1 " s 11 I PIMPLES Cored in FIVK DAYS by the use of Dr. Thomas1 Faci al Ointment apply ;tt, bed time; cares while von sleep. PeFor a short time we will send a Fifty-cent box by mail, postpaid, on receipt of thirty five cents. Address, Bapper Cbcnjiral Co., 1324 North 55th St., Wtst Park Station, 12-5-201 Phiadelphia, Pa. ( CORDING TO IlonilY. Hia Mamma I'm mortified to learn that you stand Hi the foot of your class. 1 can hardly believe it pos sible. Bobby Why, it's de easiest thing in de world. Louisville Courier-Journal, I lie I line When (his day i- 4 lleturn from Ihi pi ages lie; Oh come, brol li. r. coi it win never again i where the dead let lit rtc. somi thinp then To gladly and proudly remember It by -Chicago Re ord-H raid. Vne iiesi "Master. A piece of flann pened with Chamberlain's. Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame buck or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and vou are cer tain to be more tlniii pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Jin I m also cures rheumatism. One application gives relief. For sale by The Middleburg Drug Co. A Man of KirniM, "J just can'1 get John to go to church," complained his wife. "Five years ago he said he would not go because it took the preacher too long to deliver the sermon, and now he says be cannot go because it takes him all the morning to read the Sun day paper." Baltimore American. Pure Wbiakoy and mor whiskey sound a great deal alike but they are really very llf ferent ; one Is beneficial, the other is harmful, We cannot understand why anybody will buy po.tr w hiskey when pure whiskey can be bad, direct Irom an old reliable company like The Hayner IHstllling 1 'o., and at a lower price, see their offer elsewhere in this issue. Not tn lie Trnated. Maiinda What kind ob a man nm Miltah Jackson? Susan Oh, he's one ob dese kind dat if he took up a collection you'd suspect dat he had n false bottom in his hat. Chicago Daily News. It you would have an appetite like a bear and relish for your meals take Chtmberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They correct disorders cf the Btomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Price, 25 cents. Sarap lles free, at The Middleburg Drug Stoiv. Hitman Limitation to Blame. 1 liarry One-half the world doesn't know how the other half lives. Harriet Of course not! How ab surd! Everybody can't live next door to everybody.- Puck. Nat So Had That. "You can't go home when it's raining like this. Yon had better stay and have dinner with us!" "Oh, it's not so bad as that!" Oolden Da vs. it n i rii Nutisinntlnl Inducement. I'rnud Mother Tommy, won't you say that little speech of yours for the gentleman? Tommy I will, if the gentleman has a penny. Ohio State Journal. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If you haven's a n eurar, Bowels tttry day, '"'', IliiwHsnpell. lilltl it" well. I Irnr ihvi.iM.r iilll itoljoli.l ,!, ,1. III.. si. i.erf.-.-l mint o' Utl I in- a ill us. Keen you, rce, In i It.' siispe cr vlo Lini'i inns. The smooth ) ..I keeping tint bowel cie.ir jinl elean In In tui... CANDY rams um i nan i CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Flr-t-nnt, Palatable, '' " 1 ' '" .'l!! """?;! ,. ,, ,:... Weaken in , 1 . iU.T': g ' l-r box. Willo lot free imnil, met ttoaataljei health. Address ' tf-TXIIMSd ItkSKIIT rnrfptsT,, T!i saw reus. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN jjgjj A CHRISTMAS ACCIDENT. IT PROVES THAT VANITY SOMETIMES IS ITS OWN PUNISHMhNT. OKESTV ia the belt policy," sighed Florence, "especially whea Christmas i near," she added. "Which means!" queried her dearest friend, eagerly. Wbicb means that my vanity ia too near t tie tip of my tongue for my own good. Luckily that ia a common complaint, how ever, elae I'd never mention it." "Oh, i understand, vou expected some body to give you a handsome present, and sent an equally handsome one on the chance. Oh, well, comfort yourself; per haps she really believed the price you had marked upon it." "That wasn't it at all. You remember that Dick went abroad early in the fail, don't you?" "I do he has told me every incident of hia trip everytime 1 have met him since hia return." "01 course what else did he go abroad for! Well, he came to see me the day that he went away, He ho told me what a pretty little hand 1 have." "Ah, well, you mustn't expect people to always mean what thev say." "I am glad that some people do not, dear. ' I just mentioned the fact that I always wore a -No. e glove On, it you are going to take it ill that way I am sure that 1 al ways dul until 1 was 10 years old!" "Oh, but that" "I am glad that you have the grace to apologue, dear. Well, Dick tailed to bring me a present when he came back, but I was just as sweet and nice as ever, because Christmas was so near that" "There wasn't time to quarrel and make up, especially, with a man who is as pop ular as J)ick." "No. When Christmas eve arrived he came to call, with a box in his pocket, which bulged so plainly that I could see it with my bark turned. He drew it out at last just as my patience was exhausted, and, Oh, Anne, it was two dozen pairs of gloves that lie had brought me from Paris!" "Oh, how perfectly lovely of him!" "It would have been, but for the fact that they were number six, and each pair had my monogram embroidered on it, so that I could not exchange them!" "Oh, dreadful! What could be worse?" "that ha insisted upon teeing me put a pair of them on!" 1 1: A so n A ni.rc ECONOMY, "Heavens, man, how do you happen to patronize a free lunch counter?" "Case of necessity, old boy. My wife and the girls have been out. Christinas shop ping" tii HuKton Way, "And what," asked the caller in his most ingratiating tones, "what did iSnntn Claua put in your stocking, my little girl?" Tor a moment she looked at him through her diminutive spectacles; then, in a voice of mingled pity and indignation, she said: "We no Linger put credence in obsolete tra dition; nor was it delicate of yyu to men tion that article of feminine apparel." Gathering up her copy of Ibsen, she hur riedly left the room.- -New Lippincott, A Kota Trick. O the doctor he was sad And the doctor he wss mad. And the doctor ripped and tore und roared, alack! Some rogue had gone and stuck In the doctor's sock a duck That every time you touehed it murmured: "Quark! Quaek! Quack!" Chicago Times-Herald. Ivlna; Him a Chance. "Harriet, yau ought to give me my choice ef a Christmas present onee ia awhile." "Well, Harry, I'm willing; do yeu want a lamp-shade, a sofa pillow or new lace curtains?" Chicago Record. Inevitable. The seasons come, the seasons go Christmas Is hers before we know It, When we must take our hard-earned cask And lodlscrlmlnatsly blow It. -Puck, Hard te Vnderatand. Little .lane, aged six, was a terror lor asking questions. A neighbor died tnd .lane wanted to go in and see the emains, She solemnly agreed to ask to questions. When she dime home ter mother said: "Did you keep your promise?" "Yes." "Did you say Anything?" "I only just sail! 1 should not suppose that just loosing the judge's soul out nf him would have made such n change in his looks." Leslie's Weekly. llrlirlit I. Kile Fellow, A schoolmaster u. endeavoring to make clear to his young pupils' minds the meaning of the word "slowly." He walked across the room tn the manner the word Indicates. "Now, children, tell me how 1 walked." One little fellow who sat near the front of the room almost paralyzed him by blurting out; ''Bow-leggedJ" Tit-Bits. Discontent. Tho man who los.s rails at fate And savs It hurts him sore; And If he wins be still will. kick llccause It wasn't more. ' t -Washington Blar. I , MR. DAVIDSON'S COAT. A CHRISTMAS EPISODE WITH AN UNEX PECTEOLV DISMAL ENDING. HRISTMAS was a great time in the Davidson family, an event prepared for in secrecy for months. It was the desire of Mr. Daviii.on's heart to succeed in surprising his wife in the matter of his selection of a Christmas gift for her, and it was his wife's pride that in all the 'JO years ef their married life he had never yet gained his wish. In consequence of this, it was somewhat exasperating that the clock had struck "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY A JOKE ? 1 eight on this particular Christmas eve and she had nut yet discovered the biding place of to-morrow's gift. "He must know that I want diamonds this time," she mused. "Why, I have crit icized the vulgar display Mrs. Jonesmith makes of them, and talked of the waste of money their purchase implies until he must have been impelled to buy me some out of sheer contrariety. But where did he hide them? That" A knock at the door interrupted her train of thought, and a particularly unin viting chap asked for old clothes in a robust whine. The influence of the season was upon Mrs. Davidson, however, and she gave him an old overcoat which her host. am! thought he might sometime wesr when he went hunting. He never did go hunting, : but hs lived as if he always expected to start early the next morning. "No, I just can't think where he has put that gift;" ahe said, returning to her chair and her thoughts. "Well, one comfort, he hasn't seen the cuff links and the meer schaum pips I have for him. I've moved their hiding-place twice a week, so he has had no chance to find them while rum maging in the waste paper basket for his clean collars or searching in the china closet for his necktie, which art always kept in the upper left-hand bureau drawer. What's that!" The front door had opened cautiously and a stealthy step went up the stairs and stole across the floor of the room above. Mrs. Davidson turned pale, then softly clapped her hands. "It's Tom going to take a peep at my present! I'll keep quiet and find out where it is." She heard the steps shout the mom, and held her breath until thsy paused before the chiffonier. "Ah, it is in the drawer that Tom said had stuck and would not open. Why did I never think of that before?" She listened until the cautious footsteps came down the stairs and the front door softly opened aud shut. Then she rose in her triumph. "Aha, he has slipped out to come in a few moments later, thinking that I did not hear him. I'll slip up now, hare a peep at my diamonds and a good joke on him in the morning!" She went upstairs and lit the gas; it ILu ed up and a scream burst from her. The room was in confusion; drawers were upset snd their contents scattered on the Hoor. As she screamed, the front door opened and her husband came running upstairs. "Well, Tom Davidson, if you think this is a joke, I don't!" she cried. "To slip in this ' wsy and play a trick on your wife is " "What on earth do you mean by a joke?" "Tom Davidson, you don't mean to say j that I didn't hear you come upstairs 15 minutes ago to look at my present and " "You certainly did not. Helle!" He strode across the room and lifted a drawer of the chiffonier which was upside down on the bed. "As I eame up the block, I met the ugliest tramp I ever saw, and I could have sworn that he wore my old coat. You simply sat there while he rifled the place and car ried off the diamond pin I had gotten for your Christmas gift!" When she had quitted down a little and Mr. Davidson was telephoning for the police, his wife suddenly remembered that the last hiding-place for the cuff links and the meer schaum pipe was the breast pocket of that old coat. KI.ISA ARMSTRONG BENGOUOH. CHURCH AND CLERGY. British charitable institutions own lM.OOO acres of land in the British is lands. The Illinois Methodist conference has refused to exclude tobacco-users from membership. Kev. Mr. Snndford, of Shiloh, Me., recently baptized 218 prrsons in one hour and 37 minutes. The Iiomnn Catholic church hns IS bishops ami 2,112 priests in England, 28 bishops and 3,290 priests in Ire land. Despise all refinement, the light and habitual taking of Cod's name in vain, betrays a course and brutal will. Chapln, Italy owns the three churches In the world st. JUo'ue; the Duomo, Milan, largest Peter's, nnd St. Caul's, nt Home. The pastor of the Episcopal church nt West Liberty, ()., resigned to ac cept a position as a locomotive fire man on the todianapoUa division of the Pennsylvania, line The niunicjipalilics of Stockholm and other cities of Sweden have en tered into emu nut. ith the .Salva tion Army to look after fhe poor and distressed' and to take cape of the ENDLESS Long Nights oi Torture Changed to Sweet Restfubiess by Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy. A thousand years till morning! Hour by hour the night drags away but sleep won't come. What is the matter" You seem calm enough on re tiring. You arc dead tired and worn out, but you oau't Sleep. Dr.( Ireene's Nervursblood and nerve remedy is the absolutely certain help for you. Your rves are dis ordered. Your brain works too actively. You cannot compose voursrlf to slum ber because you are planning or worrying, must stoti this at once, ami Dr. (ireenc's great medicine will enable you to do so. Mr. Orlando Kiseii, 951 Reese Avenue, Lima, Ohio, says: "My nervous system Was entirely shattered, tho nerves controlling tho heart became weak, and tho heart's action irregular, which was a source Of great alarm to me. I was Unable to sleep, digestion was interfered with, and generally speaking, I considered my time short for this earth. I became dis eouraged and gave up the thought of over being a well man again. I To-day I am a well man in every sense of th word, and nil through tho uso of Dr. (ireeno's Nervura blood and nerve reui- 1 oisy, of which I am proud to speak and give a helping hand to suffering humanity. My health is my greatest blessing, and words fail to express the gratitudo I feel for I Dr. Greene and his wonderful remedy." Dr. lireene's Nervura blood and net ve rem edy has cured thousands of these troubles. It always cures disordered nerves, and it always enriches the blood. Glorious health conies through it to the weak and despairing. Splendid appctiteand full vlgorare promptly restored by it. Begin using it to-day and find out what health means. Kree medical counsel is given by Dr Greene at 101 Kifth Avenue, Now York City, an or write. MANY SEEK PATENTS. vV. Cornelius Vanderbilt and Others Protect Their Inventions. The Toons Millionaire Make Ira yroved lletlcea fur Itnllroada Carloun Motor YVnaron Magn alue 'luck-Hammer, W. Cornelius Vanderbilt has just re ceived two more patents, one for a draft gear for railway rolling stock, and another for B car track. Mr. Van derbilt has secured other railway pat ents, the most notable being for u fire box. The development of automobiles hus spurred the inventctrs and pat ents are being taken out for hubs, wheels, tires, engine protectors, wagon bodies, storage batteries and ninny other appliances used in the construc tion of nutomobiles. The most novel of these is a patent for a motor, which is to take the place of a horse. It is shaped like a box and mounted on four wheels, and runs in front of the wagon or buggy. It is designed to be managed by the use of reins, as the horse is guided. The Buffalo exposition nnd the or ganization of the Order of Buffalo are responsible, for many designs in pins and other Insignia. One genius reg istered a design for a woman's stock ing, plain white at the bottom, but with the top decorated with charging buffaloes. A German inventor has se cured a patent on an ncetykne life pre server, in form of a belt. When the person wearing the belt life preserver is cast into the sea the belt can be inflated with gas by admitting a little water to the store of acetylene, which is supposed to Inst for hours. A man in Lockport, 111., finding it consumed considerable time nnd en ergy to place tacks under a hammer, took out a patent for a magazine ham mer, the tacks being loaded into the handle of the hammer like shells into a magazine gun. Tin- movement In certain churches I toward individual communion cups I has brought out a potent by John O. I Thomas, of Limn, O.. for an individual communion service, consisting of sil ver cups arranged about a silver tray. The patent is on the trnv. A Dlamnl Ontlnok. The wintry wlnrts that blow, They chill me to the soul, For who, I'd like to know, Will trust me for my coal? Philadelphia Press. Caaelasl . Maud You' think Mr. Blus!.rose is not as bashful in the presence of girls as he seems to be, do you? How did you get that impression? Mabel I had it from his own Hps. Chicago Tribune. Aa to the Phenomenon. "Is it possible he can cany so many things In his head?" "Oh! Yes, indeed! He can carry nn many things in his head as another boy can in his pocket! "--Puck. Among i lie te'tiH ol thousands who have used Chamber lain 'a Oough Kemedy lor colds and In t'l ipiie dur ing tbe past few ye f$, to our knowledge, not g Hiiii.i easo hits resulted in pneumonia. Thomas Wh ifield A Co . i!IOYiilusli avenue, Chicago, one f 'he most, p.r'om'itent retail druggists in tbtt City, in .speaking of, this, aayi "We reoom ; me. ,d Clinmb. i Iain's Cqub Reined -for !u urippo in mam 1868,181) not only giv. s prompt and oomplete reeovervj but also cou iterntaany tendency of la grippe t,o remilt in pin pi 1 . for feiile by lue Mm The American Way. After the duel hart been fought the principals repaired to a cafe and ordered lunch. Not exactly gourmands, but hearty latere were they, which caused an 'merican, who had gon to the expo sition and bail not, yet earned stiff! Ment capital for the return voyage, to remark that it takes more to sat iafy n Frenchman's appetite thnn it does his honor. No sooner bad the words left hie lips than Count dp Boolcnne struck him in the face with his open palm. But lo! Instead of challenging the count and wiping- out the insult in mortni combat, the American simply mashed him between the eyes, untight him with a right-hand hook ns he wns going down and then stepped on his face with his bulldog- shoes, all the while askinsr the count if hia honor was satisfied. The count finally admitted that, it wns. Moral: That's why we have no dueling in the land of the free. In dianupolia Sun. Lack of an American Type. It is a thousand pities that we have no types. The Irish girl still pops to Ballyshannon fair in her jaunting car, the Irish lad swings his shillalah, the English rough is a perpetual Hill Bikes, the Spanish landlord, with his handkerchief tied around his head, is the same man who cooked the, olln podrida for 8aicho Panza; but the Yankee landlord who afforded witti cisms for Sum slick is now a member of congress, with a careful cutaway, immense standing collar, black neck tip, and one stiui In his Immaculate shirt. How can vmi tret anv fun out of such it fellow? You can get a moderate good dinner out of him, but not such a good one as his fn- tner served in ins shirtsleeves to your father .10 years ngo. When his son goes to Europe it is impossible to tell him from n "lourd" he has! the same reserve, the quiet manner, the feeling of certainty that he will do the right thing! He is a pebble that has been rubbed too smooth. j Mrs. Sherwood, in Smart SeC THEY CRUSH THE POWERS This is written In mid-October. Tho long, oppressive summer is epiito gone. Fading leaf, withering tree and the rustling corn in the fields are signs of the season. Fog, frost, rain, snow, they aro coming, You remember last winter"; of 1900 and 1901. The weather was cruel. Ah! thu thous ands it kill.-!, and the hundreds of thous ands it maimed and crippled. Oh, the rough grasp it laid ou men at work, women at home, and children in cribs and cradles. Coughs that began before Thanksgiving Day are racking und tearing them still ; yes, and growing worse as they dig deeper into the poor, tired throat nod lungs. Many were cured by using Benson's Porous Plas ters. For the soothing and healing power of these Plasters is wonderful. They con quer the complaints THAT ARE KILLING THE PEOPLE. No ether plaster, no other medicine or ap. plication, can compare with them. Coughs, colds, backache, rheumatism, lumbago, kidney and liver troubles, asthma, influ ent, they all go down before Benson's Plasters like n suow image in the sun. You can't throw money away on a Benson's Plaster. Everylwdy is going to use them this season. But make certain you get the genuine. All druggists, or we will prepay postage on any number ordered in the United States on receipt of 2!e. each. tSeabury &, Johnsou, Mfg. Chemists, N.Y. EDUCATIONAL ITEMS. The London school board maintains 18 schools for deaf and eight for blind children. The Hebrew characters on the seal of Yale university stand for "Lux et Veritas" light and truth. Since 1871 Japan has built nearly 30,000 elementary schools, providing room for 4,008,000 pupils, one-fourth of whom are girls. The German law forbids teachers in the school to pull the ears of their pupils. Many cases of deafness have been shown to have resulted from such punishment. A book four feet long and three feet wide has been bought from a second-hand store in Denver by the Colorado normal school, for $750. It is Audubon's "Birds of North Amer ica." It will be plneed in a glass case at the normal institute nnd each day a leaf will be turned. The pic tures will also be photographed for st ereopt icon lectures in the Colorado schools. 0L' NUTMEG'S SAYINGS. Instid uv teaehln' uv the young idees haow tew shute it might be better tew Shuts some uv the young idees. A great many people take spriDg meddercine jest becuz it is spring med dcrcine an' not becuz it is spring. Uv course yew can't ride a free hoss tew death when yew are on a bisickle, but many a foolish feller rides himself tew death, v hich is almost ez bad. It don'; take long fur a man lew fur git his aches an' pains arter they liev disappeared, an' he shouldn't furgit tew let others enjoy the same blessin. When yew ha ft or put a board over yewr caow's face tew keep her frum j u in pi it it's n purty good sign thet yewr fences ain't up tew whnt they or ter be Jue Cone, in N.Y. Herald. MINE AND FACTORY". Four tons of dry seaweed will pro duce a ton of charcoal. Sixteen tons out of every 100 of British coal, d tig nre export. 1. The Krupp factory, the biggest iron-Working concern ia the world, uses up 50 ) tons o. steel a day. Looomottvea to burn oil arc appear ing in the Pacific states. They are built with the cab nnd furnace in front and the i stack behlfid. The . nder is di carded, and the oil Id Dr. I'ierce's Favorite 1'resonption and! perseverance in its use will work won ders for the most hopeless woman. If Mrs. Newton, whose letter is given below, hsd not persisted in its use, she might never hsve known the happiness of perfect health. Terhaps the reason for her persistence was because she used "Favorite Prescription" as a "last re sort." Physicians had failed. If "Favor ite Prescription " could not help there was nothing to hope for. It did help. It always helps and almost always cures. It establishes regularity, dries weaken ing drains, heals inflammation and ulcer ation and cures female weakness. It imparts strength and elasticity to the organs of maternity and makes the baby's advent practically painless. "When I consulted you in April, iKgq. I wns In poor health." writes Mrs K. H. Newton, of Vanhuren. Aniostook Co. Maine "Hail been sick all winter, sntl. to add to my trouble, wns on the road to maternity, wtiic h the doctor said would end my days. I was almost difcournged ; did not expect any help, hut thought the end was only a matter of time, and -oh ! my two poor, little, motherless children. "It wns in this condition that I ltegnn the use of your valnablc medicine. On receipt of your letter of April oth my husband purchased six littles of "Favorite Pfesci'lption1 and T.olden Medical Discovery.' " nnd I used it as you directed. When ynu wrote me words of en couragement on April 2lh I hntl received no heneht from the medicine, but determined ns a last resort to give it a fair trial. I am now tnk ing the thirteenth nnd lsst bottle 1 have a lovely baby girl three weeks old, that weighed 11 W pounds at birth Mybabyand 1 nre enjoy ing jerfect health, thnnks to your wonderful medicine, to which I believe I owe my life." Dr. i'ierce's I'ellets stimulate the liver. Gen. Wood has been made a member of the Academy of Science of Havana. The academy is one of the most exclu sive organizations in Cuba. It is lim ited to 40 members and each member is elected for life. PURE WHISKEY DIRECT FROM DISTILLER TO CONSUMER. a M Four Full Quarts. $3 .20 I Express Prepaid. Savet Dealers' Profits. rrevtnts AJulteratwnt. OUR OFFER 1 H4YNEBSI gvi-VSa-i We will quart battles of Hayosr'sl 7-reer 1 ear-Old Double toooerl Distilled Rye for $3.30,1 express area lid, snipped in piain alcanas, i maris to indicate ce tenia. If not satlelacti woes received, return id at our expense: we will J return your $3.20. Such Whiskey can't be had elsewhere tor ten than $ 5.1 RcnRKTfccs: Third Nat'l Bnnk.Dayton; Statcl Nat' 1 Bank, St. Loo is ; or any ol the Ex. Oo't.l THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO., iio'Imx wesrc riTTnot., uayion. vniu,1 308-311 So. Seventh at. , St. Louis, Mo. i Wegnarante abaveflrm will do as It aaT.es.-Ed SCOTCH PROVERBS. Fools' haste is no speed. TBli Gude watoh prevents harm. Little said is soon mended, (ireat barkers are nae biter. ver quit certainty for hope. Nothing so bold as a blind' man. Every shoe fits not every foot. A hiusty man never wants woe. A man is a lion in his ain cause. A sorrowing bairn was never fat. Forbid a fool a thing and he'll do. An ill plea should be well plead. A willful man should be very wise. I like nae to mak a toil o' a pleas ure. A gude word is as soon said as an ill one. A word before is worth two be hind. Be a friend to yourself, and others will. Many irons in the fire some msy cool. Nse great loss but there is some gain. I cannot sell the cow and have the milk. Be the same thing that ye wad be ca'd. It is not the cowl that makes the frlsr. Force without forecast is of little worth. A blithe heart makes a blooming visage. As ye mak' your bed sae ye maun lie down. A gude tale is na the waur to be twice told. Better an empty house than an ill tenant. If it can be nae better, it is weel it Is nne waur. He that wad eat the kernel maun crack the nut. He that seeks trouble, it Is a pity he should miss. it. He was scant o' news that tauld his father was hanged. Gentility sent to market will not buy a peek o' meal. He has1 need of a long spoon that sups kail with the dc'il. Detroit Trib une. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SM O KB Your Life away I Veu can be cured of any form of tobacco usiii 'jsily, lie made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking HO-TO-BAO, that iiid.es weak men strong. Many gal" ten pounds in ten days. Over A 470, 000 cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book- NHf HliN l lini I1LII UP if i 1 1 mtm 1 tramps and oilier i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers