The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 21, 1901, Image 4

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    Thottaajsela Hare Kidney Trouble
til Don't Know it.
Mom To Tina Out.
Flil a bottle or common class with year
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling indicates an
unhealthy condi
rry'tion of the kid-
y neys: if It stains
AI your linen It is
"Jy evidence of kid
ney 11. . too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in
the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kiincy remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonaertui aiscovery
and a book that tells,
more about it, both sent
absolutely free by mail,
address Dr. Kilmer &
Boms of Swamp-Root
When vrltlng men
Co., Blnghamton, N. Y.
tion reading this generous offer in this paper,
Suubury & Lewistowu Division.
In effect March IN, 1900.
I iTATioira,
2 03 in on Banbury uai sun
13 IHI" tolinagrovu.liinetlon 909 4 ISO
-19 101s tallnHrrori I Oil 4
228 jim Pawling nw 4 .is
2 31 ! Kri'iimcr l 4 31
-31 111 3M Miiw-r 8 40 4 28
MO 10 81 Mi, 1, 1 1, hi UK 8 4U 4 2
346 lil 3.i llrnfrr 8 84 4 l
alt '10 47 Ilcavertnwn X 'AS 4 07
j00 ii' t- Ailninahiirg M 4i1!
tD7 lies Baubs Mills 113 8H
3 18 1104 Mil lure 8 07 3 49
oM ,1113 Wniiiir 7 57 339
j.-, 11 in Bbtnaii 7 si 33H
,30 II SI I unit. 1 Mih, 7 49 3311
M II -T Maitland 7 43 .124
45 ,113s Lewtatown 1 TSfl 31s
-tl7 11 tT Lawiatown (Main Mraet. TM sis
j 50 u iii towistown Junction. 7 a 10
Train leaves Huiiluir.v 0 30 p m, ar
rives nt SeUoBifrove 5 4.r p m
Leaves Belinsgrove AtOO p, m., arrives
at Banbury 8tl5 p. m.
Trains leave LewUtOWD Junction :
I 12 a m, 10 13 i in. 1 10 i HMMp in 5 SVi in. 7 OTp
in, 12 02 a in fur Altnonu, I'itlnliurg nn.l the Went.
For Baltimore and Waahiiiirton 8115 am U30,
I OS. I 38. 4 33. 8 10 , ill For Philadelphia and New
York5S,A05. 9 80a m, 1 M 1 18 4 33 and 1110
ui For hlitrriHiiiiru. 8 10 p in
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division
Train leaves sdl ijfrove Junction dtlly for
uubuiy and Weal.
9 25arn, 12 68 p ui, p m. Sunday 9 S3 a m,
B 43 p ni.
Truing leave Sunbury dully sxeopt Sunday:
l 28 o m for Buitilo.rii a m for Rrie and dan-
6 10 a m for Bollclonte Erla and tlaiianriaigua
' 12 a in for Look Haven, Tyrone and the Wesl .
IS 48 for Buffalo, 110 p m for Bellelnnto Kane
Tyrone and 4'anacdaliiua
5 45p m for kenovo and Klmlra
B 40 p B tor Wllllainspoi
-iinday 1U 21 a m fur liurralu via Emporium.
1 21 a m for Erie. 5 10 a m lor Erie anil 'mian
ilnlirua S M p in lor lli
42 a m for luKk Haven and
ii50am, I55am300and 548pm lor Wlikei
l,.irro and Hn.eltou
. i" a in, lu io a in, 2 us p m, 5 4: p in lr Shamo
i. in and Mount Oarmel
Sunday 9 55 a m lur Wilke'harre
I'm In- leave BflllDlgTove Junction
10 00 a in, daily arriving at rhlliidelpbla
3 17 p m New York 5 SI p in Halllinure 3 II p in
Washington 4 It) p ui
584 p in , I. nly arriving at riilladolpbla
.3 20 p m New 'York fl 88 a in, Balttmara 9 15 p m
NVushlngtou 10 66 p m.
is pin. ually arriving at Philadelphia
25a in, New Y nrk 713 a in, Ilaltiinoru 2 30 a in
Washington 4 05 a ir.
Trains alao laave sunhury 1
S 15 am dally arriving at I'hiladeldhla a 52 a m
Killliunre 7 SO a in Waeht'gton 830 a in New
nrk 9 33 a in Weekday, 10 38 a m Sundays,
3 10 Mil da'ly arrivim; at Piillitdelplila 7 22
am,N York 91 a in, 10 88 Sunday lialu
mne i 'am, Washington 88U a m. Baltimore
1. in D n Washington 1 15 p in.
1 53 p i. week ii.iy- arriving at PhlladelphlH
' .- p in. 1 w York .1 3u , in, Baltimore t) U.) p tn
Wasulngti ' 7 15 p m
8 34 p m da iv, arriving at Philadelphia 7 8S p m
N"w York pi S3 p m, Baltimore 7 30 p in, Wash
I.. .'inn 8 35 p in
Tralna alao leave Sunhury at 9 SO a m and 5 23
and 8 81pm, lor Harrlnhurg, Philadelphia and
I . K. Wi m Ml, Oen'l Pans Agent
J. II. HUTCHINSON ien'l Manager.
Hat. Always pllabli'. Lad Ira, aak Druggist for
' lll IIKV1 HI H BNULINII In Kvd and
a.old metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbou.
'1 nk no olhrr. It ru- dnngrruu aubatl-
uiionaataid lanllaUona. HuyofyourlmigKlst,
or c. p, Biainns for rlli iilsr.. Toll-
uoolaUo and "K.-ll.-r for l.ndlr.," m intrr,
i i iTlurn Hall. lO.OOII 'l',.l , in, ,nii,N S.,l,lt,v
ill Druggist.
I 1M Bamlwa aqusrr, Fill LA., PA.
MeatUa lata paixh
A Monthly Journal i
tells all I
i about hunting, trapsing
and Raw Par Trading.
Published bv an old ex
perienced banter, trap
r and trader. Sam
ny. Bets. Only SO
-ear. Address,
'nr. Publish
Ohio. TO
Speciality tyboss, Pi,
Collections at d Reports.
I tolerances. First National Dank. Near, .
nvrns Represented :-Bellweod, Altoona, Uolll
'ysbarg, HanUusrdon and Bellefonie 8-8-iyr
a ntn fcPaUMruj nt at t.
fatsos DBS (B m ID 11 CM), TOO-
m), ooia BorM,raonsL etc.atc,
Arbllrarr Dnsiuna Tae the Place of
a Loiciral llnxia Amoag
On the be'.ief in luck have .incurs,
diviuators, fortune tellers, all traded
from time uiurial to the rea
r.nt age, says I'haiubt r' JonruL They
"calculate" the incalculable, and, nec
essarily, arbitrary dogmai take the
place of logical basis on which to work
out their schemes. They rely on the
luck of odd numbers; in them the im
perial phantom either in birth or
chance or death loves to reside. Sev
en has always been a number to con
jure with, and the seventh Child of a
seventh child born in the seventh
month comes clad In a mysterious pan
oply of foreknowledge absolute; while
nine w as at one place and period looked
upon as a symbol of Deity. (It-eat men
will have their lucky day or month,
as one of the Caesar's pave his name
to the eighth month that in which
the most fortunate events of his life
had occurred. The blood of a great
family, like that of the Stuarts or the
Itourlioiis, for instance, is said to carry
with it,, ven in its collateral branches,
the tnint of that ill-success, ill-health,
which is summed up as ill-luck. Cer
tain gems, such, for instance, ns opals,
ire esteemed ns stones of ill-onion
kaliimani reversed. It is nut, of course,
that their beauty Is brittle, but that
they carry with them ill-luck to their
wearers or owners. The truth of this
superstition is demonstrated by the
violent deaths which have befallen un
faekjr opal wearers. Have they not
succumbed to the ill-luck attending a
gem, to pain possession of which a
fellow-creature has not hesitated to
shed their blood? Xo doubt it is very
unlucky to awaken the covetousness
of a robber and a murderer.
Contniin of i.iiiik Darted Tomlta show
Vine Work of iiiiriy
The mlddle-agi i man Who has ex
plored life to weariness and whom nov
els will no longer stir may find his
sense of mystery and wonder excited
anew by the account of discoveries in
buried Egypt, says the London Out
look. Prof. Flinders Petrle, who has
devoted his life to exploration of the
soil and research Into the history of
that ancient land, completed last u eek
a series of highly instructive lectures
at the Royal institution. Long-buried
tombs of ancient kings have been dis
covered and explored, and. a!: hough in
nearly all cases these have b i -i pre
viously pillaged in the Roman ;.tc,
enough of the contents remain un
broken or overlooked till now to afford
ground for reconstructing, in outline
at least, a wonderful and unsusoected
civilization. When we are shown, for
example, specimens of goldsmith's
work dating from 4,7;"0 years before
the Christian era, which have never
been surpassed since in technical skill,
working of designs, variety of form
and perfection of soldering, we are
sobered somewhat in our belief that
the procesi of time means progress
and that the present is the best and
noblest era of civilization. We are
proud, for instance, of the products
of modern steam spinning and weav
ing. Yet the linen woven (i,000 years
ago was liner in thread and closer in
web than our finest cambric.
Conntrrreltera Rao Little Risk nml
Mill, Good Mitrcln on Grn
uiur I'olua,
To pass u counterfeit $1,000 bill is
an extremely difficult undertaking,
because the very size of it invites close
inspection, but counterfeit cents will
pass about as fast ns you hand thcim
out, even in banks, under the eyes of
experts, for their insignificant size dis
arms suspicion. This fact is being
very strongly impressed on the offi
cers of the national subtreasury, who
are now in receipt of an immense num
ber of these humble little counter
feits, says the Chicago Tribune.
About 500 of these little bogus coins
are arriving at the subtreasury daily,
and the April report shows that 13,108
counterfeit cents were received out
of a total of 373,870; yet the secret
service men are not able to locate the
counterfeiters. It is found that the
counterfeit cents are growing more
and more like the genuine ones, ns
practice is making perfect, and it is
often with difficulty that they are dis
tinguished. A strange feature if the business is
that the bogus cents are intrinsically
worth as much as the genuine ones.
They have the right quantity and
quality of metal in them, bear the
proper image and superscription, and
yet represent only IT cents, in value,
to the pound, while a pound of similar
coins, struck nt the Cnited States
mint, are legal tender for $1.50. The
margin makes profit enough to invite
counterfeit ing.
Not Afraid of a I.adjr.
Mouse What did you do when the
lady saw you?
ltut 1 ran, of course. Wouldn't
Mouse Xo, not on your life. I'd
make her scream and run. lloston
-Why He la Worthy.
Bell I had six offers of marriage
last mo:it:i. What do you think of
Nell Well, I think a man with such
bulldog tenacity is worthy of a better
fate. Chicago DiilyNews.
A Zoological Carlo.
"Scientists say that a man would
live longer if he walked on all fours,
s he used to do."
"Of course; other men would lock
him up In a cage and take care of him."
-Chicago Record-Herald.
Blranare Idraa of Stnip rr.'in.- lie
ardlnar thr Praprr Dirt for
thr llumaa RaMM.
Scarcely a yoar runs its cour.-t- with
out contributing to the great budget
of food-fads that hns been accumulat
ing ever sincr the days of the tir.f.
man who possessed at one and the
dame time an QZroertain digestion, nn
impressible mind, and the means of
pleasing his palate. Usui any of the
results been of general application.
Hie experimenting might have ended,
but none seem to have been satisfac
tory except to the experimenter and
his special followers, w ho formed but
n small fraction of the race, says the
I'hiludelphia Saturday livening I'ost.
l'ersons that are curious on the sub.
ject may rend of classes whose only
food was meat, others who ate only
flab, and some who subsisted solely on
vegetable diet, but they will lie hope
lessly puttied if they attempt to dis
cover which of the three became pre
eminent among their fellow-men.
Seasoning by analogy, the meat-eaters
point w ith priiTi' to lions and tigers,
the most masterful of beasts, yet the
vegetarians show that large frnines
anil belter temper are found in the
elephant and hippopotamus, and that
larger and stronger than half a dozen
lions, tigers, hippopotami nml ele
phants combined is the whale which
subsists solely on fish, and which has
n larger head, in roportion to body,
than any oilier animal,
The newest food-fad is that human
life can be maintained best by food
that itself is living. Like other nl
leged discoveries, this is not really
new, for the supreme dish at a Japan
ese feast is a live fish, iinil we Amer
icans, who arc not to be outdone by
nny older nice, consume millions of
live oysters daily I hl'OUgh nine months
of every twelve. As to that, w ho is there
that does tint delight in eating cher
ries direct from the tree nml berries
from the bush? To lie consistent, how
ever, the believers in live food should
take their wheat and oilier grain food
green and direct, In the field, and
sweeten their meals by chewing green
cane and sugar beets.
One 'if the most notable of peculiar
dietary customs is an American army
officer of good physique, who, in sev
eral years of exacting service at an
out-of-the-way western post, subsist
ed entirely on 'canned goods," it
was his etiatom to open cans at Hap
hazard, a Billgle can for each meal;
Whether the contents were fish, fowl
or flesh, vegetables or fruit, be nte
that and nothing more, and he lives
to tell the tale, Hut he was always
active, physically and mentally, ex
cept when asleep, and he breathed
fiesh air L'4 hours of every day,
BnarUsh ituyni laalsnsta.
The secretary for war has notified
to the army that the king has se
lected and approved the royal cipher
to be worn on badges, buttons and
Other devices thr ouglioiit the service
wherever the royal cipher is at pres
ent borne. The cipher consists of
"K" and "It" impaled with "VII." in
serted in the lower loop of the "E,"
the whole .surmounted by a crown,
and the design has been made plain
wi h ii folia i n, at his majesty's ex
press wish. No deviation from it
whatever will be permitted, and no
device or ornament will lie pia 1
above or upon it. The crown now to
be adopted and to become the scaled
pattern for the army Is the Tudor
"Henry VII." crown,- stated to have
been chosen and always used by
Queen Victoria personally: and all
other patterns are to lie abolished.
London tilobu.
A Hint for Inventors,
Church A Frenchman lias invented
a tobacco pipe which has u whistle in
the stem in order to enable the smoker
to summon a cab without taking tho
pipe from his mouth.
Gotham What we want now is a
cigarette with an attachment to sig
nal an undertaker without disturbing
the peace. Vonkers Statesman.
The I loud.
He There, dear, after toiling and
planning for years, we have at last
been able to buy this beautiful home,
and you ought to be perfectly hap-Py-She
Tint Tin not.
lie What's the matter?
She I know- we shall never be able
to sell it. Harper's Ituznr.
A Talkative Mule.
"She is so garrulous," said the
deaf mute, speaking of a friend who
was similarly affected.
"Is that so?"
"Yes. Why, do you know, when no
one is around for her to talk to she
makes her right hand talk to her
left." Baltimore American.
Seethe announcement nf thu Hiiyner Din
tilling I'O.. Dayton, Olilo. which appi-ar! viae-
where in Ihll laaue, explaining their plan of
HiipplyiiiK the conaumer with four full fpinrtH
of ilnyner'a Sevcn-A ear-Old llyo for SMAj ex-
i ..
ln-sn pit -piliu.
The man who tells you he has discov
ered a new summer drink hhould be
put in the class with the man who
asks you if it's not hot enough.
When the lightning made a strike
It a baseball game in Illinois the play
ers made a home run.
Two Vlfwa of It.
"You cannot fail to note," said the
French war expert, proudly, "that we
are taking the lead in adopting the
balloon and the automobile. Think of
the races that have been held re
cently!" "That is a wise precaution," re
turned the Yankee, "for, those who an
ticipate that they may want to get
away in a hurry, but it lacks interest
for those who look at the matter from
another point of view." Chicago Post.
i as CnAauaa n Chaos? yssas
Thr late I'rosl.lrnt s lifrltiiiK,riinra in war.
sajMajssftas la i taugrsat aad champion in Hoaaa
; it i,.-f.' MMi anvr.; nils ni'sr llir ri rsldt'til
ililf with macr gieal man vrhaa hia aye were
olosad in death) folloarad his ressalaa Hs
lloaaj Capitol an.l ao Cantao. MilUonanf eaplss
will Ih' oJI. Ma i-s sireoliiir likr Are in ilrv
-tn w.i,'. raM and K-iiax-ii taking lu tu Murder
dally, ft is tl.e i.fhelal I ... , k Kuiairira from
Govarnoia tana toe, editorials train irreut
itailien Last aaatdriaaj word ,,f wurlil'- .,t
j men hat Mono ss stand aa McKloiar's "IT IM
I mill's way," i' on tn I lis paooasrnavars ol
. last phoioKnilih of I'resiilent evrr taken. Yon
om oaally aod ooaokrji cloar 98,100, The Qoa
etal ttstates that shoes of pr.- .-r- f pala ol
I every hook sod -hull heilonated tmi M.Kinley
! Monument Food. Thoa evory aobocribar to Ihla
book hoosasSS a contributor in this hand.
I Kvrrvhodv will boy it: orders for the Baking!
I no oava will roftMo, Band IS l?i oaul starapa f..r
alaaanl nroapaetuat 10n,0OB eoptoa will ha sold
in tills vVKity qatek; vviiirs,wak haslnoss man
I fir TTnnasn of sntae ntasns nan mass s fortsns
I qnlsk by iiihl- sols oontrol ol s state .
roiooian HIiIk , ip. c. s Troasury,
1 11-7-lin. Washington, O, l.
Tnrklali Vornllana.
Turks nre very fopd of singing, and
boys or men with good voices are
eagerly sought after to make up water
parties. Their songs, however, are not
pleasing to Europeanears. Thesinger
leans his jaw on his hand, as if he had
toothache, and then emits a series of
yells, which arc impossible to convert
iuto Words, but which are supposed to
form songs, nearly every word being
followed by the Word "Ajuan." Some
time the whole song consists of long
draw n out "Amans." X. Y. World.
v Hlarillni Surprise,
Very few could believe in li nking
nt A. T. Loadley, .. healthy, mlu-t
blacksmith ol Tilden, Ind., that lor
beu years he suffered such tortures
from Itheumatisto at levy could n
dure and live, Bui a wonderful
obange followed his taking ISioctiic
liitti rs. "Two bottles wholly cured
me.'' he writep, "and I have not felt
a twinge in over a year." Tiny ro
Kulate the Hidueys, purify the blood
uiiil cure niieumutistn, Neuralgia,
NervouBnes8, Improve digestion
snd give Per. ect health. Try thcui.
OnlyoOcat Ihe Middleblurg Drug
Store, iy liili, Garinan & i'n.,
Rt hfi'eld, Pa., and Dr. J, VV, San.)'
sell, Penuscieek, Pa.
A 10,000 llnriieaa Urt.
The young Egyptian khedive is said
to possess the most cosily set of har
ness in the world. It is made of black
leather, with chased gold buckles and
collars ornamented with the same
post ly metal. The pad-cloths are also
embroidered with gold, and the set
is said to have cost JJL'.OUU. It is for
four horses and is used on all state
occasions. London Ex press.
IIiiUIuk Tnu.
(Juiiin What is ull thai waste paper
doing in Carter's yard?
Dc Fonts That isn't waste paper.
It's a great collection of steel tugs.
Carter fastened n tag to each seed so
he would have no difficulty in knowing
the variety when the flowers came up.
Chicago Daily News.
(TheOrosI Qermsn Sciential)
improved Double Extract of Barsa
parilla Mid Celery Compound Red
Clover, Beef nod l- Vegetables,
Routs anil Herbs, inn Minerals!
contains DOUBLE the Curatives of
any one dollar Medicine in the mar
ket and lasts TWIG us long. The
greatest Remedy of the Age, killing
all GERMS, destroyed all MICRO
BES ami a Bine and certain cure
tor KDNKY ami LIVER diBaseB,
Rbeurontlsm, Nervousness, Dyspe
psia. Malaria, Constipation, Sick
Headache and nil complaints airs
ing from impure blood. Regular
prioe tJl.OO per bottle l".., but in
order to get ii introduced in t Ins sec
tion we w ill sell at ."ii cents p r l t -tlo
or 1 bottles for SI .Mi until forth
er notice, lo not wait order now
if you aro ailing.
Tim above medicine is used in KV
ERY HOSPITAL and bv nil the
world to day, ituil highly endorsed
by all. Aililross,
April 18-Mt, ROME, X- Y.
rhntnirrmphed 1h t I
n i.ui ui. arc . W w a m
Made a
Well Man
the " of Me.
FRENOII sunflDov
prodaces the aboirn reaalt ln'30 ln ya. It artl
powerfully and uulcKly. Curea when all othera fall
Voting men will regain, their l.u t manhood, and old
men .111 recovor their youthful vigor by lining
III llll. It quickly and surely roatorea Narvoua
net ... Loat Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emlaaiona,
Ua it l'ower. Falling Memory, Waiting Dlacaeca.tod
11 ifecta of aelf abuao or exectsand indlacretlon,
whl ( Ii unOU ona for Btudy, buaine8a or marriage. It
Dot only curea by starting at tho seat of disease, bul
is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring
Ing back the pink Riow to palo cheekaandra
atoring the Are of youth. It warda off Jnsanttj
and Consumption. Inalat on having It
other. It can ho carried In vast pocket. By mall
1,00 per package, or six for B5 .)(), with a poal
tlve written guarantee to cure or refund
the money. Circular free. Addreaa
Royal Medicine Co.,
For milt in Mkldleburqh, Pa., hi
W. II. Ill "I I. Proprietor
418 Market St., Harrisburg Pa.,
(Oppoaita P. It. It Depot Entrance)
alleil lor All Tralna
Rooms, 25 and 50c. dood Meals, 25c
ll.OOto l.SS per day. W.OO to 5.00 per week.
Good accommodation. tt
gold bt draavlau.
Isn't it Worth 25c
To Be Cured of
People who suffer fmui habitual tStipatioB w ith all its attendant ill,
rltiggeil stomach and bowels, sluggish liver, heartburn, indigestion, and thin
and impure blood, are too apt to believe that the only remedy is violent
purgatives. The Contrary is th ease. Such cathartics, even if they do liinvii
the bowels, are Irritating and griping, h ave the stomach inflamed and enfeebled
and the constipated condition recurs with greater difficulty of cure and tho
sufferer constantly growing worso. There is a laxative that moves tho
bowels without pain or griping, cleanses the stomach, sharpens tho appetite.
Stimulates the liver, strengthens the nerves, and purities the blood, while its
marvellous tonic properties tuue up the entire system, and keep it healthy.
Laxakola Does It
Its remarkable tonic properties reach every organ the liver, kidneys
and stomach, nerve, heart and brain and removes the ruiise of vour debil
itated condition. This is thu only, w ay t soouro au absolute ami permanent
Laxakola is the only medicine for babies, is purely vegetable and its
action Is gentle, speedy and effective, Por coated tongue, simple fevers,
colds, chills an.l languid feeling it is the ideal medicine.
It tastes good. VST Children like it and ask for il., t l.c rr.vt tonic lasatlva, ib nut only the moat rfli. icnt el family r. mediea, bul i hr moil, ticnus? it cofubinaa Uii mriluinrs, n : lasatlva an.l lonli , an 'I .t I " i ii' b. No uthct
laaaady glvaa ao fur t he nonay. At dnigglata, --'t' and 01 nJ lui Iraa sample i LAXAK 'l.A
tu , 13 N.iisau btnsel, N. V , 01 SU llcarb.iin Street, CliKiiu.
Whea You Do Die, Die of Old A$p.
YOTJ CAN Hi; CURED by our onmbined movement-cure, hydrnjiAtliy nml Internal treat
tnnnu Wo not only maintain bul Ruuranteu that vlajoroua, IntiiileatitiK lieall Ii can bo ut
talnud by nil who, iimlor nur dlreci Ions, strive fur it by NATUH M. uieuns, We until you
u iii nf quoHtions from which your eaae is dlsgnoaed by oursi iiffof pliyslelnns i ueheaae
Is peolally preaorlbed f"r. if doctors have pronounced you Inourablu in any of iho lull ivrlug
diiuaaea, u will bo f vital interest to you to oommuPloatc with usst un.-.'.
Bright's Disensa and other Kidney Diseases, Rheumatism, Oon lumptiou. Weak
nesses of Women, Lost Mauliood, Bladder Diseases, Piles, Constipation, Blood Dis
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Woodby (interrupting) Yes, that's
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