( - ' -1 r ; ft II erta .-..- . -.. -j 1 1 r Lone, ft laborer, talked Into bnd national bank of Danville, I1U relate the In dianapolis Nmi, Via Sllla. ni..,d hi. dinner the teller's window and said he to make a deposit. Then to onUhment of the bank officials led the pail and showed that it of soiled and crumpled bank an almost forgotten issue. . . . . 1 1 1 a.1 n ti 1 kvas a lime ies uu m and every dollar of it was of war issue of 3S years ago, and 100 cents. The Dan reiaineu ater part of the money, but I it was in such condition that it be sent to Woshington to be ex- Long, who Is about 70 years lused to make any explanation Ihe came Into possession it the Crumpled up hi some of the tre small feathers and bits of kvhich gave evidence that the Bid been at one time concealed limitation bf the first object lessons to St. Louis in connection with the world s fair will be the trans it Tree, nlrtntntlon. bv con- Jf over BOO trees from six to s in diameter, Didders to 1 the work have come forward . Louis, Kansas City, Ituffnln, nnd.Evansville, and it is pre- hey are experts, for they are to look after the trees for Ir and to replace nil that die. nsplantntion of trees of this Merely a nintter of skill. Taris kunicipal department that not Ives large trees from place to but takes such as are sickly ee hospital, where they are 1 to vigor and then set out lit. Louis, says the Globe-Dem- is most decidedly backward use and protection of shade The world's fair will be edu- in this, as in many other re- lu 9 COACHED BY SISTER. - iBflingERTsiifB. Mp7fr A rsfa mm, mm mm m mt 't AAist4flvt 4kuu mm 0 Correct Silverware Correct in character, design and workmanship is aa necessary as dainty china or fine linen if you would have everything in good taste ami- harmony. Knives, forks, spoons and fancy pieces for table use will be correct if se lected from goods stamped "1847? Rirnirmhcr I 47," thorn ars Imlu. tlpn "K.,n.rs.f For catalusas No. nil. addreta ths iuakira Internstional Silvar Co. Marldan, Conn. Little Ethel Rothwell Trained satau. VI 4mH b Ml bl :kiurt. Ulo ut WaMllug-loil Young Corbett" for Ring. I1 o-ii i,u psrauo- kn..iu i r.-U Holvl.lv,. tu 44tl aalslv mn tvu,uUd Vi ' M4M iiuiuvOiais) m u.tu., wuiu iu.tt. utti u I tiallllS IIMWBI tllOUl .110 lUllKilllMlaJ lu u aoastllauea. Ju.iN . Itli KUAKT. Kreuuler. P.. 0;t. H. IH..1. AdiuinUtratoi. First Champion Faslllil Wao 0vaa All Ilia Still, Fim mm I'rowraa tu the Clever Advice at . Little Umaa, AbMlN.M'UATOKSUl'lUh. Ivra ul A.lnillllalnUluu lu Ui mltl, ui Auutam Trull, iie ul Muuruct tuwiialiii. any. dec cait, .. 4, Having Ikvu tfi-uiu lo lh uiiilinuiciiott, ll imrsooa anosmia Ineai wives iihUjoudsi iu muI aaiuahs an rvsiiiosiaj lo iiutfco liuiiicsliaw.- iMyuMiiii. h.lvluov) flavin claims jt4liil In said caUIl' will present ttivu. duly aaluvnlluMipi . Uiu u.i.lerHined.. , . , ,, . . , JAr,i n mi, Aiin.iitairitlira, . in the most Ultra, sense of the words. Ovt. . Wji. 'Young Corbett," otherwise William "Young Corbett," the champion light-weight pugilist of the world, owes his kupremacy to a woman. Not iu the ordiuary romantic tense. YmmtT I 'nrlm 1 1'. nthlktin .riuanMu ha. no seutimental bavis. On the contrary, I Kothwell, lias been expertly coached . , for his great part by his younger siv , ' PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAD. Lowistowu Division. In effect Nov. 21. 1001. TATIIIKH. I rKXTWAIID. r M AM! Ill INI: in lui 111 I.V 10 H 10 27 lumii loan: 10 42 II) M lo to. J1H 2 23 J3.H old) 8 ' a' ,m 4 05 Suuhury SclinKruvo Junction Si'llnKKrove fiiwIiiiK Kri'nmer Meiaer MliUllrhui-K Henfer Bi'iivt'rttiwn Adnmnbiira 1H0.H Kntin Milla 11 0H MoCIurc 11 l-l WKr-r lliill Shindle 11 Ml Piiitorville 11 a2 Nnitlnnd 11 to! I-winlown 11 42 Lewltown(illn Street. 1145, Lewintonrn Junction. hicapo House-Y recking com- p.s oougni me i'an-Ainencan on, as it stands, for $132,000. 1 concern had the contract t'king the world's fair and the post office. The demolition exposition will be begun at he company will employ 2,000 the work, and it is expected will require eight or nine to level the structures. "The il we have purchased cost over IiO to put in shape originally," aratary S. H. Harris, of the "There are 33,000,000 feet per in the buildings, 2,000,000 of pipe, 200,000 incandescent 0,000 flag-poles, and 30,000 More than 1,000 freight cars needed to bring the material elated of James B. Eads, the of the St. Louis bridge and eat bridge wofks, that some Vd he made this prediction con- he city of St. Louis: "One ays this will be asing two enormous channels 'of he one will be nn iron why treat west, the other a wnter- the Mississippi, across the bnd up the Pacific. The one sent speed, the other econ the conflict betwi.cn the pave nil the bitterness of a il war." locality has modern steam harhinery been applied with tiveness as upon the grain p southern California. On the engine used to draw the is of 50-horse-power, and rwhcels eight feet high. It ia barrels' of oil every day, ration requires the 6erv- nmen. In plowing, 55 fur- nea over at one time, cot- adth of 40 feet. Wkhouse of Fort Du Pittsburg, ia to be cut off feublic by the closing of sets in the "interest of1 a wiring to construct ware- the,vieimty.'The eets closed tinder' a city or- ssed against the protest rhters of the Revolution. Im effort to keep a hlgh- pr the use of visitors. rolina has it perennial Wtless citizens, which in I of the negroes and the f trash." These people Jiulate anything. They go f the local merchant for othitig. If the crop fails hopelessly involved, and rs to be the condition of pers at present. jfeature of a recent nn!ni xico, Mo., was the nttemnt fts to make a donkev nm gum. It was demonstrat- p was not so easy as it was gum to make donkevs out t. xrain leaves ounoury o stu p m, ar rives at belinsgrove 6 45 d iu Leaves SelinB(irove:00 p. ui., arrives at bunbury b:io p. in. Trains leave Lew is town Junction : I 40 a m, 10 14 n m, 1 10 n m.imip in 4 37p ra, 7 (I7p u, nnp 111, iiaoi 111 ior Aiiouna, rillfliurn anil Kor HHltlmore am' Wanl-.iniflon am am Bn 1 0. I S8. 4 S3. 8 10 n m For Pliiladeliihia anil New York SS 03. 80 a m. 1 0i 1 n 4M and 1116 p iu riir narrmnurg a iu p ia Philadelphia & Erie R R Division AND NORTHERN 4'ENTKAI. KAILWAY WEHTWAKD, Train pave S-lliiegrove Junction flullj tor auiiu'iiy auti wusi. 5sam, i58p m, 4 52 p m. Sunday 9 as a m, 9 w p III. Trains leave Runhury daily except Sunday: l2 2SamforBufTlo,riiainior Erie and Can anrialKua 1 10 in for Rellelnnte Erie and CanandalKua 9 12 a m for Look Haven. Tyrone and Mm Weal . i!i l for HillTulo, 1 10 p m for Hellefnto Kane Tyrone and i;ananaaiKua 5 1 p in lor kenovo and Klmira 9 45 p Ob lor WUllauispolt Sunday 12 33 a n for BulTulo via En porluin, imam fur trio, S 10 am for Erie and Caiiiin dalKua 8 W p m lor V- .- 9 411 am for Lock Haven and llamiport am, 9 1 Hi a m 1 00 and BSSpmlor Wllkod- ourre and iiazenon 8 10 a m, 10 10 a ni, t Hi p m, S 35 p m lor Sluimo kln and Mount Cnrinel Sunday 9 65 a m lor Wllke-barre EAHTWAKU. rrain leave Sellngrove Junc tion 10 00 a in, dally arrivtnir at fhllndolpliln S17pm New York 6 53 p in Baltimore 3 11 1 m W'aehlDKton 4 1 p iu 5 so p m daily arrivlnc at Plillndnlphia 10 20 p in New York 1 63 a 111, Baltimore 9 45 p m WaalllnKtoU 10 56 p m. 8 43 pin. u at l.v arrirlhK at flilladnlphia I 5h m, New V ork 713 am, Haltlmnre 2 30 a m WaaliiiiKton 4 05 a ir. Trains aim) leave Suntuiry : It 52 aui dally arriving at PhlladeMhia 1 62 a m Baltimore 7 30 a in Wanhirrton dm a m New York w 3.1 a 111 Weekday!. 10 :s a m Sunday. 3 33 m du'ly urnvluir at Phllndidplila 7 33 a tn, Now York 9 3.1 a m, 10 38 sundnvs Haiti mere 1 'i0 a m, Wiislilnnion H30 u m. U.iHIniure 13 10 p n WaHiilliirton 116PU1. 7 5fl a m week days nrrivlnz nt Plillndclpliln lUSam, New York 9 13 p m, Baltimore 12 10 p ... tl..ul .(..n 1 1 . 111, ,? uniiiut mil 1 141 r 111 1 65 p u. week dtyt arrirlnir at Phllaileljihla 4 33pm wYorkV30pm, Haiti more S ou p m Washlnuli'l 7 16pm ' 1 4 p m dnllv. arrlvlnir at Phllndelpliln 7 33 p m New York 10 33 p m, Uultlmurv7 30 p m, WubU lDton 8 36 p III Trains also leave Suntmry at 9 50 a in and 5 20 ndHSlpm, lor HurrlaliurK. Philadelphia and Hallimore I. H. Wilf)l. (len'l Pans Agent i. B. HUTCHINSdN (Jen'l Mauaa-er. m muW. mmm -m .aa-aBv the ORBAT M' pi'olj tba above renal ta In'SO days. Iticti BOWfrnUyaodiuieklT. Cmr when all otberi fall i . RESTORES VITALITY (VI Made a Well Man of Me. 'ouutnea will main their loat manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vifor by adai BETITO. It quickly sad surely restores Merron neat, Loat Vitality, Impoteocy, Kigbtly Emuuloaa Loat Power, Falling Iloaiory. Wantln ClaeanM. and all effect of to If -abuse or excess and Indiscretion, which unfit one for study, bttelnesa or marriage. It not only cum by starting at the seat of diiease, but la a groat nerve tools and blood builder, bring ing baok the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the flre of yonth. ft ward" oft Fmanltj and Connumption. Insist on having HE VI VO, no other. It can be carried In vent rocket. Ily mail 1.0OperiaKaaorati for VS.OO, with a poel tire written iroarantee to rn" cr refund1 tba money. Circulvliue. AJdr j Royal Medicine Co.,DcA.iS For mle in Middlehirqh, Va.f bv MIDDBLEUllGll DlllG CO. Is signature in 011 every Ixix of tho genuine axative Uromo-Quinine Tablets remedy that rnrcs a cold In one day Crip brines weakness, exnaustlon, nervous prostration- Dr. Miles' Nervine cures them. . Vmilypapcrarhlladelphlnn! i a -may" diaVt thank seat in a street. called hr female. Imatth.daaenefnywhon, DFl . FENNER'S I GOLDEN RELIEF! I CUTS ' , VVHtU, BNT ARtP ! BRUISES "PaiVf arV COLD. I I J8PRAIN5 M i) Ik B IM BRONCHrml I KAHTWABU- 1 a m r m I 9 30 4 50 '9 09, 4 40 I 9 04 4 35 I IK 53 4 37 1 1 S 49 4 33 '8 47, 4 20 I S 40 4 13 1 i 31 4 07 8 35 3 67 B30 3 59 8 13 8 44 B 07 8 49 7 57 8 3 754 829 7 49 8 31 7 43 8 20 T86 8 18 7 33 8 15 7 800 ter. Plainly, therefore, glory outfht to fall uln-re glury is (ine. Miss Ethel Kothwell, who is 14 in the matter of years, but infinitely mure mature in the matter of eoinmoii yente, ought to have ut ku&t us much credit as the "t ru'uu rs" i.f uther prent fljrhters hne naJ. hulled, if the Xt.-;:t uf the M'rv ice khe has remiereu i..r bruii.tr were wiile.y known, Miss Kthel, who is now the must ilninestic uml rttirin of misses, would he in demand as au ex pert authority by light-weights the world over. As u "coach" Kthel was born, not made. In her well-balanced little head the principles of successful prize-lighting were providentially innate. Or this at least was inferred by the rep resentative of the New York World who called upon her at her home iu Denver. It is usvless to deny, though this is incidental, that Miss Kthel is excep tionally attractive. She is a vivacious red-cheeked young lady, with deep blue eyes and two heavy braids of auburn hair. The main point is that in build she greatly resembles tho champion. XKJl'TJIC NviTlc'e,. Nulm i. (.- given tli.il le.itfra tea amciuury upon t.. ! uf 4uuu .vtjniv, l.iiu u. furry iu.. Miii, Auyder ouuly, . ., ile.ti.id. In, uevll lwuoa III due lui-iu uf 1..1V m i.u U11 I, ai)(lliHl, to WUOlll all 111 Idok-J lo a..l.l -k.l biiuiiuj uiami luniioJiaio iiiyiiicu ia.i.1 too., uwvni. elaiius iax.ti-l u m.i iuiu ir.ioi.l tiid . uuly ttuiiieuiicmii 1 lorseiiio.ii.Mit. ill- llAi.l. tw. ui-.N l.K. 1 UMI..V1I-. .. ilu . .., 1 l.Ciwuiora ML I'leuuiul MiilK, I'.i. iijv .J, Iji. 1,-XHCl l ltlX S NOTH K-N.UUO ii lietc Klvell tluil lettt-m u:la.ilenl.iry up., 11 inu v tale of fMiiiuul lilt'iibarl, lute in W ai.uui., t., .-liyiU'r Co., I it., iiiH''tl, liavo iii-eu n.,.ii' i.i ilue fiu iii of la v to ilm utitlviijtiei, 1 1 tviiii all iiideltti'ti to mild enuni; Hihuiiii ui.iko nun mate puvinent and uiosc linv i'itfcLiitii. ii.iiii 11 auuuul iji'Hiit tiu-iii d.ily uoi.it-ntu-a.e.i ( au.timiiiiii. iiA.uV a il ad Aid', 1 r. I nit s, Hi K. iMti, Uec. 21, ''.I U. I'.kix'utorn fir 'T ;:(' :, . A UMINITIUTOK.S NOTICE Let- leiK ot Atliiilulnlrittloii In nn ealuteuf Wllliinn Weiriek line ol leiitrn Itvp. Buyder enmity, Pa., dec d, having bf-iifraii(d to Hie uinleraiKiied, all peramia knowinx liiem elves Iniki ti il 10 "aid t-aiuie are re.u.nte.l li, make Iminediato iiiyiiiout, while tlinxo livi uM caiinawill ireaent Iheiu duly aiithentlcaled to Ihe uiideraiKiied. MK'HAKL A. W. IHK'K. Admlnintrator t'mn 'i'oiitaiiietito Amiezo. i. Q. Crouw, Att'y. Dec. 2H, itfili. "YOUNG CORBETT." (FeatherwelBht Champion Who Trained by Ills Slater.) Was loung ladies who may be moved to emulute her may be interested to know that the Denver Dianu is only four feet eleven inches tall. She is, however, ex trnordinarily muscular with no extra pounds. Her exact measurements are as follows: Forearm, S inches; biceps, 0 inches'; wrist, 5 inches; .calf, 11 inches; thigh, lOtj inches; waist, 18 inches; neck, 13 inches; chest, 30 inches; reach, CO inches. Now, in addition to her muscle and pretty face, Miss Kthel is a young lady of marked initiative. When her stal wart youug brother confided to her quite in secret his pugilistic ambitious she said to him: "Listen to in. Will. If you want to lie a tighter, skip rope. It will help your wind and it will make your feet nimble." The budding champion laughed. Whereupon his sister explained fur ther and he took her advice. This was two years ago. To-day he is the cham pion. This illustrates the remarkable sasrncity of woman. Having become an expert rope- skipper and demonstrated the wisdom of the exercise to his own satisfaction, young Mr. Kothwell needed no persua sion to adopt the next piece of ad vice his sister gave him. Thi was that he should try saw ing wood. In the back -yard of the Rothwell house there- is always 1 an enormous stack of logs and. a large saw. She advised him to saw with his right hand for IS or 20 minutes and then do the same with his left. This was to help him as a puncher. She was always present to see that he did it welU If he grew tired she still kept him at it. Fufore entering a battle Young Cor bett was coached at home or at his training quarters by this sister. At almost every fight she accompanied him as far as the amphitheater, when she would go home and await the re sult of his encounter. Her advice was always: "Keep cool and let the other fellow do the worrying." She figured that he would have a bet ter show of winning by sidestepping) 1. ; 1 3 J , J ' . m ins oiiimnenv uiiu ueiivprinff nis ia- moiis punches to the right or left jnw. H was seen about two years ago that the "kid" changed his tactics in the ring, and it was ot his sister's advice that he did so. Extrutors' Suit; ni' Vuluuhle .3z:lxjs estate. The undcraiKUid executors of the hint will and teHtameni of .Mieliael 1. Welaml, inlo of 1 Weal lieaver township, Snyder cMiiii.ty, l'u., do ceaMd, by virtue of the power 'Hid authority contained in mud loat will and teataim-nt, will on Friday, February 7th, VJ02, rxpoae to public ante, on the premie, Hie following- Ueacrilied real ctnte, to wit : All that eertiiiu meatte ortrurt of Intnl. the hmueflteed of the decedent, mtiiate in tuwn- ! hip, county and alate nforeaaM, a utiort dis tance aoiitti of the -'Hidxe hun-h," bounded on the north by laud of Jacob 1'reeae, enat by hind of Jeremiah Knepp, south by laud of A, A. Komi and Jacob .Nerhood aih! west liy the Miniili Hal. property, conuiluliii; one hundred and thirty-thren tili'J) acres and 51 Hrchcs, more or lea, with the appurtenances, whereon ia erected a two-story KATIIKII-KHMIDKI) i)WF, InrKO UANK OAKN, aud nccesaary nut-buildinifi- 'Maial These bulldinice are ctmparntivcly new anil In first class t-nuditiuu. i he land is In a hlKh state of cultivation with pleuiy of choice fruit. A well of never failinic water near the d.rfir. aud a larice BprlnK which furnishes water for a sprinic house a few steps south of the iiuiii dffelliuic. also a water troiiKh with acou tUiit sup-y the year round to water all the lock on the farm. JkMi BMmM rale to commence at 10 o'clock A - M., of mid day wlirit terms will be made known by KM ISA t' WK1A Nil, WILLIAM W Kl AND, Janiea Crouae, Kxecutors. Attorney. Kick a dog and he bites yo He bites you and you kick hi f he more you kick tho nx ic bites and the more he bile lie more you kick. E.k makes the other worse. A thin body makes th! blood. Thin blood makes thin body. Each makes t'. other worse. If there is croi: . to be a change the help mu.--nine from outside. Scott's Emulsion is the rigl '.dp. It breaks up such combination. First it sets t: tomach right. Then it c riches the blood. Th. strengthens the body and ! begins to grow new iksl A strong body makes l it i blood and rich blood makes . trong body. Each makes tl.i other better. This isthewax Sott's Emulsion puts the thii oody on its feet. Now it ca:. yt along by itself. No nei c. of medicine. This picture rrprcM-r.t-the Trade Maik of Scotl' Mniulii u and is on tin. wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCOTT & I'.OWNi; 409 I'eatl St,. New York. 50c. and ft. ull druggists. One Man's Opinion. "According t" statistic," said the 11 wee t pirl ffradiiate, "w umi'ii live nboiit ten year longer llian men." "Yes," prowled the did bachelor, "and I bey miht live .'.0 years Inner if they weren't so shy about passing1 the .'10 mark."- Chieaffo Daily News. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 1 Caurl FraciarnatiDn. 1CHKRKAS the Hon. Harold M. " 1 ! Jo, f tSltliiy Klrls nre filled with ulce Whi n the north wind ? klpp, Kor It hrliius the t hajis. ynu see. To thi lr ruby lips. rhlladc Ipttlu I'ri H. I'renulent Jiulue 0! the JinUrial MeClurt District. eotnpoaed of the enuntleii ol Tinyder, and t'lilnn and I'eler F. lieKln and .. T. lii'tn tterllnir. l'l"., AnDHliite .1 u.les lu and InrSny dsr oounty, have lanued their piecept. heiirluu date the 12th day 01 Dec, A. I)., 1111. I" me tlrected for the Imldlnic ol an Uriliiina' Court, a court ol touiinon Flt-iia, court oil .'yor and Ter miner and lenernl t'ourt ol Hunrt'T ScksIiiiih ol ihel'oace, at MlddlehurKh, lor the county ol Sayder. on the Hrst .Monday, (tmlnif llis'JIth ihv ot Feb. IWr.'). and to cuiitlniie one week Notice is thereh.re heret'y lvn tu the t'oron er, Jiifllcea ol the I'enre 11ml ('ofiHlulilcti lu uml lurtliv eiitiuly ol Miyiler. to 'ippeiir In tlii.il iroicr percoti with Ihelr roll", r rds, lnitilst iioiii. examination.' ami other reiueintiriineei lo do tlmec Ihlnuii which ol their olllce" 11 nil In their tieliall parluln to ho dune aud wltueum and poiKona jiroMecutiiiK In liehall ol the t'uui uuuweiilth aaiiliuitsiiy person or person are re ipilrcd to he then uml there iiiUmuIiii iind de piirtlnK witliout leave ut their peril. Justice. are reiUenteii to he punctual In llieir attendant'! at the uppuintcd time uirree.ihly tu nutice. llvou under my hsnii sciilnt the Slierlll'- olllee lu Alldillel urirh. the 'JTih dny ol .Ian. . D., oue tlio'isittid nine huudred two. (i. Vt . litis', .Sherlll. U'IDOWS' AI'l'KAISKM KNTs.-Notlci' Is Here by iftveii (hut Ihi! tulliitvlii Widows' Ap prnlKi-iiientHiinihrMiefliHihiw, have In'en Mum with the Clerk til I lie i)rp inns' Court ol Miyiti-i OJUiity forcoiinrinallnti Feb. aitli. 112. 1. AppralspttiiMit of Harriet, lllckhurt. whin v of Joimthan llli'khurt, lain nf itslil niftoii tup. deeeaxetl, elected W bo taken under the f:iue exetnpUoii luw. i. Appraisement, of fiuruh Slruiiso, widow ot Ellar Stroiiso, lulfl Of Monnsi twp.. dvceuatd. elected to be taken under the tuo axoniptlou law. 8. Appraisement of Lucy A. Airier, widow of lerotue Aitrler. lace of Beaver two., deceased. elected Vu tM) tuken under tuu H'W exempt Inn law. 4. Appraisement of Amunrtn Whtnd, widow of Michael Welund. late ot West Heaver twp., elected to be taken under the I3uu exeinplluu law. 5 Appraisement or UottyRncDley. widow of Frederick KulcDley, latu 01 Niunroe twn., dee'd. elected to be ukuu under the 1300 exemutloo luw. U. M. HAINDKU Clerk. MlddleburR. Ta.. Jan. 25. Mt. M AXTKIl A Tlf'KKT. AVIIil t'rnntierry Jam. A will cranberry culled "tranbar' in Swedish, for which no use ever has biieu fount! in 1h Scandinavian countries, has now found n market in Gerninny, 2,2.14 quarts having been shippeil recently to one firm In Chem nitz. The (leriiiitns convert the ber ries into a jam that bids fair to rival English prdscrves. -; ( . . Danced a Bit Too Lively. ' A man in JforVlstown, Fa., who was opposed to fiave dropped dead at a REOIHTKK'8 NOTICKH.-Notlce iRnereDy giv en that the followlnif uained DeraotiH Iihvi died their Administrators'. Uiirndhtn. und K . ecutoiH' account tntbe K-iflatei 'a onieeol Sny der Cuiinty, and the same will be presented for connrmuiinn anu aiiowanco hi inu txxiri uouae n MiddleburKh. Monday, Keb. is b, Hti. 1. Tho account of Jno. II. Jarrctt. executor ot the last will and testament oljitcuu Jurrett, UllO UI Aluuiue lunusuip, ueveuano. a. First and final acootintof Hivlllu Krdlev. administratrix of tlieestule of Theodore Krdley, Ute of franklin to a-nslilp, dee'd. 8. First and final account of Kilns Brunner, executor of Samuel Brunner, lute of Centre township, deceased. 4. Flrn and final account of Oenrjre I.each. ndinliilstiuior of theestuieuf William l.-ui h, lute of Chapman t,p.,dec'd. . First and final account of D. fl. (iarnun, ndiniiilslrnioriif the estateol Sarnh li, tjnjdur, hue of t'hiipinau township, deeyased. . Fbstand Until account of 8. A. Wetzel and f. II. Hlnifainiin, executors of tho estate of Oenrife Kt.ler, Into ui Braver towi ship, dee'd. 7. Hrtdand filial account of T. A. Wairnnr, ndinlnlstriiior of Ihe estulo of Mary A. Butn ipudner.luleof West Ueuvertwp., dee'd. 8, First uud dun) account of T. A. Wukuit, ad- mlnlstrntnrof tho estate of Adnm IluniKurdner, line of Heaver townsnip, uee u. 9. First and account of If. P. Jurrett. executor of tho last will and tuHiumeut of Muivuret Hpahr. lateof Hellnsirrove, deceased. 10- Final account of Henry Brown, (ruardlan Of Katte and SterllnR Freed, minor children of George Freed. Iut ot Washington twp, dee'd. 11. First andrnntl account of William K. Mir Mr. r.eenthi'ie Well, I think mar riage ut the best is but a lottery . Miss Kcekhein You don't happen to know- where they sell tickets, do you? Ally Sloper. le.ean l Ik later..! lo.al Srrlr.f.i rrbru.ry t. 1IMIU Th- Mn uf l-yl.st. TUB I.KSSON TKNT. (Acta 5:1-11.) 1. Dut a certain man namii: .rt.niaa, with 8apphlra his wife, sold .. u.. -1 ssJon. X Ami kept buck part or tl., price, bis wife also beirK privy lo It. ai.ii Irnuthl e oertuln purl, and laid It i.t ihe apo(U-a feet. 3. Hut 1'etcr said. Ananias, why hath Sa tan Utltd thine lic.rt to lie lu Ihe Holy Uhost, and to kci p back pari ol il epriet uf the land? 4. While It remained, was II t ot ihlr.r own? ai d after It was goal 1 1:1 11 in thlt.e own power? why hast thmi cot 1 1 lvi: this iliii.K In tblne heart ? thtai 1 .1.-1 1.1 i..a unto nn 11. luit vinto 1 iiKl. G. Ai.d Ananias. 1;. .ini K tl .-. a,.i:-1.I! down, aid nave tip the tthu-l: .11.' liar einie 1111 all 1 In 111 thai In ai C llii.. t ll ! I s. li. And the "iii k tin 11 unff, r .nnc' l.lm up. ai.ii I'.irriiil him nut. aini hurli c! Mm. 7. Ai'i! It w.is milium the -p.u . uf tlnn hiiiiis altif. 1hii h:?i if. . i.ut kt 1 v hat w .- i.ur.i . 1 1 nn ;n. .ii! I'. ti r 11 - i 1. il 111. In 1 r T !! 11,1 wlut I.' 1 . t..;: :h. ..11 il f. r - 11,111 l" Ai d hv .-.ni. 1 ... r mill li. 'J 'I'll. 11 l'i 1. r -.1..! 1. 1. in h. 1. Iluu Is it I hat e have a nr. ! .-a tl : ti.pt Spirit i.f tin- I : ' I., l. .(.!. t . -. 1 1 h. tn I w liicli in v Inn.. 1! Hi l;u . . ... .. 1 . ,1 1 i..t il.'.'r. an! .-h i:: fin-) 1 li,-. , ,,- 10. 'I'lu 11 sin- l.-.l .!..ii ir . :!.iv. i -il hit. fi it. and j, o up il.- 1:. 1. .).: the yoin.K tin n -.i ii . in .,1.,: ,.i.; , tnrdi.nl. aid, i,urii hi t :l., lot . t a- I hi r llll-ll.lt.il. 11. Ai.d i;r. al .1 1 inn if:, -it; ll.i ll.llt'l ll. .111, pp.. r. .1,- ni 11. . i.. at.l tin th:ri'. I.iil lll'.N ' l.v -. h.-i i ll,,-,- , 11 1 1 1 .1 u iiin llnu. hpi-til, --t' n.iiii irnlK vvltli his iii-liihhor. lpli. I Ni iT K.S ami 1 1 i.M ,i I , N i s. Siiiiiin' . 1; : t i 1 1 -1 tli. Hofv Sjiirit. Ill llii.-- Iosiiii we lire iiiailc .'jcipiaiut eil with a new power uiuii to Hie iipostli-N throuuh the Holy Spirit. -I lie pow er of ili'lo't iiiL'' f.il-a-hiioil. I!tlt that, however, i- imt the eliaf point for us to consider. Aiiainti uml Sapphira were exiool that we HiifJ lit see I he rrpiilsivcnc-s of by-poeri-y uml the fact that iin-in eerily iu any religious iiui'e.-..sion i a lie, not to lin n iiiirely, Iml lo ('mil. siotuel i ines i i 11 1 j 11 1 . si upon men, but it never tines upon linn, ami front Mini, in Mis own 1 i tin-, is -urc to meet with the fearful pm Mi nt which is its just mnl ti 1 1 i t tr due. llrotherliooil of the Utuivh. -'I ht coiuiiiiiiiity of lie church here Ji scrilii'il is ex ideiil ly not a imitle of cMiet form. The things whii-h -ticli mini possessed were I11M by ciuih, but no one boasleil uf his un uersliip or let it interfere with the relief of pay need of his brethren. Tin- presence of this spirit anion"; the disciples is clearly connected in the account will, the power that the apostles hud in preachiiijr. The sale of property was voluntary (3:4), ami less univerwl . than the exact words of .eis .:--'" would imply. It was very common, however, ami its practice impotcr ishctl the church mi llial Paul had constantly to be eal heriu funds for the Christ ians at Jerusalem, py a very mil oral arrangement, the apos tles wi re treasurers of I lie common fund, the use beinjr similar to that which they themselves pracliccil when traveling about Pale-line will. Jesus. We do not see 011 Ihe surface why i'.arnabas' pi ft broulii him MJ much favorable nutice. The yift may have been unusually larue, or his .so cial position amonrf Hie Jews mav . ave been such as to call a 1 1 nil inn to him. That is hardly likely, how ever, and il is inure prnliable lh.il there was some! li ug especially at tractive about the way in which he. made the 1 1 iTe ii nr. The word "exhor tation" in the it. lerpivl a I ion of liarn.ilias' 11:1111c is from the same, root as "Comforter." the title Je.siiv pave to the Jloly Spirit. We have charged the meaning of the ,onl "exhortation," which origin illv meant "eiieouraueiiii'iil.'' , .1 inlirtiient, 1 ' poll Anai.ia a:il Sap phira. -These people wanted the credit of pciierosity wiihoul ni.iKnii. the iiecessaty saeritiee. Hit' eiillni-i- When you luck enerpy, do not re lisb your food, fool dull a d stuml, after eatiup, nil you need 18 a dow of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TabletH. They will make you feel liko a hew nlitu and civoyou an ap petite like a hear. For Bale by tht Middlebur? Drue Store., h Spoiled Ilia I'hyslqur. "Do you mean to say such a physical wreck ns he is gave you that black eye?" ashed the magistrate. . "Sure, your honor, lie wasn't a phy sical wreck till afler he pave ji:e the black eye." replied the complaining wife. Tit-Hits. Itetort ( oiirteons. "Hair's getting a bit pray, sir," re marked the barber, as the next victim settled back In the chair. "Xo wonder," rejo.:ned the 11. t. "Just think how long 1 have been wait ing." Chicago Daily News. ' The Situation. Mrs. Tnm.pkins Do ynu think- your aon'a life is blighted by that cruel girl? 1 Mrs. Simpson Oh. nn; Archibald it too much infatuated with himself tn be cerinttaly injured by nn external love affair. Detroit Free Tress. ('onipcllcd to Want It. Smith My wife wants a new every day in the year. Jones She must be awfully ex ! gant. Does s.he get il? Smith No; that is the reason compelled to want It. Tit-lVts. Vrry l.lke!y. "Why .dties Mrs. Caste! persist in wearing that nld-rcse waist'. 4 '"She nays' lt' ;he p' rvaillrg tint." "Wonder if her hushed wrnrs 'iti upon nstie comments of the di-eipb the net of those who brought in sucli gifts inadi! them desire to be com mended thus. It seems strange thai they did not come together. Perhaps Sapplilra hoped by a 11 i ;: 1 1 ,1 ine at just, the right limine. il to probine the cntliiislasin. Anaiiins lo,.i his !ic withoiit speaking a word. The worst lies can be put in ci rculat in:: in 1 1 1 is. way. Peter's charee Unit A tinias lied to the Holy tihosl is a recogni tion of the presence of the Spirit, in the church anil among the apostles. The rebuke I'cter gave A minimi it, sluil'p anil stinging, showing the use lessncss of his deception as well as its outrageous wickedness. The death of Ananias was proli 1 lily not a mere resnjt of the terrible surprise of Peter's rebuke, but 11 direct judg ment of Hod. liven if it were it natural event, il imlieales thai n; - tiius' sin was one es ia'!y ilai...er- Olis to the church. The sii:, il shoulil be remembered, is thai of try '"11 li seem la tier tli;;i. I., r. a'ly ... 'opi nion tl ss 1 h" s'll !.. ',' Is l.l-l ; ,,,,., lnwai'ii ( ml iiini .u i.e , in., , I.. Itltd usefulness of the 1. a;. cil .il 111 I a nc n. t " . .-I .1 v. lli'Mt II of Sa ;mlii :i h :i .. t'11 1 1 lliill.it t hat Iter fate was lie (lotl's dispi. .1-1 1 l fn! liat ural c , . . ' .i r j' causes tuny have litnl in ihe l'UAi T;i'.1. M IM.li'ATl Iy ioci i ;. is ;,- -i : 1 1 ; ; i 1 1 Sill p.i '.- , 1 ' il 1 lie. Il ll u le lile Tiic 1 lite 111 for t. -uii or f mere -'"ell 1 .'.-ml. lieh i'.i robes that it may be ho'..i.cu. It is tl;.. he-t i:.'i:;.. which ,,.e m ist (viuitterf. in il. No one counterfeits the bills of a broken bank. No o" is asl.id to give Id (".lI again.-i his will. What, he give he should give heartily and fully. When the day of unmasking und judgment comes, liovv "''.'"''l'... wiSfflPfWMS" ' 1 I