The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 13, 1902, Image 4

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PublisUfd Every Thursday Morning
91.00 per yrr In advance I.H per year if Dot paid
Insurance. Siusle oop'em 1 io renta I
Advertising Rate. H'. rent per line, nonpareil imri.
muni (or trt naertlm. arid 31 cents per line for each aiit-"-o,uent
Insertion. IfOFFM'B -Neartne County f'onrt ima.
between the Firr National llank and the Omiiiiy lull
Vot- XXXIX 1'KH. 1.1, 1902
Number 7
I'rof. Iiowersox lias a clean field a tribute go
seldom given to a man's candidacy for the first
term licit is worthy of note.
Dr. Smith's plain Statement that ho is no
man's candidate should jmt at rest all nncasincFS
arising from such an iinrel'r.Mesonn c as Pilgrim
There will he quite a lively scrap for State
dclcjjaie, owin to the large numl)cr of aspirants.
Must ol (hem will not know where they are at
until tin! votis are counted.
The emdidates for County Commissioners arc
making a warm and spirited contest for the two
prizes. The tour aspirants are all worthy and
either two will make acceptable officers.
Charley Sampsell is popular in every district
of the c ninly. lie acted honorably in all his
past dealings as a candidate. lie pays his Iioncrt
debis ami gives every man honest values in every
.. .
And safely by a simple and union device lately patented. ' whereby either condimennt is
convenient amd ready for use. This device U known aa .
Sechrist s Condiment Holder.
Scnitor Jltunmers eflorts to gie others pri
ority i.i liens and thus cheat the state does not
show much of the right kind of frtuflf needed for
public office, lie run against a snag with his
fellows when he insisted on owning the next state
delegate. He kicks on "boss" rule only when
he is not the "boss." He was nominated on the
Anti-Quay issue and turned entirely a.ound and
vo'-' r Qniiv himself. Why?
This invention relates to that class
of casters, or condiment-holders, par
' .ticularlr for salt and tjetroer. which
ff are designed to contain both salt and
pepper in separate compartments and
capable of delivering either salt or
pepper, as desired.
The objects of the present inven
tion are to provide a slide adapted to
open and close the sets of openings or
perforations in the top or cap of the
Mate with nnratltir I Vi ntn H-nlea
and means for locking the slide when & 6ECHWST.
both sets of openings sre closed. inventor.
Construction of this Device.
The body of the cruet is of any preferred shape and
material, having an exteriorly-threaded neck whereby the
cap is removably secured thereon. - The interior of the cruet
is divided into two compartments by means of a longitudinal
partition, and the salt and pepper are contained in either
compartment entirely separated from each other. The cap
is preferably of metal, having the inner side of its deDendiae -
flange threaded and adapted to engage the threaded neck of
the castor in the usual manner. The openings or perfora
tions for distributing the salt and pepper are provided in
the too of the cap and are arranged at each side of the
paruuon, preteraoly in two parallel lines. Arranged against the inner face of the cap is a slide
the body of which is preferably of circular form, but smaller than the cap, so as to De moved
from aide to side therein. The slide is provided with a straight slot extending diametrically
across the center therof and parallel with the two sets of perforations in the cap. At diametri
cally opposite points on the periphery of the slide are- provided thumb-pieces disposed trans
versely with respect to the perforations and extending through openings, respectively, in the
upper edge of the cap. A suitable filling-piece is placed in the cap and against the slide to re
tain the same therein and yet allow the required movement thereof. This filling-piece is
adapted to fit tighily against the top of the partition to prevent mixing of the contents of the
separate compartments and Is provided with a pair of openings directly over the compartments
and aligning with the nets of perforations in the cap. By this arrangement the slide is disposed
between the top of the cap and the filling-piece so as to open either set of perforations and
close the other to discharge either the salt or pepper separately. By reason of the thumb-pieces
extending at diametrically opposite points of the cap they may be grasped between the thumb
and forefinger and pushed in either direction to cose one or the other set of perforations.
Advantages of this Device.
It is simple, cheap, neat, durable aud handy, always having salt or pepper at hand.
It is not easily turned over and contents spilled. It saves calling for two or three cruets. .
Bright Chance for Bright Salesmen.
The advantages of this device are so apparent and it is so practical that every house wit)
want two or three of them. The sale is bound to be rapid and large.
Territory for sale by State rights, or will sell as a whole, at terms furnished on application.
The greatest hustle secures the cream. Quick action insures quick returns. Write if you
ant it.
A. S. Sechrist.
Anion S. Sechrist of Verdilla, this county, is
the inventor and patentee of the shove device for
a salt and pepper box. Mr. Sechrist b'3ers to
sell the patent outright or lie will join with a
company to manufacture them in Middleburg.
The machinery to manufacture 2000 boxes a
day"will cost $1400. The boxes can be made
for 3 cents each and will retail for 10 cents each.
Boxes could be sold to jobbers at 4c each and
clear $20 a day. It is the best article for the
purpose that iias been patented.
Mr. Sechrist lias completed two other devices,
one to force water out of a pump by limply
standing on a platform and another arrangement
for shutters so that you close one shutter at a
house,-all or them will go shut.
"Do you mean to say that I have no
right to open my wife's letters?"
"Of course you have the right.
What you want Is the nerve." Moon
shine. To nnlk the Wol?.
lie painted a picture with which, h said,
He'd keep the wolf from the door.
And a wag ald he thouicht the wolf would
If he ever saw It, cure.
Radford Review. . .
I Aa Identification.
Citizen There's a little man round
the corner sassing a big one.
Policeman lias the little man got a
Citizen No.
Policeman By Jinks! That mutt
be the escaped lunatic we are told to
look out for. N. Y. Weekly.
Hla Experience.
Mrs. Jaggshy According to this pa
per a physician has discovered that
alcohol strengthens a man's mental
vision. What rank nonsense!
Jaggsby It is perfectly true, my
dear. It makes him see a lot of things
that never existed. Chicago Daily
This UlUs of It.
While I slave In the strife
To make gold for the Mrs.
The pet dog of my wife
Lives on cream puffs and Krs.
To lead a dog's life,
Faith, the acme of fairs
Philadelphia Tress.
or, How Did She Kaow.
Overheard in the darkened
"On, (.eorjTP, you have started your
mustache out again, haven't you?"
Chicago Tribune.
Mlilnlirlit Medicine.
She (rather wearily) It must
lfivr'y tn he a man.
i He (a late stayer) 'Why?
She A man can Fpend the evening
v illi whom he plcasu s, and not have to
entertain unvhody that comes along.
- X. V. Wceljy.
An KrvlMilo Position,
IVrdita I understand Susie Sweet
thin's huwband is quite well off.
lVnrlopo Well uflf! Why, lie is so
wealthy that Ihey don't have to gHe
nt ell expensive' presents In order not
to cpear short. Brooklyn Eagle.
Happy Ever Afterward.
"Did her father kick you out last
"No; he missed inc, lost his balance,
and I carried him into the house and
was forgiven." Answers.
Froof Positive.
Amy I am certain that Florence Is
an egotist.
Maud Why do you think so?
Amy Because she is always say
ing: "Oh, dear mel" Judge.
A Legacy ol the J rip
Is often a run-down system. Weak
ness, nervousness, lack of appetite
energy and ambition, with disorder,
ed liver and kidneys often follow an
attack of this wretched disease. The
greatest need then Is Electric Bit
ters, the splendid tonic, blood puri
fier and regulator of Stomach. Liver
and Kidneys, Thousands have
proved that they wonderfully
strengthen the nerves, build up the
system, and restore to health and
food spirits after an attack of Grip,
f suffering, try them. Only 60o.
Perfect satisfaction guaranteed bv
the Middleburg Drug (Jo., Qraybill,
Gorman & Co.. Kiehfield, Pa., Dr. J.
W. Sampsell, Pennscreek, Pa.
Tees So you're really engagejf
Jess Yes, and to think I saeaki
it after rejecting nearly SO proposal.
Tess Fifty? Well, well, what a per
slstent young man he must be Phil
adelphia Press.
Quite Brief.
A giant asked a pygmy
The loan of ten. In pelf.
. "Can't do It." said the little one,
"Because I'm short myself."
Radford Review.
Plaasibla Taeory,
She I wonder why a man's
turns gray before his beard.
He Oh, that Is easily explained.
There is usually about 20 years' differ
ence in their respective sges. Chi
cago Daily News.
Her Oplaloa,
lie (watching another couple) I
suppose he feels that he could not live
without her.
She Yes, and I don't think he'll have
n chance to find out that he could.
- H Rfe)
Mistress (severely) Mary, 1 saw the
milkman k'sa you! I Fhnll take in the
milk myself to-morrow.
Mary-Lor! mum, It woulrtit bcnol
use if you did 'cos Bill wouldn't kiss
you. He never kisses anyone hut me.
Ally Sloper.
HtlstBST Him Alona.
Mr. Timmid I don't suppose it
would be proper for rue to kiss you on
such short acquaintance?
Miss Innit No, I suppose not; but
isn't it too bad we haven't been ' ac
quainted longer? Tit-Bits.
A Fatal Break.
Miss Teachblow I don't think the
photographer flattered you any.
Titherington No; I was so tactless
as to twice refer to his "studio" as
a "photograph gallery." Brooklyn
Had All They Wasted.
"Have you given fresh water to the
"No, mamma, they haven't drank
what they've get already." Christian
What Passed Betweea.
Magistrate What happened, be
tween yourself and the eonrplalnesi
ss, a af i
9 MB94
O'sarl 1 Ulafc.
For the purpose of discovering who
has been a subscriber of the Post for
the longest continuous period of time,
the publisher offers as a premium a life
subscription to this periodical. This
offer Is open to all present subscribers,
To compete for this life subscription the
subscriber must show bow lmg he has
taken and pol l for the Tost and the
subscriber who can show the longest
psriod for which the Post was taken
and paid for by him will be given a
paper entitling him to receive the Post
free as long'as he lives.
Among the subscribers of a live, prcr
jrresslvc and aggressive newspaper like
the Post are the best citizens of the
county and those who have shown
unyieiuingiy loyalty to a newspaper
for the best "portion of their days are
entitled to some valuable consideration.
And with a view to compliment
this portion of our friends we now offer
the above premium.
A subscriber who wants to compete
for this prize must send in his claim,
the quicker the better. The names and
chums will be published from time to
time so that every one can see what is
going on in the contest. As soon as It
seems established that we have dis
covered the winner of the prize, the
contest will close.
Bend in your name at once and state
the time you have received and paid
for the Post. tf.
To Ike Bapab'lcana of 8ayder Coantjr
I tin.tlHT haH aavlf aa a candidate
tar the coaaljr aoMlaattoa lor Oaasiiiiaa
from Wing. 11 aoalnae, to saakoa tron BaBt
lor loo aiatrtat aomloaUoa. I oltcn too
of all ateBbUaaaa. A. at. SMITH.
To U Bopablloaa rooara of Soy dor Coaaty :
I hereby announce ssrealf aa a candidate
for amiably subject la too roles ol She Be-
pebiieaa jTlatery. aadly oitctUoK
rotes and the beaaflt of our iafluence.
very nacereiy your.
SHate Deloaraio
Editor POST Pleaae announea nr name aa a
oamuooui I or oiate ucirffKM.
MM UkL a. W. TUOXj.
rVeebarc, Pa.
Paxton rille. Pa.
W. H. HERMAN, Troielrille.
JAM KS ERDLEY, Middlebarg.
ISA AO S POTTS, Perry two.
DESTEB DERR, FastonrUle.
J. 0. RLINOLER, Krataerrillo,
Editor ror. Please announce my name asa
candidate for the republican nomination for
Sheriff. 1 waa defeated before for this prise
and am etill a loyal Republican and alaraya
will be. no matter wnai Happens, i Kinair axs
all Republican fori heir faithful support at the
neuuo.'lcan primary, rco. is. .
Pennscreek, Pa.
County ?'reanrr
To the Bepublicon voters of Snyder County :
I am candidate for the nomination ol Coun
ty Treasurer and soliilt your support at the
comiiis; primary election on Feb. 1ft.
W. 11. KlUULK.
Spring Township.
To the Republicans of Snyder County:
I wish to announce myself asa candidate
for the nomination for Treasurer, promislnf, if
nominated and elected, to faithfully diacharire
the duties of the office. 1 ark for loyal support
of all rlepuuiican. u. mukmapi Aft.
Monroe 1 wp.
Conaty CornmlNMlouer.
Editor Post,
I desire you to announea my name
through your worthy paper aa a candidate for
t ounty Commissioner. I have been a voter In
line county lor the past thirty four yean and
have always been a staunch Republican. I have
never been a candidate for a county office be
fore, and If the people see flit to elect me, 1
would assure them that 1 would do all In my
power lo carry out their wishes.
JtenpcctriiMy yours,
Shadle. fa.. Dec. IS, 11M. . fctfraj
Fditor Pcurr. Please announce my name as a
candidate for County Commlskionr. I am wil
ling to stand upon my past record as Comfhis-
sioner ana solicit your voir.
RflllAf Trf PWa. ...nilM n m.a mm
rcandidate for the Republican nomination
I'Ommisi'ionergsuhject lo the rules governing
ioe primary election.
Middleburg, Pa.
Editor Post. Please announce my noroe as a
candidate for nomination of County Commis
sioner. Monroe has not had a commissioner
for It years. I respectfully solicit the votes of
an nepuoncans. Hfcl JAM1M Ulliltl,, oil.
monroe iwp., Jan. is,
County Andltor
Editor Post, I am a candidate for the noml
union lor uount Aumtoi.
Richfield, Pa,
Please announce my name as a candidate for
too nepuniican nomination ot Auditor.
W. D bILO BR, Jackson township.
. . COroner. . ; . ,
I hereby'announce myself aa a' candidate for
uoroner. A. J. hkkman,
Middleburgh, Pa,
a sore throat 7"
"A centipede with chilblains."
Boston Christian Register.
After Meetlna. " -
"Bishop," said the you riff preacher,
"I know you were hitting at ma when
you denonunced fine . apparel and
Jewelry, for I wenr a velvet vest and
a watch and chain."
"No, brother," replied the bishop,
with a twinkle in his eye, "for I half
suspect your vest is cotton velvet,
and as for the watch, I never gave
you credit for more than a Water
buryl" Atlnnta Constitulion.
A ClveAvray,
Mrs. Yniingthinjr i'ieurette, that
barber friend of yours smiled at me
on the street Inst evrtiinfr. Tell him
I will tell my busbar, J if he does so
Flenrette (thongbtlrrfy) Oh, mad
am! he could have meant niiKsingl lie
must have recogni7rd madam's outo
mohilo ront and thought It was me.
Brooklyn Eagle, . - '.
The Way of the Worlrt.'
Vliprt mm do foolish things, we sny:
Thu' is. Indeed, their natural way."
" hpy'rewlse. we're niy content
At ii...rtnur: " 'Twas an accident."
Wsshlrcton Star
ters of Administration in the
estate of .Tohn M. Hackenbnrg, lata of Adams
twp.i BnydorOo. Pa., dee'd, having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves indcl ted to said estate are requested to
mske Immediate payment, while those having
e'niinswill present Ihem duly authenticated lo
the undersigned.
. Administrator, C. T. A.
Dundnre, Pa.. Feb. , 190S.
M. I. Putter, Att'y.
The undernlgned administrator cum testa
menlo nnnrxo of the entute of John M. llnck
e 'burn lntc o' dsm U wn'lilp, Bnyder Co.,
Pa , deceased, ill, on
Thursday, Marcli 20th, 1902 .
on the premlms of nld Ucciilcnt. situate insVd
tnwn-lii of A iiris, cxpo-cto public stile the
rcitl iiute f mid ilcci'Ocnt, the snine consint.
1HK of a farm of tip ncres mure or lew, hnund
ct on the north hv InnilN of ticlinriiih Mnyer,
on the CMht by ,li'b rnrtni:in. in the south by
A 1 1 1-ii .Mover kikI on the wesl by M Hum Lone,
This tmct c n nliin r ncrcs of (rno'l timber
lniti, moxt of t)i ftinher bcine vbit? pino alho
twoliiTR. frclmrd of trnriufc fruit trees, ns
Hvil . wt lis vt nrvefuiliu water.
he liuiloitiKA cousift of two In'co frame
hou-rsanil ronl Imult barn, n well as all the
iiiiiiiI iiit-bhllliiir.
Tlir Inii'l Is In h t;nod slnte of cultivation.
M tin- (tump time the personal proerty of
n ti,-i. dfiit wl'l le r,UI. coniiNiiiig of
hii:4'iiu n(-k, IkmI ami bcilfllrir lot Ciir pot,
cb irs Mill oilier nr Ulen not Imn in niuntio ned.
Ka.i to begin : t in o'clock of snld dny when
termini. il 4'umllin W'll bo ivn'lc known by
A I'll- N II K'lillUK'i, -2
in-Jt Aduiiiiiiroiot ('. T. A.
Notices of sales win be Inserted free under
this heading when the bills are printed at this
onice. w nen me uins are not priniea as tuif
ofllco 50 cents will be carged. Pcrrans espect-
Ing to have sale should select a date and ha'
it inserted in this column.
M0XDA1 , FEB. 24, at fnlem, Minerva A. Wsl
tcr will sell,bousehold;goods.
TUESDAY. FFB. 2S, V, mile back of W. M. Boy
er'a store, Port Trererton, TillieA, Rehrer
will sell a horces, a bead of cattlcand farm
ing Implements.
WEDNESDAY. KRB S6, three miles northeast of
veavrtown, iiarvey Mnyer wll sen three
homen nine head of cattle und farming im
MONDAY, MAR. 1, 4 miles west ot Middleburg
near Gift's school house, John H. bharn
. bach will sell 8;borses, cattle and farming
MONDAY, MARCH 8, one and one.ba1f miles
west of Aline H. O. Hornberger will sells
horses, IS head of cattle and farmlnglmple-
TUESDAY MARCH 4, miles south of Port
Treverton Mrs. Catherine A. Hhrawder
win wii s nnraea, 4 bead cattle and farm
ing implements.
FRIDAY MaK. I, in Kreamer, A. D, K reamer
will sell 4 horses. 8 bead of cattle and farm
ing implements. .
Joseph L. Brubaker will sell household
goods, farming implements and live stock
at W. Q- Uerrold't school house and Chap
man r. v.
THUKSDAY, M A RCH 13, V, mile south of Ver
dilla, 8. A. L. Btrawser will sell a colts, 1
belters ana farming implements.
FRIDAY. MARCH 14. Hi miles west of Adams-
bury, John A. Uearbart will sell 4 horsea, T
bead cattle. 1 brood sow. and farming Im-
SATURDAY. MARCH IS. one mile west of Cen
treville. Daniel Oearnart will sell I boraea.
2 cows, farming Implements and household
. . n . W UIBM, mm . W A mm.
Haekenbarg will sell I horses, 4 heifers and
farming implements.
THURSDAY. MAR. 10. ea Blue HiU, Robert
Lee her will sell horses, cows and farming
implement i
THURSDAY, MAR. 30, at Daniel's church In
West Perry two.. Joe Belchenbacb will sell
S horses, T bead cattle end farming Imple
Bnrmv wad n r-i u .
riuiAi, iiw AieiBcrvijio, yj. .
Troup will sell boreer, cows and farming
SATURDAY, MAR. 32, mile west of Pallas,
lvi rlamerwill sell S horses, t cows and
farming Implemenn.
TUESDAY, M ARCH it, near Ksnts, B. N. k W.
H.rjwettz. Kzecutors. will sell 4 horse
10 head of cattle and farming Implement,!
TUESDAY, MAR. 2d, "i mile west of Fremont
. Aaron Howell will sell 1 horse, 3 cows,
farming Implements and household goods.
Ruttcr 21
Ktrp ;
Onions...... ,
CI lick ens....
SliouMcr ...
Wheat 80
Ke 56
Corn 65
Oats 45-50
Potatoes 70
Bran I'terlOU. 1.20
Middlings" 1 20
Chop 1.25
Flmirperhbl 4.00
iiS Slgnnture Is cu every box of the genuine
axativc Brotno-Quinine
remedy that cares a cold! la one day
Amelia Eliiabetb, tbughUr of
Uartmaa, was barked Su
Zton's U B. Cemetery, aged
months and 7 days. Obsequies
' . BOYER.
Bamuet Boyer of Fremont
nrlay. The funeral took place
at 10 o'clock. His wife, who tn.
dauguter of George Rlne, an l fJ
survive. He Is a brother tn
Boyer, Fremont, Wm. Boyer a J
Boyer of PaxtonvlUe,
Mrs. Harriet Frantt, widow
- ( a 1 , . .
a r rauu was Durieu oaiuruav
Old HasslDger Cemetery. Tht
services were conducted b
Duamuacn at raxionviiie. .il
years, 3 months and S days.
Mrs. Acna, wifa of Jacob Lr,
TT . j, j . , .
xxrauierviiie, uieu at ner ittlc rj
on Thursday morning, Jan.
pneumonia, aged 73 years.
a husband and six children (.
their loss. The funeral was
Monday following from tli.
Mrs.Edwln Haupt, an aj.'i
Scliusgrove, departed this life
day, Feb. 3. Bhe had been
from a dropsical affection a
came after a short illness, if
was well and favorably known
out the town. Bhe is survival
children. tThe funeral took v
Harvey Frederick, son of H
and Ellen Zellers, nee Fultz,
pool, was buried on Monday
Feb. 3, at Earner's church.
was JL month and 10 days.
four sisters, four brothers,
sisters and one step-brother n:
departure. One step-sister,
and one brother preceded Lin.
The services were conducted
D. I. Suaeffer, of Fremont.
Bisters acted as pall-beaiers.
John Btrayer, late a citizen
ington township, died at liis
Saturday, February 1, after i
of somt weeks, aged 74 year?,
and 6 .days. Deceased va
Washington township, lived
his life. He was married lir-i
beth Arbogast, which union
with five children three sod
daughters, all -of whom si
He was again married to If
Nagle and no children result
this union. Deceased was an
ing citizen and widely km
had followed the occupation
and brlckmaker for many y
funeral took place on Mondsi
services were conducted by
Miller. J. H. Arbogast di
obsequies. Interment in
Mrs. Jane Ren ninger, neel
dauchter of Joel Bilcer, di
home in Franklin township
January 30, aged 48 years,
and 29 days. The immedhl
her death was apoplexy an !
sease, from which she BulWi
year. Bhe leaves to survivj
husband, four sons and tli
ters, one daughter having ra
to the spirit world. The tii
place on Sunday forenoon;
at Ziehen's cemetery. 114
preached the funeral Benin j
$100 REWARD, $
The readera of this paj
pleased to learn that ther
nna rlrearled disease iU
has been able to cure in aj
and that is Catarrh. IM
Cure is the only positive
to the medical iraternii:
being a constitutional i
quires a constitutional
TTall'e flatarrh Cure is tsi
ally, acting directly upon)
and mucous aunaces oi
thereby destroying the
of the disease, ana kitk
ant. atronoth bv builda
constitution and assistiif
doing its work. Toe
kavst an mnsh faith in :
rtnvara. that ther offer i
red Dollars for any casfj
to cure. Send for list ut ii
Sold by Druggists, 75tJ
dall s Family Tills are
Gives advice and ansl
eharce. iuouirics aboul:
Studies undorlyinK cau-j
movements. Determiri
erning value of eecurmi
analyses and reviews ij
lndubtrinl renorts. J' I
lulilps nf fflrnioffS el
Quotes active and ii 'l
a a " -- 1 . 1 I
hucI Donas, itecorusi'i
bunds and the yield otl
at the price.
One who daily cnnsulls TIlSJ
Jill UN II. la linltor null llic 11
safely ami irotltally and lo
veitiucnts than ona I10 dor
Hubllnhed dsilr I
Vow, Jones Co., Hwl
The oldest nev s agen7 I