The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 12, 1901, Image 6

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Pbingi Heard and Seen
Courts of Europe.
in the
mi' "uTrnm' nml iitlnii An.iy
I rchdnchtn,
t .1
tp cltl Pari.- 1.'
of Iviin,' ()-iar of
Xi rw ay, is one "f
l u ll 1 Kit ever
She ;is ;i prli
.i 'i the handsome
tndinat Inn kli :
devoted wife
Sweden and
i he moat lov"
.-nt upon a
ice - nf
oung ruliT
'. married
Nassau thru Wat
an m-
tBjfj . r
sincere. Soon afterward the appoint-
eil Count Seckendorf marshal of her
i'ourt and honored him with air com
plete confidence. Then ruuior hud it
that the two were, one juiet nht,
married in the .-impel ol the miKese
BSStle, withtjut the know icige and con
sent of Emperor William. The rVport
cauaed intense excitement in court
circll .. Sortie b It .eii, othtrs r.di
eu eil :t. I:. i when i; bectrrol knows
that the enipreca hats bequeathed :he
magnificent sum of 1790,000 to the
count, ami that the impulsive William
had conferred the order of the royal
Uoiike of Hohenaolltrn on him. doubts
vanished into' thin air and jeo)le lie
jrun to talk. One ,'.d court os.-ip it
authority for the statement that the
empress had always looked upon .vick
endorf as her affinity and, although
she paid him hut cant attention wlula
her husband lived, she frequently re
peated Longfellow's lines:
"Ships that jmss in the night, find speak
each other In passing.
Only a signal shown and a distant voice la
the darkness.
So on the ocean of life we pass and speak
one to the other.
Only a look and a voire, then darkness
again and silence."
The human heart is a mystery. Itsj
longinga possess kin? as well as peas
ant. The world probably will never
know the truth about the departed
empress and her second love; lint it
does know that while "I 'user Fritz"
lived his wife was his most intimata
friend and most trusted counselor.
t n nml in ti tio eminent Proposes to
time I ' 1 Control of Telegraph
unit 'telephone Lines.
(Won. in Suffragist ami Supporter of Sal
vation Army )
dependent prli finality, The family
which ruled hut the little state was
rich ami influential, ami the match
was isnnsidered a splendid one for the
poor Swede. In 1800 the .Nassau dy
nasty hitched its destiny to Austria's
fading star and, like the houses of
II: nover and Hesse-Cassel and a num
ber of others who had opposed I'rus-
n was "mediatized mil terri
orpornted in the Prussian
dom. The Nassau family left the
to; v
wry :'.
by tl
and I
nf t It
ernl i
to be
Is fathers had ruled for centu
; took up its residence in A US
.vhere its members live In lux-
iil seeming" content, Queen So
tiUltotigli 10I directly affected
downfall of her house, took
: e i:: its fortune seriously.
UK never since taken an active
the payetlea of her capital.
i (firl she was reputed to be one
exquisite dressers of her gen-
n, but she has long since ceased
a fashion plate:
"Sin 's adorned
in her husband's eye
Anslrlnn X rchdnchesa Place I.iits
Above Hunk nnd Stnt'iou.
'pilK bouse of Hapsburg la just
1 now furnishing another matri
monial sensation. After some little
hesitation Kmpcror Francis Joseph
has consented to the marriage of
Archduchess Elizabeth Marie, daugh
ter of the late Crown Prince Rudolph
of Austriajpund young Prince otto of
Windischgraetz, The bride-to-be is
in her nineteenth year. She is nt us
beautiful as most of the other Haps-luir-
women, but her face is expres
sive nnd sweet. She is said to lie of
a melancholy disposition and inclined
lo take life seriously. The bride
groom belong! to a family which, al
though mediatized, has equality of
rank and reigning houses. lie is ten
years older than the archduchess, is
a first lieutenant In a crack cavalry
regiment, and will shortly complete
his studies nt the military academy
and be attached to the general stntT.
The marriage will be a love match
pure and .simple. When the arch
duchess was wooed by a prince of the
royal house of VVuerttemberg last
winter, she informed him that she
had resolved to wed the man of her
irrespective of rank, and ad
According to authoritative an
noun.:ements, the government of Pan
ada bat decided t I nationalize the tele
craph.i atid the telephones of the do
minion, says the Chantauqnah. The
business elements are said to be near
ly unanimous in rapport of this re
form. The government counts on an
annual Mirpius of some 17,000,000, and
its income is Increasing under the
usual prosperity ol the country. It
has, therefore, become possible to
take the step contemplated for years,
but heretofore precluded by lack of
available funds. The government al
ready operates some small telegraph
lines, and not unsuccessfully. The
telephones, if taken over at the same
time as the telegraph, will be placed
in the hands of the respective munic
ipalities to be managed by them. It
is hardly necessary to add that the
employe- of the companies; are anx
ious to become the servants of the
state, knowing, as they do, that from
the government they would secure bet
ter terms and greater consideration.
Canada Is only following the exam
ple of (treat Britain in this respect.
The telegraph was nationalized In
England about HO years nirn. and while
there have been complaints of Ineffi
ciency, reil tape and lack of progres
sive spirit on the part of the poat office
department, which controls it, there is
no agitation In favor of a return to
operation by private companies.
Plate. Snlil to lie l.nraest Evfr Mnile,
I seil nt the Metropolitan
in tieorgia a few used as I lawn
mower where the public appropriation
for that machine him run out and the
public grass requirei !:..lnu' to make
it smooth. The cow .. tta !n r living foi
her labor, fulfilling the economic as
well as the natural moral law that la
bor shall live by its labor before any- i
body else lives eff its results. The
Georgia cow is therefore more for
tunate than many human tollers.
"Sttndpeeps" 1; the name given to
the little Wilis' v flasks which are
found quite cor.venli n I In M sine. They
are shaped like the sandpiper, a bird
which is -nearly all stomach nnd head.
Bach tlask contains two ounce
about one drink. A sheriff's olTiOi r In
1'ortland county recently fuiiu.i 03
"snndpeeps" in the pockets of a ped
New York now leads all the other
states in the predi ml. ..nice of its city
over its country population. Of every
1U0 inhabitants i f the empire state, 77
live in cities and towns. The percent
age of the population living in cities
and towns for the whole country is
only 47.
A Delaware man who deserted his
wife five years ago returned the other
day and said he went away "just to
have a joke on her." A few moments
later the woman sprung a much richer J
joke on him by introducing her newer
for Infants and Children.
The Kind Vou Havo Always Bought lias borne tlie signa
ture ol' t hus. II. Fletcher, ami has been made under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
"Just-as-ood" are hut Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
The Kind You' Have Always Bought
.Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30
New-York Tribune Farmer
i.iv. !y
Tli. trui st mlrmr that an honest wife
Can si . her beauty In."
Queen Sophia is the mother of
Tour sons, nice-looking chaps and
men witJi high ideals. The second
son, Prince Oscar, some years : o
married Miss Ebba Munck, one of his
mother's maids of honor, with the
full eoi sent of the quei n.
Of late years Queen Sophia has
taken an active part in the woman suf
rage movement. She believes that
"Woman, being ll rational being, should
have equal rili:- with man. Thanks
to her interest In the ma t ter, I he wom
en i f Sweden and Norway have just
been given the right to cast full Ira I
lots, precisely like the men. Among
nth' r ' 1 'ii's notable in her reign is her
cardial sttpporl of the Salvation Army.
When Clen, Booth first introduced his
militant methods in the Scandinavian
kingdoms he was not received too cor
dially. Bui the ipicen was impressed
by i he Englishman'a system, and
eventually joined the army herself.
Her critics have expressed the opinion
hat hi r majesty's interest In religious
ind sociological matters is due tnnn
happiness in married life. Such, how
ever, is not the ease, the relations
bet ween ber and King Oscar have al
vays been characterized by devotion
in both bides.
An obeet that attracted eonsider-
i able attention at the Metropolitan Mil
' seum of Art, says the New York Sun
l was a camera a bout four feet wide
I nnd five feet high that stood all day
1 in front of a painting in the Wolfe
gallerj .
It required the united efforts of
three men to focus the instrument.
The operator said that the plates used
were the largest, ever made, and that
if he should fall to give the proper ex
posure, it would cost his firm $L'8.
The time required to f,ret a good pho
tograph of th painting was three
hours and a quarter, Three gallons
of developer and four of hyposulphite
of soda were used to fix the plate.
When asked why so long an expos
ure was necessary the operator said
that to get a full detail and color value
a yellow screen of glass, coated with
gelatine, dyed with picric acid, was
fixed in front of the lens. This screen
changed the picture that passed
through the ob jective to a yellow color
and softened the high lights of the
painting to such an extent that the
dark shadows gave up their detail just
ns rapidly ns the bright places. The
plate was prepared with bluo myrtle
chloropbyl in the emulsion, and this
decreased its regular sensitiveness at
least 50 per cent.
Only one painting w as plfoTogrnphed
during the day.
The Chicago spook who kissed the
medium and got punched showed very
little spirit, says an exchange, it may
be that Chicago spooks do not thor
oughly grasp the Importance of firing
up when they entei the astral state.
or sixty rears the NBW YOKK WKKKI.Y TRIBUH1 luu been a
national weekly newspaper, read almost entirely iv farmers, and
linn enjoyed Ins eonfldenoa nml support of the American people lo
a ilei;ree never Mtalned by any siinil ir publication.
v . X T . 1 . 1 .
Aev- i one i riuune t armer
is made absolutely for farmers anil their famllivii. The first number
Every department of ecricultuial industry Is covered by special
i, v, rSV ',' yi7, m meir respective lines, ami the TK1
It NE I A KM hit will hi; i n every sense a lliifli claim, no to date
live, enterprising sarloulturol paper, profusely illustrated with
uiwiurca bi iits sock, iikmii i iirin DuUilnis anil Domes, airriLUltur
ii machinery, etc.
Tanners' wives, sins ami
their entertainment.
H" " c. w.w I " r .far. imii yon run IMIV It with your
favorite borne weekly newspaper, The Uiddleburg Post one year
Send your subscription and money to the Mlddleburg 1'ost.
Sriift your nntlle nml mlilresN lo the .KW-YltRU l III
Oltjr, nml h tree awmple
ISQghters will Bad special pages for
BVnn FABMM, Men York
cop.v will lie it i 1 1 ill you.
Liberal Adjustments.
Prompt Payme
(Austrian Princess Who is to Many
Interior In Itank.)
Re i
In '.1111 lnli resl.-il In Her Ite-
pnted Second lu rrlfitfe.
rjEHLIN is still talking in whis-
. of eourst about the will of
he late Empress Frederick and that
Jistinsruished lady's relations to Count
tCalUU by Some the "Affinity" of the Late
impress Frederick.)
von Seckendorf. Kmpcror William has
issued peremptory orders forbidding
discussion of ihe subject, but to stop
eouruers' tongues from wagging calls
for more stringent measures- than an
imperiul edict. In the minds of those
in the inner circle there exists not the
least doubt that the empress and
count were married morganatically.
Kmpress Frederick was princess
royal of Great liritain when she mar- reasons.
ricd the crown pi n ee of Prussia. Ap- not objects of affection to adult
parently the couple lived in peace and daughters, and her dislike must con
harmony, and when her husband, who eequently not be considered a refleo
had in the meantime become German tion on the count'a character,
emperor, died the widow' grief wa WLLLXAM WALTER WBLIA
vised the Stuttgart suitor to look
elsewhere for a bride.
Archduchess Elizabeth was s:x
years old when her father died, ami
she has inherited his frankness, his
love of nature and outdoor sports, as
well as his melancholy and romantifl
tendencies. She is now quite a tall
girl, blonde, with beautiful blue eyes
and expressive features She has re
ceived a most careful education,
speaks German, French, English and
Italian fluently, and sings and paints,
Hul driving, riding, cycling, skating,
tennis and dancing nre her favorite
pastimes, and it was at her ball, in
March, 1900V that she iirst met ilia
man who is to be her husband. After
i hat they met quite faequently.
Emperor Francis Joseph did not
break up the match, in accordance
with a declaration said to have been
made many years ago, that be would
not oppose any union wished for by
any members of his house, should the
marriage be the outcome of pure af
fection. Tli n i the venerable monarch
has been true to this sentiment is
evidenced by the fact that, only a few
vear.s niro a dau"rht."r of Archduke,
Joseph married the head of the house
of Thurn f Taxis, who belongs to
the same rank of nobility as Prince
Otto of Windischgraetz: while the
heir to the throne. Archduke Ffahl
Ferdinand, was morganatically mar
ried to Countess Chotek, now known
ns princess of llohenberg. And only
a year or so ago the emperor sanc
tioned the marriage of Archduchess
Stephanie, widow of Crown Prince
Rudolph, to Count Lonyay, a Hunga
rian noble of the lowest rank.
Archduchess Elizabeth is the em
peror's favorite grandchild and would
inherit the thrones of Austria and
Hungary, should the diet ever con
clude to revoke the Salic law. She
is deeply attached to the lonely old
man who has suffered more than any
other ruler of our times, and their
friendship has repeatedly been made
the topic of poetic effusions. On the
other hand, the archduchess has noth
ing but contempt for her stepfather.
Count Lonyay, who, she believes, mar
ried her mother for purely monetary
lixxt stepfathers usually are
flii) I us Whist for Money.
"Whist halls" are advertised in the
eastern papers. Those institutions
sre pub'.ic resorts, where whist is
played for prizes redeemable in money
Poker parlors arc prohibited in large
New England cities, but the whist hall
Is much In vogue.
New 'iMilninl Mil i ii u llnek Land.
Within six years the New Zealand
government has bought back of the
irlginal settlers (24,l(j7 acres of hind
used for sheep runs, and 1,030 families
lave found homes on them.
: tsn
is your husband, ami'
"Da ii -liter,
"Well, ma, he's just exactly like pa;
when he gets ids own way aliuut
everything he's just perfectly lovely."
Heitere Welt.
Not for HI in.
you go in and
win hrr, old
"Why don't
Ills friend said. "She's a peach."
"1 know it," groaned Ardup. "Hut I'm so
She's away beyond my reachl"
Chicago Tribune.
Lively Times lu l'liiindelplila.
"Sunset parties were very popular
with US in Philadelphia during the
past summer."
"Sunset parties?"
"Yes, numbers of gay young people
meet nnd sit up to see the sun set, pass
ing the time with all sorts of jolly
games." Town Topics.
Keep Your Bowels Strong.
Constipation or diarrhoea when
your bowels are out of order. Cas
carets Candy Cathartic will make
them act naturally. Genuine tablets
stamped C. C. L. Never sold in tong appear.
bulk. All druggists, ioc. dleburg Drug Co.
How About
Your Heart
Feci your pulse a few minutes.
Is it regular? Are you short of
breath, after slight exertion
as going up stairs, sweeping,
walking, etc? Do you have
pain in left breast, side or
between shoulder blades, chok
ing sensations, fainting or
smothering spells, inability to
lie on left side? If you have
any of these symptoms you
certainly have a weak heart,
and should immediately take
MileV Heart Cure
Mr. F. H. Oaks of Jamestown. N. Y,
whose genial face appears above, says:
"Excessive use of tobacco seriously
affected my heaiL I suffered severe
pains about the heart, and in the left
shoulder and side: while the palpitation
would awaken me from my sleep. I
began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
and soon found permanent relief."
Sold by ell Druggists,
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Lite, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 11,0 ,13.88
Home " M S53 " 9,83,628.4
" American M " " 1810 " 2,40,84.3
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patroaase S elicited.
New Rochester "
How the lleMHlan 1'lj- I'nnie.
The hessian fly was brought to this
Country in straw or hay impdrted by
the Hessian troops during the revolu
tionary war. It first made its appear
ance in 1770 on Statin Island, whence
it spread to Long Island, over New
England, then earue west. The hes
kian fly has traveled from New Eng
land west at the rate of about 0 miles
a year.
Genuine stamped C. C C. Ntvcr sold In bulk.
beware ot Hp dealer who tries to sell
"sun.. nun" just as jnod."
ROOKING under tbese circumntancen is h plennuro. The
J. tunp Co. stake thoir reputation on the stove in (piHsti in. The
best evidence of tuo satisfaction enjoyed is testimonials idore and du
plicate orders from ail parts of tho world.
Send for literature, botb for t lie "New Rochester" Cook Stove and
the "New Rochester" Lamp.
You will never regret having introduced t lie-e goods into your house
hold. The Rochester L n Co.,
i rk ace and 33 Barclay St., New York.
: i
Woinnn'M Superior Mentality.
' She-WHat are you thinltlng of, Mr.
lion ley'.'
Hi I was thinking it was time to
go home."
, She Xow, here is the difference be
tween men and women; 1 arrived at
that conclusion lonir ago, and you have
only just worked it out. -Tit-Hits.
A Precedent.
Willie Horem l!ut you needn't
keep it, even if a stork did bring it
to your house.
Johnny Dusnap You needn't?
Willie Morem - No; a stork left one
at our front door in a basket last
week nnd pa. took it to the police
station. Hn ml lyn Eagle.
lion lo ( lire roup
R Grays, wbo lives near
Atucnia, Duehes county, N. Y
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
tue best medicine l nave ever used.
croup ana never tails to cure.
When given as soon as the child
becomes hoarse, or even after the
croup v couch has develoned. it will
fir event the attack. This should be
n mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for
instant use as Boon as these symp
For Hale by The Mid-
MlDIltillBUR, PA
All t.usiw. -s c-ntruste.1 to -i is oarr
will receive oroiuot attention:
K. $. Pottiegei,
Veterinary surgeon.
All professional business entrusted to my chj-
will receive prompt and careful attenUon.
Prof. D. Noling
Late with Dr. A. H. Wells,
of Washington, D. C.
Headquarters at Hillcr House, 1 23
East Mirkjt St., L.-wisto w.i, a.
('Humiliation and tborouiili examination Ires
of charge every WcdnuMilay and Saturday. 1
Ulasse MtentlBoeUy ami skillfully fitted. AUo
all imperfections in the eyes of children care
fully examined. Satisfaction guaranteed ol
money refunded.
, ...BY USING...
Dr. King's New Discovery,
Consumption, Coughs and Colds
Than By All Other Throat And
Lung Remedies Combined.
This wonderful medicine positively
cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis,, Pneumonia, Hay
Fever.Pleurisy, L.tGrippe, Hoarseness,
Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping
Price 50c. & SI. Trial Eottle Free.
(your own selection) to every tub
acrlber. Only SO cents a year.
aotei and good reputation In each state (one in
this county required) to represent and adver
tise old established wealthy business house of
solid financial standing, Salary 118.00 weekly
with expenses additional, all payable In cash
nah Wi'i 1 n P ,1 1, v rilrtw.t frttm Kn.t nSln.a
1 a fine Children's remedy for Horse and carriage furnished, when necces-
i a it . .. sarv References. Knrlnsn Mlf.m.lflrMml
stamped envelope, Manager, 310 Caxtou
Bnilding, Chicago. S-IS-ISI.
Write to 'the HOWHAWK REMEDY CO.,
Rome, N.Y., and they will tell you ean cure
your RUPTURE or HERINA and the ONLY
WAY they can possibly be CURED. KRKB OF
HIAROE-lt will cost you bat ONE CENT
Don't wait, you will never regret It. Apr 18-Jtt
A ffm ; beautiful colored plafei ; latett
faiiiiont; dressmaking economic! j fancy
work; household hints; fiction, etc. Sub
scribe to-day, or, send c for latest copy.
Lady agents wonted. Send for terms.
Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to-date,
Economical and Absolutely
Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns.
M- CALLfffi
U Seen Meets MtrrtmMmm I u
v BtiH wi sense Us. I a
Only snd it fsatt ssca nsss alfkar. I m
Ask far lit ml iSi U asarty ersry dty
sad Hwa, at by aiall tnm I I