1 t ST V. ' '"-v ft . mi - v.; I, PIMPLES Cure.! iu FIVK DATS by tbw use of Dr. Thomas' Fm i al Oiutuit nt, apply at bed time; curt s whilu you sleep. PFor a short time wc will send a rifty-cent box by mail, postpaid, on receipt of thirty five cents. Ai Ires-:. Bai)i)Cr Cl)cn)ical Co., 1:52 1 North ."ijtli St., W -20 1 M Park rh;:ult Station, I'm. "im-iiih I.OI1K 11 V ll,V. At F.it. (?!' I.- s Wl. M'Kl.i.lV. M tl I I Ii. 'J "How can you many a man who Writes !r;ir witli 1 vn c's'.'" "Hut lie ritrs liis fdrHiiic with six naui;lil." l'lcli-Mr-l'i). Avol1 n(lii:tiiii(inti nn I w'mlc.iito itntl re'nil pro(' lijr tiuyiiiK yutir wtiikrv ihrrrt frrnn tin' liti Iitv. i In- Ihivin-r I ' i -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- f'.i an. Ilouiu'i'iiii'tit in (hit iiitT, whii li riatiiM how to -i-i fur full iiurt-i i,r pun- s -vi-u-Yiiir 'Mil 11 v Whi,ki-v, eiTi- un.tii. fur i 1 vn. Tlu-y ft I ir-inU-i pure k-iii i ami f ill lm iilio. The latest tlilnir in the entin falnun and lunch calY line is the a iiiniuat ic. or wnitcrless i i ; nrant. Tin re is nut I a waiter in the !:ier, and tin- only hu- j man being visible iiihii nu rinr the tcstaurant is the elu el man. llisim'v duty is to furnish i ln i l- tij customers ' lor i-asli, and these cln cKs are ustd tu j proe'ire a meal from the iiuiiiiruiis tu dumb winters i!h slot-niachine ar- ' rant-incuts, -hieh are ruuiicd aronnil tj tlie restaurant w..'.'tf. J'.eforc the face ' 1 of each dumb waitetMSMii; bill of fa . furnished by the 1'artiouliOy,.,,..,-,., i Anything from asa'WK a-,.i, t j . -nn be procured. If a person wishes ham nnd rgV k1'1 a few vegetables, marked down oi ti . t of fare us costing .'i(J cents, he jdy drops a lO-emt check into ti - all i and the numerous dishes conn i.pone by one on the dumb waiter. All 1 li diner has to do is to arianye the di-hi s before him on the table which slumis beside each waili r. lro iu:tl Cult. TU tic a lunr.lt ;:'.: r. 'iwniiM h: To dwell w hi r.' s ; . If. . 1:. i:arli I'J rr vi r f i . Itut. oh. at i M i ll.:. . 'I i re dull. I !' ar. To have iu roila i.. .: u.ut Ut.Uu.j; mar. ClilLl't" Jii cure;-1 i I alii. Cluster Mrnke-. DulTy Th' li: may lie arl right, but bow about th' color av ih'coat match in' th' liilTeni.i colon d pairs of pants 1 limy w am tn w a r id it V Coheiistein I), t co;n 'l harmon ize mil any c. lor of ut raiiipow but irane! I vil; p. holiest in : t you ohf 1 lose (!er 'ale! I'lletr. Tlio Hi'iinili. way In liuy wtii-liey is to p-t it lirei-t fr.on t'n liistillery. 'I Iih s.ive wlmte. fuile uml ri'tail ile'iler .ri.iiti. alsn iii'.iit-es iliri.- .mmIm I he ll.tvm-r I ) tilling Cn- will pHjp y 'ii four fu'i(imrN ri 11 i'n iT.iij., f,ir (, nu n' In 'lii i u S 'V t -Y. iir-oi.l l"vi 'A f'ne In lnljit. i.i vmi bclicic all geniiise? nro - tsV" ' No. Look nl inc. l'ver since I can ri'ici iiibcr I lime kept myself back by p';:ci:ig ton light an estimate on 111 v importance and ability."- -Chicago! lb-en. d-!lcl'illd. She Yns It. "Mr. 4 !:i 1 1 ;i n t . ynii ni-o something of n si i'i i'ii t nf hiiioaii nature," began Miss Itewohus, eovly. "All, but nnw." ho interrupted, flushing bis buhl black eyes upon her, "I 11 in n ilniiiity siudciit." - Philadel phia Tress. "I enflVred the tortnrra of tlie damned with protruding plies liroiurlit on by constipa tion with which I was aflllrtert for twenty years I ran across your CANCAKKTS In the town of NnwAll, la , and never found anything to equal them. To-day I am riillitly (res from piles nnd feel like a new man " C 11. KtiTt, itll Jones St., Slotii City, Is sneasans. rsiMania. i-oins, i-asro uwm, nv Sood, Msver Slokso. Weaken, or Oilr. We,s,sM. ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... HHI.a Umtf isr. Olisss. Mutual, Urn Tw. II Tfl.PI ft iM and fnsranuwKi by all rof 1 U'EAli ilat W VVHC Too 000 Usblk 'l rimvi CANDY CATHARTIC jt - s ttsabi MASia wonTTtwio 3 ,i-..t... ; jkj ONE NEW YEAR'S RESOLVE. BECAUSE SHE KEPT IT. ONE WOMAN'S LIFE VA MADE MISIRAHLE. "l.f. ncvir make another New Vear'n resolve as long as I live," sill'ie 1 I lie linMoss. "Il'in! Suppose you failed to keep ouih;" replied the uuest. "1'sliaw; if you had, you'd have 1 1 t ii w earing wmi msti-ail ul furs and a lulu lather than a picture hat." "1 Kept mine, but it gave me a lot of tn -iii .f. on see, it waj the first New Year'i my marriage, and I felt it necessary a over a very while new leaf, to 1 1 " v .' to tell another fib? Then I hnpej ' . I not ask you if her new guwn wan ' i i. id not neither did she. If she .had, i ' i , ve at least told htr that it wan in i e In '.ing than the hint one. 1 re ni! :-e up ociety and devote my time t . charity. It i really no ditlieiilt to induci- Arthur to go anywhere that I" "Might as well have the credit of giv ing it up voluntarily. Still, if you cried each time tiiat he refu.cd, he would bring you candy and lloweri, and " "And spend so much money on them that I'd have to give up a hat or two, beside having my completion spoiled by tlia Cindy." "Not to mention the doctor's bill, if it made you ill. See?" "Nor the fact that Yd have to take the No, 1 resolved to devote myself 1 SENT A DOY FOR A CAB." to good deeds I always did like giving ad vice." "Was Arthur delighted?" "I suppose so. He was reading his paper when 1 told him. It is queer, but that ab sorbs him as much as curling my hair ab sorbs in." "Men are so micer. Did you really keep your resolve?" "M'hm; I gave a silk waist that came from Paris to a woman with three starv ing children and even showed her how to make it fit her. Then I went to see a blind woman who lived in an alley, and took her a bunch of roses and a lovely em broidered doiley. And there was Klaine, who never did a thing for anybody; 1 told her she ought to be ashamed, when I was devoting myself to the poor." "And was she?" "No. She remarked that I was wearing a new fur boa, and that I was evidently not depriving niysnlf of imported hats. I told her that I had to set the poor a good example in neatness." "True. Hut-" "Yes. It was raining when I rame away from the blind woman's, and I sent her grandson for-a cab. He never returned, and 1 found that my watch was gone, too. When 1 told Arthur, he-" "Yes, go on!" "He said that charity not only covered a multitude of sins, but a good many dol lars as well. Well, I caught a cold that day and was sick for a week. The cook promptly left, and in bailing two eggs and nuking some undrinkable coffee Arthur burned hi hand, scorched his coat aleeve and broke two cup. II blamed that all on charity." . , I inrilii'im L.T.n-1 ' ' 1 . . - . ; ' 7 ' .- : ; ;- i , v.. -r -fi 1 V" "Of course." I "M'lim. Then, we had to buy a good ! many tickets (or charitable entertainment, and all my poor people gut out ofwork and said they'd rather have money than advice, so Arthur" "Complained ? How like " j "Yes. Finally Mrs. Swellstyle decided to give a colonial bazar, and asked me to help. The ciMtutnrs were to be rather expensive, , but the proceeds were to do great good in buying phutrgraphic copies of good pic tures 011 which the starving poor could feed their hunger for beauty. I consented to help, but " "Arthur?" "He said that if I continued my charitable deeds we would soon be objects of charity I ourselvpH. He hasn't refused to go any- ' where with me since, but if you will believe 1 it. Klaine, is telling everybody that my good resolve wa only a scheme to bring aluit that result!" KI.18A ARMSTRONG BFNGOUGH. i THE TURNING OF A IEAF.' MR. SIMPLETON TURNED IT, BUT DIDN'T KEEP IT TURNED. NOTICE that to-day is the first 1 of January," remarked Mr. Wim- j pleton, as he unfolded the break- j fast napkin. "The day has set me to thinking that 1 had better I revive my boyhood's habit alid I make the resolve to turn over a new leaf. Iu the past, 1" "Now, you arc not going to icsnlve to help the poor by giving away all your sec- I ond-hest clothes, are you!!" said his wife, i apprehensively. "You did that once, I re- : member, ami had to shovel the snow off the front pavement iu your hst suit." "I have done nothing of the kind," has li . icplicd her liege. "The fact is that I i.ave not been as kind a husband ill the past as I might have been, and" "Oh, I guess you've been as good as the average responded his wife, lalmly. t "No, I have not, my dear, that is merely ! your gentle, wifely way of pulling it. I . 1 c . . know that I have olttui displayed great' temper when the provocation was slight, ! but in future you shall have no cause for coiiiiil lint " , ' . . I ell, of course, you, were very unpleas- ; ant aliout those lulls, .Nathaniel. I thought i ut tlie time that you never behaved iu tiiat I way before we were married, and "Displayed sonic temper, did 1? No won der. An angel on a tombstone would have displayed temper over such extravagance us that. Did you expert me to remain us quiet as a as a gingerbread baby while 1 was robbed by a lot of However, ih future I shall do it, since you are so anxious." "You are sure that you are not ill, are you, dear? The doctor said" "Never better in my life. I have merely seen the error of my ways and resolved to mend them in lime. When 1 think of the terrible tits of anger lo which 1 have some times given way, I " "Well, I was afraid that the last cook would make trouble because of the things you said to her about the biscuits, still " '.'The things I said, eh? Let me tell you, Sarah Wimpleton, that many a man would have deserted his wife for less than that, If I did make a few slight remarks 1 was fully justified, I can tell you. However, it shall never happen again." "I am glad to hear it, dear. Now that I think of it, 1 feel very badly over your quar rel with the people next door, and your feud with the iceman, and the things you said about the cigar I bought you at Christ mas were but what la the matter!" "The matter is this, madam; I shall not remain here to be insulted. 1 am the most patient and long-suffering of men, but even 1 will not stand this. 1 shall he at home late this evening, if you send me a note of apology in the interval for this unpro voked attack upon me!" The banging of the front door put an impressive period to j the sentence. "And all," said Mr. Wimpleton, shaking her head at the clock, "all because he had decided to turn over a new leaf on New Year' day!" Greeting to the New Tear. Hail, glad New Year! We do not ask Our wots you should uisperse. We merely urate this simple task Pray do not make them worse. Chicago Record. ', The Simple Fact, Stuyvesant Going to turn over a new leaf, New Year' day, old man? - Schcrmerhorn Xo, goi . to turn over th aana old leaf. Brook'" -' ';) . , 1 T BlflffY Stqlsssnsss Wrecks It, But Dr. GreeneV Nenrura is the Unfailing Help and Cure. Slrepleasnet a drivei away beauty and shatter bealtb. It break down the ttrougc&t and killi energy, una I eeple it night wurki more lasting injury than iluytof over work. Insomnia I U Nature's ! rovoltaainst outriu'e. '1 he n 'rvesare lie in ; tortured and thev re Nearly always st'un a li troiil.lu tii-i. ttiiiiin iiu It. Thcwholo T Ixxly is licimr 1 starved. Nerves and Mind and muscle and t'-.no cry out fur food. Dr. Grceii's Ner li ra blood ai; 1 Nitii' remedy is the unfaiiin; h ''p for this conditi.m. it works wonders and t.iat right speedily. Mrs. Martha Jordn, Ncw Vint, aril. Maine. says : "I was In bad shape when I K-cn tii !:.' e Dr. Oreene's Ncrvura blood and reive rnvt.t- . I could not sleep nights, ond ni.mv llr.n.i li-.l to get upand walk the floor. Iliad no appeiiiu and : what little I did cat soured iu u few minimis. I 1 was nervous, weak and tremblinc a'ld t'c.t up In the morning; more tired than when I went to bed, and felt all down, In fact, could not see , anything worth living for. i I ''After taking; one bottle of Pr Greene's Vrvu. I i ra blood and nerve rentrdy, Icouldsleepall night I ' and feel reited In the morning, mv appetite was 1 better, food did Dot sour, and I'fclt better all I oyer. Now w hen I have taken four bottles I feel . like a new being." Take courage If yon suffer In this way, or 'with any chronic trouble of thn nerves and Mood. The glorious record of lr. Greene's Nervnra blood and nerve remedy Is written in the grateful words of thousands it , has cured. It will cure you. Dr. Greene's 1 advice is given free by call or letter. Ills ad- ' dress is 101 fifth Avenue, New York City. j Not a Hard Job, Mrs. Crinisonbcak I see by this paper that in San Francisco the bar bers are required to clenn their razors with 8.1 per cent, nlcohol be fore and nfter being used on any per eon. ; Mr. f'rimsoiibciik ltlow their breath on it, 1 suppose? Vonkcrs Statesmen. ! t'sfisr's Courthl. A noble yourit Roman named Caesar Once called on a maid tried to suacsnr Hut the Rirl. with a ninth, Said the Latin for "Tush! You horrid young thlnR! Let me bacsar!" Baltimore American. VKKV lOOI.-lir.ADKI). Left Halfback That man l'unter, the fullback, never lost his head in a fame of football vet, did he? Kight Halfback (a joker) No. 1 think not. He's lost an car. part nf his live toelb. but don't remember ever hearing of li'i losing h's head. I Cincinnati Kimiiiti ..... Try fniir full quarts of llnyner's Heven-Year. Olil Itye, express iirepai'l, f..rij'.M. Kor parti- eulars, see nmioiinccmi'iit of tho ilnvner lls- tilling Co.. lr.ytoii, ohm, which appears else- wnercui tins issue I A Cunp In l'uliil. j "I don't understand it," a:d thei young physician. " The sy iiiploms I were the same,-and yet you said unci man had colic and the uthi r one had ap- j pendieil is. "One was- rich nnd one was poor fiflid the older doctor. "What bus that to do with it?" "Circumstances aller cases." -lirooklyn Ijgfe. A Ilnnip fur the rhurl.ee. "I thank (lod, said the Pharisee,1 "that I am not as other men." "Oh, I don't know," replied the lady. "You seem to be like a good many of them. I saw you occupying a sent in a car last night when there were lots of women standing." Chicngo Pec-ord-Herald. Twice an lllucU. Sam Cole Miss Valierby done trent me acnnd'lous. She done tole me yis tid'y dat" I wns black ns do nee o' spndes. JimCrow Dnt's on'y hnlf ns bad ns what Bhe sez 'bout me. She tole nie I was black as de deuce. Catholic 6tandnrd and Times. Her Reason. The teacher at the kindergarten has a great deal of trouble with Mabel, who is four years old. The other day she had occasion to ask: ."Mabel, why did you strike Freddy?" "'Tausts he's, littler dan me," replied Mabel. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. So Mean. Fred I see the Van Billion girls have the English fashion of wearing sandals. Ned fthe refected) Yes: it'a an old Roman custom and probably takes the elder back to ber nappy child' hood. He t"" " Press. ft A ! A Rtalaa Caa.. Lady What ia the matter with my huabaud? . ' N Doctor I cannot b sure yet. Hava you noticed him doing' anyLhing- un usual lately? "Let me aee. Well, last eVening, in stead of lighting; hi a cigar the mo ment lie left the table, ht walked in to the library and put on his smok ing jacket, ruiokin.7 cap and slippers befor? beginning; to smoke." "Hum! My, my!" "And, lut r on, when he wrote a let ter, he wiped the pen on a pen wiper." "Horrors! It's parents!" X. V. Weekly. Trlnlrt to it Prliat-iite. Ah. you ar Il'e !i u bi ok I 1 old. 'Tis hour.d. .-i! tie. tr. ! visit style; Mr..".-: how li ;.- n'jirii v. h k'old; Ah. you an- like l..,ok i i. Th. siory tr.ri.uvb ...;;. to'c! Cun wa:'--.. '.I n It n.' r v. I.lies Ah. you :n p 1 1 r i i. i i..)K 1 l.i !(: . "I'ls 1 1 r-. i ; ? . T . ; ... Jr. i iv.. ',: .- -U:h';... i 1'.. . . .'.M ivru.d. IT . (K t;i: I itroi.iTR. r. Doctor My old chum Hones writes me that he wants me to operate on him for appendicitis. Nurse Will you? Doctor Well, I'd hate to out an old acquaint a nee. Chicago Journal. NOW LOOK OUT I "Tuko cure of yourself," suy our friends. "I'll try to," we answer. Wo do bike a little caro, yet in spite of warm clothes, rubbers und mackintoshes, nn nnny of people were bowled out by ineuuionia and other lung and client diseusea last winter. They caught cold, neglected it, let it fix upon them, were torn by coughs, choked by inrlumnmtions and congestions, wasted by fever, tired out by pain und then gave up the light. The hour you realize that you have a cold on the chest, place a lienson's Porous Pluster where the pain or oppres sion is felt. If you think two are needed make it two. No harm if you were cov ered with them. They act quickly and prevent the engorgrnent of blood in the organs. In this way with ordinary cnu tiou as to exposure you will break up the rold and avoid a serious siuknoss. Ho other applications, or any other fo-in ot treataionr, wil nrmmpjiah (his as CBrtaijiIj and speedily, lienson's Plasters have a dis tinct and positive action and are curative to the highest degree. Use them with the samo confidence for coughs, muscular rheuma tism, the grip (back and chest) and all sim ilar ailment. Women, who are chief suffer ers from cold weather complaints, should keep these plasters always within reach. Got the genuine. All druggists, or we will prepay pontage on any number ordered in the United Ktutes on receipt of 25c. each. Kcuhury A Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.T. Insult to Injury. Shlney Patches I tell you, Weary, I don't particularly object to having a dog set on me, for it is one of the risks of the business and I am willing tn lake my chances, but when that dog1 is a water spaniel it's iust a little too' lunch. N. 1. Herald. toll rail, A pugilist who makes his pile And then to conirress goes Would be right In his glory when He strikes the ayes and noes. Philadelphia I'riEs. First Spinster And who gave the bride away? Second Spinster Her youngest brother; just after the ceremony he was heard to say: "Wait till he finds her hair is false, her teeth are false, and she suffers from chronic indiges tion." Ally Slopcr. Of the Karth K.nnlhr. Impecunious Lowr He mine, dear Amanda, and you will be treated like i!i angel. Wealthy Maiden Yes, I suppose so. Nothing to ent and less to wear. Xo, thank you. Tit-Bits. Snved Hla Life. Miss Hatty And when he proposed did you refuse him? ML Antique Xo, I just didn't have the heart to, because I knew he could not live without me. Ohio State Jour nal Me Lost His Case. "Uenuemen 01 the jury, said a lawyer the other day, "there, are Just 36 hogs. 'Please remember the fact just three times aa many as in the jury box, gentlemen. Tit-Bits. i J ' , A A (iOOIJ ST AH T. To make a living I And we stand i (tare up at the man in the clouds, w deiing that any man can be so fJ n iiardv. But what 7 the business i: .i ii-::$ who 1: W ji c''il to an VU-Q'y meal. has barely snatch a I ( and gu. t aa suut-u vi and milk in a V minutes? lie tw risking bis life.) make a 'hi"". 7." is sus'.ain.'d l.y ft p.-o;ier,.yd'i;i.'-.;crl a aisiiiiilatoi. The . s.i'.t of lir.sty e. tii aiiil irregular met is " weak " ! Himsici ajiil a "w -.V. " i:i .ell nie.ui-; a v.oa man. Wbci tii s iniaob. i; " weak' I' to ' ': 1 c i'.-ii i-j no p r-p.r'v diyestei ..i.l c. Tiiiot l.e per '.'v : ., iuiilated, that t i;y I-J'- - f in.;; ilia ,11 rc'.ulL .ii p'.iyiio; i wliii-b fi .dlap'-c. Ir. !'ic:VL-'t cure-; ,. I rg.iiis l' ill, i ilaliles the a: ;C 1:1 -Ti T ! -die il 1 iisi-ovot " t.lii r-l'i-'i n il .::vl idlie i-st;'iii ;uni ii'..! . .on. i itmkilum of ail '.'ic iiutr ; l'.e values of tile food c.i'.l-ii, a:;.l f bi i'.ds up the body into sound hcaltt a:, i strength. " '. J ?1r. Neil Nelson, the celctinit.-1 Irish Come- ili.m ami Mimic, of ,s-7 Nuy.lr'i St-' -. Caenlen. .- . j , Kiiiis ; c iiiiiinru a'.i en;;": iiiriu oi twelve weeks ninl Hie constant Irtei-liiitf (rave me a hail touch of that dreadi-fl iliseasr- called ilysiK'jisin I had tried everythini; iiossible to cure it till last week, while plaviicj at 11. F Keith's Ilijoii Theater, 1'liilHilcmhia, in t NeUou Trio, n prWessional frirud of mine a vised me to try Ir. Pierce's (toldeu Mrilicnl I covrry. 1 tried it, anil, thank God, with gi resulu.1 Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Meili' Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pi expense of mailing only. Aildresa D R. V, Pierce, liuffalo, N. Y. I 1 I Gen. Wood has been made a nieinbt 1 ot the Academy of Science of II a van I The academy is one of the most excli j sive organizations in Cuba. It is lin ited to 40 members, and each nienibt ! Is elected for life. mssfr PURE WHISKY DIRECT FROM Dppll TO CONSUL U 1 Four Full Q8V Ji-va-" toots. , t SMir esssV ! S retara vaar 9 L20. Such Whitidtan'tht tlitwhtr tor lin that. il RRntHBHCis; Third Nat'lBsnk.Darton: B (lNal'1 Bank, St. Louis; or an, of the Ks. C THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO., i 82A-232 West Fifth St., Dayton, Oh 1300-311 80. Seventh 8t.. St. Loula. t We ruaraote above Arm will do as it SKTeei A QUEER LANDLORD. Wife Just think of it, (leorg ' landlord told me we'd have to if we did not pay our rent, v George Well, does he think could pay our rent we'd have A " here am long as wo have? Cl ; American. a Feminine FInesm'.i "Charley, dear," said yo). Torkins, "do y-ju think we sj. : ' be rich enough to own a ynt 1 "I shouldn't be surprised. "When we cun afford it, yq v buy me a ynciit, won't you?" '. if..H..t..i.. 1 "Well, Charley, dear, I knon J are a business man, and I kmli ,1 want me to be a business wonir you will give me a new hat anv,. . gown nnd a nevr coat now, T ' say a word about the yacht.k , thnt a' lovely discount for e:J Wnsbington Star. In Sllentla Ralna. She saw a note to her husband, P It was In a woman's handwriting. Did she open It? No; not she, f Although it looked so Inviting, f Did she worry about UT O, no! ! TT. - 1. LII. .w ! gr uuv nun i, wiuio aneineronei Tou see, she knew whom It was fro' It wa her dressmaker's bllL Harlem Life.. DON'T EPS 1 YourUfei Ton eaabt cared of aar form of tobex daily, be amade well, strong, asarnet new life and vigor by takiujr jWIi taat stakes wsaUc man stroar. Sa voaada ia tea days. Over AAVsl red. Alldranlsts. ura waa-Book. 1st and o is a i.l Lime et n f r n I - .. ..itMltttmoia. 1 W 1 11 W a I bgnwsiiusjea a. 1 P .k l ill advice TS.BB. kit 4BUNA r 1 .3 hi u ,1 s l... 4 r3yrwaa UaUSTGO,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers