The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 21, 1901, Image 2

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Envelopes v(i
We have a job lot of note
heads on hand. They must go
quick. The price will do It.
Samples and prices (or the ask
ing. We furnish them printed
for less than you can buy them
without printing.
v'-:. night a b rs en- J
I 1
Having bcughl so many
we securr-; r ek. boM
ea t
Ceo. W. WiiRciistlkT, I ditor and Proprietor.
A Family Journal, Dcvated la i-s. scitnce, An. Political ftrsaasr-T and lurrtni Litiratart.
Halt: One Dollar !r Anrm. in A'Saaci
''lAlllllLOCH LACONICS iffip
Horn to Wlney B Ouster and wife--n
The Infant daughter of Edwin Oharki
lias bwn seriously ill.
Fok Hale.- A good second-hand bi
cycle, apply nt thin otllce. tf.
Wank receipt Imoks for sale at this
nflloe. 2o rcoeipta hi a iook, 10 ots., .1
for ir o. tf.
W Trrttn Potatoes and apples want
ed by Hummel and Hummel.
Kramer, I'a. tf.
AHk for Dobbin's Triple scented Toilet
Soap at the Mlddleburg Drug Store.
The best on the market. tf.
Bbomocs Bbou, Bbll Chothino
BL'KV. A Child of Elmer E. Musser died last
week having been ill with membrane
ous croup.
HorsK rou sai.k. My home and lot
in Midrilehurg borough i offered for
sale, nquire of A. J. Crosgrove.
Walnuts wanted I want 1000
bushels of walnut and am Willing
pay 40 cent a bushel Boykk,
tf. Paxtonville, Pa.
Bhosious Bros. Bell Clothiko
Cheapku than any Ktore in Sun-
If your hair is falling out, or you are
with dandruff or baldness, write for
booklet to Southern Medicine Co., Har
rinian, Teun. Read their ad. in the
Dried apples wanted I want five
or six tons of dried apples and am
willing to pay 0 cents a pound.
Chakles Boyer,
tf. Paxtouville, I'a.
The Southern Medicine Co. of Har
riman, Tenn., has made a remarkable
discovery that will cure dandruff, and
make hair grow on bald heads. Read
ad. in the Post.
A thanksgiving service will be held
in the Lutheran church Sunday even
ifig, Nov. 1M, conducted by the Wo
men's Home and Foreign Missionary
Society. All are invited.
Comer Thomas, the author, has our
thanks for a copy of "Mollic the Rose
Ken mare or I Gathered those Flowers
with Mollic." It is a beautiful musical
composition and copies can be had by
addressing the author.
Lost. A hound about twelve years
old, black Ian, slightly gray, with a
lump on his front right knee, and
walks with a slight limp. Reward of
5.00 is offered for return of same.
T. R. Hostekman, Middleburgi Pa. tf,
Call on A. b). Boles in his pew shav
ing and hair cutting parlor for your
heart cleaned with a refreshing sham
poo and a clean towel to each patron
on the north side of Market square op
posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar
anteed, tf.
Brosious Rhos. Bell Clothing
Cheaper than any Stoue in Si n
RUBY. They auk easy. If your liver feels
good, you feelgood. McNair's Stomach
and Liver Pills tones the stomach, rc-
milatcs the liver, makes life worth liv
ing. Rest pill, ilo gets them postpaid.
Try them.
West Side PHARMACY Co.,
hMM-lOt. Ratavia, Ills.
Some dealers pay too much t'oi their
goods, some want too much profit.
We still believe in quick sales and small
profits, we art-selling genuine Raking
j Ntia at Ho per lb. ""d other goods in
A. S. Ski iiiust,
tf. VerdJJJa. Ps
Some of our young ladles have or
ganised what they call the In Club,
ft Dm purpose of spending time pleas-
ni ly and profitably, They moot every
Saturday evening and render a literary
program. The officers are: Iteitha
t iUsc, President; MaU-l Moyer, Secre
tary; Claim (Irayhtll, Tivamirer.
A pleasant gathering lo.ik place at
the home of Ml llertha Eixilny Sati
I ivy evening (W a tatl pull. Thoae
ho I maeut weiv : Mumo Carvy NV II-
I'w, I l.u e lloverw, l.oltle and IW
jtlm UriHUSS Maine Reaver, Malxl My I
rr MTiiu mi. .lull. .. i ... i i ..... . .
I'lumUi Renulusei and M.wm John J.
h'., inov ' .in on, ,
Itolwndvr, l,Haud Earl WUwv, Ira II.
IhiMhta, Ralph CUdait, The exemnn
Uaa spaut with plaaavtl
Teachers' Institute begins next Mon
day. Did von tret u bill for the fourth time j
from the Post?
When you cut a cruller, do sou swal
low the hole 1
Unless a letter has u stamp on it, it
remains stationery.
People, who marry in haste, tome
times repent in Dakota.
The bone of contention is generally
picked pretty clean.
The beauty we see without is but a
reflection of that within.
Lives or great men oft' remind us
that there are hook agents.
Talking of big feet, some people's
shoes cover twoachcrs.
Many a man is afraid of ghosts, hut
can't he scared by spirits.
K. B. Elartman offers Ids distillery
for sale. See ad. in the Post.
If "a noisy noise annoy- an oyster,"
can a calm clam calm a clamorous lamb
Slammoring for clammy clams?
The difference between a playbill ami
a landlord is that the playbill gets
stuck on a bill board and the landlord
gets stuck on a hoard hill.
S. S. Walter Monday killed 2 hogs
that weighed 760 pounds, It made 6
oansoflard. They killed a turkey and
invited their relatives to a sumptUons
Queer how a can
Of whisky straight
(Jan give a man
A crooked gait.
An editor way out in Nebraska has
discovered the biggest trust mi rpnord.
It is the County Newspaper Trout
They trust everybody, get cusned n.r
trusting, trusted for cussing and Anally
go busted for trusting.
It is doubtful if during all the seasons
of the Lakeside Assembly, among the
hundreds of lecturers from all parts of
the United States, any one of them
gave better satisfaction than Elijah P.
Brown did in his splendid lecture, "In
the Spectacle Business. C. (!. Lano
ik)n, Superintendent, Flndley Lake,
N. Y.
Fat hogs command such a good price
on the market at present that we are
tempted to fatten our yearling sows
and convert them into cash. If we do.
we are apt to make a serious mistake.
Hogs are high, hut they are apt to le
high this time next year. Pfty-cenl
corn means 5-cent hogs or better. High
priced corn is causing a shrinkage in
the number of bugs raised and fed.
This decrease in the supply will also
tend higher hog prices.
Don't forget the Teachers' Institute
next week. A strong program can be
expected. Our people generally should
. ea-e their usual vocations and spend
Thanksgiving week at the Institute.
Bring your wives and children to this
intellectual banquet. Remember the
Patricolo Concerts arc grand and you
cannot afford to miss them. Ham's
Horn Brown is a veritable cyclone in
the Marks of a Prince. Tickets for sale
at the Commissioners' office.
Mr. Brown gave u- three lectures,
and has left t:s to meditate upon his
hundreds Of terse sayings; many of
them a lecture In Itself. There is no
doubt of his brilliancy or of his mag
netism. He talked evenly and quietly ;
no bluster: no spread-eagleism. He
kept a grip on every one; a grip no one
could loosen. Mr. Brow U is not onlv
distinguished as a writer of quaint
philosophy, huthe is a brilliant speak
er as well. Not brilliant as a rhetori
cian, but as a clear and forceful think
er, Whose every sentence is laden with
truth and instruction. The unique
nets of Ids character dashes all through
hishvtures, and his plaint humor and
philosophy mark all he says. "Re
view," Winona Lake, lud. Mr. Rivwu
Will Deal the Teachers' Institute Thurs
day evening. Nov. JS, 1801.
The date for the execution of Rowe
and Ksiper by the Govsntoi was ori
ginally Rxed lor January 16th, bol thai
date falling on QUkltM Session Court
week, the time ha teen svstpunsl to
January 38th. The murder of Cashier
Charles W. Ryan of Halifax, of w hich
the yOUng men w eiv cnvlctl and sen
tenced, occurred last March, and their
NttUUl leu v ill therefor.' take place In
leas than a ytr after the crime was
committed. Since the day of their ex
ecution has KviiscIIIcaI, i he young des
Hradot aiv tHgiiiulHK to rvalue the
wiormily oi t beli dcl and the fearftil
penalty that lllslnrtly follow. They
had been hoping all along that a miti
gation Ol' their sentence might la
brought aUmt in -onie way.
Hon. Jay O. Welser was away on a
political mission last week.
Joseph L. Marks made a business trip
to Philadelphia last week.
H. H. Herbster of Pennscreek was a
Mlddleburg visitor Sunday.
Mrs. Zimmerman of Mlfllillburg is
visit ing ( ). ( '. QutelilM and family.
Miss Jennie Charles m visiting her
brother, Bdwin, and family in town.
Oliver II. Rowersox of VIekaburg was
a Mlddleburg visitor last Friday to get
his sale hills.
Ed. Hummel, of Franklin township,
dropped In to pay bis subscription last
Orlando Tobias has accepted a poai
tiou as an insurance agent and is work
ing in Lock Haven.
T. R Hcoterman shot IS rabbits Sat
urday. Tom can shoot rabbits even if
he (lid lose a iS dog.
Clayton Reitmyer, of New Columbia
a Spanish war veteran, spent Sunday
with his comrade, Harry Bpecht.
.Nathan Forney, wife and child of
Pfouts Valley, Perry county, sjs'iit
Sunday with W. I. Carman and wife.
Haymond Kutz la now going t" train
a clothing merchant A young son re
gistered at his house last Friday nii:ht.
John A I'ui k, who bad been at
Bunbuiy, has again returned to Middle
iiurn, where nappini reigns supreme
for him.
.Miss i.iiitue ininkeiUTger H-nt a
few days in Williamsport during the
past week getting some new millinery
Amnion B. Walter, Jacob linuraman,
Joel Seller and several others made up
a hunting party last week to go to
the White IX-tr Mountain wbeie they
shot one deer and one bear.
Bruce H. Crouse and Luther Moata
Of this place left last week for sonic
the busy towns near Pittsburg in search
of employment. The isiv- may turn
up in Bombay or St. Petersburg.
Prof. A. A. KJllian, Principol of the
a iso mown puonc scnoois, was m our
village Saturday afternoon between
trams. He was re-elected to bis pres
ent position with a mist of J?0 per
month in -alary.
Prof. Keller, proprietor of Keller's
Business College, Lewisbiug, was at the
county seat last Friday. He has huilt
up a large s, um.i m the sister e..unt '
metropolis. Quite a number of Snyder
county student- have completed the
1). Norman App was appointed by
lUecouniV eomui: Mlicrs .Murtav ;.s
the delegate from Bnyder County to the
National Live Stock Association which
convenes in Chicago Dec. ;;- inclusive
Mr. App is a stock raiser of more than
ordinary ability In that line.
Letter to Hon. ti. Alfred Srhoch,
Dear Sir: The late president of the
Croton Biver Bank, at Brewsters, N.
Y., built the duest house all in that re
gion, in l-l. and painted it with lead
and oil at a cost ot j400 the house COSl
ln 1887 three years he repainted
it with Devoe at a cost of $K0. In KO
this paint was in good condition.
Lead and oil. f too. three vears. IV-
viH' $;tot, ten years. Yours truly.
P. w. Devob A Co.
fteipSSSS'S Bad Movt.
When Sampson plaitsl hlniscll' in
the hands of the strategy board, he did
not know that he was falling into the
arms of his enemies Atlanta Consti
tution. This is the banner month, so far as
pay is concerned, in the history of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company in
Altoona. Within the past three days
it has paid to its army of employes in
that plaiv fMO.OOO. That is the sum
they earned during October. Shop men
ami railroaders are working overtime.
The last steamer to return from Cape
Nome brought (500,1300 in goid. It also
brought over 100 men who had no
money to pay fare and had stowed
themselves away ou the ship when it
sailed, leaving hundreds of others who
were just as destitute and not so for
tunate m securing passage. The search
for gold Is as alluring as gambling and
the chance of success hardly mom uu-gsMasja
Vit Victimised Dalle
Lot of Our
About two weeks ego, Ed. Corkins
of Bunbury and a man u horn be intro
duced as Frunk Scott, a life insurance
agent, came to this place am) succeed
ed in talking 15 or JO of our people Into
giving up three dollars far an accident
policy. The policy holders sod $8.00
flown and were required to pay ll.oo
js-r mouth which was to cany with it
i k and accident bensntsof HO a week.
Scott gave a receipt for the the money
and agrcl to deliver (he policy the fol
lowing Thursday. The receipt do.-
DUt rasas any com patty, He did not
require any examination ud the char
acter of the risks generally can he camly
Hunnis.s con-ideritig the lenient n
urfretnents. Saturday Chief of Police,
H. R. Rickhart, of this plac e, received
the following notice.
Bunbury, i., Nov is, 1901.
A man giving his name u Frank
Scott alias Frank Curtis, 28 years ol
age, height ahout S feet Inches,
weighs about ISO pounds, complexion
light, blue eyes, light hair and light
moustache, wenrs a dark hlu.- -nit and
blue cap and light tan shoes, accom
panied by a woman, aUmt J) y-ars of
age, height aliout S f.-t inches,
weight aixiut 130 pounds, crmplexion
light, brown eye, l,air, wears a
black coat and skirt and at tirnea a!
gr-en, grny ami black striped sblrt
snuat The man representsa number
of insurance companies, bat mostly
works on the Fidelity and 'aeuaJty of
New York and Philadelphia They
stop at hoard big housee In prefer:. . to
A. A. Mktti.kk. Chief of Poii.s-.
It seems Mr. Corkin- Hispected that
all was not right an t . j
ed somethings that conflrm-l b ns
pickma, rejrt-d the matter Ui t
pousjc authorities, but n-x tail Bastt I
f;r pttrta unknown.
The Popt has frequently, ves
paatedly, aii i--l its readers n-vr
give money to -: rangers until '.h1 g i
ere dallvered.
Extract) from tbe Gears Lam.
Numenius iiejuiries relative ..
eale of rabbits have led us to prl
following extracts fnm tlie Act f J
4th, 1317, which N tbe Litest a.-: q
statute bks relative to the -.1
game. Section 5 of said Act
follow?: Sections. That it shall be unlawful I
at any period "r season of the year, to
kill, outran, or nnnuie with intent t.'
1.111 . ,. ,1. 1 t ,, .; 1
nut "I 1 1 1 1 .1 1 .1.1 em, uixi . u .1 1 e .
turkey, pheasant, grouse, '(Jail, part
ridge or woodcock in auy j-art of this,
oommon wealth for tbe purpose of sil- j
Ing tbe same. And it shall be unlaw-1
ful for the proprietor, manager, clerk or
agent of any market or other person,!
tirni or corporation, to purchase, sell or
expose for sale any elk, deer. fawn,
wild turkey, pheasant, grouse, quail,!
partridge or woodcock kided or entrap,
ed within this Commonwealth.
That it shall be unlawful for the pr-:
prietor, manager, clerk irag.nt of any
market or any other person, Orator
corporation to purchase for the purpose
of again selling the same, any elk. deer,
awn, wild turkey, pheasant, grouse, i
quail) partridge or woodoock killed or
entrapped within this Common weed th 1
Whoever shall offend sgainsl any of
the provisions of this sec tiou shall 11
liable to a penalty of one hundred dol
lars for every elk. deer, fawn s taken.
purchased or sold, and twenty-rive dol. I
lars for every wild turkey, phea -nt,
quail, partridge or wexnliMek so taken, ;
pur .uiscd or sold, or by Imprisonment
in the county jail for a period of one!
day for eaeli dollar of penalty iniiwd. 1
By tbe foregoing section rabbits are
included and ma be sold.
section t', of the same Aet limits the
'killed bv one
amount of gain to be
person to 10 raffed grouse t pheasants,
quaL, 10 woodcock and . wild tur
keys in one day, and - dew in one sea
Teltphoot Lint Agaia Sold,
l'he Juniata and Susquehanna Tele
phone Co. has sxild its linos to the Un
ited Telephone and Telegraph Com
pany. It Is said that tbrOUgb lines
will bo run at once as far as Harris-
burg ami Altoona. Eventually the
lines of the United L and T. Co. w ill
have a net work that will cover
Miss Abbie Carman of Oriental is
visiting her sister-, Mrs. IteuoandMrv.
f F. Walter.
The annual Bnyder County Teachers'
Institute will he held in Mlddleburg
during the week beginning Monday
Nov. S, 1901.
Educators of large and variisi experi
ence will Is- prawn I to give instruction
1 1 j ri ii if the day session-, notably among
hom will be Prof. B. F. Heydrick,
Professor of Literature, Millersvllle
Normal School; Mr- I.
California Normal School
B. Nfi of
Bupc. J. M.
Cougblin of Wilkesbarn, Pa.; Supt, D. tremendou applause hL pie Ing el -A.
Harraan of Haxleton, Pa. led, and by th- .
Monday evening will is: devoted t
a Bilscellaneous prornam In which a
number of prominent teachers will pr-
Ucf pate.
Tu5lay evening, a lectors by Host.
FmL I k. l-r, subject: "Agitators."
Wednesday evening, a musical enter
lainment hy Ute Palrlcola Concert Obk ' Mr. liutir prosed tfa be oald rnxe
Thursday evening, Elijsti Powell kla Instrnment -;; in iwcet xrA
Brown known to the pobllc thalteocleraeesDtess WeU m strong, aad la
Item's Horn Man, subject : "The Marka lbs Laub-Wilbeii , . - ....
of a Prince." Ilnguisttliig xselllty of execatPja eh ss
Iire.-tor-' luxy w. ill observed 00 1 pes1 eminent.
Tbursdsy afternoon. Prof. Wee. Xost-1 kiss iuxe m
ling Will aiMrM the meeting on the, ":.:''. A --.!. -i.-.i '.
subject : "Defects in th- A iu...,-:r- M.--iU;,, -. ,r--i v;, - .. - - - v
Uon of Our Public S boosi a Seen by a tbe Scbiller lob bef re audience of
Director.'1 other addrsi, 1 . ,.
IiUfie by prominent :kerv
Prof. Paul Rilihart will bare barge
of tbe music. Mr. w. F. hr,wr. ....
preside at the piano.
Tbe Mlddleburg or zrx
natfa musfa lor tbe evening -. mstave
Wednesday evening
I an assure the tea. hrx. director!
and public that no jttin. have s-r.
sparsd to procure tbe v-ry best -i.-r.'
for day and evening instraetsoa sad
-nterta.r.::.-:... ! .- . - r. .x. l-si
U present on this .- .-iT a r,Kit pp si..- e ..i i Isrtenail I -zramni-.
Tr.a: we havr . -i si-.i xz. i.-.-r. xa Ham ... ra sad
will be j'tstifleii. we believe, by the are are ? aer .:. ef - .. ...r ;r
verdirt of ad who hil attend the la-1 a.:uri.eii seaiy assis u- .- im .res are.
ititure. 1 ..." . "
Stsrbs tss Tseta't ( i
In th. -- -
f r IHfi tbe "V- i Compsni
I putii. :
three hundred good stories. F-.r sr-,
lesof stories which promise to - x-,
'vptiotiuilv entertaining will faies
of a Missisaiptu Pilot," and ' Tales
an Indian Agent.'' There will be f urj
stories in .-a. ;: group.
Among the contributors of B a do.r-1
Ing 1003 will be Annie Fellows, Eva I
Wilder lirodbead, Arthur t'.. McFar
lane. Homer tireeoe, Elbwortb Kellj
EBa W. Peattle, Grace M. tiaUagher
Alios Morgan, Elbatbeth Mc ra.-N.-t .
C. A. Stephens. Alice Brown, Ja. k
London. H. S. CanOoid, Manrsrv:
Johnson, Edward W. Thomson, ,'ar
rol V. Bankin, May P. .. r. i !srk
arah Orne Jewett, Margaret a:-.
Maishal! Bauuders i Sarah lla:::
well Elliot.
A full announcement of tbe new vol-1
ume will be sent to any aa.irvs,-. on re-1
.....w. ti... ., r.m il.1 . i. . I
'juisi. i i.e iie ?awii.i ivi i.r- w iu
cmaa 9X. iw lor me ue miuiur .1. oucv .
, . -. , ., ,
win receive irw aii the letuamiLg ea
st res for 1901, including the double
Holiday Numbers; oh the "OoenpanL
on" Calendar for 1908; lithographed in
twelve Oolon and gold.
Tbi Vocth's Coat pajciox,
ISo Columbus Ave.. 15s;.'n. Mi...
TO CCKtl t lll.ll IISII U AT
Tdke IjULUve K.iuHluiuiue Tablets.
All dnunrists refund the nionev if it
fails to cure, E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. V. tf.
"Sing a song from day to day.
Some sad heart will hear it :
Plant a Bower and go your way,
Some poor soul will wear it."
Cot a pleasant won! to say J
Let us hear it right away.
Something bitter you would speak !
Keep it bottled up a week.
Mr. Prown wn heard with pleasure
Ik.. b Inrve audience. Our neonle are
accustomed to hearing the best Uvturers
on the jilatfonn to-day, and wen. more
than delighted with the Item's Horn
Man. Dk. T. I. Covltas, Xorristown,
t at
The Patsleola Oi
pany wlllglve a
I Institute in MUM
f'-ri'-lii r-'
Wedm - fai
evenings N.v. 71;,.
srojeoH v 1 uktila.
Phlladelphie, Ps Itailroad Men's
Wswa iHguo Patrk oia tio- j'ir-t em
bunrtt pianist we bare 'r bad h-r
His engagement was nomew hat of an
j experiment, but thai ii a-j.. en r. tir-ty
sueessBfttl one waa . ;. .. .,1 ,,v
sxt'w.-rsi .;..-. . - . ..r -
'oril'iiltf-. ftff-r Tl rt
Hcaaxsn watuuL
st Paul Minn Dispatch Mr. Bat
ter, tte violinist, not a dlsappirlsl
sat, and bis nam ben A-r- zt---i
ith the rnthnassnn th IsserveaL
-.-.- M iu 1 tpexrs soeaasss
roirra, o weB taiaed, ssstgreatty
Joyed. T- isrtngs j M-;.-f .--. and
aad Tbe Laat Roae f titmiararr est
with ttn....i.-,.i- . rtad Use est
Ihnsssstl i. Dssssra ssrj . .. fesetitl
- ms te 1 - - iBb a..- iru.-. sad
aga.r. 4 tbis yessag Lady basse -j-z:
roi e ar- -. kn . .
the .: aad rx.i j rJL
,.iz- i:
f.hi x, H-itn.-: :. ie TiaaT
vi .X4J- .a mm
r -
4-e latw j-;.. v .. j ..;., c
wy ' "Tber-! n ocMdera i-'a ur.
: a e ijeB&iwa j Sisin
teasaat xgxz. Jsstsxsry tmt,
-.r. -a--. t tevatnM
1 Kla rity - I pssss s - s
strut sad s. S - an
at saa r-
I - He Jl
H aa'e '
.- ' sarasas
r. .'L.'-t-'. : r -
Ii-'s-.- t: cban
" peratj
the So irx I
entire aet&
i itrs truly
: . SALE.
oslv; ci
Crea: d -
e:.:s' Ibrnsd ::
:. Saturday, N
r i-!oe
about 00 rlays
Itastnxsa. Doo
i;.t ti i uv ha
ail - fa entire :.xk
srUl be sold a: al at
slf price. H
irt a tew ; rtces :
Meet's I -' ' Baits a.: IsVjS
Men TOSuhsal iJS
Men - W ui: a: tVSB
Men 't i I i Overcoats at SSJB
Men ' Ovewoate at LSt
Men 10.00 CKercoats al ISO
All our 30c and TV -rtrt at Sw
All our SOc and TV Cn ;. rsreat at .6e
f adtss' I V Hose a: j
Children' I5e Hose a: a
Evervtblcg i redoeed al aNnit price.
IV'n't fail te come, remember we are
I lemvtog towa in about SO days.
F. K T7.
Next to Court Houas. Mkldiebarg, Pa.
si..,., ttar i onsli sua Works orTiae old
Laxative BrooxeQuinirte Tablets cure
a cold in a day. No cure, no pay. Price
K cent. tf.
XtrarnuU i.runiin. luke
DtVOS Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice
a long as lead and oil mixeil by hand.
The man with the most prviperty is
the one w ith the guatest will power.
There is well grounded rumor afloat
which leads to the belief among statiou
agents that they will receive annual
passes next year, the same as con
ductors and engineers.