The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 24, 1901, Image 7

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. 1 "
San Frsntlso Teamster. Attack Otn- 1
flcerw Seven WMItSeS. m head mim of the testimonial on the ropa. rop( duri , he
Ban eVwooiaw a. -a u . . . I wrapper around each bottle that pro this '.. i l
BSJ. mnclaco, Sept. SO. A pitched remedy more ure for deep seated colds same month, ami we have greater agn
btttle between Strikers and policemen habitual coughtnsaivd even cpneumptloo than cultural gains than the Europeans to
orj-un-jul h--l n i . , "' other remedy known to physicians Many I r r
occurred abort! j after 1 o slock raster- ,..j..iK.ii.k.,. off ci our rr i.-i,i:iir,.i i...,...- v.ih.
lauiuiuf in rvearney Street, seven I
snra are kaown to hare ben wounded,
one probably fatally, and It la thought
that several other who escape j arreat
ware Injured. Not less than 50 shots
wst fired. Several of the Injured
were Innocent passersby. A number
of plate glass windows were broken by
flying bullets.
Four special policemen and a re
cently discharged naval man were
made targets for an assault by a mob
of striken and sympathisers number
ing, according to the declarations of
the special policemen, at least ZOO.
The party of special policemen was
on the way home from a variety thea
tre. When they turned Into Market
atreet from Turk they noticed a laigo
crowd assembled, but they asked Po
Uceman John. Tillman to accompany
them. Just as the party reached
Kearney street a shot was 11 red. I
was followed in quick succession by
several others. A regular fusillade
The mob scattered In all directions,
"but not before the police had succeed
ed In arresting about 30 of them. Four
were identified as striking teamsters.
They were heavily armed. While Offi
cer Tillman was attempting to protect
the specials the first shots were fired,
and one of the moh fred at him at
short range. The bullet ial grazed
Tlllman'a tar.
aaTaa faaTnf aaTawt-f TaaT..T a.?..!.
fN l I A I
j- a waaw mi
Marked attractiveness in design
A .1 ! LI I Sit. 1
Atn mwiO) wmmoeu wihi uiu reusonaiue prices, mane
Xoonspicuous. At this time attention is called to the new season'.-.
! patterns of the well-known Wilton's. Axiiim-tcis ami Taiu-strv
Brussels, The latest effeots in Ineraias. Bas Caruets in all stvles ?
;and prices.
Our stock of new
Ipecially pleasins:.
ine of baby Carriages.
j W. H. FELIX,
Valley Street, Lewifttown, Pa,
Numbers and assortment to
awursja ine agency Tor tne celebrated
It is the original "scientifically built" refrigerator
their poiiits of superiority overall other boxes, making
it the best and cheapest refrigerator on the market.
Everything can bo removed, making it easy to
Patent "Lip Chip" preventing any warm air from
reaching the ice compartment,
Every one is guaranteed to give satis
Prices ranae from $8 to $17.90 with or without water
Screen Doors, Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, Garden
jiooim, uiuer uouiera, y
"WH 'HEliVirSilMirv, "Ii7
:H--m- nieiieieitll
I H i 1 e 'I'
Our complete line of bed-room suites are ex
traordinary value. Prices deeply cut and
worth your while to consider.
Very respectfully,
W. A.
439Maiket St.
JndsttakinfcT aSpeoiaLy.
'"HtltMieiliUi - H -
Lire Worth UvlagT
Then don't negdect acouhoreoU.e-pecially ,
when only tw.utj.flve caul will bay bot.le
. perieocedby Ku-
ie enacacioo remeaie i.n.
ale. Puny. Children.
If a cliild liu had wntomg breath. If It
habitually pet it no, if it It croaa ami
nervous. If it doe nut sleep soundly. If il I
hollowed eyed, if it he a pule, blood loan com
plexion, If il in a-roe-in- '''' " "! lifeless. ive
it Mother's Worm sWftsp anil you will remove
the cause of ita distress -iuickly. Tben will
its little cteek gel raw ami rony. Ita appetite
and digestion improve, and it health be better
Hnce only s!5 cents- No other worm-killer M
Ve Not KeiTlvrd.
Don't think von can neglect your health and
in ' I , ..1.1 ... II,.. am tn Innimvitv ( it li
I kind to nature and then nature Will be kind to
you Constipation, inactive liver, etc., arc roes 1
to untiir. Trv them. Thev cure bv clean! lur
Auil ntrehKthciiiUK
1'nln Can Be Cured.
v h a ufTcr pain? Pain in trying to kill you. I
Why not kill pain. Nothing kill-pain, either '
internal .r external pain, so quickly and no
effectively M Hooch's Qalok Kellef. Cures
crump nod colic.
. , .,
A t mpieie t or.
'l. ymi lake liooch Hursaprlllt. you Sad
it a complete cure for bad blood. j
l-llc-lnc Cure 11 lea. i
Money refund, d If M ever falls.
An ri -AoUS cure- Chills and Keve-,
A new remedy for biliousness ie
now on sa c at Mldulobura Drug
5. . ,. , ,,, .
Store. It is cnlled Cnnmnerluiu ,
Stomach and Liver Tablets, ft
givee quiek reliel and will prevent
tbo attack if given as soon aB tbe '
lirst iidioition of the disease ap
pears. Price. 38 cents per box.
Samples free ;
a. A I 1?"
ttA r- OFi
aw-f m Iwaaaj Bawa
0 II
Bad color and excellent quality
II 1
' J.
V (asohave a fine f
TT't'f Itlti M 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1
satisfy most any taste.
m i 1 : i -: -: .;. . -h.-k
M.j .j.
PERSONS to buy abed I
room suite, consisting o T
tiovon pieces for $la.60. It.
fl1" We do not deliver these
uit.s out of town tor this
This offer Is to bold good until the
lirescnt Stock in cxliaunted.
Others will quote you the
same grade of suite from $20
- r4 - K
Tie tnrtghX which afflicted U!s
' .
than the one ex-
Chicago Record Herald. Italy is the
only country of the coutinent which
U reported to have made good har
vests. The French wheat crop is the
smallest of recent year, having fallen
to about 275.0OO.0iM) bushels, which is
nearly 100.000,0(10 bushels less than the
crop of 1S99 and considerably less than
that of last year. Other pruin crops
except rye are said to be below the
average. Kye is the only pram that
has done weal in Germany. Russia has
both from drought and
storms and earlier favorable reports
from Itoumania am now discounted.
Spain, w hich started w ell, also w as
. ,, I , , ...
badly scorched, to the great injury of
growing grain. Ill Great Britain the
damage is indicated bv a summary
iu thu ''""'" Tinies which, taking 1U0
for the average year, gives this year's
percentage on agricultural products
as follows: Wheat, S7.6; barley, 77. J;
oats, 77.1; beans, 80; peas, 7l; pota
toes, ajtt nonta. ?ii: it.iss. R5.! hnnx. s7.
rhe lack of feed has hurried cattle to
. , . ., , , , . .
market, where thev have been sohl in
, ' , ...
the glut t low prletf, Our big loss
In Indian corn, and if present estl-
mates arc correct it must be a serious
one. In mi article written for the
Record-Herald IL F. Snow said the
proapects were fot a crop much below
a billion and a half bushels. This would
be the smallest one iu many years,
and 1f the worst fears are realized t be
total may not be much more than half
that for 1800, Uu thu otfcsr hau'J, '.he
outlook for wheat is most encourag
ing. The crop is likely to exceed that
Of last year by 200,000,000 bushels and
to reach a total of 725,000,000, the
J largest on record. I'nder these condi
I lions thera will be an enormous quan
4 tity for exoprt, sinoe we were able to
export. 132,000,000 bushels last year.
The London Economist, from which
we have obtained the general Euro
pean estimate, is correct in conclud
ing that the United States and Can
ada can make up the European de
ficiency, but the failure in corn will
affect the grain exporting trade in
juriously, since last year's surplus of
178,000,000 bushels is more than w iped
out. Wheat exports must be Worth
1170,000,000 to equal the tWO accounts
of Inst year, with both Hour and meal
left out of the calculation.
A .HI' II MIIIT tfl'J I I'll i,nu
4i... . i . .... ...
..I lit," (III IIIU1I .. 111 It 1.1 Ul
the Midway at the Pan-Amerloan
exposition is a man with it cigar
stand In front, of the Soft Drinka'
building, us it is officially called. One
of the waitresses partook too lib
erally of soft drinks the other day,
and the ambulance was sent for. it
pulled up in front of the cipar stand,
and had barely stopped when thu
elgar man took advantage of the it-
Uution to do business with thu
crowd. "Here you are!" lie shouted;
"anybody that wants to pet a ride iu
the ambulance just buy one of these
here cigara. Smoke one o' these cig
ars an' the ambulance 'II ride you
right down to the hospital." A man
who was passing and had not heard
the invitation stepped up to buy a
cifjnr. "That's right!" shouted the
dealer; "lure's one man that wants
to ride in the ambulance. Anybody
else like to go? Our cigar warranted
to do the business, A trip in the am
bulance goes with every cigar. No
blanks. No extra charge, Only the
cents for a cigar and uu ambulance
ride thrown in. No such bargain any
where else on the grounds 1"
Some amusing letters find their
wny into the governmsnt archives,
One federal officeholder reoently made
an ujieal for screens for the build-',
ing where he worked, saying that
within 100 yards were three livery
stables, one mule boarding house, one
horse sanitarium with operating'
table and one fish morgue, llo added i
that his handwriting lid been spoiled
by the constant endeavor to write and
keep oft flies at the same time;. He '
bad spread ten sheets of sticky fly- j
paper, and while they carried olT
thousands of victims, they seemed to
occasion no vacancies in tho ranks
of the survivors. The pathetic ap- j
peal was in vain. "Uncle Sam is rich j
enough to givu US all" screens; but
he is too hard-hearted to do it.
The last clause of a will which wa3
filed for probate In Washington, D. C,
ouc day lately significantly saysi "The
net turn of $iso,ooo left by this will is
the financial result of a long life of
industry and economy, and if used for
good and useful purposes by those to
whom it is now giveu is enough. And
if not so used it is too much."
There are scientists who say the
world should go slow in the matter of
trying to abolish the mosquito atone
fell swoop. They assert that the in
sect balance of nature may be thus up
set and something even worse than the
mosquito come in to take its place.
The "kissing bug" is pointed out as a
posUmosquito possibility.
A candy dealer of national repute
says : "The American woman eat more
candy than any femialnes Ob the face
ot the
Why Republican Candidates Are
Strong In the Goal Regions.
Many Bills Passed at the Last Session
of the Legislature in the Interest
of the Miners Are Not Forgotten
By the Voters.
A special dispatch from PottsTllIe
says that the Republican leaders In the
coal region counties are confident ot
pel line; a large vote for the whole Re
publican ticket this fall on account
of the great satisfaction expressed
among the coal miners over the leg
islation procured for the Interest of the
worklngmen at the last session of the
The committee of the Miners' organi
sation that BiHMit all winter at Harris
burg watching legislation returned
homo with many victories to ttielr
For years the miners had been
knocking at tho doors of the general
assembly for remedial legislation but
ihere was always some obstacle pre
sented to their getting what they
The outcome of the session wan so
gratifying that at a recent convention
of miners, when supporters of the in
surgents attempted to have passed
resolutions condemning the recent leg
islature, they were promptly suppress
ed by the delegates In the convention.
Enumeration of a few of the meas
ures puased iu the Interest of miners,
showing the solicitous concern .he Re
publican lenders have for the laboring
interests of the state Is given:
Thu "powder bill." which was de
manded by the miners and which be
came a law, provides that all kegs el
powder shall contain not lees than to
pounds, and that no one but ihc origi
nal owner shall refill a keg for sale.
The practice among unscrupulous oper
ators had bec to buy kegR in which
Standard grades of powder had boon
sold and refill them with damp powder
of an Inferior grade. Frequently these
kegs, which were supposed to contain
25 iounds, were two or three pounds
short. Tho bill provides a penalty of
1600 for each violation of the provi
sions of this uct
Tho "medical bill," which was passed
and signed by Governor Stone, provldos
that thore shall bo a room at tho bot
tom of the shuft or mine, not loss tha,n
eight feet by ten foet, which shall con
tain a bed, bandages, spllut, cotton and
medical appliances for the proper
treatment of minors who are hurt in
the mines or otherwise hurt, and who
If taken out of tho shaft Into the open
air might be fatally affected by a sud
den chango of temperature, This act
Is designed to avoid the necessity of
transferring Injured persons to hos
pitals when that is uudeuirablo.
Tho "mine inspectors' bill" did not
become a law until ufter a hard fight.
It provides for an increase iu the num
ber of mino inspectors from eight to
10, and provides thut the Inspectors
shall be elected by tho peoplo Instead
of appointed by the governor, as has
been the practice. This bill was passed
on account of complaints of miners
of the Inability of the mine inspectors
to mako tho requisite number of In
spections. Somo Inspectors have as
; many as 40 collieries to inspect every
I month. Tho new law requires that all
: candidates to bo voted for for mine
inspectors shall havo passed an ex
amination before tho mine examining
i board, with an average of at least 90
per cent.
The famous "storu order" bill, which
' attracted attention owing to tho pecu-
liar methods resorted to In the effort
to block its passage, was passed otter
many obstacles had been overcome,
j This bill is regarded by the miners as
one of the most meritorious measures
cf the session. It provides for pay
ment of wages of all employes In r:wh
and prevents a coutinimnco of tho sys
tem of granting orders on different
stores iu some of which tho mine oper
ators have a financial interest. The
i result of the passngo of tills blil la
I already Shown In a (h.'.iii'iug si Ute
methods of certain corporations, which
aro now paying in cash Instead 6! by
checks. Orders, cash books, etc., given
in lieu of wages, shall bo taxed 25
per cent.
All of theso bills wi re signed by
Governor Stone without hesitation.
'i .10 committee of the mine workers
of the Schuylkill region that wero the
las' in attendanco at Harrlsburg wero
Bore successful than n:;y other dele
gation that had been looking after any
Intercuts. They closely followed all
their bills and wero persist rut in pres
sing for their passage.
Elks Assembling In Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, July 23. Trains and
steamer lines brought about 10,000
Elks to the city yesterday, and a large
number will arrive today, the open
ing day of tho convention. The all
absorbing topic of Interest centres In
the election of the next grand exalted
ruler. Supporters of the active can
didates, Charles K. Pickett, of Iowa,
and Judge John C Hethaway, of Min
nesota, make large claims today,
each faction declaring their man will
e elected.
Anarchy Hatched By saloon system.
Doylestown, Pa., ept. 24.- The Bucks
county Prohibition convention, held at
Wycombe yesterday, adopted resolu
tions expressing the belief that tho
spirit of anarchy Is duo to the condt-
j tions of society produced by the sa
1'kki'o.nko to tur nnzKMs or
hum roMMoMWEAi.Tii ron thiir av
sTIU'TION a joint Ki.soi.r noN
l'r..,.inK an aiiirmliurnt to thr t'snatilvtlon
"f tlu- t'oiniitouweallii.
Sectiun 1. Ht II rraulrrd by MM Vnat anil
llimw of llrpreaeiilatlTaa of Ilia infra
wra'lh in (irarral Aariiilly mrl. tlial Ilia foh
lowing la sesaoesd aa auirndinenta Is Iba t'oa
litution af the I'oiiimonwrallti af I'annoyl
vama. In accordant a-ith the psswISMas of lua
rlKhtoi-ntlutriiete HlsiSoft
ASBiaSWl One to Article Right. Section Oaa.
Mi at tlie nul of Hie ItrM paragraph of aaid 1
acttoa, after the woeil "Shall l entitled to
vote at all election,'' the worda, "autiject how
ererto audi law re. in ring and regulating the I
rcgi'trattmi of elei torn aa the General AHarmbfy
niav enuct," no Unit the said aeclinu nliall read
aa follows.
section i. 9eallBeaMea of Beetots, Ker-
niitlvcttircn twi-nty-ont- yeura of age, poaaaaa.
log Hie following quaJIOoaatons, ahull 1m en
titled to roS at all clectiona. ubjeot however
to -lu ll law n requiring and regulating the rcg-i-liatiou
ofolectora ua the (icncral SsHaVMy
may unact:
I. Be ahull bare boon a ctUsen ot the United
Sltttea lit least one mouth
'-. lie ahall have r. ai, led 01 the State one vear
(or if. having previoualy I n a qualified elec
tor or native bom cltll f the Male, he shall
have removed therefrom ami returned within
an months Immediate!) i (receding the elec
tion.' 8, He ahall have resided iu the election district
where he shall offer hia vote at lcat tw..
months Immediately pre, edlns lite election.
t. It twenty-two yearn of age and upward, he
sluili have paid wtllllll two viaia a BtHle or
county tin, which ahull hnve heen llnaeaaed at
east two monthtand paid ..t h-.iat one mouth
before the eleetlon.
Amendment Two to Article Bight, Bection
Strike out from eald anction the w orda "bill
no elect r shall he deprived of the privilege
of voting hy reaaon of hia name not being re
glatered," ami nhi t-i aald aeetlon the fni lowing
wools, "hut law s regulating ami requlrillg the
rrglatrMion ol eleetora ma) be enacted t 'apply
to eitiea only, provided that iucIi lw may be
uniform for elilea of the aame claa. " ao thai
the said eeetlon -hall read as follows:
Section I'nllortnlty of Election Law. All
law- r- suiatlns the boldingof elections by Hit
cities or for the reglatrntlon of i-lei lore shall lie
uniform llirouRhoul the Htale, hut lawn regula
tlngand requirlns the reglatratlon of eleetora
may ue enacted to apply '.. citieaonly, provided
that iuoh lawa he uniform forettiu of the same
. true copy Of the Joint Hcaoltition,
Secretary ol the t'oinmoutvvallh.
...(,, . ... i ' in
Vfl.'vc ree 'en,.- ,
I'll IN
) Al.
l ilt: si i HI.I AIIY ol-' TllKt'oMMoNW K
l; in
Proposing un amendment lo the ('ollllltlltioll
of the i ominonw nalth
Section 1. Melt enacted by the Senate ami
House of Itepresenlativca. of the t'nnnnonn enltli
nf Pennaylvaniit In Aseembly mel
fhal the fullowlnR ia proposed iisan atnen.l inei.t
to the Constitution of the Conn wealth ol
Penney Ivaitia In accordance w Itti the provision,
of the eighteenth Artlclo thereol.
Am ndment.
Strike out section four of article, eight, und
in-ert in place thereof, as follow:
Section!. All election by the ci II sen shall
be by ballot or by such other inetho I na may
be prescribed by law: Provided, I lust aeorecy
in voting he preserved.
A tun copt of the Joint Resolution,
Behretary of the I oinmonwealth.
" For ilii 'e tluys find uiphta I
Buffered sfronyuntold from an attack
of cholera morbus brougui on by
pating cucuinbei p." hiivh f, E, Low-t!i-r,
clerk cf tho district couit,
Centerville, Iowa. "I thought i
should surely die, imtl tried a dozeu
different medieiuos but all to no
purpose. I Bent lor a bottle ol
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy and three doses
relieved me cut in ly." This reined)
is for sule by Middleburg Drug
WAN'n.D. -i'apul.le. reliable person in every
county lo repreaenl large conitmuy of solid
flnnticlal reptilution; IlltW anlsry per year, pay
able wei Icly- f.; per .lay absolutely sure and all
expenaea- straight, bona fide, deliuito yalury
no commission; salary paid each Saturday ami
cxpcii-e nn me - advanced each week, s I AN 1 1
Attn HOUSiS. D8I Dearborn St.. Chicago. :i-M0
When you cannot sleep for cough
ing, it is hardly necessary thut you
need u few doBos of Chsinberlain's
I lough llemcdy to alluy the irritation
"f thetbroat, and ninkc sleep possi
ble, it i.j good, Try it. For sale
by Uiddleburg Drug Store,
W. Willi SKY Kit A L PKIISONS OF I'll A It
acter u. d good reputation in each -tate (oie in
tlii-4 county required) lo reproaent and adver
tise old ofltalillslied wealthy business houao of
solid financial standing, ralary Sls.eo weekly
with expenses atliltlonnl, all iiaynble in cnsli
inch Wedneatlay direct from head offlees
lloise and carri ige furnished, w hen necessary,
References, Knolose aeif ndilrcsncd htanipccj
onvolopo. Munsgor, HiOC'anton Liuildlns. tl
rago. 9-12-ietT
It Happened in a Drurr Store.
"One day winter a lady came
o my drug tore and asked for u
liinnti of cough medicine that I din
ut liiivo in stock," Bays Mr. C. It,
Hrandln, the popular druggist of
Ontario, X. Y. "She was iiii-mi-pointed
and wanted lo know whnl
cough preparation I could recom
mend, suiil to her Unit 1 could
freely recommend Chamberlaian's
Cough lleiiiedy anil that she couht
tnko a bottle of the remedy end
ufter tr i v i 1 1 k it it fair trial i, she .ii I
not find it. worth the money to bring
buck the bottle and I would refund
iho price paid, in the course of a
day cr two the lady c me back in
company with a friend in need of n
cough medicine and advised her to
buy ii bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Itemedy consider that a very
good recommendation for the re
medy. '' It is for sule by Middll burg
Drug Store.
Jnt Whnl She Oot.
tfaggitt Nothing is good enou
for you since our msrrlago.
Mrs Naggitt Well, tny dosr. ths
jtnt about vhat I get.-To n Topi ;
Ennllir Satisfied.
Pa Its fiat A llin ninn T m:irrv n,::-.f
know m mnrh as I do. I
Patrice Whfttl No more than that, I
Lui r ? Vrtnlrora Rtnljuu'iu I
V. U 4 4 i W 1 I rvv 1 .J 1- I It IT. OlUItll,
Not Domestic.
Miss Fosdick Is Sue's new husband
domestic man''
Miss Keediolc Vo: she imported
him from London. Leslie's Weekly,
oni'iiANs- ooOstT BAUl or
Valuable Real
By virtu of an order iaaued hy the Orphan
V.ur? H ''J"1" County lo the uudcraii-ncd
Admlniilral..r V. T. A. of I el Itrouae. late of
aaid Townahlp. .1. ........ ,t i , eiiwue to
public aal on the prriulaea uu
Tnorsxlaj, ( tetober Slat, 1901,
he following rral estate:
All that certain tract of land aituale In amid
Townahip, l ouiily and Male and iHiiinded on
the north by a put. lie road and land ol the
Salem Churc h, on the eaal hy a public road and
land of .Matilda I iaher, on the south lu a public
road, and on the we-t by land of the heir of
Henry Mover, deceased ami containing eight
acre , more or h aa, w h. reen are erected a frame
dwelling house, atatde ami minor buildings
being Iho auroe proia rty which athcriue
Hrouae a the widow ,,f said Ua 1 llrouae
oecupied durins ber natural life, raid lutmeiii
I MMated in the village of Salem ami hoa
plenty of choice fruil tr ami other fruits on
it. alao good water. It forma u Suitable altc for
a atore or other buainee.
t-ale ,, begin at I o'clock P, II., when the
- Will he made known.
A. II. Keck. Auctioneer,
William II. lloycr,
luiiinuai n -t.nufuto)
ko p. uirlcb Ban.,
Ally for estate.
A UMINll'K.viVKS' NOTlUK. Let.
A ten of Admlniatratlon In the Batata of
Vmlrew I rutt, lat-nf Monroe township ,,v.
der ( aunty. Pa , de. ea-ed. ha, i,,a i ,, (ranted
to the iimh-raigned. all per...,,, knowing them
selves Indebted to said estate are rcquaatad u
make Immediate pay t. while those harlna
claim at tintl the said relate will pn-aeul t .em
duly autlientleatod lo the undersigned.
f.Wil'KI. W I 111 i X
Oct v im " W'-"'r..Adiinitrt..rfc
Notl.ela h.iehy given thai Tower of attorney
in fa. i I,.,- heen grunted by Hie he In In the .-'
tate of Conrad l etter, latoof I'enu lown.hln
Snyder Cotiuly, i , tlcccaawl. A I I ,.er,;
kliowlnsth -el to be Indebted Iu aald es
tate ahoui, I make Immediate puvuieni ami thoau
haying c aim nguin! it ahuuld prcaenl th
duly aolhentleatod for aoltlement
A LI. UN s SKI n 1:1, t
,. , Attorney-ln fuel.
Dllmloie I'a , , line I.I'JUI
ters of Atliuiiiistrittion In the
estate of Henry Na-igte Bt f w. I'erry Iwn ,
Snyder county, Pa ,ut.',, having Ineu granted
mleraigin,,!. pci-oii, knowing Ihelii-
.elves i,,de le i to said , -tale a, e nested to
make Immediate pilymcnt, while tit having
alms will preecntllieui duly authontlwted to
the until nigned.
... I. NAt'ULK. Administrator,
tllne, Pa., tug p.. iihh.
LJXKI l TOH'M NOTICK Notice i. hereby
"given Ilia I letter teetniuenlnry iiihiii the
estate of Lydla Hwnrts, late ..r Washington
rownahlp, Knydei Cotinly, I'a , dacuaaod, have
heen ImiiciI in duo f i of law to the under
-igtied. to whom nil in 1.1. ted to aaid . -tate
bolllll nuke ii. .mediate l.iivin. u' and those
navini; claim ogaluat it almuld presenl them
Inly Slltht llticatetl for -etth iiienl.
II. N Si Ah'I'Z. I
V II. SWA K1 , i I v. utora.
Kant. I'a., An. L'li lull
$i5 to Si8 a Week
Mlary f.-r an Intelllgenl man or woman iu each
town Permanent position, SOceiiUjier hour
for , pne time Mnniifnclurcr, l..i 7- I'hlUv
Prof. O. Noling
Lnte with Dr. A. H, W. lis.
Ihe ('ElitWRATED KYK M'l.t I LIS r
of Washington, D. C.
Headquarters :il ."'.iller House, 123
Eaat Market St., Lewlstown, Pa.
Vmau r.tlon and thorough examination fne
"ii every Wedneday and Saturday,
.lucs icntiDcally and skillfully fitted. Alao
II Imp. iectiona in the oyee of children eare-
illy i itnlneil, Satifuctlou guaraulead ol
onrv i funded.
Write tu 'he MOtVIIAWK KKMBDY CO ,
Rome, ' Y and thev .-ill tell you can cure
your Hi I'll UK or 111 1,1 N A anil Iho ONLY
Ai lliey can possibly he CI '1(1 h KRKKOK
I'llARtlKll will coal oit I. ut oNI. KNT.
IHn't Walt, v"U will never teg n I it pr ls-jt
aetei nml good rcpulntlou In in It state lone in
this county rctiulrrd) tu repreaeut mill ttdver
tle old catitltl iahctl wealth) btialne houscof
Militl fliinnchil -tat. do. g. Salary $iauo weekly
With evpen- - additional, a I p i, aide in eaafl
each Mi-dltCMday direct from head ofllcc.
II, ta and t-tirrisgo furnished, when nooses
anr) Referenec Kncloe si If addressed
stain?. --I envelope. Manager, Slfl fusion
Hi. ii. I ng. i ".I, ago, l.'-lill.
' Spl llllls, 1-V I 1 1 f I : llll! 1 11 UK -
ness tl" re i- notliiug s.i good as
Chambi'i'lniti's Pain italm. Try it.
h r sale bj Middleburg Drus Store,
ii to travel nml elver torol I eatahll -hed
uise of solid llnancinl itauding. Salury 1780a
tr ami expensi a, all payahle in cash. No can-
-ins rettiired. Give rcfere sandenolose
If-oddreaseil stntnpcd cnvclow, Address
itWKcr, BM Caxtott llldg,, l hicago, 1-is-iM
1 ti 5
To wll I I lino
Ki .uly hi If. ;i 1 1 1 1
I ttl nioiM i fin M IN In Ihc r ht
ncrflonti All Htnek KtinmntciNl IVrtlrnon
lot H i intl fveurvn Kimii bltuatlon fur (ho
n-Mni, Rochester, N. V.
Over half n century of it
is one of the reasons why
goods stamped
Rogers Bros."
the product of this long
Experience archest. They
are sold by leading deal
ers. For catalogue No. 191
explaining points of in
terest to buyers, address
the makers
Internal houil Mlvcr I ...;,... ,
Mcrhh-11, Conn.
km ii
loon IJIWUl. .