llowcrsox oil 7 211 Ueo K Speebt lumber 151) K F Sheary liisuranco CO 00 Carbon S.-eliolilTnats and mops 191 Sieiui.iirer llros coal 2020 . i I". Walter chairs BS30 K NV Snyder insurance 60 u0 H K Hendricks paints 4 il W II Heaver indso 3 1 33 W W V ittenmyer mdse 12 01 W II Kiileui clock remirs 1 00 C Stetler iiisurnnse SO 00 J W HiinUle mdse 90 Swartz and Urayblll mdse 8 SI $ 530 05 Bridge!". Middle!). irR wood 50 Mldillehurir iron 25 Krattervilie 1 00 Winters ISO Globe Mills 8a 61 Kwln 7 61 Sebocli J 00 I'clTers 1 00 Bum 40 Gross 1 00 Ilowersox 9 10 Shadel S062S1 Stone Monroe Twp 76 80 llsh 8 75 I'axtonvlllo Bs 08 Sprenkla 29 48 SellnsgrOTe wood 4 IS WeiseiaJol.it 302 U Maurcrs 15 84 K reamer 98 44 Mlddlecreck 16 00 . Moiaerville 4 50 Orlmins 211 82 Oriental Joint 17 81 Kichlleld . 165 I'ortsllne 29 23 Aline 50 Hoovers 41 u Paint and freight .6 23 Interest on bonds and. order. 81 9413140 77 Deceased Soldiers' Burial and Tombstones. Wm Moyor tombstone Jon Hllhert, Ed B Snyder 80 00 D C .Minium burial Kd Snyder 23 00 A 1 Oorman burial Wm Kalt riter8150j Kliss Miller. ,35 00 6650 Wm M Hover burial Ella! Erd- ' ley. Chris. Fox, Israel Charles 105 00 1 I U Bolift burial and tombstone II P Boyer, Simon Hlpe 63 00 Wm Mover tombstones Ellas Er dley, Henry Treaster 80 SO II H llordner burial John Bailey 85 00 UaiiKlerand HcFall tombstones John Hal cy, Israel Chnrlcs, Christopher Pox. 45 00 $ 401 50 Printing. J. O. I-eslier Pub Co Statement 85 00 Pub Court Proclamation 9 99 Pub appeal notice 25 00 Pub unseated land salo 10 09-09 C9 . 11 B Moycr Pub Co Statement 83 00 Pub court proclamation 13 82 Pill, t.ucliou do 25 00 . 1 Pub appeal notice 26 00 1 Pub unsonted land sa'e 10 00 v Blanks com office S 50 Blanks ltcKi'ter office 8 (0-106 82 J A Lumbard Pub Co statement 25 IV I'.iu court proclamation M S3 ' :"' Pllh .ImIUm 1 am n.i I Pub unseated land sale 10 00 ' ''- ' - nuT vice uaitors .29 74 ... Blanks com office .20 60 :2J 56 U W Wagcnscller ' - :. . Pub Co statement 85 00 . , - . Pob court proclamation 13 32 v ' Pub election do - 25 00 - Pub appeal notice " 25 vv 1SS 4 50 8 US I OS 59-117 (3 15 00 5 99 ra S5 SO 10 w 19 Su S 90-117 49 V 15 40 IS SS 25 00 20 0J 2k 50 i lk SO 15 S l 14 50 80 00 199 57 t 734 75 Assessors. . Spring assessments and mili tary roll 514 59 Itay.eKistmllon.hlrtliiilentlis.'ilO 45 Dec registration. birtusAdoaibsXC! U Schoolchildren registration libl t0 !4S3 19 Jlec-ti.Kis. Feb election 521 12 Feb election, consbiMes odv'g and attending 60 6S Kov eUs-iion 5.U 5J Computing same K 50 V ii .lulnisbin aCV,volers guides 2 iJ lit Holly Matioueiy to.supplica, reb eUciton 8.10 Henry llall.siippl'ts Nov elect' 11 8 5o 1 U Howcrsox judicial return Ju.lKea 10 00 1 bo 1 aCoustruct'n Co. 6 voting booths ilouroe twp .2 50-tUSJ 00 MiscelKiueou.s Jacob (iilbert auditing Co unices 15 1 0 Divid lien lilcy, clerk to jury coin In Wl . Wyckolf Seaman and benedict, typ writer ribbons 3 50 ll H Tobias, screening coal UO Culvin St- tier clerk to I o. Auilllor.H and preparing statement 21 01 J V Howersox Co auditor 21 :li II A hlitigler Co auditor 'il ls D N App Co Auditoi Si 20 J U Ueiscr, costs inaiutainiuir tu- JureJ Hungariun, .Uillliu Co 1:100 Expre-s freight, drayue J3 71 I aul lllilhardt,unscat d land map 17 10 ft 11 Siaugler, caudles 3') Mnry Hunt, stationery 1953 II K Matter, hatchet bundles 26 ' ( E K hhambacb. Jury Com 86 6S It M Ooletnan, Jury Com 47 70 W U Johnston, stationery 57 43 W 11 Matter, ext forest fire Franklin twp 189 D J llingamau oxt forest tiros , Adams twp 3 45 W 1, lluiniuel ext forest fires Chapman twp 33 27 0 M. Shindel, costs cose of Jno P Smith t County 8 4V A B Evans, surveyor a witness county line 15 00 Room rent fur appeal, Penn and West Perry twps 2 00 D K Keistetler, overpaid tax re funded 2 13 W 11 Ureirtuyer & Co, stationery 49 14 U P Ulrich, Atty lor Co Port Trev- erton bridge ease 25 00 A W Potter, Atty for Co P't Trov- orton bridge cose 25 00 Ben Smith fire detective oaths 1 00 A V Gilbert, lively hire uid 1 li Carbon Mecbold, boarding Jury, I looser vs Pontius 6 60 Witness fees Port Trevorton bridge case 38 00 Ben Smith taxes on unseated lands tiaid vario as twps i-0 83 J li Willis, abstract deed Sell 11s grove boundary lino 50 J M Uoyrrchainman Seliusgrovo bouiidry line 3 00 J S KaulTinan, Jury Sciinsgrovc boundary line 19 2') C A iiolenler. Jury SclinsgroVe boundary line 18 00 J M Mlddleswnrth surveyor So- linsgrove boundary lino 5J 75 Waiter Bros livery hire 2 00 First Nat Dank Middleburg, not" and Interest Mil 0.1 A W 1'otter settlement suit of C A liatdorf vs Co 225 ' 0 Costs same 1 1 .15 Janin ll .Milling uiiavat- , cu Inn.l snV 4s)1 Jll Ewing.forest flrroxt Spr'tr'wp s'4 F 0 Hnwersox. cipcuses County Institute J In 76 Hunt At Co pens - 10) li n llcuUricks, cement, snnd etc. 251 C A Holendcr intcrcit Co oi-.K'r 1-S 17- M21 r.1 Totnl fW. 4 -i7 Pursuant to law, we the-uii'lcrij;ti - I Com missioners of lliu County of hiiydei-, Unti of JVi.nsyivauin, (.tiblinti tii fur' -1 i.. ui ii.t of lies iits and L.pen.litui of - . i .1 i .m.ily for the year 10 1, and also n -. . .. ,.. i, . u i ii statement of the assets and lia'.ii'i. i. - of sai l County on tho 311 .lav of i icienri. i . '.' !, ilne-s our hands and tlie ntal of .-.ni l ollke this IJ day of January, I'.) .'. 1 O. F. Mil l Vi JOHN p. wi.;; ;i., U. W. KM' .ills, Altera : County c i, iiiiiB.-luticrd. ' J, N. UKOSirs, Clerk. (Jeiieral Statement. COUNTY FUND. Assets t Outstanding tales of Woo and previousyears 412 51 Ojtstaiiding taxeaof Idol 2.'i.W.' Kxeoss dog tat due county VI I Bal in hni.ilM of Treasurer Liabilities: Bonded debt Oiitstandiiig notes rjfiol '.W-fal'.'o 93 looo oo MM .-.ii Interest acini, ii to Jan l,'o2 Assets In excess nf liabilities Dog Fund Assets : Outstanding tax of llloo ami previous years Outstanding tax of 10ol Bals in hands of Treasurer Liabilities: l:;l 71 lij7J-$71'.o 91 114 31 mi; 4142-$ 69 41 211 2 483 21 $697 40 Excess due county Assets in excess of liabilities Beuneville Smith. Treasurer. III account vi itli rnyder County for the year ltfol. mt To bal In hand Jan I. 'ol 685 38 -excess dog tax nf 19oo 268 ol county and stale tax assessed for lvol 16133 b0 Co and state tax of I9oo and previous yars outstanding 2519 9o Anil received IromO W Kow excess paid t U Lesher for pub election proe I9oo 2 oo Ami received from K C Flsa excess mileage paid 1 oo Amt reed N. B. Mlddlcswarth com D Ilerbster 111 oo Amt ree'd S A Wetzel com Wm Verger 45 So Ami ree'd Sunourr Trust & Safe Dept Co., com W in Ycrger 45 75 mt ree'd unseated land tax 7691 Amt ree'd unseated land sole 8o3 97 Amt reo'd Sam Ilowersox costs 6 65 do Fred Olam costs 9 oo do Peter SletUn cost and fine 26 25 do brick, steam guage and sliiiiglessold 8 46 do stationery ft lanterns sold 2 97 do MI Potter eoal 6 oo do btateeoal forest flre'oo.Ul sa do do do da 'oL 43 73 do borrowed money 697447 do 12twp6bnrota.l1e,25looo do. State partjipertax retd,13oo oo-f loT48 54 By ami of Orders of "of red'd.17634 67 Si pecoaiiniss'nonsame, 44o87 Outstanding orders redeemed 3oo oo IX p e eomroiss'n oo same T5o Per. prop tux p'd state 2121 61 1 p e com on same 21 43-1143 o5 4-6 tar lie p'd t'phhoro 1938 oo 5p coora on same lolol-2looo p o com oe 1-6 lav lio paid county (51ooo) 95 So Taxes of 'oo and prev years outstanding 432 51 do 'ol do do (In QKMA oo CommlHslon allowed collect'rs 49569 xnaicmeuis do do ton 65 EXonoratinns do do 93 87 Taxes rot'd unseated land 68 63 Balance in hand . 84o7 8-$3o746 54 Bcnncvllle Smith,- Treasurer, In occount with Snyder County for the year 1901. Dog Fund.. ni Bal in hand Jan 1,'ol' 464 ol ' Amt lax'oo It prer rs outa'd'g 281 71 ' Mseseen gig Bo 11018 54 1VCM Af 'Ml mA n .. A AAO m " - - -- - . V VW .Ullll l - Q9 Orders redeemed 19 5o ' Trees com on same IX P 0 49 Com allowed collectors " 11 Bl or'!w'noad collectors 16 M O'le d f tax 'oo 4 prev yre 114 SI do . do 'ol ism ' Balance in band 414 a 11013 M -We the undersigned auditors In and for the iZfLfTT ? Psnnsylranla. do IT"'' "VLUr' ,n n dlaoharge of tht du ties Isrolvittg upon us by law, metal the Court Pb eeaatt.il Ieb4 salo ISaaka com office Blanks pro. I it ofrtee Blanks sheriff's ofllea lost A Aaroad rabCoalsSinat fab oosMt uroctamatloai rab etectton do Cab appeal aottoa Pub unstated la ad sale Blanks sons ofllce bloats proth'ye office t PS MU ST Pab Co statement Pub court prociamaUoD Pab slaction do -Pub appeal notice Pub court e-tUndara Fub unseated lanit sale blanks protbv oniiss -Blanks regimars office blanks com ins office Feb election ballots Hoaaa of the Coaaty alsrssali, ass taa Irat Monday of Jaaacry, A. D , 1S.O. (il being tbe aix.btay of tno month) ts audit, set Is and ad Just tbe aecouass af the eeveiai oftleee of said enemy, whose aeeouat It io oar dol to audit, settle and djaat, and that we find the toregolag state events eosrert, except that excesa bad beea paid as f.aiowa, visu Order No. 1SS, Sac: order No. 316, Tic. all ot which has beea refunded into tlu Chanty Treasury. . . 1I.K. APP, ' v - . J. 4). BOWKRfX, v II A.KUNUI.RK. aeTETI.EK, Clerk. County Auditors .Rotsblo Execptlost. "No man ever obtained, anything' worth havine without working- hard for it," said Mrs. Bickers to her husJ band, who was in a discouraged mood. ' .... "That's so," replied Mr. Bickers, re flect ivtiy". "I remiuber that I ob tained you without the slightest diffi culty." Tit-1'.its. A Huge Saceesa. Coonley l'ete Mokenberry done sttihtt'd er enipPyiuent sjreuey las' iviik, but he g.b it up afteh a few tlnys. Jackson l)idnt lie make er suceess ob it? Conn ley SW, did! Why, de very fust day he rot 11 eTod job fo his wife. Brooklyn Lite. Second Thouahta Hest. Uilkins This paper says some of the greatest achieve iiieuls in the photo prapuio art have been made by ania U'tirs. Is lliat u? Amateur Of course. If you ilon't believe it, ak any 'I'hotosraplier?" "Any amateur." X. Y. Weekly. I. Idle lloom for Iniprovcment. First Westerner I went to see a football game hen I was east. Second Westerner 1'retty good sport, isn't it? First Westerner Very good. Un less they used guns, I don't see how they could have a livelier scrap. Brooklyn Life. Twna Ever Thna. Bij-gs There is one thing at least that the college graduate never for gets. Biggs What is that? Djgjjs To mention the fact on the least provocation. Chicago Daily News. Cauttbt. Teddy Smith You needn't tell me you are seven years old! Johnny Jones But I am! Teddy Smith Aw, go 'long! I heard your ma tell a trolley car conductor yesterday you were only five. Brook lyn Eagle. 47 1 1 v i'i ; f ' ;'"'-'iv.y Ilon't tie tbe top of yonr VL'S fC'xJ J-lly ond preservo Jurs in lA-V K W tlieoldlnoliionedwiiy.Heal A S, I ILem l y tUo now, quick, ', I ILem by tUo now, quick, Ai ? J rOS ubaoliUoly Htire ivuy by 1 v- -d. a tlilu eontlnirof Ptira P.r.lPLES Ouiv.l in L-LVKDAYSby the u-o of Hr. Tlioin:is' Faci al Ointment, apply at bed linie; cures vhilsi you sleep. fSTFor a short time we will send a Fifty-cent box by mail, postpaid, on receipt of thirty five cents. Address, Barker Cl;crrical Co., 1321 North 55th St., Wt'st Park Station, 12 5-20L Phiadelphia, Pa. PURE WHISKEY DIRECT FROM DISTILLER! TO CONSUMER. Four Full Quarts) $9.20 Y) Cxrreu Sf ' fWaald. - r Sam Dtaltrt' froflltA rrtvmti AiulttrMon. i hayners Kvu-vun-oLa OUROFPMl Wa win seed fear Ml! mart bottles af (Uraer'al T-lear-Wd 0sb4e Cop DisUied Rye far M. uipraasreai)aia testa. Root satiate wfcse received, rsts wA 9ttf M(MlsMH W1 nun rfw$UQ. . w art aayerw ass awe WH kVRR-ncRVNCu: Third NatMBMkJHrtont BUU -e,-4k t omiik, , ijoai-; vt mnj w ju w 9 11 THE riAYNER DISTILUNO CO. C2S-332 West Fifth St., Dayton. Ohlo.1 3O0-3II 80. Seventh Bt., SU Loula, Mo. i Weraarantes abars Bra wiu da as It strata, 5h? .t WTlLuc l..iT yras. TastaafkoodV anldbyd . " l'r' ii'tilft 'N itonued I'araUino. lias 1' ' ' 1 ' ! , '! ! "A no taoto or odor. Is ' i" !",-' atr ttsrht and acid P7; -'vdJA proof. Easily applied. v., 1 't"-i. !.t ., C-btiful in r.doxou other , , I,: fji- wnya nljout tlio liousa. ,; "- 1 a full directions with IT ' : ' . '. V tyT twoU cake. , I i'..- Bold every vrhcre, Madeby j. jiiVO . .S.TA!?.l!r01!', fJw. j iviv;- : -jyv '' .Vr''-'--''''1 '''i'iS;! iMiiii Va frTI As t, V tsS"1 I I Bert UwKh 8 I I h time. A Warsl af Advlct ts Yar Write Tbe verr first thine vou ahouhl J lo drop, at'oor udfbrwei thej tbtvt tbe editor is your natural en7 that ho care only for" tbe work; btmous authors; that beaeldom botv' to read vour work: and that. whJ does happen to skim it over, he dot o i-areiensi y mat us nunses sill XT. A. . T .t.l II .1 i-icaill, rci.liuiij ojaiics uuiuq 3 lini. Correct Silverware Correctin character, design an; workmanship is as necessary uainty cnina or nne linen it o-j would have everything in e,oi; . . , ta.-ic ana xiarmony. ivnivcs. forks, spoons and fancy pieces , table use will be correct if sol lected from goods stamped '1847 Rrimmbr "lS'fT," as there are tmitv tiuu "Rusts." For eatsivfus itu. uj Intsrnstiosal Silver Cs. Marldsn, Com 1 Heroic. Miss Dramatic I would so lii. marry a real hero! Mr. Cynic You seem to unders the qualities necessary to the p who would become-your hnsliaJ N. Y. .Times. Inexperienced, She I've just befn reading "As ter in Paradi'," ly Talkington. H enchanting!- he writes "of thi happiner's (,f n;at-:!:-d lovers! He Yes; he '- a bachelor, you Id Brooklyn L.fe. C'orrrot. Tom This musical critic sp the soprano's high notes as "h warmth. Is that correct? Jack ii n y not ; . . 1 ney come 1: register, you know. Phia.lt Tress. A Real Work of Art. "I declare, Mrs. Squildig is as as a picture," remarked Mr. !'.- "No wonder," replied bis wife; 1 is hand painted." Tit-Bits. Painted Hie Own Jfos. Baeon Is Crimsonbeak a self: man? ' . Kghert rnrlly so; he made ! ; le color it is himself. Yt Eitatt'sii'.aii. Mlint He llnd Snvcd. Mr. Jones I haven't saved ' since I inurried you. Mrs. Jones What an idea! Y saved nearly half of what yon 1 the l ank at Hint time! Puck. Gooil-Ily Summer. "now old is she?" "Oh, very, very old. She's qui! Ing out her gray hairs." Ch Becord-llerald. DON'T TOBACCO and SMO YourLlferi Ten can he cured of aar form of tobacn ejsilr. be made well, atrona-. magnetic. new life and vigor by taking UO'TO-A mat majces wesc men strong, want Ian pounds in ten days. Over BOO,' cored. All druggists. Cure guarantee! let and advice FREK. Address STLS4 MBDY CO- Chicago or New York. Sasnctbloir mat Will Do Ton. da We know of no way in wbict can be of more Bervice to our I ets than to tell thein ot BOinctJ that will do them real good. thiB reason we want to acqj tbem with what we consider oc tbevtrr best remedies on the ket for coughs, colds, end t be: arniing complaint, croup. We to Chamberlain's Coush lied Wo have used it wHh such results in our family so lone tti bas become a household nece Byita prompt use w e-haven't I doubt but that it has time audtf prevented croup, The tostinica .given upon our own experiencfi ,we Bupkest that our readerf ncciallT those w no have smu 11 dren. alwava kci n it in their h as a safeguard against croup.-1! aen to. U) JUestt 1 tter. t or the Middleburg Drug Store. v Ilanv Team aeo Tha HaTnnr niitillinli flndini it lmiossible to prevent tbe al4 tion of thair Droduct as Ion as it wot 4 bulled through irresponsible dealers, k to sell direct to tbe consumer only, i' suit, It is now supplying nearly two-lii" thousand customers with pure wbinkf that, too, at a lower price than poor -costs otherwise. 800 offer elsewhere ' issue. l'er Mloiuach Tronblra. "I hnvn tolrrn a ovaaf mnnT ferentmediciDFB for stomach trc nd conetmatif-n," says iirs. Geigtr of Dunkerton, Iowa, riAVAr Via1 DO rrv-vl Manila tiTl', as from Chamberlain's Stomnct Jjiver Tableta," For Hjale bj Middleburg Drug Store It Tarne Hlai ad. . Jack Winston I heartfou have charged your man, Choi kr. Cholly Chumnleio-h M-a. Ilad don'cher know. RnmQ,A mis'- the beggaw law me, ysioiv, ! made him aw nwesnit. and liberties. Good enouirh ma a in oi wetpecti. ..; ,. ;., . . ,v , ; Jack Winston too bad. But Was it that mistook him for yo PKaIIw rVHHnl.i-L c 1 llalV afa1TawawBr,",,aWawawaw Harlem Life. 1 a. '3Si!XSur- T I ..- .'aWwJ St
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers