OOOCVXXXXXXiC0OCXXX)0OOO0O -OCXXXX30000CXXXXXOOCXXJ I-H-K-H-H-: IIMIIlttlH ""11 KNKW OK IT. : fllfe Brosions W Brothers Hell Clothin. CHEAPEB Than any Store in Sunbury. There shouldn't be miv hesitation u to where to n by My mnn who wanu a good, stylish, well fitting Suitor Overcoat. Be never goes uinifH when he .comes to the Brosious Store. 800 new Btylish Suits geta their first Bhowing now, ami almost as many Overonsts are included in the lot. Who'll lie the first to smuggle Into one of these new Suits or Overcoats? Yon can ct prices ftom everywhere else, then come and Bee 9 limes out of JO we will sell you. Note our prices : All kinds ef 910.00 Suits hero at $8-50 All kinds of 6.59 Suits here at 4.!M) All kinds of 13.50 Overcoats here at $11.50 All kinds of 10.00 Overcoats here at 8.50 All kinds of 7.50 Overcoats hero at 4.98 BROSIOUS BROTHERS The Most Reliable (Nothing Store In Sun bury and ONLY CASH. OOOO OCOOGOCXXOCXXXXXXXXX5 Globe Warehouse, GRAND OPENING DISPLAY OF THE Iff AUTUMN AND CTNTER STYLES. It is a arand exhibit lies and most elegant men and Children, marked at the lowest prices ever named. NEW AUTUMN DRESS UOOJS. All that is froo.1 and new is shawn herejdont be guided lv pre-, gttrjiee look into the matter itj will )tiv you. W are cutting up more dress (s every day than any other single store in Sun bury. We only mention a few items, but no matter what it 1- yon may viut you will find it here. BftOADCLOTH, 54 inches wide, jtikh! weave, considering good value anywhere for 81.25. 'Our price 98 cents. BLACK VENITIAN CLOTH.64 .inches wide, all wool, a high grade fabric, real value 75 cent Our iriee 50 cents! BLACK CAMEL'S HAIR CHE VIOT, 52 inches wide, all, we offer at the extremely low price edits per yard. HOI! A I It M ELR SE, new weave -all wool, in black and colors real value 65 ets. Our price 50c, fill KNELL A CLOTH, in black and colons, we have them in all shades and prices. fiATIN KEKSEY ( LOTH, 54 inches wide, all wool, real value jfl.25, Our price 98 cents. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, 343 Market St. Sunbury. Pa. IIAIini.V CORDIAla Vladtor Lovely place thi of youn. rjKty it It o far from the atation. (Host Yea. If it wasn'tl'dhavesold ijt 1MB sgo. Moonshine. OCXXXXXXX3CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 and sale of the rich- goods for Men, Wo NEW AUTUMN SILKS. BLACK TAFFETA SILKS, 20 inches wide, for waists and trim-' rnings, marked while tli ' lasts,' ;() cents per yard. COLORED WASH TAFFETA. All the newest Fall -shades, good lustre and Ixxly. Our price 7octs. POLKA DOT PERSIAN SILKS, the largest assortment in town all the new combinations, prices range from (55 cents to $1.50. LADIES' TAILOR-riADE SKIRTS, SUITS. Come and see them, compare them and von will be convinced they aretheGBEATBBT Values Evkk Offered. LAD ES' FINE TAILOR-MADE SUITS made of fine all wool, homespun, in the very latest.niix tures, fly front jackets, nicely lined. Our price $6.50. Others 9.00. $12.50 to $18.00. LADIES' ALKLNG SK ITKS made of fine quality material, in medium gray, blue Oxford, seven gore effects with flare around bottom, made to sell, for $8.50. Our price $5.75. We are showing the advance line of Ladies' and Children's Jackets. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Dotter 20 Eggs 20 Onions 76 Iard 12 Ta!lo.v 3i Cliickens.... 6-7 Side 8 Shoulder 12 Ham 14 Wheat 7d c r,( Corn 60 Oats 38 Potatoes 5( BraiijerlOO.l.Ot Middlings" l.K Chop l.K Flour per bbl 3.7; Educate Tonr Hofrrls fVlth riiMmti. Canuff Cathartic .nm .i,n.nM,un . We.V. If aa0.lall,drugRUtsr'undiD9nai IVe call a .ention of aur readers to the ad veiuaemeni or the llayner Oistlllinir I To which aaavara in this laaaa. Thl. Is .r..ii.i. concern and their whl.v u .,io,i il... ....., the world for lis purity, ts 20 aecurea four full lia aoi una wniakry, express charges pre paid. I Lycoming County i 1 1 MUNCY, PA. ESTABLISHED 1870. I A first class secondary school that X T prepares for Teaching, Business and X f College $ UN In the beautiful town of Muncy, on T the Susquehanna River. 12 miles X f from Williamsport oconiuflo A Two terms of ten weeks each. First I T term beginning April 9. Second term T July 9. :: EXPEMSES Cood boarding $2.50 and $3.00 per ! X week. Tuition $8.00 per term. i COURSES ( I ) Teachers' common branches 3. T prepares for teaching (2)NormaI Higher branches. leads X to graduation. (3) Business Shorthand, Type- X writing, Bookkeeping, etc A (4) College Preparatory Prepares A for leading colleges FACULTY f College trained Wide Experience, specialists in tneir departments. Saturday sessions for reviews and t special work. Write for catalogue. G. B, NIUOB. :. H. Muory. to i :-h- -wA Where TV Wnn FfTlrlent. "Your son," said the teacher, "haa (hissed it on arithmetic." "Yes." "No pood at spelling." "Yes." I "A dunce in history." "Yes." "And there's no pood in.hlm." "Perfessor," said the farmer, "have you ever heerd that boy cussin' of a Georgia mule, under a br'ilin' sun, in a ten-acre field'.'" Atlanta Constitu tion. I in hk I ii ii i toii Required. Bilkins Your friend Scribbler leems to be always short of funds. If his books don't sell, why don't you try him at office work when you need a new man? Boomer Xo use. A mnn who can't lucceed as a novelist hnsn't imagina tion enough for the real estate busi seaa. N. Y. Wee's-. A Familiar Illnntratlon. "Papa, what is a king?" "A king, my child, is a person whose authorily is practically unlimited, Whose word is law and whom every body must obey." "Papa, is mamma a king?" Pitta burgh Uulletin. Cash Heller 'Mian Credit. It is all well enough to give credit Miere credit is due but it is beter atill lo pay cash. Chicago Daily News. Ills I H i: AM. WORK. 11Y Ukn. Chain II, C.HOSVFXOB. The I it'' Preiiilcnt'fi lifelnnir.comrade in nr. ollaaaua in ConflrMei ami chumplnn In Hnuiie of Kipreaiit'ntivci; wnn near the Prenldent'a 41110 witn uaaor fraai men wnen inn eyeH were cliieinl in itcnth: followeil In. remains to Na tionnl Citpitol uml to I anion. Million" of eoplea will lie ffoiil. aprcmuiiK iiKe nre in uiy tubblei men anil women taking 10 to IWnrdera Inilv, It la II"' oiilentl iiooK. hulogles irom (lovernoiK. Senators. edllorlalB from irrenl lalltai 1 M-t ami ilyin'.' wonln ot world'a srreal ; Normal Moo 111111 HWIIWIVWI ..... .. . ... , . U..L i, a.'u "IT IS (i OS WAY." U ,t nliotoL'rillltl ..... ailv and nnlakla elear 12.600. ThcOeil ml rei-uiri's inal Himre oi proceena oi wiie ui mmmm Look ao'tl shall he ilonattid ton MeKlnley KonnnMBl Fund. Thua arery aubaeriber to lata book becomes a contributor 'o this fund. Everybody will luiy m oniers lor tne aaaui 10 one will rciiisc. i-ciki m ii'ccqi swiiipt. mi immnt nrnsneetiia: 10 1MB copies will he sold n this vlci'.ity quick; widuawnke huslnesa man r womnn oi some means can mane a lonuns uck bv iretllng aole coniroi oi a -iaic. Address. THBOONTIN ENTAI. ASSEMBLY. Corcoran Bldtc , Opp. I', f . Treasury, .7-lm. Waatiinifton, C, D. ffou'll (Bet It. You'll get a neat job of Printing, and a tasteful, effective, modern, styl'.sh a ,d inexpensive one, if you place the order with us. We do one thing; we print; and we dc that so well that pleased patrons keep us busy. Big jobs or small ones they "all look alike" to us. irranil al McKiiiiey-"IT IS j Bed under some circumstances. ''."..""fJ "." Pl'"',gviire of . j, j. Thirdly-Under what cir of President ever taken. Ion . j THE POST. Mlddlebtjrgh, Pa j ft iH Dr. A I pt rfortned an opt ration on Boroton j i iterdaj. Dr. B Yea, I know; saw it In the pa pers. A In the paM rs? B Yes; in the death notices this Sol dttfft-Xiaie. Fael in Plettoja. "Of making mat s 1 1 1 r ti bo end" This ;ruth v.i.Y ddenilUf as It look." Did feet th!i ; ccor lends One fcr..-i.:. . .. i-.v hooks! -Puck. The only Kind She Kneir, Mrs. Browne Mrs. Whitty is for ever talking about the repartee at her house w hen she and her husband en tertain. Mrs. Malnprop Yea, I suppose that's some cheap kind. I always use Oolong myself. Philadelphia Press. Ilr Opportune. Inopportune consolations increase a Ceep sorrow. Kousseau. Ntiuilliiit SurprlMe. Very f w c n looking it A. T. Load! ha it by, rol ut bl&cksmit I T Itien, Ii il., Unit lot en j earn i-nin RbdumatiBtn U I. t"iti res low HI dure and live. But a wonderful elmnge followed his taking Elect tic Bitterc "To bottlen wholly cured ine.'' he writes, "and I Imvo not felt a twinge" ovr n rmir.'1 They re guliite the K'dueys, put ify the blood and cure rUltfUmtitltm, NeuniluiH, NdrvouHue lio ii I ve D . i 'I i i ciii )ul 'c , h, M'lliiioblui if I 'rog tor d ,, bill, ( in i ii & Co., eh Id, I'i. I 1 S. Xna.r 11, i n A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. Tney cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 23c AH dnif (lata. Want your moniUrhe or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then uae BUCKINGHAM'S DYEU o en. e. oiwaeuTt, or a. r. wii a cd.. mw, n.m. ON K ON THIS MlMS' Rev. Pr. Thirdly No. sir; a minis ter should never use another minis ter's sermon. Deacon Kidder I think he's justi- cuinstiuices, sir Deacon Kidder Well, for instance if it was a very short sermon. Chi cago Chronicle. Alns! Too True. Truth crushed to earth will rise again In a manner that's quite rash; For It no sooner gets upon Its feet Than It gets another smaeh. Chicago Dally News. Mod More Than He Wanted. Wife (to unhappy husband) 1 wouldn't worry, John. It doesn't do any good to borrow trouble. Husband Itorrow trouble! My dear, I'm not borrowing trouble; I've cot it to lend. Tit-liits. i'riHflent Teaehera, How nicely Mr. Jamaica dances the two-step!" exclaimed Miss Flush ing. Well, no wonder, responded the Cheerful Idiot, "he was tiiught by hig two step-sisters." Brooklyn Eagle. In rr-etnte of David I In the Orphans' Wenv r. ate of Union i imrt or nnyner twp., Hnvder Co., Pa., 1 County, deceased. I 7 V U EC v j i !a'- The undersigned auditor, appointe l by the Court, to MM distribution of the balance in the bands of A - II. Troutnmn, administrator of the estate of Iavld Weaver, late of Un ion township, Hnydcr County. Pa., deceased, as '-own by the first and 11 al account of aald ad ministrator will sit for the purnose of his ap .ointment, ut his oilier lii the borough of Kr "nsgrove, Pa., on SATUNOAY, NOVEMBEH aril, l'Jl, a' 10 o'clock A. M.. at which lime and place all persons Interested in the distribu tion of said balance, or fund, are notified to at tend and present their olaims duly authen ticated, or be debarred from coming In on ald fund. HOIIACE ALLKMAN, Al!'-ter, Oct 80th, Met. IfrankUn flhUlmg Co. MANUFACTURERS OF jfanc Mintcr anb Spring tfloin. Our brands "Never Fail" and "Light Loaf" have no superior. They are used all over the stats by some of the largest dealers and baksrs. Try it. 1?k flour ano pure Bucfcwbeat flour Made by the Roller process. With Buckwheat cakes from our flour for breakfast you will feel friendly toward us all day. OVEN-ROASTED CORN MEAL. If you use our tozsted corn meal once you will have no other., pa. "ooooooooooooi o O eVl'llll.' JUCll.'lV.I.'V.IH Bueincos Colleoe, SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. o teaches Bookkeeping, Shorthand J o o and other business branches by o correspondence. O D. 1: I.. O 9 raics cAccuiugijr iuw. O Illustrated Catalogue and Col lege Journals sent free. Address, ? m, jf. maoec, preeiOent. Beaill Jewelry. We have many beautiful and attractive things in Jewelry that both men and women admire, Cbrtetmas presents. It is not too early to select your chrls!mas presents. Come in to see the assortment when in town. We also keep holiday novelties. Swarfc & Bra$bUl, ' Swineforo, pa. o0OO0OOOOOOO0 1 GOING TO m o GEO- B. RINE S STORE - KANTZ, PA. The entire stock of most S Here are some drivers in Gum Goots, Guaranteed Good; $1.75 Buckeye, Top Sewed Plow Shoes 1.15 Buckeye, Oil Orained Plow Shoes, 1.30 Misses' Shoes worth 1 2 only 50c Misses' Shoes worth$2.50 only 75c Everything in the store is equally low in iru'e and up in quality; Strike while the iron is hot These are the bargain days. So don't wait till all GEO. 7alWalWWVslwaiWalvaiwaMas'aa'w'naiwwwww'w'w-'iw---' nil 1 1 1 H mm 1 1 ; M 1 1 n H BOOK :: of Bibles, maaa3ines, nDuslc,ir&0,larper0, a :: Centun?, Xipptneotts s'i anoiebucational foun. cation, In tbc best ano ? strongest in tbc i HDarfeet. ZTeacbers seno ouv i Boors to SCHEFFER'S Book Binder Stationer Store Printing Office j f 2 1 South and St., f Harrlsburg, Pa. 0OOOOOOOuaOO0t0t seasonable goods must Lr. BOOTS and SHOES. the bargains are gone B. R1NE, Kantz, Pa. BINDING
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers