The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 21, 1901, Image 7

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A Mudejrountil the Bury
ing lirounua in Suiftler Chunty
tr the SRddldmrqk "W."
I 'ens Townmiip.
Uow'h Union Cemetery.
Hassinger, Vm., BofD, and L., l
Ian 1, 1870, aged 18 y 7 in
II (I.
Haminger, Calvin ., b of D. anil
I. , -I Dec 2'., 1879,agod 7 y 6
in 7 'I. 1
Hassiingi r, Chas. 1.. - ofD. and I..,
1 Dec 31, 1871', aged 13 y 7
n. 19 d.
I! issinger, Mary V. , dau of . and
L, J Dee 12, 1879, aged 3
j in -2 d.
Hassiug! r, Katu M. d ol I. aud L.
d Dee 18, 1879, aged 1 1 y 8
Hassinger, Mary K.-tl of L). and It.
.1 ! .r -Jo", 1862, aged 8 y 10
in 29 d.
Hasisienger, Lieuben sofD. and 15. 1
Mar 29, 1858, aged y (i m
Hendricks, Mary M. .1 ofS. and E.
ii Sept 0, 1856, aged 1 y 7 d.
Hendricks, Satuuel b July I, L719;
dJuly9 1826, aged 47 y 15 d.
Herner, Cath. I 17S1; l 1833,
aged 52 y.
Houck, Elizabeth b June 26, 1808;
(I Kit -', 1867.
Hummel, Jere s of John and Marv
I Au,' !', 1867, nged 10 m 2
Huminel, Mary ( '. 1 Aug 15, 1870,
aged 9 m 25 d.
Jarrett, George b Dec 5, 1808; tl
Ft b 21, 1866.
Jarrett, Nancy w of George Ii Dec
il. 1814- d Aug I. 1871.
Jam!!, Jacob b Out 10, IT'.U; d
Feb 1 ', 1 87'.
Jarrett, Efieahctb w of Jacob l Mar
2, LS02;d Sept 28, 1881.
Jarrett, Jacob b Sepl 1 I, 1769; d
June 28, 1850.
Jarrett, Catherine w of Jacob l Feb
22, L772; d July 21, 1847.
Jarrett, Wm. b Oct 9, 1819; d Apr
22, 1889, aged 69 y 6 no 13 d.
Jarrett, Nathan I) May 2, 1818; J
A'pr 7, 1880, aged 70 v 1 1 ui
Jarrett, Norman W. s off. II. and
M. E. d Apr 17. 1872, nged
9 m 17 d.
Jarrett, Anna A. v of James d Feb
27, 1880, aged 63 y :; m 2 d.
Jarrett, 1 lurriett d
es and A.
A. d Sept 29, 1865, aged 3 y
.1 irre t. Iouts n of James am
1 A. A.
.1 An"; ii, 1850, aged 1 v fi m
Jarrett, Maria Cntherine d of Jacob
ami Barbara bJuly21, 1801;d
June 18, 1843
Jv tut, Sarah '. l of John and
Rebecca 1 Apr 29, 1882, aged
v .i m
Kewler, Daniel ! Apr 15, 1881,
aged 65 y 1 1 m.
Kerschner, Susan b May 6, 1839.
Kerachner, Jacob 1 1888.
King, Pharos s of F. and L. I July
6, 1840; i Feb 19, 1845. j
Koster. Marv A. d of D. and Eliza-:
beth tl' M -J, 1858, aged ." v
I in 19 d.
Koster, Daniel h Ocl 15, 1815; .1
Sept Iti, 1884;
Koster, Elizabeth w of Daniel bJan
17, 1820; tl Feb 2, 1880.
Kero, .lolm A. 1 Oct 9, 1883, aged
21 y 3 in 1 1.
Kern, Charles R. ' July lit, 1896,
aged 33 v ni 23 d.
Kern, Susanna w of R. W. 1 Sept
8, 1863, agetl 29 y 1 1 m.
Kreatner, Mary w of Benj. d Jan
l, 1867, aged 41 y :J m.
Kreatner, Margeret d of Benj, and
II f d Aug 26, 1880, aged
31 y 11 m 25 d.
Kratcer, Cath. w of Philip b 1 70;
d DSl!),agetl 5!ly.
Krei.ler, Daniel X. b Sept 3, 1843;
! Aug 3, 186G.
Kreider, John b Jan 4, 1799; d
Ajir 6, 1853, agetl 54 y 3 m
Kreider, Cath. w of John b Sept 1,
); tl Feb 17, 1855, aged
64 y 5 m lt d.
Kreider, Dauiel X, d Apr 3, 1866,
aged 22 y 7 in.
Kreider, Jacob b Sept 11, 1794; d
Mar 28, 1854.
Kreider, Cut!.. l ufjMwbiwd Maria
I. .10 .aar.. 1 I IS
I) Aug 29, 1851; d Aug 12,
1 8U0.
KniJei, Agneaa L. d of Jacob untl
Maria b Jan 10, 1851; d Mar
li), 1852.
Krcider, Jacob P. s of Jaoob aud
Mari 1 u Dec "J,"), 1852; d Feb
1, 1855.
Kreider, Samuel P. s of H. ami M.
I Sejil 8, 1861, agttl 1 y i 111
Kreauier, Oath, w oi John b May
4, 1 792; (1 Sept 17, 187s.
Kreatner, Minute d Apr 10, 1880,
a go l - 111 o u.
Knause, John 8. d July 18, 1883,
Hired 26 v 1 8 d.
Knause, Norman s of John and M.
A. d Sepl 5, 1881, aged H m 18 d.
Krousje, Mae. il Jan 18, 1800.
K rouse, Barbara A. d ol Li. and H.
d June 15, 1858, aged 3 y 1
in 1 7 d.
K rouse, Andrew h S-pt ;J0, 1824;
d May 1 1, I860.
Krouse, Mary J. d of A. and L. A.
d Nov 11, 1861, aged 1 y ll
in 16 d.
Krouse, Barbara w of John bSept
18, 1800; d Oct o0, 1881.
Krouse, Mary b May 1 8, 1 825; d
Apr 20, 1900, aged 74 y 11
m 3 d.
Krouse, Cath. d ol Samuel and
.Mary d Oct 11, 1870, aged 14
y 1 m 15 d.
Krouse, Mary w ol Sunuel d Feb
26, 1867, aged (5 v I m 'I'l
Krouse, Daniel l Feb 15, 1781; d
May :;, 1854.
Krouse, Lucy I) Sept 13, 1831; d
June 13, 1867.
Krouse, Marv w of Samuel b Oct
4, 1821; d Feb 26, 1807.
Krouse, Polly.
Ku-ter, Henry d May 31, 1887,
aged 77 y 6 m 15 d.
Ktistcr, Homer B. BofH. D. and
M. J. l Aug 26, L893, aged
6 m 2 d.
Lain nslager, L. d of George and
liachel b Oct. 4, 1843; d Mar
24, 1861.
Liudr slager, Lewis d July IS,
i 852, aged 70 y 2 m 20 d.
Lau.U nslager, John b t)ct 18,1789;
d July 18, 1825, aged 35 y 9
Laudeoslager, Mary b May 13,
I791j d June 17, 1825, aged
34 y 1 1 m 4 d.
Laudcnwlagcr, llachcl w uf (Jeorge
Ii Mar 17, 1812; d Sept 15,
Laudenslager, George b July 12,
1804; d Aug 27. 1850.
Laudenslager, Maria 1 Aug 2,1
1850, :ij,rfd i7 y 1 1 in.
LaudeDslager, Valentine ! Oct 14,
1 7:i; tl Oct :5, 1850.
fjaudenslager, Samuel s of George
and K. i Aug -2J, 1841; d
Jan 2J, 1851.
Laudeoslager, George l June 8,
J77i; 1 Aug 21, 1863.
Laudenslager, Esther d of Valentine
and Elisabeth 1 Out lo, 1H4");
(1 Jan 31, 1801.
Laudenslager, Cath, 1 Mar 14,
1 T'.'l; (1 Fell 24, 1 87:i.
Laudenslager, Valentine 1 Mar 29,
1883, aged 73 y 7 m 29 d.
Landenslacer. Rachel w "t 1
Oct 9, 1892, aged 81 y 1 in
22 d- 1
Uudenslager, Carrie an Infant d
and w. of J. H. d Mar7, 1897,
i -.i .. - ... oc .i r i I
o ) 1 - u' L-J
I .. 1- I T ' I II 1 II 111 II '11111
S. ,1 July 21, 1894, aged 11
y 5 in 1 1 tl.
Laudenslager, Ulysea II. k ofH.
untl S. tl June 14, 1894, aged
24 y I in 2: d.
Laudenslager, Foster A. k ofH.
and S. d Mar 27, 18S!, agetl
10 ni 27 d.
Laudenslager, Diuna v of J. V. d
Sept It!, 1885, agetl 27 y 1 1
m l'J d.
Laudenslajjer, Minerva d of J. V.
and D. d Nov 1885, aged 1
in 24 d.
Luck, MeliieM. d of A. and M.M.
d May 8, 1878, agetl 1 y 3 m
29 d.
Luck, Daniel d Nov 9, 1877, aged
46 y G m 9 d.
Luck, lienjamin d Feb 14, 1889,
aged 57 y 9 m 14 d.
Luck, Samuel d Oct 19, 1895, aged
G2 y 1 ni 29 d.
Luck, George d July 1, 1853, aged
86 y 3 m 25 d.
iMru, Lath. .1 Feb 2, 1 84 S, and
' B
) V 2
1 1 .1.
L iek, alary Ann M ol Jcrc d June
23, 186K, agci! 28 y 3 in 13 d.
LiHk, Susan d of I. an 1 S. d May
1 1, 1887, aged 10 m 23 d.
Luck, Henry i of L and S. d Apr
1 5, 1 888, aged 3 m 20 d.
Luck, Margcn t d O t 11, 1888,
aged 59 y 2 in J7 d.
Luck, Eliiabeth w of Lsrael d Mar
20. 1872, aged 77 v 4 in 25
Luck, Israel d Nov 7, 1873, nged
80 j :'. in 17 d,
Luck, Jeremiah d Aug 20, 1884,
aged 5 I y il m 4 d.
Luck, baao I. Feb 27, 1796; d Mar
27, 1890.
Lnck, Susan w of I. b Oct 30,
1800; d May 2, 1880.
Mease, John s of Abraham and
Sara (I Mar 2. 1853, aged 'J y
2 m 15 d.
Mease, Susannah d of A. and S. d
July 31, 18 12, aged I v 6 m
13 d.
Mease, Uriah s of A. and S. d Oct
8, 1859, aged 8 y 1 m 7 d.
Mease, Abraham b Dec 23, 1809; d
Nov 25, 107.
Mease, Sarah w of Abraham b July
18, 1815; d Nov 9, 1891.
Mease, Elizabeth d May 25, 1883,
aged i . y n.
Mease, John l Mar 81, 1806; d
Sept 13, 1877.
Maurer. Sarah H. il ol 8. 8. and E.
It. d Dec 21, 1881, aged 12 y
1 HI 9 d.
Maurer, Reuben s ofS. J. and M.
d Nov 29, 1885, aged 26 y 9
in '1 1 d.
Maurer, Samuel J. d Mar 7, 1893
aged 7 1 y 1 4 d.
Medner, Catherine d Dee 1791.
Miller, Pharos s of H. S. and A. d
( M 25, 1862, aged 5 y 3 m.
Miller. John M. s of H. S. and A
d Sep! H, 1861, aged 3 v 6 m
Miller, Sam'l, d July 19, 1823,
aged 38 y 2 in 1 2 d.
Miller, Adam M., d Mar 27, 1857r
aged 51 y 7 m.
Miller, Ltifindn, dau of R. andP.d
Nov 10, 1802, aged 27y 28d
Miller, Fred., 8 of Geo. anl Mag, d
Sept 19, 1837, aged 19 y )m.
28 d.
Miller, Geo., b Apr 18, 1733.; d
May 1, 1836.
Miller, Susan, li Jan 1, 1 774; d July
20, 1806.
Miller, Susanna, dau of and
Mag., .1 May 3, 181 I,aged5y.
Miller, Margaret, dan of Geo. and
Mag., d Dec 14, 1811, aged 1
v 2 in 27 d.
Miller, Frederick, d July 14, 1821,
in 22 (1.
Miller, Eva, w uf Fred., tl Sepl 14,
l s-j-J, aged 82 y 1 m 12 tl.
Miller, Magadeline, w of Geo., il
July 18, lS2ii, aged 47y 27d.
Miller, Catherine, w of Goo., il Apr
3, 1862, aged 80 7 m 5 d.
Miller, Sarah, dau of Win K. ami
Sarah A., d Mar 7, 1863, aged
1 i m u' d.
Miller, Win. K., b July 9, 183(5; d
Nov 1,1864.
Miller, W in., s of Ren. and A., b
Dee 19, 1813; d Feb 8, 1863.
Miller, Elizabeth, b 1803; tl May
24, 1859, ared 56 v.
m ,uu A ,,ar
22, 1873, aged 18y7ml4d.
Miller, Jno. D., a of D. S. and Su-
San, d Mar 2, 1883, aged 3 D)
' ' '
Miller, infant Of D. S. and Susan, b
Jan 10, 1880.
Miller, Ida., dau of (.'lias, and Lydia,
d Dec 23, 1872, agetl VI v 6 ni
Miller, Dr. Geo. P., d Sept 18,
1895, agetl 28 y 8 in 9 d.
Miller, Susan, w of Dau., d Oct 19,
1885. agetl 36 y 3 in 18 d.
Miller, Amelia, w of Heu., d Mar
20, 1891, aged 65 J 6 00 25 d.
Miller, Edward, tl Sept 30, 1897,
aged 08 y 0 ni 8 d.
Miller, Geo., d Mar 2, 1884. aged
75 y 2 in 24 d.
Miller, Mary, d Sept 10, 1801, aged
48 y 1 m 9 d.
Miller, Sam'l B., d July 15, 1887
agetl 38 y 9 m 6 d.
Twentieth Century Medicine.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as
far ahead of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, ioc.
of. So. Gler. Falls, N. Y., des
cribes a condition which thous
ands of men
and women
find identical
with theirs.
Read what he
says, and note
the similarity
of your own
case. Write to
him, enclosing
stamped ad
dressed envel
ope for reply,
and iret a per
L. O. Palmer.
sonal corroboration of what is
here given. He says regarding
Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure:
"I suffered auoniing- pain in the left
breast and between inv shoulders from
heart trouble. My heart would palpi
tate, flutter, then skip heats, until I
could no longer lie in bed. Nicht after
nicht I walked the floor, for to he down
would hive meant sudden death. My
condition seemed almost hopeless when
I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure,
but it helped me from the first l ater
I took l)r. Miles' Nervine with the
Heart Cure ami the effect was aston
ishing. I earnestly implore similar suf
ferers to give these remedies a trial"
Sold by all Druggists
on guarantee.
Dr. Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Una Thrilling UftMlit.
Tnn!cl Cri::?:, the son of Forioar
Attorney General .lolm V. Grf3,
hns- recently had some thrinTtij ::
jn riraeea u the borders of H sic ,
where ho was lent by the fatema
tfonal imiinilary commiasioTr, T.;.h
tli iff Knplneer Cunnin; hai . fx
wt"' i pro thr two Btarti 1 (' i tl o
Rfo Grande rivor. Boon o'terf
El Inso Mr. Cunningha" 1 1 bitten
I y a moccasin and his 111 s v.,- ;'irca!
tncd. They pnahed on, hoi r.nd
?f v below Eagia Pr -. "r. Cin
nirrrhn: nS boat was r- a t ard 1:6 reus
(frowned, tiri i was t na! to re
(?oti'p tho body and li" returned to
Etegia l'us" for assistance, fn jiass
nrr t!irou;;h a canyon . tirirs'
boat was upset and h w i earrii .
ifov .1 the long canyon linj! to- the
side of the frail craft.
NlnrllliiK, bill True.
"If nvfry one knew what a grand
medicine Dr Eioa'a New Life till.s
Ih," writes D. H, Turner, Deupiajr
town, I a., ".vouM s'-!l nil' .voo have
in a flaj. Two w ks' use made u
new iiihii ot tue." Infallible for eon '
ntiiition, ptoniaeh and liver trouNei
"l' lit th" Middleburg Drug Store,!
tajr bill, G tr roan .v :o., Bichfield, 1
Pa., aud Ir. J. W.Sampnel), lVnna
creek, Pa.
Dora You havt o'l announced it yet,
have you?
Cora Haven't I just told you'A
Order friMit Havdqa)ttrtM,
Angry Father -Look here, sir ! U"ho
told you that you could Kiss tin daugh
ter?" Suitor She did. Town Topics.
Genuine stamped C C C Never sold In bulk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
"somethine lust as good."
Qnnl illont Ion. of Srn Captalna.
On some of the foreign steamship
lines the captains are naval officers,
and, in case of war, would retain
their commands. On the ficrniau
steamers the officers must first serve
a yeor or so in the naval reserve. On
the French line each member of the
crew must serve for a time on a ves
sel of war. On the majority of ships,
however, the officers arc men of the
gca, who have fou-jht their way tip,
step by step, entirely by merit, and
not at all by favor. On the American
line, even after a man has reached
the rank of captain, he miist pass a
rigid examination every five years.
Collier's Weekly.
Chambeilaln'R Stomach and Liver
Tablets cure bilir unless, conshpa
tian and headache. They are easy
to take and pleasant in effect For
sale by MiddUborg Drug Store.
Jnngle Jlnafe.
'Tin Kind to sec," the lion cried
To the monkey, hapless sinner;
Tm glad to see that you," he erlnned,
"Have Just dropp"' li for dinner."
Chicago Journal.
Delightful Han.
He Going shopping, Miss Vander
relt? She Yea. I'm going to buy some
pretty pictures for my room.
He Why don't you buy a half
dozen mirrors? Then you would sea
a pretty picture whichever way you
turned. Summerville Journal.
Abaolately Iteeeaaary.
"Oh, yes, indeed. lie must hare his
glass every morning before he goes to '
He doesn't look it. I don't belleva
I "Fact, nevertheless. He's a flakier."
Philadelphia Press.
for Infants and Children.
Castorla in a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
futbstancc. It destroys Worms and allays Feverisbness.
It cures and Wind Colie. It relieres Teeth
ing Troubles uud cures Constipation. It regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
thc ccwrauw cowmiit.
NewYork Tribune Farmer
Liberal Adjustments-
Only the OIdt'fit,8tiwigest Cash Coiupauies,
Firt;, Life, Accident aifed Tornado.
No Assessments ' No Premium Notes.
Tb Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 11,0 ,13.88
u Home " " 85 " 93,628.4
u American 41 " " 18tf 2,40,84.3
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Pa.troaaa Solicited.
New Rochester"
COOKING under these circumslanoes is a pleasure. The It ichester
Lamp Co. Btako their reputation on tie Htov in qtieatim. Tlie
best evidence of the patisfuctiou en joj ed is tea JmoDtals Ktlore and du
plicate orders from all parts of tbe world.
Send for literature, both for the "New Rochester" Ceok Stove and
the "New Rochester" Lamp.
Ycu will never regret having introduced these acods into your house
hold. The Rochester Ltd Co.,
i rk ace and 33 Barclay St., New York.
All busings entrusted to'hii curt
will receive oroiunt attention:
K. f(, Pottiegei,
Veterinary sUrgeoN.
All professional business entrusted to my cur
will receive prompt aud careful attention.
Prof. D. Noling
Late with Dr. A. H. Wells,
of Washington, D. 0.
Headquarters at fliller House, 1 23
East Market St., Lewlstown, a.
Consultation and thoroUKh examination free
of ohugG every Wednesday and Haturday.
UlnwesacicntiUcally and alcillfully fitted. Alao
all Imperfection In the eyea of children care
fully examined, ttatiafuctlon guaranteed oi
money refunded.
notci and good reputation In each state (one la
tliia county required) to represent and adver
tise old eatiitiliahed waaltby bualneaa liouae ot
aolld financial sUndlng. Salary 118.00 weekly
with expenaea additional, all payable In cash
each Wednesday direct tram head offices.
Horse and carriage furnished, when necces
aary References. Kncloae self-addraaaed
stamped envelope. Manager, SIS Uaxton
Bnilding, CUIoago, 9-U-16t.
Write to the MOWHAWK REMEDY CO..
Borne, N. Y., and they will tell you can ours
your HUPTl'RK or HBRINA and the ONLY
WAY they can noestbly be CURED. FRBB Ol
HIABOB It will cost yoa bat ONI CENT
Don't wait, you will never regret it. Ape U-lll
Signature of
For iity MM tB SKW VOKK WKKKI.Y TBIBUNR hiw hcen a
national weekly nawMapee, read almoal entirety by rlnn,T. Mi
baa enjeyad Ike niililciioa and npiiori of the Amerleaa people to
a degree never attained by nv eiaiilae puiiiiention
New-YorkTribune Farmer
in mmte ulisolntely for tnini r untl their fumilies. The flrh numlier
wan leaned ttovenber ttn, itui.
Kvery Uepartmant of afTfioultaral industry ii covered hy poii
oratriMltora Who r leaders in their icapeetive lines, an I the TKI-
m ni: h aumich win be tneeery aenae a inifh nlaei. np to date,
llee, emtarpritinJi ngriealtnrid paper, proluiely lllaetmeetl with
picture,, of live slock model farm bulldinfa and homes, arricultnr
ill maekiuery, etc.
'arnitrn' wive., s ins and Huu rhtcrs will Six) apodal for
their enterlainiuent.
Bemtu price, II 10 per year, hut you can buy it with vour
favorite hnme weekly new-piper, The Mid UeblUS PotT one year
tor tl JO.
Send your milmcripti in and money to the MiddlebUfg Pont
s. ml jimur nniuv anil lu Hie EW- YORK I III.
Hi ;t! I A It M l it, Xe V.irli Lll.v, mill lr.'i anmple
copy will be mailed lo yon.
Prompt Payme
, ...BY USING...
Dr. King's New Discovery,
Consumption, Coughs and Colds
Than By All Other Throat And
Lung Remedies Combined.
This wonderful medicine positively
cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay
Faver.Pleurisv. LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping
Price 50c. & $1. Trial Bottle Free.
Juniata College r
Offers good, thorough Instruction in ,..
the following departments : ,
Each course has experienced teach-
HI and presents special advantages 'j
V In its dlstluctlve field. The college J
is well equipped and prepared to do
the work which it offers. i
The Spring Term of 1 902 will be gin I
April 1st. Write for catalogue and J
full particulars to
Acting President, j
Huntingdon, Pa.