MARSHALL FIELD WAREHOUSE MANAGER Cured of Catarrh of Kidneys by Peruna. vPKEPARIO EXPRESSLY FOR THS PTjBy VH37 1TS CORP3 op CORRB3PON DENTS '1 UUNDORE. To give away what you don't need is the first lesson in charity. H. H. Reichenbach, wlio was on the sick list for several weeks, was in town full of life as ever. Our farmers who have corn to husk yet, passed new resolutions last week, when we had that snow storm. A Dumber of our young men are again working for the United Tele graph and lelephone companies. i Butchering is pushed with energy;"! even the snow stonn last week did not scare the Butoliers. Hauling com out of the field with the sled is a new enterprise. Fat hogs and beef is offered freely and is bringing good prices. It was a pleasant sight to see the sleighs on our streets last week lull the bells did not jingle. 'Squire Seclirist is supplying the community with blooded poultry. J. W. Neita of Sunbury was at his residence at Hot Springs and assisted in dressing his three line hogs. Our rabbit hunters are very busy and successful. George Kratzer moved to Benfer one dav last week. W. S. Keicheubach made a trip to Seliusgrove on busine-s. The cold snuo ot last week was a record breaker considering the time of the season. Turkeys are plentiful but Christ mas will reduce the nuinter ana piices are good. Our nublic schools have a larrer attendence since wiuter has set in. Ex-Sheriff Wolf was in town and is elated over the wave of prosperity that struck us. J. C. Shafer of Port Treverton was in town and is much pleased with President Roosevelt. This- zero weather will build a natural bridge bet ween PortTrevorr ton and Herndon unless the Grand Jury will take prompt action. Kev. Hearle has an interesting meeting in progress at Aline. The coal yards atiove town are loing a successful business. Ten cents tor coflee at Dundore's. The Post is growing in popular ity. WOMEN 7n JEWELS. Tourola nftndv. flltWM'H. 111(111 that is the order of a woman's prefer ences. Jewels form a magnet 0f mighty power to the avaraee wo man. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is oftenruined in the strenu ous efforts to make or save money to purchase them. If a woman will risk hr health to eet a coveted cem. then let her fortify herself against the insiduous conseqencas ot coughs vnMa an A hrnnchin! nfYeetionH bv the regular use of Dr. Boschee's Ger man ay? up. It win permanently ar rest consumption in its early stages 1UU lieiil LUV UlOUbCU iuufi" j bronchial tubes and drive the dread ed disease irom me system, n in II Vint if in a certain cure foa cough's, colds and bronchi al troubles, xou can get ur. . vr. (iroan'. voli'arila nmilim nt t h O JUiddleburgh Drug Store. Get Qeen's Special Almanac. UNION TOWNSHIP. P. E. Aucker and Elsworth Troupe started on Monday for Dan ville. .In moa (i Rrnwn and Mi Ada Uelnet spent Sunday with the family of W. D. Brown. D. Walter Stroub a talented singer of Pallas, attended singing at Iverdilia, Sunday evening.. Jeweler J. B. Kamer is building repair shop. Ira C Swartz intends to move put of our township next spring, on iccount of it being locust year. Whiln fnnlinc with a loaded (run. . n - 0 . Kobert Aucker shot his brother Jarry. The gun was loaded with beans and made a raintul 'oundnn the W. which was dressed or rod bandaged by Dr. H. M. Krebs. C. A. Mengel was in town on iturday. Am Annrrclntlvn Hallef. "Did you have a good tiuio at the orld'a lair?" "I should say so! Never ate better Misago than I got there." Moggen- sr Blaetter. signature ii on every box of the genuine ive Bromo-Ouimne Tabiou WEST BEA.VEK. SEL1NSGKOVE. The cold wave here last week said 0 degrees below xero. John Weiand, farmer on the Mrs. Young farm, has almost a whole field of corn to husk. Ralph Hoofnagle of Iturnhum, Mitlrin county was a gm-st of some of his Snvder county friends Sun day. James Steely spent Sunday in Milllin county with some of his friends. Samuel of Milllin county was here on a visit last Sun day stopping with his father-in-law, L. B. Treaster. Miss Mattie Steeley is home from LewistoWD and expects to remain here a few weeks. Jockey George of Met lure passed through Lowell Sunday, driving his span ot Spanish ponies. Susan licit left her old home with A. A. Komig, and is now stay ing with Mrs. Michael Weiand. John 11. Romig Bays his Hock of turkeys is getting smaller almost daily, from what cause he cannot say. John don't you think Christ mas will soon lie here'.' Daniel H. Treaster has taken the contract to paint the farmers'buggit s in the lower end of Milllin county. Robison Middleswarth, landlord, expects to vacate the Baker House at McClure, in the spring. Iloln-rt Knepp'sson, (.'harles.dicd Saturday night from the effect) of a gun shot wound in his leu, while out hunting rabbits. He resided at Middlecreek. A HUllon Voices Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listen why: A severe cold had Bet tied on his luDgs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consumption, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Gosump tion and writes "it completely cured me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs." It's positively guaranteed for coughs, Colds and Lung troubles, t rice f()c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Middleburg Drug Co., Cray bill, Carman and Co.. Richfield, Pa., Dr. J- W. Sampsell, Pcnnscreek, Pa. PAXTONVILLE, Alvin Felmy, who was employed at Adamsburg ou the K. It., return ed home for the winter. Dr. Herman of Middleburg and Dr. Miller of Beavertown are mak ing professional calls to town. Mrs. Wm. Zimmerman, who has been on the sick list for several weeks is slowly improving. Fred Specht, who had been at Lewbtown, acting as foreman on the Ii. R. tracks, the last month, returned home. W. D. Gift made a business trip to Adamsburg Wednesday. Mrs. Mus-er, who had been keep ing house for K. A. M. Harner the past year, left for Mifllinburg, where she will make her home with her daughter. Chas. Derr is engaged in teaching school in Beavertown. Mrs. Kate Price and baby of Ijewistown, visited H. D. Mitchell and family last Thursday. Wm. Haffley and wife of Beaver town, were visitors in town Saturday. Thomas Shemory, who is employ ed in Franklin county, came home Saturday to spend several weeks with his family. Wm. Brunner, who was employed in Cambria county during the sum mer, came home to spend the winter with his parents. Martin Weirick left for Vinton dale, where he has secured employ ment. Wm. U. Howell and wife of Beavertown, visited Mr. Howell's mother, on Sunday. A niak Well Avoided. "We insure persons of every voca tion," said the accident Insurance solicitor, "except " He spoke in u confidential, you-sce-how-it-is-yourself tone of voice. "that of innocent bystanders. We arc philanthropic and all that, hut we are not foolisli." Harper's Itazar. (lulte Satisfactory. Penelope So, as prophecies go, it was satisfactory on the whole? Constance Ycsr she rniid I wouli be disappointed in love, but that 1 Geo Hart of Williamsport regis tered at the Keystone last week. The funeral of Olive Davis took place on Saturday forenofln at 10:30 o'clock, Dr. Fueht officiating. She was aged 1 - years and ) mouth. Mrs. George Moyer of Freeburg and daughter Mrs. Geo. Witmer were SuuOury visitors Friday. A. W. Smith and wife took a trip to Philadelphia last week. Mrs. Wm. Meuges of Montgom ery spent Sunday with her niece Miss Scales. Hurry Conrad is spending his usual vacation with his parents. Mrs. H. Allemun returned from the hospital in Philadelphia, where she has been for several months, ac companied by her son. Mr. Hyor and wife of Baltimore, arc the guests of his brother, M. A. Miller and wife. Miss Bessie Gearhurt of Sunbury was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Schoch, The l'rlile of Heroes Many soldiers in the last war wrote to Bay that for Scratches, llrumen. outs, Wounds, Corns, Sore Feet and Siifl" Joints Buckleu's Arnica Salve i the best in tU world. Same lor Burn., Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Bkiu Eruptions and Piles- It cures ur no pay. Oul.v 5c at Middleburg Drug Co., Qraybill, (Jttrmau it Co., Richfield, Pa.. Dr. J. VY. Sampsell, l'enijHcreek.JPa. POUT TREVOBTON. "Grandpa" Aucker, Oppenheimer and Jonas' new clerk, spent Sunday at home. Wm. Helfenstein and wife have returned home from Shamokin, where they spent a few months. Chas. and George Shatter spent Sunday at home. Superintendent Boyle of Narbeth and Attorney Helfensteio of Sha mokin haw taken up quarters at the Port Treverton house, for a few days. A bright little Miss has arrived to make her future home with T. II. Bogar and wife. The Xeitz brothers paid their reseetB to their parents Sunday. Dr. Orwig ol Herudou was ice bound in our town Thursday night. Andrew Herrold has returned to his w inter quarters. Friday morning while trying to cross the Susquehanna, James Bogar was lost in tiie dense fog and float ing ice. His persistent cries brought men to his rescue, but when they reached him he was partly frozen. By this writing is all right aain. Mrs. Sarah Shatter is on the sick list. Coughed " I had a most stubborn cough for many years. It deprived me of sleep and I grew very thin. I then tried Ayerl Cherry Pectoral, and was quickly cured.'' R. N. Mtnn, Fill Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know It's the great est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure ineverydrop. ThrM elset: '.'v.. enough for en ordinary cold- 50c., Juit right for Dronohltle, hntne nsi, hmrd coldi, etc.; f I. moil economical fur chronic cie unit to keep on hand. J. C. AY Kit CO., Lowell, till. otmnc All Heady. Hacklots Are you pump; to the fnn cy dress ball? Hubbub Yes, I'm going as a trninp. Harriots Have you got your cos tume all ready? Subbubi Yes. I'll wear my dross tilt, My wife forgot to put. it out of the way of the moths last spring. Bu f falo Courier. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature MoCLUltt:. Win. 11. Sanders is mi the sick list, with iuflumatioii oi the lungs. Allen Haines is in town with his engine and saw, cutting firewood for the citizens. A UUUlber of our citizens arc this week attending court in the capacity of jurors. Edward Kinuey and wife of wiueford are visiting their pirents and other friends in town. And just now the whole telephone force is in town completing the line along here. Hope they will soon have it in better shape than it used to be. It look- as though they were inaklug it more substantial than heretofore. John ('. Pheasant is busy engaged taking out limestone to burn u lot of lime fir Middleswarth & Ulsh. Adam Wagner is nut again alter a protracted sick spell. The It. R. Btation erected by Jacob Kinney foreman, and his hands at Rutilis Mill, certainly takes the cake for size and style of finish, lake is no slouch when it conies to building R. It. stations. George Homer Krick is on the sick list. Eight degrees below zero will do for the beginning of December. Nut ! ni Urnvr'a Brink. "I know I would long ago have been in my grave," writes Mrs. H. S. Newsom.of Doeatur, Ala. "If it had not been for Electric Hitters. For three years I sulTered uutold agony from the worst forma of In digestion, Wuterbrash, Stomach and Howel Dyspepsia, But this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since using it I can eat heartily and have grilled 8- louudB.'' For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver aud Kidney troubles Electric BitWs arc a positive, guar auteed cure. Unly BOo at Middleburg Drug Co, Qraybill, Oarman & Co., Richfield, Pa.. Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Pennscreek, Pa. eeey fjian Ilnd Ran Off. "Son, why don't you blacken your hoes?" "These are patent leather, pa, and don't need to he blackened." "If they are patent leather, the patent expired some time ao, and should be renewed." St. Louil He public. I M an n pal " led. "Mat candidate was a Kre't disap- p'intmcnt to me," saic! tin-old colored man. "I dunno when 1 has been ho took down." "Why, he greeted you cordially and took you by the hand." "Yessuh, he nick me by da ban', but when he lfggo my hsn' ap'in dar wasn' nuffln' in It." Washington star. Unite Realistic, "This said the Eminent Artist, "is mv famous study of the 'Cows in the Clover.' ' "Hut where is the clover?" we asked, not seeiag any of it in the picture. "Ob, the cows have eaten it, you know." Baltimore American. Crowded Ont. On the sofa they were seated, The eni-asrement was quite new; In a rlna he had invested She had promised to be true. "Should a doubt e'er come between us," She murmured wiy. pout: But the youth movt7up cloeer And left no room for doubt. Chicago Dally News. SIMPLY Anu "Guny's pot the toothache. His face lias been giving bim great pain." "Well, a faes like his is enough to pain anyone, I should say." Ally Slope r. (tutta a Dlffarenee, She Do you look upon all mar riage ties as the tame? lie Certainly not! For an after noon wedding a four-in-hand is worn; at nn evening wedding a lawn bow, Vonkers Statesman. Hound Kitt to Attrcc with lllm. Mrs. Henham How do you apell Benhnm What difference does it make how I spell it? You wouldn't 1 If ell it the same . wa, HON. JOHS T. SHEAHAlf, F CHICAGO. Hon. John T. Sheahan, who has been for seventeen years manager of Mar-dull Field A ("o.'s wholesale warehouse, ami is corporal 2d Regiment I nfantry, . N. G., writes the following letter from 37.VS Indiana avenue, Klat Six, Chicago, 111.: Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen "Last summer I caught a cold which seemed to set tie In my kidneys and affected them badly. I tried a couple of kid ney remedies largely advertised, but they did not help me any. One of my foremen told me of the great help he had received In using Peruna In a similar case, and I at once procured some. 'It was Indeed a blessing to me, as I am on my feet a large part of the day, and trouble such as I had affected me seriously, but four bottles of Peruna cured me entirely and I would not be without It for three months salary." JOHN T. SHEAHAN. Mr. Jacob Fleig writes from 41 Sum-1 ner avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.! " am now a new man at the age of teventy-flve yean, thank to your wonderful remedy Peruna." Jacob Plalg. Catarrhal inflammation of tha mucous Uklng of the kidneys, also called "Bright' disease," may bo cither acute or chronic. The acute form produces symptoms of such prominence that the parlous nature of tha disease Is at once A It radox. The Critic Why does that strap ping JTOUng man wear knee trousers? The Man Who Knows -He fills an en fragemeut as a child actor, and is only trying to keep up appearance. The Critic 1 see. He's a Walking paradox. The Man Who Knows- How's that? The Critic Why. short clothes are his long suit. N. Y. Times. I banc for Vensrourf. SliuiMon (angrily)-l have sent the editor of the Hlgbtone Magazine l- of my poems, and be has returned every one of them. Friend Don't send him any more. He might get mad. "Suppose he should? What could he do?" "He might pulilish one of them un der your real name." N. Y. Weekly. The Proof, Then the defiant, militant spirit took possession of the devoted mis sionary. "You think I'm a pudding!" he cried. "I'll show you I am not!" "The proof of the pudding Is in the eating!" rejoined the lavage, darkly.- Detroit Free Press. A Mlnleter Juke. "I haven't seen your fsce in church lately, Miss Dresser." "Why, Mr. Texter; I've been there every Sunday." "M-m -maybe; but from where you sit, you know, that big hat of yours hides your face me completely." Philadelphia Hulletln. Hla Geatlc Raproaoh. "Father," said the boy, I want five cents for a top." "What In the world do you want of a top?" demanded the father. "What do I want of a top!" repeat ed the boy, in surprise. "Why, weren't you ever a boy, father?" Chicago Post. A Pecuniary Kallane. "Don't forget," said the willing worker, "that money talks." "Yes," answered Senator Sorgum. a little glumly, "but I CBii't help wish ing that you boys would select an other phonograph occasionally." Washington Star. iiouah Cholmondely, A dapper young fellow namei! Cholmonrti 'y Remarked tu a maid: "You are colmondi -ly." But the m:ild went away, Not a word did she s:iy, And poor Cholmondely looked ufter hi dolmonHelv Sick Headache ? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 25c. All drusclsts. f Want your liimiNt.-u-lir nr ln-nil u beautiful e suspected, hut the chronic variety may ome ou so gradually and initdkmsly that its presence is not inspected until after it has fastened itself thoroughly upon Its victim. At the appearance of the first sj ip tom l'uruna should lie taken, " bis remedy strikes at once at tho very loot of the disoase. A book on catarrh sent free by be l'eruna Medicine Co., Columbus, 0. The Rlahta of Man. Penhecker Oh, dear, I wish I was a woman. Friend You do? What on for? Penhecker Why, I'm tired of as I'm told, and should like ; my own way for a change. Sloper. I(a Own Punlehmeut. "Prisoner, the witnesses sr you got into a tight with the a! ' -nnan from your ward, during which you bit hit nose nearly off. Tha! v is dis graceful, barbarous and eruei." "It was, y'r honor. It burut me tongue." Chicago Tribune. Tilt- I'rofit-r I'ereok. "Now, sir," said the man tip, -r of the iron mills, "you unilejstar I I want a boss who is thoroughly ue istomed to handling men?" "In that case," tiaid the t. iiiilicant. 1 nervously, "I'm afraid It' not me that you want, but my wife." Judge. A Man of 1'ruare. , McJigger Oh I no. It i u't a one horse town any more. Thingumbob No? McJigger No. You renn mber their "Grand Dramatic Palace?" Well, they call it "the theater" now. Philadel phia Prs. The Worm Turin. Publisher (testily) -I cat 't see any thing in that manuscript of yours, Struggling Author (vindictively) I presume not; but you know some of your reader msy be tpjite intelligent. - N. Y. Weekly. Ita Car. Mttle Clarence Pa, is carbolic acid very useful? Mr. Callipers- To be sure it is, my son. A great many superfluous people could hardly commit lUlcide withont it. Town Topic. HI IjtrW of Conalderatlon. "He is a most inconsiderate man, I understand." "How?" "He refuses to give his wife any grounds on which to get n divorce with alimony." Chicago Post. Blind nn ii Bat "She claims she has seen only 25 summers." "There la nobody ao blim ' who has seen 29 summers!" ' iwn Topics. Ignorant Little Thins, Aunt Well, Ethel, how do you l'ke your new little brother? Ethel (ageti four) I don't like bin at all. He can't even speak English. Tit-I'.its. 'Tin More Elegant. Miss Manhattan (encouraging bet friend) Never say die! Miss Hub Oil. 1 never do; T alwiyj any "expire." N. Y. Times. Keeplac th Record, "And so you're not smoking any more? Well, this is quite a surprise. When did you quit?" "Lait night nt 7:35." Chicago ..frd-Herold. i cat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers