A STRONG, VIGOROUS MAN 1 Is Liable to Break Down Pe-ru-na is Sure to Restore. Hon. Frank Dunn, Alderman Twenty-Fourth District, writes from 232 East Fifty Eighth Street, New York City: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: at Gentlemen: "There is no remedy for a broken-down system that I know of which will so effectually restore health as Peruna. "Whenever I am overworked a cold a few doses of Peruna builds anything I ever Med. I find It Three bottles cured me three years I have never had the least symptoms of it since." Very truly, FRANK DUNN, Alderman 24th Dist., N. Y. City. SCHNfcE. C. H. Woodrutt is spending several (lays at the home of bis mother. Jacob G. Kessier returned Thurs day to Benton Harlior, Michigan, having spent ten days at this place visiting bis parents and friends. Mrs. Carrie Erdley of Kantz was entertained by Mrs. F. C. Fisher, Sunday. George Witmer Jr. was to Phila. Saturday playing as renter for S. U. in the in the Sustiuehand University and Philadelphia Pros, foot ball game. A party was given in honor of J. G. Kessier Wednesday evening at the home of his parents. Missess Delia Moyer and Mabel Kuster and H. A. Gemberliug were to Freeburg Thtirsday as delegates to Freeburg 8. 8. Convention. The Brouse property was sold ( )ct. 31, to John Kinney for $1530. PAXTONVILLE. Mrs. W. D. Gift accompanied by her brother, Allen Bowersox, were to Williamsport several days visit ing Mrs. Gift's son, Rev. F. U. Gift. Frederick Reigle and wife of Vicksburg, Union county were here visiting Mrs. Reigle's sister, Mrs. Mary Howell and Mrs. John Ernest. Mary Romig of St. Clair spent several days here visiting some of his intimate friends. B. F. Heimbacb and wife of New IJerlin were visitors in town Satur day. Fred Specht is in Lewistown heing sent there from this division as foreman of a gang of section men. Miss Maude Gift spent Saturday i'i Middleburg. J. L. Beers it Sons of Swales delivered a bell to this place, Satur day for Hassinger's school bouse. Your scribe made a business trip to Sunbury, Saturday. In the absence of Rev. Joshua Shambach, who was to preach here r. . . . -n 4 1 SI It Sunday night, rrol. v . u. Jjowereox able address. or suffer from the consequences of me up again more quickly than especially valuable tor catarrh. ago of catarrh of the stomach and WEST BtSAVEK. Judge Bueher's son ofLewiaburg paid this end a visit last week look ing up votes, for A. A. Jjeiser can didate for Judge. The supposition is his friends are not as numerous as rotton potatoes. Wni. Weiand of Mifflin county paid a visit Sunday to his sick father, Michael Weiand, who is lying dan gerously ill at this writing. Mrs. Levi Treaster of Mi ill in cutinty spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Peter at Lowel). Miss Will was a guest of Miss Jane Nerbood Sunday. Some of our candidates are look ing up their friends for next spring's campaign. Don't you think you are a little late? Up-to-date Robert Goss has the largest hogs in the township as far as known. He expects 900 lbs. of meat out of two hogs. Galen Goss and family of McClure spent Sunday with his father Rob Goss at Lowell. Mrs. Johnny Wagner and daugh ter was a visitor Sunday at Mrs. L. A. Jankins, of Lowell. Mrs. (ieorge Hanbrick and son of Lewistown, spent Sunday with her mother, Sophia Treaster. Robert Goss took oft over 500 bushels of corn from 5 acres. That accounts for his big fiogs. Jacob Erb was not expected to live one night last week. He is subject to sinking spells. State or Ohio, City or Toledo, Lucas County, SB. Frank J. ChknKy mnkes oath that he is a senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co-, Joint; business iu the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay O 3 E HUNDRED DOLliAltS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the uso ot Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscrib ed iu my presence, this Hii.li day of HaMmKof A. I).. 188(. sKai. I A. W. liljfciASU.N. bKai. notary ruoiic. Rall'a Catarrh Curo is takrn in ternally, and ao.s directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the syttem. Smid for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & 00. Toledo, Ohio. Sold bv Druggists, 75c. Hall s Family Pills are the best. ATONIC is n medicine that pives tono to Bomo part of Mm system. Thero are different kinds of tonics, hut the tonic most needed in this country, where catarrh is so prevalent, is a tonic that operates on the mucous mem branes. Peruna is a tonic to the mucous mem branes of the whole body. It pives tone to the capillary circulation which con stitutes these delicate membrane. l'eruna is a specific in its operation upon the mucous membrane. It is a tonic that strikes at t lie root of all ca tarrhal affections. It givt - lone to the minute Mood vessels and the terminal nerve fibres. Catarrh cannot cxlsi long where l'eruna is used intelligently, l'eruna seeks out catarrh in : !1 the hid den parts of the body. Paul Landrum writing from Atlanta) Oia., savs : 'In January last I began the use of your l'eruna and Manalttl for what was termed organic heart trouble, At that timo I could sc arcely walk I 1 my place of business without stoppim: to rest and on arrival felt completely exhausted. Had severe pains in my he art and general dizziness. After u.i". i he t: Mbottleof Peruna 1 began to Improve and today l feel that 1 am a sound man and I work fourteen hours a day without any bad feeling." Paid Landrum. A. M. Ikerd, an employee of the C. D. At. It. K., West Hurllngton, la., writes: 'I had catnrrh of the stomach and small intestines for a number of years. 1 went to a number of doctors and got no relief. Finally one of my doctors lent me to Chicago and I met the same fate. They said they could do nothing for me, that I had cancer of the stomach and there was no cure. I almost thought the same, for myreath waa something awful. I could hardly stand it, it was so offensive. I could not eat anything without great misery, and 1 gradually grew worse. "Finally I got one of your hooks, and concluded I would try Peruna, and thank God, I found a relief and a cure for that dreadful disease. I took five liottles of l'eruna and two of Maualin, and I now feel like a new man. There is nothing better than Peruna, and I keep a bottle In my house all tho time." A. M. Ikerd. If you do not derlvo prompt and satis factory results from tho uso of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Ilartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. AddreBS Dr. Ilartman, President of Tho Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. CENTREVILLE. There will be a teachers' meeting held in Centreville Intermediate school room Friday evening Xov. 15. All lovers of the grand work arc cordially invited. The people on Tuesday were seen going to the voting precinct to elect the officials they thought best. The Institute at Ware's school bouse was lurgely attended Friday evening. Dr. Gobble was among the speakers. Ira Keister is visiting Abraham Kuhns. The hunting season has opened and every body seems to take the opportunity and the prey seems to become scarcer, not only in the six days of labor. Rememlier the ten commandments and keep them holy. H. A Hackcnberg came home on Saturday from Montandon where he had been working at his trade. When a reliable concern of 85 yean' ntnnd Ing f.ffers Its product direct to the user under posilsire guarantee, there is no Rood eiciue tor b'lylng adulterated good unattended hy a guarantee ot any kind. Hue the advertisement of the Hayner Distilling Co., which appears in this Issue. MT. PLEASANT MILLS. 1 Farmers are about through husk ing corn. Halloween was pretty well ob served at this place. Mrs. Frank Randals of Sunbury speut a few days at Jonathan Troup's. Jonas Meiser of Montandon spent Sunday in town. Augustus Mengel and wife of near Selinsgrove spent Sunday iu town. Gcorire W. Wagensellcr Editor of the Post was in town Saturday. Sonic of our uconle attended the auction at Meiserville, Saturday i evening. S. I. Romig, who was working near Pottsville returned home last week one day. Rev. H. M. Troutnian and family moved to Piqua, Pa., where he has a charge. A huuting party of Sunbury, spent several days in this locality hunting last week. SULINSGKOVE. Tlic weather the lit-: few wwk hit- been vciv fine htvoriog th I limbers fop gelling in Unir GOTO Ncwtitn Stiiily of Indiana is on a visit East, called here l the death of his sister, Mrs. John Fry. Rev. S.. E, Bateman viMtetl his parents I aft week. Allen Howersox of New York, Itjent Friday last in town. Mr. B , was a former resident here, Mis. ('. I). Russell ami children are visiting her parent-, John 15, Fookler tint I wife A. V. Potter and wife tonka tti) to ihe Cumberland valley last i veek. i; Nortl i is a visitor in Philadelphia. Will Philips attended thu Davis Wedding hist week. 1''.. 1. llohbaok inspected the Post at Port Treverton Saturday evening. Uurrl Bolig ha recovered from his sickness sufficiently to return home. Mrs. .1. A. Lumbard attended the I funeral of the wife of her brother ! ( ieorge in York state. Miss Scales ol Massachusetts is being entertained by her sister, the milliner. A game of foot hall was played by the Lewisburg High School team and Susq, Reserves on Satur day the score being 42-0 ill favor of the reserves. In the game between the regular team and the Phila. professionals was 340 in favor of Phila. Mrs. Rev. J. K. Houevcutl of Chanioersbtirg spent several days with Mrs. Amelia Wagensellcr, Mrs. Kate W agensellcr has gone Carlisle to visit her daughters. Mrs. Pine is being entertained bv by Mrs. Forrester. Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. owes ol New i ork are visiting their parents, Dr. N. ant! Mrs. Kantner. Work on the new Ladies' Dormi tory building is being pushed for wurd. V. A. Dreher made a business trip to Sudbury Monday. Mrs. P. F. Gregory is visiting her son Forest at Vvilliamsport. Mrs. Major Rolmch is visiting her sister in Milton. Dark Hair f I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a great many years, and al though I am past eighty years of age, yet I have not a gray hair in my bead." Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. We mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. If it's gray now, no matter; for Ayer's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long ; and it stops falling of the hair, too. SI.M i toll. All If your drtirgit cannot supply ynu, end us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. He sure and give the name of your nearest express Out e. Address, J. t,'. AVi.lt CO., Lowell, UNION TOWNSHIP. Francis and Harry Auckcr were visiting their brother, Edwin, at Danville pver Sunday. Enoch Auckcr and wife spent Sunday at Richfield. Levi and Christ Stab I were visit inir amour; friends at Shamokin a few days last week. Mrs. K. S. Stall I was mingling among friends at Sunbury. Mrs. Elmer Natigle entertained some lady friends from Sunbury last week. lien Rhaiisline of Selinsgrovc is a frequent caller in our section of late. Our fanners intend to finish sowintr. and huskinir corn this month. William Stalil, a civil war veteran, is numbered among the sick. Sunday hunting is getting new in our section. A party from Selinsgrovc were in our section after rabbits one day last week. After firing twenty shots at one rabbit and the last time they saw him, he signaled O. K. They left for home. A number of horses are sick here. The U. S. Government Tests Show the Absolute Superiority of Royal Baking Powder. UL0I1E MILLS lWn Thursday In .1. A. SmitJ .uui wjfti .A S(,n Jacob Rentier visited his sister at Richfield over Sunday. B. W. Yoder and lady friend were seen on our streets Sunday. Mrs. W. L. 8chmyer accompani ed Thomas Deitriehand and fainil to Lewi8burg. Mrs. 15. F. Walter went t.. Son- ; bury to spend a week with her brothers, Amos Gemberliug and wife of; Salem were seen on our streets , Sunday. Frank Boiig, wife and daughter of Selinsgrovc visited relatives at this place la.-t week. Ellie Bolig and two lady friends of Selinsgrove spent Sunday with her aunt Susaunn Erdlv. Jefferson Hummel of Milton was .. I'. a t . . ff tioing business at tins place wion- aav. The teachers' meeting held at the school at this place Friday was well attended. W hile hunting Friday Lawrence accident ly shot his hand. Dr. Herman was called dressed the wound and at present is titling nicciy. Mrs. Bickharl of Middleburg visited her father (ieorge Roush Saturday. Anion Yergcr and wife visited at K reamer Sunday. Horn to G. ( '. Iknfer and wife a daughter. Mrs. E. Bollinger ol Kreamcr was seen on our streets Saturday, Samuel Hummel of Beavertown was doing business at this place Saturday! Miss Carrie Chirk of Sunbury is spending a few days with her. parents at this place. Communion services will be held on Sunday tho 17th at Zieber's church conducted by Rev. H. G. Schnable. Lin k lii I III! -tern. l!.v sending 18 mileH Win. Shirey, of Walton Furnace, Vt got a bx of Bucklen's Arnica Solve, that wholly cured a horrible Fever Sore on his leg. Nothing else could. Positively cures Bruises. Felons, Ulcers, Erup tions, Hods, Burns, (ortiH and Piles. Only 26c. Quarrnteed by the And dieburgDrujr Store, Graybill, Cfar man & Uo., Richfield, Pa., and Dr. J. W.Bampaell, Pennscreek, l'a. TROXELVILLE. Our farmers are finishing up with their corn. Our Supervisors arc out doing their last work for this season by opening the gutters. On Sunday evening the St. Luke's S. S. will hold their annual Luther Day Services. Miss Annie Mattern who was supposed to have a touch of dyph theria is out again anil had only a common sore throat. A. W. Gill was to Beavertown and Adainsburg last Saturday. The other day when 'Squire Geti was met by one of his neighbors, who asked the 'squire what had happened that he had cut his hand off. The nciirhlior takimr this to be 0 la fact hy the aniMMr ance of the hand being wrapped up in a sheet. The 'Squire had nerve enough to say " It is only a boil. On Tuesday after a number of our citizens have voted, they will go to the Seven mountains hunting whatever they can find. They ex- pect to stay a few weeks. I hope their trip may not lie in vain. Some of our Ikivs who ought to k: in school are out after cotton tails. This I think is a mistake. It certainly cannot nay and their I parents should sett to it anil send them to school. It is the boys and girls who attend school regularly snd study diligently that will OOCUpy the highest positions while the rabbit hunters will have to tug ami toil for their living. Tliey rare easy. If your liver feels (rood, you feel Cood. McNaiu's Stomach axi LlVEB Fills tones tho stomach, regulates the live), makes life worth living. Best Pill. SBe gets them. Try them West Side Pharmacy Co., 10-24 101. Batavia, 111. UCNDOHK. There i- nothing like good coma moil sense iu ili- affairs of life. Our potato farmers are mi th road to K londyke, Isaac Kiuu and wife if New Berlin ienl Li Sunday with their old friends N. T Duudore aniL wife. 1 .iie Bartihaid id iirardville it' staving wild Maria W. Duudore. Minnie K, Ever and herdsuohtei Sara of Selinsgrovc callwl lt we Li.ie Burudard and -pent the day w ith her sister. Our fanners are busy husking fill II. David Witmer and grand-daughter, Edith, ol Salem spenl Sun !av with uui merchant and fumil) md called on ( ieorge ( 'aiiipbcll, w ho i convaleceut. George Kratzer built a corn ril for John S. Shaler. II. I i . Reichenbach n in ! (it ( 'auipel I ami John I '. i.-i up u the sick list. II. K. Scholl, (lit! Iiorsi dot or, is busy tit pit i nt. ' '. I". I hindore of San I lit go is enjoying our mild Autumn. Key. Searlc preached 1 ; . t sabbath three edifying seruu ms, N. 1 . I hindorc i- selling coal oil at 10c. Our Supervisors have much un finished work on hand. J. II. ise nettle a htisiness trip to the county seat. .Iiictil) Kerstetter took a load ot potatoes and corn In Selinsgrovc. 11. F. Blessing is supplying the pom house H ith potatoes. Joel Shafer, an inmate of the poor house; was in town. This week's Post will belli gr.'at; demand to gel the result of tlic election which will be 7 fur Judge McClure '' for Lciser I for Crtitisc 1 1. B. Reichenbiu li has returned! home to spend the winter wtli his parents. F. E. Mower of Lcwisburg waa seen on our streets. Clayton Xeitz who was acciden tally shot while out hunting Air ducks, was btiriel last Sabbat li at the Witmer Uuifed Evangelical Cemetery, ami he was a promising Imiv of eleven summers and &iv attentive scholar at Sunday School. There are some fresh COWS air stile among our fanners but there is a good demand for shoatcs. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Tn firyr to Krrillnnnd. rtiltimbus rosf The fateful t kk Had just btcn broken, and l lu' cnurt lerav aw With wtimt. mu nt the skill of on. wh iemrtl By hla their nerve to rontjuer nataraS law. "That l the way you do It?" ald the kinav "You take the igg, und whack It duwau romparlly?" Coliinihus smlltd, and, buwlng. m.t.ti: ra f DOM! "That, royal blchntft, U the trick, eg HCtly: -Chicago Journal. Did Tun Know TfclaT Do rim know that a iteKleclnl uurli or ,4d IchiIh looonionptlon I More people die froaai the effecift of cnti-hilig cold than from any otbaV known cauta, Then i one remedy, an.1 ra mambe It only eoHtn twenty.flre vnta that haa proven a nnfe, unfailing cure fur coughs anil cold. It in called M -ticati Syrop Your drunriet baa It or will get II 'or von. it baall and Htii-nglhcuH Ihc braathlllg I atHjiK'caw teben nothing else you take aaaine Ui do yoia good bad better get a Imtllo to-day .md leadi the teatlBaotltalajon Ibe wrapper. lime Yon Wnriim T Arc you growing .hill null sickly'.' Has yoirr skin a pate or swallow tinge T Ooyou not .k--caelonally feci a hollow eeuaation in ihcpit of your itoniaob, or a riueer dlntrenN in out bowole? Do you get oaeity vexed, nervoue or Agdety T Probably you are nourlehlng -nine tontacb woriua, a lengl by tape worm, or eiso a thousand pin worms that are dcvilahiiif your entire system. You can expel them i,jr taking Mother'! Worm Syrup. Nothing else t. So cITectivc Heller Health, Better health always follows a uie of JTexr can Knot Pills, simply because they cleanse tho system of sickening ami effete matter so tbo rniik'liiy and oompletely. it lea sin to remain onnstlpated when Mexican Hoot Pills only cost twenty-live cents a box. The Beat Paiai Cure Is one that Is absolutely safe ami sure and 'lag laken Internally will cure cramps and colic, un applied external t. ill ri duoe swelllDgs and .nh due pain- t i !i's iuu k ltclief does this I gal only twenty-live eenls. nut to lie PreUj ? Tben parity your blood hy taking fiov-ba S irsaparilla, the hest of all blood n.ediciuesa I'liic-lllc t'lires I'lleH. Money refunded If ever f.-'it. Ami-Ai.i k cures Chilis aud r'ever,.