The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 21, 1901, Image 1
ft Hote THeabs We have a job lot of note heads on hand. They must go quick. The price will do it. Samples and prices for the ask ing. We furnish them printed for less than you can buy them without printing. Wo b ught a large con- f Blgnment envelopes 1 Having bought sj many 2 we secured a reck bo1' JT andCo 8nvelope8 1$ Ceo. W. WafMStHtf, Iditorand Proprietor. VOL. XXXYIII '"' LUCID LOCAL LACONICS jjj 5 Horn to Wincy E Custer and wife it daughter The infant daughter of Eidwtn Ohulci has bnn seriously ill. Fob Sale. a good second-hand bi- cycle, apply at this office. tf. Blank receipt Isioks for nale at this office. 26 receipts In a ismk, 10 cts., 3 for i5 c. tf. Wantkd Potatoes and apples want ed by Hummel and Hummel. Kramer, Pa. tf. Ask for Dobbin'sTriple-scented Toilet Soap at the Mlddleburg Drug Store. The best on the market. tf. Bnosiors Duos. SELL CHOTBTNG OHSaFBB than any Stohk in Sl'N- BUKY. A child of Klmer E. Musser died last week having been ill with membrane ous croup. HOUBH kou Sale. My house and lot in Middletmrg borough in offered for sale. Inquire of a. J, Crosgtove. 10-24-4t. Walnuts wanted I want 1000 bushels of walnuts and am willing to pay 40 cents a bushel. Boykk, tf. PaxtonviUe, Pn. Bkobioih Bros. Sell Clothing Cheapkk than any Stoke in 8un- 11UBY. If your hair is falling out, or you are with dandruff or baldness, write for booklet to Southern Medicine Co., Har riman, Tenn. Read their ad. In the Post. Dried apple-; wanted I want five or six tons of dried apples and am willing to pay 0 cents a pound. Charles Boykr, tf. Paxtouville, Pa. The Southern Medicine Co. of Har riman, Tenn., has made a remarkable discovery that will cure dandruff, and make hair grow on bald heads, Head ad. in the Post. A thanksgiving service will be held in the Lutheran church Sunday even ing, Nov. 24, conducted by the Wo men's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. All are invited. Comer Thomas, the author, has our thanks for a copy of "Mollie the Hose Kenmareor I Gathered those Flowers with Mollie." It is a beautiful musical composition and copies can be had by addressing the author. Lost. A hound about twelve years old, black Ian, slightly gray, with a lump on his front right knee, and walks with a slight limp. Reward of $5.00 is offered for return of same. T. H. Hostkkman, Mlddleburg, Pa. tf, Call on A. F. Soles in his new shav ing and hair cutting parlor for your head cleaned with a refreshing sham poo and a clean towel to each patron on the north side of Market square op posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar anteed, tf. BB0SIOUS Hkos. Sell CLOTHING Cheaper than any Stoke IN Si n- llfKY. They are easy. If your liver feels good, you feel good. McNair's Stomach and Liver Pills tones the stomach, re gulates the liyer, makes life worth liv ing. Best pill, 25c gets them postpaid. Try them. West Side Pharmacy Co., lD-24-10t. Batavia, Ills. Some dealers pay too much for their goods, some want too much profit. We still believe in quick sales and small profits, we are selling genuine Baking Soda t 3c per lb. and other goods in proportion. A. 8. Sec iirist, tf- Verdilla, Pa Some of our young ladies have or ganized what they call the Ivy Club, for the purpose of spending time pleas antly and profitably They meet every Saturday evening and fender a literary program. The officers are : Bertha Crouse, President; Mabel Moyer, Secre tary; Claire Uraybill, Treasurer. A pleasant gathering took place at the home of Miss Bertha Erdley Satur diy evening for a taffy pull. Those who i resent were: Misses Carey Wil lis, Hat tie iiowersox, Lottie and Ber tha Crouse, Maine Beaver, Mabel Moy er Eva Stelnlnger, ClalreJGrayblll, Phoebe Bennlnger and Messrs. John J. Bolender, Lee and Earl Wlney, Ira H. Qutellus, Ralph Clelan. The evening was spent with pleasant games. Teachers' Institute begins next Mon day. Did you get a bill for the fourth time from the Post? When you eat a cruller, do you swal low the hole ? Unless a letter has a stamp on it, it remains stationery. People, who marry in haste, soine- tlmea repent in Dakota. The bone of contention is generally picked pretty clean. The beauty we see without is but a reflection of that within. Lives of great men oft' remind us that there are hook agents. Talking of biK fuel, some people's shoes cover t woachers. Many a man is afraid of ghosts, but can't be scared by spirits. F. H. Hartman offers his distillery for sale. See ad. in the Post. If "a noisy noise annoys an oyster," can a calm clam calm a clamorous lamb clamnioring for clammy clams? The difference between a playbill and a landlord is that the playbill gets stuck on a bill board ami the landlord gets stuck on a board bill. S. S. Walter Monday killed 3 hogs that Weighed 760 pounds. It made', cans of lard. They killed a turkey and inviiea ineir relatives to a sumptuous meal. Queer how a can Of whisky straight Ian give a muu A crooked gait, An editor way out in Nebraska has discovered the biggest trust mi record. It is the County Newspaper Tnit' They trust everybody, get cus-nl lor trusting, trusted for cussing ami finally go busted for trusting. 1 1 is doubtful if during all the seasons of the Lakeside Assembly, among (lie hundreds of lecturers from all parte of the United States, any one of them gave better satisfaction than Elijah P. Brown did in his splendid lecture, "In the Spectacle Business. C. G. La no don, Superintendent, Findley Lake, N. Y. Fat hogs command such a good price on the market at present that we are tempted to fatten our yearling sows and convert them into cash. If we do, we are apt to make a serious mistake. Hogs are high, but they are apt to be high this time next year. Ffty-cenl corn means 5-cent hogs or better. High priced corn is causing a shrinkage in the number Of bogs raised and fed. This decrease in the supply will also tend higher hog prices. Don't forget the Teachers' Institute next week. A strong program can be expected. Our people generally should .ease their usual vocations and spend Thanksgiving week lit the Institute. Bring your wives and children to this Intellectual banquet Remember the Patrlcolo Concerts are grand and you cannot afford to miss them. Lam's Horn Brown is a veritable cyclone in the Marks of a Prince. Tickets for sale at the Commissioners' office. Mr. Brown gave us three lectUKfei and has left us to meditate upon his hundreds of terse sayings; many of them a lecture in itself. There is no doubt of his brilliancy or of his mag netism. He talked evenly and quietly j no bluster; no spread-eagleism. He kept a grip on every one; a grip no one could loosen. Mr. Brown is not only distinguished as a writer of quaint philosophy, but he is a brilliant speak er as well. Not brilliant as a rhetori cian, but as a clear and forceful think er, whose eypry sentence is laden with truth and instruction. The unique ness of his character Hashes all through his lectures, and hit quaint humor and philosophy mark all he says. "He view," Winona Lake, Ind. Mr. Brown will beat the Teachers' Institute Thurs day evening. Nov. 28, 1901. The date for the execution of Howe and Keiper by the Govern 01 was ori ginally tlxed lor January Kith, but that date falling on Quarter Session Court week, the time has been post poned to January 28th. The murder of Cashier Charles W. Ryan of Halifax, of which the young men were convicted and sen tenced, occurred last March, and their execution will therefor.) take place in less than a year after the crime was committed. Since the day of their ex ecution has been settled, the young des peradoes are beginning to realize tbe enormity of their deed and the fearful penalty that will shortly follow. They had been hoping all along that a miti gation of their sentence might be brought about in some way. A l iimilj Journal, Dcvoud to News. Science. Art. Political Economy and Current Literature. MIDDLE BURG II SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. NOV. 21 1901 Hon. Jay G. Welser was away on political mission last week. josepn Li. .Marks made a business trln to Philadelphia last week. I ii il l. m . ii. ii. nerosieroi rcnnscrecK was a Mlddleburg visitor Sunday. Mrs. Zimmerman of Miillinimrg is visiting (i. ('. GuteliUS ami family. Miss Jennie Charles is visiting her brother, Edwin, and family in town. Oliver H. Howersox of Vicksburg was a Mlddleburg visitor last Friday to get his sale bills. Ed. Hummel, of Franklin tow nship, dropped in to pay his subscription last Friday Orlando Tobias has accepted a si tiou us an insurance agent and is work ing in Lock Haven. T. H Hosterman shot 18 rabbits Bat unlay. Tom can shoot rabbits even if he did lose u $25 dog. Clayton Heitmyer, of New Columbia, a Spanish war veteran, spent Sunday w ith his comrade, Harry Spccht. Nathan Forney, wife and child of Pfoute Valley, Perry county, spent Sunday with W. I. Carman and wife. Huymoiid Katz is now going to train a clothing merchant. A young son re gistered at bis house last Friday night. John A. Duck, who bad been at Buubury, has again returned to Middle burg, where happiness reigns supreme for him. .Miss J.ililiie DUhKcllicrger spent a few days in Williamsport during the past week getting s;me new millinery ideas. Amnion It. Walter, Jacob Blngaman, Joel Seller and several others made up a hunting party last week to go to the White Deer Mountain w hcic they shot one deer und one bear. Bruce H. Crouse and Luther Moat. of this place left last week for some of the busy towns near Pittsburg in search of employment. The boys may turn up in Bombay or St. Petersburg. Prof. A. A. Killian, Principal of the Watsontown public schools, was in our village Saturday afternoon between trains. He Was re-elected to his pres ent position with a raise oi f.'u per month in salary. Prof. Keller, proprietor of Keller's Business College, Lewisbtug, wasal the county seat last Friday. He has bull) up a large school in tbe sister county's metropolis. Quito a number of (Snyder county students have completed the course. I). Norman App was appointed by the county commissioners Monday as the delegate from SnyderCoiinty to the National Live stock Association which convenes lu Chicago Dec. 8-0 Inclusive Mr. App is a stock raiser of more than ordinary ability in that line. Letter to Hon. (1. Alfred Schoch, MlDDLEBUBOH, Pa. Dear Sir: The late president of tbe Croton River Hank, at Brewsters, N. Y., built the 11 nest house all In that re gion, in 1884, and painted it with lead and oil at a cost of $400 the house cost 881,000. lu 1887 three years be repainted it with Devoe at a oost of 8860. In 1887 this paint was in good condition. Lead and oil, 1400, three years. De voe 880, ten years. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe A Co. s. mil's. his s Had Move. When Sampson placed himself in the hands of the strategy board, he did not know that he was falling into the arms of his enemies Atlanta Consti tution. This is tlic banner month, so far as pay is concerned, in the history of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in Altoona. Within the past three days it has paid to Its army of employes in that place fiolO.OOO. That is the sum they earned during October. Shop men and railroaders are working overtime. The last steamer to return from Cape Nome brought $500,000 in goid. It also brought over 100 men who had no money to pay fare and had stowed themselves away on the ship when it sailed, leaving hundreds of others who were just as destitute and not so for tunate in securing passage. The search for gold is as alluring as gambling and the chances of success hardly more un-merous ANOTHER FAKIR IN town. Fran': Scott Yicl micil Dull Lot of Our People. About two weeks ago, Ed. Corklus of Sunbury and a man whom be intro duced as Frank Seott, a life insurance agent, came to tnls plaoe and succeed ed in talking 16 or 20 of our people Into giving up three dollars for an accident policy. The policy holders paid $8.00 dow n and Were required to pay 81.00 per mouth w hich was to carry with it sick ami accident benefited 810a week, loott gave a reoeipl for the the money and agreed to deliver the policy the fol lowing Thursday. The receipt does not name any company. He did not require any examination and the char acter of the risks generally can be easily surmised considering the lenient re quirements. Saturday Chief of Police, H. H. Bickhart, of this place, received the following notice. WANTED roB DBFBAUOtMO. Bunbury, Pa., Nov. 16, 1001. A man giving his name as Frank Scott alias Frank Curtis, 28 years ol age, height ubout " feel H inches, weighs about 160 pounds, complexion light, blue eyes, light hair and light moustache, Wean a dark blue suit and blue cap and light tan shoes, accom panied by a woman, about lm years of age, height about 6 feet 6 Inches, weight about ISO pounds, oi mplexlon light, brown eyes, red hair, wears a black coal and skirt and at times a, gmy and blink striped shirt waist. The man represent a number of insurance companies, but mostly works on the Fidelity and Casualty of New York ami Philadelphia. They stop at boarding houses in preference to hotels. A. A., Chief of Police. It seems Mr, Corklna suspected that all was not right anil having discover ed somethings that confirmed his sus picions, rt'iorted the mailer to t police authorities, but not till Scott I" for mrts unknown. The Post has frequently, yes pcatedly, advised its readers never give money to strangers until the got" w ere delivered. Extract! from the Game Laws. Numerous inquiries relative to id sale of rabbits have led us to print H following extracts from the Act of J 9J lib, 18117, w hich is the latest act on statute books relative to the salQe game, Section 5 of said Ac! read' 8 fid lows; Section .". Thai it shall be unlawful at any period or season of the year, to kill, entrap, or pursue with intent In kill or entrap, any elk, deer, law n, wild turkey, pheasant, grouse, quail, part ridge or woodcock in any part of this oommon Wealth for the purpose of sell ing the same. And it shall be unlaw ful for the proprietor, manager, clerk or agent of any market or other person, firm or corporation, t purchase, sell or expose tor sale any elk, deer, lawn, wild turkey, pheasant, grouse, quail, partridge or woodcock killed or entrap, ed w ithin this Commonwealth, That it shall be unlaw ful for the pro prl( tor, manager, clerk M agent of any market or imv oilier person, hrm or corporation to purchase for the purpose f again selling the same, any elk, deer, awn, wild turkey, pheasant, grouse, piail, partridge or woodcock killed or entrapped within this Commonwealth. Whoever shall offend againsl any of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dol us for every elk, deer, (awn so taken, purchased or sold, and twenty-live dol. lars for every wild turkey, plica snt, quail, partridge or woodcock so taken, purchased or sold, or by Imprisonment in the county jail for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty Imposed. By the foregoing section rabbits are Included and may be sold. Section 0, of the same Act limits the amount of gann to be killed by one person to 10 ruffed grouse or pheasants, S uai, 10 woodcock and 2 wild tur. keys in one day, anil 2 deer in one sea son. Telephone Line A sain Sold. The Juniata and Susquehanna Tele phone Co. has sold its lines to the Un ited Telephone and Telegraph Coin pauy. It is said that through lines will be run at once as far as Harris burg and Altoona. Eventually the lines of the United T. and T. Co. will have a net work that will cover the state. Miss Abble Carman of Oriental is visiting her sisters, Mrs. HeuoandMrr. p. F. Walter. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The annual Snyder ( 'minty Teachers' Institute will be held in Mlddleburg during the week beginning Monday Nov. 26, 1001. Educators of large and varied experi ence w ill be present to give instruction during the day sessions, notably among I whom w ill be Prof. Ii. F. Heydrick, Professor of Literature, Millersvllle I Normal School; Mrs. T. It. Nossofj California Normal School; Supt. J. M. Coughlin of Wtlkesbarre, Pa.; Supt I). a. Harman of Hasleton, Pa. Monday evening will Is1 devoted to a miscellaneous program ill which a number of prominent teachers will par ticipate. Tuesday evening, a lecture by Hon. Fred, keler, subject: "Agitators." Weduesday evening, a musical enter telnment by the Palrlcola Concert Co. Thursday evening, Elijah Powell Brown known lu the public as the Ram's I lorn Man, subject : "The Marks of a Prince." Directors' Day w ill be observed on Thursday afternoon. Prof. Win. Noet ling will address the meeting on the subject : "Defects in the Administra tion of ( lur Public Schools as Seen by a Director." Other addresses will be made by prominent speakers. Prof. Paul liillhart will have charge of the music. Mr. W. F. Brown will preside at the piano. The Mlddleburg orchestra will fur nish music for theevening sessions save Wednesday evening. I can assure the teachers, directors and public that no pains have been spared to procure the very best talent for day and evening Instruction and entertainment. It is our special desire to present on this oc taslon a strong pro gramme. That WC have succeeded will be justified, we believe, by the verdict of all who shall attend the lll- Istitute. 1 OB K t ' p m ' ' f THE sioiiis on the VouiIi'b Companion. In the fifty-two Issues of Its volume f r UMJ2 the "Youth's ( 'ompuulon" will publish between two hundred and three hundred good stories. Four ser ies of stories which promise to be ex ceptionally entertaining will bu " Tales ofa Mississippi Pilot," and "Tales of an Indian Agent." There will be four stories in each group. A inniig the contributors of fiction dur- iiil' niua win he Annie fellows, i-.a Wilder Urodhead, Arthur E. McFar- lane, Homer Greene, Ellsworth Kelly. Ella W. Peattle, Oraee M. (lallngher, Alice Morgan, Elizabeth McCracken. ( '. A, Stephens, Alice Brown, Jack London. II. s. Cnuflcld, Margaret Johnson, Edward W. Thomson, TJar rol W. Itunkin, May Roberts lark, Sarah OrneJcwctt, Margaret Sangster, Matshall Saunders and Sarah Barn Well Elliot A full announcement of the new vol ume w ill be sent to any address on re quest. The new subscriber for 1002 who sends 11.75 for the new volume at once will receive free all the lemaining is sues for 1901, including the double Holiday Numbers; ols the "Compani on" Calendar for 1902, lithographed in twelve colors and gold. The y oth 'a Com pa n ion, 106 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. m B m TO CI7BJB A COLD IB ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets. All druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure. E. W. drove's signature is on each box. 25c. tf. "Sing a song from day today, Some sad heart will hear it : Plant a tlower und go your way, Borne poor sou will wear it." Cot a pleasant word to say ? Let us hear it right away. Something bitter you would speak ? Keep it liottled up a week. Mr. Brown was heard with pleasure by a large audience. Our people are accustomed to hearing the U-st lecturers on the platform to-day, and wert more than delighted with the Ham's Horn Man. Dk. T. I. Coui.tas, Norristown, N. J. i ui Rates: ne Dollar ftl Vimim, in Ailvance NUMBER LG A QXAXD COXCEBT. ThePatelcola Grand ' ert Com pany will give a concert at Teachers' Institute in Mlddleburg Weduesday evening, Nov. 27th. BIO NOH I" l lili 1 Philadelphia, Pa. Itailmad Men's News Signor Patrlcola is the first em inent pianist we have ever bad here. His engagement was somewhat of an experiment, but that ii was en entirely successful one was evidenced by the tremendous applause bis playing elieit ed, and by the congratulations that were showered upon the Entertainment Committee after the concert. HERBERT BUTLER. St. Paul i Minn. Dispatch Mr. But ler, the violinist, was mx a disappoint ment, and his numbers were greeted with the enthusnistn they deserved. Mr. Butler proved that he could make his Instrument speak in sweet and tenderacceuta as well as strong, and in the Laub-WilhehnJ olonalse bis dis tinguishing facility of executl in shone pre-eminent. MISS AONKs I: iPl Chicago Abendposl (translation) Miss Happ scored "mother victory at the Schiller Club before an audiem f highly cultivated as well as talented musicians. Miss luipp's pure soprano voice, so well trained, was greatly en joyed. Two wings by Meyer Helmund and "The Last Lose of Summer" met w ith tremendous success, and the en thusiastic applause may well foretell that some day we shall bear again and again of this young lady whose talent and voice are well known throughout the city ami praised by all. Miss WtNIKBIKI) II RAY. Chicago Herald li i, many a day since we have listened t. so delightful mi artist as Miss Win I filed Gray, and we are sure her success must be as prt nounoed everyweere as it has been here. No lliaiine in Lcwistswa Diviilss, The Lewlstown Junction correspond nt to the Lewlstown UaxetU last week says : "There is considerable talk about t b e Lewlstown Division changing bands again January 1st, bul the re port cannot be verified by any one in authority so I guess we will have to w ait and see, o one seems to know whose hands it will go into this time, bul the supposition is thai it will cither go back to the Middle divi-iun or the old relations will be re-established." Sunbury, Pa., November 16, 1001, Mr, L. E. Wetzel, Agent, Mlddleburg. Dear Sir: Noting the attached clipping, In order to avoid any uncertainty, in regard to this math r, Ii might ho well for you to say to the editor of the Mld dleburg "Post" thai there is nol the slightest pro-peei of Die Lewlstown Division changing bauds, as the man ner of operating II in connection with the Sunbury Division has worked with n t ire sutlsfacl Ion to the management. Yours truly, W. B. Mi ( M i. ii, Supt. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. Cieat closing-out sale of clothingand gents' furnishing goods Will take place on Saturday, Nov. 23rd, 1001. Our entire stock musl be sold out in about 00 days mi account of quitting business. Don't fail t me If you w ant to buy bargains. The entire stock w ill be sold at about half price. Hi re are a few prices : Men's 5 -"..oh Suits at (8.25 Men's T. Ml Suits at 4.50 Men's 10.(10 Suits at 6.60 Men's? 6.00 Overcoats at .:i.2" Men's 7 60 Overcoato al 4.60 Men's 10.00 Overcoats at 8.60 All our Title and 76c Shu ts at 88c All our 60c and 7.V Underwear at :t8c Ladies' 15c Hose at Oc Children's I6c Hose at 0c Everything is reduced at about ju ice. Don't fall to come, remember we are leaving tow n in about (Ml days. E. Katz, Next to Court Mouse. Mlddleburg, Pa. . - Nt I lie Cough mmt Works oil l lie old Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets cure a cold iii a day. No cure, no pay. Price cents. tf. Xinr nml rlnlln( Sufcf Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. n-m-iy. The man with the most property is the one w ith the greatest will power. There is well grounded rumor atloat which leads to the belief among station agents that they will receive annual passes next year, the same as con ductors and engineers.