,r endure ih5 trouble. Vt? nil retnedT lbt stored. N A Webnter of intue, "be write. "Dr Kin N- V,IUholy cured m. of wrk ?. V- i i.hiI suffeiert from for In Bilioui.r. 2 Hint Muliiie Kirhti M. P.t ""P'! IMiilu. u Kiivtrienl Eiemrtin,: UL'MWBK. ,b from Exinriciwe eterual L coupled with lionwty ami trity, is the U-st price t.tsM.s-ess. jl,e Canal bridge ulx.ve Hun- store is a thine ot tlie past, j 1 1 I t- the suinrvisor lias iineu up uit 1 and provided a tine lamling at l l-ivtr snore. flary Campbell am! Lydin ker calleU on ianu t . uun- i . lie bridge 'at jienuion is com- KM).OUO tax imycra want it, Lisbtirg is bigger han Middle- ra llev. Searle and Mary er of l'ort Trevorton spent a with Maria W. Dundore. ie Congregation of the Witmer E. church renieinliered tliier ,r'the Uev. H. T. Searle with a hi donation. Uackenliere and Jacob Ker- cr are hauling lime on Dua l's farm. acob Kerstctter has a fresh cow tale. candidates tor township ks are numerous and full of con- nce of final victory. ra Witmer will move away from hill the coming spring. Better fill your ice house now. ulie llambo called on Eliza - .KLISsHlKOVE. ;" t TORT TREVORTON. j . , . , i i. it ', I2cv. Srarle, pastor of the Ui Wi biroh and danghtr Mrs.1.:van hM . h'l"rU " f",1'M,";flW,Kt at Lewistown over Sunday.' ., - . Misses Carrie aud Lottie lichen-! urn cvuiiiire reiuniui innui: iui i . B . . ... i , , : be Mck list; lie lm ,.-.. for some inmtis m . ' . , j. v. iciiz, wuo is eiiipinyeu m. ...... . i . i. I i i rviu uiii, sih-iii OIIIH1HV HI UUIIie. The Misses Charles hare issued ! a "sock social"! held in the near PLUCKY MRS. PESCHEL PROTECTS HER ENTIRE EAMHY WITH PERUNA. HAS A HAPPY HOME. Kiihiiul iMvt-r was ,ii! hi Mfiuir lit i l'hila. several dnys last wi-ek. Mr-. Gallagher (nee ahhy) of Norfolk, Va. i king enteriaineil by G. 11. Hemhicis and wife. Mis Christine K'Mner t !Suti buiy was cuH-ilaim-d several days ly Miss fat-kit' Covert. J. A. Stmni, foil in-law of Mrs lvite Wagenseller, spent u short time with her o:i his way home to Carlisle. Uarrv Morris of Reading w;is in town Fiidav. in vital ions for which is to he future. Rev. Se-ilhcinier of Williamsport most ehxpieiitly delivered a seriiiou in the U. 1$. church Sunday A. M. Arthur Heiser and bride of Shadle visited the hitter's brother, Jerre Snyder and family over Sun- llilV. Mrs. Win. Schrawder returned Sutie rs. arm aria W. Dundore sat an hour ie Dentist's chair at Sclinsgrove called on her sister Minnie h. :r. ames C. Sliafer of l'ort Trevor called on his old comrade, Geo. nnliell. who is confined to his hi on account of old age. (hie of the inmates of our poor &e is on the sick list. Tonrv Hoot filled his ice house a is the first man whe made use r. .i Ithe new road across tne canal. i tThe Philadelphia Inquirer id loud a bridge at Iteration, lveep the 1 rohng. U.bs. Stalil of Chapman was iu In. N. T. Dundore and Jacob f-stetter made a trip to Selins ve looking up the lime business, B lbs. of sugar for 1 dozen eggs Dundore s. E. Witmer filled his ice house ill six loads. pingnman and Snyder of Port tvorton filled their ice house will: from Dundore's pond. George Hoover is about erecting rope ferry from the canal to the nd. Uur coal dealers are looking for iter markets. ;astoria For Infants and Children. i j Kind You Han Always Bought Mars the ,( jnaturtof home after havinir sfieiit several s o 'months wi'll n:irclllv Cliiw. llniiwr Rev. II. 1'. Miller of lb klyn isja, wife of llaiubr'uW. sjH'iiduig several (lavs wuu ins i mother Dr. Yut.y attended the funeral of Dr. Ilarley of Dewart Friday. The game of IVisket Rail at Dan- Eoiir, large, fin-iMMring animals weru hern on the streets in town last week. The owner's of such monstrous pets should keep them i i i i . .i ageu nisrean oi leaving ville Friday evening hetwei n Dm- at large to frighten piwir iniuK'ent vil'e and Siisij. resulted 10 to 2o ii favor of Danville. Mrs. Dr. I Iarter and children of Maytown, who spent several weeks with her parents returned home Monday. J. A. Lombard has liccn on the sick list but is reported as improv ing rapidly. The game of Basket Hall between Milton Y. M. C. A. and Susii. teams on Saturday evening resulted in the following score Stisij. 5S; Milton 13. The ice harvest is immense in this section. Already for two weeks thoy have been at hard work taking it out; 12 car loads went to the I . U. R. at Iewistown Junction and more will follow. Miss Jennie Wolf returned home last week from spending her vaca tion with her sister, Mrs. Charles Rcnninger at Mifliin, and her uncle West liowe at Vandyke. She also visited her cousin Christian Shclleu berger at Lewistown, and reports having had a very nice time. Aaothar War of Pattla It. "He it a man of marked individual lty." -Yt b; he is one of the wont cranki Iknow." Puok. BEAVEKTOWJ. The Farmers' Institute held in the V. O. S. of A. hall last week was well attended, ami the discus sions were interesting and instructive. The Republicans held a caucus iu the hall Saturday evening, and named a ticket, for townshipofficers, the nominations will be made Satur day. Uncle Tom's Cabin exhibited in the Hall Tuesday evening. lleubcn Zcchman is quite serious ly sick with consumption. John P. Smith had his leg hurt lest week while assisting in felling a tree. Daniel M. Snook, Mrs. E. L. Freed, and Mrs. Aaron Dreese are on the sick list. Rev. Gramley and the Evangeli cal Congregation are having revival services every night since last Thursday. Two penitents have this far presented themselves at the altar. THE RACKET is rapidly gaining favor with all. This is sufficient to con vince us that our goods are right as well as our prices. We would now invite your inspection of our , ; GALVANIZED WARE r 10 qt Water Backets, 30c v12 qt. Water Buckets, 35c pen Coal Buckets, 35c blooded Coal Buckets, 40c covered Chamber fails, 35c 1 gal. Oil Cans- 25c j Ash Selves, 35c Wash Basins, 10c 1 qt Milk Pans, It 6 qt. Milk Pans, 2C 8 inch Pie Plates, K 10 inch Pie Plates, IS ljqt. Stew Pans, 15 2 qt. Stew Pans, U 3 qt. Stew Pans, 2 10 qt. Dish Pans, 3i Glaaswaro 1 doz. Table Tumblers, 35c Dessert Nappies, each, 3c Jellie Stands, etc., each, . 5c ULUE and WHITE WARE 1J qt. Milk Cans, ' 2 1J qt. Preserving Kettles, 2 2 J qt. Stew Pans, 2 All other goods in proportion. We have the only line of Turkish .towels at 10 cents each. Others as low as 5 cents. All goods marked iu plain figures. While they loJ,. we will give you a 10 lb. pail of " WIIITID FISH, 40 Oonts. G. WASH. BURNS, uth Market Street. .'.' Selinss'rove, Pa. try Prodnce la exchange. Telrptaoae eoaneetlaaa. little eiillilreii. Win. llelt'cnstein of Shamokiii was in town the past week transact ing business. He will dispose of his property here iu town ami move to ChambcrslMirg. S. P. Steilen and J. G. Snyder attended church at Chapman Sun day. llevival services began iu the U. 15. church Monday evening L. F. Charles and family siient Sunday with hd. Koiisli aud laniily at Mahantango. E. D. Swineford and wife of Oriental visited thcirchildren,'Frank Swinelord and Mrs. V. E. Bogar last week. A. W. A ucker aud wife attended the funeral of George Shotzbcrgcr at if reeburg Monday. Jacob Kamer and Lawrence Sehlegle of Eclipse were among Sunday callers. Albert Kmc of McKecs Half Falls passed through town one day last week. 11. F. Charles was a business caller at Herndon Saturday. Tuesday evening Jan 14th. at the U. Evan, parsonaee, Rev. Searle joined Miss Eva Rice of this place and Wm. t reeborn of bunbury in the bonds of holy matrimony. A reception was held in their honor at the home of the bride's brother, O. G. luce. Ihcir many friends ex .1 i 1 . rrt lend congratulations, llie serena des who numlx-rcd alwut fifty were treated well for the music with which they greeted the newly wed ded couple. Tbe Merret of Loaff Life consists in Keonine ail tne main r Bans of tho body healthy, regular actoiu, and iu quicklv destroying it. ead disease trerms. Electric JJit- terg rejrulato Stomach, liiver and Kidnoys, purify the blood, and (tlve a splendid appetite. They work J ? ttii m i-i wonueru in curing n.iuney xrouDius, Female Complaints, Nervous Di seases. Constipation. Dyepepsia and Malaria. Vigorous nealth and strength always follow their use. Only 50c, guaranteed bv Middleburg Drug Co., (iraybill, Oarman x do., Richfield, Pa., Dr. J. W. Sampsell, reonscreek, ra. I'AXTON VILLE. Wesley Wellershatnp of New Berlin is visiting his sister, Mrs. Chas. P. Swengle. Miss Annie Swengle was a visitor in Middleburg Tuesday. Samuel Yearick of Centerville spent sevexal days at Millard Hassingers during the week. James Parker of Union eounty, spent several daya at Reuben Weirick's. J. G. Brownwcll of New York city transacted business here with E. F. llarner, Wednesday. Mr. I lamer was offered a position by the company but declined. Mrs. N. M. Reigle and Miss Margarcte Norman of Sunbury visited Mrs. Keigle's grandmother here Monday and Tuesday. Find Way lo Live Long. The Btartling announcement of a Discovery that will surely lengthen life is made by Editor O. H. Downey of Churubusco, Ind. "I wish to state," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds and Urip It's invaluable to people with weak lungs. Having this won derful tnedicinn no one need dread Pneumonia or Consumption. Its re lief is instant and cure certain. 1 The Middleburg Drug Co., Gray bill, Oarman and Co., liichfield. Pa Dr. J. W. SampBell, l'ennscreek. Pa. guarantee every COc and f 1.00 bottle, and give trial bottles free. This Beautiful Mother Says: MI Cannot Help But rraise reruna. I Am Never Without It. Children Have the Least Cold, I Them Peruna. Give "A Few Doses Helps Them." One of the greateit foci with which every family has to contend in our changeable climate. To protcot tho family from colds and coughs U always a serious problem, and often impossible, Sooner or later it is tho inevitable fate of every one to catch cold. Caro in avoiding exposure and the use of proper clothing will protect from the frequency nd perhaps the severity of colds, but with tho greatest of precautions they will come. This is a settled fact of human experience. Especially is this truo during the Stormy anil unsettled weather of early winter. Everybody must expect to be eaught somewhere or somehow. Perhaps It will be wet feet, or cold draught, ot damp clothes, or may lie too close confinement in hot rooms and then going out into the cold carelessly, or It may be. ono of a thousand other little mishaps, but no one is shmud enough to nlwnys avoid the Inevitable cutcliing cold. Sometimes colds come like an epi demic; everybody seems to have ono at onee. Tho very air alKiut us is poison to the head, throat aud lungs. Thwro is no fact of medical science hotter known thun that Peruna cures catarrh wherever loooted. Thousands of families in all parts of the United States are protected each winter by Peruna. Once In tho family reruna always stays. Xo home can spare IV rurm after the first trial of it. A splendid example of this fuct is found in tho beautiful homo of Mrs. Paul I'eschel, of II Quitman street, Newark, X. . I. Head her letter. Nkwark, N. J., June 17, l'.Kto. Dr. S. B. Hartman: Dear Sir "My three children were skk and my husband had an attack of la grippe. I gave the children Peruna, and now they look as If they hadn't been sick at all. I also gave It to my husband until be was good and well. I do not know how I could have stood taking care ot them and being up night and day, had It not been for Peruna. "Last winter was the first winter In sixteen yean that I did not have a cough. It Is Impossible to explain my thanks In words. I never looked as well as I do now. "Peruna Is our family medicine and always will be. I do my own house work and sewing, and get along lovely, now that I am ao strong and well, thanks to Ptruna and your good advice. "I cannot help but praise reruna. I am never without It, and cs ::i:on an I find the children have the Last culd I give them Peruna. A few doses helps them, and I hope that every one :vho reads my testimony will try Parana as it is a friend Indeed." Thankfully yours, MRS. PALL PllSLlll.L, 14 Quitman St., Nev iirk, N. J. A Safe Family Do.ti r. Tcrnim has been used in m:ny other homes with the sumo result.'. Tim fol lowing aro samples: Mrs. .".!. 1'.. Sey mour, I)yc, (ia., writes: "1 am ready to speuk a f.-.v . "rU in favor ot 1'cruna ami Man:.lin, 1 have tried them for nearly every ill of life for myself mid family, and find them to !" all tho doctor claims them lo be. reru na cured me of female iron!, ! !ii'iiniy doctor could not. My uilvi' e to a'l suf fering women is, consult lr. Hartman. What he has done for me ho will do for you." Mrs. M. K. Seymour. IVruna Added 40 rounds. Mrs. Maria liocrtz, t'leo, Oklahoma, writes: "My husband, children and myself have used your medicines, and we al ways keep them in the house In case of necessity." Mrs. Maria (ioertz. r. Hartman's latest book on catarrh will bo sent free upon request to any address. This book contains ninety-five pages of Interesting reading matter, and will bo found invaluable to mothers la aiding them to guard againat aud euro the many little catarrhal ailments of children that come with the seve weather of winter. McCLUKlS. Tlie Met 'lure foundation wall for the shirt factory U completed. The Sunday School convention held at this place Saturday under the auspices of the " West IScaver District Sunday School Association" was a grand success both in the numliers in attendance and interest munilitttcd. All the children of the three Sunday Schools were in atten dance and a very interesting child ren's M.Tvice being held iu the after noon. One of of the speakers was Miss Howe of Chicago. The Sec retary made a special effort for this convention in getting out the child ren and also iu the line of music. Prof. Clias. Mumma conducted the song service in a highly creditable manner to himself as a conductor and also to the singers. The next convention will be held in April. West Beaver is the leHt organized township in the county in the line of Sunday School work and we don't care who denies it. The members ot the "McCIure Improvement compauy" were buy last week at the Shirt factory foundation. This is rather rough weather for building stone walls, but they are in dead earnest about itand rough weather is nohimlrauee. Harry Boyer, Salesman for Wit man Schwar & Co. interviewed our merchants Monday. Harry is an all around good folio and knows how to sell groceries. Too bad when a man wants to lie a candidate for a township oflice and the committee men refuse to take his name. However such is the case iu our township, Jake, says he will not go to the election anymore uor pay any taxes. George lienfer is on the sick list. ltachael Snook moved into J. B. Spangler's house Mouday. Charles lllingcr moved to Iicwis town Junction last week being cm ployed as brakeman on the this It. It. Prof. C. W. Oldt, one of Mifliin county) wide awake School teachers and also a candidate for county Superintendent of that county took in the convention lutving had atopic assigned. Charlie is an all :ir ml jolly good fellow and we hop' lie may carry of the county .Siipt. prize in May next, Joseph Dreese and wife of Mount Union are visiting Joseph 1). UIh and other friends in town. John K. Wagner has a force of hands working at tlie mountain to take out timlier to lie used at shirt factory. Isaac Shirey and Jackson Y. Baker were to Yeagertown to pur chase materail for the shirt factory DtlllUlllg. The towship as well as thecoiinty candidates, for oflice arc button holeing the dear jie iple. j Mr. McCiilIough of the linn of j Met 'ul lough and Linn, interviewed the merchants this week at this place. Hair Splits "I hive used Ayer't Hair Vigor for thirty years. It is elegant for a hair dressing and for keeping the hsir from splitring at the ends." J. A. Gruenenf elder, Gnntfork, 111. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. JI M I btll. All intffuu If ymr drimjfist cannot Miiiplv vim, noiid uh ono ilc i la r ami we .11 e'xprrn yim a bottle. Ho sure und give tlie ii.inie of your nearest PTiircss nllh e. Ailitren, J. C. AY fell CO., Lowell, Moss. Krnltn at Kxperirnpe. Tho pr.t narbli s. with teal well nn ar.t. Of the KG'Arn lipples of twret content; And these 1 mourn the nad declaration Are oft but tlriatt nyplM wf resignation. jury List. 1.1st of Oninrt Jurors drawn for 'tin court oi Oyer and Terminer and Uenenil .lII delivery and Court of quarter sesMlons of llie- I'eace of Snyder county held at Dec. Term, cominencliif Monday, Feb. linn. Name- Occupation. It'sMence. Ariiol.t. Wesley, laborer. fnlon Aur.ind. II ine. farmer, MM ll' i reet liliik'aiu m, I.ando, teacher, t '. litre llroslus, i-,,i'.:e f.. menii.ii.' , IVrry Uleiuer. John H., entleinaii, MM ll'-creelt r.lscnhuwer, William. UKent, Wa 1 ii:,-t ,o Forrey, Itohert, liliouitfraplier, I'cuu (irelner. Klmer, fanner, Monroe ll;icknhiinr. John, fanner, KraiiKMB llalian, (Jeortfe, laborer, Washington Hummel, W. farmer, Mlddlecrwlc KesMler, John laborer, Seilhsrove Kline. Samuel II., laborer. Heaver Wis Koons, Jauiea, laborer, Centre I.ouk, Simon, landlord, I'nloo M ir'ln, Thomas, maHon l.irus M.mrer. Harry, undertaker, .1 1 k n Natfle, Francis, carpi'iiler, .i.,c!via Itlck'le. Charles, blacksmith, YVa.liliitoa Itow. l-aa mimon, 1'ena Milrk. Samuel A., laborer, Ferry Wert Sliolly. Keno, tanner, Mlddl,i.rt,"k Slier, Jolin, tfentletnan, Cu'.unn Woumer, Oavis, fanner, I't rry PETITJUHOltS. I.lnt of relit Jurorti drawn lor tlie Court ot Coiumon I'leas, Court of quarter Sessions of tb peac. Court ul Over nnd l ermliier and (iencnj Jail lielivery ol Snyder I'oilnlv, I1.,, i,ei,l aj Deo. Term, commencing r-u. xi. ikuv. Tailri lllffer. Dealer Here, uuidaiu, is a liorre can recommend sound, kind Old Lndy Ob, I Uou't want that sort of a horse. He holds his head high. Dealer Eh? Old Lady I like a horse that holds his nose close to the ground, so he caa see where he's going. X. Y. Weekly. Name. Occupation. Atnlp. Joseph, laliorer, App. Nelson, farmer, llalley . Thomiw, farmer, HliiKaman, Hubert, irentlemuu, llowersox, Isaiah, farmer, t'arey, A, I merchant, Decker, .lames, farmer, Dreese, Albright, laruier, Dreese, Jerome, farmer, Engle, Henry, farmer, Fields, Jobn, lumUTinun, Fisher, Chan. K-. teacher, lleudrlcks. Joseph, mason, llerbsier. John, cawyer, Kern, Robert, farmer, Knepp, Fail1, senilemaD, krebtt. Daniel, tarmer, Krnu.tr. Michael, laborer, Matter, Hurry, farmer, .Marburijer, A , (eutlemaii, Miller. Osvar A., laborer. MllterllUK. John S., fBrmcr. Mover, tiias. II.. farmer. Mover, Muriln, fanner, Moyer William I" . dru'lst, NerhiKNl, J. ,)., f iriiie.-, Ite blientiacli, Henry, laburei. Kleifel. William, farmer, Hitler. D, I', lalmn r. Konil.t JcUn I'., lunorer. Ktlnrsltne, J. W.. painter, KeUii.iieorKe, plasleref. S. etmld. Wllltaui, laimer, Shallil'iu h. Jalfles K.. Viaolier. Shiiniioii, Klmer. piusteii i. Shell. Jacob, Iu borer, smith. Foster. lUervman, snviler. tieorce. Iiitmn r. sprliu'inan. 1. IV. farmei. SteliiltiK'er. .lames, farmer, stroll, Abraham, UiIkmi-i Troup. Calvin w.. .irim-r Truit, Fiiinklln J.. lame i, Walter, John hi .cRMult I,. Walter, T. C. tanner. W I'ler. (linr.'e tarni" inev, 1". S., labarer. U"8ldeoce. I'errv West M jnroe Monroe SellnsKrovo Franklta Svllnsirrore FriinklUi sprln Ceiur 1'ena Mlddlecreek FnB ; .'u spnnf lie ,ef sp-luf Pnloa Sclliisri)T Sprtii( HellLSK'rova reDU I'errv West Wa.litni;too Franklin W "-10 Bca - ,st in.., las i e :r Aloncot s-rHiu S Hn-niove Washltik'tou J.icksou Sprluu sprliiK C ,1UB S "Inif I'errv Vest Waslilnvtoa Franklla I'nloa C'.i.niuiaa F..TJ M ie roe, .! e ksoii I'ru'ikilu lei tv West N IUKKL NUTSETTUEK Solid u your iisnni" on ft powtal ci.rd TO ml' ...,l u-aa VOU, XHml I 'tllll. ft I V i-iim ... v m - each wlicnwM tm tb H.M we wiH !S3ou a BEAUTIFUL NUT SET of da picks and one cracit FREE- U'B ' ' o'1" premiunii neiit with the box. THEWKNTEIUf Hl'PPLY O.. l.jj.4t. Uebeque. 1'olorn.l.