oouockjoociGuoocooc:...;. xoojooooooocyxof .-c w.. -..- G A LARGE G KEL U tTlOJN HA N I G 0 I Our Stock has been ping fast since we are having our great sale. Plenty ol Clothing for every body, big and little, at about k 8 price. Come at once if you want ing way down. Remember we are leaving town soon. E KATZ , Middleburtz, Pa. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO 0XKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)OCX30 SHOE BARGAIN COUNTER Boys' Shoe Bon 'Tod Toe, well made, good solid leather reduced from 11.25 to $1.00 Child's Button Calf, heavy school shoe 1ms a nice tip, re- $1.00. duced from $1.20 to Some .smaller sizes, same quality, re' Ladies' Empress Dongola Button; f Ladies' Keystone Button reduced Patent Leather Tip, $2.25 redu Men's I'low Shoes from $1.00 3d from 95o to 75c. ly$2,now $1.35. -1.50 to 90c. $1.80. Men's and ' s' Boots Boys' Boots reduced from ? Men's Boots reduced froir $1.25 $1.75. nhe entire f of Boots and -hoes are wei. ie of superior leather, carefully sewed and with out a blemish. They must go at reduced prices to make room for new stock. Dry Goods Good unbleached Muslin from 4c up. The best Prints, 5o and 6c Dress 7oods that will wear for years a large stock, low price Warm Foot-wear We have a large stock of lumber man's socks, good heavy warm goods made of reliable materials. Felt Boots, that will stand hard wear and keep out the cold The prices are away down. BROSIU & MINIUM, Alt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. a I. CUSTER'S FROM IOIAT DECEMBER 9, 1911, TO FEBRUARY 10, 1902. We will reduce our entire stock to ami below oosf. We invite everv bodv to come to nn, a-. h Wonderful Bargains of Fall and Winter Goods. Bel OW Oil Will lill.l sUiinA nf i.ianw kamiMa .ill nr v vm ........ wiuuuiiio U I" Will GENERAL STORE, SWINEF Groceries. 5 Cakes Soap, 5c 1 lb Oyster Crackers, 5c. Coal Oil, per gallon, 8c. Light Brown Sugar, jiei lb 5c. Granulated Sugar, per lb 5c. A Sugar, per lb 5Jc. liaking Soda, per lb 4c. Arbuckle Co flee, per lb 12c. 2 Pounds Golden Bland Coffee, 24c. Flour Sulphur, per lb 5c. Epsom Salt, jKr lb 5c. Shoes. Misses Shoes, 40 to 50c. Ladies' Shoes as low as 50 to 75c. lioys' Shoes, 50 to 75c. Mens' Shoes, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. Mens' Rubbers, 40c. Mens' Arties, er pair, $1.00. Mens' Felts, per pair, $1.80. Ladies' Felt?, complete, $1.20 Dry Goods. Cotton Flannel, per yard, 5c. Dress Goods reduced to 15c Lancaster Ginghams, 5k Best Prints, jht yd, 5c Appleton A Muslin, per yd. 7c. Bleached Muslin, per yd, 8 and 7c Pants goods as low as Sc per yd. We have a complete line of Queens ware and Agateware, decorated Glassware, etc Agate Wash Basins, 10c Tin Wash Basins, 5c. Skilets, 5 and 10c 24 Sheets Fools Cap Paper, 5c. 24 Sheets Paper, 24 Envelopes for 8c 5 Dozen Clothes Pins for 5c. Clocks, 8 day and Alarm, $2.25. Toilet Sets, per set, 2.50. Fine Umbrellas, 40c each. Notions. Saxony Yvn, per hank, 7c. Maim' VIumi.m1 I T,l, cr ... i a 4 i i . A V.V,.S 1 I III 1 r 'II l lil .1 li.ys' Hats and Caps as low as 10c. Mens' Caps as low a- '.'lie. Mens' Plush Caps, 40c. Mens' Mittens, 12c Mens' Gloved, 22c. Bed Blankets, per pair 55c. Fascinators as low as 10c. Ladies' Mittens, 10. Mens' Heavy Over Shirts, 40c. The above named articles are only the bargains in a large stock we have t e t. m. jw Kir uiaivu a mm til 'ilteml tlnu cola P?.. 1 L Kemcmber.bargain prices are good Ix-I dates and fat cash Or lirixlllfp nnlv 1 . . ' J give a handsome present to every eusoi 1)11 VS '.'.") CPIiIm Will i ll A Mnu 0.1 I 21, 1901. A Fine Assortment of Holiday Goods B. H. CUSTER, ... SWINEF0RD, Harding Bargain Counter When you want to get a neat and serviceable cloth for a Dress, I will give you a better quality of goods for the money than any other dealers. If any one offers you cloth for less money, it must be inferior to the quality I sell. 20 cent Dress Guods now selling for only 15 cents. Bargains In shoes. Men's Split Double Sole Shoes reduced to 90 cents. Boys' Fine Caps reduced from 50c to 10c LADIES' WARM FOOTWEAR at bottom prices. I always payTiighest prices for produce. Ladies' and Misses' Rubbers reduced to 25c a pair. Ladies' and Misses' Fur Scarfs worth $3.50 reduced to $2.50 Men's Rubbers reduced to 50c a pair while they last. Boys' Rubber Boots; $2.50 and $1.50 Table Oil Cloth for 12 cents per yard HENRY HARDING, i 1 Jo n't Sneeze. Sneexlnr. muffling, rxvowive blowing of none coin;. -i.. I air UMM, wuuriiif ol oyen and a l tbe ..ilior dltasreeable symptoms uttemlant up .ii poldt In i lie head. Influenka, catitrrli hay revet and similar diseases trr Instantly lanili--l by i ho line of Clark's Anttsept o Cream, one application elves relief in the worst case in ten eriimtlii and permanently iiirr-B in a very sliorl lime. The greatest dlseoyer ever made. Sohi in let a (uurantee. Large tube postpuid for 2 V Agenti wanted everywhere to iiitrm!ue- thin MDedv. IIIlt in. In. ements ..IT, re. I Wni. day for u iantplc stamps taken) and terms. Cr.KK CHEMICAL ro.. Blairmrille, Pa, A '."nil Opening. To responsible party who can take or place 2 1,000 shares of stock at6 cents per share in promising Arizona Mining Company (recently Incorporated) own ing over .ill acres of mineral land in one of the richest gold and copper dis tricts in Arizona. Company needs money to push development work. Splendid ohanca to double money if taken advantage of at once. Investi gate. Address '-New Milling Com pany," P. O. Kox 10, Preacott, Ari " 12-19-5t. CANDIDATES' ANNOUNCEMENTS. County t'ommlMNlouer. Kilitor Post. I desire vou to ininiiinn ma ........ through your worthy paper as a candidate for ounly Commiamioner, 1 have been a voter in this county for the past thirty four years and have always been a staunch Kepuhliean. I have never been a candidate for a county office be fore, and if the neoole see Hit to .!., t n, I would assure them that I would do all in my .....i ... carry oui ineir Wlsnes. Kespectfully yours, .. .. ., JONATHAN BE1CHKNRACH Miadle, IV, Dec. 14, UHL DiT. fi""y v '"'y PfLe Whiskey Is direct from puOllem ou avoid adulteration and save -Jhldlemen'!! profits. The Hayner Distilling ""'""""i Ohio, are distillers, and are of srin :oiir full quarts for I8.i, express prepaid, ead their offer appearing else where In this is- This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative bromo-Uuinme Ttieu the remedy that enrea Mitt in one day I I SCHNEE, PA. NEtTKALGIA cured by Dr. Hllea Pad Pillh. "One rent doas.r At all drunlata Crip brings wcainess exhaustion, nervooi oroetratlcm Dr. Milea' Nervine cores them. In Hard I.nrk "Ye, Mrs. Uptodate is dreadfully worriea. "What's the matter?" "Why two new fads have made their appearance at the same time and she doesn't know which to take up." Chi cago rost. Hie Enjoyment Limited. Mrs. Twaddle Why, Dr. .Jalap, It's ages since I saw you! How have you been? Do you enjoy good health? Dr. Jalap Not in others, Mrs. Twaddle not in others. Boston Transcript. er is Here And Tl)e Holidays , are Coming We cordially invite everybody to call and see our beautiful stock of goods coming daily in oar store, all kinds of Gloves, dressed, kid, undressed and unfinished, aii colors, beautiful line of Neckwear. Also a fine line of Handkerchiefs, Silks and Linen and so on. We have a fine line os Hollow Overcoats. Come and examine our stock whether you buy or not. There is no trouble to show our goods, anything not satisfactory, we will re fund the money without asking. Respectfully yours, WOLFF FREEDM AN, 318 East Market St, Qnnriw T3q GLOBE WAREHOU THE VAST H0LIDA AND STAPLE GOO Silks A large assortment of black and colored silks, satins. Ptn a desirable irif t I also linirtlia t'.ir uniuli nn turn ulil.-i ..i :.. mg prices. Dress Patterns Hl'M III i I'll I uil.utirn 1.1..,, I- .I....... I,. . mmm!.- . v. iniv-r. mem ifuiivin . initio .iiiiiiilLr inn to j.i.nu jier yam. Handkerchiefs Enormous assortment, especially good values. Furs I nr-tm acurkltt.ianf i,...lr Im 11 .1.,. n......lnH r. , , ,iv,rw i.ii v c.j iu mi liic ii. iui.il 1 1 1 1 M I. n m. in price irom l.ui to Q'M.W). Coats We placed Pecial prices on Ladies' and Misses' Coats. Fancy Goods Manicure sets, comb and brush seta, smokim? sets, nut nin . . . " i . ... ;. . . r ......wi., ii.uiil, v.n.viv.--. .-iw;iiiijk5 nnii nun I'll in Nil M1 i . ii ... ' ' Dens, paper knives, etc. Gloves Most comprehensive showing, new styles, new cororiugs. Umbrellas A .....II - l A 1 1 1 . A . . . " - T mmmjv nv,avivJi . vvu W UIVS-'V one Rugs All rll 1oOl nrr tiwvlimtwtna awn olinmn Iiasws arrMntSnA ninlna " aav smsuiiik UIUUUVUUUO QIC D1IUH1I lltlL. (till uvll V t ftlVR'P. - ' ' - ' J tive prices. A SDlendid showintr of th nnvptip in Ipflthpr pnllnr mul rufl J ' 1 a a earu cases, pocKet DOOK8, etc GLOLE WAREHOUSE, 143 Market St.. SU1NBURY. PBN