The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 17, 1901, Image 3

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Thousand Hare Kidney Trouble
ad Don't Know it.
Saw To T lad Out.
Flil bottle or common (lass with your
water and lot it stand twenty-four hours, a
sediment or set
tling indicates an
. unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; If it steins
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble: too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain in
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der arc out of order.
What to Do.
There Is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, thai Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
"O WM.i..aM, 111 U1C
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine cr beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonaertui discovery
and a book that tells
more about It, both sent
absolutely free by mail,
address Dr. Kilmer
Hum of Swamp-Root.
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men-
uuu icauing mis generous oner in mis paper
Suubtiry & Lowistowu Division.
A 1 l I. u Hum
iu duvet i.iiiru 10, ivuu,
I stauosa, I
.1 tt Till A- "i&TV.
K-T aao
8 OB 4 M
H M 4 :v
I I .11
S M 4 U
8 III 4 H
H 31 4 1
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H H? 3 4'.1
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7 M J 88
7 4 3 311
7 88 3 24
T8B S18
7 ;u 8 18
7 ki :i lo
f M
i u
a u ;
in oo j Bunbury
ii iu HsliniiKrovu Janctton
1016 beMMgrova
228 ton pawling
i ;n io'js Krestnei
23i i"3tt tieleer
-Mil 1031 .Mi.l.: irg
10311 lirnfer
jss jicn7 Beavertown
; 00 K' t2 Adlllli-lilirg
I it I'KJ Hauli. Mills
8 18 11 1-4 McClure
:-n 1113 Wagner
1 33 111 Hblnale
11 '.'I Paintervllla
use ti -T Mattland
p4S li 88 Lewistown
;I4T II :I7 Lewlstown iMiiiii Street.
I so 11 n Lewistown Junction,
Tru in loaves Suiibnrv .5 30 n iu, ar
rives at Selinsgrove 6 46 p m
Leaves Selinsitrove B:00 p. m,, arrives
at Sun bury ti: 8 p. in.
1'niinn leave Lewistown .1 urictiou :
I V! I ill, 10 13 I iu, 1 10 i m,180p m 5 Hp m, 7 07p
in, l.' m u in (or Altuuini, Pittsburg and the wt.
For Baltimore anit wainioaton SOS an 880,
1 88. I :i8. 4 33. 8 10 p m For Philadelphia nnt New
York 8 BS, 8 05, V 80 a m, 1 01 1 93 4 38 and 1110 p
'u I'm Uurrlshurg 8 10 i Ul
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division
Train I 'avoi s -u jnOV6 Junction dtlly tor
suubuiy ana Won,
n Mam, 12 58 p in, p in. Sunday 9 28 a m,
- 43 p m.
Prates leave Sunbury dillv except Sunday:
12 23 a ill tor BttKl0,l H a Dl tor Erie sod ('an-
6 in a in for Ilellelonte Kris and t'anandaixua
11 li a in for Look Haven, Tyrone and the Went.
12 18 for Buffalo, 1 in p m fur Bellelente Ksoe
Tyrone and Canactliiigim
546p iu lr keoovoaml Klmlra
- in p ut lor WUlIumspoit
Sunday IS 98 a n for bufT.ilo via Emporium.
I 21 a in fur Erie, 5 iu a la for Krle and Oases
datgue 8 63 p in for Wli-
042 am for Irfick Haven ant
.'.Mini, 98oam800and 5 48pm lor wtiken-
barre and Mazelton
ii in a in. lo 10 am, 2 n5 p in. 5 4." p in lr Shaiuo
kll and Mount Oaratel
Sunday 9 86 va lor Willi, -iiurre
rralnp leave BellaifTOVt .lun' tlon
imiu a in, daily arriving ut Phil idelphia
Snpra New Yk 8 58 p Ul Haltluiure 3 11 p m
u Mblngton 4 10 p 111
534 p iii dally arm-ins " Philadelphia
,0 W p in New York 3 53 a iu. llHllliuor 9 45 p in
Washington 10 56 p m.
M2p ui, uaiiy arriving at Philadelphia
I is a in, new York 718 a n. Baltimore 2311 am
Washington 4 05 a tr.
Traiss aio leave Sunbary i
2 45 a in dally arrlviim a: I'lilladeldlila 9 52 a 111
haltlin.ire 7 20 a in WMhtr-gton 880 a iu New
York tnt m Weekday, in 88 am Sundayn,
3 10 a in dally arriving .it I'lilladelplila 7 22
a in, N -w York 9 3.') a in. M .'is Sundays Iliilil-
mera 20 a m. Washington sso a m. Baltimore
lil li p in, WashliiKtoii 1 K p ui.
15., p in, week Uyn arrlvtnjl at PhlladelpliU
1 W p 111. New York :i0 p w, Baltimore 8 o.i p ui
Washington 7 lBp in
f si p in daUr, arriving at P tttadelphla i 88 p in
New Y irk 1023 p m, Baltlm irsT 83 p iu, Wusii
Inton 8 86 p m
Trains auo leave Banbury at 980 am and 5 25
and 8 31 p m, tor Harrlabu'r, Philadelphia an I
I. K. Wni Qen'l Paxi Anent
J. li. UDTCBTN80B (len'l .Mauaner.
Sitf,-. Altrara nallahla i..nii..M i , r , . . -
I IIII IIIMKK N BSfiUSi In ir.l and
J' mtialUo boxes, iealtd with blue ribbon.
V nlhrr. Kertme ilnnirrrouK Hiibatl
lul ! unil luillalluns. Mnvof your BrumiiHt,
111 "nnipi t"t CnriK-nlan. Teatl
"""""' anil It, II, I for LndiM." In latMr,
-y return Mall. lo.OOK I-lUinnniala. Sola by
ail iiniKvlsia.
MOO MitdlMtu Nquarr, l-llll.A., I' A.
McuUub Oil , itjjer.
A Monthlv Journal
RAPPER tella all
about hunting, trapping
and Haw Fur Trading.
1'uMishcd by an old ex
perienced hunter, trap
per nnd trader. Sam
ple copy, Bets. , Only 50
cents a year. Address,
A.K. Unnilng, Publish
tr, Oullipolit, Ohio.,
O. U OW3N3,
ColIectloDsaod !;. porta.
Inferences, First VatKuai Bank. Nearby
Towns Kepresented : Bellwood. Altoona, Uolll
Qjiyamirg. HuntUigdon and Bellefonte. 8-8-lyr
u oorw,wouao.RIininiiiI
a Taos srsctric ln all
A... OD CO thirty in nntaa.
oiumm XasNashwbyaltefMoalaJ
Republicans of Pennsylvania Will
Poll a Rousing Majority
This Fall.
A Perfect Fizzle Was the Gathering of
the So-called Union Party to Nomi
nate An Independent State Ticket to
Further Personal and Political Alms.
(Special Correspondence.)
Hartisburg, Sopt. 24. An absolute
flzzlo would properly characterise the
so-called convention of the Union
party which was held ln Philadelphia
, this week for tho purpose of placing In
' nomination an Independent ticket for
justice of the .supreme court and state
' treasurer. The program to nominate
JwIrh Yerkes. Democrat, of Bucks
j county, for the supreme bench, and E.
I A. Coray, Wanamaker insurgent, for
I state treasurer, was mapped out
months ntto when Wanamaker, Mc-
Clure and Gordon concluded that they
would stnrt in upon their latest po-
.!.;....) ............. i ...i.t..u t i . . .
I tiitoiu mitviytiw, wiin u iiiu lur us tu
1 Ject the disruption of the reculnr He-
publlcan organisation in the state, in
order to m;il;e possible the political
ambitions of Wannmaket and to serve
the personal it.U'! ;-sts of Colonel A. K.
McClure and former JikIkc James Gay
Gordon, McClure and Gordon are re
garded as simply hanging on to the
Wanamaker outfit for what there is
iu it.
The hundreds of thousands of dol-'
lara already spent to land Wanamaker j
in the I'nitei! Slates senate have been
distributed through various channels I
Without satisfactory results, but it has I
been determined to mike, another ef
to capture the big prize and the
money Is still Sowing freely to tho
i :mo end,
McClure and Gordon are both prac
tical men u nil they know what they nre
about. They are not losing anything
i ii i - i it men inLiuy ui mo vv autt
maker camp.
While a great amount of money was
spent in the work of organizing this
Union party convention, there Ii every
reason to believe that the mom j might
as well have been thrown away.
There were few men of prominence
or Influence in the gathering, Scanning
the list by counties, no oue familiar
with the leading men In different sec
tions of the state could pick out
ever half a dozen former Republicans
of any standing In the entire member
ship of tho convention.
It was packed with hirelings of the
Insurgent machine in tho various
counties and It was made up largely
from Philadelphia proeinct heelers,
; who could be gotten to attend any eon
1 ventlon for any purpose, at ao much
per diem.
The so-called I'nlon party Is a false
pretense. It Is no party at all. It la
merely a collection of free hooters, dis
gruntled office seekers and men who
have never been Republicans and who
seek every opportunity to disrupt that
! organization. Included ln the aggrega
tion aro many soldiers of fortune, who
follow any cause or any loader who
will keep them supplied with funds.
While political highbinders have
been engaged helping the Insurgent or
ganization the regular Republicans
liave been wide awake and active and
tho prospects are that the majorities
for the candidates on tho Republican
state ticket will be much Larger than
was at first expected.
I General Frank Reeder, chairman of
the Republican state committee, Is ln
I constant communication with tho Re
publican county chairmen, and tho re-
! ports which he has received up to
, date Indicate that there will be a largo
I Republican vote polled In every county.
There, appears to be a widespread feel
ing among Republicans that it Is their
; duty as patriotic American citizens, In
j view of the assassination of President
MeKinley, to have grand old Pennayl-
, van la come to the front next November
with the banner Republican majority
j In the Union, to show President Roose
velt that he has tho absolute confi
dence, the hearty good will and the
I loyal support of his fellow countrymon
I and fellow Republicans at tho outset of
bit administration.
United States Senator Penrose, who
was Bovon flays nnd a half traveling
from the wilds of Idaho to reach Can- I
; ton in time to attend the funeral of the
! lamented McKlnley, ha' had a very j
' satisfactory talk with Prealdsnt Roose- j
vclt nnd given his assurance of the sup
port of both Senator Quay and himself
In the pollry he has outlined for his
administration. Senator Penrose and
President Roosevelt have been person-
al friends for years. They were at Har
Vtfd together, nnd the friendship of j
their young rannhood days ripened Into
an Intimacy which has continued
throughout their successful careers.
Senator Penrose has gone to Scran
ton, where he will make the principal
eulogy at the McKlnley Memorial serv
ices gotten up under the direction of a
citizens' committee. He will remain
ever to attest the eeaveattaai sjf the
State League of Republleaa snubs,
where the opening guns of the state po
litical campaign will be fired this week.
The young Republicans, who consti
tute the bulk of the membership of the
State League of Republican Clubs, are
-ugmy aroused, and they will '
make themselves felt In the coming !
campaign. They are united In their
nosuiuy to the methods of the "yel-,
low" newspapers, which are held re-'
BPon8il,'e for the spread of the anar-
vuwikj uucirine; or Kuima (tollman
and the others who inspired CzoUosz
to slay the President They will be
heard from throughout the coming
canvass iu no uncertain tones, and the
champions of Banna Ooldraan, like
vtanamauers Philadelphia North
American, will be severely scorod from
one end of the commonwealth to the
Veteran Navigator Sails For Europe
In Fourteen-foot Boat.
Atlantic City. . J.. Oct 7. Captain
William Andrews, the veteran mari
ner, left here late yesterday afternoon,
for Europe In his 1 4-foot boat, the
Dark Secret. Accompanying on the
daring trip is his rouse bride, whom
he wedded a few weeks ago. The
captalu is 60 years old. and this is
aaid to be his seventh trip across tho
ocean in small boats, lie expects to
reach the English channel In about 12
weeks. Iu the boat were provisions
for four moutbb.
Engineer Indicted For Manslaughter.
Binghamton, N. Y.. Oct 8. The
grand jury of this county has indicted
Oeorge n. Mattice. of Khulra, for man
slaughter in the second degree. Ho
was an engineer on tho Delawaro,
Lackawanna and Western. Last June
there was a wreck and explosion on
that road near this city that resulted
In the death of live men. Mattlco
was engineer of the freight train that
rain Into the train on a siding and
exploded 15 tons of dynamite.
First Memorial to McKlnley.
Flshkill Landing, N. Y Oct. 8. The
Tillage of Wappingers Kails, in south
ern Duchess county, Is to have tho
first memorial to the lato 1'resldent
McKlnley. R. Sands announces
that he will finish the Episcopal
chapel there, and when completed It
will be dedicated to tho memory of
Mr. McKlnley.
NeW8 of Interest From AJ Partg
of the State.
Six-Million Dollars Limestone Com
bine to Be Incorporated Westing
house Company to Build New Town,
Trafford Park, near Pittsburg.
Pittsburg. Oct. 4. The American
Tin Plate company has adopted a pol
icy of conciliation toward its employes
who were recently engaged ln the
steel strike. While the terms of the
settlement of the strike do not permit
the recognition of the Amalgamated
Association, not the slightest discrimi
nation, It Is c fflcially stated, will be
allowed against the old men when thoy
return to work.
Pennsylvania's Limeetone Combine.
Pittsburg, Oct. i. A combination of
stono and limestone conipaules of
Pennsylvania Is being formed, aud ap
plication will be niadu lu a fow days
for a charter. Tito new combine will
have a capita of $n,ooo,ooo. Tho
properties to bo taken include fourteen
sandstone quarries and 29 limestono
quarries. R. K. Cnssatt, of Philadel
phia, Is mentioned for president, Tho
new concern will employ 10,001) men.
Mayor Nichols Declines Judgeship.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct, 8. Mayor
Nichols, of this city, Republican nomi
nee for orphans' court Judge, and who
was appointed to tho office last week
by Governor Stone, yesterday sont a
lotter to tho governor, in which ho de
clines to accept tho place. He say3
be cannot discharge the duties of tho
office and at tho same time conduct
a personal canvass tor the judgeship, j
Westinjjhouae Co. to Build Now Town
Pittsburg, Oct. 4. Tho Westing-,
house company will commence at ouee
the erection of a new town and a
mammoth foundry plant at Stewart
station, a short distance cast of this
city. The town is to be called Traf
ford Park. The cost of the Improve
ments will reach $3,000,000, and over
2,000 men will bo employed lu the
Shamokln Strikers' Novel Grievance.
Shamokin, Pa., Oct. 4. Twelve hun
dred men nnd boys went on strike at
the Natalie colliery yesterday to force
tho Shamokln Coul company to evict
James at. man. an ex-foreman, from -a
company houso at Natalie. Bato- j
man gained the enmity of a number i
of miners several mouths ago and they
determined to drive him from the
Pittsburg's New "Elevated" Finished.
Pittsburg, Oct. 7. Tho Pennsylva
nia and Fort Wayne tracks wero
I Joined yesterday over the new ole-
vated structure on the Liberty street
: side of the new Union station. At 11
o'clock traffic was suspended, over
! 1,000 men wore set to work, and at
7.30 train No. 15, the Chicago express,
passed over the new elevated tracks.
Druggist Shot Midnight Thief.
Wilkesbarre. Ps, Oct. 7. Shortly
after midnight Saturday P. A. Dean,
the proprietor of a drug store ln Ply
suoaih, fousd twe 8flfcj hss pise.
One of them e.scpesrirP88s PUfd
his revolver and fatally start she other
ln the mouth. He was Joseph Pavo
llts and his pal, Joseph SchmitUi
Educate Tour Bowele With Cues rata.
Canuy Cathartic, cure constipation forevet
80c,8Bc 11 a CC. fall, druggUu refund moaes
Philadelphia Woman Says Report
ers Held Her Prisoner.
Dime Novel Like Happening In Staid
Philadelphia Startles the Country.
Perpetrators Under New State Law
Are Liable to Imprisonment for Life.
Philadelphia. Oct. 8. Mabel Good
rich, of 24t North Tenth street, stout
, and composed, yesterday related the
sensational story of her experience as
a prisoner ln the hands of a band of
kidnappers. When, last week, she
made complaint to tho police they
cried "Impossible." Put now the de
tectives admit that the crime was real
and that It touched depths of the dark
side of city life heretofore unsounded.
Howard S. Sloan, of 2356 North
Twelfth street, a reporter employed
at various times upon the Inquirer
and Times, was, after yesterday's
! hearing, held without ball upon tho
charges of kidnapping and conspiracy,
and in $1,000 bail each upon chnrgos
of assault and battery and highway
robbury. D. Knight Flnlay, of Wuyuc,
Pa., a stenographer In Ui employ of
Thw North American, was held lu the
same way for Blmllar charges. Harry
E. Wallace, of 124 North Seventeenth
treat, society editor of The Press,
and Oscar S. Dunlap, a barber, living
at r U r 7 Addison street, were held
without ball upon charges of kidnap
ping and conspiracy,
Last Monday M:s. Goodrich went to
police headquarters and told a story
of kidnapping and robbery so daring
that the police ut lirst doubted Its
truth. She said that for some tlmo
past a young man. who represented
himself as a resident of Germantown,
hnd been a frequent visitor at her es
tablishment. Ho was well dressed
and spent money freely. Last Wed
nesday a week, she said, he proposed
a drive through Falrmount Park. Ho
asked her to dress iu her best clothes
and for her to wear all her diamonds
and other jewelry, because on tho re
turn from tho drive he Intended to
take her to the finest dining room in
the city, and lie wanted her to "shine"
with the other women in the place.
She accepted, and the next day she
went out witli him In a carriage, with
a fine pair of richly caparisoned
horses, and with a coachman on the
box wearing stylish livery. At a lone
ly place In Kuirniount Park the car
riage was stopped by a mun whom she
said represented himself as 1). Clar
ence Glbboney, tho secretory and at
torney of the Law nnd Order Society
of this city. This man, Hhe went on
to suy, told her that he had a warrant
for her arrest on the charge of keep
ing a disorderly house, but that tho
matter could be fixed up. Ho was in
vited Into the carriage, and the next
moment she was gagged and blind
folded. She was driven somewhere
she did not know, but she noticed
from one corner of the handkerchief
over her eyes that the men paid toll
at two toll gates, and that they took
her into a building where a lire en
gine and a hook and ladder truck Wi re
She was kept a prisoner from Thurs
day night until Friday night, without
uuythlng to eat or drink, and was
then taken on another long drive,
blindfolded, to a house, where she was
kept from Friday until Monday. In
the latter place the men, who were
masked, stripped her of the Jewelry,
and at the point of a revolver com
pelled her to sign bank checks for
various bums of money she had do
posited iu the Third National Hank.
They made her sign for more than she
possessed, but compelled her to prom
ise sho would make up the deficiency
When they released her.
With other Information the woman
gave them, the detectives began to
WOrk on what they believed to be a
fairy tale. They got several clues,
which led them to a Ore house in
North Wayne, 16 miles from this city.
The fire company Is a volunteer or-i
gnnizatlon, and the key to the place j
was kept in the nearest dwelling. The
nearest house was occupied by a fam
ily named Fiudluy, ami there the po-.
lice learned that one of the sons. J. I
Knight Flndlity, had been homo but '
little during the past two wt eks. Get
ting a description of him, the police;
returned to the city, and found the
young man, who is only 21 years old,
In the office where he is employed. He
was charged with the crime, and broko
down and implicated three others.
Flndlay said that ho had Imper
aons 'd the coachman; that Sloan, the
unen. ployed reporter, acted tho part
ef Attorney Glbboney; that the barber
played the part of the rich German
town resident, and that Wallace, the
society editor, had rented a house ln
Germantown, where Mrs. Goodrich
was to havo been held a captive. He
told substantially the same story as
that narrated by the woman.
He said they kept her confined in
the fire house, and then took her to
the house, where Sloan wis arrested
yesterday, at 255''. North Twelfth St.
All the Jewelry was recovered, must
of It having been found in Ihs pos
session of Flnd'.r.y and Sloi n. who
were wearing some of tho rings, Only
one check, for $155. was csslitd. and
most of this mony wu; also recover
ed. Sloan was to have begun work on
the same newspaper on which Klndlay
was employe SsMjfe VtsVtee hats
been society edits ef the paper ea
which he was esasloyed tut esUy
two weeks.
The penalty for kidnapping In this
state, under act of assembly, as
amended at the last session of the
legislature, is life imprisonment.
one iu each town
We ship any bicycle
snyoue u'i(uut u cent d pi
exchange K
a reliable person
exchange for a bicycle. Write
'A di mr ii nrir ri
rune vvniorvci
Four Full Quartsk
. w
.20 I
Sum Dtaltri' Protits.
fresmri AamUmmu,
via-Yia "
We will tend lour lull
run Sollies olnatmr'al
1 ear-Old Double t opparl
Dialiltod Rye lor l.2U.
epre prepaid, skipped '
in plain packeee.
maraa lo fnditate , mi I
tenia. It not aallaUctaevI
wkea recened, return ill
at our etpenae; hi wiIS
return our M.JO.
Sut-h WhUktU can't bi-hj.l
ehrwhtre for leu than
IRarcRRifCR: Thini Nat'l Baak.Payloni State!
NiU'l I: iim. h: i.. . or any of the Kx. 0
i 220-232 Weat Fifth St., Dayton. Ohio.
1300-311 So. Seventh St., St. Louie, Mo.
We guerastet atuvr firm will do on It aure. Kd
(The Ureal (I
i in pro nil I )i mill
Ktnitt of Sai -a
pai'iHa and OJery CtnupoUud I C - I
Clover, Bief ami 12 V sfHtaliles,
Roots ami Herb, '"" Miuerulsi
co n tail I -i DOUBLE llio Cm ut I vis of
an v one (lollitr Mfiliciue in tho tunt
ket in. I lasts TWIG as Ions. The
greiitoHl Reuiedv o the Age, killing
all GEHM8, Jestroyetl nil MICRO
BEH nnd sine ami pirtiiin cure
lor KDNKV and LIVER disases,
Rheuuiutlstn, NcrvoiisnesH, Uyspe.
iisia. Malaria, Constipation, .Swk
tleadache and all i tplaints aria
in;; from impure blood. Regular
pi ice K1.00 pt-r bottle 10 nz., but in
order get ii introduced in this sec
tiou we will sell at 50cpnts p r bit
tie or i IkiIiIoh for 1.50 until furth
er notice, lo imt wait, order nn i
it you are mini,'-
The above mi'dlcine is used in EV
ERY HOSPITAL and by nil the
world to day, and highly eofiorsed
by all. A. lilies-,
April is Jit. RSMK, Y.
Ii in 1.1!
Made a
Well Man
x of Me.
prorlocr tho nlMivo reaull a in'30 clava. It aril
powirf ully and ijulckly. Cures when all othura fall
Voungmnn will regain their lout manhood, and old
men will reeovor their youthful vigor by ualne
Hi; VIVO. It quickly and Burely restores Ntnoua
oesa, Lost Vitality, ImpoteDcy. NlRhtly Eralasiooa,
Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wanting Diseases, and
all effect of snlf-abutn or ezcet-sand Indiscretion,
ablch uoSta ono for etudy, business or marriage. II
tint only rutu by starting at tho neat of disease, but
liagreat nerve tonic and blood builder, bring.
Ing back tho pink Riow to pale checks and re
storing the nre of youth, ft wards off Insanity
and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, no
other. It can be earned ln vast pocket. Dy mall,
1.00 per package, or alx for Sto.oo, with m poal
five written guarantee to rare or refund
She money. Circular tree. Address
Royal Medicine Co., 8&Z3s$2r
Fmr tali in Middleburqh, '., by
Beat Cough Hyrup. Tastes Uoou. CM
in tinis. Kola By druggists.
Bi-'iketZ tits SSI sittt'i - j N -TtqB
to ride and exhibit a sample iqoi model
DSCVCte ot our manufacture. TOU CAN HAKE BIO TO
(50 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yoursell
1901 Models r . .. $10 to SIS
500 Second Hud Wheelsce ... o
taken ia tradr by our CfcKaga ICtsO Mem, Jr J OaY
May food u tw " ""
nl i 'i (iilruiia. and allow
Yon take
no ritk in ordering from us, as you do not need to pay
a cent if the bicvele does not suit you,
Mil AT DIIV ''' "Mil ii Ii iy t'" ' our
tllfl BUI FtCIUbt NKH and FIFI lUl OFnt.
This lit - t.i i offer has never lM.-en euttaled a:iJ 13 a i;uaiaiiltc of
the quntlty ol our waeelft.
in each town to distribute catakavuM fer u in
today for free cuUtsuc iuu! our special uQu.
30., 1) .
W. II III I t.i it. rwprlelar
418 Marke' St., Harrisburg, Pa.
(Oppoalte iv K II iNjpnl Entrance I
- .. .iliei ir n I'mlna at
Rooms, 25tind Mic (lood Meals, 25c
11,00 to 1.85 per iluy, 8I.0U In U.thi per week,
tin, ul ii leant lull. in- tl
New Indcatry For Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, Cct. T. :t is announced
on good nuth rl y thai H, ('. Prick
ami ths Mel. on Intoroits, composing
tne I nltn Sti l rum; iny will build
once a now
on tho M n ' Ii
broom mill niutiri
HlMM'illll 0S,
plant al Donora
i river, to make
i wire uimI oilier
Coal Workers Otriite.
Bcranton, i: i Bight lianilr
employes at thu Pine Brook niiaft of
tli Ontario Coal Company struck this
morning agalnal working with other
nipn who had no working cards.
Dllflii'l Soml
niittml BUirlUe
rs, of Lancaster, com
yestorday Uy banging
Joseph Rathowltz,
win made Im ane by
Ing of cigarettes
His skull fractured hy n fall down
stairs, Patrick Ryan 1 1 -i al Malianoy
City yesterday.
Andrew Doscewltch, a miner, fell
down a Pittsti.n n!!ii rv sluui u sIit
day ami was killi I Instantly.
Wluaiis Hull, of Carbondale, was
yesterday at Honesdals Indicted for
thf murder ot Ed ward Schoonevsr,
His triiin railed near Hazleton,
Monday niht. Rngincor Harry Watts
was pinned under the uul
Uy tho accidental discharge oi hl
gun, at a shooting match at Mabanoy
City yesterday, John Scbillo was se
riously injured.
An unknown "ticmy throw a stono
through a window at Misses Rlla ;md
Bopbie Costi llo, nt Sbamokin, but.
they cscapi'ii injury.
Kev. Bernard Repass, of Allentown,
has ani'iiteil tin? pastorate oi the
Lutheran charges al ESmlenton, Po
terntiiirR and Parker City,
The Epworth League of the Cham
berslniri; Methodlsl Bplscopal Church
donated i to the congregation of
tho Bhippensburg Cuurch, rocently do
stroyed by lire,
The York Merchants' Association
yesterday visited Baltimore, M.i, as
the guest of the Baltimore Merchants'
nnd Manufai turers' Association ami
the chamber of rumnn rci
"Why does finding four-leaf cl ivera
bring lni'U ?"
"Well, the man is already In luck
who has time to hunt four-leaf
elovers." Chicago Record-Herald.
Penelope Was your rejection of
him it success?
Perdlta No, a flat failure. He ab
solutely refused to do anything1 des
perate, Detroit Free Press,
A Preliminary Test,
"Jimmic, I told you not to eat those
green apples,"
"Well, rue, I Med one on en' rabhit,
an' he ain't drad." Chicago Ttecord-
Thna, Dear GIrla.
Madge Charlie proposed twice be
fore I accepted him.
Marjorie Didn't you hear him the
Irst time? Town Topics.
r..hhi'i,r m VBaUBaamkJDi-Kaaal