The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 20, 1902, Image 3

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    it to 7 th wife sod
' Vh whM (ha mum bcr worn face
k tS. minor, sad asks the qnetticn,
V U war? DOM H to Sacrifice
" 17 ' ""TLS.v'SLi h.nrins
to wedded lore? But
there u another que,
tion which rightly
takes precedence of
Doe it pay? It ia
thia: "Is it neces
sary to aacrifice
health and happiness
to wedded love ?
Half a million women
answer, No! They
have been weak and
have been made
strong by Dr. Pierce's
FBYonte Prescription.
They were sick and
Favorite Prescrip
tion" made them
well. It will do the
same for almost every
woman who gives it
a fair and faithful
trial. It stops weak-
.Hinn .tralna. IimI
a v t. ---is
lflatnmatiou and ulceration and cures
male weakness. . It tranqualiiea the
erves and encourages the appetite. -I
eipected to become a mother, and a
ireatened miscrunc jrreatlv weakened me,
rUInY R A. NatEms. of Witts Spring,
farcy Co.. Ark., "and my old disease returned.
Iv husband got another. doctor for me but I
timed to jut dra aloof and grt no better,
i taat I told the doctor that if his medicine did
ot help me I would (fo back to lit. FR('i
ledidn?. I did so, and by the time I had
iken them one nioolh I could do my ow
outwork, except wsshinjr. and tended my
arden too. I was stouter than I had ever been
rhile waiting baby a coming sine i my first
aby came (this one wa the sixth child). She
i now eleven months old and is a healthy child,
is for me, I eel as young now as I did at
Hghteen years 01 ,.. i
Sieerfully recommend Dr. Pierce's medicine to
ill suffering womankind."
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant rellets cure
biliousness and sick headache.
Lewistown Division.
In effect Not. 24, 1901.
am r
8 201 4 5"
9 09 4 40
04 4
8 0il 4 27
tu n
8 47 4 30
8 40! 4 IR
8 84 4 07
8! 8 57
818! 84
8 67 i 8 49
7 87' 8 88
764. 829
7 49 8 99
7 43 8 20
T 88 8 18
783 800
T 800
15 100
s is io
SolinsRroT Junction
K reamer
Ben for
Bauba Mills
30 10 In
10 811
.13 10
W 10 42
10 51
11 Of
11 M
11 42 Lewistown (Main Street.
00 ill45l Lewistown Junction.
jlrain leaves Sunbury 6 30 p m, ar-
rives at Selinsgrove 5 45 p m
iLeaves Selinsgrove 6:00 p. m., arrives
at sunbury 0:13 p. m.
rrains leave Lewistown Junotion :
4 40 m, 10 14 s m. 1 10 P ro,130p m 4 37p m, 7 (TTp
m, 8 49 p m, 18 8t a m lor Alloona, Pittsburg and
tha Wast,
For Baltimore eart Washington 80S am 9 80,
Itt, 1 88 4 81 8 10 p m For Philadelphia and Mew
Tart , s OR, 9 ana nuLIUXUXH tiuLAUA.
si rot Hamsourg s lit p m
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division
Train leave -SeliDsarove Junction uuv lor.
Sunbury ana West,
92Sam,US8p m, 4 83 p m. Sunday 98 a m.
s 43 p m.
Trains lenve Hunbnrv dsllv axrent Riinrlsv!
l2 23amtorBufI.ilo,Miaiator Kile and. Can.
ia lu a m Tor iseneinnie. cna ana usnanaaifiua
12 a m inr umsk naven, Tyrone ana uie west.
2 4S for Buffalo, 1 10 p tu lor Belleleat Ksne
yrone and Uanacdalgua
lop in lor kenovoand tlraira
45 p m lor vt luiamapori
Sunday 1298 a m for Buffalo via En porlum,
I 21 a m fur B'le. 8 10 a in lor Erie and Canuu-
iIhIku i 8 W li in for V i
1 42 am forsook Haven and
45am, to s m 2 00 and B 95 Dm for Wllliss-
barre and Hazelton
10 in, 10 10 a m. i 08 n m. ft 88 d m for Shatn--
k In and Mount Carmel
Sunday 9 68 a m lor Wllkerbarre
Trains leave Seltnmrove Junntlnn
10 00 a m, daily arriving at i'hlliidchil.lii
117pm New York 5 63 D in Baltimore a 1 1 n in
K asli Ington 4 19 p in
I 58U p m dally arriving at Plilladolplila
20 pm New York 8 63 am, Ualtiuioia 9 43U ni
A'aslilntou 10 66 p m.
8 42pm, ually arriving at miladelphl.i
!8m, NewYork713am,Hultimor8 230 am
asnington 4 0& a rc
Tra'DB al'O leave Sunhury :
2 81 a m dally arriving at I'blladefdhla 82 a m
Salllmnre7 20 a m Wnnhlif;ton 830 am New
fork tt 33 am Weekdays, 10. am tjunitayi',
8 23 1 a m daily arriving at Hhllndclplila 7 22
i m, New York 9 33 a in, 10 88 Sundays Baltl
nore 1 20 a m. Washington bao a in. ISalUuiuie
v;o p n Washington 1 16 p m.
M a m week ding arrivlnir at Philadelphia
1 4S a in, New York 9 13 p m, Baltimore 12 IU p
n, Viaiihinglon 1 18 pm -
1 8A II 1L Week dl avwlwlttv at PhlUil.t,.!.!.
28pm, wYork80pm, Baltimore 8 0j u ia
washtngUji 716pm
li p m naiiv. arriving at Phliarlelpliia y ss p m
lew York 1023 p m, BalUmore7 80 p ui, WusU
p won 8 30 p in '
Trains also leave Sunhnr OM ft m 4nH tt Oil
d 8 81 p m, lor Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and
. B. U0TCUINm Oan-Vfianier.
1 U tvimn 1 an
Made a
Well Man
ZXcf Me.
th;"waiitttln-30dya. Itactl
,T, vuira wnen ail oinaraiall.
3lni aJ?ii!,l4n thelr X manhood, and old
vVT". ST1 '""'htul vis or by using
MLLont vi m?' 'aniT TrmUn Nsrrons.
?JS? :fft! "? Ph
il affcu """
,,.k "- w aasaksana inauontuoa
Wcotnbyaiartiiitatthasaat of disease, bal.
oTtooi and blood bnllder, bring.
t?rlKi P'nk. t-'ow t Pbj cheeks and irl
oaVvL? ' Jowth. ft wards off tnsaaltf
Tko CaautM
' This raclprocHy la Ufa - - H
Oa avary hand wa aoa.
I say aosa folks ar foolish and
. They say tha saaa of m. .
Washlngion Star. .
. i ' SvBalM t Laat. .
Amnt WaybMk What kind ot
thing do you oall that you're wear-
lne;T ' - '
City Klece Whjv thaU my bolero
jacket, aunty.
Aunt Wayback Well, I must say
that's sort o sensible. The front
folds back ao you won't drop the vit
tlea on lt.X. Y. Weekly.'
' RIs ExBMtatloa.
Aunt Becky Why, some of them
fashionable women ia so extravagant
they won't wear the aamedregkmore'n
two or three times. -
Uncle Abner You don't sayl I
a'pose it'll come to be fashionable not
to ride the aame autermohile more'n
two or three times. Brooklyn Life.
Daaa-ora af Modera Edaeatloa.
Food Molher Oh, I am so glad you
came in! I don't know what on earth
ails the baby.
Caller Shall I run for the doctor?
Fond Mother No, for an interpre
ter. Ilia French nurse left suddenly
to-day, and nobody can understand
what he says. The Ware.
Da Barer la KImcs..
"I think it is abmird to say kiss
ing is dangerous," gushed Mrs. Lily
top. "What possible disease could
be spread by the simple act?"
"Marriage, madam," grunted Grum
py. Tit-Bits.
netter t'aaald.
Cholly Littlebrayne Yes, the doc
tor saved my life, but it cost me over
a thousand dollars.
Miss Thotless Ohl Mr. Lyttlc
brayne, what extravagance! Brook
lyn Life.
A Word ot Warning.
"The camel can carry wnter fur a
great many days," remarked the Ob
server of Kvents and Things; "but re
member, young man, that he don't
carry it on both shoulders." Yonkers
ssAa Vniirl lisi,,l
- - - M T. M
Vnn mmUmmIaI I
'" made well, strong, magnetic, fulloi
that makes weak men strong. Many em 5
ten pounds In tea days. Over 300,000
cured. All druarsista. Curs mirimnul no.b.
let Hnif tvlrm UDIflS A A A t t. r, t . ....
BM8DY CO. Chicaco or New York? iS
Courf Proclamation,
1IEREA6 the Hon. Harold M. Mci'lur.
('resident Judire ol the Judicial lilnrmi.
wniposed of lSf( ,,:itles ol Snyder, aii)
I'nlon and Peter if iele and . T. Qin
onrt ol Common Pleas, oourt ol Oyer anil Tur
minor and Oeneral Cqurt olQuartur 8esMions
:hel eace, at Mlililloliurnh, lor the oouuiy i'
Snyder, on tbe flrst Monday, (boinK th-9ltli
Ihv ol Fob, 190) ' -lid to continue one wouk
Notice Is llierefifuOoiohy given to the I'oroii
r, Justices ol the Peace and Uonstables Id siki
tortile cunuty ol Snydur. to appear In tht.
inicr Borson with tliuir rolls, records, Inqulm
lonp, examinations and other remeinlirancu
io do those thlnKS which ol their oltlce- ami li.
heir livluill artaln Ui be done and wltnei,
unl iiarBons jiroiiecuting In behalf of tlio l ull,
iionweallli aunlnstaii) person or persons are r
tiilred to he then and there attemlln and t
'urtinu wllhuut liHVr at their peril. JiikIIci'
lie rciiuected to ho pucclunl lu tlielr Btteiolsiic
I the appointed Hire nfree. lily to notice.
UIvkii under u.y hml mui soil Is l the filierltt
nice In Midil'cl uturh, the 27th duy ot Jan.
. l)one tlio .Buna iiinohundriMl two.
U, W. KOW, ShorlH.
WlbOWS' AI'l'K.MSKMKNTH. NotliT Is hw
byiflVMi Unit, the Miluwlni; Widows' Ap
:inilsi'ineutf under tin' JSiohiw, liuvo benn Die,
mUi the Cl"i-k or I In; Orp lunK' t'ourt ot
ujuuly lorconnniiatlnu Kob. ami, 1902.
1. Appial einont ui ll irrlc Blokhnrr, wldo
ol Jouut linn llU'Kli.irt., l.ito of ,ViisnUlifliiD (wp.
ilci i-hsimI, rlcoied tu On uiken undfr tlia :tu
I'.xciiiptlun l.nv. ,
2. Anpral.scmont ot Parah stroiisc, widow oi
KikiH si.nmsM, la!o of .Umiroe twp., (IocimsmiI,
i ll i-ttrd to be liikcti under llib fiiO axciupUuii
8 Appraisement of LniyA. Aliflcr, wldnwni
ivroiue A Kh-r, lutti til Heaver twu., dreeaseil
elieled to be takcu Under ino Mr) exciuptlou
4. Appral'i'inent ot Amanda VVInnd, widow
of Mlcliael Welimd, lute ul West H;aver livp.,
. li cteil u bu Ukcn under the tsuo exemutluu
5 Appruiiptit of Hetty Riicltlev, widow of
Frederick Itelctilvy, lale of Monro- nvp., dec'U,
elected U) to lukou under tUd 30u exemption
O, M. RAINDnL, Clerk.
MIU(1kbure. ra.. Jan. -a, lWi.
KEOISTEK'S NOTICES. Notice Istwrcby giv
en (hat the Itilluwliur named peraona Inivs
tiled their AdiutnlHlriitura', (luriidlnu, and K .
eculurs' accountu lulho K-BliU)t 'k onice of Sny
der County, una the same will he presented lot
continuation mid allowance ul the Court Uoum
u MlUdlcbui-;U, MoLduy, Feb. 55 li,
I The account of Jno. II. Jarrett, executor
of the lust will and lotament of Jacou Jurrett,
lute of Monroe tunvnabli), deceased.
2. First anil flnnl aroniintnf SavlllaKrillpy,
administratrix of tlieestato of Tlieodore Krdley
lile ot 1 rauklln ti'S-Lbhlp, di c'd,
3. FirHt and HiihI account of Ellas Bmnner,
executor of Hiunuel liiunner, lam of Oenlru
township, deceased.
4. KitKt and final account or Oeorgo Lencli
ndinlnlHlrniorof the estate cf Wllllum Leai li'
lute ut Cliapmun t rp, dee'd.
ft. First and fliml account of D. O. Onrmnn,
adinlnlxiriiiiirof the estate of Har ili II, bnyilu:,
lute ot Chapman township, dcccaHod.
s. First and Onal account of 8. A Wetzel and
I. II. 1110111.111, execuUrs of tlio (il,ite ul
George Kuicr, late of tkavur towi.hhlp, Ueu'J.
7. Hret and final account of T. A, Wuk-ner,
aainlnlKtrutor of the estate of Mary A. Cum
garilner, late of West Denver twp., drc'd.
8. First and anal account of T. A. Warner, ad
ministrator ot the estate of Adam Bumyardner,
mieof Ueaur towusnip, dee'd.
9. Flrat and account of IT. P. Jarrett, executor
of tlio last "III and teatnmenc of Uutvaret
Bpaar, int. ot SoUuBgrove, doceaaod.
10. Final account of Henry Brown, pimrdlan
of Katie and sterllnK Freed, minor children of
Ueonce Freed, late of Wasliluglon twp., dee d,
II. First and final sooouat of William K. Mi:
ler, adnilnlatrator of tbe eatato of ucorse p
MUler, late ot Mlddlebur, deceased.
J. H. WILU8, Rcgliter.
"I have need Chsrflberlain'B Cough
Remedy for a number of years aud
have do hesitancy in saying ttat it
ia the best remedy for coughs, oolds
and croup I hate erer used in my
family. I have not words to express
nay confidence ia this reme.jy.M r.
J. A. Mocre, North Star. Mich. For
saTe by the lliddleburf Drag Store.
wruuK, uus., amueiaui junges la anil lorsns
.tfireounty. narelsrauil fii- prerant ,liirln
IvM-th Hiii vrt Dee, A. "iTjr. "lu "ui
lirseted lor tbe boldimt olan Orphans' Court, i
Loaaem 1st tka lateraaitoBal lories)
to rekrawtr S3, ltOS-Tko As :
rot ef Steakaav.
(Acu liT-H.) .
T. And tha word of Ood Increased; and
tha number of tha disciples snultlpUed in
Jerusalem greatly; and a treat company
of the priests were obedient to the faith.
1 And Stephen, full of faith and power,
did wrest wonders and miracles among tha
a. Then there arose certain of tha ayna
rogue, which la called the syna
togue of the Libertines, and Cyrenlans,
and Alexandrians, and of them ot Cillcla
and ot Asia, disputing with Stephen.
10. Aad they were not able to resist tha
wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.
11. Then they suborned men, which said,
We have heard him speak blasphemous
words against Mosea, snd against Ood.
u. And they stirred up the people, and
the elders, and the scribes, and came upon
him, and caught him, and brought him to
the council.
U. And set up false witnesses, which said.
This man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous
words against this holy place, and the law:
14. For we have heard him say, that this
Jesus ot Nasareth shall destroy this place,
and shall change the customs which Moses
delivered us.
16. And all that sat In the council, looking
steadfastly on him, saw his (ace as It had
been the face of an angel.
UOI.DKW TKXTFeeir not ' thes
'Which kill the body, bat are not able
to kill the aoal.Mbit. iiii-S.
"Full of the Holy Sp.rit." To be full
of the Holy Spirit meant to bo full of
faith, wisdom, grace and power. In
the k'ssona hitherto given we have been
impressed with the fact that upon be
injr baptized with the Holy Spirit the
disciples were energized with Ilia
power. Thia lesson calls attention to
the higher truth that their characters
were affected by his indwelling. They
were wiser, better, more trustworthy,
more full of grace,
Appointment of Deacons. The diffi
culty that arose In the church was
almost unavoidable, though, of course,
the apostles did not show any inten
tional partiality. Jealousy between
different elements in a large body is
seldom escaped. The German Jews
were those whose homes were outside
of Taleatine, and who spoke Greek or
isome language other than Hebrew.
.The Hebrews were those who lived in
ralcstine and epoke the language of
that region. Many of the Hebrews
thought themselves a little better than
thooe who had forwiken the noly Land.
The reference to a "daily ministration"
nhows that it was the custom to
distribute food or supplies of money
each day to those who were in need.
The account also suggests that the
gifts were given chiefly to those who
had no other means of support, rather
than to able-bodied men and those wjjo
had had means. This fact is another
suggestion how limited the commun
ism of the church really was. The
apostles' plan for avoiding the difficulty
was an excellent one, but they did not
Impose it tipon the church. The peo
ple accepted the plan and then elected
the officers, The qualifications for the
office were that the men should have
a high reputation should bo wise and
mit.aitt'ii.jfv'H.t A' tu abun
dant measure. Neither business ca
pacity nor spiritual life wsa enough
alone. The name "deacon" is not ap
plied to these officers here or else
where, but the word is derived from
one used in verse 2, "to serve," and. it
probably originated from the work of
thoBe men. All seven names are Greek,
showing that it was the purpose of the
church to give the Grecians a full op
portunity to look out for the widow
of their own class. The deacons were
get npart for their work by prayer and
tho laying on of hands. They were thus
helped to feci the value of the work
they were called to do. There is no
distinct evidence that the apostles'
touch Tvas thought of as conferring
upon them any special grace.
The Arrest of Stephen. The charac
ter and spirituality of Stephen made
a great impression upon Luke, and, by
inference, upon the enrly Christians
from whom he got his information.
His grace and his abundance of spirit
ual power ore spoken of In verses 5, 8,
10, and implied In verse 15. This men
ory was no doubt heightened by the
brave death of the first martyr, but it
cannot be on entirely Imaginary halo
placed upon a man who was really or
dinary. His call to office stirred him
to great zeal in teaching, and ho also
followed the apostles in working mir
acles. The chief work that fell to
him, as verse 5 shows, wn arguing
with Grecian Jews who had not ac
cepted Jesus ns the Christ. XI Ik own
wisdom and the aid of the Holy Spirit
gave him the advantage in argument,
and his opponents, ns defeated oppo
nents are npt to do when they can, fell
back on f orce. The arrest of Stephen
was the result of a carefully worked
up conspiracy. First, men roused
hatred against him by twisting his ut
terances into bold blasphemy, then he
was seized and brought before the
Sanhednln, who were waiting for hlra
when he was brought. in. The wit
nesses were also ready to give testi
mony that met the requirements of the
law, which was understood to de
mand that the testimony should agree
perfectly. There had not been time to
arrange for such agreement when
Jesus wa9 tried, but now everything
worked emoothly. Instead of being
angered by the accusations, Stephen
was so moved by the Spirit that his
very fnce plowed and rbnre with a
heavenly light as he prepared to de
fend himself against the unjust
'.Even in the apostolic church there
were differences; but how easily they
were settled! ...
All of (he work of the church should
not fall upon Its minister, but each
member should have his share.
The more the work of the ehuroh it
wisely divided, the better H will be
done. '.,'
Those who are full of the Holy Spirit
will atso show themselves to be full of
faith, power, wisdom, grace. : '
The spirit of those who disputed
against Stephen la the spirit tht ever
hai been shown by Gospel haters.
"All well all happy lctc
of fun". That is the regula
report from the monkey cage
cf Barnum's Circus ever since
the keepers began dosing the
monkeys with Scott's Emul
sion. Consumption was carry
ing off two thirds of them
every year and the circus had
to buy new ones.
One day a keeper accident
ally broke a bottle of Scott":
Emulsion near the monkc
cage and the monkeys cagcrl
lapped it up from the floor
This suggested the idea that i.
inightdo them good. Since
then the monkeys have receiver,
regular doses and the keeper:-
cport .very few deaths frcr.
onsumption. Of course if
cheaper to buy Scott's Emul
sion than new monkeys ,-r.c
that suits the circus men.
Consumption in monkey
and in man is the same disease
If you have it or arc threaten
ed with it can yoi;
take the hint?
This picture represent'
the Trade Mark of Scott
Emulsion and is on ll
wrapper of every bottle.
Send for free sample.
LsJ 49 Tearl St., New York
50c and 1 1. all druggist.
Warm' Time.
"When I said I'd go through fire for
her I didn't know how near the truth
I was coming."
"That so?"
"Yes; yesterday I had to lick two
or three of her old flames." Chicago
Daily News.
Practical Athletlca.
Visitor Why, whut is that terrible
nnlne? JstImicr tu,blingdown?
Geraldine punching the bag. She's get
ting into training for Krtchum 4
Skinetn'B bargain bale next Friday.
Brooklyn Life.
Absolutely tnlqne.
Larkens That Mrs. Sniffin is a re
markable woman!
Vanscooter Indeed ?
Larkens (impressively) Yes. She is
positively the only woman I ever knew
who when she was showing off her
baby and it began to yell did not re
mark that she could not understand
why it did so, as it never cried other
t'.mes. Brooklyn Eagle.
Repudiates It.
. Tailor See here, this bill Las been
landing since 1S03.
Graphter My dsr sir, don't you
know that anatomists say man
changes entirely every seven years?
1 Tailor What has that to do with it?
j Graphter Well, don't you see I'm
not the same person who contraeted
that bill? Catholic Standard and
"Take enro of yourself," say onr friends,
VI'll try to," wo answer. Wo do take o little
care, yet in spite of warm clothes, rubbers I
and mackintosh, nn army of people were
cowled out by pnonmomu and other luu
and client dmoases luxt winter. They
caught cold, Uegloi ted it, let it fix upon
theui, were toru ly coughs, choked by
ialkmmationa and congestions, wasted by
fiver, tlrsd out by pain suJ then gave up
the fight. The hour you realize that you
have a cold on the eheNt, pluee a Benson's
Porous Tlaster where tlio pain or oppres-
5 ton is felt. If you thick two are needed
lake it two. No hnrm if you were cov.
tred with thorn. They act quietly and
prevent the engortueut of blood in the
t'rgiins. Iu this way with ordinary can
tion as to exposure -"you will break up the
cold and avoid a serious sickness. Ko
other appliontions.'or any other form of
treatmeut, will accomplish this as certainly
and speedily. Teuton's Masters have a din.
tinct and positive action sad are curative to
the highest degree. Vscthem with tbe same
confidence fur coughs, muscular rheuma
tism, the grip (luck aud chest) and all sim
ilar ailments. Women , who are chief suffer
ers from cold weather complaints, should
keep these plasters always within reach.
Get the genuiue. All druggists, or we will
prepay postage on any number ordered in
the United States on reonipt of 25c. each.
' Beabury Jc Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N. Y.
. Grip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervous
Tvottration Or. Miles' Nervine cores them.
I'ura Whiskey is a 1 ure for roughs, colds, con
sumption and other pulmonary troubles Krail
i:e al . arllnamenl of The Hay Mar Il-lining 'o.
which appears alsawtixra i n this Umio.anit lean
tow to nroduee four full quarts of medicinally
Iur wliiakny, riprea prrpald, fur SA.sO.
a CUTS 'wwasw XNT - emp
l&nipvfet lnltjSmnutea ?V,io.lJ.j
1 SM hrr-.-X
1 . ,rfi
lie af Mapolvon'a Vanrafall ta ll
Marked bjr ralptar ! a U'lttaa
lie DilutT
France has at last, after a lapse of
8A years, decided to mark the site of
Napoleon's downfall. Waterloo is to
have a monument. .
A short time ago M. Henri ITnus
saye, an eminent historian and noted
member of the French academy, t'-'
gether w'th Count de Mautoy a"d M.
Gustavo J.nrrouniet, bought a pl'it
of land at the junction of the liili
road from Brussels, and that from
Planchcnoit near the famous farm
of La Belle Alliance, which was the
center of Napoleon'e position in tlio
great battle.
This ground has been offered to
the military society "L Sabretache,"
(Kreetid to Mark the Site of Napulion's
which hns opened a subscription for
the erection of a monument. Already
the response hits been ho generous
that M. Jean Leon Gerome, the illus
trious French sculptor and nrlist.lius
been given carte blanche, the only
command issued being that the me
morial must be of the finest mate
rials. lie has promised it for the early
part of 1902, but the unveiling wiil
not take place until the spring days
come nnd the weather is warm
enough to permit of a lengthy iimi
elaborate ceremony.
The monument is a striking piece
of work. The principal figure rep
resents a dying eagle with one wing
brokep and drooping by its side, and
the other extended but pierced with
bullets; one claw firmly grasps the
French flag, while with the other the
mortally wounded bird defends the
colors on which are inscribed the
words: "Austerlitz" nnd "Eylnu."
The eagle is of bronze, nnd stands
on a huge bowlder of mnrblo over
which the flag droops on one ride
and on the other wii I
ln.!nt. the exact MACKAY-SMI
uw .. t 'en uu. j ... .-ui.
it will contain the dot of the battle
of Waterloo, and in a few brief sen
tences teli the results of the strife
and also state that tlio monument
is lovingly dedicated to the greatest
general France had and to the noble
men who so courageously nnd gal
lantly followed their lender. '
The eagle measures two meters in
height, and the extending wing three
meters, 25. The entire monument,
with pedestal and bronze, is 15 me
ters high and is very impressive.
Created Coadjutor llli-liop of Hie
Arehillocese of I lilenno liy
Order of Pope XIII.
Kt. Ilev. Peter J. Muldnon, tin- bril
liant young bishop of Chicago, who
was consecrated July 25 last ami named
as auxiliary bihp ot Chicago, has re-
(Just Aproltitcil t'oar.jutor illshi of C!il
cago Arciitiioct'sv.)
ccivi d a f lift her signal dis-t Inc. ion :i;:it
seldt.m comes to one so youn;. of b. -lng
maile bishop coatljutur of ;he liio
cese. By this new appointment, wLielt hao
been made by Tope Leo XIII.. ho In
coordinate jurisdiction in t!;:- great
diocese with the venerable orcii'ji.-li.'p.
Most Rev. P. A. Feehan.
The greater significance of this i.i-w
honor is that it confers upon htm the
right of succession to AivhbUhop Fee
han. In naming him as bishop cnaijuior
the holy father designated at the bume
tlnre the next archbishop of Chicago.
Bishop Muldoon was born a little
less than 39 years ago In Columbia, Cal.,
of Irish parents.
His early education was obtalmd In
the publie schools of Stockton, Cal.
Water That retrlSea Woa.
A stream with peculiar properties
flows near Tucson. Arts. Wood and
vegetables, sad steer soft substances
thrown into it seeome petrlfla.. It la
customary It visiters to leave pota
toes ia It (or few weeks Inclosed in
wire receptacles, and then And theta
tarnasY to atone.
MsaaTr4ifrtrMr thasl mas
with protruding pilra trwtclil o 1 by cot .n na
tion with which I waa atnit ',1 for t rnlf
yaara. 1 ran across your t'Ab AHkT1- . the
Suan ot Nawell. ia. ami uevci Immd at. iiunc
to equal them. To-day 1 am entirely trt, tiusa
pi lei and teel Ilka a new ansa "
O H. Kbits. Mil Joom bl, tloua City, la
Tn aM-n
P1asant. PalMahle. PuMni. 'Nsta G1. Da
Ouoa, Naiar aioksu. Weaken, or Crips. k: jjc, Me.
StoUes; tomr Ci-sm. tMim,SiMiil, S l.ra. US
Hil.Tfl.fflf Sola and naranieed by alt drug
fill I U'OAW gut ui CVH.K Tubaooo aatiliT
it y u luck ener. , J,
.1 . 1 n i . ii
i ' li 1 . I-'I V. ; III ih
1. iO
t ; I" I ll' St' f i . . '
TuUots. Jl:y ro.:..- y..
lik u 1 ev tiiiiti mid c'w. ion
petite like a l nr. Fo s- Ih
Ali.l i: litirt; l t JSIoir
VtJn'rl.'r . I I',
tt !ii-i. f-sit N 1
I i I I '
.'I II.
' 1 .
: I'.'wi
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i .i '
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1 , 1 ' it 1 I I.
u ,-. r.-il 1,1,,
, 1 t!.-.- 1 i
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III i ' 'I; ,
I llullo
ir- 11. mt of 11 11 i'i Irroftti-1 1 pliini '
, r - - nn' y. I'ci.ita wi.l ' .o il 1
i n III.- l-rt- 1 im 111 Ail. 1. tow,
I count , 011
;itnnl., , Millcll 1 - , ll:
1 - o I,,, U I1. M . the follouli 4 , -, rKl
tie. hllc of John A, Kiif-tf-r einiM .! It
v hmlile int-'ai.iui- or iit.,1 u
,1, lirrl ,1 l,'l 1 -II I j,' 111 , t Ii Mill, f ,,) nif
1 i lunelvll e to 1 1 ntievil,, Ii- .. 1I0
i":ii lor Ami I o-iiuli'tl hy ' jj.
'.11I1, Ini Mwir, .1. I' mi in. ,,-e
' I 1 -1 r . ami h, r- tonl. . nr , ne
r h, ii,,. re or t--. 'I.-- m ( nvi in. 1 n-
-i -' :n iil,int t'.i,-.' iti-rc of fat I. .11,1 ,.,m!
ir ,f . 1 1 : t vniun. i.n w l,h - - k
I I I M' h"! I-. lit;. .1.1 1 , ... ml
r I'-. i-l a 1 i- , 1 f i:litii -n , ,.f , , ,,p,
he , i-l ll,.' i,m !. t.,wil. pi t 1 ,n-
II a!o;ilih iiiiil'i-rliimi , t ,
11, nn,l -ln -tioit,
' nii';iTiiu n:a le kmovii nt s ''.'!iy
OA in v. Ki:TKIi it
Hk rt W, .1 ul, 11 1 . .' It y. 1 . nri.
A Case In I'olat.
Mrs. Manning John, I believe you
sre the biggest liar in the world. Th
fact is, you don't care a fig for me, or
you wouldn't try to deceive me all this
time. There was a time when youfaid
I was the best and sweetest worn hi ou
Manning And you believed it.
hv cn-5J sol Jeliev til. -I rnn.
liilS I ' .
otifies Corr
A Traurily,
I fuf i! for Inr hind
The dear little thin p
Ari! r.ow I am fulri?
To bi t Lack my ring.
Yorkers Statesman.
lis l)i; or A MMll'lli:.
Kim! I.ary Why tion't you go t
Tratr ;v I';k trting to get a poshioa
now, htily.
Ki:.i! l!:n:y-Wl:at doing?
Tramp - 1.1m fer a w:rc's-i tele
graph on 'ii n;i" v. ( itieituiatl Ki ipiirer.
in r 'a Cholrr.
F.;M 1 t- M.iry: ,.r1 you hursryr'
"Yif." si1.'', fl'.e, "1 inn."
S i "N mie v oir ch ili ." I said, ami Mary
H 1.! . little b-P'li.
-IM.ii ,,' !.::.i llu'l- tin.
Mlo It'-imon Waa U00J.
Tlio Ciri- I nui really a:r.n
Iflicd to !;o:ir von udvanco the propo
sition that a c!ii!il should not be cor
r"i' i:; the p: -ence'ef strangers.
The avui:e IS.u lu lor lie should no4
be, l ii':iii--e he shu!d never bo in the
preMiico of ;-:rat irers; that's why.
. Duliiotit Ailiuuue.
I,e-.i.a Co yuu rcaliy tn::: your
, .t-thj jtlu-r will accept uic as si
,ii-iu-la. '.'
he-l don't doubt it. lather and
; ,eiy seldom a;.rcc! N. Y. Times.
i he Labor.
I'.lfbbs 1 hear you have a political
h. Is it hard work?
SloUbs Not after you get It. Phil
adelphia Keeord.
Buy and I ry a Box Tonight
U'liil vnti fhink of it. ?o buv and 1
y a box of Case are ts Candy Ca-
iartic,iJcal laxative, tonight. You'll j
..ever regret it. Genuine tablets
lamped C. C. C. Never sold in j
ilk. All druists, ioc. , j