1-MH"I-H"HJ"M H I I I I I 1 1 1 I H Our Grand Fall and Winter OPENING Will take platfe on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 1901, with f the LARGEST LINE of CLOTHING and GENTS' FURNISHINGS :: i ever shown here at prices that will astnish you. Give us a call and be convinced that our stock is new, of newest patterns. Here are :: Children's Suits from ages 3 ;; Men's Pants from 05o up to ;; Extra heavy lined Corduroy Men s extra heavy fleece lined Underwear atobe or 7 c a Heavy Blankets at 05 a pair Men's good Wool Suits at $3 r-0 Men's all Wool Suits at $5.00 Men's tine Dress Snits at $7.00 and up to $15.00 Fine Fine $ N xt door to Court House. X WW II I M-H I "M-M-Mi MM Globe Warehouse, GRAND OPENING DISPLAY OF THE iff AUTUMN AI WINTER STYLES. It is a grand exhibit and sale of the rich est and most elegant goods for Men, Wo men and Children, marked at the lowest prices ever named. NEW AUTUMN DRESS UOODS. AH that is pun and new is shown kere;dont Ik1 guided by pre judice look into the matter it will pav you. We are cutting up more dress goods every day than any other single store in Suubury. We only mention a few items, but no matter whal it is you may want you will find it here. BROADCLOTH, 54 inches wide, good close weave, considering good value anywhere for 81.26. Our price 98 cents. BLACK VKN tTIAN CLOTH, 54 inches wide, all wool, a high grade fabric, real value 75 cents. Our price 50 cents. BLACK CAMEL'S HAIR CHE VIOT, 52 inches wide, all, we ofler at the extremely low price 08 cents per yard. MOHAIR MELROSE, new weave, all wool, in black and colors, real value G5 cts. Our price 50c. PRUNELLA CLOTH, in black and colors, we have them in all Shades and prices. SATIN KERSEY CLOTH, 54 inches wide, all wool, real, value 1.25. Our price 08 cents. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, 343 Market St. Sunbury, Pa. I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 II I I 111 I II 1 1 M4 a few prices : to 15 at $1.00 and up to $5.00 $4.00 Pants at $2.00 worth $.3.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS. all wool Overcoats at $.r.00 black, blue and light collars Dress Overcoats at $7.50 and Youths' Suits long Pants from $1.75 to $10.00 Men's extra heavy Jersey Shirts at 38c. Ladies' line Kid Gloves at75c in different collars, worth $1.25 Ladies' heavy Underwear at 25C; Ladies' Union Suits at 25c Children's Union Suits at 2oc Ladies' heavy Hose at 10c and up, fast black Children's Hose at 10c and up, fast black We have an extra large line of Gents' Furnishings con sisting of the latest styles, Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, all kinds of Hosiery, all kinds of Gloves, Underwear, Hats and Caps. Suspenders, Neckwear, Umbrellas, Trunks and Satchels. Everything at the CHEAPEST PRICES. E. KATZ, UAAUUaU D W444 - H - H 1 Ml II 1 111 III M m NEW AUTUMN SILKS. BLACK TAFFETA SILKS, 20 inches wide, for waists and trim mings, marked while the lot lasts, 50 cents per yard. COLORED WASH TAFFETA. All the newest Fall shades, good lustre and body. Our price 75cts. POLKA DOT PERSIAN SILKS, the largest assortment in town all the new combinations, prices range from 05 cents to 1.50. LADIES' TAILOR-HADE SKIRTS, SUITS. Come and see them, compare them and you will be convinced they are the Gkkatkst VaLUBB EVBB Offkked. LAD I ES' FI NE TAI I ,OR-M ADE SUITS made of fine all wool, homespun, in the very latest mix tures, fly front jacket, nicely lined. Our price 0.50. Others 0.00, 12.50 to 18.00. LADIES' V A L K I NG SK ITRS made of fine quality material, in medium gray, blue Oxford, seven gore effects with flare around bottom, made to sell, for 8.50. Our price 5.75. We are showing the advance line of Indies' and Children's Jackets. M 1 1 I IN III I HI II M III M H the latest styles and I set with $12.00 t III I II m 111 I HH II I'M III 1 Zinc and grinding double the wear. Nearly Half the Amount Needed Already In Hand. BANDITS GIVE MONTH'S RESPITE American Mission Board In Station Arguet That It Cannot Help Mlaa ! Stone It Would Put a Premium On Brigandage. Boston, Oct. 8. Nearly half the money needed to ransom Mlia Ellen M. Stone, the missionary, from the Bulgarian brigands, has been placed la the hands of Messrs. Kidder, Pea body & Company. The exact figures at midnight were $45,543.40 cash and 17,500 In pledget. Of this amount the Arm yesterday afternoon sent $35,000 to the state department to be forward ed to its consular agents at the place j where it can be used most expedl- j tiously. Members of the firm, when Informed of the cablegram from London to the effect that Vienna advices Indicated that the would be a month's extension ' of time in which to pay the ransom, said that the forwarding of money would not be delayed in the least. j During the afternoon the officials of the American board In charge of con- : gregatlon missions met informally. Nothing was talked of except Miss Stone and the matter of the ransom. The officials personally contributed to the ransom. But as officials they took the position they have taken all along that it would be inadvisable for them, as a mission board, to pay a ransom this for the reason that it would be putting a premium on brigandage that must In the end make missionary work in wild and rough countries more diffi cult and possibly Impracticable. After this meeting it was officially given out that the state department at Washington had agreed to take full charge of the delivery of the ransom to the brigands. If news comes that Miss Stone still lives, or until the news of her death is received, collections for the ransom will continue to be made. Another Month For Miss Stone. London, Oct. 8. "It it reported from Sofia." says a dispatch from Vienna to The Daily Express, "that United States Consul Dickenson and an envoy of the missionary society arrived there Saturday, intending to follow up Miss Stone (the abducted missionary) and to deposit a portion of the ransom. The brigands have ex tended the time for payment on. month." RANSOM FUND GROWING 1 WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED Wednesday, October t. Fire yesterday destroyed half of the business portion of Readyville, Iowa. Vast nickel deposits, the largest In the world, have been located in south- j ern Oregon. The governor of North Carolina has : notified the people or his state that all petitions for thi pardon of convicts must first be advertised in the news papers. Nearly 2,000 volumes from the ex tensive library of the late Senator Cushman K. Davis, of Minnesota, have been given by Mrs. Davis to the public schools and libraries of the state. Thursday, October 9. The president yesterday appointed Colotnl William H. Blsbee a brigadier general of the regular army. Prince Chun before leaving Oermany territory sent long dispatches to Em peror William thanking him for bit "gracious reception." Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, of Mas sachusetts, who has been In Europe this summer, will sail for homo next Saturday. A committee of citizens of Harrls burg, Pa., is at work to secure a suita ble memorial for John Harris, the founder of the city. Ambassador Choate hat applied to the atate department at Washington for leave of absence, and proposes to sail for New York a week from next Saturday. The conference of tobacco manufac turers, held in Liverpool to dlscuta plana for meeting American competi tion, failed to decide upon any definite course of action. Friday, October 4. King Edward is at Balmoral suffer ing from the rheumatism. The prevention of cruelty to ani mals law will be extended to the Phil ippines. Ten thousand people attended the state and county fair at Lancaster, Pa., yesterday. The oity council of Savannah hat Invited President Roosevelt to be lta guest at his pleasure. Tammany Hall Democrats yesterday selected Edward M. Shepard, of Brook lyn, as their candidate for mayor. Massachusetts Republicans hold their state convention at Boston today. Governor Crane will be renominated for a third term. Saturday, October 5. Sixty-flve representatives of the Standard Oil company met at Omaha yesterday. Andrew D. White, ambassador to Germany, arrived in New York yester day on the steamer Victoria. The Agltasione, an Anarchist sheet, has been seized by the Rome police for publishing an article, signed by Malatesta, defending Ctolgosa. During September State Treasurer Barnett paid out of the Pennsylvania treasury the sum of $3,315,338.68, the largest ever paid In a tingle month. Wu Ting Fang will apeak at the an nual convention of the American As sociation of General Passenger and Ticket Agents at Ashevllle, N. C, on October 16. Monday, October 7. King Edward's health is reported to be much improved. Delaware is trying to stamp out the small-pox, which has appeared in the lower part of the state. If all the steel freight cars built at Pittsburg in four years were in one train it would be 322 miles long. The largest and best equipped uni versal steel plate mill in the world is to be erected at Johnstown, Pa. The Seventh district convention, to be held at Lansford in January, will be the first general labor convention ever held in that town. Tuesdsy, October 8. Connecticut people voted yesterday in favor of a constitutional conven tion. Fifty negroes were wounded in a race fight Sunday night at Lewisburg, Tenn. Edward M. Sheppard has accepted the Tammany nomination for mayor of Greater New York. A new Eldorado is reported to have been found on the shores of Good Hope Bay, north of Nome. The new Garrlck Theatre in Phila delphia was opened last night. Rich ard Mansfield appeared in a new pro duction, "Monsieur Beaucalre." Miss Gould Gives Scholarships. Poughkeepsle, N. Y., Oct. 8. Miss Helen Miller Gould has given to Vas sar College two scholarships of $10, 000 each. Miss Gould has already presented two other scholarships to the college. GENERAL MARKETS. Philadelphia, Oct. 7. Flour steady; winter superfine, $2.15&'2.30; 1'cnnsylvanla roller, ck-ar, J2.50fc3.15; city mills, extra, $2.40 0 2.65. Rye flour slow, at !2.60ff2.SO per barrel. Wheat steady; No. 2 red, spot, 714i"lHc. Corn strong; No. 2 ysl low, local, S3c. Oats quiet; No. 2 white, clipped, 42V4c ; lower grades, 27Q40c. Hay In sood demand; No. 1 timothy, I1GQ17 for large bales, lieef firm: beef hams, tl9.50(i(2O. I'ork steady; family, 117.50. Live poultry quoted at HH12c. for hens, 84f9c. for old roosters. Dressed poultry at 13V4c. for choice fowls, 77V4c. for old roosters, llutter steady; cream ery, 22j Eggs Hi ni . New York and Pennsylvonla, 21c. Potatoes firm; Jer seys, 4w50c. per basket. Baltimore. Oct. 7. Flour steady; west ern super, ti.'AW 'Si western extra, 12.15ft 2.90; western Mly, B.JOftJ.lS; winter wheat, patent. N.(0$3.K; mS wheat, patent. lt.110S.9O; xirln; ft t, strattcht, $3.Wi)iS.75. Wheat firmer 1 Ot and the month, 71S71V4C.; . December. "273c; southern, by sample, 90071 Mc; southern, on trade, r,:WuVy Corn firmer; mixed, spot and the month, IMtOtOe. ; southern white and yellow corn, 604f63c. Oats ilrm; No. 2 white, 39VMOc. ; No. 2 mixed. .W,,c. Rye dull and easy; No. 2 nearby, He.; No. 2 western, 66c. H&y steady on better trades; No. 1 timothy, 916016.60. Butter Arm and unchanged; fancy Imitation, ISO j MVsc.; fancy creamery, 22Q22c. Eft's Arm and unchanged; (rash, 19020c. Cheese Arm; large, lOKOlOVte.; small, U0Uttc. Sugar Arm and unchanged; Sns and coarse granulated, 95.15. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Grand Fall OPENING - OF -Stiits "i Overcoats Bige?t Baraii)? Supbury l;a? ever ki)owi) Here's is a chance to save money. Men's $7.50 Suits at $4.98 made of blue and black cheviots and fancy casimeres, all jierfect in every way. $498 Men's Fine-dress and geu eral wear Suits in all the new colorings, regular price $10.00 Suits, we ofler them at the re markable price of ooot)oooooooooooooootloooftuoa)noS3S GREAT CLEARING I propose to sell out my re stock of SEASON- ABLE MERCHANDISE at my store at Kantz- the place formerly occupied by Mrs. I. B. Romifr. I Bargain Offered Now. o 0 My stock is reduced to These shoes are going price is so low people can't help but pick up tlics I bargains. o These are Ulosing-out 2 dom, you can not afford you to travel 10 to 20 miles to take advantage o' sucl figures. BsaT We will save you pocket-hook from consumption au send you away wiser, happier and richer than ever before. Strife while the iron is hot and we will o multitude of bargains. o GEO. o o ot)oot)o)ot)ooo ot)otoot)c Tin Workers Postpone Action. Pittsburg, Sept. 24. The tin work ers last night declaed to postpone ac tion on their plan to secede from the Amalgamated Association until the settlement of the strike is better un derstood. As long at they retain their charters they are strikers and entitled to strike benefits. . A GOOD THING. German Syrup is the special pre scription of Dr. A, Boschee, a cele brated German physician, and is ac knowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in Medicine. It quickly cures Coughs, Colds and all Lung troubles of the severest na ture, removing, as it does, the cause of the e flection and leaving the parts in a strcng and healthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine, but has stood the test of years, gjv ng satisfaction in every case, which its rapidly increasing Bale every sea son confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Roschee's German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now Bold in every town and village in the civi lized world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Price 75 cts. Get Green's Prize Almanac, Brosious Brothers Men's and young men 'is Overcoats, the newest styles which is very long and all the latest colors, such us Gray, Brown and Green, regular $7.50 Coats here and here only at $4.98 Extra fine Overcoats that you would pay at least $12.00 for at other stores, here at $8. OOQOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCXC000 0 OUT SALE cost and below cost. Lancaster Ginghams 5Jc. Latest Style Shoes as low as 75c, Calicoes all marked down low. Freed Bros. Shoes all sizes, rapidly. No wonder. Tl Bargains that come so sel to miss them. It will m make your eyes dazzle wit! 1 they B. RIINE, Kantz, Pa. o)oo t)ooo oot) c I - ( I MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Butter 18 Eggs 18 Onions 66 Wheat Rye Corn Oats Lard 10 Tallo 3 Chickeus.... 67 Side 8 Shoulder 12 Ham 14 Potatoes . Bnuiperl'! MiddliDipJ" Ghop...r-:i I"" NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT. UN VETERAN LEGION, AT GE BURG, PA. Reduced Bale via. Ibe PesWSJ1 Railroad. On account of the National 8 raent, Union Veteran W Gettysburg, Pa., October 9 to! tho Pennsylvania Itailrowi will sell excursion tickets at the nnn faro, far thn round tri fr points on its line to Gettysburg, ets to be sold and good going c too anA m atumiiur, to Oct inclusive. Zinc and grinding doublet A wet the hal church, should t No pre i looklr of dead I leon ski paper, h down. J wilderne HI DevoeL as long at