The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 24, 1901, Image 1

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    Dote Vteabs
We have a Job lot of note
heads on hand. They must go
quick. The price wiB do it.
Samples and prices for the ask
ing. We furnish them printed
for less than you can buy them
without printing.
J We bagfiSP. large con- f
signx0' of envelopes f
1 Ha .ng bought so many
4 we securea a rocK Dottom S,
I fioMr "-sonrl fn Mddnlaa S
SJ Cl " wws ikJl JAI 1 ipJJ
4 and prices.
Cf. W. WlWMllr, Filter aa4 Pr,rtUr. A Family journal, Devoted U News, Sclnce. An. Political Etonom, and C.rrtiit Llteratare. KlU,: One Dollar Per Annum, I. Adr.ace
Winter Millinery Opening takes place
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this
Meek. L. Dvnkklhkrokr.
Blank receipt h-miks for sale at this
office. 25 receipts in a look, 10 cts., 8
for 25 c. tf-
Wantkd Potatoes and npples want
ed by Hummel and Hummel.
Kramer, Pa. tf.
Ask for Dobbin's Triple-scented Toilet
Soup tit the Middleburg Drug Store
The best on the market. tf
HoiTM for Sai.k. My houseand lot
in Middleburg borough is offered for
sale. Inquire of A. J. Crosgrove.
Dobbin's triple-scented toilet soni
opens the pores and makes the skin
feel soft and comfortable. At Middle
burg Drug Store.
I will have special sales, Oct. 24, 25
and 2fi, of all my goods and am getting
a nice line of (.'oats, Caps and Hats
from New York and Philadelphia this
week. E. C. At HAND.
Walnuts wanted I want 1000
bushels of walnuts and am willing to
pay 40 cents a bushel.
Charles Boyer,
tf. Paxtonville, Pp.
D R I K 1 APPLBB WANTKD I want five
or six tons of dried apples and am
willing to pay 8 cents a pound.
Charles Boykr,
tf. Paxtonville, Pa.,
Call on A. U. Soles in his new shav
ing and hair cutting parlor for your
heart cleaned with a refreshing sham
poo and a clean towel to each putron
00 the north side of Market square op
posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar
anteed, tf.
FIRM of high standing would in
crease corps of representatives call
on physicians. Our eighty men now
average $40 weekly. Exclusive terri
tory. Steady employment.
10-10-St. NEW YORK CITY.
Born, Sunday, Oct. 20, 1001, a young
son, Edward McYitty Greene, Jr., to
the family of E. M. Greene and wife of
Lewistown, the latter fbrmerly, Miss
Carrie Wittenmyer of this place. We
congratulate t h e parents. Grandpa
Waldo now smokes 25 centers.
They ark bast. If jour liver feels
good, you feelgood. McNair's Stomach
and Liver Pills tones the stomach, re
gulates the liyer, makes life worth liv
ing. Best pill, 25c gets them postpaid,
Try them.
WEST Sum; Pharmacy Co.,
10-24-10t. Batavia, Ills.
John W. Ruttkle la spending this
wick in Philadelphia buying a large
stock of the latest, beat fall and winter
goods. In a few days he will have the
liest and most complete stock of gencr
eral merchandise in this section and he
proposes to sell them at as low a figure
as the quality of the goods will permit.
The tannery is almost ready for
operation. The place la attracting a
large number of visitors. An experi
ment, was made with the bark mill
Saturday. There is a fun connected
With the bark mill. The fan has a speed
of 1900 revolutions per minute which
carries the ground bark from the
ground to the top of the building, then
takes it 20 feet over the rooiVThe cur
rent of air is so strong that a atone half
an inch in diameter will be carried
A Great Opportunity.
The burned district of Jacksonville,
Fltv, is to be rebuilt at once, offering an
opportunity of employment to work
men, and excellent prospects to con
tractors and capitalists. Jacksonville
is reached from all directions by the
Seaboard Air Line Railway System,
which offers unexcelled facilities in the
way of schedules and through car ser
ies to t hat point.
Why Zinc and Grinding ?
White lead chalks off; zinc prevents
it ; ground together they wear twice as
long as lead alone; and that is Devoe.
Zinc and grinding are necessary.
MARRIED. Oct. 1st, by Geo. M. Shin
del, Clerk O. C, John C. Klingler of
KratzervilletoSallieV. Leitzel of Globe
Oct 15, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. John
B. Fochi, Rev. Geo. O. Ritter of Chai
man, Kansas, and Anna M. Boyer of
Sellnsgrove, Pa.
Ilasstr Schema.
Spring dopper g'swlnt.
Eer die alte Flint
Dart draus itn Bush
Hinigen Push
Hockt en alter Hass
Ich bin gerent
A Is wie wans brent
vet Hivel
Ohne stivel
Fer die alte Flint
Ich will net braller
Ich bin gefaller
ITf en stunilier
Wi en glumber.
End die uass gcblutz
lie uass gedrull'er
Em llluts gclufler.
Dan uf gejumpt
My goes gebumpt.
Aler wider fart
Ich bin yust a Bu.
Es hat way gedu
1 lab net geguckt
liissle gefiucked
Iver d IT alte Hass
Zaah goatosaer
S'biuts geflnater.
Dan. wldder fart
Ohne u wart.
( IfiUZ ouser odem
Hab did Fence gesluppcd
En diode fash! gehooked.
Hab gesoharret
1 loser ahgeshuart
End's Hem fcrrisser
Dopper net ins House
Cud dan wldder rouse
Bin Ich geachwlnt
Ya wie der wind
MB die alte Flint
Dan wldder Zurick
End der Haas gebllcket
Bab net geap ielt
Die Flint ge.ielt
Hocb em alte Hass.
Dan hat s gegrackt
I'nd Ich hub gelackt
Den ana atd nest
Ya wis en pest
Fleigt der alte Haas
Ich bin hie gedappet
End der Haas gepaeket
Aver gcglicket
Schle gor getlucht.
Iver wos Ich hat
Dades du es glauvsr
Wen Ich der sager
Das seller drick
Worgana uf micb
l is wos en g'stuppeter Hass.
Geo. W. Genbzlbb.
Deeds Entered for Record.
.1. II. Walter and wife to Adam B.
Walter, 28 acres and !s perches in
Franklin twp., for $1710.
Margaret a. Burrell to Levi ('ailing,
51 acres in Chapman twp., for $8000.
Itarrlagl Licenses.
( John '. Klingler,
1 Bailie V. Leitzel,
I George . ftitter,
Anna M. Hoyer,
( Anion Sholly,
Minnie M. Stetler,
Allen K. Mover,
Vergie F. Krebs,
Globe Mills.
New Berlin,
Globe Mills.
Adams twp.
Letter to A. J. Crosgrove.
Dear Sir: I'ei haps you would like
to take the agency for the foremost
paint in the world: Devoe lead and
sine. It is right to put before you ti e
facts as to why it la the foremost.
(1) Best materials; lead, zinc, dryer,
c ilor, and lin.-ejdoil, ONLY used in it.
(2) It contains nothing else what
ever; no water, no alkali, no benzine,
no petroleum, no fiah oil, no barytars,
n ) whiting no adulterant.
(3) Your state chemist not only has
analyzed the paint, and verifies (1) and
(2) ; but he is going to buy it and an
alyze it occasionally, and thus watch
over the interests of your customers.
(4) It is proportioned for wear.
(6) It is mixed intimately and
ground line.
(0) It is full-measure (2.'!l cubic in.
u gallon).
(7) It is sold at so low a price as to
make it cheaper than lead and oil.
(8) It wears twice as long, and there
fore costs less than half as much by the
(9) You can refund the money if any
customer is dissatisfied.
(10) We are responsible; have been
in business 145 years without a break,
and arc the largest paint-manufacturers
in the United States.
Yours truly,
F. W. Devoe fc Co.
Try (our full quarts of llayner's .Seven-Year-Old
Kye, express prepaid, for S3. 20. For parti
culars, see announcement of The Hayncr
Distilling- t-'o., Dayton, Oblo, which appears
elsewhere In tbla issue.
Harry Owen ot Lewistown transacted
business in town Tuesday.
E. ('. Corkins of Sunbury visited
Samuel Spitler this week.
F. S. Kiegel and family visited rela
tives at Frecburg Sunday.
Editor Lumbard of the Snyder Coun
ty 'J'ribuM was in tbe village Saturday.
Mrs. Win. S. Sholly and son, Foster,
of Jackson towp., are visiting friends in
John J. Miller and wife of Kelins
grove visited relatives in this place
Itoliert Barber, the clothing firm of
Barber & Son, was In the village Sun
Mrs. W. II. Spangicr and son, Uus-
sel, spent last week with relatives at
Miss Cora Thompson of Mexico spent
a few days with her brother, Cashier
Editor A. M Aurand and J. P
Haines of Adamaburgwereal the coun
ty seat Sunday.
James Beaver and wife of Milllinhurg
sK'iit Sunday with his father and
mother here.
Thoa. Arbogasl and family of Fre
mont spent Sunday with James How
ersox and family.
Commissioners' Clerk J. N. Brasilia
and family and J. ('. Boyer spent Sun
day with friends in Fremont.
Miss Xclda Gemberling and L. ('.
Hans of Selinsgrove visited James (f.
('rouse's family Sunday.
B. s. Burrel, the MoKees Ferryman,
was in this place last Wednesday and
paid his subscription to the Post.
Miss Laura Shambach, who is em
ployed In the Sunbury silk mill, spent
Sunday with her mother in this place.
II. Harris Power, Esq,, and J, L,
Marks attended the meeting of (In
state Democratic Committee at Harris
burg Tuesday.
Abra Rennluger, one of Jackson
township's reliable citizens, was at the
county scat Saturday and made us a
pleasant call.
J. H. Siler of Mcltess carried the mail
last Friday for Mr. Updegrove and
while In town gave this ofttoe a pleas
ant call.
M. A. Bateman moved from Selins
grove to West Market Street. He has
been taken on trial as engineer at the
shoe factory.
Win. Dunkelberger, head clerk of the
Globe Mills, Sunbury, and Dr. Kelser
spent Sunday with the former's parents
in Franklin.
Dr. J. C. Ainig of Lewistown spent
ast Thursday night in this place on
his way home from Scranton where he
'had been serving a Juror pii the U. S.
supreme court.
M. L. Kreegcr and wife of Selins
grove, H. B. Howe and wife of Millers
burg were the guests of A.ariah Krte
gerand wife. Mr. Rowe is trying his
hand with a gnu.
Banks Dreese, Superintendent of the
Middleburg Leather Works, and wift
and Mrs. Valentine Walter are Visiting
the former's son in Virginia, where he
has charge of 70 men.
L. F. Wetzel, ticket agent at this
place, was ,n a vacation last week and
Mr. Ziegler of Lewistown filled his
place. Mr. Wetzel and wife spent part
of his vacation at lieavertown.
Win. C. Moyer of Selinsgrove, one of
the star painters of that place, was in
town Saturday. William understands
the painting business and has made a
contract to work for Mr. Crosgrove.
Jas. W. Ulrieh, a veteran of Co. H.
4!lth P. V. Inf., aged 57 years, walked
from his home near Hoover's Mill to
Middleburg and returned Saturday.
His speech is so affected that he dares
uot ride on a vehicle or the cars without
danger of making it worse. During the
war, he was in quite a number of batr
ties and served under D. T. BhoadM
while he was orderly sergeant of the
W. B. Gordon of Mt. Pleasant Mills
brought a load of apples to town. He
brought to this office a summer rambo
of his own raising that measured 12
inches in circumference, and a "Twen
ty Ounce" apple raised by J. W.
Stiver, which measured 14 J inches In
circumference. These are the biggest
records presented yet. Mr. Gordon
brought quite a lot of large apples for
our eating for which he has our thanks.
C. W. (iraybill was to Sunbury Tuts
Lloyd Bowersox is clerking in Bow
ser's grocery, Sunbury.
J. W. Swart, is in Philadelphia thin
week buying goods.
V.E.Wetzel of MiUersburg visited
his parents Sunday.
- Mrs. L. E. WeUel and daughter are
visiting in Harrisbiirg.
Mrs. Win, Smith is visiting friends
in Sunbury for a few days.
Miss Florence Snyder, who had been
visiting Blanche Swartz. returned
home Friday.
Edgar Rlahe of Rook Ulen, Luzerne
(Jaunty, apeut Tuesday at this place.
He formerly resided in Chapman twp.,
this county.
GrSO. X. Frdlcy of l'enn township
was at the county seat Tuesday. He
had Ikh'u to Vicksburg Monday to buy
cows, but found them too high-priced.
Jas. (1 C rouse's political paper, cal
led "Your Friend" 's being circulated
over the county. Copies around the
county seat have been scarce, but we
presume where they have been distri
buted the Met 'lure vole will be in
creased. Embarrassing Situation.
A certain young woman's benevolent
disposition received a seven' shock on
a recent Sunday evening. She was at
Church and sat directly behind a well
dressed stranger, with a ravi ling hang
lug to his collar. Iteing one of those
generous-hearted, whole-souled girls
who grow up to be motherly old ladh s.
a Mend to everybody in town, she
thought how glad she would be If BORIC
kind-hearted girl would be as kind to
her father, were he to go to church
with a raveling hanging down his back,
so when the audience rose for the lirst
hymn she concluded to pick it oil'.
Carefully raising her hand, she gave
a little twitch, hut it was longer than
she supposed, and a foot or more n -pea
red, Setting ber teeth she gave
a pull and about a yard of that horrible
thread hung down hi back. This was
getting embarrassing, but determined,
she gave anothci yank and discovered
that she was unraveling his undershirt.
Her discomfiture was so painful that
Ohlforofonn would not have alleviated
her sufferings nor a pint of powder hid
den her blushes when the gentleman
turned with an Inquiring look to see
what was tickling bis neck.
A Home in the South,
ape the rigors ol another North-
ern Winter and
the delights of
the (Southland,
Now here can be found a more delight
ful climate than In our own Southland,
lis winters arc mild and balmy and in
the most cases Summer docs not bring
with it such extremes of heat as are to
be found elsewhere. In fact, the South
is a land where extremes of climate uro
avoided, and consequently, Is a health
ful and altogethe r desirable location.
The tide of emigration has turned
Southward, for II Is not alone climatic
advantages that this favored land ex
cels, tout its resources, the fertility of
its soil and its mineral wealth and
abundant water power commend it to
the thoughtful considcratl f any
one who seeks a home where Northern
thrift and enterprise may carve out suc
cess. The Seaboard Air Line Hallway, In
order to stimulate Investigation and to
assist in opening up the fine territory
traversed by its lines, announces that
it will sell tO prospectors and settlers,
tickets one way or round trip, at great
ly reduced rates, information as to
which may be obtained of any agent
or representative of the Company.
J. C. Horton, Eastern Pass. Agent,
118:! Broadway, New Yotk City
W. H. Doll, Gen'l Agt. Pass. Dept., New York Ave, Wash., I). ('.
C. L. Longsdorf, N. E. Pass. Agt.,
3(Mi Washington St., Boston, Mass.
H. B. Duval, Passenger Agent,
Continental Trust Bldg., Balto., Md.
B. F. Bunch, (ien'l Pass. Agt.,
Portsmouth, Va.
An Indispensable Little Hook.
The Little Blue Book is the most
complete Baiload Guide of Pennsyl
vania ever published. It contains the
time tables of every railroad in the
state, and the eastern, western, north
ern and southern connections of the
through lines. Published montly and
corrected to date of issue. Single copies
mailed for ten cents. Yearly, one dol
lar, postpaid. Address, W. H. Hast
ings, Milton, Pa.
Jeachers Attention!
Make your work lighter and results
more satisfactory by using our practi
cal school room aids. We carry a lino
novel and helpful for every grade.
Catalogue mailed free. Valuable sam
ples of "reward of merit cards" sent
for five cents.
A Choice Hit of Heffltl) Wisdom.
Here is a choice bit of homely wis
dom from the writer of "Jottings by
the Wayside," in the Milllinhurg "Tele
graph" :
"Nine-tenths of the unhappy mar
riages are the result of green human
calves being allowed to run at large in
the society pastures without any yoke
on them. They marry and have chil
dren In fore they have moustaches;
they aru fathers of twins before they
are the proprietors of pairs of pants,
and the little girls they tnarrv are
old women before they are :!. Oc
casionally one of these gosling mar
riages turns out all right, but it is a
clear case of luck. If there was a law
against young galoots sparking and
marrying before they have cut all their
teeth, We suppose the dlsscs would
evade it in some way, but there ought
to be a sentiment against it.
It is time enough for these bantams
to think of (hiding a pullet when they
have raised money enough lo buy a
bundle of laths to build a hen house.
But they see a girl who looks cunning
and they are afraid there will no! be
enough girls to go around ami then
they begin to get in their wotk real
spry; before they are aware of the
sanctify of the marriage relation they
are hitched for lifeand before they own
a cook stove or bedstead they have to
get up in the night ami go after a doc
tor, so frightened that they run them
selves out of breath and abuse the doe
tor because he doesn't run too, then
when begets there he can't lind linen
enough in the house to wrap up a doll
i -
A Good ho is! incut.
One thousand mile tickets of the Sea
board Air Line Railway, which arc sold
at $25.00, are good over the. entire
System, and are also honored between
Richmond aud Washington by the
Richmond, Fredericksburg .v. Potomac
and Pennsylvania Railroads, between
Portsmouth ami Baltimore by the Bal
timore Steam Packet Company (Bay
Line) and between Clinton and Colum
bia, s. by the Columbia, New berry
& Laurens Railroad. This ticket is
proving to be a great convenience to tl e
traveling public, and its favorable con
ditions commend it to all. Ticket is
good for one year.
Nelson Freed Dead.
For the second time in live weeks,
Death invaded the hoim of the family
of Edward Freed, at 5:30 o'clock Sun
day evening, just as the shades of even
ing, of thai beautiful Autumn day be
gan to close around us, the pure spiril
of Nelson Freed w inged its w ay to the
God who gave It. Sept. 17, bis sister,
Bailie, passed away with thai dreaded
disease, typhoid fever. Scarcely a week
had nassed until the cruel fangs of
fever fastened themselves upon two
brothers, Charles and Nelson, and lor
three weeks the deceased suffered, and
seemed to be hanging In a balance un
til Anally tholasl faint hoi f loving
friends had to yield to the will of Htm
who is too wise to err.
Nelson was truly a model young
man; he was loved and respected by all
who knew him, and nothing bu I pral
for his noble, kind and Christ ian deeds
is heard from bis friends and neigh
Dors, ne waa convertea six years ago
and united with the United Evangelic
al church, of which body he was a con
listen t member, he being superintend
ent of the Sunday school, at the time
of his death. He died as he had lived,
trusting ill God. Shortly before he
passed away, in a strong (dear voice he
sang two verses of that beautiful hymn
"Leaning on the Everlasting Arm,',
after which he offered a beautiful pray
er, then fell peacefully asleep. He is
survived by his parents, two brothers
and three sisters, who have the sym
pathy of the entire community. His
age was 10 years, 11 months and 11
days. The funeral took place Tuesday.
Services were conducted by his pastor,
Rev. A. 1). Gramly.
Nelson was elected teacher of the
primary school, in which capacity he
was permitted to act but one week be
fore he took sick. A FBI KM n.
My full line of notions will be reduced
on opening days.
The business man who does not be
lieve in adverlising, in these days, Is so
far back that he does not belong to the
class of business men. The thing that
troubles the business world most is
what manner of advertising is lest
suited to the needs of each particular
ease I feel safe in saving Unit there
is no business of w hatever nature that
can uot be improved with newspaper
advertising. The newspapers and the
magaslnei form the backboue of all
kinds of publicity. There are also the
circulars, folders, booklets, catalogues,
street cars and posters. Statistics show
that there is expended by American
business nu n (000,000,000 every year
for advertising. This is divided among
about a m Million houses.
Unfortunately a great deal of money
is wasted in advertising or rather in at
tempting to advertise. Certain prin
ciples of advertising ure Immutable ami
as reliable and as steady us the fixed
stars. The manner of applying these
principles in every day Use, on the
other hand, arc as intricate and uncer
tain as a panic on Wall Street. Too
many men rush headlong Into a pro
position to advertise extensively with
out knowing whether they are on the
right track or not. The wrong mediums
might be selected, the space purchased
might uot be used properly, li is al
ways sale to go slow Mt llrst, select your
mediums carefully; do not try to cover
too much territory at the beginning
and di i at I nipl to say all you know
about what you have to sell, in the fust
Use plenty of space to say whal you
have to say as one w ay to waste money
Is to spend too little of ii for ud vet Us
ing space, Every business man should
spend considerable nine for planning
and writing his advertisements. II he
can not do that, he should empl.iy a
specialist to look after that pari of the
business for hlni. Too few business
men really understand the art of get
ting am. the value out of adverlising
space. Advertising, and doing ii right,
Is as much a pari of business as buying
and selling. Space in a new-paper or
a magazine Is a commodity the same
as dry g I- and il is ;i much easier
matter for a business man to buy a
space of thai character than it is to de
termine how to use it. His success will
depend upon the latter.
Statements made in ads, should be
truthful. Tin y should contain not only
the truth, but ail the truth thai a buyer
should know. Make your. ids talk I.IKE
you or your clerk talks to the custom
ers over the counter. The same argu
ment used in the store or office to con
vince one man of the merits of your
goods, IfeH'cetive, will, if used in your
ads, touch the hundreds or thousands
or hundreds of thousands who read
your ud. in the papers or magazines.
Be clear, concise and to the point,
study your ads carefully before you
Bend them out. If possible, lei gome
one else read them and criticse them
for you. Ail sentences should be short
ami clear. The important words and
lines should bo neatly displayed. Prices
and descriptions should be given so the
buyer will have a fair Idea of the article
you have to sell. Try with your ad. to
create a desire for your article. Make
(bead, -ell the article. That Is what
you want.
Pure whiskey i- a euro for roughs, eoldf, con
sumption and uthorimlmonary trotii.lua, lu-atl
the atlvortiseinoiit f The llayner UlslilllngOOH
irlilcb apienrfl elaowhere in 1 1 i Issue, ana
learn how to urucure four full quarts of modi
finally pure whisky, espreas prepaid, for fi.-.'O
Conttntsstonera of Snyder bounty will expofo
to public sain t the Court House In Middle
burs, Ha,, on Saturday, Nov. 23rd, MM, nt II o'
clock A. M.i ii"' following trails on unredeem
ed unseated lau I
Acres loc Ion Sold lor
wo Beaver Thos K.
Twp, Miellopbereer
VI West Jobn A.
I', i r y T Hehnee
Petal Harding
West ( look aiul
Reaver T Carti r JnoPhillps
t-raukiiii . m i i ;iw relict
K unklo
W. Bea'r W. E. Smith w. . -snritli
Heaver . K. Olrt & , ydcr
w l oi i v ft ru infer l-.-iiJ
('. II. slielly
I ranklinl : o u-un How
i 'hriattsn
J. Wilson
ell Kslnte
" J Hoses Spooht
Daniel sin ce
illfl a lloyer
W IWer
W. K. Smith
Win Doyle
Note - According lo the rcrords the abovo
IroclB have never been redeemed. Any one
Bavins title to any of tbsae tracts shall prove
same to the ( ommision"rs before day of sale.
lil .O I' , M I I .1 I .K.
0. W. KKIOHT8,
Tbc llnvncr DtaMUInv Co.. Peyton. Ohio, will
send you four full quarts of Ilayner's Seven-
Y car-old U- for f i.iu, express prepaid. Writ
I them for rrtlculars.