The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 21, 1901, Image 8
'or jur far Rl- pie :es. 3.88 28.4 ,84.3 liester . The id du- ve and house- k. IAVED covern, md Colds oat And lined. I positively Shs,. Colds, monia, Hay loarseness, WhoopioE NO PAY. sttle Free. -Ucoc struction in LASS1CAL. t MESS. lenced teach- 1 1 advantages The college T jpared to do k 902 will begin I :atalogue and T IMBAUGH. esldent, ntlngdon, Pa. I Dainty Designs H IN SPOONS. SUGAR SHELLS. BUTTER KNIVES. Etc. attractively put up in lined cases, can be easily selected i,H in "1847" goods the brand that made "Rogers" I famous. Wares bearing the "1 84 7" mark are particu- I larly desirable for gifts, as the quality is so well known. Remember "184 7." Take no substitute. Sold by lead- I ing dealers everywhere. Send to the makers for new I H Catalogue No. Widening fojZ? " ' : :y-J iB Finely ;Ls. ..; . jis J Co , bWCHMI hi T--jV''-VsSl 1 1 agl MF.RIDF.N ItfiiB BRITANNIA CO. r'-S t.J b - Nlleea H Miiiin,Conn. I .U.'" r-'vj- V.ijiH Illustration tif I ''T-llitS-3'' 'I -v-. VBIB No. 710 JT'-j-j& i.M Com LI tuition fi ' rZ2t XT. S ""OPtlM tHetrksoIro j-suw- , i"Z jdjil IhHHHH -I -- -1--- SPECIAL CARPETS, MATTING RUGS and FURNITURE; TSUI PLET LEW1I ST Marked attractiveness in design and color and excellent Quality I of ft' iric, combined witli tlic reasonable prices, make our earDcts 31 conspicuous. At this time attention is called to the new Season's . . , .. ... patterns ot the well-known Wiltons, Axtiunstcr and Tapestry Brussels. The latest effects in Ingrains. Rag Caricts in all styles and prices. Our stock of new Specially pleasing. pine of baby Carriages. W. H. !"Valley Street, H II IIIIMHII M 1 H-H-H I 1 I I PMATORS Numbers and assortment to satisfy most any taste. i We hve secured the agency for the celebrated v BALDWIN DRY AIR BOX f It is thn nriirinnl 1 's. inn I i ti.o II l,,;ii" -.f.,1 . 4. lheir points of superiority overall other boxes, makine it the best and cheapest refrigerator on the market. Everything can be removed, making it easy to clean. Patent "Lip Oup" preventing any warm air from reaching the ice compartment. Every one Is guaranteed to give satis faction. Prices ranee from 8 to $17.90 with or without water tank. Screen Doors, Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools, Water Coolers. W H HEIM, Sunburv. Pa. WANTED Oar complete line of bed-room suites are ex traordinary value. Prices deeply cut and worth your while to consider. Very respect Pally, W. A. SHIPMAN, P Maiket St. Undertaking Special SALE 1 H 1ST G FURNITURE is es We also have a fine FELIX, Lewistown, Pa I I MH II III I II 1 1 III I H I H '"tftitttitmmiiiiiimtnunii REFRIGERATORS 4 A P" PERSONS to buy a bed Jr room suite, consisting o hv seven pieces for $10.60 US'- We do not deliver these suits out of town for this PRICE. Tim ofT.-r Ik to hot, I frond until the present stuck is exhausted. Others will quote you the same grade of suite from $20 $23. SUNBUBY, PA. JAPAN IS LP TO DATE. Rich cf the Country Growing Richer cud" the Poor Poorer. llanin MlSaaS-a Inaankl Saya Ilia M in. ii Is Itcittly in I'rottt l- Kxamplc oi Other Niitiitim In Solution of liitliiHtrltil I'rohlrmi, Baron Hiaaya Iwsaakl, who is said tn in- one nf tiif wealthiest of the mi kado's iiibjeeta, has just tailed for England from New York with two of bis brothers yind three other follow nonntrymen. in discussing theoondi lion of Japan, he said thut In his na- i tive la ml the rich were growing richer i ami the poor growing poorer. "Have you any poor in Japan'.1" he I was naked, "UV have' he answered, "and they 1 are continually increasing in num- ' hers. The rieh are growing richer uiitl the iunr poorer, although the j change i gradual. It is due to the in troduction of the new industrial ss- I tern." The baron said he was il:id to see tin- new system Introduced, bul he did i not like the accompanying disparity I between the rieh anil the poor. When asked if anybody had hit on a remedy, 1 he Fait): "That will have to he found by po- lliical economists, won't It?" Then he I added, with a smile : "lin yon i li : i. k you have solved the problem here? Perhaps the only real 1 remedy is socialistic. We shall be glad to see you put one into effect anil then ' We may follow your example." 1 llight Rev, John McKlm, Episcopal i missionary bishop ot Toklo, Japan, has arrived in New York on his way to the general convention of his church, which is to lie held In Pan Francisco early in the fall. Dlshop . Mc Kim, speaking of the re liglous con ditions in Japan at the present time, j .said: "The religious awakening, if which I we in Japan have heard so much, can i hardly be regarded as of permanent benefit, Bome years offO there was n similar one, but its effects soon died I out. The Japanese are a Verj "excita ble race; they arc quickly brought to a , religious white heat, oooling off again almost as quickly. As a rule, after a revival movement, the percentage of those falling away from Christianity ll "renter than before. " The Japanese, too, arc a very In different race in regard to religious matters generally, Nominally, they are almost all Buddhists, with perhaps a sprinkling ot Khlntolans, but it can be safely said that Japan has no na tional church. T "Success in missionary effort de pends largely upon the proper organi sation of the ayatem of management. Kor that reason Methodist workers in Japan nre more successful than the Baptists, Congregatlonallsts are not now making; the progress that was made by that body some years ao. Congregatlonalisl policy ecms to be one of disintegration, and many of its converts become rationalists. Our church appears to be making more headway and what appears to be more permanent progress than any other body. PACIFIC OCEAN TURNS RED. A Mont lli'innrknlilf 1' Ii no m n i n In Witnessed Atoms h Cull furnlu Cotlti Following tho earthquake shocks that visited the California coast pe culiar phenomena have developed in the Paciflo ocean. Within a distance of OS miles along tho Los Angelas county shore lino the waters, hereto fore clear and of tho usual greenish color, have become a terra cottta red. This color line extends off shore for several miles, and is so distasteful to tha fish family that they have pone far into the ocean to seclc clear er waters. At nitrht this colored Eca' water pives off a phosphorescent lic;ht that enables one to read aver age print. At certain points alonjr tho beach the water has turned into sweet water that can be drunk. No theory is advanced except that in the Pacific, off the const, the carthtpiake opened a fissure that forces fresh water actl colored matter to tha surface, and the latter is drifting to the shore. A tidal wave followed the earthquake. Army I MIluK 1 p at llaplil Rnto. Enlistments in the army are nt a unprecedented rate, much to the gratification of artillery officers, who are anxious to hnvo the maximum strength of their crops attained at an early elate. The last week there were 408 enlistments, the previous weekly average being less than 203. This enabled the war department to complete the third increment of artil lery increase mid make ti e promo tions among the commissioned otli- cers. Tho surplus enlistments with the additional transfers this week gives 417 men rha tho fourth Incre ment of 1.S02 men. All the Infantry regiments are now recruited to their Rtreng-ih nnd all cavalry regiments except the Thirteenth are full, This enables the recruit iii'r officers to throw nil the recruits to the artillery. BISHa)eted Vt-aaola. In thtnodern .six-masted sailing vessels ihc first three masts art called by udd names fort, main mizcn and the fourth, fifth sixth arc called the spanker-ma find and , the jigger-mast and the driver-mast. Cultni-e cif Daffodil. Tho culturo of daffodils has become quite an industry in tho southern part of Lincolnshire) England. . . IV. V N,. A'-':.v1t',''..'sjB i .; ..... t ., s.,1.1 WaW,' v. . ', ylmm 1 H.-av.-n f Cordovdl : - v mi . it i -vtaaaMrHRB,- - on. cti. ----i PBrj..Jw 15 I iu W Baser SCIENCE GOSSIP. The average man does not know there is more than one kind of spur row. It would amaze bin lo hear that there arc IT kinds, namely, the chip ping, Rngliah, European, house, Held, fo, gran hopper. Uenslow Lincoln, Bavauna, Long, swamp, tree. viper, white-crowned, white-throated, and yellow w i iged. Some cl the vast changes which the face of the earth has undergone are Indicated by the recent discovery in the small lakes scattered 1110011;; the extinct volcanoes of Auvergns iu France of the survival of certain forms of marine animals. Salt plains exist there whose deposits were formed before volcanic forces up heaved the surouudlng rocks and cre ated mountain peaks and craters. The oyster at the commencement ot it career Is so Miinll that 2,00U,W would only occupy a square inch, iu si. months eac h Individual oyster is large enough to coin- a quarter and tn 2 1110,11 lis u half dollar. The oys ter is its own architect and the shell (rro.vs as the fish grows Inside, being never too small, it sl'o bears its nge Upon its back, and it is very easy to tell the nop (,f an oyster by looking at its shell, as that of horses by look Inp ui. their teeth. It has been asserted that insects are particularly attracted by the col ors of certain tlowcrs. Felix Plateau, after Investigating the conduct of in sects In their visits to various flowers, concludes that while they may per ceive colors and thus be enabled to distinguish at a distance between flowers and leaves, yet they show no preferences among the different col ors. Pine, red, yellow, white nre In different to them. He thinks thnt the odor of flowers affects insects more than their colors do. Fossil oysters have been seen of which each shell was nine inches thick, whence they may be guessed to be more than 0(H) years old. One mil lion to two million oysters nre pro duced by a single parent, and their scarcity may be acountcd for by the fact that man Is not the only oyster eating animal. The starfish loves the oyster nnd preys upon it unceasingly. A variety of whelk Is also very fond Of young oysters, to pet at which It bores right through the shell nnd sucks the fish up through the hole thus made. Help... Nature Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly. will generally correct this difficulty. If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby's bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soqn show its great nourish ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. 1 50c. andft.oo, 1I druggfotf. SCOTT It BOWNE, Chtmisti, New York. ZZD LIVER OIL WfTH HYPOPHOSPHITES or LIME. SODA VERTISIND UNSEATED LAND SALE Citlltlliaioll.'r of Sn der ' 'on lit. Wtllexpoaej MpnbHeaahj I the Court II in Middle been t ii. , oa saturdav. Nov, - ri !' i, at l .,' ink A. M the followttiL: tovl.of uor, il.eui- I RAM tod limit : War't'i l Real n rhos K. Twp.Jsballeribersai West luhn A. IVrry T Hchnec " n'rtrr Hi r-'ii,- Cook Mini art. t Daniel i In i W K "-until K toft i Kruasrr Kul a. II. Shelly : IttoPhtltpa Ijwi K link la tn sM)1ti( 8. Snydei ir- UOII lloU ' 'hri-t'rtn i lattta. J. Wllaon ell Baiati Moan Sprclil Denial Mieup io(t 1. Hou r W E, Smith John I .ii iv n -1 ii i Wendell l.iwi rut i Win Hoyl. N'lirn According to Ihc record ilu- abu Ifwiahavc m-vi-r been n-il ne.1 Any n h tving title t.i any of those Iracia nlutll pre son, to 1 lie coramiartlonctn before day of iali i O. I-. II I I It. JOHN " WLI I.I . !'. W K Ni ill IN. Corn in ialom A liUINISTliA TOM s NOTICE Let te r s of Ailininistrntloii i 11 t h c state ul Jonaih to Hi -kliart, 1st ol v ishtoRtmi twp., Snyder ro r.i.. ijeod, bnvftia been Kratited to the uhdaniKned, all baraum ktiowlaii them reives Indebted to ealtl estate are requested t 'aaka lutmadists payment, while those havlns claim will urraeat them duly nathetilleateil ti tbd undertint i JOHN w. Ill km i; r, K reamer, r.i , uct, ji, luol. Adininiatrntot. A I M I. XI S I ten of DMINISTHATf RS' NOTICE. Ut. Innni-tration in the e-l.ili- of Anilrew Trutt, late of Monroe townnhip, Hny. der County, Pa,, daoaaaed, havlnR licen granted to the iinderairnetl, all peraona knnwtus them elvea indebted to aald estate are rcqtteatetl to make liniuedlste payment, while thoae harlns elm nis aa;.dnal tin- tald estate m ill iirt-acnt t lets duly authenticated to the men nda-iied, rtAMt'KL w THl'IT, ,1AM ICS H W EKTZ, Adtninliitrntora. Oct 1, 1901. ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Power of attorney in fact has been irrnntctl by 'In- hcira in tin- ei tateofConrad letter. Intent I'enn townflhln, Snyder County, Pe., deoeaaett, A 11 irsons k mm illK themselves to lie inilelileil to sillil en Lite ihould make Immediate payment and thtiae having claims aaainst It should present them inly autbentloated for settlement. Al.l.KN S. SUt HHIST, Attorney-in-fact, Dundore, Pa,, June 1,1901 DMINISTHATOR'H NOTIC Let. A tors- of Adtninist nil i. ui in Hi. estate ol Henry Naugle late ol V. Perry twp . Bnydcr i nty, Pa., deo'd, having been granted to tin- undersigned, nil peraona knowing therm elves imlei . .1 to san I estate are reoueatetl te make immeiliiite pay nt. W In!.- tin,-.- I o'almi will present them duly authenticated 'i the undersigned. J. P. NAl'OLE, 10, 1(01, A.lministriitor. '.In Pa., Auk CXECUTOR'8 NOTICI N'oti.-.- Is hereby fi given that leit.-rs testamentary upon tin entitle of Lvdfa Bwarts, late of Washington Township, Snyder I'niinty, I'ii., deceased, nave been Issued in due form of law to tin- under signed, to whom all Indebted to said .stale siionl.l make Immediate payment ami those hsrlnir nlslms against it should present duly until -iitieate.l lor settlement, II. N. BWARTZ, I ., W. II. BWARTZ, I "" l,,"r" Knnt, Pa., Aug, 28, IS0I in re-estate of David Weaver, lets f Union twp., Snyder I 'o., I'll., In tin- Orplwna' I'oiltt of Snyder County, deesased, i The undersigned auditor, sppolnteil by the Court, to make distribution of the balsnceln the hands of A 11 Tro itman, sdmlnfntrntor of the estate of l.uvul Weaver, late of I'll Ion lownahlp, Snider 1 'on nty. Pa., deceaacd, as hown by the first ami liral account of asld ad mlnlstrator will sit for the purnoite of his up. polntraent, at his office. In the borough of He llnsgrove, Pa., on SATURDAY, NOVF.MBKH nrtf,lWI,al 10 o'clock A. M.i nt which 1 ninl place all persons Interested in the distribu tion of sal.l balance, or fund, nre notitli .1 to at tend and present their ctalmN duly authen ticated, r bedebarred from coming in en -aid fund. HORACE AM.KMAN. Auditor. Oct. SOt h, 100 1 . uri Prnclarnatiun, nrHBREAH ths Hon. Harold M, MeOlurt President Judge nf the Judlolal Dlstriot, eo Di poled of t tie enuntlel .d Snyder, nml Colon ami Petet ' Riegle ami Z, T, Qem-iH-rlinir. Eii.., Astuelste Judgsi in snd forSny dsr county. iisvs Issued their pteeept, bearing dnle the Tth iluy ni tut. A. li., 1(01, to mi directed IbrtheboldlogolanOrphaDS' Court,s r-uurt ol Common Pleas, court nl Oyer nnd Ter miner and (tenetal Court ol'ttnarter Hssslons ol lliePeuce, at Alldilleluriih. ler flu- e. unity .,1 Snyder, mi the first Xooday, (h.-init the (th day ol, lynl ), ami to OODtlnuS one week. Noti.-e if. thsrsiots bstoby given lo ihs Coron er, JuMlees ol tliel'em-e nnd Com-tnhlei. In ninl fortbs eonnty ol Snyder, to appear In thtli proper yerron with tlu-lr rollH. records, IiiijuihI boas, examlnatloni snd other rrmembrsnoai to do IboiS tlilnK' which ol their . III. -to ami in llielr I't-tiall psruin to he done and altm-r-M-- snd persons ptoateutlog in tu iinif of the Com nmnweiillh sgalSSt SOI person or psrsonr are re .pilre. I to he then and there attending and de parting without leave ut their peril. Justtcer re rr.uetcil to be punctual In tlieir attemUm e at the appointed time uKreenldy to notlee. liven under my hun.t " seal Si the ShSfifTl In Mlddlel urxli. (lie Mh day ol Nov A. 1)., one tliuiiKund nine hundred rne. U. W, ROW, Sheriff. ITIIH'WS' AI'l'RAISK.MKNTS.-Notlcc Is here ft by given that the following Widows' Ap pralsenienta under the 1300 law, liave Ims-ii tliwl with the Clerk of the Orp mils' Court of Snyder county lor con died at too Dee, Mb, I (01. No 1. Apprsfsemenl of Lucetta Bbsffer, widow 01 William A. slimier, lute of Union Twp,Bnydet Co.. pa., deceaaed, elected tobe takeu nnoer tin- Uiou mi mptlon law. NO.f. A pratK u.ent of Maty Usher, Widow of AMpb Visner, Isle of Monroe Twp., Snyder Co., Pa., deceased, elected to tie taken uider the 1.100 exemption law, No. x Appraisement ol Barbara Plsber.widow of Adam j.Ku-her, late of Penn Twp., snyder Co . Pa., deet am d, elected to In- taken und- r I he fsooexemptlon law, I'othonotHi j a Aec. nulls The following sccounl will beprrsentrd for oonnrmsilon on Monday. Df cerobei (ih, i(ot. recount ol J. .1 Hbmder, (iuardtl'ii ind Committee of I he person Slid - ale .if Jnliii Mfiyer, u lunatic Ut : BlOUer el the u s. Oovernment. fl. M -III Mlddteburg im.. Nov. oth, 111 1. DEL, ' In k WANTR1V 1 mli. s, hoyi srlrlstotntrt - 1.1..I duce our HKaUACIIH ni.'l l-.M.N I M 1.1.1-. trust you and give eleganl premlumn --r Write us and we will send a ! at once oaah. All not sold .im He returned. We have best pro. poaltion ever made. rite to-sluy. Hov 011, Dept. IS. BRIDGEPORT RbMBDY CO., IOdJl-5t, lltidi-epnrt. ft. WANTED, l apaiile. reliable person In ever) county lo represent larire company of ootid financial reputation) f'.fin salary per year, pay atria weekly; f .'. per day tbenlutely -nre an l all expenses' straight, bona flde, definite salary oeommutetoni salary paid r.-u-li Saturday and expanse money advent ed eaeti week . STAND Alii' IIOl'S., '.Ul Dearborn St.. Cklckg-.i. :.MH WANTBD TRUSTWORHV MEN AND Wt en tn travel and tdvertlaa for old asl I'dislied bouse of solid Qnanoial atandlng. Balary 97SS a ' yenr and Sxpensea, all payable In eash. No can v seal fttjr rtrnltl rati Olve references aud en. osi -elf-addressed stamped envelope, Add reaa Manager, 358 Caxtou Uldg., Chicago. tUS-i RIGHT UP TO DATE. (Benssns Plaster Is Pain s Master.) These arc dnys rm-onh an 1 i f the riont- ing of rcdiril'.. Beaton's Parous Plaster, for quickness of action and thoroughness of cure, h is no records to U-at -x, -1 its own. Benson's Plaster, always the baa . always the leader, is ti-ibiv tttltT LVll - r. It sin Its to Hie skin hut uever b'ii ka iu its tracks, It marches on. Tho people not only want to be ore I but cured Qafiiffji anil Benson's Plastsff 1 1 it. Cougha, colds, bimbao, asttuna, broaohitia, liver and kidney complaints, :m l otli it Ilia approachable 1 j su satara il reined v. yield 10 Hens in' a- i, I. ; ... beat, Keither Belladonna, Btrengthening or Cspaicuui pi Ltera are to be oomp Ited with Renaota'a, People who have ouce tested the merits of Benson's Plaster hate no use for any other external retnedy. Uoie than 5,000 ohysiuiaus and dtqg gists (nnd a thousaua times as many nun lirofeaeiona persons) lmte culled Benson's Plasters one of the few (1) home reutediei Hi it e ta iii) trusted, r'ifty-flve highest awards have been made to it iu competition with tha bast known planters of Europe nnd Am rien, It. 1 1 ,-r pro f of Its merits it inconceivable, lie ante to get tho genuine. For S t!fl by all ilraggiata, or WS will pre pay postage mi any number ord imtl in the United Btatea, on receipt of S""-. itch. Seal.urv A-.lohns -n, Mf ;. 1 . u - -. N'.Y. w s n il in t.-r al il 1 HRVKKAL PKIU INH 'I il.Vlt 1 11 nutatii n in 1 in '1 iii it. o-i,. in I III iioilv ri oiineil 1 to ii I 1 -eiit anil ndver- UrtltM llnUHfl of ti.,- o', 1 ..,l,.i,. 1 wa:th -.0I1, 1 ti nam ml Mandillg. 11 itli eM 1 naM ;iiiliti,,ii.-il alary -1 I n ekly ill imyttlile In onsh mi II II eilne-ilav lliret t tlein I otlll-l H. 1 1 m ae ami cat ri lire f m in - h, l n hi - - -in v. in I .e(. 1 . Ian ,-i a Idn - elite: '1 insucr, IS 1 anion llui . hi 2 let ago. Jury List. 1. 1st uftiraad lurort drawn for the rmirt nt ttver nndTermlner ami neneml illl ricllverv stnl I'ouri oi (Quarter Keaslonsnl the p.-nee r Hnvder count) hold at Itec. Term, comti iicIlk Mum lay, u B, imhi. H .ni'" occupation, llngur, 1 i.. in. kiutti. Oeorge, Hcnchel. Calmer, iinii' -. William, li'-ncier. ti oru-e 1: , Kuiui) . r anklln, oeiniiemnir, iibert, II .it"-. Allen, llerlwter. Howard, Hurra in, P 1 . kiln. 1 . .. 1, Samuel J., iatudonslsger, Cornelius, LOItg, tie, il"e W , la-ltner, s nnm-p Newm in. Henry, Oldt.J A llomlir llownrd 1.. l(..-. Hnwnrd, Rntish, Win HI Imety, I;. liner, smith, it P., smith, win. s.. smith, vt m. 11 . Wn t.-r, K, ti., PETIT .IUR0RM, Residenee. I'nlon Krnnklln Kr.inklln Monroe t I. ipinan Ki iiikltn Seiin irrove Vesl He ivi 1 W. til" iver nnn Hprtng Penn t'entro .in. kson Pranklin Kt. in kiln Hurt tig Penn Wushliigion 1 ranklln Adatna Perrj Hprlng Viiilikllii 1.1st ol I'. tlf .liners drawn for the ft url ot fommon Pleas, court of uiisrter Hcssln 1 - ol M.e Peace Court of over and Tcrmlitei and 1 eneial .1 ail Delivery of Snyder County, Pu 1 . ,1 ut Dec, Term, commencing Dec, 0, ini, Name, Occopatlon, Residence, Aucker, Charles, Union A li. Boleinnn, fonrie Bowersox, cnarles, Ulddlecreek Rnwersox, Harry, Mlihll.-imr. Holonder, ll. 1: , Franklin Rogar, snac, union Bowen, Jerry, M.mnie Renter, Jumea, spring Ballny, John 0, Mnnroe Howes. N, , , Mlihlleiiuri; 1 Bower Bohert, Penn nick. 1. William, Beaver Charles, Henry, I'nlon cielan. Jos. H Mlddlehurg in f w , Washington 1 bier, P. E , Sellnsitrovo Dreese. li.-orne 11 , p.-rrv Peiker, Charles, It.-uier Kiss. Daulol w , Adams Qemtierllng, Amos. Penn 1 Olace, li. ort;.-, , nlon crayblll. irv in, Kmnklln Hummel. Asms, Jackson 1 Helmbaeh, Charles, . nntro ' Helsi r, Rd . .m mroo Herman. Peter, Penn llscknnbtirg, w. .1 , spriny Ja'rett, Jacob P , Monroe Kusler V H . Penn lainlif Jefferson, Knloo Landls, t c, Washington M irki.-v. 11 it . sprlnir Master, urn w . Wesl Perry Row, Jonathan W Penn Rotherme', Perry, 1 1 ion shoii, tleorge 11., 1 nlon Bassnman, Harry Jnckson Rchoch, 11 11., Mellnssmve Hhsinhnch, Hon am. 1 1 unklln shotxiterger, Jacob, FrunkPn Sehaeffer, JaeobO,, Perry Hhotzuertrer P.U., chapman Sliumbsch, win., Krnnklln Tboniua, liarrlson, Aitntua Walter, a. Bo franklin Winer, J.mlati 8 , W esl Perry Wei i ', James D., Beater Wagner, Joseph, West Heaver A SONG-WRITiNG PRINCE. Dtile.-p Mngli. Whoar t.rnndfnthei Ofl o. d the Kohlnoor Ulamiind at Mltalcal I 11 1 I. us In if . Prince Duleep Blngh, by ri'ht of sue cession entitled to the throne of tin Maharajah Runjeet sinph. is n som composer of more than ordinary merit Ho inherited the talent from bis fa ther, who left among his papers tht manuscript if an opera which Prlncl Tluleep Singh has tleelared bis inteiT Hon of having scored for orchestra and presented at t'ovent parden, London says the Philadelphia Saturday Kvcn luif Post. The prince, who leads the life of at English country gentleman at llocb wold ball, Norfolk, and who is cap tain In a volunteer regiment wn edu cated nt Eton nnd Cambridge, nnd married, some three years p o, the youngest daughter of the c;- f Cov entry. His annual pension from the 'isli government is (30,000, abl ut $2S . 1 lie belongs to several faahionabli clulis, nnd for two years' was honorary aitl de camp to Lieut. Gen. li , wnen that gentleman in eotiiuutnd at Halifax, N. s. The famous Kohinoor di 1 OW one of the English crown jewels, was the property of his grandfather, Uun jcet Singh. This extraordinary per sonage, whose sole legacy ft his father w as a 1 roop of cavalry, acquired the vast territory bounded by the In dus and the Sutlej, and lit can;' owner of Cashmere to the snowy ran and beyond. His treasure in c-.h, jewels and hprxci nnd elephants was cstb ma tec' ,-it 950,000,000. Prince Duleep Singh, fr.v:'; and dtltv oeratic in manner, is a musical esthn slast, at:. I travel-; up ti Lond. o foi evi ry concert of Importac During the past winter lie lias bet t engaged on another volume of song now near ly completed. 'I here is nt of the oriental in his music, which ravors of the French school,