Publish twtry Tfcaraday Mormlaf 1KO W. WA0KHS8LUR. A. M. IDITOR AHDOWKSK. STrMCRIrTIOH BATES. VI. M per year mid in tdrann. 1.00 per tw if not paid in France. Single cop laa. '! Ccnsa. Atfverllolnf Rittra. J ents per Una, nonpareil measure. nent (or Brst Insrrllou and 30 rrnta par line lor each auber queiil insertion. tVOKKK'K. Nearthe County Court iiouae, between the Kim National Bank aad the OnunljJalU Voi- XXXIX. J AX. 30, 1902 Nt'MBKK 5 LITERARY NOTES. CnSMOPOMTON. Sm Chaki.ks W. Dii.kk contributes to Tick Cosmopolitan for February ami article on "The Naval Strength of Nations," which gives not only a inot interesting ami comprehensive account of the navies of the great jiowers hut aNo a clear insight into worhl politic. Few men possess such knowledge as the author's gained from years of experience in u diplomatic and political eimr. The article is so broad in scope and straightforward in treatment that it will he read with interest not alone by statesmen but by every one whose thoughts travl lieyond the immediate wants of a single day. Sr vkss. Tom as Estuapa Palm a, the first president of Cuba, will tell, in the March "Success," his life-story, and what he intends to do with the little country he has been chosen to govern. Robert Han's newest short story, "The Kinr Weds," an historical romance, has been secured for the March Nunilier of "Success." Edwin Markham, the famous author or "The Man With The Hoe," has written a new poem, which will appear in the April "Success." It is entitled, " I Shall Arise," and is syinlx.lic of Eastertide. This is the first poem Mr. Markham has written since "A Collect for Thanksgiving," which appeared in "Success" last year. The new poem is said to be one of the most power ful the great poet has ever written. Ol'TI.OOK. Fon the first time there is in veil to the public " uiieipo vocuny leetnuineuuiiig uie i annum route in an article by Mr. George Kenan which ! the m()Kt rac.ticable a,,d feasible of the routes nmwmra in Tin: fliTinir if Pu1rnuri 1 nn i .. . - Woman's Home Companion. The Woman') Ilome Companion for February is notable for its timeliness. "Washington's Neglected Birthplace," "The Carnival of Mardi Gras," and an article on the singer Schuniann Heink are especially appropriate to the season. "Deeds of Heroism of Women in theCivilWar" tells of the bravery of two army nurses. " Mar riage Customs" illustrates the queer ceremonies in Arabia and Zululaud. "Women's Club Houses" aud the reproductions of two paintings by Rurne-Jones, make attractive pictorial fea tures. The fiction includes the final chanters of "The Reiiicarnatiou of CaptianJohn Radnor" . . m I n 1 . aa aa. J tr " me superintendent and the IJaby, by J. Lj. Sabin, a:id "The Magician's Ollice-Boys," by Tudor Jenks. Published by The Crowd 1 tt Kirkpatriek Co., Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a year; ten cents a copy; sample copy free. SATTHDAY EVENIMI PT. The gradual reconstruction of Roosevelt's Cabinet lends a direct and timely interest to mi article which the Hon. Charles Emory Smith has just written for The Saturday Evening Post, of Philadelphia. Cabinets and Cabinet-Making tells how Presi dents choose their ollieial advisers; how nice political considerations influence their choice and reduce to lowest terms the niiiiilier of available candidates. One of the imiiortant conclusions reached bv Mr. Smith is that nmst Presidents have followed one of two methods in forming their oflicial families: that of Mr. Lincoln and his predeces sors, who surrounded themselves with party leaders and former Presidential candidate?, and that of Mr. MeKinley, who appointed strong, broad-gauged men, regardless of previous politi cal preminence. This article will appear in an early issue of The Saturday Evening Post. cam To Uta aVpubUcana of Snyder Ccnnty : I respectful ly lubrail myself aa a candidate lor tba county nomination for Congressman, tamtsins;. if nominated, to make a stranc nicl.t . T:1.. ,Hct amaiiuUion. I enlirlt tba votes of all Republican. A. M. SMITH. ... Assveoabljr , To the- Republican Toters of Snyder County : I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Assembly subject to the rulea of the Re publican Primary. Kindly soliciting your votes and the benefit of your Influence. I am ry sincerely your. Midtlleburg-. Pa. Male Delegate- Editor Post Please announce my name aa a candidate for State belrEote. , Ilk. a. W. TOOL. Freeburg, Pa. IKWIN O WAYBILL, I'aitonville. Pa. W. II. HERMAN. TroxeWille. JAMES EULII.EV. Middleburg. lHAC8FOTrS,4Perry twp. DESTKK PKRR, FaxtonYille. i. K. EHKNHAt'R. Washington twp J. C. KLIXCiLEH, KratzervUle, IX FAVOR 0E PANAMA. I'M IE Isthmian Canal Commission has made a supplementary report, unanimously and unequivocally recommending the Panama route T appears in The Outlook of February 1, an 1, hy it. Tllis actioI1 fulfi,8 commou exact statement of the various plans proposed ' tati01, aud is entirely consistent with the fotL finlar h "thie White House. Mr. jiennan I thniicht sun :.. .1 ! .' i choke to de;' . p"rptraiioii 01 mis arucie nhlegm o'-' Pingham, the Superintendent of I uono ixiildings and Grounds, and the designs of the architect, Mr. F. I). Owen, have lieen placed at his disposal. The illustration of the article includes not only pictures of the White House as it will appear if the proposed changes are carried out, but also views of the White farmer action of the commission. It will be remembered that in its original report the com misMon dwelt strongly upon various advantages of the Panama route, but objected to it because of the extortionate price which the French com pany at that time wanted for its unfinished work. It was pretty evident that price was all that kept the commission fronv recommending that route. Jitit the prohibitive price was there, and Nhcrlfi Klltnp To.iv 1I CKiHliilme lor the Ki-uullic.tu nomination lor Shf.rllY I (.Ml. .Inf..t-.l . .1 ! ami ntn t ti II a loynl Hi .uUlit.,iii and always Will bi tin miLtti.r iv. .... Iiu I i ii ii . . . . .. .... ..n..i n.. a k i limy all Ki-piililintiis for I heir foitliftal suniort at the KAIlllll'i.HllI ..ri bl. 1. ' t-UAS. k'sAMI'SELU Pennncreek, l'a. in thoee circumstances, the oorr.mkaion wisely CANDIDATES' ANNOUNCEMtNTS and prudently recommended theicarauga route, which seemed to the next best, and, with price taken into consideration, the best. Now, bow ever, the circumstances have materially changed. The maladroit Mr. Hutin has been displaced by men who are willing to come to terms on a rea sonable basis. The Pa nam a enterprise may now be obtained at a price not exceeding its actual value. Iu those changed circumstances the commission has done well, has acted both wisely and courageously, in amending its report in accordance therewith. The report is not final and determinative. That is to say, Congress is not compelled to ac cept the! commission's, recommendation. There are undoubtedly other elements of the problem to be considered besides those dealt with iu this reort. There are the diplomatic aspects 6f the case, and some of its commercial phases. These and others will receive due consideration. Nevertheless, the report of the commission must have great weight. And that weight will be enhanced bv this supplementary report, which a a ' shows the commission t'j be as unbiassed and as courageous as its former work showed it to be intelligent and painstaking. As an expression of expert opinion, and as an impartment of essential information, we may well regard the amended report of the commission as the last word of that is to be spoken in the canal con troversy. It now remains fur Compress to act, with the circumspect deliberation and at the same time with the earnestness and promptness which so vast an enterprise deserves. It must be said that current incidents iu Colombia are most uu fortunate iu their tendency to discourage the choice of the Panama route. For months the isthmus has been in the throes of insurrection. United States ships and troops have been necdid there to protect American property and rights, and to-day's news tells of a violent recrudescence of the trouble, on the water as well as on the land. The spectacle of rival fleets fighting in what would be one of the terminal harbors of the canal is a suggestive spectacle. It raises the query. W hat would happenen if such an inci dent occurred when the canal was finished? Would Colombia and her rebels regard the neutrality of the canal and adjacent waters with out physical compulsion? The United States U.8, ot course, been able lor all these years to njaintain the neutrality of the Panama Railroad and to protect it from disturbance, and it could undoubtedly in like manner guard the canal. Put there can be no question that Colombia would much more commend her canal roi.te to favorable consideration by keeping the peace omewhat better in those parts. oillily Treasurer To the (eiiililion voters Sny.ler County: - - iii.iuiiia.iuu oi 1 Olln ty 1 rraxurcr nni ,t yllr U,pur ot lne ....... ,iiiii.ij uii-i-iiiiii on rei. i.. u . ,. ,, W. H. KIKULE. Towimliip. Tothe Republicans of Snyder County : j wisii to announce myai-ir as a candidate for the nomination for Treitsurei , promiMug if nominated nml elected, to faithfully diwliarue the duties of the oillce. 1 ak for loyal support of all Republican. 0. NOIOlAN A1V. Alouroe Twp. SELIXSGKOVE. Mrs. F. J. Schoch was out of town several days Jast week. Mrs. Linda Rollback wa entiled to Strasburg Lancaster county on account of the sickness of a child of her son, Dr. Will Rollback. The high water again overflowed the grounds and cellars of the resi dents above the R. R. on Market street. It is a burning shame that neither the R. R. Comjuiny nor the Jloruugh authorities j ay any atten tion to this matter. Mrs. Egolf of Halifax returned to her home last Thursday. Mrs Smith and daughter. Edna epent Thitrmluy with relatives at ! fimithgrove. j The Misses Glass of llarrisburg i were entertained by their aunt Mrs. C. E. Lutx Mm. Flora Ioyer expects to move to Huntingdon in the spring. Prof. F. C. Fisher and wife spent Friday very pleasantly with Mer chant Magee and wife at Smith grove. Janus Carey and family and Mrs. James Norman and children spent several days with the ladies' parents, II. P. Jarrett and wife. II. E. Land) :i.-!agrr, the accomo dating asst. P. M. has served seven years in that -apa it v. Harry has loth of friend-. C P. Living-ion wi-at Middle- trains last week one day, he visited his father-in-law who was on the sick list. The game of Basket Pall in the Opera House Saturday evening be tween Danville Y. M. C. A. and Siisip, the score is as follows: Susq. 2U Danville '21; the audcnee was large. Rollin Buyer left fir Pl.ila. where he has employment with an electri cal firm. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature btirtr i. 'c boM !.: Wl;. . (). , JLr jur a tr J. : v;-r tl:is j.!-, : Mr., vuy j.' i. ';: 'Mi l, ' n-ri lii- f .hi - ; nur.-dav. A. Y. Sm'ith ha, ' 1 ' i jiidjii rty to .'in w'ho intends ii' a i' I'litur:?. .1 ' I I'l.lV c. JJliAVEia'UW.N. Reuben Zechman, & respected citizen of this place, nnswerad to the final roll call on last Thunday morning, and entered njon the realities of the spirit world, after suffering for some time from con sumption. He was born in Union county Sept. 22, IS 12. In 1872 he united with the United Brethren church of which body he remained a ineiulKT until his death, but while ! he re.-i led i:i t!ii- pl ice he attended services in the 1 uiteil Evangelical church, win-re the funeral services wi re al.-o held, Rev. A. D.dramiey preachin;.' the sermon. Notwith standing the very inclement weather o:i Sabbath, the funeral was attend tlie by a lar;.'i' nuniia-r nTpi'iple from near and from alar. lie h survived by an ayrd, f'.fJ vai-i and l)!inl mother, who I Mrs. Robert Feese has been nui" bend with tlie sick for the last week, John Zechman, of Michigan, who had not been home fur 1 8 years, arrived at this place on Saturday evening to attend the funeral of his father. William M'-dter and family moved to Washington, in western Penna. to-day where Mr. Walter has been employed for the la-it 8 months in a woolen null. Several ot the county's republican candidates have interviewed our people, and have no doubt all been assured of the nomination. Clayton Shirk went to Burnhani Monday where he is employed in one of the ollices. W. II. Howell of this place advertised for stray dogs, in the Post last week, on Friday he ree'd a jMistal card that the dogs were at Richfield. On Saturday evening he had his dogs at home, thus you see an ad. b the Post brings quick results. A G ia ,i the dtcea-ed, a we' ') M. I. IV. '. a- I'.i town between will k-..i... .i . 'iti i in i i l.i lev ii ;t i (Ircll, one ylv.ii e;;l , sever.-1 hi oilier-. );, ) i.'i -;i ; i !;.' l-;'ii'v ' w-i ye.,.-. v j:-:. i Irawii ir.iiii Feb. court. K ! her liun," hi'd. :;u I ' pr .!.-1 ( ;.J".1U1.I! - f jo " I have made a most thorough - n trial of Ayer's Cherry I'tctora! and am preparea to say tnat lor all dis eases of the lungs it never disap- 8 points." j. iiariy i-inicy, ironton, (J. Ayer's Cherry Pceicral von't cure rhcuni:iis.-.i : j wc never said it ld. g It won t cure dyspepsia; & wc never claimed it. Lut '; it will cure couchs eth! $ colds of ail kinds. v'c first said this sixty ye: z r.go; v.'e'vc been sayliu. i: j! ever since. i y TIIOXELVILLE. Quite a number of our young folks are down with lueashjs. Mrs. Middleswarth is also on the sick list and is by all probabilities on the clown road. We hone though that she many recover. J believe some people ought to have a few iron bands around them for flar they might burst. What manner of man would think of driving his cattle to pasture and never look after their welfare for seven months. Weil some people sent their children to school 1 ... and never get there, nor have they been there for ten, probably fifteen years, and yet they know all about the school. They censure the teacher for many things that are not true. They do not reinombei that a teacher must have order and that his children ought to know more iu the spring than they did iu the fall. In order to do all this a teacher must require work on the part of the pupil. This is then not abusing children for the sake of getting ril of some of them bo that he (the teacher) would have nothing to do. A teacher who requires the pupil to get his lessons and to talk in a recitation is a teacher and the one who does all talking is a keep er. A certain candidate fbr Sherifl was around here and had along with him gnod common sense enough pot in spend anything fir cigars etc. 'I hi is the man we like to see, I hcs'id ipiite a number ,,f eitiel;s iaii. :ii . .nl it, aii'l thev all praise fu.'iwcrvative way of clcctionr- County t'omiiiiMxloiirr. Kdltor Pout, ... i j"" " sumunn my name tliroujrli ynur worthy p0-riM a candidate for j ..,., rr. , nnvo iii'cn a voter In tins county fortheunat thirty four years and have always been a staunch lu'puhllcan. I have never bc. n candidate for a county olllee be fore, and if the people see Hit to elect mo. I would assure tlicni tls 1 would do all in my power to curry out their wishes. lesn ctf(iMy yours, oi.. n i. I " AN ll.lCtlKNBACH- Sliadle, l'a., Dec. 16, 1!N1, Kilitor I'iwt pi. . V ' ' my na:ne as a candidate for i ounly Commissionr. 1 am wil Ii uK to muud upon my ,ist record as Commis sioner uud solict your voles. ,, . , JOilX I'. WKTZKL. Bcavcrtown, l'a. KdltorJ'llHT. l' - cibiiiliiiiifi r..i n.m .ii i , , i'iineiio noun nation as jomtiiisKioiiersuhiecl to the rules iroveininir .. , J1ARKISON M0YE1I. MiddleburifiPtt. K.ltor Poit, Please announce my nomc as a candidate for nomin ation of County Commls jioner. Monroe has not had a commissioner lor 8 year,. I respoctlplly solicit the votes of all Kcpublicans. HKN.IAM1N IlLMMfcL, 8K. Monloe lwp.f Jan. 13, 19U2, County Auditor iti.hir.ld.lC "ARBOOA". Please announce my name ns a'candidate for the Uepublican nomination of Auditor. W- I UIUIKH. .lackson townihip. for C'Oronrr. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Coroner. A. .1 . HKH.MAN. MlddlebiirKli, P. t III- iii" urf PrnclarnatiDii, " y ilEIIKAS the H. Harold M. MeCJInre " I'ics'dentJudKe o! the Judicial District cmnpcd or the rtit,(.s ol Snvder, anu' 'nlon anil Pe'er K. Iliesle and L. T. Gin. bcrllntr, AHHueiiite Judges In nd lorSny- , er county have Issued lhelr ptecept. bearlnu .lute the I'Jtl, day o, )ce, A. I)., 1 to me dlrect-d lor O.e hold!., ()r,,l,a. &xxy ? court olt.otniiion Pleas, court ol (.yor and Ter miuer and tlcneral i:0urt ol Uuarler Sessions nl .he Peace, at Ml.l.llel,rtil,.7..r tbe coun," o SDy.lar. on the first Moudav. (hlnif tli.iltl day ol Pel. 1!W). nd to continue line week f.,, i ico.s IhereKjre herel y K,vcn to .), CoroS: er Justices ol the Peace ami (lotislnble. in and orthe county .sy,irr. ,0 appear Iu thtir .roper Forsiui win, thdr tolls. recVrda, Inqu si. T'(SXa": n,at",rJ."n'i "t,lor ""'mbrinoe. ., "- sunn oi mcir on ces and in ihe r behalf partaln to he done and witn.V.i and l'ersonprosecutlnKln behalf of the Uom uonwealth alnstsnv person or persons are re 'iulrc.1 to ho then nd (here attending and d partlnir without cave at their perIK Justice. are re. nested to I., punctual in tUlr attendance at the appointed time nRreo.bly to notice. tlreii under my hamt .i apnint tlie miArim. onije In MiddfcturKh. the r,"i d'ay' TZ a. !.,oue Ilio.iKund nine liundred two. CI. W. HOW. Shorlfl. W,,v;"V;i-"!!P!''Bere. county" for counrmHUon Kb. Tub "tut met 2. ApprHlKeinpntof Saruh stmiino, widow of ejected to be taken und.r ll.o ttwixempUoL' f. ApprnlHiTupntof l.'icy A. AIkIit, widow of idecied to be taken ut,d,.r tue iswVjwifuntoH at A nnrnluntYiiknf n a . . elenU'il I., Ii l.ti.i, i,...i... ."7.u,i - mo tow exemption peeled to be taken under tUo $aoo exempUoB u,a . r. , ' M- SAINDEL, Cleric. Middleburg. Pa.. Jan. 25, looi. R.oT? o 8 NOTirES.-Nouce Ih horetiy ,V. en that the following nitmed rs'inonH Imvs Died their AdminlatriiUirV, Uiintrthin, inrt T,! nOlllnrH' ,'i',,iuilu Inlln w,.,.iu....i ,r. "y. and the 8UHI0 win lie pointed for . ...... nuii tiui fi m i ii court Ifnniut u Mlddlfburifli, Monday, Feb. S5 Ii, mi. UW I Tim Hirn iiir, nr.Tno. n oi lit- Iumi w,. .. ... .....,,.., . ., ;. 'V. .I,!, ,.7.i , lulu ol .MoiulS' LowiimIiIii, deceased vn, J. Klrsi mid ai.,-oi,d aeoount of s ivllii, Krdlcv jidinlhlj ratrlxor the, ,,:ite of Tiiim!ii o Kriliey1 I He of I raiikltn t.jw, hlilii.dn.'j, :i. 1'irs.i una) im ,i ; i.:Ml,H it,.,,,...... ever. Ilor of S:uil-.el lluil.hei , lu'e of r. lowiiHliip.direiiw.i. ' ' cntro 4. I'll t am! tli. il ii, mini or l. cor, Ii JldlllthN; :...r. r t.,.....-.ef Willi.,,,, c ' laic uK in I. vji.,i'.., ,. .""ii, I'll ' :i I.' 1 II in I iii'cdoi.t ii , RELIGIOUS AHO PESTIVITItS. A series of imnrtvpisprv;... gan in the Ileformed cliurch Fr: eveniog with an organ recital sting cervices as follows: Installation March, Organ, ty invocation. . Great Is Our Lord, Chorus, Str, Introducing Tenor Solo by A. Gilbert. Chasing the Butterly, Organ, Von (latin The Uncrowned King, Alto J wiiii v lolin Ubligatei, Jingle,! Miss Mollie Bolen a. ui me iuga oi a iove, Uor &olo and Vocal Quartet, . delsohn, J0hu N. Bro J he Secret. Oriran. I- out i llock ot Ages, Soprano Solo Violin Obligate, BisholJ. Miss Lillian Stet funeral March, Organ, Clio IT.... 'Pi I I . .1 . iiieuw jjijm. Aniiiem. Am ' i - . Jraiinierei und Romanes, Ore Shun The New Kingdom, called 11 Solo, Bass Solo, Tours. l'aul nillliM Xo. wegian Sring Dance, I'asiori; urgan, retre, Miss Mabel Wiltenim O Magnify the Lord, Duett, Cor i I.. p aim loiin, carter, Messrs. Brosius and Wet Trouvadoure, (Miserere) Organ, A'. The Guxl of Isarel, Chorus, Itosi;f tieneuietion. This entertainment was under i direction of Prof. Paul liillh:tr and was one of the lest niusical n lertainments given in tliis plaee t many years. Saturday afternoon-Services r paraiory to the Uominuinon e held. In the evening a populJ Sunday school meeting was lul? at which the following topics wirl ab'y discusseel : Scripture lleadinir Prsver. Piwt.J 4V O J 7 - The proper use of the Bible in tl Sunday school, A. 11. Gilber j Ihe memorizing of Scripture an; wnai jMirtion ot the JJible slioiil be cointnitted first. AI. Tj. Rlinnniin Normal Ciass, Edwin Charles Home Deoartmeut. IF. T. It,,mi,r Cradle lioll, Rev. S. Sidney Kohhl liie rreparation ot the ieacfrer; - r . Li. Jiowprswi L. M. Doxology Benediction. The prop-ram was internrest with anoronriate m llsie nnd flip sov i - cral subjects were discussed by tin various speakers in such i n eflee. live maimer that all Sunday school worKers cannot Help but have been .. . . . . . ocneiiteu by tins meeting, Suuday niorniiiff Ortran dediea tion. After a discourse, bv Rev. S C3 1.'. .1.1 l. .... l .1 o. rvuiiier, oaseu on me oil, 4th, bl and Gth verses of the 150lh Psalm, a haudsome "Mason aud Hamlin' Organ was presented to the congre gation uy air. aud Mrs. James Shu l r it ... , , mail auu lormauy accepted bvchure i council in behalf of the Reformed congregation of Middleburg, after which the instrument was set apart by appropriate ceremonies from secuiar to sacrcu use. Sunday afternoon A errand rallv of the Young People's Christian liiuaeavor Societies ot the town and vicinity was conducted under the leadership of Joseph C'elan. Topics unreining me spiritual training en the vouuir were discussed bv Prof. A. R. Gilbert, Rev. J. Schambaeli and Rev. S. S. Kohler. In the evening, Rev. S. S. kohler tie. nreacheu an intereKtinir sermon an. administered the Sacrament of tin Lord's Supper. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Deeds Entered for Rsrnrd John Clopp aud wife to Jiarriet Jar ret. J acre In Penn twn.. for own. Cutharlne and Daniel Qriinm to Em ma It. Hendricks, lot Xo. 0, Boyer'd audition to a reeuurg, for $50. Henry F. Trutt and wife to Llzzlo A. IJitiley, lot In I'enn twp., for f250. Wills Probated. The hint will ami testament of Ah. soloin Knyiler was probated, tleo. M Slilndil and M. K. nassiiiKer wer luuried exeeiitors. JJeiiue-sts : Marnret liowes, -,0; l'oilyArlMiKiist.fiiOjArrs. lJnle JJiiIlir. fl.jl); Kusiiuehamia tTn- Iversity for Day Menioritil rrofe-ssor- a.imti.?:o !,f,";T;V.,A.VH.,ii'.iti'l; ' HWp, iw; Ladies' Mite- Society, Mid- '"''"'I I'lianti, K : ,1 ml i ,,,,.,, ... , . , , il .., .1 ii . . . """"'inn i:iiuri-,, Oi.ii: nirs. j ',. 'n ..;.,.,.,: '...'...,:. 1;,-,V IX KiiHanniiFreyi,ian,fir; Franklin Hny- vi: ,,-a wc rM ! h. , .i t V v I lMHl w"' maut f Hamli 1 1 1 h'm Ari.ieu ' !';,,!;',";V'""u",f" ' ' ' """r A':"' ,:i"i'hi' 1 K''''", 1,1,0 1f I'am. was pro- in in in JliiriiM. I KSrVl.Vi i '!''''1'.','f'i.'i!'',. ,. iliatfd. 0. Milton (irosH in named ex- ! i f . Mr- W J! '.,!., CIMJ'lll ,ir r.ii l; j."l l!. li i l.M'Mft,., , S ... h.'.nl oil"., i n- ; i'l. i-i .. .i ... V- 1-ir t'lu'dnl'1 onftt'i ii'fl ti. I-1 i p ui. : . j J. .'. AVl'.H l.'O., . i iiiur.v Cuiiifnrl. ns arel.iil oil in I .. ; . :.. I 1. ' " ; "' j 1 1 iii j tiri;n. i C, U I. . 1 .J 1,1 ., ,; erlllUei ;l I III I',.- ! , ., will ii. '1 J'.v.-r S,,i,i. . eiii-.. i spam', I..I.-I.I . ;ut i:i , i i, ;i,i l'.'M i l'o!H UUd Wul'IM. , ' ' :i.i!i Only a,,. I,,,,.,-,. )Vn;, (.(, t OrRyhill, -U,,.. ,!,(. ., Lit. d. : . A OIllJrJlTCCk. I'.i. t ir. i . i'i i i . ..,.,..- ' i i.-s! i mi ii i f Mil ' eeutor 10. I 1 : 1 . 1 1 HiTnlll.l , ii' II,,,,.... ii. ,, . '""""". 1 1 " (u-nwiii.Ml iwii . (l.T'il. II. Kir: (it'll ':;,! wmmi f wimmn "k. Ill'-- m.rr;:,:'c,,M;:,;;,;t;1l(1;'v'''i'. .'. ii. WiLUs. jtffisifr. f Xonh H. lliiu-aniiin, llcuvoi town. Minervii . llartitian, Kitter. frhai'lesF. Hummel, fshrelner, Horeiieo VmuiK, . 81, r. Uu-v. ( P. Wnltor, ,. Miil.iK.nt, Mary H. Kline, . J'euiwcrcvk. aj4,w yr!.JiSt.-t.4 tut jm.sjjti v