The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 19, 1901, Image 5

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Wellie Gilliert of Hunlmrv, Hf
man on the S. L. K. K. came up
here Wednesday to visit liis step
brother, John Keigle, mxl have a
rabbit hunt.
Miss Laura Harner visited i
Midilleburgli Tuesday.
Born to Isaac Hruuner nml wi?
u daughter.
Miss Malx'l Matter o! Smithprovi
spent several days visiting her unele,
no the Schuch fiirm.
Mr. Wagner of'MeClure, visited
his (laughter, Mrs. Win. 3)igleinyer
over Sunday.
Jesse Spigelmyer, who had been
employed at McClure during tl,
summer, came home to spend the
winter with his parents.
Clark Hover transacted business
iu Middleburg, Saturday.
The flood here did considerable
damage Saturday night. Mr. Baku
and family and Harvey Shanibacli
and family were hom pellet to leave
their homes during the night and
stay with their neighbors over Sun
day. Mr. Shambach's house and
barn were both surrounded by water,
and in the house the water was sev
eral inches above the first floor.
Charles Derr, who is teaching
school in Benvertown, spent Sunday
with his parents.
The Pride of lleroci
Many soldiers in the last war wrote
to say that for Scratches. Bruises,
Outs, Wounds, Corns, Sore Foet
and Stiff Joints Bucklen's Arnica
Salve i the best in the world. Same
for Burnt, Scalds. Roils, Ulcers,
Skin Eruptions ana Piles. It cures
or no pay. Only 5c at Middleburg
Drug Co., Graybill, Oaruian & Co..
Richfield, Pa.. Dr. J. W. Sampsell,
A merry Christmas and a happy
new year to all.
The heavy rain we bad Saturday
night did quite a lot of damage to
the public roads and the bridges.
John H. Komig, wife and little
boy, were guests of Sarah Steely,
Mrs. Mary E. Treaster spent last
Sunday with some Lowell friends.
S. H. Philips spent a day in Ran
nerville lust week, fixing an, old
grand mother's clock.
, Henry Barth of Yeagertow'n,
spent a few days here last week.
James Steely was employed as a
guide by a peddler Friday night, to
guide him to McClure, as the night
was very dark and the team could
not In; kept on the road. Jim is
ready to assist anyone, no matter
when or whom, if able.
Hurley Fisher and Charles Stuck
of Granvil'c Station, Mifflin county,
spent a few days here last week.
Foils a Deadly Attach.
"My wife was so 11 that good
physicians were unable to help her,"
writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester.
Ind., "but was completely cured by
Dr. King's New Life Pills." They
work wonders in stomach and liver
troubles. Cures constipation, sick
headaches. 2,rc at Middleburg Drug
Co. Graybill. Oarman & Co., Riot
field, Pa., Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Penus
creek, Pa-
Rev. Genszler and wife went to
Philadelphia to attend the funeral
of Mrs. GrenB7.!er8 grand mother.
Judge McClure was in town on
Friday looking after the interests of
the water works.
Miss Jennie Long is spending
several weeks with her brother
Frank, near Pittsburg.
Miss Lizzie Kohrbach of Harris
burg is visiting her parents here.
The funeral of lias Strouse took
Elace Sunday. The relatives from
eae could not attend on account of
the condition of the streams having
been so swollen by the rainB of Sat
urday. Our merchants are showing nice
things tor Christmas presents.
J. A. Lumbard was in Washing
ton last week.
Miss Maggie Philips returned
home from her trip to Chicago,
where she spent several months with
her sister, Mrs. McLaughlin.
A Million Voice
Could hardly express the thnnks
of Homer II all, of West Point, la.
Listen why: A severe cold had set
tled on bis lungs, causing a most
obstinate cough. Several physicians
said ho had consumption, but could
not help him. When all thouglt
he was doomed ha began to use Dr.
King's New Discovery for OoaUnap
tion and writes "it completely cured
mo and saved my life. 1 now Weigh
227 lbs." It's positively guaranti c .1
for coughs, Coldaaud Lung I nmM a .
Price f))c and Slln. Trial bottles
free at Middleburg Drug Co., Gi ay
bill, Gaiinim and Co.. Richfield, Ph.,
Dr. J' V. Sampsell, Peuiisereek,
Charles Derr of Paxtouville has
been elected to teach the primary
school. We congratulate the direc
tors upon their excellent choice.
Archie Middleswarth butchered
the second of his big porkers recent
ly, and it lipped the buitM at 575
pounds. This la likely the heaviest
hoghutchered in the county this fall.
Charles E. 1 reed who has been
one of the typhoid fever siihYrer.
since the latter part of Sept em b r,
is again able to be about.
Miss Edna Middleswarth, one of
the employee! at the shirt factory,
was so unfortunate on Saturday as
to have the needle of her machine
pierce the fore finger of her right
hand, breaking the needle oil near
the middle, with one end protruding
from either side of the linger. In
the absence of Dr. Heimbacli from
the factory, W, K. Feese applied
the most suitable instrument at his
command,, and successfully extract'
ed the needle.
Rev. John Freed of Tioga Co.,
visited relatives in town on Sunday.
Ear! Winey of Swiueford was in
town between trains Saturday.
Services in memory of Master
Francis Lynn Freed, who died of
diphtheria a few weeks ago, were
held in the Lutheran church, Sun
day forenoon.
W. F, Dagle and wifeentertained
the former's nephew and niece over
Aaron Howell is on the sick list.
A christmas cantata will Ik- held
in the Lutheran & Reformed church
County Supt. Bowersox was iu
town Monday and Tuesday, visiting
the schools of the township.
Dr. M. Rothrock sprained his
right leg last Friday evening by a
fall on the icy pavement in town.
John and Charles Kalriter are
sick with the measles.
John Mengel, an aged citizen of
onr town, died Sunday, Dec. 8th,
and was interred in the St. John's
cemetery Thursday. He was the
lather of seveu children, four sons
and three daughters. He was mar
ried twice, first to Mrs. Eckhert,
second to Polly Steiver, aged 78
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation, biliousness, dys
pepsia, sick headache.
25c. All druggists.
Want jour mouUch or beard a beautiful
brown or rleb black? Tkru um
o m. trtmmmn, mm c "" jj 1 .
Our Sabbath Schools are making
preparations for their Christmas en
tertainments. Mrs. Albright Dreesc and chil
dren visited friends in Sunbury.
Miss Carrie Dreese spent Saturday
and Sunday in Painterville.
Carpenters are at work at the
new depot.
Isaac Manbcck's new barn is fast
Hearing completion.
Several weddings will occur dur
ing the holidays.
Allen Fultz and wife of Wagner
were in town one dry last week.
Miss Catharine Faux returned to
her home near Dau ille.
Jas. Spangler was to Baltimore
to lay in another supply of goods.
George E. Herman and family of
Union county wt;tv visitors in town
On account of the high water,
some of the people who came from
Union county Saturday, with the
expectation of returning home Sun
day, were kept iu Snyder county
until Monday.
Palmer Hackenburg and wife of
Miflliuburg were Snyder county
visitors over Sunday.
Our rabbit hunters arc at home
Our supervisors are out nutting
up bridges which were wiped out of
existence by the recent rain.
Our sick people are all well.again
Prudie Middleswarth altera long
absence is at home, visiting her
parents and frinds.
Mrs. Amos Herman of this place
and her daugli er, Mrs. Mary .!.
Steimly of Middleswarth, attended
the funeral of the former's brother's
wife iu Centre county.
ll'N DOUK.
They say that the gulden rule
seldom works both ways.
Jacob Kcistetter made a business 1
trip to Selinsrovc.
Eli t aaiitl ell ulet'kml fur Dun-
dere while he was at court.
.!' !. : l U ituj was laid to rest
mm Saturday, and the funeral cor
lejjt-1 wud large aim ihc occasion iw
Mr. William Wolf of Seliusgroyc
pttjWtsJ through town on Ins way to
In.- parents.
Kainlm and Mover are makiuy
tics lor Wetter auu Weaver on
1 oiidoie's timber tract.
John II. Wise sold ids coal to the
Pluuiug Mill at Seliusgrove,
Calviu Arnold of Port Trevertou
was in town looking after building
A. s. Seohriat oi Verdilla was in
town on business.
Our hunters have killed every
rabbit in the township ad intend io
start for Australia itini uo the same
tin lit; there.
Toe hill had a lively serenading
Kggs 25c at Dundore's.
Some of our farmers were husk
ing corn last week.
'Squire Seohriat took in court last
(ieorge Campbell is improving as
last as oau be expected.
Lob bouses ought to Ik; ready.
Hutcheriiig is alxait over, sausage
by the yard, fat stufl enough to turn
any man's stomach.
Our Public schools are the best
places for all children between the
ages of 5 and 16, and the parents as
well as the school directors ought to
think so.
The POST is a go;d family paer.
The storm Saturday was the se
verest and most destructive si nee the
flood of 1889. Part of the R. R.
tracks were washed out and the
public roads are terribly injured and
cellars were flooded. Some roofs
torn of! from buildings.
Jacob W. Shilliug and Frank
Wagner, it is said upon good au
thority, have a contract to build a
wagon road to the top of Shade
mountain at this place to get the
timber down. This is a move in
the right direction, and would have
been the w iser plan in the first place,
instead of the slide which never
amounted to much. Jake knows all
aheut building mountain mads,
being an old baud at it.
Ner R. Benfer purchased the
house and lot, situate in Audyville,
from Adam Wagner and will occupy
same, next April.
Ring Ernest has sold his house
and lot toTillie Peters.
It is reported we are to have a
new landlord at the Raker House
next year.
John Hughes took a trip to Lew
istown Saturday and Sunday he also
had a free pass home, heeling it
however, cause, "no trains.''
Chas. Miimma, night operator at
this place, is out again after a short
spell of sickness.
H. M. Enders of'York,interview
ed our merchants Monday.
Wm. H. Sanders is out again after
a spell of sickness.
John Baker and Reuben Haines
are working at Ijewistown, where
they are putting up a three story
business house for A. Tetter.
Hayed at Grave's Brink.
"I know I would, long afro have
beer! in my grave." writes Mrs. ft,
S. Newsom. of Docatur, Ala. "If it
had not been for Electric Bitters.
For three years I suffered untold
cony from the worst forms of In
digestion, Waterbrasb, Stomach and
Bowel Dyspepsia, But this excellent
medicine did me a world of good.
Since using it I can eat heartily
nod have et ined 35 pounds." For
Indigestion, Loss of Appetite,
Stonjach. Liver and Kidney troubles
Electric Bitters are a positive, gnar
auteed cure. Only 50c at Middleburg
Drug Co . Graybill, Garman & Co.,
ttichfield, Pn.. Dr. J. W. Sampsell,
Pouuscreek, Pa.
State Hospital for the Insane,
Danville, Pa., Dec. 13th, 1001.
Owing to the prevalence of smallpox
throughout the State and in neighi or-
! ing towns, and imminent danger, of
Introducing the dread fl lamas, byindls
I criminate visiting, into the State Hos
pital for the Insane, at Danville, Pa., it
has been decided to close the doom to
both general visitors and those coming
to see their friends, and further mini
I mice the danger, by requiring all pati
o il a lying for admission to have
been underdose Inspection under such
conditions as to insure freedom from
contagion for a period of two weeks; a
Physician's Certificate, setting forth a
: strict compliance with this rule, to ac
eomp iny the papers.
H. M. Meredith, M. D., Supt.
Catarrhal Diseases are Most
Prevalent in Winter.
Pe-ru-na Never Fails to Cure
Catarrh Wherever
There are some things which are as
ore an fate, and can be rolled on to occur
to at leiibt one-half of tho human family
unleu means are taken to prevent.
First, tho climate of winter is sure tu
brine colds.
Second, colds not promptly cured are
nre to cause catarrh.
Third, catarrh improperly treated is
rare to make life short and miserable.
Catarrh spare uo organ r function of
the body. It Is capable of destroying
tight, taste, Smell, hearing, digestion,
secretion, assimilation and excretion.
It pervades every part of tho human
body, head, throat, stomach, bowels,
bronchial tubes, lungs, liver, kidneys,
bladder and other pelvic organs.
That I'eruna cures catarrh wherever
located is attested by tho following tea
timonlais sent entirely unsolicited to
Dr. ITartman by grateful men and wo
men who hare been cared by I'eruna:
Catarrh of The Head.
Mr. D. R. Ramsey writos in a recent
letter from Pine lUuff, Ark., the fol
lowing :
" My son, Leon Ramsey, four years of
age, suffered with catarrh of the head
for eighteen or twenty months. He took
one bottle of your I'eruna and could
hear as good as ever." I). R. RAMSEY.
Catarrh at The Nose.
Mr. Herman Ehlke,W2 Orchard street,
Milwaukee, Wis., writes:
" I am entirely cured of my catarrh of
the nose by yonr I'eruna. My case was
severe one." Herman Eh Iks.
Catarrh of The Throat.
B. H . Runyan, Halosville, O., writes :
"I suffered with catarrh of the throat
for tiro years. I was Induced to try
i'eruna. I have used Ave bottles and am
perfectly well." B. H. Runyan.
Catarrh ef The Kar.
Mr. Archie Qodln, 188 Ileech street,
Fitch burg, Mass., writes:
" I'eruna has cured me of catarrh of
the middle ear. I feel better than I have
for several years." Archie Qodln.
Oourt enlivened Monday, !v. 9th,
1901, at 11 o'clock A. jyi.
Present, Hon. H. M McClure, Pres
ident Judge, and Hon, . T. Oember
ling and Hon. P. F. Riegle, Associate
Albert Qemberllng was appointed
foreman of the Grand Jury.
On motion of P. E. Bower, Esq.,
John T. Hyatt was admitted to practice
law in the several courts of Snyder
Henry It. Riegle, W. W. Arnold, A.
H. DiniiiH nnil ('. C. Bpangler were ap
pointed tipstaves.
In the case of the Commonwealth vs.
H. Kpliraiin Kelt, the defendant was
discharged from prison.
Tlie eases of the Commonwealth vs.
Lawrence K. Shnfier, Francis E. Hov
er, H. M. Kreblis anil Henry Swarm
were? settled.
The ease of the Common wealth vs.
David Haines, at the Instance of M. I.
Potter, Esq., the district attorney, was
In the erse of the Common wealth vs.
William A. MeWillimns, the defendant
was convicted of hi. amy, and plead
guilty to the charges of perjury and
statutory rape and was sentenced to pay
a fine on the latter two offenses of $18
costs of prosecution and to undergo an
tniprlsonmentfln'tfie Eastern Peniten-1
tiary located 'at Philadelphia for ten
years. Sentence for the crime of bigamy
was suspended.
J. M. Baker, Esq., W. H. Dreese and
O. D. Mengle were appointed to view
public road iu Franklin township.
O. A. Botdorf, Esq., Jonas Trexler
d Samuel Knouse were appointed to
lew public road in Heaver and Spring
On motion of the citizens r' Monroe
township, the court fixed t ie sitting
room in Ellsworth Aurand's Hotel as
the temporary (silling place.
The reports of reviewers of public road
in West Perry and Franklin township11
were confirmed nisi and ordered to lie
opened.'!.'! feet wide except where liridg-
imr end digging is necessary, and then
61 feel wide.
The grand jury approved th" report
of the bridge site in Spring township.
n the case ofEstella V. Stank by
her next friend, etc. vs. John P. Blank
a plurius subpoena In divorce was
awarded and ordered to be published.
n the case of the Junjata and Bus
quehanna Telephone Company vs. J.
1). Haines, motion for judgment of lie
damages and costs of suit was allowed.
iilvfcsd rX.
Catarrh at The I.iiuks.
Mrs. Kmilio Kirokhoff, Ada, Minn.,
"Through a violent cold contracted
last wiuter, I became afflicted with ca
tarrh of the nose, which in a short lime
affected my lungs. 1 took I'eruna which
curod mo thoroughly. I now feel bettor
than I have for forty years." Mrs.
I'.milic Kirekhoff.
Catarrh at The Bladder.
Mr. John Smith, 311 S. Third street,
Atchison, Kau., writes:
" I was troubled with catarrh of the
urethra and bladder for two years. At
tho time I wrote to you I was under tho
care of my home doctor, and had been
for four months.
" I followed your directions but two
months, and can say I'eruna cured me
of that trouble. "John Smith.
Catarrh of The Bowel.
Mr. Henry Entclon, South Bend, Ind.,
"Tho doctor said I had catarrh of the
bowels and I took his medicine, but
with no relief. I was getting worse ull
the time.
" Before I had taken a half bottle of
Peruna I felt like a new man." Henry
In the ease of Ida O. Nuugle vs. F,!
mer W. Naugle, a subpoena in divorce
was awarded.
Ill t lie ease of John 8. Aueker vs. N. T.
Dundore, the verdict is in favor of the
defendant. The plaintiff was granted
leave to (lie reasons fur a new trial in
side of ten days.
Charles P. Fiss, f. !. Better and
Charles E. Steininger were appointed
to view school site ill Centre township.
i. V. How, Esq., High Sheriff ac
knowledged deed to Hon. Ed. M.
Hummel for 3 acres and ! perches f
land in Washington township.
Exceptions were filed totheaudltor's
rcort iu the estate of Joslab Helfrlch
Reports of Horace Alleman, Esq.,
auditor, distributing funds iu the estate
of David Weaver, dee'd,. and of J. M.
linker, Fs., auditor, distributing the
funds in the estate of Menu Bob!., de
ceased, were continued nisi.
An order of sale was granted in the
estate of Levi Kline, deceased.
Returns to orders of sale were eon
firmed in estnics of Blvlna Kauflman,
deoemsed, Susanna Solomon, deceased,
Daniel Hrouse, Levi Krolise, dee'd,
Magdalena Leonard, deceaseil, a n tl
John Fry, deceased.
The guardians' account ami the
widows' appraisements were all con
firmed except those herein after men
tioned. The real estate of Alex. Bishop, de
ceased, situate in Snvder County wits
awarded to George Bishop, a son.
Thursday, Dec. Ill, A. D.. 1901. court
adjourned to Wednesday, Jan. --, A.
D. llKri, at 11 o'clock A. M
Jambs O. Crouse, Reporter.
Long H(
About a year sro my hair was
coming out very fast, so I bought
a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
stopped the falling and made my
hair grow very rapidly, until now it
is 45 inches in length." Mrs. A.
Boydston, Atchison, Kans.
There's another hunger
than that of the stomach.
nan iiungi.i , ivji iiia i-.. g
Hungry hairnceds food, f
needs hair vig( r it " '
This is v hy we say that
Ayer's Hair Vigor always
restores coioi
the hair grow long and
heavy, um . ....
IF inn- ilnrf-"-;,
'mid we will expn
Aoi.iml k'iMill V t
vim ii liott !c. Kosiiroiunlgivotliaiian U
tjouxwutti i.r , ,mi
Knocks All Forms of
Catarrh of The Kidneys.
Peter, I. L'upcr, Hawley, Pa., writes:
" I think that I am perfectly ourcdol
catarrh of the kidneys by l'cruuu, as I
have no trmiblo of any kind." l'eter
J. UBger.
Oatal 'rh of The Stoiniu-h.
A. V. Graves, of Hammond, Ind.,
writing to Dr. UarUnan, says:
" I am well of catarrh of the stomach
after suffering two years. I liaM' takon
live bottles of I'eruna anil 000 of ManaliO
and I feel like a now man now." A. W.
J raves.
PeWie Catarrh.
Miss Katie Lochmon, Lafayette, Ind.,
" I had pelvic catarrh, pain In tho
abdomen, back, hud Stomach troable
and headache caused by catarrh. I fol
lowed your directions took Peruna and
Manaliu according to directions, and
how happy I feel thut I am relieved of
such a distressing ailment." Miss Katie
A book on the cure of la grlppo and
catarrh in all stages and phases sent free
to any address by The I'eruna Mudicino
Co., Columbus, Ohio.
DIED. Dec. 1-, near Dundore, Joh
P. Wise, aged about ,'!H years.
Dec. 10, iu Middleburg, Samuel Wit
tenmyer, aged i'.'t years and 1 day.
Dec. 8, in .Monroe township, Klias
Btrousc, ageil alioiit 68 years
Dec. 4, in Seliusgrove, olive Davis
aged about I- years.
Dee. H, near M iddleereek, Charles
Knepp, aged 18 years, II months and
It) days Death due to shooting acci
dent. Nov. 's, near Heavertown, Mrs. BliZA
Sinsik, aged 71 years, I months and lfi
Dec. 4, in N'eitz Valley, Barbara Ana
Kuhn, aged .vt years, .t mos. and 1 day.
Dec. 7, in Washington township,
Samuel Bickhart, aged il years, 11
months and .'! days,
A Knrp Opportuull) .
Wanted Party with 4,000 to take
interest iu Arizona Mining Company
owning excellent property in one of
the richest gold and copper districts in
Arizona. Splendid chance to doul '
money if taken advantage of at once.
Investigate. Address "Mines and Mill
Ing," 28 Hank of Atiaona Huildiug,
Preseott, Arizona, 1 2-19-6 1,
MrKinlty as lliiiiaa Kiikw Him.
The January "National Magazine"
of Huston will contain the first f a
series of articles hy Senator Mark Han
na of Ohio on the career of his fi nd,
the late President William McKinley.
No oilier man was so warn... ii ed
to McKinley or SO closely in touch with
him. These articles will einbodj the
Senator's estimate of his friend's iiar
acteraud life work, and give mi ly in
teresting incidents of hiu career. They
will be the most widely read and au
thoritative contributions op Mi'i sub
ject, which is ol the profoui 'i
est to all pal nut 1c Amerlcai
"The Nation" is a llr-l el -i-can
News Mngnztnc, Itr .-i.- are
struiiL'. in Its nicttires of men and wo
men of the day many aud timely, its
"Aaflhtrs nl NVashlngton" ini'iue.
Those who nre not subscril an
obtain the January numborby sending
ten cents in stamps to the W. W.
Potter Co., Publishers, 41 Wesl l 'irst
Street, Boston. Subscriptions, cover
ing: the - alii" ries, 1.
i ..iitc.l, t'...'! ncr.
WAN, nellvo man liiiUOT
furl.v With rh),(ll)ii to lake cln r of
mining bn Iw In Ail mm. S.. idld
opening for Hgbl parly If will lii ud
vantaire of iiiini diately. Ad vitl
ref rencc, "Mini's and Ime-tnieuLs,'
P. 0. Boa 3 i, PresooU, Arpw .u, 1--H . .