The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 20, 1902, Image 7

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    J GET C?
Kakes Tm Csenblc
ybodr who reads the nrws-
M 10 Know CM m wwmnni
. euros made by Or.
i Kilmer's Swam p-Roet,
II the rret kidney. liver
II md bladder remedy.
. . L . - Jl
II is mo jrcai iiiour-
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century: dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and is
eeessful In promptly curlnr
dney. bladder, urio acid trou
t's Disease, which u tne worst
' trouble.
Swamp-Root is not rec-
everythlng but U you nave kw-
ladder trouble u win oe touna
rvouneed. It has been tested
vs. In hospital work. In private
g the helpless too poor to pur
id has proved so successful In
I a special arrangement has
which all readers of this paper
ilready tried It, may have a
tent free by mall, also a book
jout Swamp-Root and how to
tave kidney or bladder trouble.
fcnentlon reading this generous
Wper and
dress to
to..Binr-l 3
f. The
tent and Botaa( Bwpp-Booa,
sold by all good druggists,
weft iDr SAVED
Lbt tsing...
Haui fliAAAunru
n, Coughs and Colds
All Other Throat And
Remedies Combined.
ui medicine positively
imption, Coughs, colds,
sthma, Pneumonia, Hay
y, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
' .... .
uroup ana wnoopmg
$1. Trial Bottle Frse.
luxm, waled with blua ribbon.
. KriiM aanrvroaa aubatl
llatloaa. Jiuyof rourDnucxiM,
pn ior ninmitn, ra it
'll er far LaaliM" in Utter.
lO.eeei'aMinioulal, Sold by
, . . FHILA, PA.
j -' a-an-ama " - " ;,
Twenty years am, sweet wife."
Thine eyae war bright and grart -
Kw grief has dlnunad their luatroue
. hue
And atoto their Uht away. '
But ean ansa Into the snaths, -
Aad atlll they aoftly shlse;
I fondly pray their loving looks
Banco the love of bum.
Twenty yean ago, dear wife,
Thy hair waa bright aa gold;
But now Its silver threadlike streaks)
Tell we are getting old.
I paaa my hand across thy curia '
With blessing In Bay touchi
For though harsh Time baa stole my Joy,
Thy love has left mo much.
Twenty years age, loved wife, ; .
Thy hand was round and fair. -And
showed with grace the golden ring
My love had placed on there;
But time and toU have left their mark)
Tet though these tiros men see.
The hand I hold within my own
la dear aa life to me!
-Jennie Stovtn. In N. T. Weekly.
Aa Averted Shooting la a Col-
. orado Mining Camp.
It name on a Viatal cam TU
will y0- pmiipalii, a
. -VtMflJ U) Mil Aft Ul Mnli
ienci u tna si.nn and w ,iu
H' rhitt. Dm Ubt of other
Debeqo e. Col nid
Jury List.
Irors drawn for tho court oi
it ana ueneru .Mil dolivei;
at Imx. Term,
MlddltH! reels
Wu-MUInyt in
Beuver Weal
All 1111)8
Jltl'kB 10
Pwry Went
fs drnwn for the Court of
1 of W'artw Sohslnns or tUe
lur County. Pii . hi,i
ng Feu. si, toi. .
Perry West
. Mlddleoreok
" enn
Perry west
Beaver West
. Hprlnir
Perry Went
. Washington
Perry West
f Sbamokln, Pa.:'
ftonk, your wire haa
(of Common .f
ba Teres Uoi.aliae
V Peylag adiToros
a hatabir aotinad and
"1 aoart eaar before
MM neat, to
of the aald UelUY.
aaob appaaranos yea
HE accldentallv averted irncr.
diea are not often chronicled.
but I'ae aeen a few of that kind that
are worth telling about," said a Colo
rado mining man to a cnpltol commit
tee room group the other aiternoon,
says a Washington correspondent of
the N. Y. Sun.
"One night, when Cripple Creek was
new and raw, Biff Randall and Aloo
Crubb, who were partners in a claim
that waa panning out big, drifted into
Scnk Murphy's canvas honkatonk and
blew the iouse. Biff and Alee had
been off the reservation for four days.
Both were pretty bad men.
"Well, on this night Biff ami Alec,
being tired nnd precarintis-like on
their pins, and neither of 'em having
hod any sleep for four dnys nnd
nights, were peevish with each other,
and the boys noticed that they were
pretty snappy In the way they talked
to each, other. Consequently the
boys Itept a sort o focus on the en
trances to the tent, so's to be able to
execute proper getaways at the need
ful moment, in case there was nnv-
thing doing between Alec and Bilf.
"After they'd both wetted down nil
hands three or four times Hi IT and
Alec were naturally finite some more
to the bad than before they'd cottie
in, and they continued to have fmu-y
little cracks at each other for some
reason or other. ; Finally Biff caught
sight of a dusty old violin box rest
ing on a shelf behind the bar. The
fiddle and case had been left with
Soak Murphj by a rover who wanted
the price vi,i.,?!de back to Denver.
'bonk,' (una Mil to Murphy, who
was taking the watch himself behind
the bar, 'lemme have a peep at that
music box. Maybe I'll play you a
chune. I used to be a heap on the
fiddle when I was young and purty.'
"'Well, I never knowed that,' put In
Alec, kind o' leering and ugly. I
knowed that you was a whole lot
strong on elbow work, but not with
the bow. If I can't play a faster
chune on that thing than you can I'll
band you over my half of our hole in
the ground.'
"Biff, in the act of taking the fiddle
out of the box, looked up at Alec
from under his shnggy eyebrows.
" 'You're on, you juniper, he said,
pretty quiet like considering Alec's
sneering way. 'You're on f'r keeps,
and you got to slay with that crack
or git what's coinln' to a welcher.'
"Aleo grinned satirically and con
fidently, and Biff began to tuno up
the violin. We thought he'd only
been four-flushing when he'd said
that he could play some on the thing,
but we saw by the way he tuned it up
that he knew something about it.
"Be put some rosin on the bow, sat
down ao'a to be more steady, stuck
the fiddle under his chin and began to
saw 'The Irish Washerwoman.' It
didn't aound so bad at that.
"Meantime we kept the off eye on
Alec. We figured that Alec was out
on a limb. Now, considering tho
merit of BlfTg performance, we were
a-plenty surprised to note that Alca
oiun t appear to be even a little bit
worried about that defl he'd piiBhed
"We couldn't see that it looked
reasonable to suppose that Alee could
hand up a faster tune than Biff had
executed, and that's why we were as
tonished to observe that there was no
sign whatever of caving on Alec's
"'Now, you catfish.' said Biff in
Alec, handing over the fiddle and the
bow, 'you make good that chaw o'
yours about fust chunea. I'll leave it
to the bunch. If you've trot me con.
pered, the whole claim's yours. If
you hain't got tho goods, I'm going
to mark a dead line Jest 1,000 yards
from that hole in the foothill nnri
you're goln' to stay outside of it.'
- " " una dow witn
his confident grin still on his face. He
laid the instrument and bow down
long enough to cut himself off a 1ur
chew from a plug. After carefully
stowing the chew in the left-har.d
corner of his countenance, he picked
np the fiddle and bow again, tried the
strings like a man who knew just
where he stood, and then began on
The Devil'. Dream.' . -
"Well, it didn't taker any of ua half
a minute to see that Aleo had the
merchandise and that he . had Biff
beat. Alec was right there with 'The
Devll'a Drtam, and, there : are not
many faster fiddle tunea than that.
"Alao rocked around ia hit teat quite
ni kdui ne piayeci, out he didn't
make any breaks in his fl eye ring or
Iowa a mountain aide. Well, -whem
we saw the way the sitnatioct stood,
we began to sort o' edge sidewise to
ward the tent flap.
"We hadn't been asked to be made
jmpirea and none of us frit exactly
ike pushing to the front and handing
iown any decision aa to the respective
rirtuoso abilities of Biff and Alec. We
w that Biffs eyes were blazing and
that his nigh hand wna sort o twid
dling nervously in the direction of
his gun. And so our tide just nat
urally set toward the tent flap.
"Alec set the fiddle and bow down
after he'd got through and grinned
quixzlcally and powerful irritatingly
at Biff. Biff had a .chagrined, evil
look on Ma map that ought tove
eauaed Alec to be careful, but Alee
waa flushed with triumph and hia
four days' souse, and he kept right
on grinning in Biff's teeth.
"'Ombrey,' said Biff, straightening
himself up and glaring hard at his
partner, 'lemme tell you soraethin.
You're a ringer. You're a
"Now, it was at this very instant,
when the hands of both men were
traveling toward their guns, that I
noticed a squat, heavy-set man, clad
in dark clothes, and with a flat
topped derby pushed back from a
very bald head, standing In the en
trance of the tent. I knew him right
away had seen him in Denver the
week before.
"We of the bunch were just about
to execute our timely hike when Biff
and Alee were on the point of mak
ing their gun play, when the little
man, who appeared to be quite aware
of what was in progress, walked jerk
ily up to where they stood confront
ing each other, and almost on the
pinpoint of plugging each other, and
he said, addressing them both, and
looking Biuilingly from one to the
" 'I heard some Maying nod? yes?'
"Biff Bnd Alec both turned and
gazed with open mouths nt the queer-
looKing little man with the bald head.
Neither of them said a word, but
they just stared at him.
" 'Oh, here is ze veeolcen,' said the
squat man, picking up the instru
ment from tla bar and scrutinizing
it. Then he pirked up the bow. Biff
and Alec continued to stare at him.
'Veil, I blay for you.' said the lit-
tlo man, and he snuggled the violin
up under his chin Ijke as If It was a
pet kitten, and he gave n flourish with
the bow, and then ho brought It down
for a crashing chord on all four
strings at once nnd then Biffs nnd
Alec's guns went buck into their belts
nnd they forgot about everything
else except the sounds that were com-
ng out of that catinit and. know
ing that the making of war medicine
was over for the time being, we all
gathered around the squat man.
Did any of you ever hear Eilounrd
Remenyl, the Ilunirarian virliuist.
put yr tieefcuse fiiatv vho the aquat
man was Remenyi. He had run down
from Denver to Cripple Creek to see
what a new American mining camp
waa like, and prowling around, and
hearing Alec's scraping of 'The
Devil's Dream,' he had just dropped
Into the honkatonk on an impulse,
without any Idea of what was going on.
"Well, Remenyl 'blnyed' nil right
fie just nursed that old thing undci
his fat neck like a boy eu Idles a
guinea pig with a broken leg, and he
hadn't been playing more thnn two
minutes before every man In the gang
looked as if he had a sneaking sort
of feeling that ho hadn't done right
with his life.
"Biff and Alec sidled over to the
bar and lenned their backs against
it, side by side, nnd every time that
Hungarian squat man pulled out a
tremolo that was particularly meaty
and reproachful and full o meaning,
they'd exchange kind o' entranced
smiles with cueh other and shake
their heads stuily at each other.
"I don't know what it was that
squat foreign man played. I never
will know. But I know that what he
played mode mo feel like I'd been neg
lecting the folks back home, nnd when
l reached my shack I sat down and
wrote 'cm letters until daylight.
"When after ten minutes of straight
playing, ho wound up with a lot of
low things 'way down on the (Lstrlng
that sounded like a brook gurgling
to Itself in tho night, and when he
took the violin from under his chin
with a sort of dreamy smile on his
pudgy face, there was on amount of
coughing from those fellows standing
around such as I never heard outside
of a hotel for 'lungers.' . And none
of the bunch seemed to want to look
at each other except, Biff and Alec.
"They looked at each other silently
and sheepishly for about two min
utes after Remenyi put down the vio
lin and mopped bis forehead with a
big white silk handkerchief. Then
Biff walked up to the stocky virtuoso,
cleared his throat, and said in a tone
that waa pretty hoarse:
"Todner, I don't know who you
all are, nor where you stampedes
from, nor anything about you 'cepting
what I just heerd. But I know who
I am and what I've got. All I srot's
half a hole In the rock, wfth some pay
dirt in sight, and that's yourn. And,
next to that hole in the ground, I got
a ahack filled up with the riff-raff be
longing that I've been gittin' to
gether f r yeara. Well, that shaek'a
yourn, too, and here's the key to the
padlock. Take It Touch a match to
the whole fitout and burn it down if
you want to but it's yourn. That's
"The amazed Remenyl stood gaslng
at Biff with hia little beady brown j
eyea twinkling wonderingly, but be
fore he had time to say anything In
reply, Aleo stepped forward, fronting
him, cleared hia throat aa Biff had
one, and aald: -
'Which it affords me pleasure to
through tenia yoa all. Ton wia eirl
the claim aad evexythln en it. ya
tad BUT dont feel Ilka we got bo right
to stay In bo camp where there's a
ombrey that eaa do things on a fiddle
like you can do, and so, such beln
the ease, me and Biff, we just cashes
In, aad. glad to do it, and vamoose,
that'a alL
"They meant absolutely every word
of It, too. But Besaenyt took sudden
alarm over the poewliar aetloaa aad
worda of the two rough-roekiag men.
He dldat understand tho language
very well, and he didn't know what
they were trying to force on him, out
of enthusiasm and booserlno ecatacy,
a claim that haa since panned out big,
as a tribute to his genius.
- "With a murmered word or two
he took to his short legs aad scam
pered out of the tent, while Biff and
Alec gazed after him disappointedly.
Still under the daze of that great
muslo they both speechlessly beck
oned all hands to the front, blew the
outfit twice around, and then, linking
arma, they hiked to their ahack, so
bered up and went to work.
"They'd both have been dead men
if Remenyl, of Uuhgaria, hadn't
popped into that canvas honkatonk at
the moment he did."
A Pretty Royal Castom.
A pretty custom dating from the
wedding of the late Queen Victoria
haa ever since pertained to the royal
family. A sprig of myrtle which
formed a part of the brlde'a wreath
was carefully cultured, and In due
time planted out. When the princess
royal was married sprigs were cut
for her bridal wreath from this myr
tle tree. The princess, following her
mother's example, had one of the
sprigs cared for till it beoame a full
sized tree, which served for her
daughter-in-law's wreath at the wed
ding of the present emperor of Ger
many. The custom was observed in
the marriage of the Prince of Wales
and all other of Queen Victoria's chil
dren and grandchildren. There is al
ready, as the result ef this charming
custom, the making of a grove of
myrtle trees. Other royal customs at
tached to the marriage of the royal
family relate to the bouquet and the
wedding cake. Ever since the mar
riage of Queen Victoria a firm of
Windsor florists have had the honor
of presenting the one, a Chester con
fectioner finding the other, neither
accepting payment. From the Scots
man. -
.The Prlaceas and the Telephone.
Telephones can be very treacherous
instruments at times. One evening
the prince of Wales, the king,
was at a public dkiner at which he
was to speak. During the meal he
told an equerry to send for a book,
to which he wished to refer for a fact,
from Marlborough bouse. The equerry
"YC-lbe ece'yr';.frMrtira. tud
the hotel manager rang the royal res
idence up on the telephone. After he
had made himself understood , there
was a pause of many minutes. He
rang again, then again, until at last
losing all patience he litlerally shout
ed: "Are you there? What the
do you mean by keeping his royal
highness waiting? Can you find the
book or not?" To his angry expos
tulations camo the quiet answer:
"We are very sorry to keep you wait
ing; we are doing our best to find
the book, which shall be Bent on at
once, ricnse toll my father this be
cause he Is so particular." It was the
first, and doubtless ho hopes it will
bo the last time, that the mnnager
had ever rated a princess through the
telephone Muinly About I'cople,
Military OrtlioKrophy.
X British soldier, who is at this
moment serving In South Africa, re
cently sent a letter to the war oflloe
ctntaining a word that baffled the
Imagination of every clerk and ofllcinl
to whom the puzzle was submitted.
Tho mysterious word was spelled
"yfe." It was repeated several times,
ond seemed, indeed, to be the main
subject of his communication. At
length it occurred to one of tho
clerks to consult the hall porter, a
grizzled veteran quite unhampered by
board school accomplishments.
"Can you tell us the meaning of
this vord, Simpson?" asked the bril
liant clerk.
"I should think I could," replied tho
teterun, with mild contempt. "Y-f-o
spells wife, of course What else eould
It spell, sir?" London King.
d of
To Bo (Sura
nsf ipof ion
People who suffer from habitual constipation with all its attendant il's,
clogged stomach and bowels, sluggish liver, heartburn, indigestion, and thm
and impure Mood, are too apt to believe that the only remedy is violent
purgatives. The contrary is the case. Such cathartics, even if they do move
the bowels, are irritating and griping, leave the stomach inflamed and enfeebled
and the constipated condition recurs with greater difficulty of cure and the
sufferer constantly growing worse. There is a laxative that moves the
bowels without pain or griping, cleanses tho stomach, sharpens tho appctito,
stimulates tho liver, strengthens the nerves, ami purifies the blood, wliilo ita
marvellous tonic properties tone up the entire system and keep it healthy.
bxokola Dogs It
Its rcmarkablo tonic properties reaeh every organ the liver, kidneys
and stomach, nerve, heart ami brain nnd removes the i nnse of vonr ii 1 . ii
itatcd condition. This is the only way to secure an absolute ;iinl'ennaiiry'
Laxakola is the only medicine for buhies, is purely vegetable and its
action is gentle, speedy and effective. For coated tongue, simple fevci
colds, chills and languid feeling it is the ideal medicine.
It tastes good. EF" Children like it ami ask for it.
Uiikoli, iho (real tonic laiaiive, ti not only the mint efficient of fmily remtditj, but the moil
economical, because It combinei two medlcinei, yit i laiatlre and tonic, and it one price. No other
remedy (Iree to much for the money. At drugglita, lie. and 60c , or lend lur free temple to LAXAKOLA
CO. IB Naiiao Street, N. V., or lot Dearborn Street, Chi(o.
Vheo You Do Die, Die of Old Age.
YOU CAN I1R ClJItKDhy our comWnea mooment-oure, hydropathy nnd Internal treat
ment. V e nut only muimiiin hut nuiiruiitce that vlKorotis, liiMxirutliiK hculih eun be at
talnm) by all who, unilur our directions, strive font hy NA I'L'II A I, tni-uns. mull you
a ll-t of questions from which your ease Is diairnincd liy oursturTnf physicians. Kuchi'tise
liHpeclully prcscribi'il for. If doctors huv pronounced you incurable in uuy of the follj'vluif
diseases, it will bo of vital Intercut to you to communicate with im ut once.
Bnslit'a Liscaso and othor Kiduoy Diseases, Kheuinatisra, Consumption, 'Weak
nesses of Women, Lost Manhood, Bladder Diseases, Piles, Constipation, Blood Dis
eases, Catarrh. Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Epilepsy,, Insomnia, Liver Disease,
Nervous Debility, Sciatica, Asthma, Biliousness and General Debility, tnd all other
diseases whichresult from impropor living or ignorance or negloct of the lawsof nature.
"The neglect of the Pliysloal wcU-bcln . . . In my Judgment resulted In im
Increase In Insanity and a dcorcuse la the lilrth rate, throughout the United States.
UK. Fhkukhick J. Simpson, nf Hartford.
" Tbey euro where others havo failed." I'll Hjiiiki.I'IIIA 1'iikk.h.
Their treatment is rational . . . tbey do nil they claim."
Diet, eierclso and nutcr are the three itrcut ourullve agencies."
Health JunRNAU
An interesting pamphlet of our treatment containing halMono and tef
lmonlalH of persons wo hvo cured, fent f, r-to all.
THE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL SCIESJ'F'"1 "v,riccvlHoe Tioga Co., Pcnn'".
Is dono with luilf the trouble ami work if
you havo good tools: Why not lmy tho
Enterprise Snusngo Sttiffors
and Moat Grinders and saveagreat deal
of unnecessary trouble I
Sqt. Enterprise HtuftprR ft id Tmnl Press, $1 7"
it qt. Kuteiprise StuflVra aul Liml Press, 3.75
2 (it. Enterprise Stuffers and Lard Press, 3.00
DE3n.tox'ipxiso IVToctt Grindors
No 12 Chops 3 lbs. meat in 1 minute $1 HO
No 2-('hops Sibs. mrnt in 1 urnuto 3 1)
No' X3 Chops 3 His. incut in 1 tuinuto 4.7o
Woalso havo the celebrated Leu's Butcher Knives nnd
Steel. Lard Cans, Hor Scrapers, Scales, Ladles Skiin-
Vr.HW.v nnd everviucr necebsiuy i uiiiraninK.
D. HEIiH'S SON, Sunbury,
Alwaya a Waddlnar.
"Do you love me tor myself alone?"
Bks o wtfman.
"YeB," says the man.
She l elieves him, and marries him.
"Do you love me for my self aloue?"
a woman asks.
"No, for your money," say the man,
not by word of mouth, but by his
actions, which speak aven louder than
She does not believe him, and mar
ries him. N. Y. Sun.
Rather Indefinite.
Ilewitt Lend. me fifty, will you?
Jewett I '.111 when I get back
from New York.
"When are you going- to New
"Just before I lend you that fifty."
Gool for Barns.
Tourist (after his first drink of
Bloody Guloh whisky) Thunder and
lightning' I Gimme a ohaaer, quick I
Bartender (disdainfully) Wot d'
yer want water7
"No; linsaed our ruck.
Another Tlaw ( It.
Biggs-Jt'e hard to be poor.
Diggs Not necessarily. , A
' -ZZJTZ,. .JS" T' """ U front food fr many paeple find it msj eaoura
P--j:?Jt t-rj tKS. fair, rial agr podaar, J col CfeioaxTSllj Ktwfc . .
Marked attractiveness in design and color and excellent quality f
I of iabric, combined with the reasonable prices, make our carpets
conspicuous. At this time attention is called to the new season's
" patterns of the well-known Wilton's, Axminstcrs and Tapestry jr
Brussels. The latest eflecU rnTngraius. Uag Carpets in all 6tyles T
T and prices.
Our stock of new FURNITURE is es- i
pecialiy pleasing;. We also have a fine f
t Une of baby carnages
i Valley Street, Lewistown, Fa.
n m 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i n n i i m i ' " ' i
1 ff U JIT W