The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 23, 1902, Image 7

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.of Afghan::n.
- . nr k mm
CKw Him Ever Sluce .
. CklMkM.
...-inn nf Ilabibullah to the
Chip of Afghanistan is subjecting
Ih.otor of tM youin 10 inn
It scrutiny upon the part of in-1
led powers. W hetner ne win i ,
tr enough to follow out the pol- j
his father, ADaur ninnun, rr
L to be seen. A weak man, or
Who turns to Kutisia, is likely
m nreciuitate the long-threat-
eonflict in the far east. I
Lo from a recently published
h written by Dr. Lillian Hamil-
tho for several years was tne
ian of the late ameer's house-,
are herewith rcprouucea: ;
Loh when the father set out for
Lii Turkestan to punish the re
hi of his cousin Jshnk, Prince
kullnh Khan, his eldest son.
I a boy of only 16, was left to
te during his absence, and thei
H of his rule in Cabul was ,
L-d as one of special prosperity j
lepose. .Many causes may nave
lihuted to this happy result, but
If the chief undoubtedly is. the
k-'s own disposition. He nns,
E, so far seemed to combine hi
-rson most of the best qualities
s immediate ancestors without
faults; the shrewd common
, simplicity and courtly ninn
nf Host Mohamed without his
I tic chivalry, the piety and re
in aspirations of Mohamed Aful
KhI. his weakness, and the ready
tnnt nnd keen uerce'otion of Ah-,
Kahman without his violence and
ty. The one question tnnt still
ins unanswered is that of pow-
s he also strong I'opular lie
inlv is at present, but without
igth in such a country no one
ven hope to remain in favor. At
nt it is impossible to answer
Lvith any authority. '
Hucation," he has said, "is the
of the prosperity of England,
the commonest workman in
knd becomes a master when
Iported to this country." Prince
bullah is not only the eld-
hut has already acted
his father, not merely during
"Silver riate that Wears:
The trade mark
"1847 EE?
on Spoons, Fork9, etc., 19 a guar
autee of quality the world over.
The prefix 1847 insures the
genuine Rogers quality. For Side
by leading dealers everywhere.
Send for catalogue No. 191 , to
International SlWer Co. Meriden, Conn.
Lewistown Division.
In effect Nov. 24, 1901.
j 2.1
9 311
In (hi Runbtiry aOi 4
IH in Hcltnworo Junction 9 09, 4 40
10 15 t-eliiiit-rove (K 4 M
10 i:i Pawling; H.M 4 '.T
;10V7 K reamer 4
lltl.KI Melm-r 8 47 4 JO
10 Hrtl Mtilillrburo; M 4 1:1
lOl'i Henfer HH4' 4 07
10 Mi Itmvcrtown 8 ; 8.VT
10 6tll Ailairmlmra; w aw
luMi Haulm Mills 1.1 3 44
111 (Wi !( lure fi7 S 49
111 171 Wnnrir IS7! 8 3H
illUll Shiiitlle 7M 8 W
ll!i Vnlnt.Tville 74 HI
ilJ2; Mnitland 7 4:1 8 ill
1 1 4il Iwlnlnwn T SI S 18
lH'itwletownOlaiii Htreet. 7 83 8
1145 liFwiatown Junction. 1 )0 900
aal f Jmpmu Have DtIbj41
Great raiana for Tata Tw4
rt at Oar Dairies,
A curious coincidence learned by tha
experts of the department of agrlcul-
tur in a tour 01 the orient It tu fact
that while the natives of China, Japan,
the Philippines and the coast region
never have cultivated a taste for but
ter and cheese, yet they haT made up
this discrepancy by their fondness for
condensed milk.
A few years after rfce process of con
densing milk was discovered, the na
tive of Japan, China and the east gen
erally soon cultivated a liking for it,
and to-day condensed milk Is more pop.
ular and in greater demand in these
countries then is any other western
product. Thousands of cans are shipped
from San Francisco to the ports of
China and Japan and to Manila every
week and in supplying this trade the
I'nited States holds' the monopoly. But
in regard to butter and cheese, while
the outlook is bright, savs officials of
the department, still it is hardly pos
sible for us to compete with Australia
on equal terms in mi-'-'v'-t these eom
mori't'es, for the reason that that coun
try lies several thousand miles mar
er the market than we do. Hut when
it comes to Japan, American dairy
prod nets, it is believed, will be able to
compete with Australian butter on
j equal terms-.
I As above stated, the natives have
1 cultivated little taste for butter or for
i cheese, so that the sales of these prod
1 nets are made mostly for the large
1 European and American population in
j the principal s-aports from Nagasaki
1 to Singapore who up until n very short
j tini" ago depended entirely on Aus
tralia for their supply. Now that the
agents: from the l nited States- ore in
the field, it is said that both dealers
and customers are willing to buy
American butter and cheese, and in a
majority of cases, have expressed a
preference for these two products sent
there from the Cnited States.
to r a of Administration iothi
aauia 4 Jonathan BKku&rV lat of Waanlng-toa
twp., Sards Co, rmn daa'd, sauna: bmi graolad
U tha aadarsiansd, all parsons kaoanna; than
aalvaa ladabwd to aald acuta ara raqussud to
aaka lataiadlato pavnant, "talla thoaa bavin
elalawartll praiaatUam duly aathsoUsaUd te
ia aadanlcaad.
K reamer, fa., Oct. it, iwii. AdmiDlatiatoi.
tors d'AdmintBtriiUon In' Uia eaUlaol
A ad raw TcnM, lato o( Monroe township, rinv
dar (Joantjr, fa,, decwuied, liavinc been ranted
to tha onoeratriied. all peraona kuowlnc tbenv
aalvea Indebted to aald ealate are requested to
make Immediate payment, while tboaa baring
claim againe! tha aaid ealate will preaent ttieu)
duly aatnenticated to the umlerBisned.
JAMKa IX WEKTZ, Admlnlatratora.
Ocit.lWI. .uk. w. SkkU.-kaiwB
UXECtTOH'iTNOTtCE.-Notice la hereby
given that loltera tpalanieiitary upon tha
aetata of John Meni-le, late ot Perry Town
ship, Snyder tiounly, fa., deveaMd, have
bean iaaued In due form of law to Ilia under
aigned, to whom all Indebted to aaid tutate
abould make Immediate imymi-nl and thuae
bavlnr claims aKainnt It uliould present them
duly authentiealod lor wttlpinent.
UKOK(iK A. MhNl.l.K, f Executora.
Mt Pleasant Mills, 1'a,. Ueu. JO. 1M.
aa eaa Baka yew kar-
as wan mm a glove
it it
mm mm lousn aa wire oy I It
aatng KI M KHA Uar.
aaaa Oil. You can I
bngtnea lis Ufa-make It If
last IsH as long as U 1J
llcrcass Oil
maksa a poar looking bar
Una Ilka new. Marie of
aura, baavy bodied oil, e
psrlally prrpared to wita
Btaud tha wsaiber. ,
Bold eTfrywhara
la rain all tu
1 I
y v IS -
j awk V-. 'Vr
Kew Ameer of the Asiatic Kingdom
of Afghanistan.)
Vsenee from Cabul, but in his
severe illnesses, and has. more-
,n.s the ameer's health declined.
Inlly had more and more au-
ly placed 111 his hands.
il recent years until, indeed,
were put down by Abdur Uah
bloody feuds and the law of re
on, and the raids which they
lined, were universal through
;he whole of Afghanistan,
chief was at war with his
iors or most of them, and the
ters of a man of older lineage
often be found to be slaves in
luseholds of these various rob
lieftains. Thug it came about
he daughter of the Mir of Fy
was taken prisoner by Mir
ler, shah of Turkistan, and,
I very pretty, was kept in the
land brought up with his own
er tin she should be old
1 for him to marry her. Jo
Shah, however, died before
me arrived, and when his
tr became Abdur Rahman's
wife she took with her the
lion and friend of her child
Shortly afjgerward the ameer,
ed no doubt by her beauty,
i is still, even as an old lady,
)ut of the common, married
h the sanction almost at the
1 of Jahander Shah's daugh
o had no children of her own,
10, like all eastern wives, was
nxious to have "children in
ise," as they would say. This
er of the Mir of Fyzahnd is
ther of Prince Ilabibullah and
Nasrullah, and is a scion of
the most ancient fa mi lien nf
larrlaite Fees In Mealeo,
fe. are well-founded reports' of
Ke marriage charges on the part
llergy in the interior of Mexico,
f oung men are "sized up" to see
iey will stand. Thus the per
We of the religious ceremony of
re is discouraged. In some cases
1 grooms have refused to pay
00 to 11,500, and have gone to
Red States, where nript.i. u-a
o perform the religious cere-
ir .'S gold, or, eay $52 silver.
1 marriage, which alone legiti-
-uoureu ana provides lor the
orderly Inheritance of prop
I ways in order, and many peo
contenting themselves with
law aoj'g is sufficient.
Train k&ves Sunbury 6 30 p m, ar
rives at Sehnngrove 5 45 p m
Leaves S'linsprovefi:00 p. m., arrives
at Sunbury 6:15 p. m.
Trains leave Lewiittown JunoMou :
4 40 a m, 10 14 m, 1 10 p m,13iip m 4 .ITp m, 7 OTp
m, H 42 p ni, 1? 36 a lu (or Alumna, Pituhurx ami
the Wen.
for Huliliiiuresni' Washington 80(1 am 9 31),
1 K. I 88 4 83. ft 10 in Fur l'hllailulihla ami He
York A SS 8(n. 80a in, 1 on l n 4 A and 1114 p
ai Km llurriHtiurK a 111 in
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division
Train lave' H-IUnarove Junction dally for
Sunb'iiy aim West.
u SMim, l S8 p b, 4 52 p m. Sunday t a m,
S43 p in.
Trains leave Suntmry dally enoept Snniluy:
12 am for HufTilo.l 21 u in lur Erie and Can-
b ill ' iii tor Ilellclnnte Krla and i'annndalirua
12 a iii Inr I-oek Haven, Tyrone and the west.
11 4 for HulTiilo, nil p m tor Hellefonta Kane
Tymno and Canar.dulliua
5iiip ui lor keoovoand Klmira
45 p m lor Wllllanisport
Sunday KiH a m for Buffalo via n portura,
1 11 a m lur Brie, S 10 am for Erie and Oanau
dalKua 8Mpm for vii.
141am for Lock Haven ami
Kaon port
8 45 a m, 9Hbam200 and S S5 p m lor Wllkef
burre and Hazelton
6 10 a in, lo 10 a in, v 05 p m, 5 J5 p in lor Shauio
Itln ami Mount Carinel
Sunday 9 55 am lor Wllkebarre
Train; leave Sellnpgrove Junction
10 00 a ui, dally iimvlnK at f lliladfllphla
3 17 pin New York 6 S3 p in Baltimore 3 11 p in
Wafhluxton 4 la pin
530 p in daily arriving at Philadelphia
10 20 p m Ne York S3 a m, Uallttuore 9 45 p in
Waalllnhtou 10 55 p m.
8 4ptu, ually arriving at Fhlladolphia
( 25a m, New York 713 a m, Kaltiiuore 2 30 a m
Washington 4 05 a m
Tra'ns alKO leave Sunbury :
2 52 am dally arriving at Phlladefdhla ( 52 a m
Halliinore 7 DO a m Vt'anhirnton 830 am New
York B 83 a in Weekdayt, lO.'ea m Sundays,
8 23 " m dally arriving at Fblladrlphla 7 tl
a in, New York9.' a m, 10 ss Sundays Ualtl
mcre 7 20 s m. WiwIilnKion 830 a m, Halliinore
12 o p n WaMUiugton 116 pm,
7 50 a m week Iii.vh arrivlnir at Plilladi lphla
11 41 a in, New York 2 13 p ui, Baltimore 12 10 p
ui, WiuduiiKlon 1 15 p m
15.1 pu. week days arriving at Philadelphia
1 23 p m, f w York 9 30 p nt, Haiti more Ui) p in
WaiOiingtoi 7 16 pm
1 44 p m dallv, nriivlnf? nf Philadelphia? 32 pm
New York 10 23 p m, Baltimore 7 30 p ru, Wuab
lu v-ton 8 35 p in
Traina alao leave Sunbury at 960 am and 5 20
and 8 31 p in, lur HarrlaburK, Philadelphia aud
I. K. WOOD, Oen'l Pass Agent
I. B. HUTCHINSON Oen'l Manaa-er.
Hon- l-'nriiit-ra Who Need More Exten
sive Stock ttunrtrre Caa Ilo
Maelt vvilli I.lttle.
The illustrations' show the elevation
of the ordinary farm barn, and also the
floor plan, as it appears when the ad
dition that is shown has been built to
give increased room fur the accom-
modation of cow, or other stalls. The
addition is across one end of the burn,
each end projecting to form an open
manure shed. The shed on the left hand
can be boarded in and used for calves or
other young stuck, or for a place to
store tools and farm machines, if de-
ffoop 1;
slo :::
Orain I) '
caiif n l
niM MM aw
, Restores VITALITY
Made a
Well Man
of Me.
prodneea tha above rasolU ln.S0 days. It sett
powerfully and quickly. Cures whan all others fall
Sonne men will regain their lost manhood, and old
man will recover their youthful vttor by aatai
BE TITO. It qnlokly aad surely restores Mama
nesa, Lost Vitality, ImpoteDey, Vlf htly Emissions,
lost Power, Falllnc Memory, WastlD Di eases, and
all effects ot self abuse or exaasaand lndlsorstlou,
which nnftta one for arody, bnalneaa or marriafe. II
Dot only cums by atertlni at tha seat of diaaase. but
la a great nerve toole and blood builder, bring
ing back the pink (low to pale eheeke and re
storing the fire of yooth. It wards off Insanity
and Consumption. Inslat on bavin REVTVO, no
other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail
1.00perpackaire,oraii for eJS.OO, wit h a poel
tlve written iniarmntee to ear or reiana
the money. Circular ixee. Addreaa
Royal Medicine Co.,3S?,?c.Tilt'
For mle in Middleburrli, Pa., Iu
It signature la on every box of the genuine
.aiative BroinO'Quinine Tabieu
i remedy that rurca cold In one day
sired. The shed on tlie right U con
vi nient to both lines of stalls, the ma
nure being- hauled out to the shed each
lay. Such an addition costs but little,
having- a simple shed roof, and fur
nishes ndded room that is often ex
ceedingly valuable the xtra stalls,
and the covered place in which to store
the manure. Orange Judd Farmer.
Thirty-five yenra' rcputiition la back nf the
Itnyner HiHtiflliiK Co. a Seven-Year-Old ltye
Thla whlnkey 1m famoiia the world over for the
high quality t-l l buys four full uurta ot
tlieae linn old gooda See particulars In bite an
nouncement In thla Imiie.
Crip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervout
nrottration' Dr. Miles' Nervine cures them.
11:1 qtl
llU.ltS WHIUt all USE UllS.
k d Best t ounh Sjruii. Taxloa Good. Cat
in iinir. i,imi vr (iniKuinin.
Don't leave the herd out in a cold
Make use of all the pumpkins. They
are one of the most valuable of the
fall feeds for the cows.
Is the watering; apparatus in work
ing order so the cows won't have to go
to the creek in cold storm?
It is a good ign to saw the milker
have thirst for milk. It la a certifi
cate of cleanliness. Farm Journal.
Fix a high mark for your cows this
winter. If they do not reach it find
out why. The fault may be your own.
The cows will appreciate all the
sweet apples and odds and euds of
sweet corn that lie around theorchard
and garden.
Cows that are reg-iilarly brushed and
cleaned will yield more millc in pro
portion to feed; i. e., there is grain in
the currycomb.
If you have trouble in getting all
the cream from the milk of cow s that
are iun:;i the end of the milking
period, dilute w ith warm water before
Itnlry llenalla In Vlnler.
It is often ditlicult to keep dairy
utensils in the best possible condition
in winter, because of luek of sunshine.
Un most ins. vessels are washed and
ti-ahlcd u nd then put in t lie sunshine
until wanted. Many winter days have
no suiixliim'. l'teni!s should there
fore be boiled thoroughly or subject
d to live strain if this is obtainable.
At any rate, give them a good scald
ing in boiling water, and place them
w here they are exposed to outside air.
Sunshine is the best possible disin
fectant. Keep your dairy utensils Ja
the sunshine as much as possible.
American Agriculturist.
jTxKCVTlUX'S NOTKK.-Nulic la hereby
given that letters tvatamentiiry upon the es
tate of Hamuol Hick hurt, lute of Manlmiuton
twp., Snyder Co., 1'a., dee'd, have been ianued
in dua form of law to the underpinned, to wiioin
all indebted to aaid rotate alioiild make Imme
diate payment and thow having claim auainnl
llahould preaent them duly niiilit-iiticnicd for
settlement. HKNKY 8. lm'KIIAKT,
Dec. 21, 1901. Executors.
Caesar'a Courtship.
A nobla yours; Roman named Caeaar
Once called on a maid tried to sqarsar
Hot the girl, with a blush.
Said the Ualln for "Tush!
You horrid young thing! Let me batsar!"
Baltimore American.
Forcer Chicago Capitalist later
Tiewed in London.
ters of Administration In the
estate of Wllllam'.W cirkk Into of Centre twp.,
Snyder county. Fa., dec d, having been grunted
tome undersigned, all perHona knowing them
selves Indebted to aaid eatnto are reout-ati'd to
make Immediate payment, while thone having
clalmawill present Iheiu duly authenticated to
the undersigned.
MICHAEL A. Wi lKK'K. Admiuixtrutor.
Cum TeHtaiucnto Anncio,
J. O. Crouse, Att'y.
Dee. 28. Mil. . H iU t.
Executors' &ile oi" Valuable
The undrntigiud executora nf the hint will
and teatnnienl of Michael I. Weiancl. lute ot
Weal Heaver township, Snyder coui.ty, I 'a , de
ceased, by virt-ie of the 'w, r anil authority
coiiUtined in said lat will und tcHUtinent, will oil
Fritlay, Felru:iry 7tli, 11102,
expoaeti) pnhl c sate, on the pretnlat-a, the fol
lowing ut-MC-riued real eHtate, to wit:
All that '-erta ii.. orl -. . ml. Hi
liomeHtead of .lu ihc-ii i.ite i u,
a tute fo i i.
oni.-iiK tni-.n.
- t,
I el
I tin,
ir or i
K '
kI in i i
iH atat
.ii. .
-, H
r a n'
ln d
.mt aili
ck o
-lie Ik
y h'
'" ,y
lb Hi
i-. l . v
i N ,
Left llalfbaek That man Punter,
the fullback, never lost his head in a
fame of football yet, did he?
Kight llalflmek (a joker)-X... I
think not. lie's lost an ear, pa r t of his
iio:v, live teeth, lint 1 don't remember
ever hearing of him losing his head.
Cincinnati Kimuirer.
Another Way nt I'uttlnK It.
"He is a man of marked individual-
"Yes; ho is one of the worst ci-i,uKs
I know." -Puck.
ays Mm la Hle at Fifty mm Be
fore That la aa Aaiareatlce ot
Charles T. Ycrket waa interviewed
in London by a reporter lor th
Morning Lender, to whom he talked
entertainingly about youu ni u. ta.
"Fromthe age of 21 I succeeded
fairly well ill my schemes," he said
to the reporter. "Ity the time. 1 was
35 I had accumulated a fortune of
some 11,000,000, which in thoso iIjjs
waa looked upon as a large fortune-.
Then, by n stroke of ill-luck, I hi,
it all, and had to start tho world
over, again. This, of course, ii uotft
imr eM raoniinarv for Auicrirnii
I who freiiieiitly make and lo-,.; 'jaff
'a doen large furl unci before 111-- T
finally consolidate their position It
lilsn as li-etpieiit ly happens tl-ui xtl
verse strokes of fortune prom- s
nian's best friend, iiiasmwli a- hi
eoiues out of each failure .1.1 the
sli-ouger for the lessons hi ha-learned.-
Hardsliip, in inv tii iv, oltet
proves it part of ;t voun' man's j.'ojt
It was to gather his views ,-is tr
how the young business idea shout'
lie taught to shoot rather than t
glean personal details that th iloro
ing Leader reporter avnileil himscl.
of the American's olTer to be of Si.-rs
"It is the fashion to talk of tin
age as being an age of young nirn,'
said Mr. Yeikes. "Personally, "
ever, 1 cannot take the view tin
there is ever an agu of youth wltic.
is really nnd overwhelmingly a- -eessful.
The few exceptions nimpiy
attest the general rulo that youo
men in their carters are in their
prenticeship till the sgd of 40. A'
that age they begin to sec tb tri.'
takes they have made, and the i-tv
. Inaalt t Injery.
Shiney Tat-hes I tell you, Weary,
I don't particularly object to having a
dog set on me, for it is one of flip risks
of the business and I am willing to
take my s-hnneps, but when that dog
is n watep spaniel it's jiust a little too
much." X". Y. Herald.
A QI KICH I, A Mil. OKI). I Wji
-1 :. - :- v'
Hull l ull.
A pugilist who rrwkes hl pile
And t hen to congrea goe
Would be right In his glory when
lie strikes the ayes and nor-s.
Philadelphia 1'nns.
Wife Just think of it, ijenrge- the
landlord told ine we'd have to move
if we did not pay our rent.
George Well, does he think if we
could pay our rent we'd have stayed
here as long aa we have? Chicago
First Spinster And who gave the
bride away?
Second Spinster Her youngest
brother; just after the ceremony he
was heard to tay: "U'uit till he finds
her hair! is false, her .teeth are false,
and she buffers from chronic indiges
tion." Ally Sloper.
Of the Earth Knrtby.
Impecunious LoWr He mine, dear
Amanda, and you will be treated like
on angel.
Wealthy Maiden Y'es, I suppose ao.
Nothing to eat and less to wear. No,
thank y ju. Tit-Bits.
Saved Ilia Life.
Miss llutty And when he proposed
did you Vtfuse him?
Miss Antique No, I just didn't have
the heart to, because I knew-he could
not live
hvithout me. Ohio State Jour-
Never thought of such a
IJ sign for a medicine did you ?
t Well, it's a good sign for
Scott's Emulsion. The body
has to be repaired like other
things and Scott's Emulsion is
the medicine that does it.
These poor bodies vcir est
from worry, from over-work,
from disease. They get
and weak. Some of the new
ones are not well made and
all of the old ones arc racked
Trom long usage.
Scott's Emulsion fixes all
kinds. It does the work both
inside and out. It makes soft
bones hard, thin blood red,
weak lungs strong, hollow
places full. Only the best ma
terials are used in the patching
1 it.- 4t -1 -V -V
i aim iiiu jjuiuil's oun u snow
, through the new glow of health.
He Lost Ilia ( ear.
(men of tlio jury," said a - i . i .
lawyer tlhe other day. "there are lust! V" uut ,,JS lu 11 K Ulnl
36 hogs.) I'lense remember the fact Vou Can do it VOlirself
just three times as many as in the
jury bosj, gentlemen.." Tit-Hits.
j- Taslea Differ.
Dealer Here, madam, is a horse
can recommend sound, kind
Old I-dy Oh, I don't want that sort
of a horse. He holds his head high.
Dealelr F.h?
Old lAdy I like u horse that holds
his nose' close to the ground, so he can
see whese he's going. N. Y. Weekly.
and the bottle.
This picture represent
the Trade Mark of Si ra's
LmuL-ion and is on iho
wrapper of every bottle.
Send for fret sample.
4oy Tear! St New Yoik.
(Chicago Capitalist Who Is P.evoIj:.l.'R
uu:g Englbh Traction JdeiWa V
ten years form the crucial period n,
a man's career, mi matter what h
line of life may be. Success that
comes when n young man ii tili
his twenties or thirties is due rr.'ir-
to good luck than food maiup-a-; ui .
The fact that I lost $1,000,0(;U uif j-.
entitles me to speak with Scoit
"At what ajje do you consider t
man ripe as a business man'.'"
"At SO not before. I think tfiat
the man who st.irls in life with tht.
necessary fundamental looo-lii
and who hn ability, may reason jNIe
look forward to becoming a sucrv
fill man, provided, of course, he pos
sesses those attributes of ciiara :er
like stradiiii'tK, temperance ms
perseverance, without which nc .i,.n:
ran succeed. Th" one thinp- nf--'r:i!
for every young man is to ha
clearly denned object In view, to fTndf
his metier, to centralize his e;T..; :
on it, nnd stick to it for Natter m
worse. With ordinary luck be rn
not fail. The jrrcatest eviT and : c
one most fruitful of bankrapti -. .-
thp fact th.if the average younr
wants to do too many thing-s a! . i ,
and become rich too quickly."
Mr. Verkes i of opinion
parents in the greatest pcrcerf -r -.
of cases do not pay sufficient altera
tion to discovering or fostering (.'ar
ticular talent in children.
"If a boy," he says, "Is meant Tor
tile electric business th best tim
to enter it is between the ago .if IT'
and H, when the foundation ef u
sound education has been laid. Tfir
brain is then plastic and em'Tv
adaptable to the peculiar kicil oS
mental traininp and study rerj-t res.
in electricity. Parents have conic tr.
mc with their college-bred sons i f
and 23, but in singularly few c.ncs
have they proved ef much service""
As to cKctr'.city as a professi .i fw
youn' men. Mr. Yerkes has thf
preatc-s' fnith as t.t i t bcin of
the irrcatcst of tiic future.
"I have had men of singular rakp(
judged from the purely profi -- .iti.-i-and
intellectual point of view v,-.m
1 could not trus; with 12 sub
t:a:r, and on the o :k r . .. ., ,.
inf -rior c:i;' i--it v, w!'om I could i-,tvt
with i-'t in--! ic'o.'ms w!ih th. !.-:'-ling
of o operatives."
A sta'i -m-nr which wat r. ' h
Napoleon about Atigercau. N-".- .it
l-'ounUer of the arlhaai:ii .
t'i''.og:!C hn- ce'.pnr;;: '
eight hundrci'ih'r.-ary
dt-ath of St. l'runo, the fouiuijr ,
'.'arthu-i.ui order i:i the
I'hartn u-c near ri : o'o!c. 1., .
bral'.on va held '-n th? t'h'.:.-- !
I'unib-rt, wljere V-:r. -o was .:
Joy. U came j:--t a .i : ' .-
monks) of the ilr.K-i'c Ci. .".L. .
made up the!:- :r. '. t- k .
joc. and f t. all druUta, tatiou from liic 1'ieuea uve::
- . and to remain in France.