The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 27, 1902, Image 1
- - v . Bote THeabs L -. . . . Ve have a Jod wi 01 now ds on hand. They must go U The price will do It triples and prices for the ask ( We furnish them printed less than you can buy them iout printing. i Co V. Wattnaeller, Editor aaa" Prtprletor. A Family Journal, DtTottd U Neva, Scleace. rt, Pstltlcat Ecaaaay aal Carre.t Literature. Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, In Ad net MIDDLEBURGH SiNTDER COUOTY PENNA. FEB. 27 1902 T3S & "' signment of envelopes-' 'fY SV TlRl I 1 Having bought so many S)t?)) I 'T 3fcs--&" -J I SpW 1 feXl I II JITLJ I J I A I "cured a rock bottom 'SMiT,m s X u.rfpt. Vs- - r-if . tbFT "",7'--y I and prices. :. : i , " I I XL. XXXIX NUMBER 0 It vein inril. lACONICS t?i 1"-'" i I i t forget the sale of High Grade Friday, west of town. k and his band have been on to play all summer at the Steep- Steel Tier, Atlantic City. kutiful display of new goods for kvbicli must prove Interesting to L. Dunkelberger, t cirl with the low-cut dress liio tlreii'suld the envious belle bosing." "It looks to nie more fe was exposing," remarked her h KD. uood V eal Utives, UlUes, mid Wool. , J. L. Win em an, Lewisburg, Pa i is a new ten-pound railroad b ovi r at the home of James II ', w ho has applied for the post resident of the Kaiiroad Com James Is the happiest man in bitlrj village. ale. My house and lot, good nd outbuildings. Jacob Uilheht, Middleburg, Ta. W. Beaver baa well earned the hue champion reaper agent in couuty. Last season he sold papers and binders than any the county. George Is a wide- business man and understands turn the trick. pn A. E. Soles in his new shav' hair cutting parlor for your aned with a refreshing sham' a clean towel to each patron north side of Market square op- cntral Hotel. Satisfaction guar- .--'.-- tf. Vild have been a sad disappoint Prince Henry could not have here, but there is no longer any fjout his coming. He will see at country and we hope he Ive a few substantial compll- uor our shipyards. They are fell crowded, but they can find f royal orders. taffiita silk guaranteed not to inches wide at 75c per yard, Bargain," Black tafluta silk wide, 59c, taffata silks, white, colors at prices as low as 20c Sales to last three days be en. 27. L. Dunkelberger. orporatlon of a company "to iture gold from silver" suggests to alchemy. If the Inventor ert sliver into gold he may yet n turning pig iron into the no- She metals. Meanwhile, his tank, no doubt, will be to Bell and common stock. foday evening of last week a young folks assembled at the Mrs. 1. H. Bowersox and the was very pleasantly spent hs furnished by Misses Mollle lr and Claire Grayblll. At 9 p. tore ushered to the dining room pey were royally treated with P ance of good things. At a late departed being well pleased entertainment inual reductions for Odds and lunderwear. Hosiery. Rihhonn JlovfA Linens, Handkerchief. pefc etc, will occur Thurs day ind Saturday, Feb. 27, 28 jen lit. t Ij. Dunkelberger. fgHCTroent of Sousa and his the' Steeplechase Steel Pier. City, ty George C. Tilyou, has piana ir the railroads running - i . p pqpuiar resort. In ennm this ftere will be oultn dnnhio . . per or excursion trains arriv. lantlo City every day than ongnaly planned. Accord. Jlroadflgures, the receipts last Moirwon tickets Into At- ere 114,000,000. kJt Silk mil Project. . noio Record says: The propo- ituwrs. wawer andArbenz, jtisna of Itenovn. in antw,lK. buld a silk mill in this mac. befce the board of trade Sat- nic but no definite action u the matter. Since thn the ilk mill firm to carry out wecpUMM,nmde nearly three pttlle sentiment has been ftirj against the prospect, litis Interest Is manirtl of the Industry. VkawelWerueTtkoM "-rmo-Qulnlne Tablets core . Noeure,nopy. Prlos A PIea;ant Surprise. On Wednesday evening, Feb. 10th, about a score of the Kreainer congrega tion, of the United Ev. church, made a moonlight trip to Middleburg, where they took possession of their nnstor'a .i.n.. '. . .1 uuwc, wuiio no ana uis lamuy hau gone to church, and completely sur prised the family when they returned. For a while the leading centre of ad miration was a valuable rocking chair together with other valuables, which were presented with an able address by Miss Mabel Gutelius. The address was well adorned with words of good cheer aud encouragement, and teemed with skillfully placed tokensof appreciation. The response was niada with au extem poraneous address by the pastor. The evening was pleasantly spent until II o'clock, when several hymns were sung while Mrs. Lillle Gordon presided at the organ, and prayer was ofi'erdd by the pastor. This visit was much appreciated by tho inmates of the parsonage, and made an impression that time will not obll terate. Many thanks to all the donors fjr their kindness. The Kratzervillo U. E. Sunday school also remembered tlio pastor with the gift of a good, warm robe, for which they deserve a repetition of all the above expressed thanks. J. SlIAMIiAC ir. DEER OBJECT TO CONFINEMENT. Two Broke Their Necks Endeavoring to Break Throuj;hTheSr Cage. The game preserve at Edgewood Park is to be stocked with deer irom the Billmeyer farm at Waahlngtonville and those who seek to transport the wild animals are having muuli tronl'K So far but one deer has arrived. The deer are enticed from the lurge enclos ure at Washlngtonvllle into a cage and then the door is closed. Wheu the deer finds himself a captive fie beats his bead against the wire sides of I is pris on in a vain effort to escape. In this way two broke their necks Saturday and another was killed In a similar manner earlier in the week. Mr. Bill meyer has sent to Philadelphia for some netting elastic enough to give when the deer assault it yet strong enough to keep them prisoners. Until this new netting for the cages arrives no further cltort will be nmdo to cap ture the beautiful and' spirited animal. Martha Washington Tea. A delightful Martha Washington Tea was given Saturday evening, Feb. 22, by Mrs. F. S. Ileigle and Mrs. Reno Walter at their home on Market Street. The ladles came attired in ye old fash ioned costume. Mrs. Paul Billhart was awarded the prize for the most antique dress. The rooms were tastefully dec orated with bunting and flags. A most elaborate supper consisting of all those things which most delight the palate, was served, at the close of which rising vote of thanks was extended to the entertainers for a most enjoyable evening. Setting; m PrlNoner Free A man with rheumatism is a prisoner. His fetters are none the less galling be cause they are invisible. To him Perry Davis' Painkiller comes as a liberator, Rubbed well Into the swollen, stiffened oiutstt not merely drives away the pain, it makes the muscles pliable so that the prisoner becomes a free man There Is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis, 25 and 50 eta. TO CURE A COLD IJf OSE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo-Oulnlne Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it mus to cure. to. w. urova's signature a on each box. 25s "The Little Blue Book" The February number contains the latest revised time table of all the rail roads In the state. It Is corrected and issued monthly. It is indispensable to people who travel or as a book of refer ence. It Is the most accurate guide published. Sent post-paid at $1 per year. Single copies by mail 10 cents. Address, W. P. Hastings, Milton, Pa. WATCH WAIT. For a general 10e sale at TTlrlnh UrfmnnlR' HAlinnormVA Pa Rotnntair -- I O ' I - I -. oj, March 1st. 2-20-2t Repnblldaa Standing Committee. The newly-elected members of the Republican Standing Committee will meet In the court house at Middleburg Saturday, March 8th, 1902, to elect of ficer! for the ensuing year. Pkteb Yquwq, Chairman. Slaw aat U Harlan; Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand IMl-lj. Mrs. Geo. W. Ilnsoinger spent a day at Selinsgrove last week. Nathan Hackenburgof Duudore was at tho county seat Monday. C. C. Socbold and w Ife of Sunbury were visitors in town this week. W. I. Garnianaud family spent Sun day with relatives near Fremont. G. W. Burns and family spent Sun day with Joseph Bowersox and family. Thus. J. Speeht and family helped to cat a big dinner nt Beavertown Sim-day. Robert E. Walter of Franklin town ship dropped in to see us Tuesday. Call again. P. A. Brosius, the new constable of Perry township, made u business call Monday morning. P. S. liiegel of Frecburg was at the county seat Tuesday and took dinner with his his son, F. S. Itiegle. Miss Binganian or Centrevllle passed through this place Saturday on her way homo from Lewistown. Mrs. Geo. II. Steluinger of the French Flats gave a "Thimble Bee" one day last week to a number of her friends. J. E. Hubler aud family of Union county were visiting relatives at this place for several days during the past week. Miss Lottie Crouse aud her pupils of Ilennlnger's school gave a Washing ton's birthday entertainment Friday night. Lust week Miss Miriam Buchman had the misfortune of runniuga needle iuto her finger and Inflicted a very painful wound. Jobe Hartmau of fitter, D. L Nelta or verdilia aud Amon , Womer and John Barner of RkhnVM won union wu mavuumj 0 Mum. Joseph Bowes and wife moved into the house with Mrs. D T. Rhoads and Mrs. John A. Snyder moved into the house vacated by Mr. Bowes. The report comes from Lansford, Pa. thut W. Nevln Engle and wife, for merly of this place, are the happy par ents of a young photographer. W. E. Stahlhecker and Dr. C. G. Smith of Beaver Springs and Harvey E. Eberly of Denver, Lancaster couuty, were in this place Friday night Jacob Fisher and Calvin Forry of Kautz were callers at this office Tues day, iney propose to rect a new church down near the Middlecreek, Murtiu Mench of near Miflliuburg rec.'lved a set back last week and Mrs. O. Alfred Sehoch and Clias. Mench of this place were called to his bedsido. Harrison Walters of Letter's Ford.Ind formerly of this ounty, is making an extended visit to friends in this vicinity, Monday he mnda pleasant call at this office. John F. Zechmau of Troxelville, F. E. Holsapplo and Levi Ilerrold of Kantz and Sephares Gemberling of near Salem, were among our Tuesday callers. A party was given to Miss Bertha Crouse in honor of her 19th birthday at her father's residence Monday even ing. A very pleasant time was had even if some one did steal the taffy. H. A. Klinglcr of Freeburg, Joel Reichenbach and sou of West Perry township, John K. and Samuel Moyer of Freeburg, D. F. Upllnger of Mt, Pleasant Mills, Abraham Koons and J. M. Bingaman of Penns Creek, Charles Miller of Salem were among our Tues day morning callers. Dr. A. R. Pottelger of Selinsgrove was in town Tuesday to leaped the cattle of Michael Shambacher, Charles Mench and Hon. G. Alfred Schoch. The doctor thinks that as the ladles re surrect their spinning wheel he should resurrect the old-fashioned cow bell. His horses are adorned with this anti que piece of jlngleism. Chas. Swartz, son of Howard Swartz of Troxelville, this county, returned from China Monday. He was away four years serving in the hospital corps In Manila and last summer, was order ed to San Francisco, but before they got out the city, were ordered back to China on account of the trouble there. He was gone four years almost to the hour. Jumbo Kerstetter of the MoKees Hotel was in town Tuesday at court. We rejoice with the people of Chapman township that the small-pox scare is passed and jhat all, houses where the malady existed have been thoroughly cleansed and fumigated. Mr. Kerstet ter has again opened his hotel for busi ness and we trust that small-pox may never be known In Snyder county. . Narrowly Eacapea Death From Neuralgia af Heart. Mlffllnburg Telegraph. . Tuesday forenoon Mr. Murry E. Wlttenmyer, a clerk in GastA Sou's store, had a narrow escape from death, caused by a severe attack of neuralgia of the heart He had gone to the cellar to charge the acetyllue gas plant when he experienced severe pain at his heart He at once returned to the store room and took position on a stool over the register, thinking the warmth there would bring relief; but he became worse, wheu Mr. Wells Rothermel aud Mr. Guy ltoush carried him to a lounge, at which moment he became uncon scious, his pulse beat hardly being per ceptible. Dr. F. B. Brubaker was quickly summoned, and found him al most pulseless, greatly fearing he would pass away; but happily, through rub bing and the use of medicine, restored him to consciousness and in duo time relief from the excessive pain. The doctor says it whs a close call for Mur ray, for a delay of a few minutes more of proper attention would certainly have resulted fatal. . At about five o'clock lu the evening of said day he was carried on a couch to his home in the west ward by a del egutlon of Modern Woodmen, of which organization he is a worthy member. He is said to be improving and his many friends hope he may soon be able to be out again. SMALL-POX SCARE. Supposed Case at Lewistown Turns Oat to be Measles. There was considerable anxiety among the doctors and board of health at Lew istown, Tuesday an& Wednesday of last week, over what appeared to be a do veloping case of small-pox In the person I ImM vitVetnj.MtwvM rinnirh Mr or Lfearles K. Uossard, residing on Logan street There was much mys tery as to how the child could have contracted the disease and this Increas ed the doubt as to what It was, but there being some small-ox symptoms every precaution possible was taken to prevent contagion and the case was watched closely for developments, and there was great relief Wednesday when those in charge were able to pronounce it an aggravated cose of measles, which It was afterward learned had been con tracted from a child which visited Lewistown from Snyder county. Small pox and measles have symptoms that are common to each, hence the early uncertainty in thlscaseand the wisdom of the care exercised in regard to It. LAST FLORIDA TOUR. Via Pennsylvania Railroad The last Pennsylvania Railroad tour of the season to Jacksonville, allowing almost three mouths in Florida, will leave New York, Phlladephia, Balti more, and Washington March 4th. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation, Pullman accomniodtv tlons (one berth), and meals en route while going on tho special train, will bo sold at the following rates: New York, (50.00;PhiIadelphia, Harrisburg, Bultimore, and Washington, $48.00; Pittsburg, 33.00, and at proportionate rates from other points. Returning, passengers will use regular trains until May 81, 1902. Tickets admit of a stop off at Charleston Exposition on return trip. For tickets, Itineraries, and other information apply to ticket agent, or to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Pass enger Agent, Broad Street Station, Phlladephia. Marriage Licenses. fChnrlieF. Middleswarth, Carrie E. Holshue, Beavertown, McClure, McClure. f Janu s F. Moyer, ISallie M. Dreese, Beayertown. MARRIED. Feb. 10, by H. H. Spahn, Charles F. Middleswarth and Carrie E. Holshue, both of McClure. Feb. 11, by H. H. Spahn, Ralph A. Huffhagle of Vlra, Mifflin county to Mary M. Steely of Lowell, Snyder Co. DIED. In West Beaver, January 20, 1902, Isaac Baker, aged 75 yr. 1 mo. 20 days. In Centervllle, January 81, 1002, Eliz abeth Mltchel, relict of Jacob Mltchel, aged 75 yrs. 8 mo, 8 da j s. In Union County, Pa., Feb. 5, 1902, Irene Elizabeth, Rohbach, aged 27 yrs. 7 mo. 17 days. In Jackson township, Feb 9, 1902, William Arthur, infant son of Zeno A. and Mary C. Btees, aged 1 mo. 1 day. In Limestone Township, Union Co., Pa. Feb 15. 1902, Joseph Andrew Ober- lln, sfd52yrs. 7ma 6daya l.P'JPaF 5U' ,'A v.rfigs-w-.-tr ; , ' y "... r-Mg A.i " . . SUI-T. F. C. BOWCRSOX, Republican Nominee for Assembly. WEST BEAVEK. Tlio snow lull wc Iiad here Friday nijjlit im-asiiriHl 17 inclics on the level. Mrs. E. W. Pierce, Mrs. W. Y. McGIiuiglilin, Mrs. Sarah Steely, Mrs. James J'etcr and MisiASunili Ioniifir, all uf Lowell made a busi ness trip to Lewistown last wed The two former upent a few days iu Yeagertown, visiting friends. Policeman Peter was seen going through the deep snow Saturday morning. He rlaimcd it was more fun than 'some places he went through from '(51 until 'Go, during the Civil war. .Lester Middleswarth and wife spent Sunday with the former's par ents at McClure. Merchant Kolilcr of Itunncrvilie siiont Sunday with friends in IJeav ertown. S. IT. Phillips thinks he may have to have his arm taken off at the break. The doctor says the hone wa a is disease! from his wound anil may not heal. Charles llouscr of Jjcwistown. formerly of our township, has been reported dangerously ill with con sumption. The election here Tuesday was not very well attended, only 50 votes being polled. Letter to Jacob Oilbert, MiDni.KiiuKoir, Pa. Dear Sir : What would be the result of selling poor paint with this guarantee? " If you have any fault to find with this paint, either now iu putting it on, or hereafter in the wear, tellyourdeal er about It. "We authorize him to do what Is right at our expense." That means pay damages, don't it? Here's another guarantee: " If your state chemist Muds this paint adulterated we will pay his bill, and send you $100." We stand by both of these guarantees; as we are the maker, we know all about it Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co. on SALEM. Brian Teats and wife called Prof. F. C. Fisher 8unday. Geo. and iVill Moyer of Mifflin- town are visiting friends at this lace. Mrs. Minerva Walter is siicnding several days with Mrs. Matilda Fisher. Mrs. Emma J. Goss is on the sick-list. Mrs. Milton Herman was enter tained by friends at Sunbury on Sunday. Banks Yoder of Middlebureh and Miss Izora Walter of Kreamer called at Won. B. Gemherlinir's Sunday. PALLAS KEWS. The sudden turn in the weather the other week gave the owners of empty ice houses new energy and as a result nearly nil the ice houses have Leon filled. On account of the deep W for' l)yn tve u'eck ma"" r " 'ah- have flittetl to ...(", w p. ping in our vicinity; f was Saturday even'i, ow'pinty consisting of fourteen fl-oinvIcK.'M'S, which stopped ut Mr hi lev's, without warning or any lvalue message. Thursday evtniir the same family was again surprise! ly another party of eight from Oi'ifiml and on Saturday evening the thin! party stopped there and Wed no-lav afternoon th th came. They were all welct..itj were treated to-, good music and had enjoyable times. Last Thursday night, Margaret, the infant daughter of Irom Stellcn, died, aged 1 month and 2 days. In terment at Ebciiczer last Sunday. Cloyd Teats is working in the liimlxT regions of Indiana county. Samuel Wagner's sale was well attended. Since this last Christmas the num ber of visitors that have called nt Bailey's Ins reached the total of 75, not counting the neighlmrs. Saturday evening eight of the Pallas young folks took a sleigh ride down to McKecs to Mr. Albert Troupe, and the same evening the streets of Pullas rang with the merry shouts of a big sled load of the Fre mont boys and girls, who had not been made aware that the Pullas voung folks had departed, not know ing that they were to have visitors that evening. Moral : Always send word ahead when you arc coming then we'll be here. Thursday evening Calvin Bailey look a sled load of young people down to the St. Thomas Church, where protracted meeting is in pro gress. PAXTOXVILLE. After spending about two weeks at Lewistown visiting her daughter, Mrs. II. II. Attig returned home last Tuesday. Mrs. II. A. Howell of Lewistown spent several days in town visiting her parents. Mrs. Heicket of Ohio is visiting II. II. Attig's. Wm. Ayers and Calvin Steffen who were employed in ' West Vir gins, as cooks in a lumber camp, returned home Friday evening. L. E. Derr and Wesley Ncrhood who are employed at Lewistown, by the R. R. Co., are spending several days at home. Harry Attig visited his daughter Mrs. Keefer in Sunbury last Thursday.