The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 21, 1901, Image 6
A GREAT SINGER'S NARROW ESCAPE. His Voice Was About Lost Physicians Failed Peruru as a Last Resort Brought Back Health and Strength. IULAE trait? iMiwiraioi ffaii!iintTf7x ' I3Y ITS CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS i'i'Sta'8'g'81SI'8l3'ai8lV'i'.Cir,'yA:.-'jl(IHrAj T h " .-X s. t 1 . Jp(Ml HAPPEME9G8 13 BBWwiP'.fA TV PRBPARKD EXPRESSLY FOR THE POST XT'jA UU5DORK. Tliov say tint people wouldn't die so fast if they tlidn't live Mil I Tlicv are nanny sick lior -this community and our veteri Burgeons arc busy. S. t'. Dundore nf !enter illu 1 C. D. iKmdore of Shuuiohiu cal to tee their Uncle, C. T. Dun of. San Diego, who is staying witli our merchant. J. I). Riegel lost a valuable horse Corn husking ought to be a thing of tlif past. Potatoes in large quantities went to Seiinsgrove market last week. The timely rains of last week were urgently needed us we had no ruin for one month. Rev. H. T. Searleand daughter of Port Trevorton were in town. Rev. Reamer of Lewisburg will oooupy the pulpit best Sunday at the Witraer United Evangelical church. Our overseers called at the Peni township poor house to look aftci their ward who is not bel aviug an) too well. Our school teachers arc getting new scholars every week. They say that the only way to geta stubborn person to sick Heaven is to tiy to keej) then) out. Champion corn buskers arc get- ting more numerous every year. Our young men, who worked for the Telephone Co., have all return ed, the job having been completed. N. T. Dundore sells roasted coftee at lOots. George A. Wentzel got ten hun dred bushels of wheat, rye, :its and buckwheat. Samuel Overholtzer was in town. George Kratzer thrashed nine hundred bushels of wheat, rye, oals aud buckwheat. 'Squire Seehrist has theohampion com. 'Squire Teats of Hummers w harf was in town on business. Turkeys arc commanding a good price for the comtning Thanks giving. D. V. Stahl is very busy thrash ing for our farmers. Dr. Potteiger of Seiinsgrove was in town. The Post is the best family paper in our county. State of Ohio, City of ( Toledo, Lucas County, 8S- Frank J. Ciiknky makes oath that be is a senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay 0 3 E H TJ N D R E D DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subsc rib ed in my presence, this 10th day of December. A. D.. 1886. A. W. UIjIWYSUIN. Notary Public. Hftll'H Catarrh Cure is takrn in ternally, and ao i s directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the "ritem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY &CO. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. dull s Family Pills are the best. SALEM. Miss Lavina Row spent a week in Northumberland. Mrs. Mary Kuster is visiting her daughter at Vicksburg. B. F. Bolig, Jr., of Lewisburg spent several hours in Salem, Sun Jay. Oscar Herman and family sitent Sanday at C. K. Fisher's. Miss Mamie Kessler is spending several weeks at Sunbury. Miss Anna Luck of Dundore I visited among friends several days 'ast week. H. A. Oft and family were ntertaioed at the Manrer home BuadW Milton Herman and Miss Ada Ibiiniir were ioined in wedlock Tin,, 'sdnv ev.miiwr nrw-l nl mien I. -e - began housekeeping in their home Which was hist omunlatad. Mav Itbolv remnlmnii' natru tin (ill. I u'Ifli Iiaiuiiness. . . I 8KAL SELINSOKOVF (i. W. Keller's family L it t.n n last week !" move to a place near Duuuanoou, Mr, Keller has per manent employment there and pre ferred thai his l.onily slimild be w i'ii him. ( Slnss p is-i rl through a) .I .no r i cebnrg to lic is employed as a towu on in r Phi In. where tviie w riter. Rev. . W. Gcoszler, wife aud c!:ilti spent several days at Danville last week. Herat Fred ricks, a son ol George Fredrick, was crushed by a wagon running over his body on Monday of last week, lie .was buried on Friday afternoon. Mrs Rev. K. P.. Killiuger of Trenton returned to her home at IrcUtou on Monday. Will, Erlaupt and wife of Milton attended the funeral ol Hearst Frederick's. Samuel Gearhart was in town be tween (rains on Friday last looking after the Telegraph lines. Several Penna. main line trains passed through here ,u"in west, owing to a wreck at some point below Lewistown, S. (i. Gearhart cf Sunbury was in towu between trains on Friday lat looking alter the Telegraph lines. Neta Hummel is entertaining Stella Voelkler of Milton. Daniel Hane and wife of Grand Rapidt are guests at the home of J. A. Lombard and wife. .lames K. Davis and wife return ed home last week. They were accompanied by Mrs. D's sister. Miss Delia Hummel of Williams port is a guest at the home of B. F. Gregory and wife. At 8.20 on Sunday evening there was quite a freight wreck in the yard heie near the depot. Two trains ran together, two engines were rather badly damaged. The wreck crew, however, cleared the tracks by morning. No one was hurt. BEAVERTOWK. Miss Louisa Lcpley sold her house and lot to Lincoln Zeiber Friday for (850. Mrs. Katherman (nee Eliza Cole man, of Millinout, Union county visited her uncle, A. H. Bowersox. several days. Charles E. Freed is convalescing and we hope, will soon lie restoicd to his usual ood health. The Reformed congregation; Rev. Spahn, pastor, will celebrate the Holy Communion on the first of December. Beavertowtl is very much in need of a few good renting houses, and some of our moneyed men should see to it that there will be some erected. The members of the Lutheran S. S. have arranged for a Christmas entertainment. Charles C. Feese of Wichita, Kansas, writes to his brother. W. F. Feese of this place, aud says Charley (meaning his son) came home sick two weeks ago, and is now confined to his bed with typhoid fever, but we think he is not seriously sick Merrian Wetzel, a son of com missioner John P. Wetzel, an em ployee in the freight office at Lewis town, came down to spend a few days among his friends. W. F. Dagle was at the county seat between tains on Monday. A crowded house greeted our Evangelical friends on Sabbath evening, and the young people of that denomination deserve a fjreat deal of praise for the very excellent manner in which they rendered an interesting and instructive mission ary service. Several . new hands have been taken into the shirt factory recent ly, also several new machines have been added, and lastelv a small dynamo was received Saturday that now tarnishes the oecessaay (marks to run the engine, Beavertown will no doubt, ere long, have electric lights, at least in the shirt factory, do.Lt'Uf . Walter, four year- old son of Hurley ami He ic Wagner, died lust sVuluewluy of biplheria and inn led on tne same dat AimI) Wagner, Supervisor, is giving our public reads the finish ing lunches for tin- war. Andy nays 1 , 1 1 wils inn IhI niiuiiy hoova," W in. i 1. S.indi rs and wife are on friends in H'ifi Well' i uuys at III Mifll la out v. John 11. Dreese d visiting friends a i . licax 1 1 tow a and vicinity at week. ilcv. A. D. Grumley is conduct ing a revival at this, place. Quite a g II y number of our eiliciis atteni ci tin- Inneral ii Mrs. Simon Oldl at lilack Oak Ridge church, Wednesday last, During the absence of the l'1-h Brothers N. B. M. again .yielded the yard slick. Woo to the porker, his squeals arc mercilessly unheeded Frank Wagner is busy hauling props ucross the i intain from New I .aina-tcr. He has bouglll Ner K. Benter's gray (cam. Win. II. Huffman, cracks the black snake for the lour gray's Billy has a fine team, Inn he ;n a to liiinsel f " far dolte uiochts room gadooner." Johu Wagner is busy bringing in ll. R, tics and lumber from his mill located near BuUllcrvillc. Mrs. Mollie F. Jewell has finish ed her first deliver, of, Books Entitled 'The life of Wm. Mc kinley." She sold quite a great i many uooks. Mrs. A. D. Sllirey returned from her trip to Lewistown and Yager town on Friday. Philip Varuer recently fell and fractured a bone in his wrist. Dr. Mitchell treated the wound. .Jacob Laid), of w hom we said last week had his skull hone hrok- en, is doins as well is can be ex pected under circumstances. I he Drs. are entertaining some hopes for his recovery, Rachael Snook has returned from her trip to Union county where si c had been visiting her brother, Dr ('. W. Boush. Charles (Alias Doekcv) Middles- warth has gone to Tyrone to work for the R. R. Co., as operator. Fred Htimcly and wife had made a trip to Thompsontown, and Mif Hintown last week. Kcv. Seiger held communion services in the St. Matthews Luth eran church on Sunday. Quite a goodly number partook of the Lord's Supper. Your Hair "Two years ago my hair was falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out. " Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. Jl.M a boUt. All If your druireiftt cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will expreui you a bottlo. lie dure andjrive the name of vour nearest cxiireiH office. AddreM, J. C. A Vl lt CO., Lowell, Mans. A Uoud llnouuh n fur lllm. "I wouldn't cry like that, my little man.' "Well, yon can cry any old way you want to; tiiis is my way." Brooklyn Life. k'niir drill He What ;lo yon irls call that elab of yours? Slie The Analyt ienl. He Il'ml What do you analyse? .She Other people's reputations chiefly. X. Y. World. Forgot tn ttk. She The Jeweler tayi the diamond In my rln"; is not genuine. li--Um or he told me the ring neaa eal gold. I forgot to nsk hini tb;;ut the stone. '. V. Weekly. POIt'l ntKVORON T" I. ill Tor lu. l w'i'K Mrs. .uisii t'arwell ieni nu lla t Simoon i'...- guest nfhcr d night. -i M r I ktiticl Milliner. Vim. Neii and wife Mure visi torn i III:! V w iIucmIii . 1 1 u: lied j .il l nl .miss i.ic i jlome from Siliihui the week. H. M. aud C Sunday at home. J. I '. NeitJl and are cmiiliAeil at W. Neit pciit It. W. F,.!i who I 'inn Million s; enl Sunday with tin ir families. Mi-s Kathryn Troiitiiian, who pent the usl several months in Plllhl has returned home to assist her father in us extensive iiieretui- i "" ou-ino-. II M. Enders and Mr. Fake ol York .-pent Sunday til the N'utiona Hotel. John Rice and son, ( ). ( ;., who were employed in the woods near Johnstown, returned home for the winter. Prof. 8. P. Stcflen was u business caller at Sunbury Monday. Mrs. Ellen Kelly i- i-itinir ur children at Sllllbtiry (lii- week. I 11. ! lotbnau and wife of Bethlehem and I lurry Buyer and wife of Selitisgrove were the guests oi in. uoyer and wite Sunday. P. 1. Shu in bach nianugerol The" retail ami whole sale confectionery establishment of Sunbury w as home on election day to e;tt hL firM hallot. wiivcr t,iiv and family spent Sunday with Isaac (Jam I hell and family at Dundore. The Y. P. C. U. of the I B. church will 1 1! I a rally Sunday evenuiir. Henry Hoover man of Herndon town last week. ind Jacob Hoff were callers ill 1 M Uf , ... , iss Maude I iinrlos contemplates a , .. 1 ing to Sunljury this week. n ' going .Mrs. in. Schrawder went Boinbridge to .1 ., e. tu j.tini .1 nil ui'Miies with her parents Charles Houser and wife. Presiding Elder Gable was in town the past week to hold Quart- erly Conference and Communion HiTvices in me I , n. cnurcii. intentions owing to the weather. Commissioner Knight- returned Though some may dotibf the ver home fiom Phila. seriously ill. i!,,'i,v "' tement never-the-less M. P. Arnold and wife of Mi ton arc in (own. John , Charles went to Reading to work. looking forth coming vaca- Young America i with delight to tin tion. The earth was beautifully clothed in white last Wednesday morning. ltth sexes won- well represented at Frank Zerbe's sale at Chapman Saturday. George Strawscr of Seiinsgrove made several business trips to town during the past week. The Sunday visitors were few and far between. Editor Stroub's wife and daugh- ter, Miss Mayine of Herndon passed through our burg last week. Dr. J. E. Bogar attended to pro fessional business at Herndon the past week. Notwithstanding the cold weather the younger class iwtronizcd the "Merry-go-round" at Plum 1'ark last week. Mrs. Ed. Wwlf has gone to Allen town to sjiend the winter. fill .. , -,... The proprietor of the Neff House , I I . I I 1 II'IIL. 1 .... . . . ... u ... U....I . oMuuurj wa ..ouceu on our si reels ' P. G. Sbambach was in town with a load of "sweets" this week. Master Archie Auoker made a trip to Seiinsgrove last week. Mrs. Sheets Kelley of Half Falls has taken up a residence with her husband. Henry Stepp transacted business at Sunbury the past week. Many strangers from a distance have taken up lodging in town dur ing (he bunting season; u P i. ...i i i ei in neii mini a isit to Phila. and Bethlehem last n. k v ii.ii le- rci urnei rom :i week - Li. k J tarrhal Bffm'tlons. Hut tin- i- true f tin- nublic uneaki r or singer. Hit voioe must always I (cur, lungi perfect, digestion uuriinturm'ri, Houco Iho Kpularlty of Peruna among tie' leading professional aien uml wonu n of (he country. Vrit. Vollmer, President Hehwn blgchor Saugurbund, Chicago, in :i ro cent letter to The lVruiiu Medicine I .. ays : " was greatly troubled for weeks with throat trouble which the doctors defined as catarrh, but could only give me temporary relief. "My voice was badly affected and I was afraid I would Jose it entirely. I read of some of the wonderful things your Peruna would do and thought it advisable fo try some myself. "I am pleased to state that in a very short time I was cured." FRITZ VOLLMER. While roaming through ikiiuhIiicI ollow abolll two Weeks ago we noticed a fanner husking corn in his IIUUOII il 111 111' I I I i I . I . I I I I i i I i , M , i , ,i i: i held and while right in the ail oil - c i i ,i i w. I niir fielil another farmer wasmakins ing lielil another tanner was making to , I mv mid (lie In t tor t M us II ivns his .. -t f i . . i ii i ron tor I lie year am i' hoped Ui harvest another before Chnstmai in case cold weather did not set in before the aforesaid said time, We are sorry that our friend will nof ! able to can y nuf his It is (rue. I'.W rONVILLK rroi. passed their wi i V. (' liowersox ind i fc h rough town Mod i' on n to Heavcrton n, John lloiitz, the cigar niuiiuiuc turer of rfreeburg, was in town Lnursuay on business. Mrs Chn8i Hathfon and Ueulnh Lf Swincford were victors in town Saturday, Mrs Albert Engu bik BOII) Wm. u......,.r,.,wll wcrc ;,, timil Sitor- day. Clayton and Annie Stout, who were employed in Union eounty during tne summer, returned home Saturday to attend school. Robert Sout and wife of Union county visited Mrs. Stout's parent! Joseph Rruner's Sunday Murry Etomig of St. Clair was iu town one day this week. Miss Ixitlie (iift scnt a day in Middlcburg iluring the week. F. C. Graybill, who was employ til at Greenwood Furnace returned home to spend some time with his parents. Charles P. Swengle, Wm. Mo- fce and Alvin Feliinv, who an .MIV II" ..iiiiiiiiiiiii, ' l ' 1 1 I I XoyeA at Adamsburg, visited . I t)lm. Qbj v,.r gunda, Uriah Howell of Beavertown visiting his ther, M Howell, Sunday. Mary Isaac Bruiier made n trip to Kreamcr, Saturday 1 rai k l roup, who is employed at Met 'lure, came hone' Saturd spend several days w ith his parents, CASTOR I ? For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alway: Bought Bears tho I Signature of Ub&fff4& r j9 nx . I f l - i . "M J PROP. KItlTZ VOM.MKR. PRRRtllRNT . ,,ri i I ' I l IV I'll ll ' i :i l I I 1 M RAVRII VRI1M RTi:i i !' Vl III "P. IIV IM I i 1 li AN PEOPLE can tolerate slight 1 DOl in iii i.i sliigor'n I'mt . ei ii Jennio llawlcy, a -. alto tnla nal i gn .0 popularity In Hi f i ho many pr i ho use Poruna. She v i o in ItoI'SF!, VVASniNOToN t 1 lard Perana as Invali and actrosges, and all tie ir voices in entci tail I h n e found it ' ugh," Jennie flaw ic) ngressman C, Pelham, to "IIS lllO r a ill) or i t:-i i Han iffcring insider croft, Va.i w riles: 'Mj sister-in-law baa been from catarrh of the throat for a c able time. Hie has beeu using Peruna for iilxiul one week, and is manifestly improved. I believe ii is an excellent remedy for catarrh." C. Poll am. Not onlj Is Peruna ot untold ralueln cases of laryngitis, but a bottle of Peru na rightly used In the family dt ring iho wlutcr months is of alue untoi I ni- na cures colds, cures coughs, .i s la grippo, cures all diseases ilin- to congestions of the mucous nn Address The Peruna Medii . Columbus, i ., for a copy of man's latest book ou catarrh. - tarrhal ubranea. Co., of it. ilartr BBAVKU. in k wheal cakes and have I ecu on the ii siius of tare here fir the iast week. Michael Wemnd of Lowcl Simon ( ldi of Bunnci . il Hurley Wagner's little I j ( 'lure died last week. Till Unas I lerbster an ! .Mrs. and Mc- i mion Mauser are home lion tiny made through Bl visiting relatives and nasi two wei ks, I I their trip county iiends the v renort having had a good lime. .lame- IN tor and Jaine- i r'nood ol Lowell have been working in Mifllin count v for the pasl two Week. Jos Kiiepp took a load of hunt' ra and doLr- to New LaiHMSter last Saturday in search of deer. etc. Mrs. William Hook ol i Mark- i- here on n vi-it. stop a w liilc with Mrs. I Trcast'cr. Mrs. Aaron Mover i visitiim her dauirbter Mrs Wnr She lofS will 13. evil i lor 1. the past week in Mittiiu eounty, i Mi-s Jennie Snyder d Levis(ov n j w as home last week to spend a few tavs with iner tattler, j, a. suvder of Lowell. J. W. Steely i- the first man at Lowell to have butchered this sea son. His helpers all received four and a half yards of sausage tor their lalwir. Still some corn to husk hi this end, part of last week the mother was too stormy tor that kind of work. OF FOREIGN INTEREST. The population of Berlin hat trebled it hln 30 years. London has .M Inhabitants to the acre; Paris, 115, New Ze.aland has 42,000 rr s (Maoris) to 026,000 whites. Qreat Paul is the biggest London bell. It weighs 17 tons; while Big Ben, ot Westminster, is only J5',i t Prince Carl of ftoumanla i thir teenth in order of succession I o the I'ritlsh throne, the German emperor i wenty-fl fi h. Corn is, next to sugarcane, :'. irin cipal crop grown in Queen It ' and i-; one of the most important j roduotfl ii New South Wales. The new woman lias f::iiv n '.ic tory in Norway, where she - , lenity Btrong, She lias Hiiulli per suaded i'c privy council to declare that hyrenfter brides need rn Im: i c to "obey" tie ir husbands nt themar ceremony, unless they ehoose to on go. It 3