7 '" 7 . f th al ti; . i: ou it St CI at n to K 'J 7 X 1 f !' Publishid Every Thursday Morning 1KO. W. WAGENSELLKR. A. M. RDITOH AMD OWHSR. bl'llSfRIlTIOS RATES. 91.041 per yer pmirl In aiirttticc. SI.IIO wr jmr If not paid lu s'vsucc .Siiiule copies, Hr On la. Advertising; Kntra. crnM per line, nonpareil measure, mailt (or first inwrlim. iti.il sn rrnU per line (or earh subse quent Insertion. l"KKU'lt Nrnrtne County Court llouse, between the Fir" Nalionr.1 Itank auil the OnuntyJalL j Vtol. xxxix Jan. 15, l!K)2. Number 3 LITTLE Kill SDHOOL HOUSE. Dll. N ATI I AX C. SCHAEFFKU, Su jK'iiiiti'iiiK'nt ot Public Instruction, lias just siiliniittiil lii.s annual rcjMirt to the Gov ernor. I hi e arc a few interesting figures: XuidIht of win Mil districts in the state, 1,51C; muulxr of scliools, li',,0 4t; iiuiiiImt oi'graditl schools 1(,"J."; iiiiiiiIkt of siiH'rinteiidcnt.s, 1 11; number of male ttwhers, 9,19-1; mnnlicr of fe male teachers, '20,,sr0; whole number of teachers, 30,011; average salaries of male teachers per month, S 1 1.1 I; averagesalariesof female teachers per month, :9.2:'; average length of school term in months, S.'JS; whole num'oer of pupils, l,l(il,r2 1; average number of pupils iu daily attendance, S 1 7,1 1"; cost of school houses pur chasing, building, renting, etc., 8 1,9S2,0!K). 19; Tcschers' wages, 11, 3."o,33-l.-l7; cost of school text books, 7",987.lO; cost of school suj)plies other than text looks, including, maps, globes, etc., not including Philadelphia, 133; .r97.7t; fuel, contingencies, fees of collectors and other expenses, ?", 'J7", 382.32; total expendi tures, 22,.S13, 395.11; state appropriation lor the school year ending June 4 ,.1900, 5,000, 000; estimated valve of school property, r,l,122,39S.SS. IIistduian M.ui.AY hasn't yet giveu out any letters of regret received by him because of his Hidden departure from the naval service., TilK Department of Agriculture recently purchased from a well known seed dealer a bushel of clover seed for G.00. After taking out the dirt, weed seed, etc. it was found that the price of the genuine clover seed amounted to 96 per bushel. No farmer will burn corn or hay in a stove, in order to keep his animal warm in winter, but he burns extra quantities of such materials in the bodies of the animals when lie does not provide warm cpuaiters. Heat must be procured from fuel of some kind, and the auimals must have the fuel or tall otl in weight and produc tion. Warm quarters save food and prevent diseases. TiiKUK is every indication that Congressman Malum will be ekfted Commander of the Grand Army as many delegates from various parts of the State and others in his interest will le elected later. At the last election for this jmsi- tion he wa second highest and Is, therefore, justly entitled to the place next time lie is ably equipped for the positiou ami the Depart ment will make no mistake in selecting him as its bead. Statisticians announce that there were 118 legal executions in the United States last year, of whom 71 v.ere. black and 47 white. The number lynched was larger than the number sentenced to 'death. The Philadelphia Record thinks that the uncertauty of punishment has much to do with mob violence, t specially in the South the law is not gisvn an opportunity to be enforced, especially w here the culprit is a colored man. ' He is h'inttd down like a dog and shot where lie is foiii.J. if the law was permitted to take its course he would meet with his full measure of punishment, while in many cases, possibly, 'niiownl men would not suffer unjustly. CANDIDATES' ANNOUNCEMtNTS. 'ngrraa To lb Kepublicaim ot Snyder County : I respevtlulljr submit myself a a candidate for the county nomination lor Congrn man, hrnmlftinis. if nominated, to make eel rone; fight for tlie district nomination. I solicit the votes of all Republicans. A. M. SMITH. Tjik partial failure of the potato crop in this country has made the importation of foreign jMitatoes profitable. Nine cargoes are now en route in steamships from Belfast, Ireland, Prince Georges and Inverness, Scotland. The tubers arc said to lie exceptionally fine. Mmy orders have been placed in advance for them. These importations arc likely to keep the price of M)tatoes from a material advance at least until spring, when the supply may again grow some what short. TilK Republican standing Committee deserves the commendation of every person w ho believes in fair play. The assessments on candidates for once are low enough to command the respect of honorable men. The mcmltcrs of the committee should get revenue enough to pay theirexpenses, but the large dividends of the past simply pro mote dishonesty in public office. Is THIS remarkably kind and honey -lieartwl weather to last? Is winter on its last legs before it has trot it second wind? Iu fact, is there to lie any winter? Not if the prairie dog lias mystical lore. There are thirty of these prophets iu Lincoln Park, Chicago. For the first time in thirteen years mark the fateful number they liae roused them from their r.lecp in midwinter and come out of their holes; conic out to eat instead of waiting for the frost to come out, as their' custom has been. The superintendent of the park and the guardian of the prophetic beasts swear that the cold days arc over and dune. The prairie dog doesn't take the troub ' to wake up for nothing. Rut s the prairie dog trustworthy? He may have a genius for weather, but has he the shrewdness and cool judgment of the woodehuck? Keep on your furs till the groundhog comes. AsMmblr To the Republican voters of Miyder County : 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Assembly subject to the rules ol the Re publican Primary. Kindly eliciting; your votes and the ueueAl of sour inlluence, lam very sincerely yours. F. O. BOWKIWOX. Mlddleburu, Pa. HI ate Drlr(ate Editor PoT I'lease announce our name as candidates for State (tolerate. JAUUH li. K1IOVDS. Miamokin Dam. . IRWIN Quay HI Ub. I axtonville. Pa. Nherin Editor I'oiT, Please announce my nam asa caudiilute (or the Kepublicui nomination fur Sheriff. 1 was defeuted before for this prise and am rtill a loyal ICepuuiican and always will lie, nu mutter wiutt Imppen. I kindly auk ail ltoublicans (or their fuithdil support at the Kcpub:iuau primary, reu. IS CUAS. E. SAMl'SKLL. Peunscreuk, l'a. ('utility I r'Kiirrr To the ltcpublicon volers of Snyder County: I am cnniliilate for the nomination ol Coun ty '1 rctfurer and solicit your support at the commie piimary election on Fell. 15. W. 11. KILOLE. Spring Township. Tothe Republicans of Snyder County: I wish to announce myself asa candidate for the nominution for Trvuniirer, promising, if iioiiiiiintud and elected, to faithfully disonurne the dutii'Hof the olliuu. 1 uslc for loyul suppurt ofull HVpuliliuius. l, NOKMA.N APf. Alourou 'i wp. Divorce Notice. To John P. Stank, let of Sbamokln, Pa. t WHBREAt. Stella V- Stank, your wire, has filed a libel in the Court of Common Pleas of envdor County of December Term It l, alias uopoena in oivorce tso. , praying a divorce against you, now yon are hercbt noli fled and reouircd to aonear in airi ftmrt on Mundsy, the iMIh day of Krbriur'. next, to answer the complaiut o( the said Stella V. Slank, and In dedtull of such appearance you will be liable to have a divoree grunted In your usvuvo. . w. Kirn, Sheriff of Snyder County. Mlddleburgh, Pa.. Jan. 14, IM. 4U Mi:. Uouskvki.t is a remarkably lucky man. lie had scarcely entered the White House when the lire-eaters were gnashing their teeth over the Piooker T. Washington incident. Then he has had the good luck to have Henry Watterson sling ink at him and now Senator Tillman, he of pitch-fork fame, has call!tl him the" stormy pe tral" of polities. Pi'JilNt; this cold weather horses should be covered with good blankets when left standing out. When a horse is driven he is warmed by the exercise, and then to be left standing still in the cold air uncovered he becomes chi I led anil may take cold. Many a good horse is lost by such negligence. Money paid for horse blank ets is well invested. It is more than saved in feed, and often saves a horse from sickness and I death. l?c.;ides that rhould be done from a j humanitarium point of view. To neglect it is j cruelty to the animals and violation of the ; statute and divine laws. "A ritrhtcwiis man regarded! the life of his beast, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." Prov. 12: 10 County Coniiiiiiwloiicr. ' Kditor Poht, I desire you to announce my name throiiKh your worthy paper as a candidate for county L'oiumiHtjioner. I httve been a votor in this county for the punt thirty four years and huvo always beMi u ntaunch hepiihlicun. 1 huve nevor been ucuiididutu for a county ollke be fore, and if tliu people see Hit to elect me, 1 would unsure them tliut 1 would do allinuiy power to curry out their wishes lvesiectfully vourn, JONATHAN KhlCuKSBACH1 Shadle, To., Deo. 16. 1U"1. Kditor PtwT, Please announee my name as a caudiilute for County Coiumisnioiir. 1 am wil ling to stand upon my ot record as Coiiiinis biouer und solicit your votes. JOUX 1". WET.ia, Iieavertown, Pa. Kditor Post, Please announce my name as a candidate (or the llepilhlieiin nomination as l'omuiiBloiier subject to the rules governing the primary election. , 11AKISISON MOYKK. Aliildlcburg, Pa, Kditor Povr, Please announce my nomc as a cnmluiat ror nomin.itioii of County Commis sioner. Monroe lias not hud a commissioner for 15 years. I respcetfullv solicit the votes o( ull KepulilieaiiH. IIKNJ A JI1N 111 JIM EL, Sit. Monroe Twp.,. Ian. 13, CANDY CATHARTIC - leJi''li'TTlrtgIm? (klMllM ftJaMtd CC C Never lold In bulk. 9tmn oi ttw feakr who triu to tell iMcadhlnf fust at food." Ha Dial Mia Beat. Matnma t,seereiy) Area t you ashamed to be caught atealing the Jam? Willie It ain't my fault. Mamma Xot your fault? Willie No'm. 1 1 did my best not to let you catch me. Philadelphia, Press. Mallrloaa Blaader. "Never will I irive inv CIlllKent.,, ssirl Mr. Fairchild, firmly. "He only want to marry you so that he can pay hit bills. "Pshaw! pana." routed his daugh ter, "Charlie never thinVs of paying hi bills. Town Topics. Entirely Too Ton as. "Xo," said a fond mother, fpeak intr of her 25-year-old diitiphter; "no, May isn't old enouph to ninrry yet. She cries whenever anyone scold her, and until he becomo. hardened enouph to reply vigorously she isn't fit for a wife." Tit-Hits Domestic Differences. Mrs. Knpeck James, you are pood on liingTiiifje; what in the difference between exported and transported? Mr. Enpeck Why, my dear, if you should fro to England you would be exported, and I well, I would be transported. Sunny South. saving ruir, lie (at a swell restaurant) You may have anything on the bill of fare, dearest. Shall I read it to you? She No, darling. Just read it to the waiter. Chicago Daily News. Too Expensive a Luxury. She What did papa say? lie lie said he'd be delighted to have me for a son-in-law, only h couldn't afford it. Stray Stories. Mew Centnrjr Comfort. Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, Bcalds. Cuts. .Bruises; conquers Ulcers, and Fover 8ore: cures Kruptions, Salt Itheum. Boils and Feluns; removes Corns and Warts, Beir. Hiln cure on earth. Only 2rc at Middleburg Drug Co , Gray bill, Garman & Co., Kichtield, Pa., Dr. J. VV, Sampsell, Pennscreek. Pa. 1572 S. MEIS 1902 30th ANNIVER BARY MM We believe this will be the greatest buying opportunity ever offered to tbe people of tins section. If you buy one Dollar's woitb of goods, you will save 20 cents. If you buy ten dollars, you will save two dollars. A straigbt 20 per cent. Discount on every dollar's wortb of HH-H-W-HH-Hl-HH-W-I-i-K- Corsets, CarjK'ts, Window Simile?, Watclics, Cloth, Calicos, SlH'ctings, Yarns, "White Cloodd, lloiscry, Oil Cloth, 'Jcwt'lry, f VAt, ftc. Y y T We beo-in 30th vear of out b-ixsiness with, a Grreat Sale A sale so far reaching in its money saying im portance that it will appeal to the ecomony of our buying public for miles around. To make this sale nil that .v vLw.iuo iv no Dumi s offer a straigbt Discount of 20 percent, on every Dollar's I worth of goods in tbe store. This is to be a SPOT CASH SALE and every cus- t tomer, wbo visits our store during tbe period of tbe sale I f and buys one Dollar's wortb of goods or over, will bo en- S .... . . ... - titled to a diciount of 20 percent, All purchases under one dollar will be at regular prices. There will be nothing reserved. The entire stock is at your disposal. This Sale will begin Saturday morning, January 18th, and end on the following Saturday night, January 25th. Make out your lists and come prepare to buy liberally, as these chances don't otten come your way. Again we would emphasize that this sale is strictly for CASH and the discount only on a continuous sale of one Dollar and over. A straight 20 per cent. Discount on every dollar's worth of 1"! 'I M'ii'M II 1 1 1 1 It II II 1 1 I'M- Dress Goods, Ginghams, Linings, Embroideries, Kid Gloves, Blankets, Linoleums, Silverware. Silks, Muslins, Uuderwcar, Laces, wiiiiinitiiiiiiiinni4 E it S. W E I S. -r-C Selinsjrrove. Pa mill . " T