The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 16, 1902, Image 3

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Trouble Make Tm Miserable.
Almest everybody who reads the news.
ia sure to Know 01 me wonaenui
cures maae oy Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the rreat kidney, liver
II and bladder remedy.
i .
te ii 13 ino great meal
f cJ triumph of the nlne-
1 teenth century; dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, , the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
ame back, kidney, bladder, uric, acid trou
bles and Bright" Disease, which Is the worst
!orm of kldr.ey trouble.
Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root Is not rec
smmendel for everything but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
ust the remedy you need. It has been tested
n so many ways, In hospital work, in private
practice, amonr the helpless too poor to pur
;hase relief and has proved so successful in
very case that a special arrangement hs
seen made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have
ample bottle sent free by mall, also a book
idling more about Swamp-Root and how to
ind out if you have kidney or bladder trouble,
ahen writing mention reading this generous
fcffer In this paper and
tend your address to
for. Kilmer &Co.,Blng
Famton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and Honwof Swrap-Roae,
hollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
A Good Motive.
Hp ronple will talk about you If
you don't exercise a little more dhs-
She Then that just settleN It; it
is a work of charity to jjive one'
neighbors a subject of conversation.
Brooklyn Life.
Conservative Statement.
She I suppose you never met your
aflinity, Mr. Olebach?
He I don't know. One can't tell
one's aflinity except by marrying, and
then it may turn out to be a case of
mistaken identity. Tit-Hits.
The Quarrel.
Mrs. n. (sobbing) When we were
first married you, used to take nif
on your knee and tickle me under the
Mr. H. Yes, but pee whiz! .Tnlia,
then you had onlr one chin. Judge,
'Some time auo my da'JL' 'Ur
It-aught a sevt ri cold. She complain
il of pains in her chest and had a
hud cougn. I cave her (JliHiuuer-
laiu's Cu?h Hetnedy according to
directions nud iu two days sbe watt
well and able to goto school, I have
used this remedy in my family for
the past sevHu Vfiars and have never
known it to fail," says James I'ren
riereasf. merchant. Annato is a y.
Jamaica. West India Islands. The
pains in tbe chest indicated an
approaching attack of pneumonia,
winch in tnis instance wus undoubt
edly warded off by Chamberlain's
Cough Hemedy, It. counteracts any
tendency ot a cold toward pneu
monia. Sold by Middkburg Drug
"ITubby, dear, you must buy a new
"But I don't need one."
"O, yes, you do. I ordered one for
n-.yseir to-day." lleitere Welt.
ff "
???:.'. i?:"i.T.I"ll"bl0- . uk nminrlit foi
' KUI.IH In Red and
M nirtallio Imxcs, seuled with blue ribbou.
7.f.i.T."u "'JT r " diierou .iib.ll
i, l!"!". ? ". iliiyiifyourlmiKKlst,
V "rl-nlnr, Trail,
monlnl. and "Kelirf Tor Im.iir..-' in inter,
aU Uru"i(itir . 1'estiuionlnla.. bold by
100 UadiMin Nquarc, 111 1 LA PA.
McnUcD this paper.
0. h. OWENS-
Collections and Keoons.
Keteronces. First Nnt.inr.nt n,,t,b
Towns Uepresonted :Bellweol, Altoo'na, Il.illl
aaysourj, Huntingdon and Bellefonte 8-8-lyr
A nvm artcinu im iu,
MJ0, i mlnnte), Oold SotM.Felona'eto.ete.
"Colds." Forming Fevers. RIP.
tat Ms. ate bjr auai Mo. mdoawuT
im vm w tmnj minutes.
aF?2.1 curJ by Dr. Mile iai
--? -nwwni unoaa.- At all clmrclsui
1 Gripbrlnt
I tre
exhaustion, nerroui
erWna cmS them. '
n i: r t
IK V I 1 I lit
e &m
Pr aalltlea In Cattle, mm Well mm
Gmmm Ones, May Be Inherle
4 Pernetnnte.
Heredity it the transmission ot char
acter from parent to offspring. This
transmission may be either beneficial
or detrimental to1 the breeder. A poor
quality, as well as a good one, may be
inherited. It is by being able to con
trol this law ot heredity so that only
the good qualities are transmitted
that success is attained, says II. C.
Price, in National Stockmnn. Heredity
is the corner stone of Btock 'breeding-.
Experience teaches every breeder to
judge the future by the past, or the
coming offspring by its progenitors.
The breeder knows what to expect and
feels sure that the young will possess
some of the characteristics of their
A very good example of this estab
lishment of a type in recent years is
to be found in the pure-bred strain of
Polled Durham cutt'.c. The subject of
originating a breed of polled short
horns was agitated 15 fx 20 years ago
and culminated ia the Polled Durham
breed, which we have to-day. The
process followed was to take the best
mulley cows to be found among the com
mon stock and breed to pure-bred short
horn bulls, saving the polled heifers
produced from this union and breeding
back to .pure-bred shorihorn bulls.
This process was followed constantly,
eliminating the common stuck blood
and preserving the polled characteris
tic until for all practical purposes
they were pure-bred shorthorns.
While this process was going on a
pure-bred shorthorn cow in Lorain
county, O., gave birth to twin heifer
calves from a shorthorn bull that were
hornless. About the same time a pure
bred shorthorn bull calf was dropped
without horns. These polled pure breds,
which were in reality "sports," were
mated, the offspring from them that
were polled were saved, and from those
three calves there are to-day several
hundred polled cattle.
Kiperiinenta Conducted bjr French
Government Experts Hove Proved
Quite SutUfuctory.
Many agriculturists in Europe have
long been convinced that molasses is
an admirable food for horses and
cattle, and their conviction ia now
stronger than eveY, owing to certain
experiments which have been recent
ly tried and which proved eminently
The French government has pub
licly notified agriculturists that it
will do all in its power to aid them
in popularizing the new food.
The most notable experiments
with molasses have been made by
. Decrombt-cque, a chemist, and M.
Mannechez, a veterinary surgeon at
Arras. They assert that chopped
hay or grass mixed with molasses is
an excellent cure for asthma, und,
furthermore, that food of this kind
neither loads the stomach nor im
pedes respiration. They also think
it likely that during digestion the
sugar in the food produces alcohol,
and they say Hint, if so, the aniinal't.
health is bound to be beneiitcd
Two other experts. MM, Dickson
and Malpeaux, have also made ex
periments in regard to the effect of
molasses on the general health,
weight and milk of animals, and they
have arrived at the following con
clusions: First, that ordinary food mixed
with molasses quickly increases the
weight of sheep, pigs and cows; sec
ond, that animals which are fed in
this way give nioro and richer milk
than they did before; third, that mo
lasses is an excellent food for horses,
since they quickly acquire a liking
for it and apparently do not lose any
of their strength, the only noticeable
change being a slight tendency to
stoutness, and, fourth, that molasses
can effectively be used with food pf
an inferior quality, since the ani
mals wiil rentlily eat it, whereas they
would not care for it in its natural
M. Albert Yilcorj. a French profes
sor of agriculture, says that the
French' government is acting very
wisely in encouraging farmers to use
molnssps, but he points out that care
should be taken not to give the ani
mals too much of it, as, owing to its
heating qualities, it may produce a
deleterious effect if given too often
or too abundantly. N. Y. Herald. '
Frames of sealed honey should be
l"" lQ5 "" InS'. n n u can-
Ujstni-nj Cirl Pursues Well
K.iovj Yankee
Her ?Inl.l Cnll Her Prince..," mmm
It la .-.irmlncd She May lie
Dnuu-ter t Alexin, One f
the Car's I'nelea.
"Jimmy" Michael, the bicyclist
crack-a-jack, has had a mysterious ro
niauce since he began riding at Paris,
and is the greattai favorite among
the women,
"I don't object to their wnding me
notes and portraits," he says. "My
manager spares me the trouble of
reading their foolish messages. Hut
receiving flowers kills me. Everybody
sends me bouquets, which are carried
to my dressing-room, and I cannot
refuse them without rudeness, yet
they make me feel like a chorus
"Jimmy" was compelled to make
an exception in his disregard ol
femininity two weeks ago, says the
Xi-w York World. While he wai
training on the Pare des Prlneei
track a beautiful girl suddenly dashed
from the riders quarters, to every
body's surprise, for in the morning
only racers are admitted.
The girl took a few leisurely turns,
then "tacked on to" Michael's wheel,
keeping up a tremendous gait at hie
pace easily for two miles.
The boy was unconscious that he
was followed until his truiner, grow
ing impatient, cried:
"Spurt twice around and drop the
lady, 'Jimmy.'"
"Jimmy" turned, saw the girl and
increased his pace, smilingly confi
dent that she would be unable to fol
low. Hut he was mistaken. Try as
he might he could not leave the girl
Finally the trainer, fearing that
Michael would be untit for his after
upon ride, ordered him to desist.
The girl immediately dismounted
and extended her hand to "Jimmy,"
saving, in linglish:
"I admire your riding immensely."
"I'y Jove! I admire yours," ex
claimed "Jimmy."
"Oh, I am good for .-.hort spurts,"
she responded, "hut I couldn't have
(American rraik-a-Juk Who Is tht
Hciisatluu of I'urls.)
followed much longer. Will you be
"With pleasure," cried "Jimmy."
"May 1 inquire who docs me such
".Never mind my name. I will meet
you here every morning."
Thereupon the strange girl handed
her wheel to an attendant and en
tered a luxurious closed carriage,
which had a coachman and footman
in full livery, and drove oil'.
The maiiiitrcr of the Velodrome
was quest iom-d, but could give no in
formation :is to I lie identity of the
young woman, as a servant had ar
ranged for the lady's riding daily,
paying handsomely for the privi
lege. Since that day the girl has been at
tending faithfully, rain or shine, nnd
is fast growing chummy with "Jim
my," though when he questions her
or tries in any way to discover who
she is she grows sullen and leaves
Naturally this has caused consider
able gossip among the habitues of
the track, and some have offered to
follow the carriage and find where
the girl lives, but "Jimmy"- has
threatened to break the head of any
body who tries to spy on her.
She seems to be about 24 years old,
is of medium stature, refined, ath
letic and of surpassing beauty. Ac
cording to experts she rides the
wheel as no other woman ever did.
From the fact that her maid inad
vcrtentjy twice called her "princess"
and occasionally addresses her in
Russian, the Parisians incline to
think that she may be the natural
daughter of (Irand Duke Alexis, one
of the car's tiatdes, the same young
princess about whom so much was
printed three yenrs ago, who lives in
Paris in great splendor nnd proud
isolat ion.
Women In Oil llillnra.
In the paradise of the petroleum in
dustry, Texas, the young ladies of
'Beaumont are organizing an oil com
pany, in which every officer and direct
or must he an unmarried woman. The
desire of the promoters to confine
their undertaking exclusively to wom
en has one limit; they regret that they
will have to let the drilling contract
to a man, as- there is not a single drill
ing outfit in the field owned by a
Ofllelnl Ban on Chickens.
In Los Angeles, Cal., there is an ordi
nance imposing a fine of five dollars
for allowing chickens to run on the
streets and other people's property.
The succesa of the ordinance is such
that the city of Oakland will adopt
one simllsr to It.
m BY V8INQ-.
Dr. Ring's Hew Discovery,
Consumption, Coughs and Colds
Than Bj All Other Throat And
liUSg Semadiia Combined.
This wondarful medicine positively
cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay
Fever, Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
8ore Throat, Croup and Whooping
Frloi 50c. a $1. Trial Bottle Trie.
teeent DI.enverle. la Plant nnd AnU
mal Life on Porto llleo Linn
nnd Moan lale.
Torto Rico is proving to be an in
teresting field tor the scientists in
the employ of the government. They
hnve already discovered much that is
new in plant and animal life on this
island. The United States fish com
mission has been particularly for
ward in this work, and as a result
has just issued a series ot five bul
letins on the subject of some Porto
Iiicnn fishes until recently unknown
to science.
One ot these bulletins describes
two new. fresh water leeches from
Porto Rico, one of them, "Hlaneh
ard's leech," being of a bright crim
son on the hack and a light orange
color on the under surface. This
(One of the Miiny Queer ('reaturcs Found
In Our New Colony )
leech is short and thick, measuring
about 53 millimeters iu length.
The second, which has thus far re
ceived no Knglish name, is very large,
nearly four inches in length. The
colors of this leech are urrauged in
stripes of yellow, red, ash, black,
olive and brown.
Another bulletin deals with 150 or
more sea crabs, shrimp, etc., many
of which are new, ami ranging in
color from u screaming crimson to
dull gray. One of the new crabs is
of a bright turquoise blue, another
a pale rose pink, while a third re
minds one of a, majolica pitcher.
Others bear calico patterns, which
are simply stunning.
ISulletin a inibered 4(11 is perhaps
the most is: cresting, as it describes
a certain cl:i s of crustaceans, which
seems to 1" intermediate between
shrimps am lobsters. The eyes of
these little crawfish are not set in
their heads, but grow on the cud of
long stalks sprouting forth from
either side of the bend. The limbs
of these kI range creatures resemble
tooth brushes, being covered with a
growth of something akin to hair.
The last two r.f the series to be
mentioned describe a world of new
and strange life, gathered from the
sea bottoms around the island.
The Smithsonian institution re
ceived recently a number of speci
mens of bird ami nuiinal life from
Mona isle, a rock-tfunnd is
land off the coast, of Porto liico. on
which the govd-umcnt has just erect
ed a light house.
Mona island is of limestone forma
tion, nnd i. literally honeycombed
with caves, some of which are almost
as large as the Mammoth cave of
Kentucky, and full of the most won
derful stalagmites nud stalactites.
The island has a peculiar fauna of
its own. The accompanying picture
is from a snap shot photograph of
one of the enormous iguana lizards
of that island. These lizards ure
very much larger than those of Cuba
and Mexico.
ka 9 at f v
Made a
Well Man
t asA
produce, the above reunite ln'30 dors. It actl
powerfully ml quickly. Cure, when til others (all
Venng men will rogtln tbetr loet mtutiood. tod old
men will recovor their youthful ior by uelnf
IlliVIVO. It quickly and surely rentoree Nervoue
Beej, Loet Vitality, Impoteocy. Nightly ErulMloni.
tout Power, Falling Memory, Wantlnc DIbi'Mob, and
ill effoota of solf-ebuia or e zee mi and indiscretion.,
which unfits ono tor study, buelnrBs or marriage. It
Dot only curve by sUrtlnRathopft of ditoate, but
lea great nerve tmile and blood builder, bring
ing back the pink clow to pale cberks and r
storing tb. Ore of yonth. It wards off Insanit
and Cotnomptlon, Insist on having HE VIVO, no
tber. It can be carried in vest pocket, ny mall
1.00 per package, or six forao.OO, wltba foal
tdva written guarantee) to rare or relond
to., money. Circular live. Add rata
Royal Medicine Ca.S.
For sale in IMddleburqh, Pa., by
W. If. Bl'TI.KK, Proprietor
418 Market Si., Harrlsburg Pa.,
(Opposite P. R. R. Depot Entrance)
VClle4 for All Trains,
Rooms, 23 nnd 30c. Good Meals, 25c
ot.!1pir'l lt) do B.00 par week
Good accommodation.. U
nt?v rMr.!Arf rrrff
f m now, g
Dsn5? si' TJorib
To q CuroiJ of
People who suffer from habitual constipation w ith all its attendant ilia,
flogged stomach and bowels, sluggish liver, heartburn, indigestion, and thin
and impure blood, are too apt to believe that the only remedy is violent
purgatives. The contrary is the case. Such cathurties, even if they do mova
the bowels, aro irritating and griping, leavo the stomach inflamed and enfeebled
and the constipated condition recurs with greater difficulty of euro and tha
sufferer constantly growing worse. There is a laxative that moves the
bowels without puiu or griping, cleauses the stomach, sharpens the appetiUa,
stimulates tho liver, strengthens the nerves, and purifies the Mood, while ita
marvellous tonic properties-toue up the entire system and keep it healthy.
laxakola Does If
Its remarkable tonic properties reach every organ the liver, Ki.lticvn
and stomach, nerve, heart and brain and removes the cause of your debil
itated condition. This is the only way to secure an absolute and perinanei''
. I.axakola is the only medicine for babies, is purely vegetable and ifn
action is gentle, speedy and effective. For coated tongue, simple feveir,
colds, chills and languid feeling it is tho ideal medicine.
It tastes gootl. fa?" Children like it ami ask fur it.
Laiakola, the great tonic laiative, ti not only the moit fficient ot fjmily rrmrdin, but th moat
economical, because it combine, two medicine,, vii : laiative and tontr, anil at one price, Nu other
remedy gives so much for the money. At druggiits, 15c. and 60c , or ssnd lor Iree sample to LAXAKOLA
CO.. 112 Nassau Street, N. V., or Sot Dearborn Street, Chicago.
When You Do Die, Die of Old Ae.
YOITCAN III' rt'HKDby our combined movement-cure, hydropathy nml Intcrmil treau
turnt. Wc not only niuintuln hut iru;kruutcu ilml vigorous, ml. ixii'utuii: liculi h cm be at
tained ly till who, under our directions, strive fur it by NATl'KA I. ;m. Wc mail you
a li-t ot n'lesiums from which your cusc Is iliuirnnsed by ourslalTiif plivMclunt. Kuril ease
Is specially p-esenlied fur. If doctors have pronounced you Incurable in any of the lnllj'vlim
diseases, it wiii bo of vital Interest to you to communicate with us at once.
Bri flit's DUcaso and other Kidney Diseasis, Blieumatisru, Consumption, Weak
no33es of Yoinen, Lost Maubood, Bladder Diseases, Pilus, Constipation, Blood Dis
eases, Citai'i'li. Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Heart Disease, Insomuia, Liver Disease,
Nervous Debility, Sciatici, Asthma, Biliousness and General Debility, and all other
disea which remit from improper living or ignorance or neglect of tho laws of nature,
I li i.ei led of Hie l-livslcal well-bcinit . . . In my jiiilirment resulted in an
ine.-i'.ise in insanity ami a decrease iu the birth rate thruuKliouL the t'niteil Slates.
lH. Khkiikkii'K J. SlMI'SON.of Hartford.
" They cure where others have failed." - I ' n 1 1 a UKl.i ll l A 1'
" Ma i.- treatment Is rational . . . they do all they chum"
I'll I l.ailKI.I'll 1 A NollTII AMKItlCAN.
" I net, cerei c mal w all r arc the three ureal ouruuve agencies."
Aii iii'i-ritinfr pamphlet of tur treatment containing half-tone und tos
. ire nr.! ::- i( pirMt;s w : have cured, cent free to all.
ill:: V 'I'lTirrr: Oi' ) :;VSie.L. bCI.XCK, Lawrcncevillc, 'ilotra Co., Pcnnt
ARE ifSiilSj)
YOU fi
fcj our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable.
IHitimokf, M,., March io, irjol. .
ntlrmen : Heine entirely cured of lcnfnr, thanks to your lieatnienl, 1 will nuw give yon
I nil! history of my ease, to be used at vour dtscrrtiini.
About hyr years auo my right car began to sing, anil this kept on Rcttine worse, until I lost
my hcnritiK in this car entirely.
I underwent a treatment fiir cnlnrrh, for three month, wit limit anvsmress. roiisuittd a num.-
r 11) Milan, niiiimi! utheis, the most eminent ear specialist ol this ciiv. w lin t. !1 me that
only an oK-ration could help inc. and even that only lemtiuratily, that the head nuiv s wouli'
then cease, but the lieariiii; iu the affected ear would be iost forever.
I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New Yolk paper, nnd ordered v. ur treat
tnctit. After I had used it onlvnfcw davs ncrorditiK t" vour dirrcliiins. the n. i.rc i-cd. and
tod.iv, nfler five wee Its. my heaiin,- in the diseased ear h'r.s been tntiulv ie-Ivrc d. I thank y.u
heartily and bej; to rcmaiu Very trulv vims,
l. A. V, i:KMA, V.oS. Ilroadway, !, MJ.
Our treatment does not intcrj'rrc irith :oiir tixtml turn potion.
Roniiuntiim and
sttivire free.
i tin roit i n r.i,.
"How much did yer pay for the
watch, Bill?"
"Six blootnin' months." Tho Kin;.
Salt of the Knrth.
On advantnire had old man Lot
In this world of trouble and strife;
When In after yean he not fresh
Iln could ro home and lick his wife.
Chicago Daily News.
The Only Safety.
Housekeeper I don't see why ft
big-, able-bodied man like you ahould
be brffffinfr for a living1.
Trainp-Totell yen th truth, mum,
folks Is becomln' so hard-hearted
that a (rent has got ter be big- an'
able-bodied to beg without get tin'
hurt. N. V. Weekly. .
- I1U1ULU i
nt a nominal
&03 LA iV.LLE AVE., S'ir.'.CC, ILL.
S II IffflE
To - l! ii iion' lint:
of Xurt-y Stuck. iatly work, nnl
I Minim In '( int ins lit tin' unlit
I'lMfsniiH Ml Mtot k uuiiriiniC' t W i lli imu
loi-lii iiihI sci-iiri' h uuiitl .situulum for tliu
full nnl w inii r.
Rochstcr, N. V.
Tliey aiv eas)
f your liver feels iron 1, von (to
iriiuil. McNaik's Stumm ii axk Liv kii
l'll.I.H t( llt'H tlltl MlilllUcll, l-e;tteH
tliu livt, inakefl lilt- woilli living.
Hefit 1'ijl. l.rc nets tin-in. 'liy tliciu
Wekt ll'E rii.h:.t. Y (Jc.
Ki-'J-I lot. Hat ivia, Til
Tradc Mark
Copyrights Ac.
Anrnno Knr1ln a sketch and rlescrlntlon itst
quli'kly iisLiiitni etir 'eiuu". i.uu .,). m , .
Invention is t-.olishly palentablo, (ininiuniea.
tloii.itrlct!TenT.tnleiitlal. llandlxxikon t'ateuUI
aent f rtM. Olrtnil aiinuey for securing patents.
'tents taken through Munn tt Co. reoelT)
tpo-tol aotlca, w II huut chsrve, In tha
Scktittnc American,
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tjtniwt (Dr.
calatlon of any solentldo Journal.
irnai. 'i mis. 90
year 1 four montna, IU sola cyan newaaeaier.