The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 05, 1901, Image 7

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- -i o
CojW n ideal Ilolidcy They are mit'j In a jrwl i j CrfranbU
pri a pckc!:i lined cates and vary in pi torn 25s. Spoon
J UElttut.N BUTANMlji llrliU-n,i mm j
Porch hMM of Two Which Invar
lulilr Lead to Lovr-MnliUg 4
Ksentunllr to Ihv Altar.
"Oh. Jack!"
That is all the neighbors hear of
the porch party Chicago's newest,
dear tl summer fad. Whnt they see
of it is what the moon ehooses tore
real, plus the Mae of carriages and
the atrip of carpet to the curb.
Prom Gross Point to the Indiana
line the front porches of the city, says
the Chicago American, are proving aa
1 many approaches to the altar of Love.
Cushions, a rnr or two, the tardy
moonlight streaming down over the
. houses opposite these are the set-
i ting and the properties of the eomcdv.
Maidens whose lot is cast in a fiat or
-H-H-I-I-H-r l-i-l-l-I-I-l-I-H-l-I-I-i-I-t-l-I-M-H-l-I-I-i-
sPf-H A P OF
U 1313 U L3 CnU U y L3 U UZ.UU Li Li
LEWITIll. - -
Marked attractiveness in It,ign and color and excellent quality
of labric, combined with the reasonable prices, make our carpets
conspicuous. At this time attention is called to the new season's
patterns of the well-known Wilton's, Axminsters and Tapestry
Brussels. The latest effects in Ingrains, llag Carpets in all styles
and prices.
Our stock of new FURNITURE is es
pecially pleasing. We also have a fine
line of baby Carriages.
Valley Street, Lewistown, Pa,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l-H II II H I II I III I 111 M M III III M i
SpSrtment house whirl away to the
summer gardens for nn ice ami a
breath of air. But the girl who owns
a a)t of steps in fee simple or by lease
murmurs "no" to the invitation of
her caller, drops down on the steps
beside him when he bus finished
squeezing the lemons and hums the
honeysuckle song while he is limiting
for the right (imitation. After that it
depends on the size of his salary
whether they wait a month or a year.
Crafty bachelors who know of the
porch party seek the cliairs on the
larding, for the man who takes to the
steps la lost, liores and Inellgibles
swallow their root beer in the mau
soleum of the back parlor, An invita
tion to sit on the steps it equivalent
to a rating in the family. Bradstreet,
and the young man who draws the
R"olf cushion ranks with the double
i A's. Confirmed cynics rail at the
I groups in the shadows, chanting
j"Rpoon, spoon, spoon," to a certain
i popular air as they dr. ft down the
street. But both Itomeo of Halstcd
street and Romeo of Drexel boulevard
ratch the same disease, and Minnie
O'Connor and Miss Vivian are one in
the knowledge that the porch party
wins a solitaire every time.
Aftrr llrlnur Cut, the Wood ra cl nn 1 1 ,
Hardens and In a Few Yfnn
Pa trifle.
Is done with half the trouble and work if
yon Lave good tools. Why not buy the
Bntorprlso Sausage 6txfroxs
; and Meat Grinders and save a great deal
; of unnecessary trouble!
; 8 qt. Enterprise Stufters and Lard Press, $4.75
b" qt. Enterprise Stuffers and Lard Press, 3.75
; 2 qt. Enterprise Stuffers and Lard Press, 8.00
Enterprise Moat Grinders
No. 12 Chops 3 lbs. meat in 1 minute 1 .90
No. 22 Chops 3 lbs. meat in 1 minute 3.15
No. 23 Chops 3 lbs. meat in 1 minute 4.75
We also have the celebrated Lee's Butcher Knives and
Steel. Lard Cans, Hog Scrapers. Soales, Ladles, Skim
mers, Kettles, aud everying necessary to butchering.
D. HEIM'S SON, Sunbury, Penna.
Hi ifiiuimiiiti jsEHofr mtimi0it
f A I A K I T- I r He- t
1 vv m in i t u m m
a i mmmml. fll saaav
Rkf 5ti'-r line
PERSONS to buy a be a
seven pieces for $10. 5
We do not deliver these
suits out of town for this
This offer is to hold Rood until the
present stock is exhausted.
Others will quote you the
same grade of suite from $20 i
Mr. W. K. Porter has now discovered
a tree in Mexico, called by the natives
the "ehijol," which is of a most re
markable nature, reports the New
Y'ork Herald.
If all that Is alleged of this phenom
enal tree is correct it will some day
revolutionize the stone trade. The
"ehijol," or the "stone tree," as Mr.
Porter designates it, Is of enormous
proportions, both In circumference
and height. It has quite a number of
branches spreading; out widely and'
carrying Waves of a yellowish-green
color, something like the myrtle.
The wod Is extremely fine and in a
gTeen state Is easily worked, and Is
not given to either warping or split
ting The wonderful part sbont it is that
sfter being cut the wood gets grad
ually harder, and in the course of a
few years it is absolutely petrified,
whether left in the open air or burled
in the ground.
From this wood houses can be built
that would in a few years become com
pletely fireproof and would last as
though built of stone. As the wood
does not, even in it completely petri
fied state, chance either its color op im
finely grained surface, it offers indeed
grest possibilities for new and artis
tic embellishments in the style of our
buildings, both interiorly and exter
iorly, besides the advantage of its be
ing fireproof.
Rnaas lateaaalateaer.
"The world Is too much with us!"
We quoth with weary sigh
Then, when we're not Invited,
We sadly wonder why.
Oar complete line'of bed-room suites are ex
traordinary value. Prices deeply cut and
worth your while to consider.
Very respectfully,
I Sjj
Rain an. I sweat
have nu eflct on
hartirn treated
wiiu Eureka Mai
ne. Oil. It re
tiatB the damp.
keep toe leath
er ion and pli
able. Stitches
do not break.
No rouch sur
face to chafe
and cut. The
harnesa not
only keeps
looking liktf
new, but
wears twice
as loos by the i
use of Eureka
Harness Oil I
in cans
all sires.
Made by
Standard Oil
, Company
The Chronic
i.en iter.
A larpe proportion of ihe failures in
Ife nre to be found In the ranks of
the chronic leanera,
Everywhere we po
We meet earnest.
Sonscientions workers w ho are amazed
that they do nol gel on faster. They
wax eloquent over their fancied
wrongs, the injustice thai confines
them tn inferior grades, while persons
with no more education, ability r per
severance than they possess are ad
vanced iiver their heads. To the cas
ual observer, writes (). S. Marden, in
IUCC eSS, they seem to have cause fur
grievance; but when we analyze these
people we find what the trouble really
Is. They are incapable of independent
lotion. They dare not make the slight
est move without assistance from
Some outside source, the advice or
opinion of some one on whose judg
ment they are wont to rely. They
have no confidence In themselves do
not trust their own powers. They have
never learned to stand squarely on
their feet, to think their own thoughts
and mak-e their own decisions. They
have leaned upon somebody from
Dhildhood, all through the formative
period of character building, until a
habit of leaning is chronic. Any fac
ulty which is unused for a luutf time
loses Its power. It is a law of nature
that we must use or lose. If a man
ceases to exercise his muscles they
loon become weak and flabby, The
same inexorable law governs man's
mental powers. Su the men and wom
en who have never learned the funda
mental lesson of, who
have never used their Qod-given fac
ulties in reasoning with themselves,
making their owu decisions and In be
ing their own final court of appeal,
gTW up weaklings, parasites, (iod in
tended them to ttuud alone, to draw
upon His inexiiuust ible power without
stsnt. lie meant them to be oaks, but
they have become vines. Not realizing
that all growth is from within, they
have reversed this fundamental truth
and endeavored to draw their strength
from the outside. . ..
- v-
I tiller Some I r. u .,, -1 n n , ,
"Do you believe a woman's testi
mony in court Is reliable?"
"Well, I don't know. It might be if
there wasn't another woman In the
case." Chicago Times-Herald.
439 Maiket St.
Undertaking Special
Bhi I like some of your articles-rery
He 0,1 am so fladl Which was the
part you liked specially?
She Weil. I liked the quotation from
3alac Punch.
IiOOka Snsplcloui.
Is It a sign, or Is It not.
And one that needs attention due.
That, whin the cashier huys a yacht
He m- .11-.. to be a skipper, too?
Never thought of such
sign for a medicine did you ?
W ell. . it's a good sign for
Scott's Emulsion. The body
has to be repaired like other
things and Scott's Emulsion is
the medicine that does it.
These poor bodies wear out
from worry, from over-work,
from disease. They get thin
and weak. Some of the new
ones are not well made and
all of the old ones are racked
from long usage.
Scott's Emulsion fixes all
kinds. It does the work both
inside and out. It makes soft
bones hard, thin blood red,
weak lungs strong, hollow
places full. Only the best ma
terials arc used in the patching
and the patches don't show
through the new glow of health.
No one has to wait his turn.
You can do it yourself you
and the bottle.
This picture represents
the Trade Marl; of Scott's
Emulsion and is on the
wrapper of every bottle.
Send for free sample-
409 IVarl St,. New Yoik,
50c. aud ft. ail druggists.
. tr r i AUuiiiiat ration mi h
Mat at Jom Imu ttk'kl art lata of Wakbll Klun
1 p .Sijei 1 1 11. r. dae'4, u.iuii bean sr . 1
la tka abdatstaasttt all parses snowies den
steai Itiiltfhici in hiiiiI et.iii' -tic rnui-l ,1 t
sake laMBad late Mmi nt. ahtlr iluw aa nu
dUIsm wilt press! iUMta 4ulf sstawsllsate'l i
ta iititleriKvet
Kr- -u 1 1. I'n . on. N, lw I. Ailiiiiiiinlratoi.
Jury List.
I. ist cffirun.l lururs drawn tor v..
Oyer sad Terminer ami General Jail
smlfimrt n( oiiarier BeSBlOBSOl lie
Bsyaer oottntj heU at lec. Tens, eon
MoMajr, Dee, 1 ISJI.
urr 01
sos ot
( S.dal nlattallon in the estate ol
iutit-u liui lnt' ( !1iiiiii-i tnvvii-lnt, .-n
iter tnint .In., daosaaad, hai Ins lieeii atamti A
tn iht- umw 'raiaaad, ull naraaas kttowtns lbani
el vra ludebtea to aaM sstste ivh- rcqitssted t
nMks IniBiedlats payment, while Ihoao halns
plaltm i-k iin-i tin faiil ejiluli- ill n-ienl llten
duly ftuthnntloatad la tin ttnajaratancd,
saViI'M. w TKU i T,
JAMKS D, WKUT.. sdninlatrstors,
Oct I, isji.
Noti-4 i" barab Riven tlutt Powat ol atlornt)
in lavt has been yrautad by 'tis belra in Iba w
late ol Conrad Petiar, lateol I'snn township,
nyilrr County I'h, deoeaaed, A I I parson
Snowing tbeniaalvea to be Indebted lo laid en
tuti- nil, mill make Immediate psymenl snd tl
litivlnu amis iptniM n bonm preneul lliem
duly autbentl atel for seltlametit
Al l. I N 8. SK llltlsT,
Ml. i, ii ij in f:Ml
Uuudoiti Pa., illne I. IWII
ters of Administration in tin
estate ol Henry Na'ifle in'e f W. I'crrytwp
Snyder oounty, l'n . dee'd, hevlna iHHJiiarnnti il
to the undsrslanad, all persitnaknowInK Ibem
elves Indel ted to said estate are recpiealed ii
make Immediate p-' ment, htle Hioiie IiavIiih
e'alinn will pri'iient I hem duly HtitlienliiHti'il 'i-ilir-
J, P N'AVtlLB. Adminlstrntnr.
Aline. I'll . Viik. 10, IWII.
Roaar, c.
Itlckbsrt, neon ;
Beapl el. Ps im r,
Raller, Wllltam.
neaaler, u onre K .
Ke'my k si kiin.
rjetnherili , albert,
II lines. Allen.
Hei bster, Hoe arfl,
Hemuva, r n ,
hllni'i eii r, Bamuel J
I. ii deusbiKi ' - OornrUas,
Lonir, Geonre w.,
I l l' M l . S lllllli P
Newnsn, Henry,
lOMlt.J. A..
BomlK- Howard l
I itu ii ward,
It" ISll, Will..
Hilinely, Palmer,
amaii it P.,
Hniitli Win. s..
sn Hi, in. Bm
i vv., fr, V. !.,
I 'ivlln
i .oklta
(e lnaVOVS
wesi Beaver
w I Beaver
i lekann
I i inklln
l -nkllii
i. -i i t
rein Jurors rtniwn mi nu I'eurl of
r noil Pleas, Cmirt el Ulliirter Sessions n Ihe
l. : ee ('null nl II er :inl , -rtr 1 1 T . llelierill
I Hi liver) ot Mnyder Coiiiily, p i. held as
Pee Term, coinmenelt g l)ee. q, isul,
OXKOl'TOK'S KUTICK- Notice Is hereby
4 given (li-it letters testamentary iiioti the
eatste ol Lydls Hwarls, late ol Wiishlngtoti
townabip, Qnyder County, I .. deceased, hnvi
been Issued in due form el luw In the undei
signed, to whom nil imlebteil in miitl intnte
-in. i, i.i make Imraeiliate paymenl and tlmse
bavins claltna against it sbould present them
ilulv suthentlcateil lot settlameut.
II. N s i H I . I ,
W. II SWAKTZ, i Esecutors,
Kants, !'.. Aug, '.n. ivoi
In re-entatn uf David I In the Orphan'
VVsaver, lata of Union Court of Mnyder
twp., Snyder On,, Pa., I County,
deeeistad, I
The undersigned sndltor, appointed liy the
Court, to make distribution of tin balanceln
Hih bands ef a. II. Troutman, administrator ol
the estste o( Pavi l Weaver, lute i( Un
ion township, Hnydef County, Pit,, deceased , as
hIiiiwii liy the lirnt mid llnnl SCBOanl Ol said ad
minlstrator will mi for the purnose of his sp
polntment, at bis office. In the norough of Se
llnigrove, Pn on SATUHDAY, NUN'RHBKH
SBrdTlwul, a III o'clock A. M. hi which time
niid iliii e all persons interested in the dlslrlbu
tlon nf said bslsnOS, or fund, are imlllh d In at
tend and present their claims duly entlion
Hosted, in bedebarrsd from uomlng in on atd
ItORACB Al. I. K.MAN, Auditor.
(let. 8Mb, 1901.
An 'iter, Charles,
Ap ii'Dion,
j Itimersnx, ensiles,
jkiwcrwix, Harry,
I imi 'i der. II. K.,
Iio rur, saitc,
' lit oven. .le r .
i llenter, Jumen,
tlutlev, Jehu c ,
Howes. N, A ,
' Bower Itohert,
j Illekel, Willi., in.
! cliiirles, Henry,
i lelnn. Jos. li ,
I ise i ' W ,
li' h i'. K K ,
Dreese. i lnirgt II-.
! Peikei , Chnrles
l-'lss. Daniel W .
Getnberllng, Atuos,
llhii e l.eorce,
'revblll lull.,
iiu i inei. Asms.
I iii iiniitich, cnsrles,
Helwr, Kd .
lierinsn, Peter,
llHckonburg, w .i ,
1 .l:r led, Jacob P.,
' Kimier P n .
U'lilc, Jefferson,
1 !, ii, ills. T-
Mnrkley. I), II .
Mil lei . Will W
- Hum . Jonathan V
I It herfni', I'errv,
Slmll, Ueorgo II.,
, s- Human, Hurry
: Hel ,.''h, II- II ,
' sli ' tnbach, llos urd,
1 slioizlHTKer, Jncob,
Sl'l letter. .1 li II.,
siiouberiier. r II.,
NliiiinliacTi, win..
. Thninas, lisrrison,
I Wnlter, a. b
Wine , Joslah s ,
Weiel, James V.,
Wa.'lU'l', JUhl'pIl,
Si I
Ki nnklin
M ddli I. nil,'
I leaver
' Hi luirif
ii ngton
Pi m
I iver
i nnklin
.1 ickson
1 1'iiiro
i nlon
W ii hrjtun
I firry
i nlon
I nion
Hullnsgro) o
1 ' inklln
Pr inklln
a lams
Kr nikllll
Wi t-i i'erry
Vt'esi Heaver
Uuiirl PrnclamatiDii,
tT HERKAH the lion, ilnnild U, MeClurc
' I'lemdent . Indgs oi t li e Judlolal District,
roinioHcd ol the muriHe id Snyder, aikI
I'niiiii and Peter f. Rlegle snd z. T. Gem-
lierlilivr. RsQiS., Afiimelate .ludeii In SUd lorSliy
der eiiuiity, have Issued their pteOSpt, bearing
Into the 7th day 01 Oct, A. H Hull, to mi'
directed lor the holding uisn urphsns1 CoortS
sourt ol Oonttnon Plssti oonrt ofOyer nnd Tor
miner and llcneral Court oftlnsttor Rsilloni Ol
i he Peace, at M Iddlsbnrsh, lor the oounty nl
Snyder, on the llrst Mondnv, (IihIiik th Mh
day ol Dae, 1U01), And In continue olio week.
Notice li tlierelore herehy ir'ven to llio Coron
er, Juitlool ol the Pence and Conhlal'lcfi In and
forthe county ol Snyder, to IppesrlS tin ir
proper person wlih their rolln. rSOOfdS, Inqulst'
tioiiH, exainlnatliiii.i and other renieinbrsnoss
to do Utose thing! which ol tnelr unieeii and in
ihelr I'chnli partaln lo Im done and wltnawei
and ierHiuc jiroiierutliiii In hehall ol the Uouj
monwoslth against snj ponon or persons are re
qnlrod l" he then and there attending snd de
parting without lesve nt their peril. Justice!
are requested to he iUDctiinPln their attendance
I the sppolntSd time iiKreeiihly lo notice.
Ulven under my hand and senlai the Sherlll "
ufllre in Hlddleturgh, the 'Uli day ol Nov,
A. II., one thousand nine hundred i nc.
U. W Hi i W. Sln rlll.
rbe Teat.
It Is ea?)' enoiiKh to he plcna.tnt
l'hcn life Hows by like a sunt:.
Bu! the man worth while Is I le one whs
win smile
I When everything koi s sronit.
For the test of Hie heart Is trouble.
And It always comes wllh the years.
And the smile that la worth the pralSSI of
Is the smile that shines through t( irs.
j It Is easy snough to he prudent
When nothing tempts you to stray.
When without or within no voice of sin
j Is luring your soul away.
But It's only a negative vlrtuo
Until It la tiled by lire,
And the llfo that Is worth the honor ol
Is the one that resists desire.
Horace l'arker Chandler, In WashingtOg
nrlUOWH' APPRAIHEMKNTB, Notice Is here-
by given thai the following Widows' Ap
pralsementa under tbo 1800 IsWi have been llied
with the Clerk of theOrnians'Oourl of Snyder
county fur confirmation Dec. Sib, 1001,
No I. Appraisement of Lucetts Shaffer,
widow ol William A. Shatter, late of Union
Twp., Snyder Co.. Ps deceased, elected to be
taken nuder Uie WW exemption law.
No.'j. Apprslsemeni of Mary Fisher, widow
of Asapb Fisher, late of Uunroe Twp,, Snyder
Co., Pa., deceased, elected to he lalen iimn r
the f;i exemption law.
No. a. Appraisement of Bsrbsrs Plsher, widow
of Adam j. Kisber, late of penn Twp., Huyder
t o . I'n.. decesseda elected lo betaken undi f the
fauoexempl Ion law.
I'otluinoinry'N Aeeoasifs,
The Inl low II g account will he n scnlrd fr
conOrmalion oil Monday. December Dih.iuoi,
The tlrsl and Dual SCCOUal of J. J. Shrnder,
(iuardlsn md Committee of ihe person snd es
tate Of John Moyer, a lUOatlO lansloner el the
I' M, Government.
G. M.SHINDKI., Cltrk
Mlddleburg, Pa., Nov. ttb, isci,
WAN TED-Latoues
our IIKADAI IIK and I'AIN TAM.hlN. H'e
trut you nnd give elegant premiums or oash,
Write o anil we will eend goods at once. All
not nold inn be returned. We have iieft pro
uonltlon ever made. Write t,eduy. llm Oil
lieut. 18, BRIDGEPORT RaafKDY 0
io-m-.1t, Bridgeport, ct.
Why Sonic Men Fall,
Mv song is this: Why tome nu n miss,
in life, their chosen goal
They seek to IIU, with half the will.
A plun needs the whole.
They sow the seed on mount and mead
And wait to see it spread;
While, half concerned, they 1 mve, im
turned, The clud upon Its head.
They waste In play the light of ! i.v.
Knowli.c; (hat there will i - mi ,
Ai even-fall, ihe w Icomi call
To eat the uni arncd i run, I,
Thus dow n the tide of llfi Ihi j ylide.
In poverty and pain,
(saving undone, irom mi m -nn.
The things that lead lo g; ;
1 But when thr In,,
No more to Ijj
! And all Is lost
Of dolnif Ihli.j ;
fcidwln T Join .-. i
lo p
WANTED. Capable, reliable person In every
county to repreaent Urge company nf eolld
financial repuiatlon: fdUo aalary per year, nav
able weekly; S3 per day absolutely aureand all
eipcnaen- atralgbt, bona-flde. definite salary
no comii.ission: salary tiaid each Saturday and
eiienae money advanced each week. S'l AND
Attn inn -v. .en Dearborn M-, Llrlcago. 8-7-16
men to travel andadvertiae fur old cnUtdlidird
boon of aolid financial standing. Salarv t7Mi a
year and expenses, all payable in car-b. No can
vaaaiiiic reotiired. Give references and aaeloa
self-addrcraed stsmped rnTelope, Addre
stanager. :i:.i ( anon Uldg., I blcsgo. t.js 1
I lie neat Time.
The heal time to eure n cough or cold in when
you are Hint affected, A pleasantand aura rem
edy for aore throat, weak lungs, bronchial aore
i nesa, coughing spells, etc.,ls Meilcan Byi up for
I roughs nod consumption. Be wise in time ami
I keep a bottle In your medicine cheat, always
j bandy for Immediate use, remembering the old
adage. "A stiteh in time aavca nine." it la a
true lung tome and sells for only e, cents.
Many Wonder.
J Many wonder how It is that pin w orms ami
i stomach w orms get into little children, or it tape
miMwnn mug, can cci in ami exist anil
grow inside of man, as it Sometimes happen
They may well w onder, for II la a greai mys-'
tery. However, many now know from experi
ence that Mother's Worm Syrup will rill one
of intestinal worms and greatly Improve Ike
health niter the worms have b.i n destroyed
nod expelled it la ebsoutsi harmless rem
edy to take, and aa it only costs li cents, all
should try It who lows ect wernia to lie the cause
of their ill health.
Heslewn Root Pills.
These pills, coating only H cents u bog, are
the intpst vegetable discovery for cleansing,
renovating, Strengthening ami regiilntiug the
liver and bowels. Better health Invariably fol
lows their use.
Ihe neat Time.
The beat lime to cure pain in when you first
aiter aid good reputation in inch rtnte (one in
this county reiiuiied) to reptereot Slid adver
tise old cataldlplied wrallliy business house of
solid financial standing, ralsry JK an weekly
with circuses additional, nil nnialile in easii
each VAediieadny illiict from "hunt offices
Horse and carrl-itcc rurnhhed- when necesrsty.
References BncToss self sddresied stsmped
envelope. Manager, 116 Canton Hinldlng, I hi
oago. V-12-KI
flenenta at Pnlillelty.
"Take off vour coat ami vest," said
Holdup Hank. "That's right. Now
your shirt."
'What for?" asked the ghlverln2
viclini. "You've got my $47. That's
all the money I have."
"I don't know about that," said
HoMiij) Hank. "The last man I oper
ated on had $17 in his pants pockets,
aud I got that, but he told tin: police
men and reporters I'd missed $104 he
had in his undershirt. 1 saw it in the
papers next day. I ain't takin' no
chances any more. Off with the'
Shirt!" Chieairo Tribune.
Fruits or Kxpertenee,
Th' poet warbles, with seal well mi snt.
Of the golden apples of swiet content',
Aral this, -1 mourn the snd declaration
Are oft but dried applet or resignation.
feel it Alwaya have a bottle of '
Iti'llef in the house. Cures extern
pain, and cosla ony 2fi cents. Cures
The Whole Doily .
The whole body depends on good,
blood for its sustenance and strenctti
makrs the blood so healthy and tin n
triing asGoocb'a Banmparilla, Read leal
on lis wrappers.
pile toe cares I'tie :
Koney refunded if it ever fulls
AgTt-AoVS cures Chills and l ever.
s Oulck
Hips and
rves so
rai-inir Ms hearl. And Ibrn.'as I hope for
mercy, the woman's eyelids begun to flutter
like a loose stiiililiu' vail in a linlit breeze
ami her eyes njn tied, and she 1 "Hth
'em up nt Teague, And Teag llw
net there swelling up to the r-i of his
cl dlies with every KCOnd that pa led.
" 'f ume here, Bill,' says lie to inc. spent;,
ins soft us a woman with s young I sbyj 'is
tins her you see in Ihe Cabin?'
1 crept oi r and looked at iier.
" 'Yes, sir,' I SSySj 'though not near so
At Hint the woman opened ber eyes and
u led up at Teague again.
'You was -i long time coming, Jim,' she
w' perod, 'I I I m n s-dreaming that I
w .. writing .vmi a letter.'
"They was married w hen ee got port,
s nth overdue, Teagns itred t lo 78,
bui. liis wife was SI wlien she died. Some
lit, s I've felt sorry for that poor littio
brown-hslrsd ghost tiut had to wait them
(10 long year before it had -ltaret to get
again,"N Y. Baa