The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 21, 1901, Image 5

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    Pabliftlwd Ever Thursday Morning
",eo W v. lOKNi : :.: a. m editor and owner
. ; i v at ! Hid In a'K.ii'if KI..KI -r yr if nut pal'l
In vTOnee. single cople. re I'eata.
ajtvertlHllIB llntrw. .' . centi cr lin, unnparHI WeaaOT"
fnMtt f it t'n-t ' nwerrlirt. and '-i rank pat hit fur r h aobaa
fH'"it Insertion. taoFFICR.- Naartna County Court HoUM
Mwaen lha National I lank anil the OuuntyJail.
I iiiiliii n.-.. I. uril.. ....!. 1 ., . n, ,rL-l l,.r n.
'im ill 1 1 1 i i i luiaii " ''I ami i ' -in
- . . .
I nexatiofl would be lanl iijxtn the shelf.
ma Tin- Initl St.itis I'liri-s to m-e ( 'iilm nros-
peTou- and happy. It has already donu much
tn make it bo, Bud it may do much mora to the
nmi eod. Bui it has do intention of taking
Cuba into this Union of State to help govern
these existing States. "As a matter of senti
ment" tliis country would be found solidly ar
rived against sueh annexation, if ever i; should
be proposed.
Vol. x win
a, i90i.
Number 40
The existence nf a surplus will continue to
suggest a variety uf measures tor the removal of
the same. Kveii th i free traders are perking
We invite (he attention il'.Mr. Boutell and
other patriots of a mathematical turn of mind to
the circumstance thai ti suniltis i- a very desir
able thing to li . ue when one of the Are among the principal attraotioos of the store at present. People are
i i i . i.. i... ,...i.i 4 . l. p.i H
most urgent uemuiMiS oi national policy remains a' "''. "n .-uk-k m mese iiitiispeusuiiU' gar-
to be met and . i 0f the most unmistakable '" u" W.l"n Everything that is new and is smart here,
iii.l i lint lm iiii.t.i la li,.i,. ., ..I,.,..- tl,.. ..........a. I... i J I i m
rlntUa ..I' ... ,-. In. t.. I... ,.,! """ p'l'i in.ii ..uinoi oe louuii elsewiUTC. He
namelv, the building uf enough vessels
Silk and Flannel Waists
t is renortcd thai a Cuban delegation will
guend the winter in Washington seeking
during the Congress session to promote recipro
cal made relations lietween that island and the
United States; though some of its members are
leallv looking lor annexation, on the ground
that th.' A no ri-:iii iieoiiie, acting through senti-
ment, would rather take Cuba into the Union
than t'i give it free trade while it remains out
side. There cau be no objection to Cuba's seeking
reciprocity with this country, and it may well be
that its desire will to some extent be gratified.
There will scarcely be anything like absolute
free trade established, but there will doubtless
be a liberal opening of American markets to
U. BOUTELL of Illinois, one of the
able men of the Republican tnaioritv mankind
iii the House, publishes these remarks concern
ing the surplus and the methodtwrf preventing
tartetl out to elve VOU a descrtntlon. bllt there wi-ri' an i, i n,,- t,... . ,l,.,r
. i - . , m ' IB DBS
W!" " we f Hind it 'in impossible task. Suffice it to sav that the silk- ! nr..
make this COIintrv B h rst-class naval UOWer hrMvildnrincrlv beautiful with Itomatitoin'no ,..,i,li',r ..,t ...,.l.:.... :.. i i
I r-. - ,-. - 'iv....t .in. .in mill; III :ocit
iml all iii the int nst of peace and good will
on accumulation ot unnecoessary revenue:
"The question which confronts us now is
whether we shall increase our expenditures or
decrease revenue bv reducing taxation. The
large balance in the Treasury and constantly
increasing surplus arc, of course, an invitation
to large, unusual, and extravagant appropria
tions. t seems to me that the wise and busi
nesslike course t. be pursued is to immediately
reduce taxation. Considering the surplus in the
Treasury) I think we might very well repeal
the entire internal revenue taxes, to take effect
Jan. 1, next."
Cuba products. It is to the interest of both J wmu Mr, Douieu manifestly nas in muni is
countries that trade relations between them shall I the immediate repeal, not of the entire internal
be (dose and cordial. But the Cuban delegate revenue taxes that were imposed by the War
will err wid. l v if they reckon upon any consi- Revenue act of 1898. The context shows that
derable American sentiment in favor of taking tnis is his meaning. Indeed, the product of the
Cuban into this Union. Sentiment is decidedly Eternal revenue taxes during the four years
I I . MM I . .1 MMMAIIIn lli,. ..'.l.. ii i'Ii N .1,,,, I. I,. 4, ...I- f.nH,.
iikwco to any sucn step, i ne people oi me i I"1 ""n " muwi
i: "The
lftcr fhf
The Selinsgrove Timet last tveek sav
Editor of the t'i ST made
election returi ltc i... Better
ahead of the Times, even if the Pos e is slow.
It's too bad that the Pilgrim and the entire
A force is jealous because the Editor of this
paper won the handsomest prize given out by J.
W. Lee's Qlass Blowers. We can assure the
Asp the votes were not bought not one of the
59. As usual the Asp blurts into print with S II
kinds of defamatory matter, without inquiry
into the truth of i I His luteal victim is a mem
ber of the bar, who made the Pilgrim dismount
in hot haste. The POST di tiered with Mr.
Bower in the matter preferences, but
to shades ot rose, liant green, blue, maize, cardinal. wv. nink mi l mUt
and black.
The prices are 12.98, 4.50, $5.00, $5.50 up to 7.60.
The Flannel Waists : Some are plaited, some tucked, others 'have
strau trimming, or velvet ribbon or buckles, or new cull, while ntWa ,1...
kite than pend on the oiiality of the flannel alone for their beauty and are line sim-
;ver." As the P rr got the returns a week pHd'y itself. Color-line pink, light blue, cardinal, green, rose, royal,
fore th- Times. The Poot is still a week Mte nnd black. Scaleof prices, $1.00, $1.25, 1.50, $1.76 up to $3.50,
a good line oi naiineietie waists tor oUc.
Dress c-incl WaLkiny Skirts
Medit ind dark Oxford Skirts, $2.50. Black, uielrose and cheviot
skirts, full Hare or flounce, $2.75.
Medium and dark Oxford Skirts, full flare, corded flounce, $3 00.
Grey homespun skirts, toll Hare flounce, trimmed with bands of grey silk,
very graceful shape, $5.50. Cheviots, pebble cheviots, mohair and broad
cloth, made m the newest effects, tucked, corded, strapped and stitched.
Words cannot convey the grace and style of these garments. You can
take the finest material, and if it is not gracefully fashioned, it counts for
naught. Hence, ue bragal t the grace and style of our skirts. The
best skirts are $5.00, $5.50, $0.00, $7..r)(t, $8.00 and $10.00.
Black Silk Skirts
In lalleta, China and Peau ue sole. A very neat silk skirt, circular
United Slates propose to keey their republic a of tl"' Government expenditures for the single
c, impact and coherent continental domain,
ncan to keep it the United States of America,
and of North America, and of the islands of the
n ii 11. i
sea. It will lie oi an round aiivaiuage ami ot
It will
direct profit for
Cuban people ,
the Cuban delegates and the
understand this fact. Heci
They j "' pensions, as may be seen trom this table:
1894 $147,168,449 1894 $1 11,177:285
1895 143,246,077 1895 141,395,229
l.siti; l lu,s;;o,;if) ihih; 139,434,001
1897 146.619,593 1897 111,053,165
Dr. Thomas' Remedy
Hit never failed to effect a
permanent cure wlierc the
directions have been care
fully followed; the most ol
stintite cases, that have bul
lied the ;kill of physicians,
have yielded to its powerful
influence, and it standsto-day
as the only known and pos
tivo care for this distressing
complaint. S;nt by mail on
receipt of $160. Address
Thomas Bechtold,
1324 North 55th St.
il. 14 5t philadliphia, Pa.
NotioM of wlM Win p limertcil free Under
this biwdlni when the btlll rc prinleil nt tola
offloe. When the liills r,' not printed at tliif
office SO centi will be OBrgted. Penom eipeet
Uk t hare wleihould eeleela date and nave
it iiiKTU'il In Ihlfoolumn.
WEDNBBDAT, DBC. 11, two miles tauthol
Vlcktbutg. Oliver H. Rowereoi will hcII ft
liorm B, u bead f cattle end (arming impli
The auditing i partment has made a
statement of the late President's ac
count, charging bin with the war
rants issued to him on account of salary
since he went Into office, ami crediting
him with the amount due. A balance
of $2.HS1 wan found In his favor and a
warrant drawn in favor of his adminis
trator for the amount. This closes the
financial affairs between t lie late Presi
dent and the government, but the
country owes him a debt of gratitude
which can never Imj repaid.
The German wheat crop is 1,886,000
tons short and the country must Im
port 3,000,000 Urns in order to supply
the home demand. Even with a full
crop the country must import grain,
and the slightest decrease from the av
erage means more imports. With these
figures in view the American farmers
can easily see they have nothing to
fear from hostile legislation in that
Secretary !!"( bus issued Ibc custom
ary order suspending the operations of
Heeds Entered for Kecord.
M. K. Behuoh and wife to Foste
Riegle, lot in village of Frunklin, for
J. (i. Miller and wife to J. W. Hen
ner 5 acres in West Perry twp. forSCVIH).
Philip BohneC to Philip A. Behnee,
89 acres in Terry twp., for$L"200.
Catharine Wagner and husband tn
Win. H. Weaver, lot No. 00 in Heaver
town, for $70.
Howard K. Moser to Wm. H. Wea
ver, lot No. '' in Heavertown, for $7"0.
that would nol justify the Post, the Asp or I flounce, trimmed with several rows of quilled ribbon, 18.00. .Stylish
silk skirt, lull Hare, applique ot net, ruffle of silk, gO.00. Heautiful Peau
de soie skirt, Hare flounce, stylishly trimmej, 810.00.
Children's Coats
Reefer.-, Three Quarters and Automobiles Reefer oi blue and grey
mixed cloth, stylish collar, trimmed with hands of blue doth. $2.00.
Reefer of cardinal cloth, jaunty collar, embroidered in black braid, $1.
Three Quarter Coat of tine castor kersey, strap trimmings of stitched
castor sich, $7.50. Three Quarter Coat of fine royal blue kersey; the
new large circular collar; cutis and collar trimmed" with bands of blue
velvet, white Dietalique polka dots on velvet; a Strikingly handsome coat
Tan Melton Automobile, smart circular cape trimmed with white
soutache and brown braid, $6.00. Cardinal Reaver Automobile, small
chi collar and cutis, trimmed with bands of stitched black velvet, $4.50,
Blue Camel's Hair Automobile, new Russian back and belt, cutis, collar
and belt piped with blue velvet, $10.00.
my other newspaper to make an unjust attack
upon thv integrity uf any man, no matter, how
bittern political enemy he may have been. The
attack is on :i par with the venomous assault
made on the managers of the Shoe Pwtory some
mouths ago.
WE hope the gentlemen who have cli irge of
the shoe factory will get things in shape to
operate the plant at an early date. It is a seri
ous loss to the town and to all concerned tohavc
it idle so long.
Quite a great many gentlemen in Snyder Count v
tried a great many hair preparations and their hair i
heads bald. The readers of the Post will lind that
and elsewhere have
I still thin or their
is a sure Hair Grower. It prevents hair falling out, remove dandruff,
stops itching and restores luxuriant growth to shining scalps. It contains
no poison and is no dye.
.A. Few Recent l ostimoninla.
Washington, D. CL Jan.xmh. ltxu.
Southern Mill id no Co,,
Gentlemen: I gave nnc-lilf of n bottle- nf
your Ueviver to l.n'y filend of mine who baa
a, , i , ... ..ii "tunii raina un r'ne um'il ll linn M ue-
" i' H. Weaver to Samuel Kearick, lighted, with it I eball eead jrou in order eoon
lot No. !". In Heavertown, for 750. ''".
,, ,. Harrlman, Tenn., Oct Uth, 1M0.
Harriagl Licenses. , Southern kfediclne e ,
. i ..... I uwwmu, i iiwii nun . riftir nr ivt'r
AOanu iwp., for i he Inst :i" or Mdayi and I think it is the
Adams tWO. preparation m the market. 1 had been
.., . -..ill troubled with dandrtlB for several years, ftllo
Klaizers llle, irritation of the nealii, hut jour Ueviver has
Salem, eompletely oured botli the dandruff ami again
Maeaee. I shall certainly raaaramand it to mv
Yours truly,
R A. Moore.
I Wellle I). Folk,
i Bertha V. l-'iss,
Milton M. Herman,
I Ada M. Itoinijr,
i alvin Benfer,
I Ivsthcr J. K uoiise,
I John Harney,
l Agnes How,
Manningtnn, W. Va., Di e. 27, 19IKI.
South' rn Medlelne Co..
Harrlmani Tenn.,
Gentlemen : Send me at onee two doscn
moreofjrour large (lie botUea of Reviver. The
resulli otltQkied from its use are simply
woinlerftil. II certainly iloc- all you claim for
Iluntsvllle. Ala , March 13,1901.
Gentlemen I Ineloaed find r O. money or
iler fm ;"i fur which lend me six bottle of your
Reviver. I am delighted with it.
Rnoxvtlle, Ti mi,, Hareh M, 1(01,
pentlemem I have used tour large bottlei
of your Ueviver, an I the hair is nearly one inch
Ions all over my bald spot. You may semi me
six buttles more. Kneloeed oheeh fcirfvuo.
MARRIED. Nov. 17, by Rev. A D.
Kratzerville, Wend
Hurts Hair Ueviver is put up in Half-Dollar ami Dollar
xvtx. -v v. suJ J1U ill i , ...
Gramley, Wellle Folk and Bertha V 7 , . T ('xl" l'-s prepaiaone large size
Fiss, both of Adams township. bottle, or six bottles for 5. If you mention the Middleburgh Post
Nov. 14, by Rev. V. A. Haas, Milton when you write, we will guarantee to refund the money if results are not
M. Herman of Katzerville and Ada M. perfectly satisfactory.
Romia: of Salem. finilTHcniu Mcmnatn
Harrlman, Tenn.
Nov. it, by Rev. W. A. HaasfCaJvIn
Benfer of Kratzerville and Esther J
K notise of Salem.
Nov. 17, l.y Rev. H. O. Snalile, Car
rie Erdley of Kan tz and Samuel Luther
Yoder of New Merlin.
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some
thing to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
digestion. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. Ihey cure con
stipation and biliousness
Gently laxative
All drugtlrt.
Wnt your nrnustaeh or heard a beautiful
brown or rich black ? Then u.o
0 ct. or OnuooiiTt, on H. 9. hull 4 Co., Nam. W. M.
the loi-nl tariff laws In the Philippines j-fO t tn county seat, 12 miles from
niul Iii Culm so as to permit, under re
asonable conditions, the free Importa
tio Into the islands of packages and ar
ticles clearly intended as Christmas
presents for the Boldlers and Bailors and
other Unit d States employes. The or
der, whli li lakes effect Immediately,
will run until Jan. 15 next.
DIED. At White Top Margaret Ku
chel. daughter ofGeorgearld Angellne
Reich, aged 2 years, - rhonths and -
days. Intermant at Globe Mills Nov.
Rev. Suable outdated.
Bbobioui Bbob. Bei.l Clothing
Soon lie taw John runnlnfr toward
htm wtth the new plow point and the
lare wrench. Then Robert continued
his plowing and John returned to the
Not long afro John hnd occasion to
his home, on business. Kobert re
mained nt home. After John rind
frone nn hour he snid he could sec hi
brother and that they were talking
Irtth one another readily.
Just after Itoocrt hnd sniil tlmt
John wns leaving for home llic moth
er discovered that she needed sonic
fruit cans. Ttolicrt stopped John OH
Mi return nnd told him to drive back 1 lev. K. E. Gilbert
and tret them. John asked for par
ticulars. About, twilight be arrived
home with the cam'.
A Hew Sorl of n Mfne,
Tn South Australia a mirr of n!iir??
mbbr has bwrn diseovered.
It. S. Meiser of Selinsgro ve was
a early caller in town last Monday
Don Hoover was to Sunbury to
transact some business last Satur
day. Rev. C. 0. Miller the Lutheran
minister, preached in St. John's
church Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Charles Spotts of near Aline
was buried Tuesday forenoon in
the St. John's cemetery at 10.30.
Frank Keigle of Middlelmrg was
a caller at Mt. Pleasant Mills hotel
last Saturday for dinner.
Hiram Schnee, who wasemployed
near Freeburg, was in our vicinity
a few days last week.
Protracting meeting began in
Daniel's church near Straubtown
last Wednesday evening.
Suuday two weeks the Luth
erans will celebrate the Lord's
Supper in the St. John's Church at
10 o'clock a. m.
Elias Miller was buried in (lie
St. John's church cemetery at 10
o'lock a. m. He was a soldier in
the Civil War, of Co., G. 117
Regiment; aged 57 y 7 mlOd. Few
of liis companion! who helped iii
the battles were at his funeral.
ind Uev. C.
C. Milles officiated) Adam Qaruuw
Don Hoover aud J. P. Shadle
were to the county seat lastThursj
William A. Harding and sister
Esther, also Mirs May Arlwgast of
Kremont were visiting friends at
Oriental last Sunday.
Fred Troup, who was employed
near J'wisburg, was in town last
Monday evening.
David Hoover moved his shingle
mill on w..od tract bought of John
Schnee where he intends to begin.
The St. John's Suuday School is
preparing tor a Christmas entertainment.
Henry Arnold of this place will
move to Middleburg next spring.
Miss M be Mitteiling and broth
er, Ira, a ccompanied by Miss
Clara Mitterling were jolly visitors
at Onential last Sunday.
J. Heiiu and wife of Fremont
were visiting Wilson Longncker's
last Sunday.
William Wockely of Lewisburg
was in town last Monday.
Ladies' Coats
Our prices are so verv moderate that we really believe their equal isn't
to be found elsewhere, fo" goods of equal merit, and we think that you
will say so too when you see them. A stylish lot of short Jackets from
$2.50 up to $9.00. Three quarter lengths in castor, tan, Oxford, ox
blood and black. Perfect fitting, finely tailored with an air of style
stamped Oil every garment. From 310.00 up to $22.00.
Ladies' Coat Suits
It's a real pleasure to see a lady in a trim, finely tailored suit. No
well dressed woman can afford to do without a suit of this kind. It's
economical, it fits in anywhere, it's the thing to buy. Have you seen
our 10 and $12 suits? They stand for fine tailoring, chic styles and
good materials.
Lace Curtains and Portieres
Don't you need some 1 oe curtains? We keep a large line from 45c,
up to $2.75 a pair, A cosy home needs the the final touch that lace
urtanis give. Are you ready lor a pair of portieres ? They cost so little
mil add so much to the home beauty. We have them as low as tl.75
and 88 high as $5.00 pair. Come and see them. We-open a new-
line this week, "i on II do well to look us over before purchasing, for
you will not only he thoroughly pleased, but you will also save quite a
bit of money on your purchase.
Sunbury, Pa.
Thnt Worried Him.
Anxious Daughter Papa, dear, yon
must not worry because Harold is
g-oinj? to marry ine anil take me far
away from you.
Fond Daughter N'o, daughter; a
little thing like that isn't froinjr to
worry me, but. if he ever docs any
thing that will cause you to come
back tn me again I'll certainly do him
bcilily injury. Chicago Daily News,
"Don't Frit."
If you want to k p coot
Just rollow this rulo,
It's the be st we have run Across yet:
'All the 'Don'ts' that you find
Let In one be combined
'Don't lrrt.' "
riillaUi!iihii Bulletin.
We have a nice line of Winter Stock,
WEAR. You are cordially invited to
examine our excellent stock,
whether yon buy or not. Our
stock is all marked in plain
figures, and you can see all prices for yourself.
"We have t strictly one-price to all. Thanking you for
past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same
I remain Kesp'y.
318 East Market St.,
Sunbury, Pa.
Firm of Lih atandiog would in
crease OOrpi of r. ii e -eiitafivcw call
iiifr on pbj'Hieiniis. Our eighty men
now average 40 weekly. Exclusive
territory. Steady employment
tlox'ul. Slittlou O, New York City.
NEURALGIA cured by Dr. MUMI Paib
Pt r.LS. Juo cent p. dona1' At all d ruaalstn
Distillery for Sale;
THE BARTMAN DI8ILLBBT at rViiatcreek "
ofTcieil for snle.
Capacity 520 Bushels per day.
With a little oxpenif! the capacity could I"' '''
ortaffq to any cxi.-ni.
Addretia Box -la.
U-21-tr. Peanacreek, Pa.
. . .
Hl'iHll run .mi hchmiiiih. tuim
'I I I f J' I. A 1 V IY IIJJ I'HnA m ibul'