The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 30, 1902, Image 5

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    IS Minutes-.
sufficient to give you most
delicious tea biscuit using
Royal Baking Powder as di
rected. A pure, true leavener.
- : (1... I
IS iH'lltT lO Hlfjilic nit inn".
a noble sentiment than to teach
dml a truth of science.
i i i.n.. ill l.ul 1 howl, ire's
COl MWll-H" . -
rt Trevortoii is filling its ice
?.1 : 1 )i in. inr. s
IS Willi ice ii"
IkhI polities was IxMHuin;; List
mice bananas 12c per dozen at
ii! Township poor house is
njr too small, we need a linger
ie law prohibiting the Felling
living of tolmeco to youngsters
r lb years is timely.
eiirv B. lieichenbach has hired
kII to Frauk liituer for the
lug summer; .
. -.1 ll..
ee-rge A. won win suoi uy
a saw null ou Ids limber tract.
II. Wise has hired to II. F.
ing for next summer and ex
tnany blessings.
small boy of Hot Springs is
Uy to become a charge on (Jhap-
i is currently reported that the
1st resident of Toehill will move
he vine clad cottage of the hill-
of the cabin of the weodinan,
the rural home of the tanner
the tone citadals of any country.
ark Shambach of Sunburv wiih
candy wagon was in town.v
I. F. lilessing has fresh cows for
George A. Wentzel lost annmlier
. 1). Kiegel lost a innnber horses
horned cattle.
lie Philadelphia Inquirer wi'l
d a bridge at Herndon and our
ut v will get the benefit for the
i river last week flooded the
r road for the second time this
tor and all traflic was stopped
id. Witiner got all his fish nets
pt one and is living on hopes of
hug that foeiore spring.
'ml'. ISowersox passed througl
llieirel was in town.
I lackenberg made a few trips
klinsgrove for our merchant.
)ur tax collectors are determined
tut their old duplicates out of the
by next week.
Ml successful candidates last
k ure immensely pleased.
John Marks of Shaiuokin Iam
was ut homo niie night nf last week.
Joseph Schrcy of Muittguiiiery
spent part nf last week with his
We nnlv ha e one iustiee of the
peace in mil' tow usliip.
lleiij. Ilenncr of Shamokiii was a
business caller here last Saturday.
Chas. Foliz of Cabala is visiting
among friends here.
I). M. Xeitz was in town last
I. W. JiOiigacre has auction foi
(Jeo. Kino at Frecmont, l'a.
Chas. II. Secliristof Pallas bought
a new Demoiest Sewing Machine
from his brother at Yerdillu who is
agent for the Dcmoiest.
On Saturday were our primary
ehctions by both parties. And the
next day it snowed.
Chailes IJuyer, our old reliable
merchant, was to Selinsgrove Tues
day. Mr. IJoyer is one of the
directors of the First National Hank
of that place and therefore made the
trip iu the interest of the bank.
Kev. W. K. Peihl held aseritsof
meetings in Hassingcr's church
during the week and held commun
ion services at the same place on
Sunday. He was assisted by Kev.
Miss Maude Gift did some shop
ping iu Middleburg, Monday even
ing. Miss Mollio Troup went to
Lewistown where she will lie em
ployed during the winter.
Henry Kathfoii, Alvin Felmy
and U. F. Troup went to Ix-wis-town
hist week to work for the K.
K. Co.
The II. K. Carpenters of Lewis
town erected a new coal shed for
Chas. Koyer during the week. His
other shed having been demolished
by the cars.
A number of our young lolks
attended Institute iu Middleburg
Fridav night.
Wm. II cirri bach and wife of
F.eavertown visited Austin (lift's
Mrs. John Sterner of Sunbury
visited her father, Austin Gift, over
Oscar Powersox and wife of
Millmont visited Isaiah Kowersox's
over Sunday.
I'rof. F. C. Kowersox and wife
were visitors in town Sundav.
L. E. Derr came home from
Lcwistown Saturday to spend sev
eral days with liis parents.
IUrev Ix-ni t Milton was a
welcome visitor in town Sunday. j
P. U. tiiamlmeh, the geuial oreum j
ehneohiu' uwenser, nf Sunbury was
a town visitor during the week. .
Keilly Uei.izVnian, daughter and
and grat'd-danglntr ot Sunbury
visitel relatives in town Sunday.
L. F. Charles, sale last Saturday,
utlracUd a large crowd.
Mrs. KI lou Kelly and daughter !
Fflie, are visiting in Sunbury. i
Mrs. llerrold of Chapman, visit- j
hr si.-ter, Mrs. Hohner
during the week. j
Daniel Sunder of Selinsgrove is
v snu g Ins son, Jeriy.
Saturday night cullers ou Fieiieh
er street were T. (J. llerrold f
Chapman, and Auumm Kamer of
Mis. (Jioige llerrold o-f Chap
man isind in town Sitmday.
'I"!.' i naltst, pn-iiil necessity in
low ii is a harier shop.
Owing to tlie departure of Maud
Charles f r Lor new home in Akron,
Ohio, the K L. C. h society ot the
IJ. Lv. church, held an appropriate
farewell inci ting Sunday evening.
Mr. ami Mrs. Hcaeh nf Liverpool
visited her sister, Mrs. Adam licit
(J. Clarence Faust and wife of ,
Sunbury visited Mrs. Faust's parents
C. W. Neitz and Geo. Schaller
spent Sunday in tow n.
C. W. Knights was a business
caller in Middleburg Saturday.
John Ilcpner of P.eiwick is visiting
his friend i5ob Kothermel.
Stewart 11 -ill ami wife of Mahan
tongo were welcome visitors here
Mayme I 'oyer, after spending
several months with Her uncle and
aunt Kev. Oeheiifoid and wife at
Allcutown, returned home last week.
Jacob llerrold and wife and Mrs.
Martin Stroll attended the funeral
of Mrs. Grimm at Freiburg last
L. F. Charles and family left
Tuesday for Akron, Ohio, where
they will make their luture home,
Their many friends regret their
departure but wish them puccess
and happiness in their undertaking
Pe-ru-na Cures a Case of Five Years' Standing.
is rapidly gaining favor with all. This is sufficient to con
vince us that our goods are right as well as our prices. We
would now invite your inspection of our
PO nt. Water buckets,
I (it. AVater Buckets,
Vn Coal Jiuckets.
&Im,ded Coal Hiickets.
Covered Chamber PaiN,
Rid. Oil Cans,
h Sei res,
V1. Jiasins,
dez. Table Tumblers,
pfssert Nappies, each,
lie Stands, etc., ear!.',
O-r nnltowaro
1 qt. Milk Pans,
G qt. Milk Pans,
8 inch Pie Plates,
10 inch Pie Plates,
1 1 qt. Stew Pans,
2 qt. Stew Pans,
3 qt. Stew Pans,
10 qt. Dish Pans,
J1LLU aaU W'lilTI- WARIi
U qt. Milk Cans,
ft. Preserving Kettles,
2 qt. Stew Pans,
ll other goods in jimpcrli. n. We have the only line of Turkish
KuvelsutlO cent c:k!i. Oi iters ns low as f cents, All
g'lods iiiaikc.l in plain iV.-itv. While tltcy la-t, we will
Rive you a 10 lb. pad ot
outh Market Street
"lihtry rruilticn n c :,
The !! of Ur Wf '
ConsiBtainkeepinRallthomain r
gansof the body healthy, regular
actoin, ana iu quickl? destroying
d ead disease, germs. Electric Bit
tprs regulate Stomach, liiver and
Kidneys, purify the blood, and cive
a splendid appetite. They work
wondfis in curiiiR Kidney Troubles,
Female QoiuuhiiutH, Nervous Di
sensec, Ooiistipution. ltyspepsia and
Malaria. Vigorous health and
streuitU always follow their use.
Onl 511,', gunranteed bv Middleburg
Drup Co., (Srnybill, Gnruian it Co..
Kiehtield, Ph.. Dr. J. W. Sauipsell,
l'ennscreek, l'a.
Our, schools, as yet, are all oK'ii
and in a prosperous condition.
None being closed on account of
prevailing diseases.
The principal chat at present is,
"Who will fill the offices necessitat
ed by law, at our next election."
t if i'SllWsjri IKis. .ejBi HI
j which all doetort agree, U that it ! dtf
fli'ult to cure it. Liocal rcmodlea may
give relict but they fail to cure perma
nently. Spray or anuffa amount to
little or nothing except to give tempo
rary relief.
Catarrh in frequently located in inter
nal organ which cannot be reached by
any eort of local treatment. All this la
known by every phynlcian.
To devise some systemic Internal rem
edv which would reach caturrh at ita
K Houree, to eradicate it permanently from
H j the itystem tills has N-enho Ucmro of
M tli.i tiiiuliitnl iri ifjji.nn fur .l lull!' titllA.
I t - - "
1'nrtv year np Ir. llartma l confronted
tliiit problem, lie iH-lieved tlicnthathe
H h:id -.ilve.l it. lie still bel.rvcs lie lias
I i. ' II. . .1. ' . . t 1
Mii'tlM. iirrf MiniiNiiiilX'i jiri.'jinj
imnuully. imriiiK til I there year l'o
ruiia has been the remedy uH':i which
M he bus relied.
It was at llr-l a private re..-riptii-ii,
nfterv:irds iiiiuiufactured ejip.-sly for
him in 1 .i iti;nititics. Tins remedy,
l'rniti.i, is tiuw to 1' T'liml in cv ry dru
sture mid ii ar!y every li 'ii." iu tie land.
It is tlie mily reliable internal remedy
ever dc ised t i cure any c:.- . f e.;trrl;,
h"M'M r h'li the ca n may h;." bei'i
Mr. Camilhis Senile, 2"T West linb
street, New York, writes:
" I have fully reeuvered from my ca
tarrhal troubles.
I suffered for.
three yearn with
catarrh of the
head, nose and I
threat. I tried
all kinds of
medicine witli-
Mr. Rudolph M. Patterson, Chicago, III.
Hun. Rudolph M. Pattersoii, a well-known lawyer, of Chicago, 111., writes the
following letter to Tho reruna Medicine Co., ot Columbus, Ohio:
The Peruaa Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio: .
Ocailcmen"! have been a sufferer from nasal cmarrh for the past five
years, and at the earnest solicitation ot a friend I tried Peruna and am glad to
say It has afforded a complete cure. It Is with pleasure I recommend It to
Mrs. J. C. Garrett, of 38 West 117th I highest praise, for it is reliable and will
street, New York City, writes: 1 never disaptioiut you." Mrs. J. C.
'I can honestly recommend Peruna as
a great catarrh
remedy. It heals
and heals quick
ly and perma
nently. "This is Birn
ply tho wholo
story in a word.
I have for years
suffered with ca
tarrh, aggravat
ed when I took
cold and reruna
cured me. It is
indeed a great medicine, and worthy the
Mrs.J. C.Garrett.
There arc two thing that th whole
medical profesuion agree about concern
ing catarrh. The first is that catarrh is
tho most prevalent and omnipresent din
easo to w hich tho peoplo in tho United
States are subject. All classes of peoplo
have it. Thoso who stay indoors much
and those who go outdoors much.
Working classes have it and sedentary
classes haro it.
The doctor finds catarrh to be his con
stant and ever-present foe. It compli
cates nearly every diseano ho is called
upon to treat.
The second thing about catarrh ok
V - "i -"S.
Mr. (
out relief, but at
laot I have been
cured bv the f
wonderful rem- '
ed V failed l'e- .
" I read of l'e- 4
runa u your
a 1 m a n a e, ami
wrote yon fer advice, which I fn'.V'wed.
After taking one and one-half bof.l'.sof
l'eruna l uni entirely cured, arI can
rcei.inmenil Peruna to anyone as tie best
and surest remedy for any catarrhal
troubles." Camillus Senue.
A course of Peruna never fails to bring,
relief. Thero is no other remedy like
l'eruna. Its cures aro prompt antf ier
matieut. If you do not derive prompt ar.4 satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at onoo to Dr. Ilartman, giving a
full statement of you. ease ond ho will
lie pleased to give you his valuable
advice gratis.
Address rr. Ilartman, President of
The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
buns, sandwiches, chicken salad,
variety of cake, ice cream, coil c,
sugar, cream, etc.
After supper till joined iu another
gsuie of dancing, after which at
aliout 12: l." o'clock all returned to
their resjieetive homes much pleaeil
with the treatment they received at
the hands ot Mr. Stctlen and his
estimable wife, and wi re fully sat
isliid that a more pleasant evening
could not have In en spent. Mr.
Stctlcn's are some of the hailing
citictis of our neighborhood and
jovial people. A WlTMs.
t'lml Wit)- lo l.lve I.oiik.
The startling 8iiiiouueeinetit of a
Dincovery that will surelv leiiRthen
life is iniulo by Editor U. Jl. Uowuey
N:i:i'" Middle-wai'i ii is j 1 1 : : i 1 1 vr up
l new st;ilie oil til.' I"t r ntly
nii'eiiaseii. Mtur.i:iv ni!it ar i . - p
on Iii-
i me
! .t.
a:is milonline
I .i.n- t!;:'l w;i?
S:i u,'-.!:iy Iii'!it
le .1 lllllis." T. i
Mrs. K S. Stahl is again alllictetl . of Chiirubuseo, Ind. "1 wish to
with a severe attack of rheumatism. ilitoC uo write-, "tliat Dr. Kind's
. . . New Discovery for Consumption is
Cancer is improving. tl)e niost iDfaii,i,le remedy that I
No joint-Institute will lie held j have ever known for Coughs, Colds
at Tort Treverton on Friday eve
ami .Saturday, as was anticipated.
Sniall pox scare is the cause.
English services by Kev. Haas
at Iseiser's Sunday at two o'clock
1'. M.
pAseiNts I'akty.
( )ne of the most pleasant occas
sions of the season took place at the
home of Mr. Hiram Steffen's neni i
Vcrdilla." last Thursday eve Jan.
21, 1902. The party gathered
there at aliout seven o'clock and
soon the hall rang with pleasing
and harmonuoiis music, at least so
much so, that "Honor your Partner
and drip It's invaluable to poople
with weak lung- lLiviinrthiu won
derful medicine no one need dread
l'lioumouia or Consumption. Its re
lief is instant und cure certain.'
The Middle-burg Drue Co., (iniy
bill, Oarman and Co.. Kiehtield, l'a.,
Dr. J. V. Sampsell, l'ennscreek,
l'a. guarantee every .VJe and .1.(KI
bottle, aud give trial bottles free.
Politics is boiling.
Siine of the township olliec seek- i
ers are happy while manv others arc j ,,,.,. b , (,iU.r
The tow nshii) nrimarv over I .
, . 1 . 1 i'..i.i late ii tin i:ii
and the ones nominated arc viriuaiiv ' ...
elected as the Democrat will ( tll:,t :l " Uv
iiiaki. :in v- nominations as tliev Were. Alh'll Maine the
alloivcd to vote on Saturday t' r j eanier iVotn Imme In
ourc.inidilatcs. TheUepublicarseon-
eeled this honor to them to let them ' WK.ST MKA E .
vote as there is le.-s than a Uorutii j
of a corporal's (itianl in this town- The primary election
shin of lli. in and manv ot' them
I very good men.
Lumber is brought m Irom the T1( inivrix .rs. 4,.v j;.
nioiiiitain for the shirt fietoty. 1 'l Ve:i-tcr la-' Saturday was bir-e
Kinanucl Peters an old four year j ami well attended by Ii t in ny
veteran of tl e civil warlieingloiored iViends :nnl relatives. S!ie will Ik.'
with the nomination for constable. ' sadlv missed at this end as !io was
This is credible to our township ;is always ready to as-ist any one in
Mr. Peters was defeated on a former I ditrc-s. Ilev. (iramlcv andShrll-
Misses Mazel Stetler and Sa.lie turns by the I lovenior "t I enna. an !
Stroup of Middleburg spent Sunday 1 the (Jovcrnor of Chin. The Ucv.
with Vcma Stuck. j based his remarks upon the won! of
Isaac Mallie an I Maxwell rowcr-; (lod as found in 2 Samuel, third
the o. ver-e
it th.Te is a
occasion, he having scrvel in the
memorable P. V. Inf. for 1 years
and returned battle scarred and with
honor, afler the war. Me will be
triumphantly elected.
Uev. K. F. Ott on Sundav I.i-t
preached an interesting and patriotic ; Some oi our n li lates' cpciics
"Memorial sermon" to the honor of i wiiv greater Saturday than their
Pres. McKinlev as ih.t rifonimcnda- income will be (cause a defeat with
n a wa v.)
cnburg ollicirtting.
( 'andidiites Mover, Wetzel,
Keigle and licit were visitors at
this end last week looking up
their friends.
sox of Mazeppa were doit'g business j chapter and part of th
at this place Thursday. I namely " Know ye not th:
Fridav, Samuel Stuck moved his I prince ami a great man falh i:
day is tsr.tJ. I lie "!!! I iv eIioo;
of the same cl.uri !; p. mil I v (lie
!.. v.s the o ilier for the eveniivj-. I in Mid.Hrbunr Wednesvlav. I Lutlier in under vi intetideec
ii i . i .. . i' .1. i i i i i l . . . v !
soundC'i I'tcai and strong irom me ntiu-ciio;a go hi- o n.iun.
iieoiK-vniee ot Harvcv Ileintzelinaii : Antes llbich was doti busine
i'Xli:, -irj Oc::l
Selinsgrove, Vn,
T 1 1 1 1 li o lie eoniifctioii
lu r Mower, Selinsgrove, Violiu-i.-t,
and Ida J. Staid, Verdi I hi,
pre-ided at the organ The danc
ing c: n-i.-ted ol r.ltze-, .Marcins,
Se!iotli.-eh"s Tw o-Steps Polkas and
latid ( M:uhiIles. Those present
(from S, r.i.-.;rovc were Charles P.
I'irieli Ksij. a:i 1 wife; A. NV. Potter
: K.s.i. mi l wile; Prof. UuvdSchrover
i'.ud wife; Arthur c'arcv and wife
From Ycnliii.i, were Misses Katie
Am ; :, i'.-i ti,.i r.'l-er, Dora Ziiu
incruii!!, Vn;iic Swnglcr Mary
Aueker!iid r atitm' brown. iMessr
Kina:iuel Aiukcr, Chailes Kantz
and William Anchor.
. Near mid-night' all were scrv
llettlieu Mare aud wile t Shaino
kin atlendtsl the funeral .f Paniel
Hare which was !u!.l at t!:e S.ilcm
Lindis Yergcr i- vn
.1. A. SeiiKiVi f -j .
visiting a'. Swnl
15. F. Walter and
Natives in Mi.l.l!e!ei!
Cabin Ilniatn. ' r '
ton Monday wlier ;i
in the car s!i';-.
the -iek list.
I a ! w u.iys
v."; l'e vl-i;e.l
i , t
i v. e.-i.
!o id
ofNcr 15. Miil.ile-.varili .'.'in i iln.'.
nearly fuordollarstoward the Mee
orial Fund."
u. i. iv.v.r. !: i . ! '.:
tran-aeie.l s l.e;e . .;. v ! x
.hie'. .; . r, : ' ' a:
ll'l bv I 1 1 r i: '. -1 ; .en,
tew cigars ;
llickle ot
at our primrrv
P. w. -j-.,
I.Oki-.oiVU .
tmeral of '
I LeV speli' i l'
of i!i. ir fri '
F..r C ;t
I'i'Mvertowii was seen
; and family of
.s- re to atted tlie
s i; ,:her Saturday.
v !:; vs visiliiie; -i in:e
i -a
I Mr
Shttey and son
louses last week.
lia l i it se
I r tic -. :
ia - an e e t
tlSlvlltS WHUt Aa r-Vts. ,. j'4 d.ivs w :'.!i U.e.
.....II f l in t-m s..M-v.' -. . - h1 i Mi-, Di tCS - I
a id here
ou last Saturday was as well alten led
as usual over one half beaten.
' I 1
with K'fashntetits
.-A.r ifi