o o lote C leabo Envelopes I have Job lot of note on hand. They roust go The price win do cs and prices for the aik- We furnish them printed s than you can buy them 1 printing. We bought a large con- slgnment of envelopes Having bought so many we secured a rock bottom figure. Send for samples and prices. ,'ageaKller, MIttr aa ProirUUr. A family Jaaraal, DTtefl to Hews, Scieac. Art, Palfijcal Ecoaoay ail Cirreat Lltcratnrt. Rates: Oat Dollar Per Aannm, la Adraac L XXXIX MJDDLEBUEGH SNYDER COUNTY JPENNA. FEB. 20 1902 NUMBER 8 Co.CommWioner i i i i C1D LOCAL LACONICS xtweek. ere decided against granting Jo the tannery. Cornet band played for an tiont In the Selinsgrove Opera day night. - ' .,.., tarrlngton baa given up the rtlne a sluglng class Here, n unable to Interest a aufl.- r of persona. v kA-G ol Veal Calves, Hides, VI Wool. J. L. WISEMAN," -V.. ' Lewlsburg, Ta. Sharubacher and. Charles 11 have another Rale of high r . . . le Friday, Fob. jastn.-HSte p. Quarterly Canference bet Lurg Saturday. Rev, J. F. Lnnvlllcbna been chosen 'as jlilfl charge..- . " , LWa:t r of Fraklln town; ra getting the Post for taany will present (its claim for prize of a life subscription.. E. My house and lot, good outbuilding.., ' . Jacob Giwjkrt, ,-, . . . i Middleburg, Pa. representative etate : they W about. $2C0 a day caring box patients, and preventing of the disease.. The city of re is spending $05 per day, buth Is spending $300 per day. Ikesbarre last month $1,000 to t quarantine measure adopted itary committee. ' A" & Boles in his new shav- air'outtinff parlor for tout iiea with a refristiftjg 'ahum- j clean towel to each patron rth side of Market square op- ptral Hotel. Satisfaction guar- tf. ubscription to the Post Is Ikiug after. One man is not have more proof than any (not hesitate entering the en t your claims. A receipt ition or old copies of paper ur name will assist in estab- polnt of discovering the old- ber. Shambacher and Charles 1 sell 39 head of High Grade le west of Middleburg Frl- 18. This is the largest lot of cattle ever brought to Sny- Do not miss this great Roush of Kreamer and limn of Swineford arecont- lie prize of a life subscription t. Those who wish to pre lillis should not dolav the pore are doubtless many iwuve proor mat you nave ePosx from 1880 is better Kupported claim to have re ice 1800. , Is have construed the law in lie commission of tax, coll- Van'thata collector is cntit- liaslou on all money ho col- includes his commission, include the five per cent kllowed the tax payt rs for hncnt within the sixty daj's t notice of the collector that cs are In his hands. kit a Necessity to Mao. M not live lu a blrdloss tnch naturalist asserts that da in the world were to die mman life on thla planet me extinct in nine years. Mltne sprays and noisona il be manufactured to kill off Bluga and Insects they mltlply that in that length y would have eaten up all ds and crops In existence vould tie Btarved to death, an does in the wav of "ore. hur use the kindly frulU of is as nothing compared with sompllshed by the vast army uch prey upon Inseota life H?p it down to a point which he growth of sufficient food human life. Take away the In nine years not a man, child would be alive all irva IWA' tlon. ; .: WATCH WAIT. ' ? neral lOo aala at TTirinh a Wllnagrove, P-i Saturday, . S-20-21 waaawma lycmiua iuuiituii primary election, fcD. 1 5,1902. Congress mbly CO 3 8? a Adams Beaver Ikaver West Centre Chapman . Fruukliu . . Jackson MiilJIeburg . ' Miiidlccreck Monroe Penii Perry t Perry West Stliusgrove ; Spring Union Washington Total, ' 'Maj. & Plural's 28 62 85, 112 109 154! 162! 184! 51! ioy 99 rc 136 71 40 114 12 95; "I 54j 34, 30 66: 212, 79; . 80, 73 119 158 76 23 105! 123.1 40 33! 1S6J 109' 62; 210 200 165 161 36 941 192; 68 147 24 103 137 Mil U55;;2395 256, COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Oeeaa Entered for Record.' ' Martin L. Shannon nnd wir.i tn n,.r. trude M. Shannon, lot To. CI In Frank lin township, for $823. ' : rhillp W. Stroub and wife to O : erlnRoush 1 acre and 14 perciK j .a Washington twp;, for $10.6,1. 3 Benjamin Kreamer to Goo. J. Itoush. " Umeatonelot In Middlecreok twp., for erlne Roush, 8 acres and 98 perchea iu Washington twp. Jacob Jarrett and wife to Catherine Roush, 7 acres in Middlecreek twp. for $100. Jonathan O. Kaempher aud wife to J. M. Baker, 10 acres in Spring twp., for $100. Wills Probated. The lust will and testament of Reuben Zechman, late of lleavertown, was probated Feb. 4th. The widow is solo heir and executrix. Letters Granted. In estate of John Strayer, late of Washington twp., were granted to Wm. Mover. In estate of Sarah Haupt, late of Selinsgrovo, to Mary M. Haupt. Marriage Licenses, f John J. Hummel, Middleburg, Minnie M. A. Brouse, Middleburg. (J. Howard Arbogast, Freeburg, iLuura I. Romig, Selinsgrove. (Josiah 8. Winey, West Perry twp. Xatie S. Orayblll, West Perry twp. (Jolin A. Painter, Lock Haven, 1 Katie V. Stinc, Pennsereek. f Jacob T. Carpenter, Reavertown, I Ada I. M. Saylor, Reavertown. MARRIED. Feb. lath, by Rev. II. Q. Suable, J. Howard Arbogast of Free burg and Miss Laura I. Romig of Salem. Feb. 17, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk, O. C, John A. Painter of Lock Haven to Katie V. Stlne of Pemmcreek. Feb. 11, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk, O. C, John J. Hummel and Minnie M. A. Brouse, both of Middleburg. Feb. 11, by Rev. E. F. Sieger, Thomas Koliler of lianncrvilie to Jennie Dreese of Beayertown. Feb. 15, by H. A. Hummel, Esq., Andrew Hummel to Mary Aim Stall 1, both of Globe Mills. Pa. Mrs. McHenry Sent to the Penitentiary. Iu tho court at Bloomsburg on Wed nesday Mrs. Alice Ncllenry pleaded guilty to the charge of perjury in test fying against Jacob Evans, who was charged with the murder of her lui baud, Thos. McHenry, on Feb. 1, Ml. Her attorney prayed for mercy saying that Bho was the mother of six children, the oldest being less than 11 years of ago, and that she was under the Inllu euce of morphlue wheu she committed the crime. Judge Little sentenced the prisoner to one year aud six months at hard labor and solitary oonflnemeut in the penitentiary aud a flue of $30C, This case grew out of a second con fession made by Mrs. McHenry, In which she stated that Horace Kvelaud aud herself had conspired to fasten the crime upon Evans In order to secure the $800 reward offered by the Col umbia Co. Commissioner. (a k Oaaa-h at Warka Cola LAxauve uronio-uuiulne 'Jtauieu cure aooldlnaday. No cure, no pay. Price 28 cents. tf, Treasurer Slicrif! Co. r a sp 1 S. ? ? ,: n a 31 I" 90 128 102i lS'i; 41; US! 53 33 55 116 921 01! 24 31 90 105 130 10! to, 65 88 32 124 43J 135j 28 66 59 27 67 114 167 -29 47 CO 35 50 70 117 32 105! 50 10 82 72 9ti: 25! 91 108 97 62 37 11 115 7; 35, 23! 40 44:1 20 25! 50 3i: "18 -7' 55 41; 43 ll' 17 13 25 24 28 . 1 101 7 43 27 9 17 125 01 8 10'2 7C 33 66 0 759 412 ' 41 56 156 132 157 5:j 59 103 74 169 109 651! 140 1 133S 1593 958 151f 1450 li 579 635i Mn. Allen Schoeh of Shnmokin'ia visiting J. Calvlu Schoeh aud family. Mrs. Dr. J. W. Orwig Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 11. 11. Harterat Sun bury. -, , , ' John A. Gtaihartof Ronver Kprincs W. F. Dugel, Manager of tho Reaver town Bhlrt Factory, was at the county seat Saturday. T. II. Eiscnhuth of Selinsgrovo and his brother of Orwigsburg paid their rcepecta to this oil lee Monday. H. Katz is going to Harrisburg to go Into the Notion biwiiiet-H. He is bend ing his stock of clothing toLimsford. Wm. 11. Riegcl of Adanisburg drop ped iu to see us Monday appearing as cheerful as though he had been nom inated. Billy Is no kicker. Albert Stetler of Globe Mills w as at the county seat Saturday and dropped in subscribe for the Post. He form erly roided nt Winfteld. lie is a Clever and well-met gentleman. J. It. Vanhorn, proprietor of the SumiuitHou.se, was at tlio county seat Saturday. Mr. Viuihorn is a well known hotel man and treats every body with the beat attention. He Is prepared to entertain sleighing parties. Letter to 11. S. Mertz, Midw.khukcui, Pa. Dear Sir : There is going to lie, from now on, in Middlcburgh, a good deal of painting done, that will last In good condition from 3 years up 10 years is common; we know of it good in 15; and we know no limit it seems to Ik1 likely to last as long as tho house lusts, iu favorable conditions. Tho painter that uses this paint will get all the business he can do. Dcvoe lead aud ziuc is the paint. It looks as good as any; costs uo more; and is ready no tinting or mixing to do. . The zinc Is ground iu with the lead by machinery you can't do that. Test it yourself, if you like; but Ihero's plenty of evidence for it. We take the risk of how It turns out there is 110 rUk. Do you want this work? Yours truly, F. W. Devoe A Co. liqtuMldan Standing Committee. Tho newly-elected members of the Republican Standing Committee w ill meet In the court house at Middleburg Saturday, March 8th, 11K)2, to elect of ficers for tho ensuing year. Pkter Young, Chairman. A cow belonging to Wm Metiers near KUncsgrove, Northumberland county, got sick, and would not eat. Her condition became such that it was found necessary to kill her, which waa dono last week one dny. A post mor tem examination was made, aud a kcife blade four Inehea long was found in her throat and a lot of nallt and old Iron and a phosphate sack In her ftontach. , Commissioner. Auditors. a H !? " h s, a sp b 5. 5 . B 3 to 34 108 .2 17 llo' 13 79' fJ 0' 2 45 144 17 00 172, 49 90' 6 c! 17 68 120 39 62 162 54 60, 11! 4' 15 118 118 65 70i 20U 46 119 2f! 1 9 16 0 6 41' 68, 29 l' 4 25 0 130 96 74 122! 22-j 10 39' 59.' 17 60 17 10 68, 29 81 ! 1 1 62 2 1 0 60j 47 35: 39 97 1 CO 36' 0 6 11 36 18 83, 45 j 108 93 5 0 0 2 92 19j 41. 00' ll(i 881 51 5 0 2 77 26! 117 121; 194. 129' 42, 15; 0 1 72: 12: 38 56j Hi; 69 2, 5 22 0 52 15 27 19,! 51: 48 l1 151 2 2 112 40 85 180 232 135; 72 23! 0 4 105 180 30: 33 ; 20!j 25! 151; 2' 7 J 75 17! 38 95 162 ; 13l 20 7 0 0 108 45 70j 5l! 109! 135. 5 7: S 3 1217 1015j 8384109 2178 113 1 S'io 202 J7 113 9Si 29( 28 27 41 2; 06 1081 102 67 0 71 I02j; 175 25 165; 44: 21 48! 40! 36; 22 K .'80 58 .41 37 74 36! 128 88' 35 107 23 8 39 3' 68'. 122! ISSj't 25, 7 18; 413 31 20 109 163 77 78 9G5-08S1 762i 212 I Mrs. Abraham K, Middlcswanli. By McCluri) Correspondent. Elizabeth, a daughter f Peter and Whmena (llassinger) Bubo, was born iu Beaver township, Union (now Sny der) County, on the 0th day of March 1817. Married A. K. Middleswarth on the lGth (lay of January 1830, died at her home In McClure on the 8th day of February 1002, aged 84 years. 10 months laiul lrf days. She as raised on the Via-:-- -7..r .!!. "' NCiMiWi.,- . iuo mini uow owutu ujr tier brother, Reuben Bubb. After her marriage she and her husband moved to West Reaver township where they resided until about twenty-five years ago when they retired from farming and moved to McClure where they have since resided. She is survived by her uged husband nnd the following children : Delila, married John Felker and re side at McClure. Isaac Middleswarth, Ner. B. Middles warth, Ellen, married to Geo. Benfer, all reside at McClure. Sail le C, married Win. M. Brat ton, and reside at Lewktown. In addition to the above naiiK'd chil dren here are surviving sixteen graud c.hildren aud nineteen great grand-children. Three brothers are also still living Reuben Bubb resining near Reaver town, aged 81 years. David Bubb, residing at T h r e e Rivers, Michigan, but is present visit ing in Snyder county and was present at the funeral, aged 72 years. Mrs. Middleswarth was baptized in her Infancy and joined the Lutheran church by tho confirmation of Rev. Garniau ot which she remained a faith ful member uutii her end. Slio was al ways a regular attendant In Sunday school and church services until about 2 years ago, when 011 account of feeble ness of mind nnd body, she was unable to attend. She was a loving mother, , a faithful wife aud a kind aud sympa-i i.iu, v- ...... t.. .,.,...1 ever turned away from her door empty handed. The funeral took place last Tuesday, the 11 th of Feb. She was fol lowed to her last resting place in the McClure cemetery by a largo circle of relatives nnd frieuds. According to her request her funeral sermon was deliver ed by one of her former pastors, Rev. D. M. Stetler of Herndon, Pa., and her present pastor assisting Rev. Seiger. Cards of Thanks. I wish t3 thank all the Republican voters of Snyder Couuty for the liberal support given me at the late Republi can primary election and I shall en deavor In every way to deserve the con fidence and esteem they have reposed In me. Cu.vs. E. Samiseu.. I desire to publicly express to all my Republican friends my most slucere thanks and gratitude for the liberal support they extended to me for the nomination of County Treasurer and if elected will do all In my power to faith fully and honestly carry out the trust reposed in me. D. Nokmax App. TOCTBUi A CVLD IX ONI DAT. Take Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets. All dnurebtta refund the monev If it tails to cure. . W. Oroya's signature at on each box. tto (Jor-I oner. Sla'e Delegate. 299' John J. WaKenselltr. John J. Wagenseller of P.looinshurg, a native of Selinsgrovo, died at Blooms- burg last Friday and was buried at Se linsgrove Monday of this week. II was bom July hi, 1S1", the son of Dr. Jacob Wagenseller, who served two years as state senator for Juniata and Uniou (Including Snyder) Counties, aud his wife, Mary Rlchter, daughter John J. was educated in the public schools of Selinsgrove, and Dlckiusoii Seminary, Willianisport. He was first employed as a clerk with his brother-in-law, L. T. Sharpless at Bloomsburg. In lS78he was tho senior partner of the firm of Wagenseller J: Co., but finding that th; close confinement in terferred with his health, he retired from the business, and began as a traveling salesman. He is knowu to almost every merchant i 11 Central Pennsylvania, to which territory he was principally confined. He resided at Bloomsbnrg nearly all the time since 1SJ2. He was married three times: First, March 1, 172, to Mary A. Willier, borii Jan. 21, 1S.12, died March l'., lsTl). To them were born two sons, John Carrol, born Sept. 2, ISTl, and died Nov. IS, ls77; Freddie, born Jane 2, l7ii, died Nov. 13, H77. His second marriage was to Clara Hughes, boru March 15, ls'.l, died Dec. 27, 11. Married third Fob. 15, 1, to Jen nie A. Mears, bom Aug 2, W;2. The widow survives him. Dr. Jacob Wagenseller, the father of the deceased, was born Jan. 2, I01, iu Montgomery county, and was liberally educated having graduated from the University of Pennslvania in the course of Medicine. He began practicing in his native county, but about 1S27, he located in Selinsgrove, Union (now Snyder) county. In addition to prac ticing his profession, ho carried on a mercantile aud grain business. Fur quite a number of years, he was in part nership with liis brother, Col. Win. F. Wagenseller, at the old stand at the canal when nearly all the product of Snyder county was hauled to Selins grove. Some of the older citizens of the county well remember their long drives hauling their product down to this firm. 1 le w as thus engaged at the time of his death, which occurred at Selinsgrove April 27, 1S47. He had abandoned his profession some years previously. He was a niau of business qualities and made a success lu life. He became prominent iu politics as a Whig and as such was elected to the state senate lu which body his iutelli geuee made him a useful member. He was active In party atlUirs and a mau of iufiuence in the community as well as a leading spirit in every movement calculated to develop the resources of the county and advance the interests of the community. He served two terms In the state senate, being a member at the lime of his death. Jan uary 27, 1829, he was married by Itev. Daniel Weiser to Mary Richter, boru Dec 26, 1810 and died March; 4, 1863. The union was blessed with eight chil dren: 1. Peter Richter, born Dee. 8, 1829, married July 1, 1854 to Catherine Chritznian of Oettysbur,-, wa a physi cian of note and died Aug. IS, 1S73, from the effects of a stab in the ab domen. Their children were: (1) Mary Amelia, born July 8, iar)4, and died in infancy. (2) Dr. Franklin Jacob Wa genseller of Selinsgrove. (3) George C. Wagenseller, present postmaster of SeliiiHgrove. (4) Leniisa Alberta, now Mrs. Dr. B. F. Emerick of Carlisle (5) Gertrude, born Sept. 2!l, iwil, and died in infancy nnd ((i) Annie E., now Mrs. J. Alfred Strohniof Newville, Pa 2. Sarah Susanna, born Deo. 15, 1S31, married July 15, 1S51, to Jesse Bennor Evans, of LTwchlan, Chester county, Pa. 3. Mary Elizabeth, born Feb. 27, 1S3, married Jan. 13, 1S.VI to Rev. Franklin Gearhart, who died at Wil lianisport, Feb. 1, is-.K). The widow survives and resides nt lllooiiisburg. - 4. Dr. Benjamin Franklin, born Feb. 17, 1S38, married March 2-5, ism to Maria Sclioch and reside at Selins grovo. f. Lydla Catherine, born Get. 22, 1840, married William Wagenseller Holman of Chester county. (i. John Jacob, the deceased. The deceased traces his ancestry buck to Christopher Waguseil and his wife Christina, who came to this country from that section of WHtrnhurg, Ger many, around Uny, I.eutkirch and Kaufbucren, and settled prior to 1734 near Pennsbiirg, Phila. (Montgomery) County. Christopher had auonlyson, John, and two daughters, Ann Mary, manted to John 1). rr of lViuisbi.rg, and Elizabeth Catherine, married David Hang, who came from Furope ami landed in Phila. Sept. 7, IH. The will of Christopher Wagensoil is filed at City Hall, Phila. It is dated June 13, 1700 and was probated Oct. 22, 17o2. Johu Wagenseil, the only son of Christopher, w "Btoffel" as he was v " -t .1 died , 17(H) nnd Is buried in the old Coir church burying ground, In l!-:.r,iu-ery county. There were 8 children to this union, 4 sons and 4 daughters. The sixth born, but the second sou was Ptter Wagenseller, (Here the name was changed I, the grandfather of the deceased. He was Ijorn in Montgomery county, (then Phila. Co.) Sept. 21, 1774, was married in Lower Providence township, Montgomery County, by Rev. Henry Geisenheinier, to Susanna Longaker, a lady of Swiss ancestry. To this union ten children were born, among tl. em was Jacob, t lie father oj the diveased, a sketch of whose life of usefulness is given above. The data contained in this sketch was taken from the "History of the Wagenseller Family in America" compiled by the editor of the Tost and publNhed in a b.s)k of 22" pages during the year 1 -!.. The deceased was a member of th" Methodist church of BIonm.-,liirg. Ho was a pleasing and affable gentleman who made friends w herever he went. His long service with the same firm is the strongest testimonial of his true worth. Aiod 5ii years, 7 months and 2S. da vs. SIiMi;liii!'.; Party at Bcivcr Springs. A party of ladies and gentlemen f.-om this place composed a jolly sleighing party to Reaver Springs. They t k supper at the Merchants' Hotel, pre sided over by W. K. Stahlneckcr. Mrs. Sta.ilnecker presented the following MEM' Oysters Sliced Reel ( ihurkins Roast Turkey Cm 1 d erry Sauoo Raspberry Jelly Sugar Corn Cold Slaw Peas Mashed Potabx Saratoga Chips Chocolate Cake Vanilla Cake Ice Cream Oranges Tea Cotlee TOASTS Franks. Riegle, Toastmastet W. H. Spangler, tur Pa; a Mrs. F. S. Riegle, How Do You Like This? Carbon Seooold, On ' Mrs. W. 11. Spangler, On; 1 . r Lester E. Wetzel, ' leh Bin Fi.l ' The party consisted of the lolloping pcrsous: F. S. Riegle and wife; F. Walter and wife; Reno Waller ami wife; H. Foulk and w ife; 15. ,. vi aud wife; J. N. Rrosius nnd wife; W. II. Spangler and wife; A. W. . r t t aud wife; A. E. Soles ami wife: '." t Simon ton aud wife; Winey (,'u - i.a wife; Thomas Speehtaoil wifi ; ,y Roleuder aud wife; I ester Bushuiu aud wife; Mart. Moyer and htdy, Carb Seebuld, ehaperou. Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand llsMy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers