OOOOOOOOOOOCfcJOCV'.vx000 COCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJOOOOOO Brosious Brothers tSell Cloth in Than any Store In Sunbury. There1 shouldn't l- any hesitation us to where to go by any man who wants a good, stylish, well tilting Suit or Overcoat. He never goes amiss when he conies to the Brosious Store. 300 new stylish Suits gets their first showing now, and almost as many ( (verconts are included in the lot. Who'll he the first to smuggle into one of these new Suits or ( Iverei.flts '.' "ii c.m get prices fiom everywhere else, then eome and i 'J time- out of 1.0 we will -ell you. Note our prices i All kinds of $10.00 Suits bere til $8.50 All kinds of (1.50 Salts here :it 4.!M All kinds of 13.50 Overcoats here at 11.50 All kinds of 10.00 Overcoats here at 850 All kinds of 7.50 Overcoats here at 4. OS BROSIOUS BROTHERS The Most Reliable C'othing Store in Sun bury and ONLY CASH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OCta&XXXxySttC&OOQOOCKiOOOQO THE "BEST" SYRINGE. Its Super or Qualities, and Directions for Its Use, To gether wltn a Common Sense Talk tor Wo men This little folder is written in behalf of suffering women; iu fact, it is a woman's folder. It id writ ten by a physician seventy years of age, who has given torty years of his life to the study of women's diseases, their causes, and best means of cure. For thirty years of this time he made a specialty of treating these diseases. During all this time he felt that he was working at a disadvantage by reason of a lack of suitable nnoliaiK-es for their bratie results, f Mowed by an ichorous, irrating, offensive dis- charge, which sometimes excoriatc and inflames the entire parts. The woman now has leuuurrhoea, ur "whites." The iUmHoT tells her it-' is a simple disease and only reqnirea a simple wash with an ordinary syringe. This advice is followed but, does a cure Mult? Never! Why? Because first, he baa not a syringe thai will completely cleanse the parts, aud, second, he does not instruct her as to the cause and teach her to avoid i'. TiaH3 passes aud the condition continues. The discharge soon causes a relaxed ! condition of the vaginal walls and broad ligaments. The womb, de prived of its natural auDnorta the I i' treatment aud prevention at home, bread ligaments sett'es down in the After much thought, study, and pelvis, causing pain in the back, experience, he has forn uluted an instrument to meet this want. To know that such an instrument is needed, it is onlv know that not more every ten women are really healthy Women. If this statement is correct dragging sensation in the hips, and a feeling that the organs would bill asunder. She now has prolapsus. necessary to I or "falling of the womb," a pitiable than two, of condition w hich doctors fail to cure. Kec ivery only follows by a removal iif the cause and a term at the lio-- (and the women themselves are the uital with rest, hygeine and proper . .. I a a. 4 x II .1 witnesses) it provi s that tliere exists ireatmeiu. how, an 01 inese troui)les, Buttering and expense may be avoided ami married life made la ( I'nl and happy. How can this Drive Straight to Schnee When you want to get a Deal and serviceable for a Dress, 1 will give )UU a better tpialitv nfgudll f,.r I he money than any oilier dcaleis. If any mic otters yon cloth fr less money, it niust be interior to the quality I sell. 20 cent Dress Goods now selling f r only I " c.its. Bargains in shoes. Men's Split J Double Bole Shoes reduced to 80 cents. Prescriptions Must be right, nnd (hev must he compounded pure drugs, and NOT ONLY PURE DRUGS, but pure drugs of the beat quality. Drugs of the cheapest quality might bo pure, but the quality is inferior. Patent Medicines. All well-advertised kept in stock. I and well known patent medicines aie iall be pleased to serve you at all times. to enjoy or Globe RAND arehouse, OPENING DISPLAY OF THE some common or almost universal cause w hich produce such conditions among women. It is the mission of this (older to Dote these causes and to put into the hands of our women means of alleviating their suffering. This instrument and this folder are these means. Women and men are destined bv Nature to stand or fall suffei alike to Buffering good of one is equally so for both. They suind or fall together. I can think of nothing more en couraging than to see a he:'. 1 thy young couple join their fortune! in marriage and face life with hopes and ambitions born of healthy youthful blood. But, alas! theyare untaught! 1 can think of a no more discouraging picture than to Mm'ss,,.v of pressing s pud against seethisoounlethrteto five years later perineum to prevent leakage. HENRY HARDIN!, SCH1NEE, PA, SHOE BARGAIN COUNTER well mad ', solid be? you ask. Buy one of Dr. Ball's "BEST SYRINGES," use it, and obey the instructions of this little folder, aud health will come and come to stay. A perusal of the following a'oeven Points of Super iority of the Best Syringe'' will together. Both are subject! convince you why this is so. misfortune, sickness and. first. It is made of metal that hence, w hat is for the will last a life time. Second. Its size is such as to produce sufficient dilation in many eases of itself. Third. The dilation is made by a silk like air chamber, without pain or injury to the parts. Fourth. The air chamber lill the double office of dilat r and dam, r shield, thus obviating the leather $1.1)1) tip, IV- $1.00. Iff AUTUMN AID mm STYLES nd exhibit and sale of the rich- most elegant goods for Men, Wo- marked at the lowest It is a nes p.rnc i r- i ill ny.ii ana umiaren. "prices ever named, new ujtumn DRESS GOODS. All thai shown here; dllllf judice look int Boys' Shoe Bon Ton Toe reduced from 11.25 to Child's Button Calf) heavy school shoo ha, a ni duced from 1 ."JO to Some smaller sizes, same quality, reduced from 1V to 7"c. Ladies' Empress l lugola Button; formerly $2, n w $1.35. Ladies' Keystone Button reduced from $1.50 to 90c. Patent Leather Tip, $2.25 ''educed to $1.80. Men's Plow Shoes from $1.00 up. Men's and Boys' Boots Boots reduced from el. 76 to $l.t) Boots -educed from 8:;.(io in -SI. 7."). entire stock of Boots and are well made of stroerior leather, carefully sewed and with out a blemish. They must go at n's haapimi,; d under mpiete contr.d ot the' reduced prices to make room for B to a year's operator or patient. new stocK. i r I )l I V S Men' The Shoes and the only a fit l'ifth. Dilation is continuous and independent of other processes good ami new is lie guided by pre- the matter it IN W AUTUMN SILK5. BLACK TAFFETA SILKS. 20 will ' We 01 av von. up mole lli. in any incnes wide, for waists and trim mings, marked while tb lasts, ."ill cents per yard, dress CO L ORD WASH TAPF A. t,ier All the newest Fall shades, good lustre and body. Our price 76cts. items, poLKA DOT PERSIAN SILKS. the largest assortment in town all the new combinations. miiis BK .U( LOI II. ." inciies wide, range from '." cents to $1.50. tr i ciose weave, considering i.adit.s good value anywhere for $1.25 J the man disheartened woman physical wreck BUDeci tor tiie woman where from six months to a year's operator or pati treatment, at the cost of several i Sixth. Cleansing and disinfect- . . i ii t.i i inn -orwi 'altars is necessary to re- lUB may oe done, aim the appliea- storc her health and Vigor. Fortun-'"o fl nBlfruigWH Bbtiba'-iadoi , ate are they who're able to do this, without readjusting or changing the and the wife returns to her home j inatrnmcnt eared. But they arc still untaught. Seventh. It is tUQBt easily used,. The conditions remain the same, I a'l the work of cleaning is absolu-j and a short time brings the same dy sure and complete. -results. She is again an invalid, " is objected to this syringe that 1 and their second hopes are blasted. it may le used to prevent maternity. I Thus with the helpless, innocent For this reason doctors object to its ! children, whom she loves more than I general use because it cuts their her life, the mother continues to ! lees, the objection, though valid, I 1 urv "utuxfr (iood unbleached Muslin from 4 The U'st Prints, 5o and 6c. Dress 7oods that will wear for year ip. enttuii goods every day single store in Sunbury. We only mention a few inn no mailer u nat u is you want you will find it here. SKIRTS. hir price 98 cents. BL U K VEMTIAN CLOTH. 1 mciiei grade wide, all wool, a high fabric, real value 7-" cents. ( )ur price 5( I cent. BLACK CAMEL'S HAIR CHE VIOT, 52 inches wide, all, we offer at the extremely low price 98 cents per yard. MOIIAIB MELROSE, new weave, all wool, in black and colors. real vtniie65 cts. Our price 50c, PRUNELLA C LOTH, in black and colons, we have them in all shades and prices. SAT J N KERSEY CLOTH, 54 inches wide, all wool, real value $1.25, Our price 98 cents. them they TAILOR. HAD SLITS. Come and see them, compare and you'will be convinced aretneUREATKST ai.i i.s Evkb ( FFI3RED. I j I ) I ES' F 1 X E TA 1 1 X)R-MA 1 E SUITS made of line all wool, homespun, in the very latest mix tures, Hy front jackets, nicely lined. Our price $6.50. Others $9.00, $12.50 to $18.00. LADIES' WALKING 8KITRS made of tine quality material, in medium gray, blue Oxford, seven gore effects with flare around bottom, made to sell, for $S.f)(). Our price ?.".7o. We are showing the advance line of Ladies' and Children's Jackets, GLOBE WAREHOUSE, 343 Market St. Sunbury, Pa. .. tvMte -Is your husband ill? Mis. Rlack No, but li- thinks he is. BomervlUe Journal. Tkoa. i.uvinv Olrla. Kelt Did you ever tuke part amateur theatricals? IVs.-; Yes, once. I look one of the principal purts in "Beauty and the Bea; tl" Nell-Oh, tell mr all nbout itl Who to ik the part of Beauty? ChlesfO 'VS. MlDDLEBUROH MARKET. Hotter 20 Eggs 20 Onions 7,r Lard 12 Jaat C.aar. Millionaire to His Daughter Why is it that the baron insists upon your be ins' married so soon? His Daughter-I'll be frank with you, father. The tickets for hit coro net and family jewels expire next month. Brooklyn Lite. Tallow... Chickens. Side Shoulder 12 Ham 14 6-7 8 Wheat 70 Kye 50 Corn CO Oats 38 Potatoes 50 Bran er 100. 1.00 Middlings 1 1 0 Chop 1.10 Flourperbbl 3.75 donate Tonr Bowels With Ciu carets. . Canu Cathtrtlc. cure constipation forever. 10c. tv. If c. C. C. fall, drags l.ts re'uad m ioer We call allentlon of our reader to the ad vertlieniriit of tb Uayner Ditlllln( C'0,1 which appram in tlii iue. Tola I a reliable roncern and their whiskey i noted tbiotifhout th world for ll purity. 18.20 ecure four full quarts of Ihl wblskry, .spreas cbarges prepaid. jdrag oat her dreary existence in an effort to care for them, until the Untying hand of a kind Providence relieves her Buffering in an untimely grave. But again, alas! What of the Kxu- classes who must toil through of their Buffering tor daily bread".' Women of America, have you seen such, and do you think the man sutlers none in all this.' Verily, they arc one, and must stand or fall together. But to the causes of all this trouble. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. In the matter of health it stands pre-eminent and tirst. These "female diseases" are essen tially tilth diseases. Do not let this radical statement put you out, but read on. These diseases being sex ual, they affect the sexual organs. It is known to every woman that i the part ot her organism called the vulva, if not often cleaned, becomes covered with light-colored, sebaceous matter of otlensive oder, and it permitted to remain becomes irritat ing, can iug a disease called vul vitis. The disease, at first, is simple and easily cured by frequent cleaning aud applka'ijus of weak solutions of sugar of lead, or othct simple astringent. it is also known to men that beneath the prepuce is a similar secretion, which, if not removed often causes a similar disease called balanitis. It like the former, at first is easily cured by similiar means. If these conditions are neglected, they become serious, and the disease may be transmitted by sexual congress. Women may be more cleanly than men; I hope they are. Men, I know, are not as cleanly as they should be. Some neglect sexual cleaning for weeks and go to tluir wives in this un washed condition. The friction of the embrace deposit is within the body ot the women this suhstance this dead animal matter which, in the presence of the warmth and moisture of the parts is decomposed and immediate irritation and inflam mation of the vagina! mucous mem- Thin signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tsbiet the remedy that care, a cold In one day is not against the instrument, or its proper use. The same objection is made to many useful articles which have been applied in manners for w hich they were not intended. But women know what they want, and that is a preventive and cure for their suffering. Besides, the objec tion raised carries with it a rellec-1 tion which the author hereof hesi tales to make. The syring,) is sold by Dr. J. Parker Ball, ot Hesston, Kansas, and is sent, with full directions and a C0DV of this folder, all prepaid, on receipt of price, $3.00. It is also r medicated solutions may be thus sold by druggists and agents, and used, either from fountain or bulb may be found at wholesale with j syringes. Observe that the "air McPittc Drug Co., Atchison, Kan- chamber preforms the double office sas, and C. E. Hotts Drug Co., of of dilator and dam, or turu How, Wichita, Kansas. while the cleansing goes on, thus The syringe will last a lifetime i insuring the removal of all secre- but some of its rubber attachments tions of all kinds, and assuring per in time mav need renewal. These feet cleansing, purity and healty may be had, by mail at the follow- condition of the parts, ing prices. Air chamber lOoj ft We Would suggest the observance for 26c; bulbs, 25o each; tubing, 60 1 of other hygienic conditions, such per foot. Address, as a general bath, with free rubbing Dll. J. PAKKKK IJAlili, and spatting of the -urface of the Hesston, Kansas, j laxly, as often, at least, as once a Directions for using 'BEST" week: full, frequent, deep breathing Syringe. 1 of pure air, and if, as is so nine rirst. Attach the tube 01 a oases in ten, he Ixiwels arc cousti tountain, or common bulb syringe, ! pated, inject high up into the rec filled with the fluid to be used, ' turn, twice a week, two or three (staid by clasp and hung on a high I quarts of warm water, soapsuds or nail, if fountain) to the middle tube i a weak solution of salt. This of the instrument. Second. Pass the instrument and a large stock, low BTWeB. Warm Foot-wear We have a large stock of lumber men's sticky good heavy warm goods made of reliable materials. Felt Boots, that will stand hard wear and keep on! the cold. The prices are away down. BROSILS & MINIUM, Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. 'female diseases." Secure one ti the instruments at once, by remit ting the price, $3.00 to DU. J. PARKER PALL, Hesston, Kansas. Mention the POST when you writej 11- I His Llttla Joke FTonipnn 01 hear yrz hov a ffirrd twi'V at your house, Mcilanus. Phwlj s it jres are anner cauia to mran MeMunus- Sliiirt', nn ft do hp linf, th' oiil WOSUn 1 fits me. li" call her Carrie for short, Oi dun 1 "Carrie, is it, MrManus? Faitli. tbot's a good name fer a faymalc sinper boy, Oi'm thinkin." Ch Daily Newt. Luis i.lictitnlnir Hod. The larri'st lightning contluei . the world Is in liavarla. The top Is some yards aboTe the meteor ical station 00 the Zugspitze, the h est point of laud in the (ierniui pire. It runs down the side of mountain to a body of runninj- ter. The length of the rod is '.at and u half miles. X. Y. Times. WOMEN AND JEWELS. Jewels, candy, flowers, man- is the order of a woman s 11 should te well kneaded and worked high up, thus throughly emptying inflate the air chamber bv torcunr I (ha rectum, winch is the common 1 nncea. Jewels form a mac" a . 1, . . 11 1 11 i t 11 1 1 . I v.?,tv nnvr In fh nvnrac. 1 air irom uuiu into it, press uie ouio sewer lor an retuse matter oi me Even i hat greatest of all je' with thumb and finger while bulb , alimentaiy canal.. After this clean- "this often ruined in the strei is refilling, to prevent air lrom re turning to bulb, and to foroe bulb to refill through rear valve. Two or three inflations are sufficient. Close the clap and hold. Third. Unclasp the fountain and operation commences by flow through middle tube and small irri gation holes, returning through lower tube, earring with it all mucous, or other unhealthy dis charge, and leaving parts perfectly cleansed. Cleansing, dinfecting, astringent n . r 1 a . am sing oi rectum, a quart oi pure ous enorts to mane or save wj water should be passed into it and ! to purchase them. If a woman i a. t u risk her health to get a coveted g i n. .i r x' L .1 I rlta BW UHlltU IU kbi uuiriiriih. left there. In a tew hours this h fortifv herself agau water finds its way out through the kidneys, removing all refuse matter from this channel also. These higicnic measures are necessary for restoring and preserving general health. Dr. Ball's "BEST" Syringe, recommended in this folder, is the only through, common sense, cleanser and its use the best and surest pre ventive and cure for these so-caIld l.o inui.liumq pnnaenniie.ftH of colli: colds and bronchial affections by I Moiilar iisA of Dr. Roachee's o manSyiup. It willpermanutM rust eonsumptton in its cany h. oti.1 hao.1 t.fiA afFaAted luncB ' lA.nV.:nl 4llhou onrl m4Jl tht IMUUUUiai vrcu buv . not a cure-all, but it is a cera cure foa coughs, eolds and lnn" 1 ImiiMm Vnn nan ant Dr. Green's reliable remedies at H Middleburgh urug store. Get Geen's Special Almanac. tf. Horn ganizei for the mitly a Knturdi projrrai t'ronse, tary; C! A pie the hot (hy evi who i n lis, Hat tha Cro i Eva Phoebe Bofende Gutelim ssp8i