I 1 1 i OOOOOOOOOOooxxxxraooa doing GIOBE f LNksTLVANIA KAILROO. Le Wigtown Division. In effect Nov. 24; 1901. AD, R li::r Qtnok haQ hoon nrninnr foot oinoo UUl U1UUII IIUU uuuu guiiig iuoi ullluu we are having our great sale. Plenty ol Clothing for every- 8 body, big and little, at about k 8 price. Come at once if you want your clothing and gents' furnish ing way down. Remember we arc leaving town soon. E- KATZ . M idclleburg, Pa. COUNTER Hoys' SIku- 2i ii Ton Toe, well mailo, kdim! solid leather ndii'-cd from S1.2" to $1.00 ('Iii Id's I'mtloii Calf licavy seliiml sime has a nice tip, rc linvd from Sl.'JO to SI. 00. oinc smaller sizes, sanio ttiality ivifuceil from I'.'ic to 7fc. Ladies' Kmpress Doiijrula P,iiti..:i, I'.rmerlv ., now $1.3."). Ladies' Keystone I uttii reduce! iV.e-i $1.50 to 90c. Talent Leather Tip, SJ.'J.'i n-.!. . M'-"'s Plow Slioes from Sl.Oii u ,. $1.80. Men's and Boys' Boots WAREHOUSE The great event, onr Big Clearance Sale, price after price reduced, bargains after bargains offered, and oppor tunity after opportunity given to save money during i his ale. A great saving is to be made on ali kind of mer chandise. Our great clearance salts have created a great commotion and delighted many thrifty housekeepers. No matter what you want it will be money in yonr pocket to come and see how much onr prices save you. First Day of Sale, Thursday, Jan. pth. Last Day of Sale, Thursday, Jan. 30th. Clearance Sale of Dress Goods 38 inches Venetian Cloth, lilk A Cols worth f0c 40 inches I'mnnchi Cloth. JSIk & Cola worth 7"o 40 inches Poplins, Hlk fc Cols worth 9Sc 4o inches Kliadona, Blk & Cols worth 9Sc 48 inches Pilot Cloth, k & Cols worth $1.2.") 40 inches Mistral, Blk A: Cols worth DSc Clearance sale of Silks 27 inches China Silks, worth 50c 21 inches Tatletn .Silks. worth 7;k- 27 inches Pcau De Crocpe, worth 9Sc LZ inches IWk lutlcta, worth 50c sale price 44c sale juice i!c sale price 89c . sale price 89c sale price $1.05 Nile price 89c sale price 39c sale price G9c sale price 89c sale price 41c r m i s .10 ,3 t ,4(1 ,M ,.V. giro " W S" 8" 4 01 4W 4OS I STATioaa. iutviu a M 10 0 IX I" 10 lit inn; 10 -.7, 111 .HI 10 341 10 . '10 51 ilOIH 1M urn! 11 17 111 11 Ml 1112 11 4l 11 4 Punbury rVlinsirroTa Junction ellnsBTor4 I'awlina: Kreaiuer Meiarr M iittllr burg Ben fee Rravertown Adamabura' Baube Mill McClur Warr.r ShliMile Paintrrvilla Maitlaiid Lewinftown Lesrtstown (Main V treat. 11 4S Lewlslotra Junction. a r m . Vi 101' 4 48 w- S 5.1 i SI tn 8 47 I 20 H 40 4 IS 8K4 407 t 7 0 I fM 144 AT 149 T17 tS 7M 1 24 4 I in 7 48 8 3(1 T 8 8 18 td 806 i : aoo Olonrnnoo Snlo of Table Linons worth 37 Jo worth 50c worth 75e worth 50c worth 75c worth $1.00 sale prii'e 32c sale price 44c sale price (!9c sale price l ie sale price 09': sale nrice 89c worth $1.25 sale price $1.09 Unhleaelied Table Linen UnhlcacliLiI Tahle Linen Unbleached Table Linen Blenched Tahle Tiinen, Bleached Table Linen, Blenched Table Linen, Bleai'hcfl Table Linen, Oloni-nnoo Sale of Outing JPlexxxnolta r . . 1. 1 i worth 10c sale price 8c worth 12Ao sale price 10Jc worth 15c sale price lie All irents' umlcrwenr. worth )e sule price -lie All bimiI' underwear, worth !Hc nlc priiw Sac All Inilirn' under wrar, worth U.V nale jirlcc 21e All Inilie.' un.lerweiir, worth We wile price 4 It All ltlic' untlt-rwi-nr, worth $1 wilp i rice Wc Clearance Sale of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats. All Ittdien' Jackets tlmt were $7,841 milt- price ." All lttdliw' jncbetii tlmt were II. Si) .,le price T..V) All Indies' jnekclg tlmt were 10 00 nle price li.Di One line (Mid slzen we are cltmlnjr o it at t2.M (,'iearance Sale of Lace Curtains All luce curtain that were TSc (.nlr pr'ce (i :c All luce curtain, tlmt were $1,110 -lo price .le All Ince curtains that were 1.41 sale price 1.15 All luce curtains that were 1.50 sale price l.SS Ontine Flannels, Outuifr r lanncls, Outing Flannels, Clearance Sale Prices placed on all Napkins, Towels and Toweling. Clearance Sale of Ladies' Wrappers r.a'lies' Wrappers, worth SI. 00 sale price 89c ladies' Wrappers, worth tide wile price 77o Clearance Side Prices placed on all Sheets, Pillow Cases and Boltcers. Clearance Sale of Blankets l'i all wool h'nnkets, Worth f sale pries W.95 i'4II wool blankets, worMi 4.00 sale price 3.00 I1. all wool lilankels, worth 5.00 sale price 3.5) Clearance; Sale of Ladies', (Jents', and Children's Fleeced Underwear rrnin leavfK Stjubur.v 6 30 p rrj, r. riven at Selinserove ft 4 j p m Leaves S )iiii4i:iorp'i:0(lp. m nrriT-H at Sim bury 6:7.5 p m. renins It-live Mown Jiinotlon : I 40 m. lu 14 a m. 1 10 o m.i:op m 4 Vp m. T 07p m, 8 44 pm, 17 36 a m for Altnunii, Pittyhurxand the W-l l-'or Bilrimtircsni' WashiiiKtnn Hiriani !) I -.' I -i? 4 3S 8 10 n m Kt-r rhllK.li'lphis and Nr Tork 6 5S 80V V 3na m, I VJ 1 1 4 and 1118 r Ul ro MarriHlmra K li) p m Phi!arJc'p!:ia A Ene R P. Division AM) NOItTHKKN i'KVTHM. K AII.W Y WOrWARO. Ti.iln l-iive s I, nifnivi. Junc'li-n li.lly 'nr Sunt' 'V mid West. 9 V. a m, Vi Wn in, 4 v? i -n. s mrtav 9 $t a ru S 43 p in. Trellis ll-ive SilnhllfV -I II , ,-rei.l S'tind.y 12 23 Hi for Hull ilo.'l Ji i n ror ' Krle anil Can. iniUnics 10 m lor BMIt-li-nti- Kile and t'linsndnlif-M V 12 a ni Inr Lock tl.vcn, Tyrone an-l Hie W- s IS 45 tur r.iirfilo, 1 10 p in for lrllernta Kane Tyrone and t'anacduliiuii 5 In p lu tor ki-nnvoand Elinira 9 45 p Di lor Wllll.imsport .indsy I3S3 n " for hulTaln via Kn imrlum I 'il a ti( tur Brie, 5 10 a in lor Krlt an. I uun daiuu g m p in Inr V-1 94'Jam fer !-"k Haven and llanippnrl H 45 u in. !l -.Sa n 2 00 anil 5 5!Sjt m lor Willie li iire and llaelton 8 Hi 8 in. M in a in, if n5 p in, 5 31 p m lr Shaui.i 4in anil Mount Carmel Sunduv 9 .'5 a ui inr wilUi- iinrre K AST W. Mil). I'mtiiK leave Sclinviiitive .luneti.M. inn', a in, dailv arriving at rliil d.-lphl 11 1 p 'il N-'W York .1 .W p in Haltlnmr.i .-) 1 1 p in v ii..iiitmioii 4 l inn Mlii p in .1 uly nrrniiiK at r!nl,idi'l.hia M 2" P in New Y.irk 8 VI a m. H ip hure 9 j. VV.l-.llll,-t.ii, pi 56 ,, m. R -Up iii. nail y urrltli .- .it I'liCa-l.-lphln t 4.1 a in, N. ,,rk Tl:i a in. Ilaltlinnre 2:111 a m WaHlilntmi 1 Ci a it. I'."., lis .il-i. Inive S nl-iry: a .12 a m .liiily ainvi!! at l'lillii.le',liiii il vi i,. Htillliiiiirc T 'JO :i m W..hi fin i, Hi a in Net Ycrk M.nn a m Weckdayi, loru nj SunCavs, 8 23 in tla ly artn inir at Plillndi-lplil 7 84 a in. V y York 9X a iti, 10 :w SundavH Haiti Hide ; i'l . Ml iYil-lllliKIUII 8311 a in. JUItliume 12 10 p H WaihlliKton I ti p In. 7 fA n tn W'-ck ila.a m iiHin; nt Philadelphia 11 w ii in, x.-w York 4 13 p in, ll.iliiinu.e 14 10 p In, .iMiirutnii 1 15 p in 1. pn week tijys arrlvin.' a' l'hHiido!phlii i p in. 1 w Yurn :) p in, Hmtimore On p m W;t-Mii)ti ; jr. p m 1 H p in da.n . m-rlvln? at 1'i llitild )ti In 7 34 p m N-w Y irk ;0 4.1 p in, Itiililinnrj? :JJ r. in. Wash l.ii'tuli s :;5 p III Trillin al.-'.i -.ivc inil.iny at 9.V) a in and 5 20 nd 8 31 p ii., l-.r H'irr.stiurii. Hiiliniclplila an i 9 i.l p II: A wulJ ACUUT WUXI I A A. .--J aw Ther W Pnaaftvr. , The farmer is buir man If worthy of hiii occupation.. Soul I oilier luun, no matter what bit ness in the world may be. Tht and the trifler are like the ainnt 1 "cannot stand in the judgment,' i cannot stand long- in the atert which the world has for every bu. man.' Hut too many men misJ -tnnu the meoninp; of the word To ninny it means only manual to ninny farmers it looms up as J fcnry and important above all things. For the sake of their they will neglect their business the sake of their work they wil by opportunities of great value it were improved. The wise man J of him who is "diligent fn busint-, worthy of the highest honor; J the man who is a slave to his ev?J work. There is a tiice problem confroJ every business man. It is wha how ituu'h of the drudgery or cV his business he shall attend to ii, ally. We have known a man time was worth several thousan lnrs a year to speed it on work cheap clerk could do as well. I losing something. We know fn nnd stocknu-n who are stickii home and nt labor all the time ought to be attending to their ness afTiiirs instead of taking the of n hired hand. They are jn their Ability in at too low u Ihey ore underrating themselves siiler what work can be done effectively nnd do it. It may ta writing a letter will bring n-: enougn to pay Mir a inDorer lot ernl days. It may be that renili: article or an advertisement w worth more money than a montl bor. No man can lay down a r;i nmither in such matters, but if people would labor less andatli business more they would be 1 off. Work is not all iniiniinl lnh is the intelligent direction of ei to the furtherance of business.J tional StocUianu. Haltiuinre I I! 'D. Ocii'l Hass Agent ' ' "T l!tiy!' Pxxits reduced from 81.75 to Men's Boots reduced from .1.00 d. 1.25 $1.75. ?he entire stock of Boots and -hoes are well made of superior leather, carefully sewed and with out a blemish. They must go at reduced prices to make room for new stock. Dry Goods Ci-otl linliliaelied Muslin fiv.ip .- up. The lie-t Prints, 5e and lit-. 1ivs 7i mils that will wear l'.-r vi-ai -a lar;e stock, It w j lice Warm Fool-wear "We li;ivo ;i lartjc stuck nf Imnlier men's socks, good lie.-ivy Av.irm ii'onds iiiiitle of n-Iiiil.lc uiateriuls. Felt 15onts. that wili stand liard wear and keep out fiie.-old. Tlie prices are awa tloun. BROSIU & MINIUM, Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, 343 Market St. SUINBURY, PA. 44444fA44444444444.4 A physician will pell J i for $2 a receipt. Can he made at home LADIES' SECRET T 1 ositivclv remove all (lollht. wnrrv nn.l n tl in... t.-liT..!. !... 4l . , ..-.. ....v. uiiuvijuia-u njliv:il 1 1 I.l I I It 1 1 A women know so regularly. Send registered letter. I lr. H. Ferdinand, 92 W. Chippewa St., Buffalo, N. y. 4a444444a44a44444a4a444 44444444)44444).4444444.4.4; larding Bargain Counter lieu you want to get a in-at ami serviceable cloth f-.r a lre, J will give you a bi tter iialily of goods for the money than any oilier dealers. If any one oilers you '!"t!i ti'f le-s ii)nn-y, it must be inferior to the tpiality I m M. 'Jo.eeiit Hress G..ods now selling for only 15 cents. Bargains in shoes. Men's !Sp!it Double Sole Shoes reduced to 1)0 cents. Boys' Fine Caps reduced iVoni 50c to 10c. I DIKS" WAliM POOTWKAIi at botUim prices. I -Iways pay highest pr'ures for iroduce. Ladies' and Misses' Rubbers reduced to 25e. a pair. (iadies' and Misses' Fur Scarls worth $o.50 reduced to $2.50 . Men's Iluhlicrs reduced to 50c a pair while they last, tl Joys' Hiiblier Boots; $2.50 nnd $1.50 Table Oil Cloth for 12 cents per yard HENRY HARDING, SCHNEE, PA, "Oh dear! There's the bread to mix and I am too tir.-d to do It." This is the only sensible article ever put on the market to do the bac k aching work and take the place of the hands in family bread making. '-n We guarantee that with THE "HOME" BREAD MAKER (5elf-Cleaning.) A elilltl can make tin- best tirentl in from 2 to !i minutes, anil u lit-n it rises, take it out ready fur t lie liake tins, Without tnueliliiK Hie tl oil nil The hiuiils 4 lrun The iiilxi-r 4-l mi The lirrnil rli-nn AGENTS WANTED where there is no agent, to intro-i duet; them, we will send, on receipt of juice, fi eight charges paid, -1 loaf pans for 2.25; 0 loaf pans for , $2.50. Tlie ri-itiilnr price through airents is IJ.TS antl fUHI. This pan will iiutlast n si-nre of regular mixiuit nans. Ilootl tin nnd n.i lr,,t. t.. hreak eaMily, 'l'o years in use, aud please the most exnctiuir. The Stevens Co., Port Chester, X. Y. SALE REGISTER Notices of sales wit, lie Inserted free under tills head inn when the hills are printed i.t thU "J . he the hills are not ,,rii t d t . tiniee Si) cents will be erKed. tJ,"Z e t' Iiik to have sale should select a date and ail it inserted In thiscoliiinii. "U 11,1 " Tl'KsnAY. MAHCII 4. P, miles ,,!, f ft,r, win L' J a') ('!i',"ri" A- Shrawd," KHIDAY WAR. I, In Kre.mer. A. I), hie mt-r rKr of ""'' '"' T1,VwruJT' :7- "'r l""r""e.t f Plement, ' ' KMliv ",,J far"'l,' - Kl,,',vv,h.,t7'. Y; nn" w"" iad V 1 A.'"'r,""r,wiM "'"". ' pK'ne" i ' '""' mi' T"lhwNllATl'- " II,,,B "i"' nintSjUY, MAR ai. nt .i(-r. rhrrll ( West IVrry tw,i.. .loe Kei.-h.-iihat-l, v I,! 3hrses,7 htatleat.le ,, Urnnnti I,,,,.,..! KIIMIAV, WAR. ..., n,.r jlriwrrjlll, tiz,i?n "''.; MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. r.utter 21 Kr-'RS Onions... Lard .... TaIlo,v... Chickens Side Shoulder 12 Ham 14 21 75 12 0-7 8 Wheat Kye Com , Oats Potatoes .. Bran per 100. 1.00 Middlings "110 Choi 1.10 Flourperbbl 3.75 70 50 00 38 50 ASTOLOGY Executors' Sale of Valuable i 3H.33-A.3Li ESTATE. The uiidersiKn'(J eTeentors of the lnkt u i'l 1 and t.-.tament of Michael I W,.i, ,?,i , . 1 I Wesr H,ver townshl,, 5v.ler mi? I ' I ,"f 1 iX-i:;,;;!,:;lKHS: Inday, February 7th, 1U02, I ...nnl!!:!.w;:B!n.n,s.l:,r '; ship, county and state af , .;" .'" , 'r,,,'T"" ibiico south f ii. .-iiXl : ? .r . rt '!'"; on the north l.y land of Jaeol n' "trttl , land of Jeremiah Knepi, , , h , ', m'i h? A. KomlR and .Inc.b Ne'rhoo TmuS l l"!","' t.Ai ' Mm tli Kst nr....-,. . '"' anil west by the more or less, with tl,. 54 I'V1'1'"". is ert-i-tttl m ... . ' !.'" ,rM,'iees, wnereon HOMlrySfy fcArMKI,.,A,U.KI) builtllnifs. " K i,A"N' iiecssiiry out- m.ldemalaX:i',, ISAAC WK1ANI), y J.me. Crouse. WIIJJA Attorney. Kieeutors. AND ENCYCLOPEDIA M STATISTICAL VOLUME OF . . Over (0,000 Facts arid Figures Containing Over 600 Paget IWnfinnnn , - Special Features. nilllonalrei of the United States: Parti cular! About Three Thnusand American Magnate. Organized Uiburj Strength of the Labor Unions. The Trusts. I'nitfd State Census. New'Ccnsus ofCurnpeanCour.trie.s. Tha Nicaragua Ctinul and the Hay-Paunce-fota Treaties With Ureal Britain. The Re lations of Cubn With the United 5talos. The fftfj' I Conference of Ameri Vj?l can kcnubliis nt the City of Mexico. Tlie Anarchist Statistics of This Country and Europe. Pro cress nf Aerial Navigation In 1901. The New York Municipal Election of 1901. Agriculture. Manufactures, lortallty. FACTS ABOUT POLITICS. THE BOOK THAT BELONGS IN EVERY OFFICE AND IN EVERY HOME OP EVERY AMERICAN. eg. ai.- 9 ECONOMY IN FEEDING. Host to IIullil n Imw riatform Will t hct-li Loss of Corn Vii to I lie Honrs. l.;irfrt- iiiani il ics of corn arr,: are wasted mi many farms in tin belt w here linjjs are fed, liecausc are fed nn the ground instead u low pint form. Ketinniny in ilie matter of feed great impnrtiincp in any kind ofv msr, ami H nl he particularly a uble llii-- -.ir in feeding corn t; to fco di.-'i.vii.-e it as to prevent necessary loss. jiuen oi me corn triven noL trampled into Ihe frround, and t hi capes. Wherever they are fed ci erable rootin;; will be done, and il rains come places are formed , which .hundreds of kernels find way. Every farmer knows this ' enough. We have suggested alowplatfor: a means of checking the loss indie. It should be made of coarse oak ber and be large enough to accm:! late the number of hogs fed up I large herd. It would not, of cour practicable to construct a plat!! large enough for very large numbi: swine. The platform should have a so: rim on two or three sides to prffj the hogs from rolling or rootm corn 4IT. and Ihe floor should be three or four inches from the grot TI otrs fid on this platform wii every gra'a of corn given them, aY will more t !ia n pay for itself in a -time. Fanners' Voice. IS lit BOARD ON STONE WALL If A Vnlunlile Hint for I.ocnlltle W Stout Ih rientlfiil anil Lumber, t prnalve. f Many pastures in the older piir'f the i-ouiilry are bounded by i-t- walls which are seldom eonstn.pf so as lo turn sheep, and not nl' ci' : 1 1-. Di-ivin-r stakes beside the wi -jff ai.il nailing n top board to these, i J 7 IS ITE MOHT " VI IIIC. oothw.ylnff de . . . ... , tie. Alia HITS T t o a-,.,,, win ,llow yotli WlMto ao When In ilo how to ret command of unseen forces. Send 1 ''u 8J Pearl Buffalo, N. V. Crip brings wealtnets, exntuttlon, nenrout wottratiorv. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cure them. Yonot,, Mtl ''""'y o""'l- price. Unoiit j-onr own What size place and how much do you want to pay, etc. t AddresB, STILES A COLEMAN, 12-5- 5t. Mountain View, Mo. Prie I STANDARD nr AMERICAN ANNUAL. s.OCIS.1 AT ALL NEWSDEALERS. HI WORLD Pulititr 11., ttm Urk STuP WORKING FOR OTHERS You'll bevi-r get ahead to that way Oct out of the rut. hii.uII truck fiirin. on any teruin-!$10 down ai.d Sfl a ir.Outh will ni.iku 300 in t-ncn-dent. The Prudential Colony of Virginia oflW 1 UaiitageH that cannot Le se cured 1 , any other locality. A pro greni.no community composed of uor l.i'iD people, Iocatd in a de lib'htful climate, wiithin easy reach of the largeHt markets in the world. Uood hunting; lish and oysiers in abundance. W.ite for pamphlet. Address, THE JIRTJDENTIAL .W01, VIRGINIA. lOOEast 41th St., New.York, N. Y. TOP ltOAKD OX STOX13 WA1.H often done, does not bring the h permanently in the right posit ion f the wall. 1 lie illustration shows this object iniiv be attained bv 1. strips of board for stakes. The s:f are fitted at the top after beingdr into the ground, and an auger host then bored close to the surface of soil, in each strip on both sides, a round nn fis driven through. board canont be pressed either s even in soft ground; in a firm soils' a pin is not needed. Fred O. Siblw- Ohio Farmer. Constant Cultivation Pays, Constant and clean cultivation is best guarantee against the disastif effects of drought. The dryer its comes the more rapidly should work be done. The dust blanket t modern inveiitiou, and a good 4 With the Improved implements W available, this work can be done rf idly, and as the work should be' shallow, only a light team is req"'1 When a shower falls, the implcici should be started as soon s the will pulverize, and the dust blailf I reestablished. This will hold the ter In the soil for the use of thepl1 r arm ana itanca.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers