The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 10, 1901, Image 7

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    tl I I II I I I I I I I II II I I 11 1 I 14 M
the largest
m m ftp ii iimcp pot him i
na u mm u
Marked attract! VMCM in dign and color and excellent quality
of fi rie, ooinliined with DM reasonable prices, make our carpets !!
conspicuous. At this time attention
patterns of the well-known Wilton's, Axminstert. and Tapestry
Brussels. The latest effects in ingrains. Rag Carpets in all styles, j
and prices.
Our stock of new
pecially pleasing. W aso have a fine
i ne of baby Carriages.
Vallev Street, Lewistown, Ta
4. Numbers Rnd assortment to satisfy 1)104, anv taste.
? Wo huve secured the aency lor tli( celebrated
It is the origiual "scientifically luilt" refrigeratPr.
1 Their points of superiority overall other boxes, making
T it the best and cheapest refrigerate? bu the market.
I Everything can be removed, milking it easy to
j clean.
I Patent "Lip Oup" preventing any warm air from
X reaching the ice onmpartuient,
Every one is guaranteed to give satis-
$ faction.
Prices ranee from 88 to lfM with or without water I
; tank.
Screen Doors, Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, Garden
Tools, Wuter Coolers. 4
$ W H Ii EIM, Sunburr, Pa. J
m h 1 1
11.11 1 - . - i i
Qar complete line of
traordinary value.
i r-iniu
I f
worth your while to consider.
Very respectfully,
W. A.
4.39 Maiket St.
Undertaking a Specialty.
la New York city recently a hus-
land had bil wife nrrestnil on -tha
ke Privilege of cnar8"e f g'S
a wife through his pock
ets while he slept
Bid takinr- frnm th I'm V . n nrl o 1 e. ii f
O - - . v '.hi 1 uiiu .v iuk m
Billable papers. The mnrrislrate hc-
pre whom the case was tried held that
he wife was puilty of theft, and. al-
pough he dealt leniently with her, he
.rmined it to lie understood that sho
euld have been Indicted- tried and
pud guilty nf larceny, reports the
mejgo inter Ocean. For the defense,
1 was quite natural, it was held that
I wife could Dot possibly pick her hus-
F"u s pockets, because, man and wife
in? one, his pockets were to all in-
Ints and purposes her pockets, and
fr contents to all intents and pur
ses were as much her property as
One cannot rob one's self, and
therefore, could this woman he
Ud guilty f theft for taking what
f.uugeu to her husband that is to
J". what belonged to herself? For
e Prosecution it was held that the
Psoand an.I wife
Pr. not in fiat. The 1
it was contended, when it deals
ma Husbands and wives as indi-
Puals. The law treats the wife ai a
parate person, it was held, when It
lants her certain distinctive rights
rj protects her in the enjoyment of
wnen she is permitted to hold
"I'cny in her own name, and when
s privileged to do manv thinn-s
Ueh her husband cannot legally pre
St her from AtAn Ti,n n.n.i..
influenced by the arguments for
I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I M I I 1 r
and mist
- i
o a a
is called to the new season's X
'Aft 'Aft S
PERSONS to buy abed
room suite, consisting o
seven pieces for 10.00
We do not deliver these .j.
tiits out 01 town lor this v
This offer In to linl.l good until tlin J
present stock Isasbausted. ;'
Others will quote you the
same grade ol suite from S'JO
bed-room suites are ex- $
Prices deeply cut and t
the prosecution to hold that, what
ever a wife's privilege! may be, she has
ao business to ransack her husband's
pockets or to take anything from
them without his consent. There is
little danger that the New York case
will establish a precedent, or that hus
bands in general will now have their
wives arrested for going through their
pockets. When the average man of
good sense, good behavior and small
means considers how often nnd how
painfully his wife is disappointed as
she goes through his pockets he will
not think of depriving her of the privi
lege. .
The exercise of the highest faculties
of the mind ia not only stimulating,
but creates the
highest character.
Perhaps there is
llmtrrf nf f Ii
nothing else which has such a magical
effect upon the brain, the nervous sys?
torn, tho whole man in fact, as thecon
sciousness of achieving that on which
his heart is set, says a writer in Suc
tess. There is a wonderful uplift in
feeling that things which we take hold
of will move. Achievement nets like
a tonic on the whole system, it quickens
the circulation, stimulates the diges
tion and enlarges hope, l'eople who
have been invalids for years, whom
no medicine or physician could help,
have been restored to health by sud
denly hearing good news, or unexpect
edly coming into some good fortune.
This shows that the mind is master,
that the body and its functions are
good servants, and that the thoughts
are reflected in the physical man.
Reason In the I n l r 1 1 ' :m I BHM for
October l.'t. IfW i Just'pU
In Prlttoii.
Prepared by !?. c. : ntrstoaj
YHK ! EP60?! TEXT,
Gcm Is ::).
M. And Joseph's m 1 took Lira and
Tut htm ;i. pr! t, 1 where the '
king s prlsontra wen ! . and be was
thire In t'c. : iton.
! SI. But the Lord was With Josi ph. and
showtd aim mercy, and aave him tavur
In the ot the keeper tlv prison.
22. And ihe k per 01 thi prlsoi inmlt
ted to Joseph's hat.d u . ihe prisoners that
were In the prison; and whatsoever thejf
I did there, he w.i tin !n r of It,
23. The keeper of the prison look ! net
to anything that Was under his band; be
cause the Lord was with him, and that
which he did, the Lord made It to prosper.
1. And it came to pass afar lh si things,
that the butler of th'' king of Egypt m-d
his baker Bad offended tn. ir lord the king
or Egypt,
2. Ami Pharoah was wroth sgalnst two
of his offleere, against Ihe chief of the but-
1 lers, and against tin 1 hlel Ol the bakers.
I 3. And he put then in v. nil In the house
of the captuin of the " i . Into tin prison,
the place wh re Josi ph was bound.
i. And the captain of the guard charged
I Josi ph with them, and he lerved them;
I and they continued a siu.-nti In ward.
6. And they dreamed 1 dream both of
them, each man his t. ght,
each man according to relation
I of his n, the butler and .he liakr of
the kiiiK el Egypt, which were ijuunil lu
j the prison.
6. Ami Joseph came lu unto them In the
morning, ami looked upon them, and, be
1 hold, they were sad.
j 7. And he ask. ii Pharoah'i officers that
! were with htm In the wan: .11 his lord's
house, saying. Wherefore look ye so sadly
' k. And they said unto him. We have
dreamed u tin urn, ami there is no Interpre
ter of it. And Jos. eh said unto h m. Do
not Interpretations belong to iiod." Tell
me them, 1 pray you.
1 OOLDBN Ti:'i. lint Hi.- Lord was
wiiii Jloaoph, avnd abewvd blui useroy.
lieu. BUtail,
The whine story ol wli Juseph was
thrown Into prison and his life there
is related in chapters w and 4i of
Uenesls, mul maj be briefly outlined
as follows:
Joseph Maiic iv. rs r nf t'otlphar's
j House 59 :M
iltetus.s lo Yield to Temptation Vs, 7-12
; And Thereby dels Into Trouble.,, Vs. 13-211
Prospers Even In Prison Vs. 21-211
j An Interpreter of Dreamt Ch, w
' Joseph Ma le Overseer of 1'otlpbar'i
House. From 1 1 ? lesson vc may
' clean all the main eh wents in Joseph's
I charaoter, and the story furnishes a
1 striking illustration for the young 01
1 the means where I j honorable suceeil
may be won. Tin u who jicr Istently
attribute ail material success in luck
uuy tin el luck i;i the career of Jo
seph. At the same .' . , 1 iking into
I consideration all of the ndversi dr
I outnstances, and the ruluct of the
average man in the premises, it may
, be safely said that th. 1 Icmcnt of luck
was entirely eliminated. It Ii true
. that he was the son of a rich nfan, but
i he was as one dead to his father, lie
was a slave in a foreign land. What
he had to his credit was an Illimitable
I adaptability to circumstances, what
ever they were It must have taken
j persistence and minute care for de-
tails to have been able to administer
I the affairs of Potlphar, who was in all
probability a very wealthy man, and
! who "left all that he had in Joseph's
i band; ami be knew not nnght he had,
save the bread be did eat." Then, too,
Joseph h.-oi comeliness oi form ana fea
ture. Add to all of these Ihe divine
(or religious) element, and we have
the character of Joseph. He was a
Qodly man, and to say this means that
tlod was very real and very personal In
Joseph's conception. The reality of
(iod to Joseph adds to and explains
every other element of his character.
Joseph Refuses to Yield to Tempta
tion. One of the striking things about
Bible narratives is the fact that no
w ords are minced over the temptations
and weak points of all lis characters.
Their sins are laid bare in all their hid
eoiuness, am! We See them in the hour
of temptation. Some of the men who
left a stronger Impress on Jewish his
tory than Joseph played a miserable
part at limes. Joseph's honor was a
little liner than that of the early Bible
times. He said: "How can I do this
great wickedness, and gin against
Joseph In Trouble. Woman's love
thwarted often turns to hate, SO Jo
seph on Potiphar's return found him
self In prison. Not now a mere slave,
but in chains, charged with a gnat,
Prospera Even in Prison. Hut Jo
seph couldn't be in trouble long. God
as with him, and the slory of his
success in I'otiphar's house was re
peated in prison to such a marked de
gree that we are told be had charge of
the other prisoners, "and whatsoever
they did there, he (Joseph) was the
doer of it."
An Interpreter of Dreams. Joseph
was "a dreamer," bul his dreams didn't
interfere to any great extent with his
practical duties. In fact, his dreams
gave him one great advantage. The
Egyptians were n great people for
dreams, all of them seeing some spe
cial Significance In their night fancies.
To Joseph these were the voii f
Qod. By means of his own dreams he
came Into sympathetic touch with ihe
Egyptians, and In accordance with bis
religious views he gave these dreams
Interpretation. Ood was with him, and
his true Interpretations gave him the
means of rising into the view of
Gold Hunt.
The loss by grinding is the gain of
the axe.
The best graces of life come from the
grace of God !
Life's commonpltices fit us for its
uncommon places.
The beat praise of the sermon Is its
Trials may be Cod's testimony to our
The Rpoils of avarice build the tomb
of all the virtues.
The value of your life m3y depend
on your estimate of its leisure.
Ham's Horn.
ion nm scum
It Is to Disrupt the Enpublican
Organization For Next
Year'a Contest.
The Present Guerrilla Movement Is to
Aid the Men Who Are Already
Planning to Defeat Republican Can
didates for the Legislature By Fusion.
As was predicted, tho convention of
the so-called Union party held in Phila
delphia to pave the way for on or
ganization against the present leader
ship of the Republican party of Penn
sylvania waa a complete failure.
With posalbly two or three excep
tions, there wua not a man of promi
nence or lutlueuee iu bis home county
In the convention.
H wua a miscellaneous collection of
men who have been repudiated by their
fellow Republicans or who have been
unsuccessful in their efforts to get of
fice, and who takes this means to get
revengo upon tho Republican organiza
tion which has fail' to place them in
lucrative positions.
Throughout the entire proceedings
of the convention tho band Of Wana
maker was seen in every move made.
Wauamaker has not given up his
thought of SOUS day being made L'ultod
Slate senator.
He has failed in his efforts to obtain
thui groat pri.e through the Republi
can party and now his lieutenants are
seeking to form a now party under
whoeo banner they can gather all tbu
dissatisfied, the disgruntled and dis
carded elements, and with an organiza
tion thus formed Join hands with the
Democrats and work out fusion games
to defeat Republican candidates where-
ever they can.
The aim and object of tho format Ion
of a "Union" party was disclosed In a
speech made iu tho convention by for
mer Director of Public Safety Frank
M. RIter, of Philadelphia, who was
elected to the statu chairmanship of
tho Union party. Kitor has for years
been a Wauamaker partisan. With him
ut tho head of the organization, the
Union party backers can bo certain
that Wanamoker's political Interests
will bo saf. guarded und always ad
vaueed by the Union patty. It has,
glace Rlter's election, been designated
by many us tho "Wauamaker Union
Employes 01 Wauamaker were con
spicuous lu tho direction of tho cr.
It la not known that Colonel Mc
Cluro la on any Wanainaker aalao
Dut ho docs contribute and draw
revenue from newspapers which, from
tho character of their political edi
torials: and news reports, might as well
be owned by Wananiaker himself, for
they are always written in bis Interest,
Colonel McClure is a man who has
not held membership In any political
parly for any considerable length of
time, Ho Is now working up the Union
party's organisation, and be it was wh
placed Alter in nomination tor state
Iu his Bpech accepting this position
of siate chairman, Riter said the pree
enl canvass Is but a skirmish of next
year's battle. He called attention to the
fact which showed the animus ol
tho whole movement, that next year
the voters will bo called upon to elo;:t
members of the legislature w ho will In
turn bo called upon to elect a United
States senator.
The stress which Riter laid upon this
feature of the political situation drew
attention to tho plans ot tho men be
hind the Union party to work tho legls
lative districts next year by forming
Independent organizations at this time,
which will bu found co-operating with
the Democrats in tho election Of mem
bers of the legislature.
This Is the reason why Colonel
James M. Gufl'ey, tho Democratic na
tional committeeman, and Democratic
candidate for United States senator, is
so eager to help the Union party along.
He has started to form an Independent
Democratic organization In Philadel
phia under the guidance of Wana
maker's counsellor, former Judge Cor
don, and he hopes to be able to carry
Bcveral Republican districts in the
Quaker City for Democratic candidates
for the legislature, with the aid of the
Wananiaker followers.
But it Is gratifying to Republicans to
note that Wauamaker has been unable
to muster anything liko tho strength
his admirers supposed ho could. His
Union party has not cut the figure in
Philadelphia politics ho expected It
Out In western Pennsylvania, the
former Insurgents havo deserted the
insurgent colors and are rallying
around the standard of stalwart Re
publicanism. This means a net loss of
over BO per cent. In the Insurgent
column In the next legislature.
The doctrine of stalwart Republican
ism Is spreading iu every district In
Recent utterances of President Rose
velt have dono much to contribute to
this result.
The president has declared that he
proposes to recognize the regular Re
publican organizations In the several
states through their United States
There Is every reason to believe the
Republican national administration
will give hearty support to the Re
publican organization of Pennsylvania.
I'll sin TO I'llK ClriZKNH o
I'hovai. or KKiKt-rniN nv thk ks-
PropoaiiiK an snieiidinent lo the CeeMtltntioa
of the Commonwealth.
Section 1. Be it laeolved tv Ihe Senate and
House nf IfrpreAf ntntiven of the Lotasnon
wen tli In li.'iu-rel Aseassbly met that Hie foJ.
lowing lepropossd an ssnandsnents ta the Oba
elttutioai of th. Commonwealth of lVtmyl
vanla, Hiaecordaesn with the previelage of MM
elghteamp arilela saereof;
amendatgnl one lo Artlvle Ktght, Bastion One.
Add al the end of the itr-t paragraph aff eald
action, ftfter the words "shall lie entitled to
von- m nil elections," Ihe worda, "subject how
ever to such laws requiring and regulating tin
registration of electors as sna CJenaral Assembf
may enact,' so thai Ihe raid section shall read
IH follllWH.
Section i. QuallAoaSon of Kloctorft, Kvary
msloclflsen twenty .one venrs ol age, poneem
1 1 iK 'he followlligj qunllncatiiins, elmll ne en
ittTedtovote al all election, subject however
lo -11 h lawe requiring ".l regulating the reg
istration of electors us tin Ueneral Assembly
may enact!
I. lie shall have been ncltiaen of the I lilted
Slates hi least one mouth
a ue -nun nave restoeu in me sioie one year
ir if having previously hoeti 11 quallfled else
ior or native born cltixen of the btate, he -hail
have removed therefrom and returned within
-lv 111. mills ni-illatel lue.e.llue llle elec
B, lie shall have readied In the election ili-trlet
where he shall oiler his vole al least two
months immediately prccedingtlie election.
i. If twenty two years of age anil upwarila, he
hali have paiil within two years a Sletenr
oounty tax. which shall have oeen assessed at
least two monthsand paM at least onemonth
before Ihe election
amendment Two lo Article Bight, Section
strikf out from Mtltl nHvilon Ihf wnrdi "tmt
110 eltfvtir nIiuII be deprived of Ibe privlleicv
of yottiiK h rwuioii td bin iinmu not being re
glptered," and nddtn mid neetlon the followltiK
woruH, opt lawn regulAtinii nnd reqiilrluii tin-
reglMr it Ion of eloi lorn nmy 1 nftetecl t Apply J
to vltlei only, provided that Mich liiwn may he
inlform fr ritlei of the Mime ehi " no that
I he wild m'rtion ?!iitll 1 ind an follow! !
Section ' . Uniformity of Meet Ion fjiwti M
Ivwt y (cUiHtliiM tlie lioldlnHTol election! by lit'
ettlen or for the roKUtrntlon of elei lorn nIihII he
uniform throiiKtioul tin- Htato, but lnwn reguln
tiiiumid requiring be revlntrAtlou of electorn
niav bee one ted to apply ei t Ion only 1 provldetl
Hint nueh Inwn bo unlforn roreltlon of (in laiuo !
. trtio copy Of tho Join! Itenolutlon
v. V, tilt 1 1 :sr
Soertnry if tho omnionwcnlthi '
IN I'l i'sl,M K OF A If Til LK XVI II OF 111 (J
i 'ON Hi I 1 1' 1 ION.
Proponing an amendment In th- '
of tlir 1 ouuoonwiuiltb
Section Ii Belt ennctoil by the Hennte ami
Douse of Ue prone tttAttves of tho ommou wealth
of I'ennnylvuiila In ( Assembly mid
that '.be fol lowing Isproimni d nsun amendinetil
to tho ronstltutloti f th- Commonwealth of
I enunytvauln In aceorlanic with the provisions
nf the Kightoi nth Artlulu thereof.
Amend monti
strike out section four of ertlele, olght, und
Inner! iu 1 lace (h roof, 11-4 follows :
Rcctlon I. All elections by tho cltlsens shall
bo by b Allot or by sticli other method an may
bo prescribed by law i Provided, 'I hat secrecy
in voting hi preset vod
A true copy f the Joint Resolution.
w. w. t.uiKsr,
Becretary of the ommonwealth.
Cured nrC'bronlc Dlnrrhnen Itnr 'riilr
l lrnrs of,
"I Buffered for Itirty years with
diarrhoea nnd tboui;bl 1 was pitsl
hcin i? cured," soys , Toh 11 H. llulloway,
of French Camp, Miss. ' I had Bpnfil
so niuclj time afitl money and i uff r
I'd ho much thai I lutd given up nil
hopes of recovery, I ns mi feeble
from ilio i Heels of the diarrhoea
thit I could tlo no kind of labor,
could not even travel, v by acci
dent 1 wns permittod to find a bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholora and
Diarrhoea Remedy, nnd alter taking
several bottles 1 nm entirely cured
of trouble. 1 inn ho pleased with
the result thai I Bra anxious that it
be in reach of nil who suffer as I
have." For Bale by Middleburg
Drug Co.
ben you want a pleasant physic
try the new remedy, Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
in. easy to take and pleasant is
effect. Price, cenlH, Sun, pin
free ut Middleburg Drug Co's drug
H ,,f Nnrnev Stm
-rll a I 'Itolce linr
of Nurscy Htock, Hteady works and
Ktm iiHiiH t iiii niH to the right
persons All stock gun ran torn Write 1101
lor triWNi and secure a good situation for the
fall nnd winter. Address,
O-G-I111. Rochester, N. .
WANTED. Capable, reliable person In every
county to ropropeui largo company of i-nliil
Hnaneial reputation! 11136 salary per year, iiy
able weekly! f.( per day absolutely sure ann nil
expenses' straight, bona-flile, deRntto salary,
no commission; salary paid cacti Katunlay and
expense i ey advanced each week, H I ANU
AltU UOUSei B8I Dearborn st-, Ubicago. 8-7-U
uet.'r anil good reputation in each stati- I oie In
iIhh county requiied) to represent and adver
tise old established wealthy business house ol
sniiil financial standing. ralary Sl.flO weekly
with expenses additional, atl payable In ensn
each Wednesday direct front lieatl oflloes,
Horse and carrl ii;e rurnlshed, when i ssaty.
References. EnoTose sell addressed shtmped
envelope. Msnager, B16 Canton Uuildlng, .hi
Migo. !
Have you n sense of fullness in tlie
region of your stomach sflereating?
If "so von will be benefited by using
Chamberlain's Btomach ana Llyer
Tablets, Tiny also cure belching
und Bour stomach. Tin y regulate
the bowels too. Price, '2r cent.-.
Sold by Middleburg Diu !
men to travel and advertise for old established
iioime of solid linanolal .tending. Salary j7" i
year ami expenes, all payahle in eah. No eno-
vnin required. Give references and eneione
self-add re.sed stamped envelope. Address
Manager, ilM Coxton lildg., 'hirugii. I ls li.t.
still in the nalea,
Chureh I see a man mllMnef up
town hns (rone into polities.
Ootlinm Wi ll, he's a trimmer yet
Yonkers Statesman.
Edocate Your Mowels Vi'li h Casearets.
Canuy Cntliartlc, cure constipation forever.
Wo. 2" ii. If 0. C. C, fail, druggists refund money
Slu-rill's Sale ol
jfiioa-Ij esta ' a.
By virtuti of ti certain writ f l. "n HW wt.
ltued 0111 of the emit I ( ooetl rt pie - off
ndrr tounly niitl to m dlreotd I will
expo to putt I if naif ut U.e Coil li hoilM i
MnMlHnirK I'm , on
Sattmluy, September 28th, L901,
m in.30 a. M. tlx- following dewrlbed Iteal
l.tstntt- lo wit
All that tt rlai n lot or piocej of K round ill Uslfl
in Um Ho4TtlUJsa of -lin n UriiVfl sloruN a.i.
l)..un.i. l nnd dooerlbod hi follow -
KriciiuiiiiK t n polltl '
an Hnyd 1 itroel beijia
a oortier beiwMii lot
id Hi 111 y h 1. t U i( l4
owiit'd by i he BeUn'si 1
rov nier 1 orapMw.
to. llle 1 it . tittii tI
ami m lv ft -t 1 .
hnyder trtt wiUi a 1 lu- nib
i . in 'uqsi
iiorlhwardly imialltd u iih -.aid ftllevi
id Benry Emeh Sit) fool to
tantardly with "iiyii. 1 1
land of litiiity tIiih ii nixty nine fee
lotM t04pofl; tbence nortbwni4t nloun Imndn
of Henrv Hchoch pnmllvl with .! 1 nlle) idno
' ly nil d el. more or U-h to l.tml ol U A II. D.
j Hebnue, tbnt poinl IhIiui one liuudrednudl rll
! fetl MAtwaru of nnld nllvy nlonu laiuln ol 1 v
II. D, Hcliuure; tlienee ettntwArdl) nlonu InnOA
of ii. a 11 i Sclmure twtintv Hv i-.-t mtre or
, U o 1 1 ue of low waif 1 niitik ot 1 en uh 1- k .
thoncj imutbwnrdly aioiiii lino of lowwnt-er
1 mark ol ol Hetltin rr eh to muni ol inlei lion
' wiih Snyder Htfeet; Ihenctj ivtitstwtiiUlj motiic
-nydt-r Mud ninety ttvn foci more .i . -.
being tin- nnim lot t.r ivt - of 1; I dilt
Henry Hubocb A wife eonveyott to I'lu iu'
1 tgrove Wetter ommii
Al-o all thai I'ertntn lot or pint lofgrountj
I ttnnte lu ba towiwlitp of IVm t'ount; nnd
iatt nfoftAtidt bouuded ami deer i bed fol
Iowa, vIa; Bciiinniuu nt a pont Along line of
I Cemetery Inne 21l Fool noulb ol ntiblit ond
I iMMllug from Kolln - Urovc to Mid I rx
j Invitee, Along Ibc BAntern nldc ol - ihl 'on ntei v
I l-anc, Imi feel l A it . tbeiice Ai feel torn
I pont thence Along land of lyi.. 11 1 rh
1 north :t t degrees t-.t-t 1NU feet to fl (Mwt;th nii
wont lit'' t to the plAe of ttegliiulng; on
tAinlng one liAlf 1111 Acre, more or lenn; und aIao
lull the entire him of the wAter worknou ttiu
tain The belln'n drove WAter t'omiMiuy, In
I eluding Its rcAervotms engluen, pumpn, 11 pes,
Hxturen, Rre plugn, and npiei teiuiuivN, of every
I deAoription, togeiher with all tbu perou1
I pronertyi rlgltte, lilwrtlen, prlvlleg ,au
I ami fnincliiAen of Mild 'lointMiuy, und ad tlie
, right n of way nwtietl, oteupiel and n . ami
wltlcb the Mild Cotninin In AUtlni ' 1 lltiw
j to tAke And uno In tlx' coiintriietlou nnd oy
ntent of itn workn, together, with "i loltn i -
j leMued Ainl prolltA thereof,
gelled utken Into exeeutlon an 1 In ' - - '! a
the projierty of The Hcltnngrovo Vutoi I'onv
1 Pny
a, w. now, Hiu
Middleburg, I'l
Noth a u hereby given Mini I'owei of nttnritej
in fuel liAti bui 11 grunted by be ii in -
Into of t'ournd Fetter, Into of I 'en low 1 Ulp
Hnyder County, Pa., deeenfed, I I renons
know lug Iboutielven itt be ludi btc I to .
tatc nhould make Immediiitt! pay men
hitvingctAltun (igtilnnt it nhould t 1
duty gutbeutlcntcii for nettlemenl
ALLKN H. ski II Id r,
Attoru -iiff.M
D und ore, la., iilnc l,lttdl
n: VTOirs N' 1
Ailininfr't rt
Vfl'itrln Info ,,r V
1 In it.
I to
enl it.' 1 Mem m il-
Hnyiicr count) . Pa . .1 . '.!. I mi In
t 1 110 iimb rslguod, ail Hrotm kim
selves Indel toil to nabl t-ntato are n
in s ku Immediate v tymont. while tli
c'aimn will prencul ' bom duly am In
the midi rsfgm d.
J. P. N A CO LB. Ad
Aline, Pa., .Ug, IU, IWl.
XKl I TOII'H KOTU.'t S'otli I- I
1 'the
given thai toilers Ipstaoivittiir)' 111
estato nf, l.ydln Swnrtz, lute .. tt mm
Township, snih r i i.itiity. I ;i , ill
been Issueil lu iluo form of low lo I
signed, to whom 'ill iiutobteil lo saiil
hIioiiI.i inake ImmMllnte payw
havtntf claims againsl it snmitil iiresent
duly anlheutlcatiij lor etllemonl
it. N, s MiTX, ,
W. II. SW AUTZ, i 1
Kants, I n., Aug. 21), 1101
. nii i
rtate Ihoao
I'hninbPrlnlii'n Cough lloim n ., I4rel
K i orlu.
The Kioiliin.' and li
1 ies of t hi'' ri mo ly, it -taste
and prompt and p
pie i.nt
l in illi lit
cures have made it a great fin
wit h people ev rj . hero. II i
pocilly pri.t d 1 mot !- n ol
children for cold' . ci oup ind
inu cough, :ih it always affords tj
relief, not I as il coutain no o
or oi in r harmful drug, il nv
given ns Cl 'llli dnnl ly to U
nil ililillt.
$5 to $i8 a Week
salary f'r an ililelligenl man fir woman In ;.( b
town. Permanent ponlllon. Micentn .. r hour
for smre time. Mantifaeturer, Itos . . I 'alia
( delpbta.
Prof. O. Nolii .
Late with Dr. A. ff. Wi lln,
me i i i nii ;vi: i . tn
ofWftshiuH on, i '.
Headquarters al nillcr Hon . i-.'
East Market Si.. Lcwlstovi .. i i
Consultation and thorough examination fr.-e
ol ohargo every Wednesday anil Hoturday,
Qlassesaelcntlfically and skillfully lltti Also
all Imperfections in lliccyes of i care
fully oxatntnetl, Hatlsfaotton gunrai toil
money refundod.
t'llta mul Itritlaoa Itiilvkl;
Chnmberlnin'ri Pain Balm np ied
to ii cut, bruise, burn, scald m 'iko
injury will instantly alls.v 11 i V nn
und n iil heal the parts in lee moo
than any other treatment, i nless
the injury in very seven il will not
leave u scar. Pain Balm nl o i . -;
i beumatirjin, sprains. swelliiiKH and
lameness, Fin sale by .Ali.' li- urg
Drug Co.
men to travel anil adverl Ise fot ohl esl i ilishad
house nf solid Hnanclal stondlnu Salary V780g
year ami expenses, nil payable in emli.? .huh
I eaastng required. Olve rafereneen n eueloaa
i H.-if adorrssed stanitieit envelope o
Manager, 895 Caxson in. lit, bleagoi I-IS-1S
Write to the MOHAWK REMEDY CO., Roma,
N. v and thev will toll you how you enn cure
your 111 I'M I'E or lihHNIA ami Ihi oNLt
vv.w Ihey can possibly be l HI D, it.,. (
rhargn Itwllicost it n nt, Don't
Walt, you will never regret it. April I8-Mal
WANTED.- Capable, reliable per. n ev
ery eonnty to repreeenl large eompany ol so ltd
Hnane nl reputation! HB salary m r year pay.
niiie weekly: M per day abeolussl) sura and all
sxpensts: stratghi, bona fide, definite salary
no commission; salary paid eaoli Hotunl iv ami
expense money ad vaneed eaob weak. I fAND
AkDHOUSE,S48 Dearborn St., Chicago, 3-7-m
aeter ami good repntatioil in aacll -t tte one in
Ibis county required) t. repreeenl and sdver
lixi oh I etilillBheil wealthy biisine!i Ihmmh of
.olid BnanoUl standing, Salary wookl
with expenses additional, nil payal le InoaA
gach Wednasday dtraot from bead otiiees.
Home nml esrria'ire fnrniheil, whi n neeiwary.
iteferenee.. Enclose Bclf-BihlieiHi-il .; ,, ,r, ,
envelope. Slnnnger, !llf ajlon oiiiiii mg. t lit