The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 21, 1901, Image 9

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    8 I
: ; tJ? We i
nil k 1 Will Dan
I Car Fare ti Sinfenrj I
Its Super or Qualities, and
Directions for Its Use, To-
t . i
orane results, i ujontii ly an
1 ichorous, Irrathtg, oltcu.-ive elis
charge, which sometimes excoriate
tul inflames the entire tuirt. Tim
A 1 1 i- I
gemm wimauoraruon wmoau now l.a leiicorrhoea,
n m i- i vt
oeuseiauc ior vvo- ''whites." The tloetor tells li
men u n simple disc .1
I'his lilt!
Drive Straight to Schnee
in requires
tin otdiuarv
is a simple (I,-,
l SIIUplC ,i ltd
syringe, i uu advice is i l lowed
but, docs a uun result? Sever!
Win? Be-au- li lie has not u
HiJ ill I.I I
rnugv iiwi win completely cieaose
parts, an i. ,-cc nl, lie .1,,, - not
To attend the Greatest Sale of Over
I fijais this Tow:. Has Ever Known,
33 Overcoats at half price
a uurch.isc of 8 1 0.00 o, more this stun- will nnv vnnr nr
to Sunbury unci guarantee to sell vou Clothinir Pur about the
Ba pnee that a great many other stores "pay" for it. This
pisitively the only store in Sunbury doing a strictly cash business
and we can undersell them all.
Men's 1 10.00 Oxford Overcoats 6.98
Men's S.00 Kesrey Overcoats 4.!8
Boys' 2.50 Oxford Overcoats 1 00
Boys' 3.50 Oxford Keefera 2.39
These Truths in Mind:
We 8;ll exactly an we advertise. We are never "just
out" when m asks for an advertised article. Further
move, wetlo not "color" our advertisements. We simply
tell tli pl;iin fact; we claim our prices are lower than all
others ; we claim that our variety iunot be matched in
Banbury. Expensive experience elsewhere will convince
you that we hardly claim too much.
Ladies' Oxford Raglans
The most successful garment of (lie season,
front, bell sleeves with curt-; in medium gray
value, j20; our price, 8! j.oQ,
Laches' Raglans
in Oxford, Gray and Castor Meiton, half ftttee
collar and a big seller lit 810.
Yoke hack
and oxford
iaek, full velvet
Ladies' Ooata 27 inches long
and Castor, lined with
Regular price, $12.50 ;
All Wool Kel -i ', ill Black, Tall
itin; the new style collars and culls.
our price, 6lo.
Automobile Coato 42 inches long
Tan, C
Make of Kersey,
with loN front,
'astor and Blac
!ely stitched,
;, half tight-fitting back,
tttin lined. Keal value,
ier as to the cause and
to av id i . 'I im nusjea
condition oontiuues. The
soon causes u relaxed I
of the vairina walls and i
igaments. The womb, de-
(older is written m
behalf of suffering women; in fact,
it is a woman's folder. It is writ
ten by a physician seventy years of
age, who has given I rty years of
hit life to the study of women's
diseases, their causes, and best means
of cure. For thirty years of this
time he made a specialty of treating
these diseases. During all this
time he li lt that he was working at
a disadvantage bv reason of a lank
of suitable appliances for tbeir prived
treatment ami prevention at home.
After much thought, study, and
experience, he has formul&ted au
instrument to meet this want.
To know that such an instrument
is needed, it la only necessary to
know that not more than two of
every ten women are really healthy
women, If this statement is correct
(and the women themselves are the
witnesses) it proves that there exist
some common or almost universal
cause which produce such conditions
among women. It is the mission of
this folder to note these causes and
to put into the hands of our women
means of alleviating their suffering.
This instrument and this folder are
these means.
Women and men are destined by
Nature to stand or fall ; to enjoy or
.sutler together. Both are subject
alike to misfortune, sickness and
suffering j hence, wdiat is for the
good of one is equally so for both.
They stand or fall together.
I can think of nothing more en
couraging than to see a heal thy
young couple join their fortunes in
marriage and face life with lioes
and ambitions horn of healthy
youthful blood. But, alas! theyare
untaught! I can think of a no
more discouraging picture than to
. i . ..I ...
seetniscoupictnreeto nve years later '- perineum to prevent leakage
i.i i I .1 . ...... li....... .1
uir iun oisiieaneueu anu tne -wi. I'liauou is eoimniioiis
woman physical wreck only a fit j "d independent of other processes
Bllbject tor the woman's hsapital, au under complete control of the
where from six months to a year's i operator or patient.
When you want to get a neat and serviceable
ioi in., i will give you a better quality of goods
the money than any oiler dealers. If any one offers
eoiii ior less ii y, it musl lie inferior to the
qualify I
1 5 cats
tu n h hei
and (he
01 its natural BUpportS, (lie
bn ad ligaments settles down in the
pelvis, causing pain in the back,
dragging sensation in the hips, and
a feeling that the onrans would t:ill
asunder. She now has prolapsus. I
or "falling of (he womb' a pitiable
condition which doctors fail to cure.
Recovery only follows by a removal
of (he cause and a term at the hos
oilal with rest, hveeine and nrmier
treatment Now, all of these
troubles, suffering and expense may
be avoided and married life made
peaceful and happy, How can this
lie? you ask. Buy one of Dr. Bell's
"BEST SYRINGES," use it, and
obey the instructions of (his little
folder, and health will come and
come to stay. A perusal of the
following -'Seven Points of Super
iority of the Ik'st Syringe" will
convince you why this is so.
First. It is made of metal (hat
will last a life time.
Second, Its size is such as to
produce sufficient dilation in many
eases of itself.
Third. The dilal ion is made by
a silk like air chamber, without
jiain or injury to the parts.
Fourth. The air chamber tills
the double office of dilator auel
dam, r shield, (litis obviating the
20 eci.i Drees (J Is u w Bellim (V only
Bargains in shoes.
plu j Double 8ole Shoes reduced to U0 cents.
Boys' Fine Caps
reduced from 50c to 10c.
LADIES' WARM POOTWER at bottom prices.
1 i-l.vay- pay highest prices tor produce'. :
Patent Medicines. j
All well-advertised and well known patent medicines are alwaye '
kept in stock. shall be pleased to serve vou at all (imes.
l I CM. rn m
uovs onoe zjoii ion loe.
reduoed from 11.26 to
well made, goed solid leather
Child's Button Calf, heavy school shoe has a nie;e tip, re
duoed from $1.20 to $1.00.
Semie smaller sizes, same ejuality, reduced from 95C to 75c.
liaelics' Empress Dougola Buttem, formerly $2, now $1.35.
Ladies' Keystone Button reduoed from $1.50 to 90c
Patent Leather Tip, $2.25 'educed (o $1.80.
Men's Plow Shoes from $1.00 up.
Men's and Boys' Boots
Boys' Hoofs reduced from $1.76 (o 1.25
treatment, at (he e:ost of several
hundred dollars is necessary to re
store her health and vigor, fortun
ate are they who're able to do this,
and the wife returns to her home
cured, hut they are still untaught.
The conditions remain the same,
and a short time brings the same
results. She is again an invalid.
Men's Hoots reduced from $3.00 to
The entire stock of Boots and
Shoes are well made of superior
ZZLt rZgent tkT8t I leather, carefully sewed and with
out a blemish. They must go at
reduced prices to make room for
new stock.
Dry Goods
ied Muslin from 4c up.
Sixth. Cleansing ami disinfect-
ing may be done, auel the applica
tion of astringent solutions made
without reaeljusting or changing the
Seventh. It is most easily used,
ami the work of cleaning is absolu
tely sure and oumplete.
It is objected to (his syringe that
ami their second hopes are blasted. M niay be used (o prevent maternity.
Thus with the helpless, innocent j Vor this reason doctors object to its
children, whom she loves more than general use because it outs their i
tier ntc, me mother continues to nc oojectioo, though valid, heavy warm goods made of reliable materials.
ii rag ouv ilea ure'ary existence in an " ""l ogaiuBi uie iiisiriiineni, or us
effort to care for them, until the' proper use. The same objection is
pitying hand of a kind I'rovidenev ! made to many useful articles which
relieves her suffering in an untimely j have been applied in manners for
grave. which they were not intended. Bui
I5u( again, alas! What of the: women know what they want, and
poor classes who must toil through I that is a preventive and cure for
all of their suffering for daily breael?! their Buffering. Besides, the objec
kVomcii of America, have you seen tion raised carries with it a reflec
BUch, and do vou think the man ! tion which the author hereof hei-
i-i i n i i
vjihjii iinoieae'ueei muslin trom 4c ui.
The best Prints, 5c and 6c.
Dress 7ooels that will wear for years a large stoefc, low prices.
Warm Foot-wear
We have a lanrc stock of lumber man's socks, (rood
c, " . . Jl B
Felt Bpote, that will stand hard wear and keep out
the cold. The prices are away down.
Mt. Pleasan Mills, Pa.
Misses' and Children's Goats
Misses' good quality Kersey Cloth, all newest shades, sold else
where tor &7..""; our price, $6.
Girls' All-wool Box Coats
Lolls anil short, (urn-over cull's, notch collars, doubled breasted.
Keal value, S7."'; our price, $5.
L tdies' Suits and Walking Skirts
L die- Tailored Suit.-, Venetians or Serges, fly-buttoned or tight
liuing Coats romaiu lined, new Hare skirts, percaline lined,
worth $11.50 5 our price, $10.
Ladies' Walking Skirts
u Medium Gray, Black and Oxford, af So. 25, $4, $-1.50, $.",
$5.75 to $H.
Fine Table Linens
62-inch Bleached Table Linen, our price, 50c per yard
70-inch Ble;ched fable Linen, our price, 75c per yard
70-inch Bleached Table Linen, our price, il.Se: jier yard
72-inch Bleached Tabic Linen, our price, $1.25 per yard
343 Market St., SUNBURY, PENNA.
Buffers none in all this? Verily,
they are one, and must stand eir full
together. But to the causes of all
tates to make.
The syringa is sold by Dr. J
Parker Ball, of Heseton, Kansas
this trouble. Cleanliness is next (o and is sent, with full directions and
Godliness. In the matter of health a copy of this folder, all prepaid, on
Thia signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tbiu
the remedy that cures a cold lu one day
pre-eminent and
nu at i l
i ncsc "lcmaie iiiseases' are essen
(iallv filth diseases. Do not let this
found at wholesale with
radical statement put you out, but MoPllce Drug Co., Atchison, Kan
read 00. These diseases being sex-'sas, auel C. E. llotts Drug Co., of
ua), they affect the sexual organs. I Wichita, Kansas.
It is known to every woman that i The syringe will last a lifetime
the part of her organism calleel the1, hut some ol its rubber attachments
vulva, if not often cleaned, becomes I in time may need renewal. These
covered with light-colored, sebaoeousj may be had, by mail at the follow
matter of offensive oder, and it 'i"g prices. Air chamber 10c; 3
pernntte'd to remain becomes irritat- for 25c; bulbs, 25c each; tubing, 5c
ing, e:au ing a disease calleel vol- lcr foot. Address,
vitis. The tlisease, at first, is DR. J. PARKER HALL,
simple and easily cured by frequent Hesston, Kansas,
cleaning and applications of weak Directions for using ' BEST"
solutions of sugar of lead, or othei Syringe.
simple astringent. First Atuich the tube of
receipt of price, $3.00. It is also or ,llt,li(.ilt(Hl solutions may be thus
oy oruggisis ami agents, ami used either from fountain or bulb
I t i ii i . i I '
"female diseases." Secure one o
the instruments at once, by remit
ting the- price, $3.00 to
Hesston, Kansas.
Mention the Post when you write.
syringes, unserve that the air
chamber pretorms toe oounie omoe "Di
of elilator and dam, or turn flow,
while the cleansing goes on, thus
insuring the removal of all secre
tions of all kinds, and assuring per
fect cleansing, purity and Lenity
condition of the parts.
We would suggest tlieol)Strvant:e
of other hygienic, conditions, such
as a general buth, with free rubbing
and spatting of the .-urf ace of the
hodv. as often, at least as onexi a Airs Kimiiv v.ut her second li
! week; full, frequent, dean breathing j band was such a failure! Judge.
of pure air, and if, as is so nine
The MMiorrmrst,
vou think a man in politics ll
miminind hv thfl imi'oiint ol inonevhcl
'. 'wtaialy not," answered Senatorl
S'oivlmni. '"What counts is the nue .unti
of money be spends." Washington!
St nr.
Overheard In Chicago.
Mr Fhitterhv Did vou ever I I
flM.-l,. n ns Mrs. Michiv
KK.. um rlivnreed from her hublani
two months ago, and now she ha mar
ried him again!
in Ian flip nro n.inali.
ti -1 i i .i . I 4 .. i.. .ii : -
ii is ai-o Known 10 men i n.ll . louiiin i n, m e:uiiiinuii i mho s 1 ingc,
I npreeedrnted.
"What do you suppose that absurd'
Jy ooneelted woniau did in church
"Well, what?"
".She took oft her hat."
Why did she do that?"
"She was afraid nobody would pay
any attention to the minister if she
kept it on." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
So Soon Forgot lent
The Wife Alfred, it always seems
so 'iru tor me to reconcile foreordi
ontion and free will.
The Young Clergyman Why, Mi
randa, have you forgotten that I
preached a sermon on that very eub
Jeot only a few weeks ago? Chicago
Butter 20
Eggs 24
Onions 75
Lard 12
Tallo.v 3J
Chickens.... 6-7
Side 8
Shoulder 12
Ham 14
Wheat 70
Rye 50
Corn 60
Oats 38
Potatoes 50
Bran perlOO.1.00
Middlings" 1 10
Chop 1.10
Flour per bbl 3.75
We call attention of our reader to he ad
vertisement of the Ilajrner Wrtllllnn Co,,
which appear la tbl iue. ThU la a reliable
concern and tbalr wblakey I noted tai ougtioat
worm ior punir secure rour run
nitetaof Ibl
key, expreu charge pre-
tieneath the prepuce is a similar
secretion, which, if not removed
often causes a similar disease called
balanitis. It like the former, at
first is easily cured by sitniliar
means. 11 mese conditions are
neglected, they become serious, and
the disease may be transmitted by
sexual congress. Women may be
more cleanly than men; I hope they
are. Men, I know, are not as
cleanly as they should be.
neglect sexual cleaning for weeks
and go to tluir wives in this un
patcd, inject high up into the rec
tum, twice a week, two or three
1 Qinr
: I...IU -.i t e. u..n. " - 1 I hnnsfl.
"1 Water should be passed into it and ' urlsh a particular part of
to renu tnrougn rear vaive. a wo ia 4. r . u.,M 4u:a unA hntit. will anotain vrv o:
Some or three lunations are sufficient. i. l.l t. .l. nrt. Yet. however iroodvourB
r . ... , . . water unos iia way out mrougii uie n..r . sOK(r0,
t-iose me ciananu noiu. . i : n e. gy -tm
rnl . , tV i . . . i Kiaueys, removtug an reiuse maiier
rinrd. Unclasp the fountain and ;from'thj8 chanDe, T)C8e
operation commences oy now
Easily Ilemrmbered.
One's memory may be bad, ana '!
O! Christian men and brothers!
It xeems we never can forget
The good we do to others.
-Philadelphia Press.
filled with the fluid to lie used,
(staid by clasp and hung on a high of warm d.
nail if fountain) to the middle tube J MoQ rf j
oi tne instrument.
becond. l-ass the instrument and , . . . n thus tlmnurhlv emntvintr Another ridiculous fK)d fad
inflate the air tuutmher hv fnruincrl .. V ... P ,. . . r ' been branded or the most cqi
.: ... . . e rectum, wnicn is uie ronimon n.UnUlItW Th. hav(
. r,v w . for all refuse matter of the ' llrl tho Mm nntlnn that, nue H
... . i ...... . ..... (,..,..,..;.,.,., - . . ; . r -isi '.-rrr . 7 .a
...... .."gv.. wn alimentai v cana . After th is clean- of lood is needed lor Drain, anon
is refilling, to prevent air from re- n . . for muscles and still another
. Mlllf (11 It't llllli. O. II 11 U 1 L 111 I UIK ... A i 1' i 111 i
... - . ,i UUUQDi A W&aDVV Uici rtin u"
washed condition. The friction of
the embrace depositis within the through middle tube and small irri-
1 1-. .1 - .'.'. L.I . .1 u
oejeiy oi me women tins suostance guiiou noien, reiiirmng ub health
tins dead animal matter which, m . lower tube, earring witu it an
higienie. measures are necessary for
i restoring and preserving general
the presence of the warmth and
moisture of the parts is decomposed
and immediate irritation and inflam
mation of the vagina! mucous mem-
mucous, or other unhealthy dis
charge, and leaving parts perfectly
Cleansing, dinfecting, astringent
Dr. Ball's "BEST" Syringe,
recommended in this folder, is the
only through,oommon sense, cleanser!
and its use the best and surest pre
ventive and cure for these so-called
by indigestion or dyspepsia.
must prepare for their appea
or prevent their coming by
regular doses of Green's M
Flower, the favorite medicine ol
healthy millions A few doses I
digestion, stimulates the liytfj
healthy action, purifies the
An1 malroB wnll aa! KilAvAnt SDd
nrfniM Vftn nmn f Or tJ
5I.WUO. mVW , "
r Ami's reliable remedies at.
Middlebnr Drag Store.
ureeo's bpeetai Almanac.