The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 17, 1901, Image 8
T flvlViSViwlvm'iVi'l'lViVj imiift 'mmm?$mmmmm$. " n .nm if II ifJr iw H. ! I 4t a Ml v - m i Saw SaW M auuuum sam mi auul aaaaaa, m I i mmm orusious Brothers I 8ff IRcmofcclcb Store. attractive Sale. 1 have enlarged my store room and the Increased space enables me to exhibit to the public a larger and more complete line of ssasonable goods than was ever In my store. I have an assortment of goods that pleases every one to whom I show them. The prices are riht too. The quality, the as sortment, and the price are three things that brinfj customers from a distance to my store and those three things are bringing them back every time they need any goods In my stock. Hew Department. Clothing. Feeling the need of a line of fashionable and serviceable clothing. I have added that department to my stock. Every suit represents an honest value and the price we put on It, represents the very lowest figure that can be put on cloth of that quality. I extend to everybody a most cordial Invi tation to visit my store, feel free to examine my goods and prices and be assured that here is the place to save money. R. C. (Sift, paitonvillc, pa. TTTTTTTTT WPT'I'IT'I", LOXLXO WLe will Serve Uou faithfully, intelligently, honorably and liberally. We have bnilt np and maintained a reputation lor pure and reliable goods and honest prices. When we make you an offer, we stick to it. We give you more here for your dollar than you can buy elsewhere. We not only give you more, but we give you a better quality. it Resell to llouGoay. an article of merit, which brings you back to-morrow in search of better and more liberal offers and you always go away pleased and loaded down with bargains. TEbat 16 our wa. That is what brought us our trade and that is 5 It X what will retain it. If you are not dealing with us, ask your neighbors about the quality of goods wo sell and the price and you too will soon be among those we send away from (our store with baskets filled with bargains. ffi. 1H. Custer, Swfneforb, pa. 1 Globe Warehouse, GRAND OPENING DISPLAY OF THE NEW AOTDD AND IflHB STYLES. It is a grand exhibit and sale of the rich est and most elegant goods for Men, Wo men and Children, marked at the lowest prices ever named. NliW AUTUMN ORRSS Q00DS. . NEW AUTUMN SILKS. All that is Lr''l iind new is shown here; dont beguiileil by pre judice look into the matter it will pav you. We ure cutting up more drew goods every day than any other single store in Sunbtiry, We only mention a few items, but no matter what it is you may want you will iind it here. BttOADCLOTH, 54 wide, good close weave, considering g Kid value anywhere for $1.25. Our price 98 cents. BLACK VKMTIAX CLOTH, 54 inches wide, all wool, a high grade fabric, real value 75 cents. Our price 50 cents. BLACK CAMEL'S HAIR CHE VIOT, 52 inches wide, all, we offer at the extremely low price 1)8 cents per yard. MOHAIR MELROSE, new weave, nil wool, in black and colors, real value 65 ets. Our price 50c. PRUNELLA CLOTH, in black and colors, we have them in all shades and prices. SATIN KERSEY ( LOTH, 64 inches wide, all wool, real value $1.25, Our price 98 cents. BLACK TAPPETA SILKS, 20 inches wide, tor waists and trim mings, marked while th lasts, 50 cents per yard. COLORED WASH TAFFETA. All the newest Fall shades, jiood lustre and body. Our price 7oets POLKA DOT PERSIAN SILKS, the largest assortment in town all the new combinations, prices range from 05 cents to $1.50. LADIES' TAILOR-riADE SKIRTS, SUITS. Come and see them, compare them and you will he convinced they are the Greatest Evkb Offered. LADIES' FINE TAILOR-MADE SUITS made of fine all wool, homespun, in the very latest mix tures, fly front jackets, nicely lined. Our price $6.50. Others $9.00, $12.50 to gkS.OO. LAD I E8' AV A LK LN( J SK ITRS made of fine quality material, in medium gray, blue Oxford, seven gore effects with flare around bottom, made to sell, for $8.50. Our price 5.75. VVre are showing the advance line of Ladies' and Children's Jackets. ocoo)oaoooaoaoaooao oooooooooooooi f000O00000000(0 0000000000i000 IReputation Xbat Meat. That is the Kind I have established for my business In the long years of fair dealing with hundreds and hundreds of people. I have been here so long and the record I have made for myself is one of which I can well feel proud. Zhc line of (Soobe 1 keep, represent! the very best quality I can buy for the price I ask. i The store is filled with choice goods which I am offering at honest values. 1 want every customer to carry away from my store with the goods he buys, a light heart, a contended mind and a satisfied purse, flbroouce ts Bccepteo I want to say to the farmers that,"your produce Is as good as cash. I care not what it is, Butter, Eggs, Huckelberrtes.pried Apples, Walnuts, Shell barks, Quinces, or any thing that your land will produce, 1 will accept as cash when you need any thing at my store. Charles J8oei patomUle, pa. x A X X. 'c e i to c O0OC0000f0fOf0fO0000OO0J00O00O oeooo0otototoofO(gtotototoeoooocoeoioio( GLOBE WAREHOUSE, 343 Market St. Sunbury, Pa. An Error In Classification. Percy Skitts Is a .sponge a per fect sponge. "Oh,- tjo; when a "ponge absorbs anything.. by squeezing it you can get it agajn," Detroit Free Press. Getting Rack at Him. "My dear," said Growells, "you are Imply talking nonsense." "I know it," replied his better half, "but it's because I want you to un derstand what I say." Tit-Bits. Striking- Home. "If you had n prosperous debtor who wouldn't pay you a cent, what would you do to get ercn with him?" Td kidnap his cook." Chicago Kec-erd-Herald. Her Comment. "Fame," said the youth with the earnest intellectual expression, "is so hard to attaJn! It is so difficult for one to get himself talked about!" "Humph!"rejoined.the woman with cold blue eyes and a firm jaw. "You just ough to live up in our neigh borhood.' Washington Star. Kin Favorite. Algie (on his wheel) You a col lege graduate? What's the Latin foi "1 love?" Frayed Fagin Splritus fermenti. Algie Why, don't you know that means whisky? Frayed Fagin (moving off) Well, dat'a w ot I love. Judge. You cannot larn to handle a LIVE business by study ing tn a dead school. PENNSYLVANIA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE. Lancaster, Pa. Students taught Bookkeeping or Shorthand In anr part of the world. " , Success brightens and cheers ! 457 received In struction and 191 finished courses the put season. Having the services of two of the moil powerful agencies in locaUng young men and woman In addi tion to the regular applications for help which come io the College from business men we are In a posi tion to give graduates absolute assurance of employ ment when qualified. Students are trained by mail at home in any part of the world without giving up their regular employment. The school ha a valu able equipment and a large faculty of experienced specialists and lecturers. All Instruction Individual, no classes. Last year a large number of teachers were started by the correspondence plan and finished in the college, after their schools closed, when they were placed In desirable positions, as teachers In other business colleges or business Wja and their salaries Increased $435 to $475 a year. We mean thatthey are getting the above In addlUaalo what hey earned last year, and they are also 1n 4 position to advance rapidly. In many cases the entire cost of the course by this plan was not more than the person receives for a single month's work. Kingly write for particulars. The school publishes an elegantly Illus trated catalogue and college Journal for free distribu tion. This matter Is among the finest published and is sent only upon request, Kindly write for It. J. M. WADE.' Prln. and Owner. Dr.Fenner'sGOLDE OldSoTM.Wounds, a thus arscirra ah. INFLAMMATION oret hromt, Headache (I minute.), Tooto- RM-thrnat. 1 ache (I minute), Cold 8oiee,fMo 179 Hsf? ont IflctQbbor if he has been pleased with the values I have given him and he will tell you that he has always received better quality and purer goods here than at any other store. I am willing to stand on my reputation for doing a fair business In giving honest values and prices so low that no rival., 'i can meet them. j S. CHJonfcore, peniw Creefe, pa. Grand Fall OPENING -i OF Suits Overcoats Bi6ct Barair)? Sui)tury l)a? ever krjowr) Here's is a chance to save money. Men's $7.50 Suits at $4.98 made of blue and black cheviots and fancy casi meres, all perfect in every way. $4.98 Men's Fine-dress and jeu eral wear Suits in all the new colorings, regular price $10.00 Suits, we ofler them at the re markable price of $7-50 Men's and young men's Overcoats, the newest styles which is very long and all the latest colors, such as Grey, Brown and Green, regular $7.50 Coats here and here only at $4.98 Extra fine Overcoats that you would pay at least $12.00 for at other stores, here at $8.50 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00O00O000O00OOOO0O0fO0ueJOO0C m m I GOING TO GEOB. RINE S STORE I KANTZ, PA. FOR BAIlGrAINS. ? The entire stock of most seasonable goods must go. I Here are some drivers in BOOTS and SHOES. Gum Goots, Guaranteed Good; $1.75 g Buckeye, Top Sewed Plow Shoes 1.15 Buckeye, Oil 0 rained Plow Shoes, 1.30 Misses' Shoes worth $2 only 50c Misses' Shoes worth2.50 only 75c Everything in the store is equally low in price and up in quality. Strike while the iron is hot. These are the bargain days. So don't wait till all the bargains are gone. GEO. B. RINE, J Kantz, Pa. ooooooootjooooooooooooooooct.- Tin Workers Postpone Aetlon. PltUburj, Sept. 24. The tin -work ers last night dsclaed to postpone ac tion on their plan to secede from the Amalgamated Association until the settlement of the strike is better un derstood. As long as they retail! their charters they are strikers and entitled to strike benefits. A GOOD THING. German Syrup is the special pre scriptionof Dr. A, Boschee, a' cele brated German physician, and is ac knowledged to te one of the most foitunate discoveries in Medicine. It quickly cures Coughs, Colds and all -Lung troubles, of tbe severest na ture, removing, as it does, the cause of the effection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine, but has stood '.he test of years, gir ng satisfaction in every case, which its rapidly increasing saleevery sea son confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Bosehee's German Syrup was introduced in (he United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civi lized world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Price 75 ots. Get Green's Price Almanac, NKURALGIA cured by Dr. Miles' Pais Pills. "Od cent dose.' At all .jniLV.-'- MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Butter 18 p 18 Onions 56 Lard 10 Tallow 3J Chickens.... 6-7 Side 8 Shoulder 12 Ham 14 Wheat 70 Rye 60 Corn 66 Oats 40 Potatoes 50 Bran perlOO. 1.00 vf.M.n:... .. 1 10 lUIUllllllf,. ' Chop 140 Flour per bbl 3.7;' Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain DaCK i oi a your eyes r tastelinjyour mouth? s your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. - They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 35C. All druggists. Want your moastMh or beard baMtiftl brown or rich black? Than us BUCKINGHAM'S DYE whi.