S Bote THeabs Envelopes m We have a job lot of note heads on hand. They must go quick. The price will do It. Samples anu prices for the ask ing. We furnish them printed for less than you can buy them without printing. We bought a large con- f signment of .i-loO" Having CO.C0y j we secuied a rock bottom f figure. Send for samples and prices. ' VO'i Gee. W. Wagenscller, Fditor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Stitnce. Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. Ratci: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advanci M M REK i s VOL. XXXVIII MIDDLEBUKUH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. DEC 5. 1001 ; . . , . I Fun Sai.k. A good second-hand bi- lycle, apply at this office, tf. BMnotni Bros. BUiL Chothikq rilKAI'KH THAN ANY STORK IN SlN- BI'KY. if mn want to please Mid make your Liciids happy "t Christmas time, buy our gifts at the Book Kmpnritim. Nl. IwAI.NtTTS WAXTKD I Want 1000 tshels of walnuts and am willing to v 40 cents a bushel. ClIARLKS BOYKR, Paxtonville, Pa. Bkouocb Bbos. Bill Clothing llKAI'KR THAN ANY BTORB IN BTO- ruv. kve are indebted to Mrs. Ida (i. Stahl r the excellent report of the Teachers Istitute. kv.NTKl. (iood Veal Calves, also Ides, Tallow end Wool. .1. L. Winkman, Lewisburg, Fa. Hie First National Hank of Herndon , realitv. H. D. Bower was elected Csi.lent and A. H. Hepner, Cashier. the snow of any account this fall fell I Friday. The school teachers could tracked to their homes. fhe C. E. Sioeety f the Reformed m il willautieinnte holding a sock al In the Town Hall Tuestloy even- Dec. 31. OTICB. I have a cow for sale that l be in roflt in a few days. Pktkr H. BeCKRUT, Dundore, Fa. hie tine display of holiday goods at , Bok Emporium, BellnBgrove, is f opened and ready for your pairon- IVO-Ot. kiED apiu.ks wanteh I want five Lix tons of dried apples and am Buir to pay 6 cents a pound. CHARLES BOYER, Paxtonville, Pp. Le Iteformtd Sunday school of this will hold Christmas exercises lav evening, l)ecemler 24. They lender the program "Great Joy." rv Seebold of Sunbury spent Sun- i this place visiting relatives. and let me show you a tine line Inllu, Games, Books, ires orna- and all kindsof Children's Toys. Book Emi-okium, xt door to the "Tribune" Offlce, t. Helinsgrove, ra. Uilieria is prevalent about the Among the patients we note a liter of Emanuel Zeehnian, Der son of Geo. W. Dlehl; daughter f I I : I , ii i'i 1 1 Ttjiohiiel. diiuirtiter ot Bolig, a young man working for loll II on A. E. Boles In his new shav M hair cutting parlor for your ned with a refreshing shaiu- lid a clean towel to each patron i north side of Market snuare op- I Central Hotel. Satisfaction gunr- tr. us Bkos. Sem. Clothing ll'KI! THAN ANY StoUE IN Sl'N- fcv ARK KA8Y. If your liver feels Bon fee good. McNair's Stomach Bver Fills tones the stomach, re- Ithe liver, makes life worth liv- lest pHl, 25c gets them jiostpiiid. eni. I West Side Fhaumacy Co., Batavia, Ills. laukets from "0e ier pair to ah lap Robes, Horse Blankets, "I Mittens, we make a special e a large and nice assortment lundisetor the holiday tride. call and be convinced. M. M i i.i.mh, Kant, Pa. tying anti-trust matches in mtities direct from the maun we are giving our customers It and nre selling 2400 perfect OI matches for 12c. They all pew how we do it, but we get I the same. A. 8. Bkchrist, Verdilla, Pa. niake your ChriBtmas pur- sore you see the up-to-date se nile Book Emporium. 12-Mt. is almost here, and we for you. We have some of t goods for person or house would wish, such as Men's, a Boys' Suits and Overcoats, 'ear cloaks, Tailor-made Suits g Skirts, Fur Scarfs and 1 u rock bottom prices. M. Millnkr, Kantz, Pa. Corner Stone L.i)ing. At appropriate ceremonies the corn erstone for a new Ladles' Hall at 8u -(uelianim I ni varsity, Selinsgrove, Pa., was laid Tuesday afternoon. The build ing to be of brick and while sandstone of colonial style will be known aa the Belbert Memorial. Despite the oold weather there was a good attendance. UfflH PERTINENT PERSONALS 90 5 Personally-Couduteetl Tours via reals Railroad. Season of 1901-1002. Fennsvl i he Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany announces the following Person ally-Conducted Tours for the seas in of 1901-1902: Mexico AND CALIFORNIA. A forty five day tour will leave New York, Philadelphia, Harrlsburg and Pitts liurg February 11, The party will travel over the entire route by the "Mexico and California Special," the finest train that crosses the continent. Florida. Three tours to Jackson ville will leave New York and Phtla delphla February 4 and 18, and March 4. The first two of these admits of a sojourn of two weeks In the ''Flowery State." Tickets for the third tour will be good to returu by regular trains un til May 81, 1!H)2. Tickets for the above tours will be sold from principal points OU the Peun syluaniit Railroad. For detailed itiner aries, giving rates and full Information, ade'ress Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western District, Pittsburg; it. Courlaender, Jr., Passenger Agent Bal timore District, Baltimore; C. Studde, Passenger AgentBoutheastern District, VVashington; or Geo. W. Boyd, Assist ant General Passenger Agent, Phila delphia. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. Great closing-out sale of clothiuguiid gents' furnishing goods will take place on Saturday, Nov. 23rd, 1001. Our entire stock must be sold out in about 00 days on account of quitting business. Don't fail to come if you want to buy bargains. The entire stock will be sold at about half price. Here are a few prices : Men's $ 5.00 Suits at $:!.21 Men's 7.o0 Suits at Lot) 1 Men's 10.00 Suits at (1.50 Men's 5.00 Overcoats at $8.25 Men's 7 60 Overcoats at 4.60 Men's 10.00 Overcoats at 6.60 All our 50c and 75c Shirts at 88c All our 50c and 75c Underwear at 88c Ladies' 16c Hose at 9o Children's 16c Hose at tie Everything is reduced at uliout I price. Dn't fail to come, remember we are leaving town in about 60 days. E. K.vrz, Next to Court House. Middlelmrg, Pa. MEXICO AM) CALIFORNIA PtrKjaslly-Cosdactcd Tours via thePennayb vania Knilruad. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com. pany's Personally-Conducted Tour to Mexico and California will leave New York on February 11, visiting St. Louis, San Antonio, Monterey, Tani pico, San Luis Fotosi, Guanajuato, Irapuato, GnadsJaJan, Queretaro, City of Mcxice, Aguas Calientes, and 1'. Paso, At ESI Paso tourists for California only, who will leave New York February ii, Will Joltt the party, and the Mexican tourists who do not care to go to the Pacific Coast will return to New York. The California party will visit Los An geles and the Southern California coast resorts, San Francisco, and, 0d the re turn trip, the Grand Canon of the Col orado in Ariina. Tourists will have thirteen days in Mexico and niueteeu days on the Pacific Coast, the Califor nia tour returning to New York on March 27, the whole tour OOVtrlng forty-five days. The rate, covering all necessary expenses during the entire trip, will be $575 from points on the Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pitts burg. For Mexico only the rate will be $860, and for California only 876 The party will travel over the entire route in a special train of Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, compart meut, dining, smoking, and observa tion cais. California-only tourists will use apodal cars to El Paso, and Mexico only passengers will use special cars returning from El Paso. For detailed itineraries and full information address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Pas senger Agent, Philadelphia, Pa. TO ( I RK A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo-Quiniue Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it foils to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 26c tf. " i- win n'j-i y Charles l!otisi has accepted a posi tion as butcher in Lewiatown, Miss Alice Haines of Bcavortown Is engaged in sewing at this place. Butcher Harry W. Bowersox took a trip to Mauoh Chunk last week. J, Calvin Schooh and wife spent some time Visiting relatives in Centre county. Miss Delia Mover of Salem paid a visit to Miss Claire OrayblU last week. Samuel Wlttenmyer, Sr., is very ill with pneumonia. He la the oldest man in the county. Miss Cora I iood of BeUnssrove spent several days last week with Mrs. W. H. Bpangler. Miss Lizzie Hipka, who had Ix'ii at Sunbury, is visiting her parents in the French Flats. Geo. Ni Ison Appand wife of Monroe township were at the county seat Thanksgiving Day. Charles H. Walter, who is working in Mifflin county, spent Sunday with his family in town. Hon. S. A. Wetzel and Fx-Sheriff Alfred Spcohl of Beavertown were in town Saturday morning. Hon. F. M. Hummel and J. G. Lean er ol Selinsgrove were at the count v seat Saturday afternoon. C. C. Cooper, editor of the Kelly X lloads "Advance," was p Middlehurg visitor Thanksgiving Day. Attorney W. K. Houseworth of Se lluSgrove paid a visit to the county seat Wednesday of last week. Cashier .1. X. Thompson spent the latter part of last week with his par ents and friends at Mexico, Juniata Co. Mrs. Lizzie Smith was-alUd to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Ernest, who is 111 with appendicitis at Mittlin burg. Jno. f. Wsgeneeller of Selinsgrove spent part of Thanksgiving Hay and Thursday night with f h e editor's family. Mrs. Edward M. Greene and son of Lewiatown are spending several days with her father, w. W. Wlttenmyer, in this place. W. H. Bell of New York City and Miss Kadie Sieber of McAllistcrvilh were entertained Sunday by A. Baahoar and wife. Geo. Roush of Freeburg spent la week with his parents and Ralph Roush spent the week with his grand parents at Freeburg. .Joseph Drccse of Lock Haven w move into w. F. Feese's house on West Market Street, lie will assist his fath er at the tannery. H. H. Barter and family of Sunbury, J. F. Magee and wife of K reamer and Miss Erma Magee of Lewisburg at Thanksgiving turkev at Dr. J. W. Orwig's. 1). Norman Ann of Selinsgrove bus accented the appointment as delegate to the National Live Stock 'onveiition mention of which was made in this paper a few weskl ago. and is now at tending the con vent ion at IhicagO. Bev. Win. EC, Dlehl and family have moved into K. (.'. Walter's residence on West Market Street. He preached his first sermon Sunday both at Haaaing er's and in town. The family were en tertained by John F. Stetler and Geo IT. Steininger until the house as ready. Commissioners' clerk J. N. Brosius entertained the following persons dur ing Institute weak : Misses Edith Wei deusand and Lena Blylerof Lewisburg, Jacob Basom, wife and daughter of Itiehtleld, Misses AlVCSta Sohnee, An nie Y. Brosius, Cora Schnee, Margaret Shadle, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schnee and Chas. N. Brosius of Fremont. Among the many Thanksgiving Day visitors we noticed the following: W. P. Shelly and Irwin E. Buck of Sun bury with relatives; Cashier H. H. Hassinger and wife of Elizabethvillc and Clem Smith and family at the home of James P. Smith; J. A. I, milli ard and wife of Selinsgrove and Mrs. Murray Smith and child of Lewistown at Attorney M. L Potter's; Mrs. M. L. Kreeger o f Selinsgrove a t Azariah Kreeger's; Al. Rowe of Millersburg, Newt. I. Catberman of Selinsgrove and F. C. Fisl er and wife of Salem with friends; Elmer Snyder and wife of Se linsgrove at Jno. P. Smith's. Letal Institute Program. Thursday, 8:30 A. M., the eommitte met in the eon t house to arranire nro gramme lor the local institute of the fifth distiiei comprising Union and1 Dhapman townships, to lie held nt Fort I Trevcrton Jan. :il and Feb. I, 902. da G. Stahl chairman. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Tin. nth Annual Convention i Snyder Conn- t) in Stt.si.ui LaM W'ttk. (Contiuued from last week.) TUESDAY A UTERNOON. Called to order bv the President and Programme for Friday evening wm announced the committee Irora Snyder lie arranged ly tic teacher in the hieh school room, T. ( i. I lerrold. Topics assigned for the programme Feb. 1, are as follows : Harrv Kn-it.er, "Opening Address"; T.J. Nichols, "A Teacher's :t;t years experience"; J, D. Hiegle, "Geography in the PuMic Si-hools"; I). B, 1 lerrold, "Arithmetic in the Public Schools"; F. H. Attinser, Books versus Knowledge; Ed. Bhaffir, Mental Arithmetic; &. K. Scboll, Or thogranhy; Homer A. Swartz, History T. I. Herrold, Value of Psychology in Teaching; Howard Bcholl, Algebra; K. S. Wolfe, Diacritical Marks; J. Al bert Herrold. civil Government; John Roher, Recitation; T. A. Herrold. Mis cellaneous Work; Ida (i. Stahl, Music, and Prize-giving in the Publlt Schools. DA G. STAHIi, T. A. Hkkkoi.h, ' Comm. HarbvKrbit7.hr, I Letter to Geo. M. 5hindcl, Ml DOLBRURa H, Fa. Dear Sir : Some think we lake a good deal of risk in inviting complaints of Devoe lend and zinc we authorize our agent to sell it under this guarantee: "If you have any fault to find with this paint, either now in putting it on, or hereafter in the wear, tell your di al er alsmt it. "We authorize him to do what is right at our expense. ' ' The following story tells how little the risk is : J. H. Aaherd Co., hardware dealers, Rhlneheck, N. Y., have sold Devoe from '70 to now, and have had just one complaint in all this time. Three sides of a house were perfect; the fourth was as bad as the three were good. Explanation It rained the night be fore the ff, rlh side was painted; and the painters did not wait for the wisxi to dry. What is done In such a case'.' What ever the dealer, who sold the paint, considers it fair to do. We leave it to him. lie may not do exactly what we should do if we were there; but we are not there. The best we can do is to leave it to him. Yours truly, F. W. Dkvob&Co. - COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Dteda Entered for Kccord. Ma K. Schoch and wife to Henry Dietrich, lot in the village of Franklin, No. 54, for 226. M. K. Schoch and wife to Nora E. Graybill, lot No. 23, in the village of Franklin, for $200. County Commissioners to W. Wlney, 217 acres of unseated land Franklin twp., for $70, Wills Predated. The last will and testament was pro hated Now 2Btb( B. I''. Kant)! is named executor and the children ace the heirs Mairi.'ic LICCBMS. Troxel villi- Pennscreek Pennacreek Pennscreek Freeburg Freeburg. Freeburg, Mt. Pleasant M. MlddleoreeL, Troxelville, Dry Vallev X Roads, Dry Valley X Roads. Selinsgrove, i John Haffley, l Agnes Kow, i Win. W. Brunner, Elva X. Hartman, I Geo. Hall, I Emma Suoub, I John A. Fryer, Jennie M. fitengle, I Anion J. Ocker, t lora E. Shsader, f H. s. Mourer, I Anna M. Kline, I (ieo. F. Bitter, t Elsie -May Burns, Sellnsgrovi makkieo. Nov. 26th, at the Reform ed parsonage, New Berlin, by Bev. S. Sidney Kohler, Charles Wellcr of Dice and Miss l.evina Longer of MifHinburg' Fltosiot s Bros. Ski.I. CLOTiriNa Ohb Mum than anv Store in Bvy- HPRV. The Mid-Day Bulletin, an infant journalistic project of Sunbury, launch ed by Hud Withington and T. J. Bel- vins, former "Item" employes, stis pended last Friday. Our line of Fancy t ioods is ii-to-date Fancy China ware, Fancy (ilassware, Lamps, Celluloid goods, Albums, Toilet Cases, Glove Cases, Handkerchief Boxes, Silverware, Fancy Umbrellas, Gold and Silver Watch's. Chains. Bracelets and Rings. 12-5-2t. M. Millnkr, Kantz, Pa. By learning to buy right tiiere is no trouble to learn to sell. We are selling standard Gingham at 4Jc per yard, re gular 6c goods, and even some old timers ask 7c. Turkey red handkerchief, our price lc each, Better and larger grades 3c and up. We are selling on the same principle. Country produce is always in demand. A. S. Bkchrist, Verdilla, Pa. count v to arrange the urogram for joint Institute of Snyder and Juniata counties to be held on the third Friday anu Baturua in January, the commit tee from Snyder county being F. ti. Shelly. II. S. Hornberger and A. L. Wbitely. Music, "Star Spangled Manner," "Help it on." The closing address by Prof. It. M. McNealon "Personal Ele ments in Teaching " A very able, in structive and interesting talk of thirty i ites was given by the piofessor. We must associate with that class of people lik" whom we would like to ie. No matter with whom we as e late, we w ill become more or less like them. We must do all we can to make those with whom we a.-sociate net (er by our having been with them. We must get into t he lives of our pupils, and learil their ambitions, desire and inclina tions. Some parents do not know their own children. We should give apeclal attention to individuality, and especial ly to the seemingly dull pupils. A teacher should never neglect to offer encouragement to his pupils, lie soci able Willi them ouUidti of the achonl- mom, Music, "America." Mrs. Noss: "Art in the Public School." Teach your hoys and gil ls to rise and sing "National Airs." Gather pictures of Interest, mount them, and use them in the school room. Progress is being made in art teaching in our public schools. Recess of ten minutes. Music. "My Old Kentucky Home," Bobolinkuni Bob. Prof. Heydrlek, on "Novels, Wise and Otherwise." For variety's sake he lust recites well a se lection from Whltcomb Riley, entitled. "Old John Henry." There are three classes of novels. Few novels are w ise, the rest are other wise. We should not read novels that tend to degrade the reader. Read no sensational novels. Old novels written by good old writers arc U'st to read. Never read too many novels whether good OT bad; they will weaken your mind. Hon. Fred Ikelergavean interesting and Inspiring talk ofabout ten minutes. Adjourned. TUESDAY BVKNINO. Hon. Fred. Ikeiei of Bloomshurg gave a very Interesting lecture on "Agi tators." Mr. tkeler is one of the young men on the lecture platform and has laid the foundation lor a successful career. He is u brilliunt attorney and was an able representative in the State Legislature, lie has been spoken of as a possible nominee of the l)cmocratic party for I iovernor. 1 1 is lecture teemed with w Isdom, oratory and classical lore His diction and command of language is boundless. He closed his address with a remarkable display of elocution ary ability on the Itattleol Winchester. A brilliaut fut me awaits this young orator. WEDNESDAY MOUN1NO. Music, "Holy ! Holy ! Holy I " De votional exercises by Rev. Shambach. Music, "Ouwaid Christians, Soldieis and Jolly Boys." Reading of the re port, by that committee, on Focal In stitutes, on motion adopted as read. Music, "Help it On." Prof. Heydrlcks "School Libraries." There is a very wide held to do mission ary work along this line, since there are but three libraries in schools in our county. We need more libraries. Next : Composition work. Teachers should begin to teach pupils to write sentences at once after they enter the schoolroom, then the writing of composition. Music "The old Hell." "Help it On." Mrs. Noss : "Home Geography." A very brilliant and instructive talk was given. Recess of ten minutes. Music, ' Battle Hymn of the Ite publlc," "Three Sailors," "The Con cert of I he Crows," "Song of the Black smith." Sunt D. A. Harman, of Hazletoo, spoke on "Pedagogic Principles." A very practical and able lecture was given. Have love in your work ami the proper spirit and that w ill help you on your noble way. "America." W E I ( N BH DAY A KT BRNOO N . Music, "Let a Little Sunshine In," "The Old Bell," On motion, resolved that we adopt "Thinking and learning how to think," edited by Dr. Nathan c. Schaefler, and to be read by all teachers throughout the county dur ing the present term of school. Motion carried. .Music, " I lie Old Kentucky Home." Closing address by Mrs. Noss "Alaska and the Yukon." - Alaska means "Large l oiitiueiit. .n one person has seen all of Alaska. South ern Alaska has a delightful climate. Mt. Mckinley is given us the highest mountain in America, LtJJMM) feci high. The greatest salmon fisheries in the world are in Alaska. You can catch anything from a minnow to a whale when you go tislnug in Alaska. Music "Jolly Boys," ' The Old Open Bucket." Supt. D. A. Harman, on "Some Pe dagogic Principles." Have children to grow naturally in school as well as out of school. A very useful, interesting and wholesome talk to the teachers. Music, "Love's Old Sweet Song." Re cess for 5 minutes. Music, "Silently the Shades of Evening." Closing ad dress by Prof. Heydrlrkon "Dialects of Poetry" Recites a selection of Whit- comb Riley's, "Knee-deep in June." Riley is a pure lovi children. Recitation Party." Fee. "The Rec. "A Life Lesson.' ilior, Paul Lawrenci colored man a good .1;..!..... .... . oiaieei, n rjtSy I IOIII eond "HisHnelllllu Hee lines is UK oil r 'f nature ami "The Finhing Sjsilltil Child." second an Dunbar a foil- poet. Recites a Feller." s, Fmf. I b v. truly one of (he few men u lw. can fully Interest ami instruct ins au- uienee. i.a-i rtIih Frof. I tetiwli i 'rawing. WBDNE8DAY EVENING. Patricolo Concert Company I feel sale to say that no concert company visited Middlehurg heretofore, and gave the same amount of satisfaction as this company hi every resiiec! and tw peeiauy sum. Simply a grand of discipline. Till ICSA MORNINQ. Devotional exercises by Rev. I fer, of Freemout, Fa. 'Music ivmaiy l.igbt," "Molv ! II. iy "Red. White and ILh'ie " A very iiitcawliug talk on tin dozen of It's Hunt. Harman I. Fe ileal attire and in work. II. lie a -indent. Sin, lent in in-,. veil. Il-play . Schaef , "Lead Holv !" Itak. r s F. 1 1 1, lie loyal. Ite I formaucc. IY. Ite courteous. kind to all. Y. Ite wail' of rules VI. Be prepared. work. Y 1 1. Be - iniiathel i cd. " Vlir. 1U' reasonable. IX, Be firm persistent X Ite cheerful. XI. Be watchful. XII. Hew hat you seem Ml. Ite earnest. Music "Bye lo laud" 1 laeksniith." Stint..!. M rue in every per- Maki teady llo rides, for anv S eel tciiier- Song ofthe 'oIlLflllill of Wllb..1 it . . . .Menus ami f.inis m e.oucaiion. Mllicatloii means eoni plete human development, "How to live." A most excellent and Instructive talk. Music, "Scatter Sunshine." "Drawing" by Mr. Genzalez, Art for art's sake and commercial art Literature and art go hand in hand. Announcement of th mmlttee on resolutions. Music, "Hurrah! for the Fed, White and Flue.'' "MyOld Ken tnckv Home." ,lj. i." THCR8DAY AFTERNOON. Music, "America," "Lei the Sun shine." A short talk bv Frof. p. c. ltowcrsox. Directors' session first. Having no president present, Dr. Shitldcl was elected President pro tem. The follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year : President, I S, Wholly; 'ce President, II. A. Ivllngler; Seitn'tarv F. S. Fitter. Frof. Win. Noetling.J. II. Ilemlricks F. S. Filler, F. F. Custer, Chas. .1. Beaver were elected as delegates to at tend the State Directors' Convention. On motion, resolved Unit the disinel from which the delegates sent, bear the expenses to the convention. Music, "Jolly Boys." Fn,r. Will. Noetlltig, ' Defects in the administra tion of our Schools us Seen by a Direc tor." Parents should uol keep children al home to work when they should be at home. The parent.- ami directors should co-operate with the teachers. Be very careful in selecting text I ks, A very excellent and able talk. Solo: Mary Hllblsll. Music, "Song of the Blacksmith" Dr. H. W. Glass, ' School Sanita tion." A very necessary and instruc tive talk. Music, "Help it On." Ad dress by Sunt. Coughlln. Such an ad dress should and is advocated bv every true citizen of the land. It was one of the few we cau say "Amen" to. Turner) ay evening, Elijah Powell Frown of the "Ram's Horn" entertained, instructed and de lighted the audience mi the subject "The Marks of n Prince." His sayings are terse, axiomatic and full of humor, wit ami w isdom. He is a representa tive man ofthe age, a leader of thought ful men and w ise women. He had the audience at In-entire command. KRIDAY MOKN1NO. Music, "Fed, White and Flic'' "Watch on the Rhine" "Come Thou, Almighty King." Devotional exercises by Rev. Shambach. Music, "Abide with Me." On motion it was resolved lo allow the Secretary in motion ii was re solved to allow the permanent certi ficate committee 96 "Ut of thi' school funds. Report of what was done with tin money collected for a monument for the late l. S. Foyer. On motion it was resolved to adopt the report as read, and entered on the minutes. Music, "Song of the Brooklet." Supt Harman, "Responsibility on it.-. Pro fession." Music, "My (iid Kentucky Home" "( inod Night." Supt. 'oughlin ( lharacter. Ida O. Utaul, Reporter. .i iic miii Urlaatlng nnko Devoe Lead and inc. Faint wear twice as long iu lead and oil mixed by hand. 11-21-ly. NUM the CoukIi mi. I Worku ofTlhr Cold Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets cure a cold In a day. No cure, DO pay, Price 25 cents. tf. The holiday stock at the Book Em porium gives you new ideas. It sup plies exactly what you want, and djes it at prices that delight you. 1&6-S.