The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 02, 1902, Image 1

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    Ilk '.fe
. w'-
We have a job lot of note
heads on hand. They must go
frulclc. The price' win do It.'
We bought a large con
signment of envelopes
Having bought so many
we secured a rock bottom
figure. Send for samples
and prices.
Samples and prices for the ask-.
ng. We furnish them printed
or less than you can buy them
without printing.
W. Waientctlcr, Editor art Proprietor..
A Family Journal, Devoted to News, SckMt. Art, Political Ecaaaay and Current Literature.
Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, la Adraace
tart the New Year right by subscrlb-
(g to the Post.
L happy New Year to all our rentiers,
the messsge the Post sends forth.
The marriage license court hns had
ie biggest holiday rush ever known.
prosperity tells the tale.
f An unadverllsed business is like an
(ax without a bundle or a gun without
U barrel. The Advertiser.
An infant child of Beuj. Stcffen re
siding on D. K. Haas' farm died one
ny last week. -
I The primary and intermediate schools
kre not in session in is ween on account
f so many of the pupils having the
.11 the churches of town had appro-
te unristmas services ana me chil
li were made happy with the usual
feat or candy.
I An Infant child of Prof. Edwin
harlesdied Sunday -morning at the
ge of a few months. The cause of
eath, was Internal convulsions.
We regret to record the death from
Iphtheria-a child of Geo. D. Maneval.
n account of the contagious character
the disease, no funeral services were
Our ''Special Sales" Day comes six
Aiincs a week, and continues every
'week for 1002. Value makes the bar-
and our low prices make new
t.: li'SP the old customers,
Knives r '
i ot ts aL a. e coies in nis new snav-
loiuinioj u - - ,
. .i. """(W cutting parior ior your
XT,nwVwittt freshing shani-
-Wis&n, , clean towel to each natron
m . r i "X . ---
lempJovtI,mof-th side of Market square op
ine ' 8U) ss. atral Hotel. Satisfaction guar-
kthe wiAirria , -A . t tf.
Janf deN Comm M-etlng. .
IVI81tinffll"uiJ;.IJ fh TintiMI.n
i m . - urwiKf r
Alissl'aTM s'fliii igrova jimlttee aro here-
lkm , . - f the Com-
I 1 - -Miii:wiirt'i
T"f'Te8unbury dally eul, 1902. As bust
iiiD- to be transacted.
ler D ror BMioiome r iUirpt
i T lor Look H 'uesireu.
Mrs Buffalo, " JrETEB YOUNG,
;- JVretary. , Chairmau.
Ititra Opportanltjr.
Mio ant &d Party . with $4,000 to take
"eftl in Arinna Mlnlnir rv.mnanv
. ' O
urinyn excellent proiierty In one of
I T. ylchest gold and copper districts In
Jf01"' " Splendid chance to double
V r ey ,f taken advantage of at once.
TPfV .. a . a Jl . ....
isugate. Aaaress mes ana Min-
' Itanlr nf ll.i,n. l)lljn.
:ott, Arizona. 12-19-5t
A Delightful Banquet. 1
number of eentlemcn and ladies
ami 'Jl at e Central Hotel In this place
turpi 11 CC""1K auo inaie K)nion
Ie ikavtlclpants was made up of Free
OSepflins bf town nnd pniinfv Tho
I I . J . - "v.
i was made un as followR :
L .1 ' . urviT
iruri.l " : .
mue I'oints
, Pickles
Wasil Wafers
l Pi AlioMl Pnlil IT am
KSiin Jied Potatoes . Itoast Turkey
t p m rau ijerry oauce
' ?ld Cabbaee Butter
-rami I Celery Salad
Salted Peanuts
Deeds Entered for Record.
Edward K. HolI'man aud wife to J.
G. Gill. 19 acres in Franklin tw.. for
Mary A. and J. F. Straub to G. B.
M. itauch, lot near Fremont, for $.120.
James V. Smith to Lot 8. Bums,
house and lot in Seliusgrove, for $250.
Emma and Geo. V. Goy to Joseph
C. Moyer, 0 acres aud 1C2 perohes in
Washington twp., for $132.75.
Harriet Specht, Executor of Aaron
Specht, to David 8. Speeht, lot In Bea
vertown, for $360.
Letters Granted.
In estate of Elias Strouse, late of
Monroe twp., to Sarah Strouse.
Wills rrobated.
The Ia.-t wl.l ami testament of Solo
mon Knouse was probated Dec. 2(lth.
Dauiel and H. V. Knouse were granted
letters owing to the widow's renuncia
tion. Last will and testament of Samuel
Bickhart wus probated Dec. 21. II. S.
and P. S. Bickhart aro named execu
tors. ,
Will of Lydiu Genrhnrt, lute of Cen
tre twp. probal eil Dec. 23. Jos ph and
Jacob Gearhart are the executors.
The will of John Mcnglc, late of
Perry twp. was probated Dec. 21th.
Michael and Geo. Meiigle are named
the executors.
The will of Isaac Gctz, late of Spring
twp., was probated Dec. 20. Joseph E.
Getz is named executor.
The will of D. T. Hhoads was pro
bated Monday. The widow, Mary A.
Uhoads, was named executrix.
Marriage Llcenaea.
f Samuel E. Brouse. Knit. -rvillo,
EvaC Leitzel, Kiai.n ville.
(SiimuelF. KuluiH, . MiddlfYni -ih,
"(Hatlie A. Sanders, lleavi Mown,
f P. A. Shatter, Duudorv.
I Mabel E. Potter, Seliusgrove,
1 P. A. Itcii'lienbuch, Stroubtowm
(.Daisy E. lloruberger, . Aline-
Charles Bordner, Aline,
I Dalay M Zieprler, ; . P jclifteld.
i Jorm M. Kline. ' ;f ? McCiure,
Carrie I Weader, McClure.
(H. nryM. Pontius, Freeburg,
(EllaBotdorf, Freeburg.
f John A. Itoush, Fret-burg;,
Sallle L. Boyer, Fnvburg.
f Frank F. Felker, McClurei
Mamie L. Mechtley, Beaver-fprings-(
Wilson A. Hornberger, W. Perry T.
Abbie Garman, Oriental.
St. Cluir, Pa
"i ....r
Va rr
U8i Mreani
III Post Prandial
Harris Bower presided as toast
XI Jrr. He vailed upon the followlug
i gentlemen wno responded to
F. Stetler. Geo. W. VVjunw.ller!
IWrn. H. Boyer, J. Calvin Schoch
lli 1 T T. ... . '
WT.l ' ""werau! tinier m wet
l hn H. Willis, Chas. W. Herman,
M I C. Amig, Dr. J, P. ICanawell, r!
i-,lir Heiscand Prof. A. IL GilWt
- t. ii i i . ... , ..
k Jrebestra. A very pleasant even-
jnames oi Tbost Who Have Been
' Elected for 100a. . ! j
give below a list of the nffleeni nf
irlona nvimnlntlAna mmaJ 4.
"ate. . . ;
sterC. Fisher, W. M.'; Henry .E.
8 Tter, 8. W.; Charles Q. Gaugler; J.
ei. J! miner, tiec.; H. Weis, TreaB..
oe C North. Ren. to Gr&nil T.)J
terete r c
mrjt Aioms enowera, w. M.; Jno. F
Iaw Q xxr i r oli.. ji -r ...
!1.U. a.. I 1- m . . . 1.
.iJus, Secretary. Geo. W. Wareniwl-
Jtep. to Grand Lodge; Senior Dea
. 'mmon G. Bashour; Junior l-
,uwwr-it. "TYetaaii p. n of p..
(J. Francis Stroub,
rs. Lillie A. Herrold,
(Win. F. Sellers,
tMyrtleG. Klose,
j George Miller,
I Kosuuna Spade,
J Charles A. Boyer,
( OtUlia E. Courtney,
I Murray H. Itomig,
J Mercy Bruuner,
I John A. Mengle, Mt Pleaxant Mills,
I Aiinnie xerger, Kcunee, ra,
Harry Seebold of Sunbury has been
visiting at this place.
Miss Ida Beaver of Altoona spent the
holidays with her parents in town.
C. W. Herman and wife snant several
IrwinRBuckof Sunbury snent Sun- days last week with friends and re!a-
day with friends in this place. tives in town.
S. S. Schoch and' Marlon Schoch Attorney JL Harris Bower and gnind
spent Christmas in Philadelphia. mother, Mrs. Catherine Bower, enjoyed
Mrs. H. B. Itoweof Millersburg paid. Chnstmasat Lewisburg.
a visit to her parents in Swineford.
Miss Fannie Bowersox of Suntury
spent the holidays in Middleburg.
Luther Xell' of Gordon spent the
holidays with A. S. Beaver and wife.
Miss Jennie Fox of Catawlssa spent
the hoMays with S. B. Spltler and
Prof. A. It. Gilbert and Hiss Lulu
Smith ate their Christmas turkey at
The editor of the Post and family
spent Christina with Ills mother at
Mrs. James M. VanXandt is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. T. B. McWilliuins
Miss Margaret Bolender spent the
holidays with Miss Laura ltuuklc at
Centre Hull.
Miss Bertha Wittcnmyer spent n
week in Philadelphia to do some holi
day shopping.
Miss Jennie GiU'en of Patterson spent
a few days jf her vacation with Mrs
Charles Roth foil.
E. M. Greene ot Lewislown spent
Christmas with his family at the home
of W. W. Wittemnyer.
Mrs. Charles Moyer, of Hartleton,
nee Katie Rhoads, spent lust week with
Mrs. Mary Rhoads.
W. L. Wehr of Dice was in town
Monday of last week. He will move to
Miminburg April 1st.
L. C. Bowersox and family of Slia
niokin ppent a portion of the holidays
with t'R-ir i'jljtlvi-M
Miss Maggie Arbogast of Seliusgrove
was entertained by H. R. Riegle and
wife during the past week.
Joseph Dreese and wife of Salem, Va.,
paid a visit to her parents, Banks
Dreese and wife recently.
Rev. A. X. Warner, Reglstar of Sus
quehanna University, Seliusgrove, wos
the county seat Monday.
T. H. Hnrter, editor of the Bellefonte
"Gazette," and wife sent sevend days
last week with friends In this place.
Rev. W. H. Boyer of Fredericksburg
was entertained by Henry It. Riegle
and wife during the holiday season.
Rev. W. H. Boyerof Frederlekshing,
formerly pastor of the U. B. church of
this place, wus in town over Sunday.
Henry Spoeht, who has lieen a suf
ferer of cancer for the past year, died at
his home in Glolte Mills Wednesday
morning, aged about tiS years.
William II. Shiudcl, a student o
Lafayette College, Eastern, is spending
his holiday vacation with his parentsf
and grandparents.
Gabriel Beaver hail a family re-union
on Christmas Day. This is an annual
occurrence to have all bis children and
grandchildren present on a festive or
Charles L. Marks, a student of Phila
delphia Dental College, is spending his
holiday vacation at home in Franklin.
Mrs. J. L. Murks returned from a vis
it Jo Lewistown.
Jay G. W ciser and II. Harris Bower
attended e meeting of the State Demo-
j emlln Cmmit st Harrisburg on the
M. IT. V. nA A..J nA ' . Mr Weiser sht a few days
. " . 7 .". """" Mr PhiladelDh a before bis return.
Editor Albert If. Smith of the Eliza
bsthvllie "Echo" was called to town on
account of the illness of Ids daughter,
Mildred, who makes her home with
her grandparents, James P. Smith and
'C. 8. Sprlgglo of West Perry twp,
was In town Tuesday. Mr. Spiiggle
speoksof being a candidate for State
Delegate and he rejKirts that J. Z.
Strawser of the same township will he
a candidate for County Treasurer.
MARRIED. Dec. 12, by Rev. E. E
Seiger, Isaac M. Try and Sallle M,
Pheasant, both of Beaver Springs.
Dec. 22, by Rev. Edwiii F. Ott, Sam
uel F. Kuhus of Middleswurth to Hat-
tiu A. Sanders of Beuvertown
Deo. 22, by Rev. II. T. Searle, P. A
Shatter of Dundore to Mabel E. Potter,
of SellnRgrove.
Dec. 24, by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, Per-
cival A. Reichenbach of Stroubtown
to Daisy E. Hornberger of Allue.
Dec. 24, by Rev. II. H. Spahn, John
M. Kline aud Carrie I. Weader, both oi
McCIure. ,
Dec. 24, by Rev. C. C. Miller, Henry
M. Pontius and Ella Botdorf, both of
Dec. 22, by Rev. C. C. Miller, John
A, Roush and Sallle L. Boyer, both of
Dec 26, by Rev. II, H. Spahn, Frank
P. Felker of McCIure to Mamie Mecht
ley of Beaver Springs.
Dec. 25, by Rev. E. E. Oi!Srt, Wil
son A. Hornberger of West Perry twp.
to Abbie Garma n of Oriental. '
Dec. 25. by Rev. H. H. Spahn, Wm.
F. Sellersf Yeagertown to Myrtle G.
Klose of Adamsburg.
Dec, 24, by Rev. II. H. Spahn, Mur-
ry H. Romig of St. Clair, Schuylkill
Co., Pa., to Mercy Bruuner of Paxfon-
vllle. ' . ,
Dec 25, by Rey. C. C. Miller, Robert
Arthur Helser of Shadel to Martha
tea J. Spcchftf J. NU of C.
4emer:- Tylet. - Wm. C wrdt.r;
'aln, Aral Billhart; Perslnrant, J.
J. lIeW aad James H.
r-fr "I - fiausiion, r.fWout
from Aline to a place between Red
May Snyder of 8elinsgrove.' i I Bank chool house in Washington
Dec 2, by Rev. Geo. W. Genszler, townsh.ii and the Summit House His
George P. Ritter and Elsie May Burns, I son-in-law, Charlea Hackenburg, will
both of Sellnsgrove. - ..... : conduct the farm at Aline. -
Dec. IS, by Rev. John B. Stouffer, Prof. Wm. Moyer of Freeburir was In
Christian K. Sensenlg of.Martindale, town Monday of last week. His son,
Lancaster Co., ra., to Fannie gpansler Myron A. Moyer. collected the tomb-
of Chapman. . - ; I stone Inscriptions of Washington town-
Dec 1, by Rev. S. Sidney Kohler, ship. There are 738 Inscriptions. J The
Clarence M, " Noll of Vlcksburg and I paper la nicely written and ' creditably
Maud B. Campbell of Cowan. , - ' prepared. :v ...; .
T-,- . " ntedpeo. e . ,wiU be plentiful.
Tarroi,-. .-,r.. .? kU "tu,s luree yeirs
Port Treverton are visiting the former'?
son in this plree.
Dr. J. C. Anug and wife of Lewis-
town spent the holidays with J. L.
Marks and Philip Amlg and families.
District Attorney M. I. Potter and
fiftnily ate their Christmas dinner with
Editor Lunibard and wife at Sellns
grove. !
Mrs. Dr. I. G. Barber and children of
Danville enjoyed the holiday period
with Miss Amanda Wittemnyer in
Isaac A. moyer of New Berlin was at
the county scut Motidry of last week
and diopped into this oftlce to pay his
Misses Sullie and Isabella Snyder of
the Susquehanna silk mill, Sunhury,
spent the holidays w ith their parents
on West Market street
Harry Bowersox, Sr., dropied Into
this oftlce and paid for another jeurV
subscription. lie bos been getting the
Post for 35 years already,
Jacob Bollinger of K reamer was a
county seat visitor Monday of last
week. He is one of the Pout's most
prompt paying subscribers.
Joel Reichenbach, one of the staunch
Republicans of West Perry Township,
and his son were at the county seat
Dec. 20th to order sale bills for the sale
farm stock.
Mrs. C H. Dunkelberger relumed
from a six months' visit to her daugh
ter, Mrs. Dr. Sallade at Ringgold, Pa.
Mrs. Dr. Sallade Is sick and Mrs. Dun
kelberger brought along her four
weeks' old grandchild.
George Brown, of Hotter, formerly
the mail carrier between McXees and
this place, died of small pox last week,
aged about 30 yerri. This Is the first
victim of small pox in Snyder county
from the present epidemic
Henry 8. Bickhart of Shadel and
Peter S. Bickhart of Meisenille were
in town Dec. 21st. to have the will of
their father, Samuel Bickhart, probat
ed. The executors' notice appears.In
. I ...
J. P. N0.1 nnri fn,ll h.v. n.JlT1 49th P V' 1
Lt. Daniel T, Khoads.
Daniel T. Rhoads of this place was
bom at Newport, Pa., Dec. 3, 1S3!), the
oldest of four children, son of Jacob and
Catharine (Troup) Rhoads, married,
Nov. 23, 1805, Mary Swineford and died
In the Germnn Hospital, Philadelphia
Dec 22, l'.Hll, aged 03 years and 19 days.
Mr. Rhoads was a faithful soldier in
the War of Rebellion, after which,
July 1H05, he came to Middleburg and
followed the trade and business of tin
smith for many years. He served fre
quently as school director and member
of the town council, a position he held
when he died. Ho also served as Chief
Burgoss of the borough. He is the last
of the family to die, his brother, Peter
Rhoads, having died in Harrisburg
several years ago. 1 16 is survived by a
widow, never having had any children.
He was a faithful member of the Luth
eran church and a devoted member of
the Union Veteran Legion of Sellns
grove and the G. A. R. post of this
The funeral took place Dec. 20, Rev.
W. H. Dielil ofllctating. Nearly all the
Grand Army Posta In the county, the
Uu.ou veteran Legion of Sellnsgrove,
the young lady cadets, whom he him
self drilled, and the Stetler Band of this
place honored his remains with their
presence at the funeral, the services of
which took place In the court house.
His military record is oue of unusual
merit and Is as follows :
Enlisted at Harrisburg, age 22, Sept.
7, 1861, asOth Corporal of Old Company
; promoted to Or-
J l r. a. . A .
uenyocrgeiitAUg. Z9, JHOL'. He W08
transferred to new Company II, Feb.
28,, 1864, commissioned as Second Lieu
tenant aud transferred to new Com
pany I, a Snyder county company,
June 8, 1864. He was wounded In the
breast at Winchester, Va., Sept 14,
1864, and was discharged Feb. 1, 1805,
having served 8 years, 4 months and
24 daya. '
The town has lost a valuable cltlren.
the community an examplary man and
the wife a latin ful husband.
The Following Persons Have PaiJ their Suh
ncriptons to the Post to the Dates Op
posite their Names.
Should any mistakes occur in these
credits or on your paper, please notify
us at once.
John T Francis,
15 F Buoy,
John E ltoss,
A O Uol.inol,,
J M Rainlx),
James Inch,
Milton Miller,
Clyde S Hendricks,
J W Martin,
May Ilciser,
Geo Than.
V V Dairlo,
Jan 1, 1W2
Jan'l, 15102
Sept 1, lilOl
Nov 1, lUOl
Aug 1, 190-2
June 1, li02
Jan 1, 1902
AuR 1, 1902
Sept 1, 1901
June 1, 1902
Nov 1, 1901
Apr 1, 190
Daniel Sassaman, Jr., June 1 , 1902
Samuel W Trutt,
Mrs F F Kunoli,
John F Smith,
Geo J liousli,
John Ii Freed,
H K Kls-rly,
Jacob W lienfer,
llcv J M llcaricli,
J II KeinriT,
Wm Nudity
Hannah Knouse,
Mrs V II Smith,
I) F Fisher,
Mil Wtigner,
John A llarncr,
Prof J U App,
II W Voder,
J 11 (Jift,
Jolte Walter,
J Jl Kntcrline,
John II Miller,
Conrad Duttry,
C M Klinglcr, '
J A Eichinnn,
(i A Koltz,
E S Strouj),
S A Shirk,
Amelia Slioub,
A A UMi,
II A Klinglcr,
Win II Snook,
Mrs Sarah (ioodlin
Hon Ed M Hummel, Feb 25, 1901
in JJiilii.-k, May 1, 1901
Hon II M McCIure,
Boyd llleckcr,
Sept 1, 1902
Deol, 1901
June 1, 1902
Mar 1, 1900
Jimel, 1902
Aug 1, 1901
Sept 1, 1901
June 1, 1902
Feb 1, 190
Mar 1, 189t!
Aug 1, 1902
Aug 1, 1902
Oct 1, 1S99
Juno 1, 1902
June 1, 190'.
Mar 4, 1902
May 1, 1902
Deo 15, 1901
Sept 1, 1902
Oct 1, 1902
June 1, 1902
Aug 12, 1902
Deo 1, 1899
Sept 15, 1901
Mar 1, 190:5
Apr 1, 1902
Am- 1 1902
.Ally 'M, 190:1
Jan 1, 190:
Jan 1, 1902
May 1, 1902
Feb 20, 1902
Jane Freed,
James 1). Wertz,
S S Walter,
J W Kiester,
V S Kicgel,
Henry Dietrich,
M S Brubaker,
Isaac Smith,
John S I laliu,
C A Manhcck,
Frank Wood ling,
C T Slialler,
(i Calvin Arnold,
A 1 1 limine!,
Geo I Kline,
Francis E Buyer,
L S Gelnctt,
Jno M Naglc,
l'liarus Bowersox,
A M Bowersox,
l'S Burnell,
A B Murklcy,
David A Young,
J II Seller,
Jas W Ulrich,
Abra Uenninger,
Geo N Erdley,
E C Mussel man,
D W Mover,
V D Bcnicr,
Win F Stimcly,
J A Shirk,
Aaron Howell,
J A; A Mocsdilin,
E S Mitterling,
John Smith,
Chas W Sechrist,
C V Stcinincr,
Jolm Bt'tinniT,
II A Uaucli,
Win A Diclicr,
July 1, 1902
Jan 1, 1902
Apr 1, 1901
Oct 1, 1902
Mar 1, 1902
Apr 1, 1902
Oct 15, 1901
Sept 1, 1902
Jan 1, 1903
Mar 22, 1903
Jan 1, 1902
Oi l 8, 1902
June 1, 1902
July 21, 1902
Jan 1, 1902
Juno 1, !;)0:5
Feb 1, 1902
Aug 1, IS'JS
Jan 1, 1901
Sept 1, 1902
May 1, 1901
Jan 1, 1902
July 1, 1902
July 1, 1S99
Jan 1, 190:J
Oct 17, 19t2
July 1, 1902
Oct Hi, 1902
Nov I, 1901
Oct 1, 1902
Dec 1, 1901
Nov 1, 1901
Sept 15, 1902
Jan 1, 19(:j
Nov ti, 1902
Nov 1, 1902
Nov 1, 1902
Mav 1, 1898
Dee 1, 1902
May 1, 1902
Mar 1, J90L'
Dec 1, 1901
'lay 13,
Nov 2,
Oct 22.
Jacob Bollinger,
Isaiah Dressier,
Frank Bowersox,
Grier Uenninger,
M K Schoch,
Jacob B Herman,
John F Ixmg,
Wm F Walter,
lievi Hinges,
Jb 1 earick,
May 1, 1902
Aug 1, 1901
Feb 15,1902
Apr 1, 1899
Jan 1, 1903
Apr 1, 1902
May 1, 1902
June 1, 1902
June 1, 1902
Aug 1, 1901
June 1, 1902
May 1, 1902
Mrs T II Spigelmyer, Oct 1, 1901
Howard A alter,
P W Treaster,
W II Grimm,
L E Wetzel,
C L Trutt,
S A Aurand,
Mrs W II Romig,
Irwin Sholly,
Mrs W in Ilouscr,
Anion Brubnkcr,
Caroline Peters,
W II Kipka,
Daniel lJolcndcr,
I II Bowersox,
Mrs J C Speeht,
Clins Fry,
Isaac Walter,
May 15, 1902
Sept 1, 1S90
Sept 1, 1901
June 1, 1902
Mar 1, 1895
Sept 20, 1902
May 15, 1901
Aug 1, 1902
Aug 1, 1901
Sept 1, 1902
Jan 1, 1902
Aug 1, 1902
Apr 1, 1902
July 1, 1901
July 1, 1902
Apr 1, 1902
Sept 15, 1900
Amanda Vittenmyer,Sept 12, 1901
Uil f itiitcr,
Austin Gift,
Peter loung,
II A Good,
John S Schafler,
Howard Bowersox,
Miss Ida Billman,
G L Middleswarth,
Amnion Walter.
Isaac Stimeling,
Mrs Dnvid Ilced,
Frank Musser,
Peter Jlartman.
John Howell,
S F Kaufman,
E W Snyder,
Frank Hummel,
John A Gearhart,
Samuel Forry,
Wilson Weller,
Mrs Nora Long,
Heurv Stepp,
Geo A Kline,
Geo Tharp,
IXA. Portahne,
July 1, 1901
June 1, 1899
Mar 1, 1902
Sept 18, 1902
June 1, 1902
June 1, 1902
Mav 10, 1901
Sept 20, 1901
Aug 15, 1902
July 15, 189G
Apr 1, 1902
Aug 1, 1895
Apr 1, 1902
Jar. 1, 1895
Jan I, 1902
Apr 1, 1901
June 1, 1902
Oct 2, 1902
Jan 1, 1902
Apr 1, 1902
Oot 1, 1902
Sept 1, 1902
, Jan 1, 1902
Nov 1, 1902
,Nov 1, 1902
Mrs Amanda GembTg, Jv.i- 1, '02
h B Hartman, .
Wm L Vitm.-.., "'
Carrie -m
W Ho "'tier,
Wm Kepler,
Ed'vard Hummel,
I Inward W liousli,
Henry LcHsman,
Henry liiegle,
John Longer,
Samuel Bickhart,
Allen W Peter,
AU-I Winey,
A W Pontius,
C S Spriggle,
Jonas K Fetter,
Fannie Bowersox,
1 lelier Bollinger,
1) F Fisher,
A J Straub,
Nora 1 looser,
lli-rley Shaller,
Wilson Herrold,
J A Ilciser;
June 1, 1898
ii.Ul X, j'Jt)l
Jan 18, 1902
Jan 1, JS97
Nov 1, 1901
May I 1902
May 2,' 1S99
Sept 2, 1902
Jan 1, 1903
May 1, 1902
Jan 15, 1902
Jan 1, 1S99
Dec 2, 1902
Oct 1, 1902
Mar 1, 1901
June 1, 1900
Nov 21, 1902
Aug 20, 1902
Jan 1, 1903
Jan 1, 1903
Dec 1, 1902
Mrs Lib Ilottcnstcin, July I, 1901
A B Moyer,
P W Treaster,
List G Stahl,
Daniel Bower,
E II Slirader,
John Bcai-hel,
II AJJiit,
Car I Min Seebold,
Wm 1 Bilger,
Mrs Perry Meiser,
F E Bower,
C M Middleswarth,
Milton Hackeburg,
Jolm P Wetzel,
Wulet ArbogaHt,
Frank Row,
C E Sampsell,
1) F Uplinger,
Clarence Lenig,
Oliver lleimbaeli,
R F Aueker,
Samuel P Herman,
FP Custer,
L J Manbeck.
Jacob P Jarrct,
Henry Boyer,
G A Brosius,
A D Miller,
Henry E Pontius,
Chas Erdley,
Herbert Shumbuch,
Michael Shambnchcr. Jan 1, 1902
Johu S Hommcl, Dec 1, 1890
John. 11 Troup,
II 1. Hoot,
Henry A Erdley,
ooe! itcicliciibaeh,
F F Hare,
Henry Ilane
Jacob Bickhart,
Feb 1, J902
May 1, 1895
Apr 1,1902
Jan 1, 1900
Jan 1, 1903
Deo 1, 189G
Dee 1, 1901
Apr 1, 1902
Jan I, 1903
Jan 1, 1903
Jan 1, 1902
Dec 1, 1902
Jan 1, IS!)!)
Mar 2, 1903
Jan 1, 1903
Jan 1, 1903
Apr 1, 1897
Apr 1, 1902
Jan 1, 1903
Jan 1, 1902
Jan 1, 1902
Mar 3, 1902
Jan 1. 1902
Jan l', 1903
Mar 10, 1902
Mav 1, 1902
June 1, 188!)
Oct 17, 1501
Nov 1, 189S
Nov 1, 1902
Jan 1, 1902
June 1, 1902
Nov 1, 1902
Jau 1, 1903
Jum; l,y.lC03
Feb 1, 1900
Aug 8, 1902
Sept 1, 1903
voms, 25 and 50c
1.5P n flay,, t n
(Continued on editorial page.)
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