The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 14, 1901, Image 3

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re Prr.f ";
, ctcillt I
. B. degri
holop n4
Higher I"
nd Colds
iat Ana
itt Cold
Bla, Hf
ttle F9'
Ia the British army la South At
Met 19,000 Mm of typhoid fever bsvi
occurred, and 5,000 wre fatal.
In our army 304 officers spenh
Spanish fluently, 134 are handy witL I
their French anil ISO are veil up in
The German army haa a swimming
school for troopa, where everyon.
mutt learn to swim. The best swim
mere are able to cross a stream of
ereral hundred yards' width, even !
when carrying their clothing, rifl 1
and ammunition.
The German naval programme,
which, according to the original an- :
nouncement, was not to be complete
until 1916, is now, it seems, to be fin
ished by 1900. In that year Germany 1
will have at least 40 ships, 20 largo I
cruisers and 28 small cruisers.
It is not generally known that one
British regiment has been in mourn- !
ing for more than a century. This j
is the old Forty-seventh, the Loyal
North Lancashire regiment. The off)
cert wear black blended with the j
gold braid in memory of Gen. Wolfe,
who was killed at Quebec.
There are now 20,000 of the Brit
ish troops in India whose terms of 1
service have expired; some nearly
two years. They are demanding
their discharge, but the authorities
hope to induce them to continue to
serve until the close of the South
African war by paying them a special
4 - H - - H - H
I LEWSTiW. ".- - -
Market! attractiveness in design and color and excellent quality
t of fabric, combined with the reasonable prices, make our carpets
: conspicuous. At this time attention is called to the new season's
patterns of the well-known Wilton's, Axminstera and Tapestry $
L O I mi I a, a sat a. . !
orusseis. ine latest effects in Ingrains. Iiag Carpets in all styles
i. ana prices.
Our stock of new
U A .
pecially pleasing. We also have a fine $
EllfiA rst hahv C nt-f n ra-afar
ai VI UUlT VUI I lUslLaa
W. H.
Valley Street,
Numbers and assortment to
a Kvuvj j vi tiiu ceieuraiea
It is the original "scientifically built" refrigerator
U tUIE01 ?t8 1 ""Penority oyer all other boxes, making
it the best and cheapest refrigerator on the market.
Kverjthing can be removed, making it easyto
clean. J
Patent "Lip Oup" preventing any warm air from
reaching the ice compartment.
Every one Is guaranteed to irlve satis
faction. Prices ranee from $8 to $17.90 with or without water
Too?sr,adr.WSCreen8' M0Wer8' Garden
W H HE IM. S.mbnrv- P
Our complete line of bed-room suites are ex
traordinary value. Prices deeply cut and
worth your while to consider.
Very respectfully,
PJ Maiket St.
iludertakiDK Special
"Sums Pu( Tit; i Woua"
Correct Silverware
Correct in character, design and
workmanship is ns necessary as
dainty China or fine linen if you
would have everything in good
taste ami harmony. Knives,
forks, spooni ami fancy pieces for
table use will lie correct if se
lected from goods stamped
"1847 ?
assMBBW "IS 17," tharaari- imita
tion "aosw" 1 or MtalocM Wo. ML
adtlreaa tlu maker, Silver Cyi. Marldtn, Conn.
Prince 'l)tnile Chin.
My mighty Prlnct o' Dimple Chin I
Minn on his throne sits he,
And by his footstool hire I wult.
His serving maid to be.
My Isarned o' Dimple Chtnl
With artldota all his own.
He muses on affairs of state
There on his wicker throne
- H - H - - H - l - ; - H - W - H - H - l - H - r - H - ! -
FURNITURE is es- f
Lewistown. Pa
' a
M-H-H-M-l-M 1 1 1 HH 1 1 1 II I I'T
satisfy most any taste
, j , ...
- - -
PERSONS to buy a bed
.AAm ....Ha r.. .
auuiaa n u u t , e: IUN IM t in g O
seven pieces lor J 10.50.
We do not deliver these
in- ui iiaiii ior tins
Cliifu ..I' i l at.
ull i" i" iioiu K"ni uiuii ine
BfSSSBI atiick iaexliauslvil.
Others will quote you the
atime grade ol suite from $20
$23. '
la Proi'-irtlon ( li Mac I nil. T Mates
iUlltai v i:titiiiiMiiiiirnt lu t
lukveaslva l Wort.i.
In proportion ; Lta size the I'nit
rd s...: i. ry establishment is
(lie i". ,; ... ve In the world. Ac
cording to lUc official notes of mili
tary tntri preparea by Lieut. Col.
sUmpeon it is shown that the cost of
maintaining one soldier in the A iner
icau army for oae year la 11,014, The
nearest approach to this is Germany
with $201, while Russia pays loss than
any other government with J1"j for
each man.
A comparative statement Is made
which shows the effectiveness of the
different armli the cost of main
tatning then for a y.r. and the cost
of one soldier for the tame period.
It is as follows:
Effeettv i. C'T-t a Tpnr. Tesr.
Itnlv HI Sfl t is.eto.aM J IM
Austria " i f?7 TS.717.S I 1st
Oerm.ipv 7 lti,0O7,2!S J:1
Franc I i r.S lti.49i.6co iw
Russia 733.O05 141.80S.K3S 1S6
Unlnds-tatis 78.200 U4.'.-"-" 1."M
An analysis of this table shows,
that the American r.i w'ioh is
conceded by military authorities to
be the besl In tneorld for its size,
costs 1114,220,000 for 76,200 men, while
the military establishment of France
costs a little over 110,000,000 more,
or $r.M,4'.il.."it)it for maintaining an
army of 589,215, or m arly eight times
as large as that of the United States.
For only $27,072,800 more than is
pnid by the United stales Russia
maintains an army nearly ten times
larger than the American establish
ment, the number 01 men being 7I12,
603, costing $141,802,825. For a great
(leal less than halt it costs to main
tain the American army Italy has an
establishment nearly three times as
large, ami for a little more than
half of the expenses of keeping the
United States army In fighting shape
Austria lias nn establishment more
tliau four times larger.
Kennaha i 'A i.i Manafaetarers Atl
a NoTel Plan to attract Paelorjr
lien to Their Cltjr,
Profit-sharing on n novel basis Is
to be given a trial by 13 of the lead-1
ing Industrial plants in Kenosha,
Wis., ns the managers of the plants I
have formed a cooperative associa
tion for the purpose of bringing in I
laborers and to make the city a
model manufacturing town. The
plan is to purchase a large tract of
land on which will lie built homes for
1,000 laborers. These homes will be ;
sold to the men at the actual cost of
build in p. They will be located near
the factory district, and fitted with
all modern conveniences. In order to
encourngo matrimony anions the,
workmen these houses will be sold
or rented, and in the latter rase the
rent paid will apply on the purchase
price of the house. To further the I
plan a large boarding-house will be,
erected to accommodate several
hundred workmen, at which it will
be possible to secure board and
rooms at low rates. One thousand
men nre now needed for the factories
in Kenosha, and this unique plan has
been hit upon to draw people to the
let 1o Tlionf of Sow York, rhlonsro
nd San Franrlurn Titer l.aeeed
All other Porta,
According to statistics contained in
reports to the treasury department,
next to New York, Chicago and San
Francisco, the port of Huston stands
at the head of the ports ranking be
low the three leading ones as u tea
port. The amount of tea passed at
Boston during tho six months end
ing June 30, 1001, was 320,524 pounds,
and it was not found necessary to
make any rejections. Japaa tea made
op 105,184 pounds of tho importa
tions at Boston; Ceylon, 05,912; In
dia, 85,612, and China, 33,810 pounds.
St. Faul ranks next, with no rejec
tions on Importations of 272,981
pounds. Japan made Up 223,973
pounds of this amount, and China tea
48.CG4 pounds.
Young Wife-Our mnrriajre lias not
been as happy as I thought it would be,
and I didn't think it would. Moon
shine, 'I ha Terrible Infant,
Host So sorry you have to
be go-
Ini Indei ',
wa.v, I'm not sun
I inn, too. By the
BbOUt fU I Lraiu. it's
nine-somei i ' .
Host's Eldest- It's 9:3H. Fa anld he
hoped you'd take that :;c- Phllttdd
I phiu Beeord.
rottki It Wn So.
When Tat Hcvlne klssnl K Mt;- :
She was as mad as iha could be,
Hut win a In- ! ati,i-U li r. "K.iiu, bo mine?"
To 'er "tv. a liu-.nan to furglve Devlne.
Made Mich a Racket That the Hay
lathi lloiarbrrakrr Klrd With
out Ilia Spoils.
Words in various languages screamed
loudly and hysterically caused several
neighbors of Louis Rehwald, a shoe
maker of M4 Booth Grand avenue, Iioi
Angeles, to hasten to bis residence at
noon several da s ago to stop a trap
edy or to be in at the finish. The poly
glot talking match kept up Incessantly,
but proceeded seemingly from the
same throat, and the debate, or what
ever it was, sounded as if coming from
the kitchen. A march to the rear of
the house revealed a great green poll
parrot in a cage on the kitchen table
The bird was very excited. It jumped
up and down, screaming a ad talking all
the while, but none of the Rehwalds
were in sight. The neighbors then be
gan an Investigation from the outside,
which revealed the fact that a burglar
had forced the front window with a
chisel and thus succeeded In gaining ac
cess to the house, lie had gathered up
a lot of valuables, including sooral
new pairs of shoes, and had stacked his
plunder up ready for removal, in a
front room, when the idea came Into
his head to explore the kitchen, prob
ably for eatables.
This action turned out very unfor
tunately for the daylight thief, as the
parrot no sooner espied the intruder
than he set up an unearthly racket,
which so seared the burglar that he
lied precipitately without taking the
trouble to gather up his loot. When
quiet had been restored the polly
became unusually austere and pos
itively refused to give the de
tective a description of the thief.
The bird is a hip Mexican parrot,
possessed of a copious vocabulary
as well as a current knowledge of sev
eral living languages. The detective
addressed the parrot in Irish and Span
ish, but his talk had no effect, the bird
positively refusing to hold converse
with the man from police headquar
ters, greatly to the surprise of the
congregated neighbors, who have an
idea that this particular polly is almest
Ills AolK.
Elder Spudkins, who keeps a store
at Quohosh, wus sent as temporary
supply to a pulpit in the village of
Podunk, four miles away, lie was
lute at the morning service, ami apol
ogized thus:
"Brethren, I hope you will pardon
my tardiness this morning, lint the
fact is I was kept up lute last nif,'lit
opening the finest stock of dry goodl
ever brought to Quohosh. We will
sing the one hundred and third
hymn." Uarlem Life.
I la
, aJltliaa.
t Sladabr
Awkward Predicament In Which a
mtllwnr Conductor Found
A man boarded a Missouri Paotflo
train equipped with transportation
which "Dad" Walsh, the conductor,
thought was questionable, says the
Kansas City Star. The passenger re
1 fused to put up the cash fare snd
j Walsh called the porter and carried
htm from the train, depositing him on
a truck on the station platform. The
man took it so nonchalantly that it
oecurred to Walsh that he might be
making a mistake. He accordingly
went back to the passenger and told
him he might get aboard again.
"All right." said the passenger. "I
didn't get off the train, and theoretic
ally I'm still riding. In the nature of
things I cannot well board a train
upon whlefi I am already riding," and
he sat on the truck as obstinate as a
Walsh called the hrakeman and por
ter and carried the man carefully ont
the train, put him In the seat In which
he had been riding before the incident
occurred and saved his road a damage
n ii m ii it iii ill
I RalasadtaMM Wj V I
I harnaaa traatad f lIK FK A I
mm OU. It ra. r
I &wS ;K v ult I
sdcat. I Th jUO f
Benson's Plaster is Paint Masttr.) !
(Jeorjo Washington ssads and Bold flour,
and every bar:-1 at tiuur in tho huukct
bmnd-d "O. Washington, Mount Vernon,"
old without daisy. No Qjssstion asne)Tsi
raised us to quality or weiuht.
Benson's Porous l'lajter .:-. n i-s repo-
t ition everywhere. All the buvor wants ti
hd certain of is thai the plaster offered him
' i' y it 11 nsoa's, and not n worthless imi.
tatio.i o it or substitute for it.
A plaster istii best form of external rem
edy, antl Benson's is tho bet plantr; .ri,(KH
pbysioiaia and dtaijglsjla, and a multitude
i f people no man can number, have settled "You osn trust it," thry ssy.
Coughs, col u, lamo back, mmliago. nms
onlar stiffness uml rhsnjnatism, ironblasol
the liver ami kidneys, influenza or gri;i.
pneumonia, and ull othor disease open l
external treatmsnt, are at uitet relieved uml
cured by Benson's riuster.
l.) not assume, that Belladonna, Caps! or S' lengthening plasters are "just u.s
OiKkl as" lieu son's They nro vastly in
ferior. lVti other plaster is us good si
In competition with the best-known
plasters ol Bnrona ami America, Benson's
have re 'ir,jiftj.jiiy higheri atenrdt.
For side by all druggists or we will pre.
pav postag on any number ordered iu the
unite 1 Stat .w, on receipt of 95c, each.
BMbnry ,t Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.Y
Comnttaaloncmof Hnyiler ' 'nuttty will espmie
in publlo,- ut the Itourl Houao in Mldilln
Imrtf. Ha,, mi Hal iriluv. Nov. - ral, ItSUt. ni 1 r
clovR A H., iin- following trai-tsol nnrwleeiu
il ii nssated laml :
Sin Ai'ii . tiif Imi Mold for War'i'i il
I !
1 100 Heaver Thoa K.
2 West John A,
Perry T Hebnes
3 .) - Teter H. r.'iK
4 00
BM rt'esl Cook and
Peaverl' Cnrtcr InoPlillips
0 HV) l-'raliklfii I'aniel S lii-ip lAvn-nee
1 , Hi W. Itea'r W. K Sinitl, Win Smltll
H tl lieaver K.CIIfl K. nyilt-r
W I crry I. HriiKK- r Ral
10 liaj " O. II. Shelly
11 21 r'rankllu Jackson How I'lirUt'an
ell Kslatc (lettia
H ami " Moses Hpuclil J. Wilson
1-1 I 4aS " Daniel Sliepp John
n n. " Ulfl Si Boyer Wendell
18 112 W Ilea er W, K. Smith Wru Boyle
Norn According tn lbs record, tho above
tracts have never been redeemed. Any niit
having titlo to any of these tracts shall prove
same tn tliu eimiiiiiiii-i'fl tM-fnre ilay nf nulls
Ali' r n( Ailministrutioii i n t h e
stats ol .Tonal h to Diokbart, late "f WuHhlnglon
two., Snyder Co, l'n.. dss'd, bavins been granted
to lbs uuderslgnsd, all psrsoni kiinwinK them
islvsi Indebted tn autj sstats nr raqustted to
'nslcs Immediate payment, whits thoss hsvlns
Blslm will prsssat tnsD duly sulheatlestsd tu
ill.- uiiilernifcneil.
Kreamer. Pa., Oct, n, imi, Admintstratoi.
tvra of Ailminlalrntlon In the estate o)
Andrew Trult, late ol Monroe towtisliip, Sny
der County, l'a., deiaae.l, having lit-eti granted
to the iiutli-raigiiRil. all pcraona kuoirliig tlivin
nelvea Indebted to Maid estate are requested tn
nualcs Immedlsls payment, while those ba ring
elaima agkinat the aaid estate will preaent t inn
duly autlit-ntieuted to the iindersignetl.
JAMBS I). WKltrz, Administrators.
Oct 1,1901.
Nutke tn iirrchy given t tmt Power of attorney
In fat t iiiiri ii i rented iy Fhe heln In tin ei
late of Conrad Petter, lota ol Pann lowmhlp,
Hnyder OountjTi Pa , deeaaaed, A 1 1 persons
knowing IbaoiaaWaa to be Indebted t hum aa
late tin. ii i.i make t mtut-.i ut- payment and thoae
liavinjc olatnifl aajalntt it nhotild preaent tbem
inly isiititentiL-t-ii fur lettlament.
Attorney) nfiut.
Dumlurn. Pa., i Una
ters of Ail mi it ibt rut ion in the'- of Henry Naiale in'- of v. Perry two -Bnyder
eounty( P., dee'd, Imvihic been aran ted
tn tin MiMierni;iiel, M poraoni knowing them-
strlvt'M inilt'l'toil to said aru ronirHU'tl t,
make I Imi.- pHyment, while tlmm' having
OlalmiWllI I1" H'i)t Hk-mi .lly itutln.-ntii .1 to
Lhf uiuii i sIk n ii .
J. P.KATTOLK. Admlnlatratoff.
Aline, Pa., Aug. It), 1001.
f?XBCCTOR'a NOTirK.-Notlee i hereby
d tfii'cn tliut lettern tt-Htisiiicntary npon tlw
eMtuto nf I.ydia .Swnrtz, late of WimhiiiKto'i
Towoebip, Snyder County, l a., daoaMad have
been laatwd in due form f Ihw tu the un.lrr
Ified, to wlmm all Inctebted to naid i ntnte
bould make immediate itayment and thoae
haviiiK' flaiiii" HKain-it it rdinuld prctvent thein
duly autht-ntii-ated for aetUamenl
H. N. 8WARTZ, )
W. H. SWAKTZ, t Bccutoras
Kant.. Pa., Aog, 2U. IWl
BCtar n d good reputation in each -t.ii. (one in
thia county reuuired) to represent and adrer'
tiae old established wealthy btifdueaii liouiw of
Ho'ld flnanrial atandina;. Milnry 00 weekly
with exiicnset additional, all payable in uiah
each Medneitday direct from head otllcea.
Horae and ciirrUtre furnUbed, when ttecenitary.
Ii i' fere 1 1 ce-, KncloHe pielf atld r s-(l Htum tied
om-elopc. IMauager. i)16 OOOton Huildlng, t hi-OfiK'-
ladiea, boya and
afrlnto introduce
trunt you ami give alOJOJll premiuma or caali.
Write uh and we will aend a;Hda at once. All
not Hold can be returned. We have h.-t pro
position ever made. Write to-lay. Box 6U,
108l9t, Bridgeport, Ci
WANTBDi -'aiabie. reliable pereon in every
cotiuty to represent larKe eonip.ny of holi.l
tlnaiia t;il rt'putittioii, IRth milurv per ver. iwtv-
able weekly; f per day abudutely ure an I alt
Mpanaaa bona tide definite Mtlary
ho cotu:i:malon,;irv pnul riH'h Nttiirl;tv mm
expense money idvamtl aaah week. STAND
All!) I1UL 311 LJtiairn.ini i'I'um; . - ,-
men totrav.'T ;n i I--ti ' 1 1- i ; ' h i
bouae of eolld Itnanelal itandlng Salary 17" it
year and expenaea, all payable in oaah No ran
vaaalng required Olve references and eno'oac
elfaddreaaed earn pod envelope, Addreai
MatrAjrsr, 853 Oaxton BldaT OhloagOs lW 161
In re aetata of David 1 In the Oruhan '
I eaver, lata oi union Lourt of onydor
I V, "II MIT O, 111., I I IMIIIIJ.
The undorsined auditor, appolntetl by the
Court, to make distribution of the balance In
thi bands of A ll Trootman, adtulntatrator ol
the estate of David Wraver. late of l'n
inti township, Snyder ounty. l'a., deceased, s
shown by the llrst and Ib al accoanl Ol said ad-
mlnlttrsjtor will sit for the purpose of hts ap
ptiiutinent, at his otflee tu the boronyh of Ha
linsgrovc, l'a, on SATl'KDAY. NOVKMBKH
ra, Ifoia 10 ootook As It., at which time
and place all persons Interval d in the dtetrlbu
lion of -aiti balaitoa, or fund, are notith d to at
end and preaent their alatess duly Outben
ti vat -d, or butlubarred from coming in on raid
HoUaCK Al.I.LvMAN, Auditor.
iwQj si ilia . - i .1 - ..
Copy of Dark's Work That Is llrnnakt
Into Ttay hjr n rn 1 ork
Occupylnff a place of honnr In (lie of
flco of a New York printer U an nld
copy of "liurke's Tccrasc," anil its
presence amid such lncongrui n
rounJinps aroused the ourioslty of a
casual visitor the other d;ij, .mi, aa
exchange of that city.
"It isn't so strange a you in : ::ht
think," said tho proprietor, by way o1
explanat ion, "Vou see, a eonstderabls
part of our husincss omiFit--- of print
Ihr' labels of various kinds, mid Rurkc
19 a (Treat help to u. I doll'l Bttpp ne
the British sristocracy would In- par
ticularly edified to know thi. but it's
a fact.
"Suppose we take the ease of- well,
sny Robinson, who keeps i little hat
store up in Harlem. Robinson conies
in here and wants roe to f.'ef him up
some tasty design a trade-ma i that
he can ptaee upon his poods, When!
show liini our regular itoch de lims
for such purposes the chnnres nre he
will turn up his nose. That's where
'Burke's Peerage' come in,
"I lake il down and ostenti ' ly
turn to the proud nn of Rol ins in,
when- the crests Df thai 11 In trlnui
family are duly pictured f rth.i .-ether
with their Latin mottoes and all
the records of their nobility, I. -Vinson,
of Harlem, Is fascinated snd his
eyes bulge oul of his head. I ask
htm which branch of the family is his
and he makes some -ort nf a bluff.
"He picks oul his -ro--t, with its
Latin motto, which Is unintelligible ta
him, and a week later it is n pr id need
nn the hats which he sells lip in Har
lem. If any of these literary fellows
should ask me nbout bonks that have
helped me T should plaee 'Burke's Peer
aire' well up til the front."
Itonse re i a Tnke to Ihe Wooila In
tnlne nnil flestroi Ifie
Small Qame,
The experience of trappers at II6V
brook's and Eddington ponds, mar
Bangor, Me., during the past winter
has demonstrated the fact thai the
common house eat will, wlif -Mlnicd
loose in tho woods and left to its own
resources, become as wild in the
course of a month or two a j any
bobcat, snys the New York Times.
It is the custom of eottape owners
nt the ponds to take rat.s to tln-ir
places in the spring to drive out iha
mice that take possession of the ent
tage during the winter and lu tha
fall, when the cottagers return to
town, those eats are usually forgot
ten and left to shift for themselves.
Trappers just returned from tha
ponds report thnt their season has
been n failure because the wild house
cats have robbed the traps, tearing
into shreds the mink and mnskrnts
that were daily caupht and feasting
on their flesh. Kvery morninp around
the traps the hunters found evidences
of feasting by the cats and of llerce
battles between the eats and animals
caught in the traps. Recently a
dozen of the wild cats have been
shot, but the woods nre full of them,
and so lon-r ns they remain there will
be no profit in trapping. i
Council ol Illinois Town Declile Tliat
Nicknaming; nnil "Guying"
Mil i Cease.
Nicknaming nt Westfield, III., must
cease The city council has SO deter
mined, and has passed nn ordinance
making such offense punishable by a
fine of to $100, says the Im age.
Westfleld is n college town, and her
people can read Greek and Lutin; they
know philosophy and are able to .li
the stars by name, but at the same
time they understand the art of manu
facturing and bestowing a nickname
that has some real significance. Stn-et
"guying" is also a favorite past ime Of
the street loafer, and many a country
swain who brings the lady of hie
heart's desire to town on Sunday to re
fresh her wiidi soda water and choco
lates has learned to his sorrow that
the "course of true love never did ruo
smooth." So obnoxious has this stale
of affairs become that at the last
meeting of the city council Alderman
Hemphill introduced an ordinance the
substance of which is as follows:
"lie it ordained t hat any person who
disturbs nny Inhabitant of the village
of Westfield by the use of annoying
nicknames, jeering, .niyinp, traducing
or defaming, upon arrest and convic
tion of such parties they shall be
fined DO less than $.1 nor to exceed
It is generally understood t! ll thii
ordinance is not intended to pn ':ibit
the use of endearing or pet naim -, but
many of the nicknames now in vogue
Will cease to be part of the city's vo
cabulary. The law promises to bring
about a reformat ion.
The people of 'West field looked upon
the ordinance us a sort of joke at
lirst. but the authorities declared their
purpo c I i carry out tho law B reel one
one, and now all await the Initial test
ease with great interest. It i' not
unlikely that the matter will finally
reach the higher courts.
There has been a striking diminu
tion iu the um- of nloksami i and in
the habit of chaffing since the ordi
nance was passed.
A French Inventor has made an air
ship that he lays will stay up three
months at a time, What a fine method
this will be tor i osplaj the hast of
the do;; uays.
A frog ate dynamite la Albany, la,
After the explosion, one person was
found ti.ud tod two seriously injured.