iC PRBPAR&- SXPRESaLY FOR THE FOaT PY IT3 CORP3 Of CORRKSPONDENTS v' ' ' : " S If OUT TKEVOUTON. Toledo ll-Mitz of Sliaiiiokin liii-'r several ilays h1t the 1 roof. Delia Krehlw t.f DumWe il:i-8 of tlio iKWt week r si iter, Mrs. A. W. Aueker. n Ueif iiuule a business trip -rove Wednesday. II. F. Charles hpeiit a few j I,. u-K'lt with her nister-in-1 Mrs. (ledge llerntKI at C'li:ij-1 M. A. illasser I" :m ml airy Ihimih'ns call in t,;vn Tloirs- j Mamie ami Jennie Charles! lie quests of (ieo. Sir i--er ill- at Solinsjirove over Nun-; I). (J. Stalil au.i il.iM-'tti r, J spent Thursday a! Cli:i. ii::in j Iccincil guests ol Mr.-. iiaa kns. is Cliarles and Jackson Strn!: I visitors at the county seat iv. i o ,. vj, !., I llOgul ."-ill III umni.iy , on :e ami sen at SoliusgTove. Cora Keieheiihaelt and Mrs. Win. Metzger of 1 un- Vssed through town Friday. ler (iuy Xcitz of Sun'mrv relatives during the week. 1). JJogar and wife spent days with theii daughter, Lloyd Speece, who resides WII. Henry Sc-hrawiler spent with her daughter, Airs. ie llershy at Sunluiry. Shaller paid his paietils a ver Sunday. Iry itanier una mute ot la passed town Saturday en- ' ..1.1 I. ncrry party surprised Harvey ?s ut his liome Tuesday even- Ink Seurle made a business Mahatitango Wednesday. P. (Ml!irlla fiohl Ilia Iliillcu vu street to Jerre Snyder, and uove to Akron, Ohio in the lture. J. K. Uogar and wife spent days of!; st week with rela- t Sliainokiu. W. Stroh of Sunluiry visited ther Sunday. . Carwell and daughter, Mrs 3. 1 landers called on M. It. d and wife their brother and respectively, at Selinsgrove '. Charles, wife and son spent with Geo. Hcrrold'a at Ian. limit Should Sever itrhn. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the reined v tbiii btoipeit it lor Mm. N. A. Wobbler of Wiume, Va., tii6 writes "'Dr. King' Nw Lite Pill whol.y cllrt'il Ww of sick LeuJachi'U 1 tutd sutlWed from lor two years." Cure He nlm-he, Coij I ation, Lihout.fct'HB. 2'e at .Mnl.tk buig Drug Co., Dray hill, "hi iiju.ii & Co., Hicutiehl, Ph., Mr. J. Sv'.siwup sell, PeuiiHCrei k, IV SELINSOKOVE. ASTORIA Jor Infants and Children. 'nil Von II.... 11 n Ll iiu iuu nm Always Dougni tho re of uUNDOKK. They say that the liest way to train up a child in the way it should go is to go that way yourself. George A. Wentel sold a fat hog to a party at ! Icrudon. , The Canal l?iilge at Henry Hoot's will be tukeii down by t'ie permission of the l'enna. Canal Co.' and the canal lilted up to make an ! easy crossing for our coal diggers 1 who took fUO tons of coi:l out last' year. I Our tax collectors coinplainaboiit some of our tax payers, why not give them the medicine that their case requires. John II. Wise filled his icehouse. George Campbell is still confined to his liouse but slowly improving. 21 lbs. of sugar for 1 tit Dun dorc. Some of our farmers are haulinr lime and believe it is a paving in- 1 o eslnicnt. Our old pensioners were much pleased last week with Uncle Sam. The Post of last week was worth 1 to any thoughtful reader. The Congress that meets at iin dore's store every evenning is well attended and questions of national importance are often under discus sion. J. B. Staufer sold his tobacco to John Ilotitz of Frecburg at a satis factory price. The misunderstanding between one of our school teachers and one of his pupils has been adjusted. Our shoemaker does good work and has many customers. Since the canal has been aban doned many teams hauling ties are passing through town. Several of our young men intend to hire out next summer. Our solid winter allords jio sleighing and no protection for the grain. It is believed that nature will build a bridge at I'ort Trcvorton before the grand jury will. Geo. B. lline and wife of Kant passed through town. The wedding bells the other night had an unusually clear sound. II. C. Hoover lias the contract to furnish the stone for the Ilemdon Bank building. Produce higher at Dundore. Several fann9 are not rented yet, and yet, farming is the most inde pendent pursuit. Heavy tax payers ought to be elected to fill township oflices. UT. I'l.h.V.SA.N V MILLS The farmers Institute held at this A surprise party was given A. p'we Fridiy and Saturday, wus W. Potter on Tuesday eve last it largely attended. The speeches Ining his birthday. Trinity Luth. : very were creditably delivers!. Choir and a nuiuU-r of friends The farmers took nn active interest assembled at the house and afier a i the procetdings. program had I nun rendered Dr. j A spelling leo was held in the Fooht, Pastor, iu well chosen words Primary school Monday even'mr. presented the .Npi.rc a line Morris; T. t,,,. HH.;t.t t t , is iu a flourishing condition. re You Moving the Right Direction ? We have been d i o uivviug kiiu Musi vva'h. W on much of our stock wo have ruled the prices to such uiun we expect me goods to move very rapidly. Groceries Ginger Snaos. 5 lbs. 2 P. Jc; btrmg Iieans, 4 cans 25c; Shredded Cocoanut, 5c: io. uc; Aame oyrup, 8c; Shredded Wheat, 11c; Ex act, per bottle, 5c; Fancy Japan Kice, 7c; Fancy Caroline ice, 5c; Catsup, big bottle, 5cf Preserves, 12c; Falcon But sr backer, 5c; All other Groceries at the same low prices. Kemember IS by 3G Turkish owelsfor ony IO cents. ther Towels for 5 and 10 cents. (THE) RACKET Ath Pine St., Sellnsffrove, Pa. Juntry pr(xluce in exchange. Telephone connected. - chair the v. ill of the Choir. It was aeeepted by the 'Spiire in a few feeling remarks thanking the choir. Harvey II. nipt sold the most of his li. usehold g(M:s idirday. He his neeepled a position in New .JiTsev. The Week of Praver was ohserv ed by Trinity, Latli. eluireli, large audiences being the rule. Ira C. Sehiieh and wife spent Friday very pleasantly at Sunluiry among friends. Landlord I let trick made a busi i less trip to Wilkes Bar re last week. Prof. Woodrull, 1 in of the University, made a trip to Williams prot last Friday. Ii-v. Warner and wife attended the funeral of the Kev'd's mother who lived near York. Mrs. Til lie Mertz nee (Von Neida) of Williamsport came to pay a visit to her parents and became ill so much so that at one time her life was dispaired of. She, however, is now, improving. The planing mill seems to be as busy as the shoe factory. There seems to be plenty of orders to keep them busy. A lecture was delivered by Miss Sowers of Washington to the ladies of the town on Friday afternoon. None but ladies were admitted. Dr. B. F. Wagenseller attended the sessions of the Lycoming Co.. Med. Society at Yrilliamspoit Fri day. Mrs. Lank Kreeger visited friends across the river lliursday. The Basket Ball game between Fraekvillc Y. M. C. A. team and Susq University team Saturday evening was witnessed by a large audience. The score was Fraek- Ml . ii ,v vine o.), rsusii. m, The iii' r-l of l.onur 1.1 fo Consists in kecpinir all the uiainor sans of the body boaltliy, regulai actoin, and in quicklv destroying dead disease ircrms. Klectnc Bit ters reiruliite Stomacb. Liver and Kidneys, purify tho bluol, aud srive a splendid appetite. Iliey work wonders iu curing Kidney Troubles, I'einalo CoiuDlaiiits, Nervous Di mchsph. Count ipnt ion, l)yHpcima am Miluii.i. Vigorous health aud strength always follow their use. Onlj, OK,-, guaranteed by Middleburjj Dim? tJo.. OraybilJ. (Jarman & Co, Riehn'eld, Pa.. Dr. J. V. Sampsell, rennscreek, 1'a. Vfrltlcallnn, "I wouliln tnkp nutlin' dat dofsn' hMonff to me," said Mr. KrastiiH I'ink ley. "I kin now uni)uhstn'," rejoined Miss Miami llrown, "how de repoht got out dat you is a po' provider an' yoh fam'ly nebber lias chicken fob d in ncr." Wushi ng-t on St u r. GrttliiK llimn o Kncta. Merritt First you say you love n and then you say you don't. Cora Well, don't you know you can't believe more than one-half what a girl says? Merritt But In this case, my dear, which half shall I believe? Judge. Wrong Again. Foot init Who wa that impudent lit tle brat who came into your room and acted in such an ill-bred manner while I was calling on you this morning? Mr. Meikton Kr why, to tell the truth, that is our youngessou. Ohio State Journal. Ilail Manners. Auntie Don't you know, Bobbie, that it's very bad mnnnera to put your knife in your mouth? I'.obbie Don't you think, auntie, that it's very bad milliners to stare at your guests when they're eating? (jiaxgow Times. Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c All drunlita. Want your moiuUcli or bwd bwuUXul mm or ran dims t inn an rai::!mDYE era JWkurd of Kichfield, at T. (!. Aibugast's attended till LiikIh i ear Mrs. Dr., was visiting JMimiay. Sane of our peitplt funeral of Almahaui near Kvcndale, Friday. The executors of the e.-t:ite ot John M 'iigel will dipc of hi personal property Saturday Jan ISth. CENTK r?TJVNSl IIP. Mrs. Win. Carson and childrenof Williuiiispnrl are visiting frienn. and rclativts iu thin vicinity. J. F. Binganiau erected a new blacksinitli shop, the other week, which shows that there is hiisiucs pluck and pcrseveraiic. -about Mr. I!. The. revival meeting in the U. Hv. church in CVntreville is stil in progress. Kev. Miner will eotiH! to aid llcv. Auraud in tin series of meetings. The people are storing away iei for next summer and this is the kind of weather they prefer. How's 1 his? We offer One Hundred Dollars He ward forauyk-aseof Cararrh that, em uot be cured (by Hull's Catarrh Cure. P. J. C1IENKV. & CO., Props , Toledo, Ohio. We, undersicned. have known 1"' J Cheney for the list lfi years, am believe Lim perfectly honornblo to nil business transactions and (inane ally ablu toeftrry out any obligatioiir made by their firin. West &Truav, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kiunun, &, nlarvin, Whole--ale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Sold by Druggists, 7.. ilall h Family PiIIh ht.) tho I est. I'AXTUN'Vll.l.K. Mrs. James lcitrich and daugh ter Marie of Swincford, Mr and Mrs. '15. F. llciinbaeh and Mrs. A. L Erdley of New Berlin were visitors iu town during the week. Kev. Shainhaeli commenced a series of meetings iu the Fvan gflical church here last week which are to continue fur an indclinite length of time. liester K. Dcrr caim- home from licwistown Saturday to spend several days, with his parents. Prof. Chas. Derr was a visitor in Middlehurg, Saturday. Mr. L. E. Derr and lady friend Miss llattic Shainbach enjoyeil a pleasant drive to Beavcrtown Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Howell and Uriah Howell of Beavcrtown visited Mrs. Mary Howell Sunday. liev. W. K. Dcihl delivered a very interesting sermon in the Hassinger's church, Sunday A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Derr visited Jacob Freeds in Beavertowo, Satur day. HORTICULTURAL HINTS. "Any old thing" will not do in these day? the package must be neat, clean and attractive. If you wish to transplant trrrs this fall it will be best to wait till the leaves have fallen. The raspberry and blackberry bushes should huve the old wood out out before being laid down for the winter. The grower of fruit must put it in such packages as his customers like if he expects to make fruit growing a finuncial success. The freight, cartage and package on poorly packed fruit, or that, which is of poor quality, cost as much as in the case of well packed fruit and that of good qflality. The proceeds are more on the latter, hence the profit is greater. When caring for the vegetables do not forget the house plants that may need repotting or that must be taken from out-of-doors to a warmer place if the good wife or daughter sees to this you see that he has- a "lift" on the heavy part, getting the toil ready and carrying tua plant in. Farmers' Voice. NATIONAL CELEBRITIES Declare Pe-ru-na to Be the Greatest Ca tarrh Remedy of The Age. CMARRH MH JLTJfiVi wtmm COLDS COUGHS SORE- THROAI GRIPPH CROUP HOARSE NESS CHIEF JUSTICE CHAMBERS, OF SA MOA, Says: "I can recommend I'eruna as one ol the wry best remedies for catarrh. I recommend Peruna to all sufferers. " g-i ii Ml -mm Senator John M. Ttwr Ston, t Omaha, Neb., writes: Peruna entirely relieved mc of a very Irritating cough, lama firm believer in its efficacy for any such trouble." Hon. William Young' J '-food, Auditor of the Interior, rites from Washington, D. C, to Ur. hart man, Columbus, O., as ft Hows : "I've often heard ci your great medicine and have pcrsuud lj my wife, who has been much of a sufferer from catarrh, to try Peruna, and after us'.ng one bottle she has wonderfully improved. It has proved all you haw claimed for it." Hon. Rufusli. Merchant, Superintendent and Dis- bursing Officer, U. S. Post' Office, Washington, D. C, says: I take pleasure in commending your tonic, having taken a bottle of Peruna with very beneficial re sults. It is recommended to me as a very excellent cuicrLt cure." Congressman David Wilbcr, of Oneonta, N. Y.. writes: 1 am fully convinced that Peruna is all you claim fur ii after the use of a few bottles. " , , Congressman Irvine Duncan, of Jackson, O., writes: desire to join with my many friends in recommending your invaluable remedy Peruna to any one in need of an invigorating spring tonic, or whose system is run down by catarrhal troubles."' We have letters from thirty eight members of Congress attest ing to the virtues of Peruna, Thousands of people in the com' man walks of life use it as jl iitnily medicine. Vor book of testimonials address The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum bus, O. NOTES FOR STOCKMEN. When the lings are fat ship to (Mar ket or get them into the purl, Innv:. Any hay that, is bloarbcii by Mmm or long exposure to the weal In r, i: lint moldy or rolten, may lie fed mi' now- but do not starve any animal -o rat it; feed a little at a lime a;: l ie grain to lone up its quality. Clover hay, pumpkins. imine,',e i r other bulky food will keep ihe Im- , thrifty ami growing through ihe win ter. If you have a supply of each it may be well to feed the pumpkins first, then tho beet.s and the i-luver uut or noarcst spring. rillilN Wit)- l l.i ve I. ..ii... The KtiU tlmg BllllOlllieeini nl of a Discovery that will sun k lengthen hfois made liy KditorO. II. Iiowim v of ChiiruluiKco, Jml. "I wish tn -l ite." iie write-, "that Dr. Kiiij;'. New Discovery for Consumption j- he most infallible remedy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds undUrip It's iuvalualile to people with weak lungH. llaviiigtliis won lerful medicine no one need ilreud Pneumonia or Consumption. ts re lief is instant and cure certain. The Middlehurg Uriur Co., (iniv liill, O truiuti and Co.. Ku hlicM, l'i. Dr. J. W. Siuipsol, l'enuscioek, Pa. guarante o.erv "nc and sjl.uii liottie, and give trial holt 'cm free. 'I nn. Too Tl-u. 'Mrs. Meeker," observed a friend of the family, "is a very superior womnn. She can ronverse inielli. gently, 1 believe, on a i!i ... .ami dif ferent topics." "Yes." sighed Mr. Meeker. "And ehe docs." Chicago Journal. nnpiioitr. "T don't understand ho .v Ftbf i Mo! Ii wing ever got engaged to such ii steady, mat t er-of-faet, young man, .aid one girl. "It was easily managed," answered! tlie other. "She e.ol a cook bonk- jln.'l. the covers nil' ami inserted the; I I'.i per-back novel he happened t be ! ! '.idillL'. The ii.lv fellow Ihnuj-llt she was going- to make a womii rl'ul I 'm.i -evv ile." V. : i lii Hi-1 'in Star. II 11M ler. i I 'ii in pk i in I ii 1 i- I In y till me tin I when a city teller proposes lew ii .-i!v gal she always says: "Oh, liiin i .-iiddc-n:" l lie, haw Well. I bet's only nat ural. Why. them city fillers don't think not Inn' of propo.iu' lew a tin; lliev've only h.-pl enmpaiiv .-. il'i for thiT.. it- lour ai-. l!ro .!vi'. lJ..:.'le. Am II Seemeil In llriiluel. Mrs. frills - Now that 1 have paged .vnu, P.ridget, I am going t. gin right, away to give you a training in the art of waitir giie.-ts. Vim see, my daughter is com illL' out next 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IJriilgct Ind.ide, mum! Inr.r was she siul up for? Jiispnloh. Ko Scruplrn. Almsgiver Why don't yon use wn tcr once in awhile? Dusty Dan I do, mister; I'd jis' ns leef ride on a steamboat as a freight. Ohio State Journal. Moth er "My mother was troubled with consumption for many years. - At last she was given up to die. Then she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you arc coughing today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Ttin limn: chohkIi for nn ordinary eold Wr Ju.t rlKlit fur br"lit-liUit, lumma nsM. hnril cilill. atci gl. niont ni'uiiiiniu-al '.ir ft pw yil I i im.i en lifiritJB. B f II lie. ii tie Oil An' how Kiehui'iml ItllllP Sictllj-. I'lder I'assiiip.-- My boy vt rites Inline that, your son .lack isn't get ting along- very fast at college. Deacon Oldham-Don't you believe v. hal your hoy's tellin' you. elder. Jack's goin' through fast enough, lie runs invuv ahead of his allowance every mouth. Chicago Kecord-Iicr-uUl. Force of Habit. "Have you no regret?" we asked of the druggist who had served arsenic instead of quinine. "No," he replied, "but I hnve some thing just as good." However, he well knew that pected him to my this, elsi would we have writ ten the lii's tion? Baltimore American. ex hy ei- A Uentle Hint. "Do you u I ways proa.-!i ' notes?" inipiired the new v- .in "Yes," replied the old miuUt.-. "Don't you think you might d bet ter if you preached with notes?" "I'ndoiibtcdly I would if they were five or ten-dollar notes." Philadel phia J'ress. I'mlntM) Out 'I II nn N., . "My dear Miss P.illiuore," idly wrote young llunkinsun, "1 riiur'u lierewitli your kind note- iu which you accept my- otTcr of marriage. You will observe that it begins I ar (icorge.' 1 do not know who (lenrge is, lint, niy iiaiiie. as you kuiv-, is Uilliam." -Chii-a.-o Tribune. I'llllll-l'lllU. "Vou nee," she .-aiil, w:r u he rv turned liftet- many year-, "inivv eae iully I have kept your book of puein!,?' "Ves," he answered, with a sigh, ivhen he had gluuced lliroagU i; "there isn't a finger mark or a turned leaf anywhere." t'hlcii go ItTnrd-Her-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers